DISABILITY & SOCIAL RESPONSES IN SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN NATIONS: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, D.R. Congo (ex Zaire), Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. A bibliography, with introduction and some historical items. M. MILES (compiler / annotator), Birmingham, UK. [email protected] Copyright 2003 M.Miles / CIRRIE. All materials may be reproduced for non- commercial purposes to advance educational or scientific research. * ANGOLA, BURUNDI, DR CONGO, MOZAMBIQUE, RWANDA ACHAC (1975) Compte-rendu du Colloque sur les problèmes des handicapés, Goma, Nord- Kivu (Zaïre) du 26 au 28 juin 1974. Bull. de l'ACHAC no. 1. 64 pp. ACHAC (1992) Liste des Centres pour Handicapès de l'Afrique Centrale: Zaïre, Rwanda, Burundi. 8 pp. ANDERSSON, Neil, da SOUSA, Cesar Palha & PAREDES, Sergio (1995) Social cost of land mines in four countries: Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Mozambique. BMJ 311 (16 Sept.95) 718-21. ANGOLA. Gabinete do Plano do Ministerio da Educacao. Anuario estatistico. (annual) Luanda. Association de Personnes Handicapées de Nyankunde (APHN) (1993) Interview sur les problèmes ou difficultés des personnes handicapées à Nyankunde. Unpub. document, APHN. (D.R. Congo) BAKATUBIA M & TALLEYRAND D (1977) Les accidents de l'enfant à Lubumbashi. Problèmes Sociaux Zaïrois (Lubumbashi) 116-117: 113-121. BALDO, Mariella (1987) Discourse patterns in first language use at home and second language use at school: an ethnographic approach. Unpub. PhD thesis, Univ. London. (Mozambique) BASTOS, Inga (1994) Otitis Media and hearing loss among children in developing countries (Angola, Brazil, Tanzania, Philippines). Unpub. PhD thesis, Lunds Univ. (Hearing loss, schoolchildren). BASTOS I, JANZON L, LUNDGREN K & REIMER A (1990) Otitis media and hearing loss in children attending an ENT clinic in Luanda, Angola. Intl J. Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 20: 137-48. BATUKEZANGA, Zamenga (1979) Homme Comme Toi. Ksa: Assoc. des Centres pour Handicapés en Afrique Centrale. 110 pp.

* ANGOLA, BURUNDI, DR CONGO, MOZAMBIQUE, …cirrie-sphhp.webapps.buffalo.edu/bibliography/safrica/angola.pdfProblèmes Sociaux Zaïrois (Lubumbashi) 116-117: 113-121. BALDO, Mariella

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DISABILITY & SOCIAL RESPONSES IN SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN NATIONS: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, D.R. Congo (ex Zaire), Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. A bibliography, with introduction and some historical items. M. MILES (compiler / annotator), Birmingham, UK. [email protected] Copyright 2003 M.Miles / CIRRIE. All materials may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes to advance educational or scientific research. * ANGOLA, BURUNDI, DR CONGO, MOZAMBIQUE, RWANDA ACHAC (1975) Compte-rendu du Colloque sur les problèmes des handicapés, Goma, Nord-Kivu (Zaïre) du 26 au 28 juin 1974. Bull. de l'ACHAC no. 1. 64 pp. ACHAC (1992) Liste des Centres pour Handicapès de l'Afrique Centrale: Zaïre, Rwanda, Burundi. 8 pp. ANDERSSON, Neil, da SOUSA, Cesar Palha & PAREDES, Sergio (1995) Social cost of land mines in four countries: Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Mozambique. BMJ 311 (16 Sept.95) 718-21. ANGOLA. Gabinete do Plano do Ministerio da Educacao. Anuario estatistico. (annual) Luanda. Association de Personnes Handicapées de Nyankunde (APHN) (1993) Interview sur les problèmes ou difficultés des personnes handicapées à Nyankunde. Unpub. document, APHN. (D.R. Congo) BAKATUBIA M & TALLEYRAND D (1977) Les accidents de l'enfant à Lubumbashi. Problèmes Sociaux Zaïrois (Lubumbashi) 116-117: 113-121. BALDO, Mariella (1987) Discourse patterns in first language use at home and second language use at school: an ethnographic approach. Unpub. PhD thesis, Univ. London. (Mozambique) BASTOS, Inga (1994) Otitis Media and hearing loss among children in developing countries (Angola, Brazil, Tanzania, Philippines). Unpub. PhD thesis, Lunds Univ. (Hearing loss, schoolchildren). BASTOS I, JANZON L, LUNDGREN K & REIMER A (1990) Otitis media and hearing loss in children attending an ENT clinic in Luanda, Angola. Intl J. Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 20: 137-48. BATUKEZANGA, Zamenga (1979) Homme Comme Toi. Ksa: Assoc. des Centres pour Handicapés en Afrique Centrale. 110 pp.

BATUKEZANGA Z [#] L'Enseignement pour Handicapés au Profit des Valides. Ksa: Kikesa. 77 pp. BATUKEZANGA Z (1981) Guèrir le Malade et la Maladie: l'infirme et son univers en Afrique noire. Ksa: Kikesa. 111 pp. BATUKEZANGA Z (1981) L'education en faveur des handicapés physiques au Zaire. Educafrica (special edn, Dec. 1981): 43-55. Dakar: UNESCO. BEAMISH, Anne & DONOVAN, Will (1987) Vocational Workshops Programme for the Civilian War Disabled and Physically Handicapped in Angola. Toronto: Development Workshop on Building & Planning in the Third World. 169 pp. BJORCK M, JOHANSSON R & KANJI N (1992) Improving the quality of primary care services in Angola. Hlth Policy & Planning 7: 290-95. BOIVIN, Michael J (1997) An ecological paradigm for a health behaviour analysis of "konzo," a paralytic disease of Zaire from toxic cassava. Soc.Sci.M. 45: 1853-62. BOIVIN MJ & GIORDANI, Bruno (1993) Improvements in cognitive performance for schoolchildren in Zaire, Africa, following an iron supplement and treatment for intestinal parasites. J. Pediatric Psychl. 18: 249-64. BOIVIN MJ, GIORDANI B & BORNEFELD B (1995) Use of the Tactual Performance Test for cognitive ability testing with African children. Neuropsychology 9: 409-417. BOIVIN MJ, GIORDANI B, NDANGA, Kisoki, MAKY, Makakala M, MANZEKI, Kafuti M & NGUNU, Ngabanka (1993) Economic advantage and the cognitive ability of rural children in Zaire. J. Psychl. 130: 95-107. BOIVIN MJ, GIORDANI B, NDANGA K, MAKY MM et al (1993) Effects of treatment for intestinal parasites and malaria on the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren in Zaire, Africa. Hlth Psychl. 12: 220-26. BROWN R, SEYFARTH S & BROWN RC (1989) A twelve year follow-up of iodine deficiency in Bulape, Zaire. Annales de la Société Belge de la Médicine Tropicale 69: 251-55. CAIN, Allen (1986) Vocational Workshops Programme for the War Disabled and Physically Handicapped in Angola. Luanda: Development Workshop. CHAPUIS L (1998) Collaboration of stakeholders in disability policies in Rwanda. Unpub. MSc diss., CICH, Univ. London. CHAUQUE J & CHARNLEY H (1994) A Reinegracao do Deficiente Militar em Mocambique. Estudo de caso do Centro IV Congresso. Maputo: Secretaria de Estado de Accao Social, Departamento de Estudos e Documentacao, Nucleo de Estudos.

CHIZUNUGU R (1985) La langue d'instruction et ses incidences sur les performances scolaires et attitudes des écoliers Zairois. # CHUBERRE, Marie (1996) La représentation du Handicap chez les famillies et communauté des enfants handicapés du programe de Malhangalene, Maputo-Mozambique. Univ. de Rennes 1, Dept. Santé Publique. 47 pp. § CLIFFE JL (1980) Health in Mozambique: a select bibliography 1950-1980. London. 29 pp. CORNETT, David J (1990) Communiquons avec les sourds. Bandundu, Zaire, 243 pp. CORNIELJE, Huib, JELSMA, Jennifer & MOYO, Alice (eds) (1999) Proceedings of the Workshop on Research Informed Rehabilitation Planning in Southern Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe, 29 June to 3 July, 1998. Leiden: Leidse Hogeschool; Harare: Univ. Zimbabwe. 125 pp. + diskette. COURTEJOIE J et al [1985] Les Handicapés. Comment mieux vivre avec son handicap? Kangu-Mayombe (Bas Zaire): Bureau d'Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Santé. 156 pp. DAVIS-ROBERTS, Christopher (1985) Consciousness in extremity: discourse on madness among the Tabwa of Zaire. Intl J. Psychiatry 20: 569-587. DECEUNINCK D (1993) Early Intervention in Mentally Retarded Children. Manual (3) for the Training-Seminar-Workshop on Rehabilitation in Developing Countries, Butare, Rwanda. v + 122 pp. DECEUNINCK, Dominiek & VANNESTE, Geert (1986) De problematiek in het algemeen en de opvoedingsproblematiek in het bijzonder van de visueel gehandicapten in Rwanda. Leuven. 179 pp. DECEUNINCK D & VANNESTE G (1989) Curriculum Développement des sens restants pour la première année école primaire pour enfants aveugles. [Rwanda]. 18 pp. DECEUNINCK D & VANNESTE G (1989) Curriculum Mobilité pour la première année école primaire pour enfants aveugles. [Rwanda]. 28 pp. DECEUNINCK D & VANNESTE G (1991) Intervention Précoces aupres des Enfants Handicapés Mentaux. Manuel de Formation des Monitrices. A.D.A.R. Rwanda. DECEUNINCK D & VANNESTE G (1993) Early Intervention in Visually Impaired Children. Manual (4) for the Training-Seminar-Workshop on Rehabilitation in Developing Countries, Butare, Rwanda. DELVAUX, Jean-Paul (1970) L'examen de l'intelligence des écoliers de Kinshasa. Ksa: Université Lovanium. 220 pp. DEVLIEGER, Patrick J (1985) Etude socio-culturelle du handicap physique au Kasaïoriental.

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HONWANA, Alcinda Manuel (1999) Appeasing the spirits: healing strategies in postwar Southern Mozambique. In: JR Hinnells & R Porter (eds) Religion, Health and Suffering, 237-255. London: Kegan Paul Intl. HOWARD J (1993-94) La théologie chrétienne du handicap. Revue Zaïroise de Théologie Protestante 7/8: 87-102. HUCKSTEP, Ronald L (1969) La poliomyélite: un guide simple (transl. from English). Bureau d'études et de recherches pour la promotion de la Santé. Kangu, Zaïre. 143 pp. HYTTEN, Eyvind (1984) Report of a Mission to the People's Republic of Angola, 8-22 Dec. 1984. Report of Disabled Persons Unit, UNCSDHA, Vienna. JANSSENS PG (1991) La lèpre au Zaïre: une prise de conscience hésitante. Annales Belge de l'histoire de la médecine 4 (2) 72-85. JOHNSON TF (1974) Infertility and high infant mortality as reflected in Tsonga songtexts concerned with childrearing. Acta Ethnographica (Budapest) 23: 105-113. [incl. Mozambique] KANIMBA-MISAGO (1980) La naissance des enfants dans la zone d'Ingende, région de l'Equateur, Zaïre. Anthropos (Freiburg) 75: 465-85. KANJI, Najmi & HARPHAM, Trudy (1992) From chronic emergency to development: an analysis of the health of the urban poor in Luanda, Angola. Intl J. Hlth Serv. 22: 349-63. KARLSON, Lena (1993) Guia Para a Iniciação de Projectos Productivos nos Programas de Reabilitação Profissional: Material de trabalho destinado às pessoas reabilitadas através do sistema naccional de reabilitação profissional na República de Angola. Geneva: ILO. KINGOMBE MK (1975) Approche du problème de l'intégration des handicapés physiques et recherche d'une perspective au Zaire. T.F.E., Institut supérieur des sciences humaines appliquées, Brussels. KLAUKE DN, LOBANOV A, OKWO-BELE JM & BARAKAMFITIYE D (1997) Status of polio eradication in the seven countries of the Eastern Africa Epidemiological Block. J Infectious Disease (Feb) 175 Suppl. 1:S16-19. Review on progress in Burundi, Eritrea, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda & Zambia. KNIEL A (1995) The present situation of former pupils from schools for the mentally retarded: experiences from four countries in Western and Central Africa. IJRR 18: 357-61. (D.R. Congo, Togo, Ivory Coast & Cameroon). KOLUCKI, Barbara (1995) Para uma mudance de atitute: Manual de comunicacao sobre a deficiencia na infancia. Maputo: UNICEF. KOLUCKI B (1996) Different and Equal. A Review of Peace Education Projects from Mozambique, Liberia, Sri Lanka and Lebanon. Reflections for Others. [UNICEF]. ii + 62.

KYOMBA, Katako M, BOKOTA, Lomaliza & MIHIA, Bamwisho (1988) L'école maternelle et la stimulation des fonctions psychomotrices. Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis 25 (1) (D.R. Congo). LEON, Gérard [1989] Situation of the Disabled Children and Women Victims of Armed Conflicts in Angola and Mozambique. Luanda: Rehab. Intl & UNICEF. LUIS A (1991) Deficientes, que passos para a sua integracào na sociedade? Tempo 1070 (14 April) 9-11. (Mozambique) MAHANIA, K.M. (1977) [Psychotherapy in the traditional medical system and prophetism among the Kong of Zaire] (French). Psychopathologie Africaine 13: 149-96. MAKATI-NDALA, Lorraine Tebogo (1998) Report: Disability and Human Rights Workshop, Gabarone, Botswana, 21-25 July 1998. Bulawayo: SAFOD. 47 pp. (Inc. Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc) MALANDA DEM (1974) Le dévelloppement mental des enfants sourds-muet à Bandundu, Zaire. Kinshasa. MARRATO, Josefa G (1992) Condicoes de enquadramento familiar da crianca deficiente mental. Diss., Instituto Superior Pedagogico, Faculdade de Ciencias Pedagogicas, Maputo. MARTIN L (1990) Réadaptation communautaire et participation diverse: familiale, sociale, communautaire, chrétienne, ONG, Etat. In: ACHAC. Actes de la 8ème Assemblé générale, 40-43. MARTIN L (1992) La réadaptation des personnes handicapées. In: PG Janssens, M Kivits & J Vuylsteke (eds) Médecine et Hygiène en Afrique Centrale de 1885 à nos jours I: 561-90. 2 vols. Brussels: Fndn Roi Baudoin. (Mostly D.R. Congo) MEDI, Elena (1989) Reabilitaçao dos diminuidos en Mocambique, 19 Dezembro 1988 - 29 Marco 1989. (Consultancy report to Save the Children Fund, London, UK. Version exists in English). MEDI E (1993) Proposta de Curso de Capacitacao para organizadores provinciais de programas de Atendimento Baseado no Communidade (ABC). Maputo, Secretariat of State for Soc. Action (SEAS). MEDI E (1997) How Can a Disability Programme Based in the Ministry for Social Action Help Disabled Children's education? Education and Disabled Children in Mozambique, and the case of Deaf Children. A Primary Education Booklet Theme Paper. London: Save the Children Fund (UK). MEDI E (1998) A Study of Vocational Rehabilitation, Training and Employment Progranmmes for Persons Disabled By Conflict: experiences and issues from Angola. Geneva: ILO. 43 pp. isbn 9221109569 § MELLOTT, Noal (1981) Bibliographie spécialisée, l'enfance en milieu traditionnel en

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Séminaire sous-régional sur l'éducation des handicapés mentaux dans les pays francophones d'Afrique. (Brazzaville, Congo, 24-28 novembre 1980 - Rapport final) Educafrica (UNESCO) (special edn, Dec. 1981) 29-38. SIMONNOT, Claude (1988) Supervision Report for the Mozambican Programme. Lyon: Handicap Intl. Special Edition: Angola 85-86. International Commmittee of the Red Cross Bulletin, Jan. 1986. SURURU, Adolphe (1994) Transmitting cultural values within the Burundi deaf community. In: Erting et al (eds) The Deaf Way (q.v.) pp.94-96. TELLMAN A (1972) La situation des sourds en Afrique, en particulier au Zaire, entendre avec les yeux. Geneva: Edition Labor et Spes. Paris: Libraire protestante. TEMBE, Francisco M (1994) Action plan on the course design for the training of provincial CBS (Community Based Support) teams in Mozambique. Unpub. course work, CBR Diploma, Instt. Child Hlth, London. THIBAUD A (1992) Les villages Bondeko pour enfants handicapés à Kinshasa. Zaire-Afrique 269: 545-56. THILLY C (1992) Goitre. In: PG Janssens, M Kivits & J Vuylsteke (eds) Médecine et Hygiène en Afrique Centrale de 1885 à nos jours, II: 663-74. 2 vols. Brussels: Fndn Roi Baudoin. (Mostly D.R. Congo) TOMO, Cristina DM (1991) Teachers' attitudes and understanding of special education and special educational needs in the context of Mozambique. Unpub. MA diss., Univ. London, Instt. Educ. 100 pp. TORRES P (1991) Problems and situation of the disabled community in Inhambane. Maputo: Halo Trust. TRONICK, Edward Z et al (1992) The Efe forager infant and toddler's pattern of social relationships: multiple and simultaneous. Developmental Psychl. 28: 568-77. (D.R. Congo). UNICEF & MOZAMBIQUE, Govt. (1994) The Situation of Women and Children in Mozambique. Maputo: Min. Cooperation & National Planning Commission. VANNESTE G (1992) Community-Based Rehabilitation for Blind Persons. Manual (2) for the Training-Seminar-Workshop on Rehabilitation in Developing Countries, Butare, Rwanda. iii + 74 pp. VANNESTE G (1993) Towards Comprehensive Community-Based Rehabilitation Programmes. Manual (1) for the Training-Seminar-Workshop on Rehabilitation in Developing Countries, Butare, Rwanda. 2nd edn. ii + 155 + i.

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