English 10 Prof. Rolens Another Practice Midterm Exam 1) What is a subject in a sentence? Define the term “subject.” 2) What is a verb? Define the term “verb” and/or give three examples in a sentence. 3) What do you need to have a complete sentence? Circle the subject and underline the verb in the following sentences: 4) Kids love swimming in the summertime. 5) San Diego is a big city. 6) My car has a full tank of gas. 1

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English 10Prof. Rolens

Another Practice Midterm Exam

1) What is a subject in a sentence? Define the term “subject.”

2) What is a verb? Define the term “verb” and/or give three examples in a sentence.

3) What do you need to have a complete sentence?

Circle the subject and underline the verb in the following sentences:

4) Kids love swimming in the summertime.

5) San Diego is a big city.

6) My car has a full tank of gas.

7) The house on the corner of the street is for sale.

8) The heater in my parent’s house is broken.


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Identify the following as either a main clause or a subordinate clause, by circling “Main” or “Subordinate”:

9) Until I go to school. Main/Subordinate

10) They were out of diet Dr. Pepper. Main/Subordinate

11) Before the plane took off. Main/Subordinate

12) What is the definition of a main clause?

13) What is the definition of a subordinate clause?

Fix the following incomplete sentences:

14) Dogs running on the beach.

15) The bird on the table.


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Identify the following, circling “complete sentence” or “fragment” (a fragment is another way of saying an incomplete sentence). If it is a fragment, correct it be re-writing it as a complete sentence.

16) The rollercoaster is awesome. Complete sentence/fragment

17) I hate this restaurant. Complete sentence/fragment

18) The narrator learning about life. Complete sentence/fragment

19) What is the definition of a comma splice?

20) What is the definition of a fused sentence?

Fix the following fused sentences:

21) Trina is going to the beach she is bringing lots of sunscreen.


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22) Beef is not very healthy fish is much better for you.

23) The sun is shining brightly today the birds are singing beautiful songs.

Fix the following comma splices:

24) If I sing in the car I enjoy my commute I sing to reduce stress.

25) My mother is a writer my father is a waiter and my brother is a chef.

26) Cats like to meow even when they are happy I do not know why.

27) What is the definition of paraphrasing?


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28) Paraphrase the following:

Possums might seem like ugly or annoying creatures, so most people don’t like them. However, possums are actually friendly animals that do a lot of good for humans. In particular, possums are good for gardens; they eat the kinds of bugs that usually kill plants. Possums are also very gentle, and don’t get in to fights with cats or dogs or other pets. So next time you see a possum, you don’t need to be afraid- they are our friends!

29) Can the subject of a sentence be inside a prepositional phrase?

Circle the correct verb that agrees with the subject of the sentence:

30) The painting (is/are) framed.

31) Each of the pens (is/are) out of ink.

32) Joseph, the guy who lives across the street and collects antique cars, (is/are) a friendly neighbor.

33) Either of the movies (seems/seem) interesting to me.

34) The women in the red shirts (is/are) directing traffic.

35) One of the sandwiches (is/are) ready to eat.

36) The flowers outside my bedroom window (smells/smell) nice.

37) Some of the plants (is/are) poisonous, so be careful!

38) Some of the plant (is/are) poisonous, so be careful!

39) All of the music (was/were) beautiful last night.


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Verb Tense Inconsistency

DIRECTIONS: Correct all verb tense inconsistencies in the following sentences.

40) When I saw you yesterday, you are wearing purple boots.

41) Tomorrow I will finish studying for the exam, and I will also wrote the paper.

42) He walked through the door, said hello, and smiles.

DIRECTIONS: Read the following paragraph closely. Inconsistencies are more likely to occur within paragraphs and longer pieces of writing. Therefore, it is important to revise your writing for verb tense consistency. Read this paragraph and correct any verb inconsistencies. Circle the verb and write the correction above it.

Worth 4 points (questions 43-47)

I started baking when I was five years old. Back then, my main reason for baking is my desire for cakes and

pies. By the time I was ten years old, I baked because I like making people happy. I used to give my friends pies

and tarts at school as presents. I remember one time I give my second grade teacher a lemon pie, and he said it

is the best pie he had ever tasted in his whole life. Even last year, I bake a cake that won first place at the county

fair. When they gave me the trophy, I am very proud.