When to Replace Your Motorcycle Battery

When to Replace Your Motorcycle Battery

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When to Replace Your Motorcycle Battery

Page 2: When to Replace Your Motorcycle Battery

Motorcycle batteries don’t always get a lot of attention. While they may be one of the most important parts of the bike, they are easy to forget about when they are working well. If you tend to forget about your battery, these three tips will tell you when it’s time to replace it.

 Signs of Battery Damage

 You should inspect your battery regularly for damage or irregularities. Sometimes rust will present itself on a battery or bulging. These are signs that the battery needs to be replaced.

Page 3: When to Replace Your Motorcycle Battery

The Bike Won’t Start 

It can be startling when your motorcycle won’t start. In order to find out if the battery needs to be replaced, have it checked by a battery meter to find out how much power the battery is able to deliver. If it’s too low of a number, you will need a replacement.

Page 4: When to Replace Your Motorcycle Battery

You Have an Older Battery 

It’s recommended that you have your bike battery replaced every two to three years if you drive regularly. This will keep you from running into any surprise problems.

  It’s imperative that you have your battery checked regularly and replace it when it needs to be replaced. If you’re looking for information on a motorcycle battery in Escondido, check out this website.