ComplEtEd Project: white RoCk PrimAry 2016.pdf · Summer 2016 HEADSUP! ScHoolS NEwslEtter Welcome...


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Summer 2016

HEADSUP! ScHoolS NEwslEtter Welcome to the fifth edition of the TDA Schools Capital newsletter.

In this edition we feature White Rock Primary School, and include all the latest news.

Contact us: 01803 208267 or email

ComplEtEd Project: white RoCk PrimAryPhase 1 of this £3.5 million expansion project was completed in 2015 and Phase 2 was handed over 16 May 2016 – three weeks early! The project, both phases, involved the construction of two new, two storey extensions, each comprising six new classrooms, a small extension to the existing dining area, and the provision of additional WC facilities.


Outdoor Space



NEws ScHoolS CoNferenCE The TDA Schools Conference was held on Thursday 28th April 2016 and proved to be a great success. Schools from Torbay, Devon and Plymouth attended. If you attended and have any further questions or feedback, please contact the team:

Testimonial from White Rock Primary School

We would like to share our very positive experience

of working with the TDA on our school expansion


Our involvement with the TDA started back in

2014 when we first met to agree in principle to the

conversion of our school from a two form of entry

to a three form of entry school. Since then we have

had many meetings with architects, contractors,

surveyors and engineers all led by representatives

from the TDA. The contribution of the experts from

the TDA has been invaluable in guiding us through

the technical and financial complexities of the build.

Without their expertise and understanding of the

educational environment, the whole process would

have been far more difficult and would not have

resulted in the excellent buildings we have today.

The TDA have acted on our behalf to ensure that

we have the best buildings possible for our pupils

and they have been flexible and accommodating in

their approach, always listening to our requests

and concerns and trying to resolve them in the best

way possible. They have helped us to manage this

build, with as little disruption as possible to normal

school life, whilst keeping all stakeholders safe and

allowing the school to continue to thrive.

Our new buildings will benefit children for many

years to come by providing them with an amazing

environment in which to learn.

We would whole heartedly recommend their services

to other schools undertaking a similar project.

Thank you from everyone at

White Rock Primary School!




mEet tHE tEAm: NiCola bovey - ScHoolS CaPital & PlAnNiNg offiCERI first worked for Torbay Council as a temp in the post room back in the late 90’s, progressing to an assistant in the Records Department of the Town Hall. Following a 3 year break from Local Government working for a pensions company, I returned in 2004 to take up a post with the Schools Capital Team.

Progression into my current role evolved over a number of years and I now assist in the collation and analysis of birth rate data and pupil projections, annual collation and submission of capacity and forecast data to the DfE. I maintain data on school assets for the DfE and more recently have been supporting the maintained schools annual Repairs and Maintenance programme. I oversee schools’ formula capital allocations including processing invoices and monitoring spend, and check the annual infant class size count to ensure compliance with current statutory legislation. Over the last year I have assisted with the production of Asset Management Plans for West Dorset District and Weymouth and Portland Councils.

AwArd NomiNationWe are pleased to announce that Cockington Primary school has been shortlisted for the LABC (Local Authority Building Control) South West Building Excellence Awards in the Best Educational Building category. Winners will be announced on Friday 1st July 2016.

GrAntfiNDerAs part of our offer to schools we provide a bid writing service and use GrantFinder to identify possible sources of funding for schools. GrantFinder is an all-encompassing web-based funding solution that provides grant and policy information to a wide range of organisations including the public, private and voluntary sectors. For more information on how we can help you access possible sources of funding through GrantFinder please contact us using the Team Contact Details below.

NEw Projects PaigNton AcADemy mobilESTo help the school with growing numbers, Paignton Academy is getting new mobile classrooms. The contract has been awarded to Portakabin, who will build, deliver and install two modular classrooms joined together with toilets and stores in between. The mobiles will be ready for the start of the new academic year in September 2016.