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Crisis Ready Check - Example

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Crisis Ready CheckYour Results Are In. Let’s see how ready you are.

Crisis Ready Check Results (free version) Prepared by The Crisis Department Prepared for Furnishing Industry Association of Australia (FIAA)07 August 2017

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Introduction Let's face it: a crisis situation is always waiting just around the corner. Perhaps not an incident with the magnitude of an Oil Spill Disaster, but an incident of some sort that can damage an organisation's reputation.

Unfortunately, a crisis situation does not make an appointment nor does it jump out of a plane in a bright orange jumpsuit. No, it will come unannounced and will bring with it the unforeseen.

So the question we all have to ask ourselves: are we actually ready to manage the “unforeseen"?

To answer that question, The Crisis Department has developed a Crisis Ready Check which provides full insights into how ready you really are for that next crisis.

Disclaimer This document presents the results of the free Crisis Ready Check you recently completed.

The objective of this free Crisis Ready Check is to do allow organisations to “test drive” the online assessment, i.e. Crisis Ready Check.

The results presented in this document will provide the results of this free Crisis Ready Check. It will not provide you the full insights that the paid version of the Crisis Ready Check will provide

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What we measured and how you scoredWe measured the following Crisis Preparedness Competencies:

1. Approach2. Preparedness 3. Stakeholders4. Team5. Communications6. Training & Testing

Ad 1: Approach Crisis Management should never be a standalone discipline managed by a select group of individuals within an organisation. It should be part of each organisation’s “DNA” as ineffective response to any crisis situation, big or small, will lead to reputation damage, monetary losses and ultimately the license to operate.

In this section we measured how Crisis Management Preparedness is valued within your organisation and whether it is a priority for all departments, including top management.

Your Score

AnalysisCongratulations! The total score is 88% which is a clear indicator of Crisis Management is regarded as of critical importance within your organisation. This is the starting point of any effective Crisis Management culture in an organisation.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Your Score

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Ad 2: Preparedness Crisis Management preparedness starts with identifying and prioritising the possible risks that an organisations will face and could lead to a crisis situation. These risks, along with their response procedures & guidelines, are to be documented in a Crisis Management Plan which will be the “Guide” to respond to a crisis situation.

In this section we measured to what extent your organisation has mapped out all vulnerabilities and risks it is exposed to that could potentially lead to a crisis situation.

Your Score

AnalysisCrisis Concern! The total score for Preparedness is 50% which indicates that you and your team are not fully prepared to handle a crisis situation. Based on the initial crisis ready check it is obvious that your organisation has not identified trigger points and corresponding escalation procedures.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Your Score

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Ad 3: Stakeholder Analysis The success of crisis management is often measured by the satisfaction level of stakeholders ‐ Internal (employees, investors, etc) & external (customers, suppliers, authorities, etc) who are affected by the crisis. Therefore, it is key to identify the different stakeholder groups and analyse their roles, responsibilities and information needs during a crisis situation.

In this section we measured how well internal and external stakeholders ‐ along with their information needs ‐ are identified and documented into a stakeholder analysis.

Your Score

AnalysisCongratulations! The total score for Stakeholder Analysis is 75% which indicates that you have mapped out the majority of all your critical stakeholders, whether internal or external.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Your Score

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Ad 4: Team A crisis situation will not make an appointment or announce itself. It will happen unannounced and bring with it the unforeseen. Your Crisis Management Team will need to have developed the skill-sets to respond to such an unforeseen incident in a short period of time.

In this section we measured the ability of your Crisis Management Team to respond to an unscripted/unforeseen crisis situation.

Your Score

AnalysisCrisis Concern! The total score for Team is 50% which indicates that you are not sure whether the team has the skill-sets to respond to unforeseen crisis situations.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Your Score

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Ad 5: Crisis Communications When a crisis situation occurs, you need to communicate immediately to internal and external stakeholders. Employees will need to mobilised, customers want to know how they will be impacted and regulators may need to be notified.Crisis Communications is therefore one of the most important discipline within Crisis Management.

In this section we measured how well you have prepared your organisation to communicate with the different “audiences” simultaneously.

Your Score

AnalysisCrisis Alert! The total score for Communications is 38% which is a clear indicator that you and your team do not have the means available to effectively communication - in real-time - with internal and external stakeholders. You can have the best plans, teams and procedures available, but if you are not able to communicate and coordinate your response effectively, you will mismanage any crisis situation.

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Your Score

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Ad 6: Training & Testing As with all planning, your Crisis Management Plan has only value if you actually put it to the test. Regular training and drills should be an integral part of your Crisis Management Preparedness Program.

In this section we measured the extent to which Crisis Management Training and Testing (drills) are an integral part of your business operations.

Your Score

AnalysisCrisis Concern! The total score for Training & Testing is 50% which indicates that you and your team are not adequately training and testing your crisis management plans as well as measuring and documenting performance standards which would allow a review of progress made.

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Training & Testing

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


Your Score

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Your overall Score

AnalysisCrisis Concern! Your overall score is 59%, with 4 of the 6 Crisis Management Competencies scoring below average. This means that you are below the minimum overall standard of 75% when it comes to Crisis Preparedness. The conclusion is that your organisation is NOT prepared to handle a crisis.

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Training & Testing

Your Overall Score

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%








Your Score

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Important. Remember the Disclaimer Remember, this free version is just a “test drive” for you to experience how the Crisis Ready Check works. And although it is an indicator of your level of preparation, it does not provide the full insights and recommended course of action that the Crisis Ready Check assessment provides.

First of and foremost, the results presented in this report only provide your individual viewpoints, whereby the actual Crisis Ready Check measures the viewpoints of many colleagues within your organisation to create a 360‐degree viewpoint.

Furthermore, we provided 10 statements related to 6 Crisis Management Competencies, compared to the 150 statements measuring 10 Crisis Management Competencies during the full version of the Crisis Ready Check.

Crisis Ready Check Features. Comparing Free and Full version

For more information please visit www.crisisreadycheck.com.

Features Free Version. What you will get Full Version. What you will get

Online Assessment Yes Yes

Number of competencies & statements analysed

6 Competencies measured in 10 statements

10 Competencies measured in 150 statements

Number of participants per organisation 1 participant Unlimited # of participants

(aggregate reporting)

Presentation of results Basic Results Only Full report and analysis

Detailed analysis of each statement and its answer No Yes

Detailed plan of action to improve crisis preparedness No Yes

Follow-up review with a Crisis Management Expert No Yes

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