Creating Online Presentations Tips for Week 14 Assignment Isabel DeFeo

Week 14 tips - creating online presentations

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Creating Online Presentations

Tips for Week 14 AssignmentIsabel DeFeo

Page 2: Week 14   tips - creating online presentations

Welcome to my presentationThis presentation PowerPoint meant to

guide you in how to creative effective online presentations.

I have been teaching technical writing online for a number of years and have found that in a technological world, we need to be aware of different forms of communication.

So with this presentation, I will help you understand the difference between a completely independent presentation using visual supplements and an oral presentation a person is actually giving.

Use this as a guide for creating your own online presentation.

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Know the major differences

There are some major differences between oral presentation visuals and online presentations.

• Oral presentations depend heavily on the speaker – visuals are meant to add interest and guide the listener.

• Online presentations are complete presentations in themselves – they must act as speakers and visuals.

• Oral presentations depend heavily on bullet points.

• Online presentations must do it all.

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Find your voice

Unlike your analytical report, an online presentation should fine its voice – your voice.

Let your personality shine through by

• Using a conversational tone

• Writing in plain English

• Breaking information into small bits

• Putting only a few things on each slide

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Organize your material

Look to your analytical report for organization – most often you can cover the topic in the same order.

Use your paper’s outline as you plan and organize:

• Decide how to introduce your topic and yourself

• Decide how to relate information – when should you use images, graphs, charts, lists?

• Decide order of information – should it continue in the same order as the paper?

• Decide what main points you want to leave your audience with – the lasting impression

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Use graphics

Online presentations need graphics.


• add interest

• move information along

• guide the eyes

Some graphics add interest and promote consistency – like Muffy & Francine – other graphics offer information visually – like charts & graphs.

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Discover the best graphics

Graphics can come from the Internet, but you can also create graphics by taking some statistical information and creating graphs using any of your programs.

Look at this graphic for instance:

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Make graphics carry their weight

People are often visual. Chart and graphs can focus your audience’s attention on what you think matters.

What point pops out with this pie chart?

Most students choose PowerPoint.

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Choose consistent design

Look at other presentations – what do the good ones have in common? Good clean design.

By consistent, I mean presentations should

• Use one background (overall design)

• Use one type of font with consistent size (same size title, same size font for paragraphs & lists)

• Use consistent phrasing for headings & lists

• Use consistent bullet & number styles

• Use a standard color pattern

Look at this presentation. I am practicing what I preach. It does not blast you away with pizzazz, but the design is consistent.

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Avoid clutter

The worst thing you can do to your presentation is make it do everything. For instance, look at this slide:

Who would want to read this online?

I don’t.

You are the editor.• Critically reread your paper.• Choose the main points.• Condense information.• Make it digestible.

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Use sharp visuals

Make slides concise and visual.

This slide is visual – it uses a chart.

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Cover major points

Make slides concise and visual.

This slide is concise and covers major points.

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End clearly and well

Nothing is worse than an abrupt ending.

When you get ready to end

• Announce that you are concluding

• Summarize the main points – in condense form

• Mention possible complications and consequences (the future) if appropriate

• End it – this is an online presentation so there is no speaker to invite questions – it’s okay to announce “The End”

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Keep these tips in mind

Refer to these tips

• Find your voice

• Introduce yourself and your topic

• Organize your material

• Choose consistent design

• Make your graphics work hard

• Cover major points

• End well and clearly

and you will have the elements of a good presentation.