The Social Media Beast and Small Business



Small business can level the playing field when reaching out to their customers once they slay some of the myths around what social media means to them and why they need to address it in their business. Mastering these key advantages helps your business to stand out. Social media is not just for the "big boys" any more (if it ever was).

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Slaying the social media beast Strategies for small business


Business Services Series |

Setting the


Social Media is becoming an essential

component in everyday life

“Regardless of how you feel about social media, it is becoming more crucial to our

everyday functioning, and increasingly affects our buying decisions. You cannot

escape this reality”

Social Media

Marketing Is about promoting your brand. It involves

establishing a social media presence on

major platforms. It involves creating

shareable content. It involves cultivating

customer feedback.

Social Media marketing benefits

Brand building, improved brand awareness,

word-of-mouth advertising,

increased customer and trust and loyalty,

Increased audience reach and influence

Social Media

Selling Is about using social channels combined

with traditional selling methods to

network, generate leads, demonstrate

credibility and conduct sales research

Buyer behaviour has changed

92% of buyers ignore

unsolicited phone and email


70% of buyers start researching

options without sales contact.

Data from Nimble Marketing

Level the Playing Field

The small business advantage

Social media - integral to marketing plan

fine tune business goals

Social media complements traditional marketing efforts

Small business can be more nimble connecting with consumers

listening to, responding to, recognizing trends earlier

The small business challenge

Social media – often not integrated to

marketing plan

Treated as separate activities

Social media considered mysterious,

intimidating by many

Often considered a time suck

Small business overwhelmed by choices

Not sure how to connect with customers

Some statistics*… Small business & social media

• 80% of marketers indicate that social media is important to their


• Social media marketing budgets are poised to double in the next 5 years

• 74% of all marketers say Facebook is important to lead generation


• 92% of consumers trust social media recommendations more than any

other kind of recommendation

• 100% of business decision-makers use social media to meet objectives

• 53% of people on Twitter recommend companies and/or products in their

tweets. 48% deliver on their intent to buy that product

• Why should your Ideal Client choose you?

*Social Media Examiner

The benefits of social media marketing mastery?

Integrated marketing plan

fine tuned business goals

Social media marketing complements traditional marketing efforts

Avoid the cold sell

customers pre-qualify themselves; already fans of your product(s)

Focused attention to customers

Avoid wasting time, effort & money by knowing who and where to


Work on the key facets of your business

Your Customers Can they hear your message?

Eggs & Baskets


Common Frame



Social Media Marketing consists of the attempt to use social media to persuade consumers that one’s company or products and/or services are worthwhile - sbinfocanada

Do you know…

Your business mission & vision?

• What you want to accomplish in your business?

• Your marketing plan?

• To refer to your marketing plan on a regular basis?

• How you’ve positioned social media marketing in your business?

• Your marketing map to success?

• Your Ideal Client?

• Why should your Ideal Client choose you?

Your social media purpose…

Check any that apply. Do you want to use social media to:

• Build your brand?

• Drive leads to your business?

• Provide ongoing care for existing customers?

• Build your authority?

• Create and deliver publicity-focused information in and for your


• Any other reasons to use social media in your business?

Who are you trying to connect with?

Who is this person?

Customer profiles tell the story

Why should you care? • Focus on those ready, willing and able

to buy from you

• Keep a lid on unwarranted expenses

• Promote your business for relatively

small investment

• Invest in the right tools to reach your

ideal client • Track & measure your success

Can you picture this person?

How well can you describe your

ideal client?

Do You Know.. • What they generally do for a living?

• Their average income?

• What they care about at work or at home?

• Where they spend their time online?

• What they spend their money on?

Blogs & Forums

Social News

Media Sharing

Micro blogging


Social Networks

Six types of social


• Social News

• Social Networks

• Bookmarking

• Micro blogging

• Media Sharing

• Blogs & Forums

Media types defined

Social Networks

• Allows you to connect with others

• Shared backgrounds and interests

• Profiles, various ways to interact

• Can create Groups

Bookmarking Sites

• Services allow sharing, organizing & management of links to various

websites and web resources

• Most allow tagging for easy search

Social Networks

Value: Connect socially/professionally With peers, influencers, customer Support. Use to grow your mailing

Contact list.


Value: Build authority, increase following

Post frequency: submit relevant Articles once

Media types defined

Social News

• Services allow posting of news items/links

• Community voting key to prominence

• Community decides what gets seen by most people

Media Sharing

• Services allow users to upload and share (pictures/video)

• Usually has additional social features

• Profiles

• Comments, etc

Social News

Value: Build authority, connect with influencers

Post frequency: once per article Community “votes” on Relevance/popularity

Media Sharing

Value: Build authority, build following

Posting frequency: project based

Media types defined

Micro Blogging

• Short updates for subscribers

• Updates in Real-time

• People subscribe to receive updates

Blogs & Forums

• Blogs support specific topics

• Forums allow online conversations by posting messages

• Both allow commenting and require additional monitoring

Micro blogging

Value: Connect with various audience categories in real time

Posting frequency: 4x day+

Blogs & Forums

Value: Build thought leadership. Your social media hub centre. In your control

Posting frequency: On a regular schedule

Media types defined


Potential clients

Vision statement needs

Product promotion

Your social media focus

Your ideal client checklist results

Tells you who, what, where and


Do You Know.. • This info provides your focus?

• This info will reduce your overwhelm?

• They’ve told you how they want to connect

with you

• This will help you create your future


• Help info will eliminate the hard sell

You have your picture of the social

media marketing objectives for your


The road map.. • Where to start focused on mastery

• A reminder that it’s not about you – it’s

about your client

• Validates your decisions

• Points to your future products/services

• Eliminates the hard sell

Your social media choices

Let your clients lead the way

• Be wary of “group think”

• Does it serve your business?

• Be true to your mission & vision

• Make the best use of your resources

• Time, money and energy

What works for one industry may not work for another

Your social

media choices

What will you use?

In what order?

What will you need?

Start small!

Add and number your social marketing choices that will support your ideal customer. Start with the most important Item in the centre. Be prepared to discuss your choices.

Your next steps

Will you need to…

• Learn about this media platform?

• Manage this yourself?

Are you…

• Being true to your mission & vision?

• Making the best use of your resources

• Time, money and energy

Are you ready?

Do you want to master…

• Social media selling for your business?

• Social media management yourself?

Are you…

• Ready to take your actions to the next step?

• Ready to make the best use of your resources

• Time, money and energy

Connect with SkillsClick Training for more information
