Event Marketing for Startups: Designing effective email and lead generation experiences X

Event Marketing for Startups: Designing Effective Email Experiences

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Event Marketing for Startups: Designing effective email and lead generation experiences


Simplicity “[…] To increase a user’s ability,

designers of persuasive experiences must make the behaviour easier to do. […] persuasive design relies heavily on

the power of simplicity.”

BJ Fogghttp://bjfogg.com/fbm_files/page4_1.pdf


Make it easy & add the right trigger

Go where users already are.

Thought Leadership“Create more value than you capture”

Tim O’Reilly

My blog posts Industry news

Blog posts Satistics



Consistency“80% of success is just showing up”

Woody Allen

• Keep the relationship alive throughout the year

• Link to the newsletter from everywhere: Website, blog, email signature, Twitter bio, YouTube description, Slide Share description, etc.

Show your creativityE.g.: Sponsor Cases

“Your brand could do this too”

Philips HUE “Social Light” @ Social Media Week

Milan 2014


Contests & GiveawaysOffer something that’s aligned with

you want to stand for.

E.g.: 15’ free consulting Skype call, something that enhances your

product or service.