New Labelmaster Symposium 2019 · 2019. 9. 19. · Today’s aviation world demands cost sensitive...


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Labelmaster Symposium 2019Chicago, IL 04th – 06th SeptemberJames Wyatt, General Manager, aeroconcept

Agenda aeroconcept – who are we and what do we do? The life after acceptance - introduction Airline experience. Guest speaker: United Airlines Cargo Handling – the basics: Build Up, Segregation, Loading, Documentation Information to the Pilot in Command Emergency procedures Training requirements The Regulatory view. Guest speaker: Dangerous Goods Office Ltd. How can data support the export shipment flow? Q&A

aeroconcept James Wyatt 212-Sep-19

aeroconcept Based in Frankfurt, Germany, aeroconcept is a newly founded (01st May 2019) aviation

consulting business with the motto: “bringing concept to life”. The company’s General Manageris James Wyatt.

Today’s aviation world demands cost sensitive operations, continuous review cycles,optimization of processes and making training competency based, no matter the department.Whatever the concept, we will propose solutions for you to enhance your business andoperation from A-Z.

Having an extensive background in aviation since 2001 and working for some of the largestorganizations in this fascinating industry I took the decision to start my own business. Theopportunity of working in many different continents, countries and cultures in the last 18 yearshas proved invaluable and I believe I can offer a very dynamic service with the required skill setto deliver.

My extensive experience across the industry with a variety of roles and organizations hasenabled me to a gather a considerable network of industry related professionals and expertiseto provide totally unbiased and professional support.

aeroconcept James Wyatt 312-Sep-19

Life after Acceptance

Who are you?

Why are we here?

What does the life after acceptance look like?

What are the risks of non compliance?

How can you help?

aeroconcept James Wyatt 412-Sep-19

Life After Dangerous Goods Acceptance

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019

One of a Kind Acceptance Operation

• Two Methods of Acceptance • On Site Acceptance and Remote Acceptance

• Each require a specific FAA approved training program• Who can do what?

• Domestically• Hubs and Large Line Stations vs. Medium and Small Line

Stations Comat • Depends on Training

• International• CoMat

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019

Inspection and Documentation

• Inspection using our Checklist• Based on the IATA Checklist

• Modified to suit UAL policies and procedures.• Package and Documents are checked

• Refusals• Refusal Database is maintained

• Protects from “shift-shopping”

• Documents are prepared• Domestic and International

• Document retention

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019

Cargo Screening

• All in Accordance with TSA Approved Program• Screening

• Both Manual and electronic means of screening cargo

• Undeclared DG• Frustrated Cargo and FAA Inspection

• Mandatory DOT 5800.1 reporting

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019

Warehouse Staging, Segregation

• Designated DG Staging Areas• Segregated per the Regulations while in storage

prior to transport• “Island Hopper” (HNL/GUM)

• Freighter Lease CAO DGs

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019

Build Up of DG and “Running”

• Widebody v Narrow Body Destinations• Wide Body

• ULD or Bulk Loaded• Shipper Loaded ULDs

• Narrow Body• Bulk Loaded only• Bag Carts

• Express Flights• Dry Ice, UN3373 only• Most are “Will Not Carry”

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019

Loading of Dangerous Goods

• Loading and Securing of DG• ULD loads• Blocking and Bracing of narrow-body bulk loaded DG

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019

Electronic Pilot Notification Form (EPNF)

• Fully Electronic • Created from data input into the UC360 Cargo system• Control Matrices in UNIMATIC• Communication to ACARS and back to a storage database

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019

Emergency Procedures• Cargo and Mail – Fire, Release or Spill

• Emergency Call Tree and procedures• 12 hour and 30 day reports

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019


Bill Wojtas

DG - Life After Acceptance July 2019

Information to the PIC

NOTOC = Notification to Captain

Documented details of each shipment onboard the aircraft, including all shipment details, loading position, ULD number and ERG code

aeroconcept James Wyatt 1512-Sep-19

Information to the PIC

NOTOC Exceptions

aeroconcept James Wyatt 1612-Sep-19

Emergency Procedures

The famous ICAO red book

aeroconcept James Wyatt 1712-Sep-19

Training Requirements

IATA DGR. Table 1.5.A.

aeroconcept James Wyatt 1812-Sep-19

The Regulatory View

How does the regulator interpret the regulation requirements?

What are the common findings during inspections?

The ICAO ‘red book’

aeroconcept James Wyatt 1912-Sep-19

The regulator view…

Acceptance Are there 2 copies of Shipper’s declarations?

Can a copy be accessed within a reasonableperiod?

Is a checklist being used?

Is it adequate?

Is it being used in conjunction with the DGR?

Infectious substances Is transport by the quickest possible


Specific requirements

Self reactive substances and organic peroxides Are they protected from heat?

Visibility of marks and labels

Are marks and labels covered or obscured during transport?

Segregation and Incompatibility

Hazard Label 1 excl. 1.4S 2.1 2.2, 2.3 3 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 8 9 see

1 excluding 1.4S See x x x x x x x x x x

2.1 X - - - - - - - - - x

2.2, 2.3 X - - - - - - - - - -

3 X - - - - - - x - - x

4.1 X - - - - - - - - - x4.2 X - - - - - - x - - -4.3 X - - - - - - - - x -5.1 X - - x - x - - - - x

5.2 X - - - - - - - - - -

8 X - - - - - x - - - -9 see X x x x - - x - - -

Table 9.3.ASegregation of Packages (9.3.2)

Is Table 9.3.A complied with?

Cargo aircraft only packagesAre CAO packages loaded:

In a “Class C” cargo compartment? or

In a unit load device meeting the requirements of a “Class C” cargo compartment? or

In a location accessible to the crew.

(Some exceptions)

Radioactive material



Are Transport Indexes correct?

Inspections- before loading/after unloading

Are inspections carried out:

Before loading? and

After unloading?

General requirements Are packages containing liquids loaded the

correct way up?


General requirements

Are packages protectedagainst damage, bothon and off the aircraft?

General requirements Are they secured to prevent movement?


Replacement of labels

Are damaged labels replaced?

Identification of unit load devices Do ULDs bear a tag?

Do they contain the correct information?

Loading of magnetized material

Will aircraft compasses be affecetd?

Loading of Dry Ice

Is aircraft ventilation rate taken account of?

Loading of cryogenic liquids

Are they loaded so as to avoid build up of vented gas?

Are ground staff to be made aware?

Is the limit (100kg) for of polymeric beads etc per inaccessible hold adhered to?

Are live animals loaded away from dry ice or cryogenic liquids?

Other specific requirements

The NOTOC Does it contain all

necessary information?

Is it given to the crew in good time?

Is a signed copy left on the ground?

ICAO “Red Book” Is there a copy (or similar)

on the aircraft?

Information at cargo acceptance areas

Are there warning notices at Cargo Acceptance areas (including customer counters)?

Are there procedures for

Reporting of dangerous goodsaccidents and incidents?

Reporting of undeclared or mis-declared dangerous goods?

Retention of documents

Are Acceptance checklists, NOTOCs and Shipper’s

declarations retained for at least 3 months?

And last but very definitely not least……. Is everyone trained?

In summary……

A smooth operational process flow requires shipper compliance….!

Data and the export flow

How does data support the operational chain?


Operational data: Manifesting, Export, Load Control, Flight Dispatch, Import to final consignee.

Support the operational chain and go electronic

Solutions are in the market

Electronic data is the key!

aeroconcept James Wyatt 4412-Sep-19

Labelmaster Symposium 2019Chicago, IL 04th – 06th SeptemberJames Wyatt, General Manager, aeroconcept
