Shutter Speed

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Nyle Amin


WHAT IS SHUTTER SPEED?• Shutter speed is the nominal time for which a shutter is open at a given setting

• The shorter the shutter speed

• The less light that is let into in camera and the sharper the picture is, even if subject is moving

• The longer the shutter speed

• The more light that is let into the camera and moving subjects become blurry

WATER• To take a clear, still picture of moving water, you need a fast shutter speed such as 1/125-

1/250 of a second

• For water to look as it does through the human eye, you need a shutter speed of 1/30 of a second

• For this picture, I used an shutter speed 1/250 of a second and f/8

MOVEMENT• To take a clear, still picture of a moving subject, you need a fast shutter speed

• For this picture, I used an shutter speed 0.3 seconds and f/22


• For this picture, I used an shutter speed 1/200 of a second and f/20


• For this picture, I used an shutter speed 0.6 seconds and f/22


• For this picture, I used an shutter speed 0.3 seconds and f/22