10 Dite Stervitje Ne Bb. Per Aftesite Motore

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  • 8/17/2019 10 Dite Stervitje Ne Bb. Per Aftesite Motore


    Rubin.: Efects o training on specic-motor abilities o basketball players Serb J Sports Sci 3(4: !3"-!44


    Serbian Journal o Sports Sciences #riginal article$%%&' 3(4: !3"-!44' .s)ss-sportsaca*emy.e*u.rs Recei+e*: $, pr $%%&/0 1&,.3$3.$.%!$.! 2SS !$%-,3%! ccepte*: %& ug $%%&1&,.3$3.$.%!" 2/ !1!!%4%!$

    E55E06S #5 6E-/7 8R#9RE/ 6R229 # S8E02520-#6#R;2

  • 8/17/2019 10 Dite Stervitje Ne Bb. Per Aftesite Motore


    players at competitions ;15

  • 8/17/2019 10 Dite Stervitje Ne Bb. Per Aftesite Motore


    s%perior hand %ntil his both feet to%ched the gro%nd behind the middle line i .e. the place here hestarted. The s%bEect dro-e the ball to f%ll circles ith a t%rn. Fating the time as meas%red from thestarter sign %ntil the contact ith the gro%nd behind the middle line ith both feet and the ball. Thetime as read in 1D10s. Gote The s%bEect as not alloed to to%ch the line of the central circle.. ribbling ith -ariations. nstr%ments a stopatch 1D10s#. Task the s%bEect as in thebasketball stance. ?n the starterAs sign the s%bEect started ith to front changes crosso-er dribbles#,passed the ball thro%gh his legs one and the other# then behind his back ith one step forard beteeneach change of hands. Fating meas%ring the time as re8%ired for all dribbling. The stopatch asstopped hen the s%bEect ass%med the same position as at the beginning of the test.5. Bassing the ball aro%nd the body nstr%ments the ball4 a stopatch. Task (t the starterAssign, from the basketball stance the s%bEect passed the ball aro%nd his body in either direction at theheight of his hip. Fating meas%ring the n%mber of complete cycles d%ring 60s. The s%bEect startedmo-ing the ball at the starterAs sign.". F%nning beteen 5 lines of the basketball co%rt Ckamika3eC#. nstr%ments a stopatch1D10s#4 the basketball co%rt. Task as a reference point, this test %sed headlines, both free thro linesand the central line of the basketball co%rt. *tarting baseline as indicated ith A, the first free thro lineith B, the central line ith C, the second free thro line ith D and the second baseline ith E. ?n thestarter sign the s%bEect started to r%n at ma9im%m speed consec%ti-ely co-ering the paths ABA, ACA,ADA, and AEA. The s%bEect had to to%ch the gro%nd ith his foot behind a certain line. Fating Thetime as meas%red from the starter sign to reaching the end of the paths. The time as read in 1D10s.

    Gote The controller as re8%ired at each line.7. F%nning forard and back 2915m# in the basketball co%rt. nstr%ments a stopatch 1D10s4the basketball co%rt. Task on the starter sign, the s%bEect ran at ma9im%m speed along the middle of the co%rt from one side line to the other passing it ith his both feet after hich he ran back andret%rned to the start position. Fating The time as meas%red from the starter sign %ntil crossing o-er the starting line ith both feet, on ret%rn hen the task as completed. The time as read in 1D10s.). Bolygon. nstr%ments a stopatch 1D10s#4 the basketball co%rt. The s%bEect mo-ed behindthe baseline itho%t the ball. The ball as on the gro%nd behind the opposite baseline of thebasketball co%rt. ?n the meas%rer$s sign the s%bEect ran to the center of the co%rt, then t%rned and ranbackards keeping the same direction toards the opposite baseline. =hen he reached the oppositebase line, the player picked %p the ball from the gro%nd and performed to crosso-er dribbles,beteentheleg dribbles, and behindtheback dribbles. Then he dro-e the ball from the baseline tothe closer free thro line and back and to the middle line of the co%rt, here he contin%ed to dri-e the

    ball aro%nd the central circle ith one hand first and then ith the other, starting and finishing at themiddle line. The s%bEect kept dri-ing the ball to the opposite basket hen he scored from a dri-e step.=hen he scored, the time stopped. >e thre the ma9im%m of to times. f there as no score, heo%ld thro once more. The time as meas%red in 1D10s.

     6R229 8R#9RThe program as designed by the a%thor of this research ith the basic aims to be achie-ed in theork ith basketball players of this age H training and de-eloping gro%p tactics and training acti-itiesnecessary for the indi-id%al o-erplaying4 didactic principles from simple to more comple9 e9ercises,for e9ample, e9ercise fast break of 20 to 62#, getting information &ig%re 1# from st%dies of thestr%ct%re of basketball games ;15, 1", 17, 1)

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    ??? IFigure 1. nformation to be taken into acco%nt d%ring elaboration of the training program in order to achie-ethe goal res%lt#The a%thor of this plan and program as in charge of control and correction of the implementation

    The a%thor of this plan and program as in charge of control and correction of the implementation of the program on the basketball co%rt.S 662S620<

  • 8/17/2019 10 Dite Stervitje Ne Bb. Per Aftesite Motore


    ',00 10,607# D#  js# JS#, apply in fill co%rt "#"#4 )# JS#, 2954 '# D# COD# rolling dribbleRD# P#4 10# GO# %p fake U# H P#4 11# one on one "$"#, in shot range4Bractice n%mber three %&$'() 12# B# 20 rebo%nd o%tlet pass hand off pass#.611.08 .

    1),60 20,0016# 11, D# 1N1#4 1# JS# 11, the most 2 U#4 15# 11, defense of 6 sit%ation4 1"#B# to on one 21#4 &$*(4 17# 11 D#4 1)# &i-e on fi-e 55# till field goal.12.08 .',00 10,60e$')"+)"#41'# GO# one side step OSS# JS#4 20# 11, on the half of the co%rt1N2#4 21# 11, !C# till recei-ing the ball4 22# 11 1D1# E%st @?# is alloed4e$*)-#.513.08.',00 10,60

    26# D# COD#  js# JS#4 2# !C# OSS#  js# JS#4 %e$')+)"+() 25# 11 itho%tCOD#, 1N14 e$*#4 2"# !C# pi-ot Pi# JS#4 27# D# beteen the leg dribble BLD#  js# JS#4 e$"# 2)# !C# 11# 2 fakes the most and one dribble"13.08.1),60 20,002'# # /ehind the back dribble %BBD( / %js( / %JS() 60# 11 1D1#4 61# GO#, O c%tLC# H 11 most one dribble and fake#4 e$"+)*#4 62# D# H COD# H Folling dribbleRD#  js( JS#4 66# GO# LC# U# Pe() 6# D# and defense 11# 1N1#.714.08.',00 10,60

    e$')0)1)'#465# GO, LC# Pi# OSS#4 6"# B( three on 3ero '$2#4 67# GO,!C# Pi# U# Pe#4 6)# JS# medi%m shot4 6'# GO, !C# 1P29114 0# $ %"#"(itho%t dribbling and lob pass.)14.08.1),60 20,001# 109 JS# set shot4 2# $ %"#"( forbidden lob pass) 6# JS# pair competition to21 field goals4 # D# COD, BBD, BLD or COD RD# Pe#4 5# B# 214 "# JS#close shot, 2910.'15.08.1),60 20,00

    e$')"+)*#4 7# B# 614 )# *creen ith hand of pass HOP#4 e$'*#4 '# GO# 2 91J@#1O@# P14 50# *creen for player ith the ball4 e$-')2#4 51# D# COD, BBD,BLD 34 COD / RD# Pe# %"#"() 52# D# COD# Pe( ith defense player.1016.08.',00 10,60%e$-*() 56# efending against screen ith hand off pass4 e$2#4 5# efendingagainst screen DAS#, fight thro%gh the screen4 e$'*#4 55# B# 614 e64154604)#45"# 22 1D1# in back co%rt forbiden lob pass and dribble4 57# 22 1D1#4 e$"+)-+#.

  • 8/17/2019 10 Dite Stervitje Ne Bb. Per Aftesite Motore


    1116.08.1),60 20,00%e$"+() 5)# B# 624 %e$*)'*(4 5'# 22 pick and roll PAR# offense#4 "0# PAR#defense#4 "1# 1P2911, at the same time GO( !C# and LC(, after catching the ball 1dribble and fake#4 "2# Three man ea-e TMW# 604 "6#Bick aay screen PAS# 60#

    1217.08.',00 10,60"# Transition game 204 e$+)+'#4 "5# TMW# P PAS# 604 e$+)*#4 ""# =ea-escreen WS# 1P29114 "7# GO# %HOP(, 29224 ")# 66P6 in shot range#4 e$*)+#4"'# 66P6 1N2#.1617.08.1),60 20,0070# Transition game 20 in front co%rt screen and roll# SAR#4 e)45"#4 71# 66 1D1#itho%t screen and lob pass4 e$'*)+*)+)*#4 72# 66 1D1#4 e$'*)-'#4 76# 66 in shotrange4 e$')0)1)'#.

    118.08.',00 10,60e$')0)1)'#4 7# B#624 75# 55P5 itho%t dribbling and sitching defense4e$"0)'*#4 7"# 55P5, pressing defense 1D1#4 %e$+))"#4 77# 11 1D1# free lance4 7)#To%rnament 55# *emifinals 5min, finals 10 min#1518.08.1),60 20,007'# 55 1N2#4 )0# 55 &/# and defense4 )1# 55 1D1 forbidden dribbling4 )2# 55To%rnament.Rubin.: Efects o training on specic-motor abilities o basketball players Serb J Sports Sci 3(4: !3"-!44

    !4%Table 2 . *tatistically significant differences absol%te and percentage# beteen to meas%rements of specificmotor abilities of basketball players initial and final tests#+eas%rementI5itia6 %i( i5a6 %7(J(F(/O:AM SD AM SDi f PD#& p1. “Kamika3e” shortenedith dri-ing ". 0.") "-.+' 1.20 2.+s 8-.2 -.0 2.29

    2. QKamika3e“ ith dri-ing '".1 1.70 '".0 2.10 0."5s P2.0 1.12 0.606. ri-ing aro%nd thecentral circle ).2' 0.6 0.0 0.6' 0.57s P7.0 1).' 2.229. ribbling ith-ariations 6." 0.76 .*" 0. 0.)6s 8' 1'.1 2.2295. Bassing the ball aro%ndthe body 0.60 .)0 --.2 6.10 6.' 8"2 '.15 2.229". QKamika3e“ 2'.' 1.'0 1.1 2.0 0.02s 0.02 .001 0.'77. F%nning forard andback +.1' 0. 0." 0.' 0.2s 6.0 1."" 0.21

  • 8/17/2019 10 Dite Stervitje Ne Bb. Per Aftesite Motore


    ). Bolygon 1.-' 2.'0 60.6 2."0 1s 6. 1.62 0.2": *.-20 P : .222

    /2S0SS2#n all tests in hich basketball players shoed a significantly better res%lt in the final meas%rement,it can be noted that the difference as significant at the information le-el. n the test CKamika3eCshortened ith ball dri-ing, the difference as in fa-or of the final meas%rement by abo%t 1. s4 in the

    test ribbling aro%nd the central circle, the players impro-ed the res%lt %nder the infl%ence of trainingtreatment by abo%t half a second4 in the test ribbling ith -ariations an a-erage res%lt impro-ed after 15 trainings by abo%t 0.) s4 in the test Bassing the ball aro%nd the body the players impro-ed theres%lt by abo%t circles ith the ball on a-erage#. mpro-ing the res%lts by almost one second in thetest ribbling ith -ariations seemed especially more important if its -ery short e9ec%tion time is takeninto acco%nt in the initial meas%rement, the a-erage performance of the test took abo%t 6." s, hile inthe final meas%rement it as abo%t 2.) s#.Table 2 shos that the highest percentage of the impro-ement %nder the infl%ence of thetreatment as achie-ed in both tests for the e-al%ation of *+( /all manip%lation ribbling ith-ariations 26# and Bassing the ball aro%nd the body 10 #. This great impro-ement as probablythe res%lt of to reasons first, that in all e9ercises e9cept in the second the preparation of thetraining sessions# the ball as %sed. :8%ally important as the fact that the emphasis in thepreparation for training as on correcting the errors obser-ed in the performance of technical andtactical elements the a%thor of the research and the manager of the camp held daily meetings iththe coaches#. n fa-or of the pre-io%s ass%mption is that, in relation to the d%ration of the processfolloed by training, not a small impro-ement as achie-ed in all three tests meas%ring *+(+o-ement ith the ball ri-ing aro%nd the central circle 7#, CKamika3eC shortened ith dri-ing #and CKamika3eC ith dri-ing 2#. =orse res%lts in the final meas%rement, achie-ed in both testsRubin.: Efects o training on specic-motor abilities o basketball players Serb J Sports Sci 3(4: !3"-!44


    meas%ring *+( +o-ement itho%t the ball in the test CKamika3eC 0.2, and F%nning forard andback 6# fit the pre-io%s e9planation.n the test CKamika3eC ith ball dri-ing to meas%re the mo-ement of the *+( ith the ball#statistically significant difference as not obtained, b%t a significant difference can be noticed beteenthe to information meas%rements beca%se the res%lt impro-ed by abo%t 0.7s#. n tests to meas%rethe *+( +o-ement of players itho%t the ball no statistically significant difference as fo%nd. n theinitial and final meas%rement basketball players achie-ed similar res%lts, since in the final

    meas%rement they ere slightly better than in the initial one.t o%ld be both interesting and necessary to compare se-eral res%lts ith those of a similar research on the sample of identical age 15 years ! " months# from basketball cl%bs in Go-i *ad, alsocond%cted by the a%thor of this st%dy ;17

  • 8/17/2019 10 Dite Stervitje Ne Bb. Per Aftesite Motore


    meas%rements, respecti-ely. The 2nd e9perimental gro%p as significantly orse in bothmeas%rements4 they achie-ed 6 and 6" circles in the initial and final meas%rements, respecti-ely./asketball players incl%ded in this st%dy achie-ed more progress since they made abo%t e9tra circles of the ball aro%nd the body in the final meas%rement circles# hereas initially they made only 0 circles.npre-io%s research ;'< the basketball players aged 12." years impro-ed their e9perimental res%lt after thetraining by abo%t 1.5 circles, as they had a eaker res%lt in the initial meas%rement i.e. 65 circlescomparedto 6" circles ith the ball aro%nd the body in the final meas%rement.n the test CKamika3eC, the s%bEects of the pre-io%s research ;17< achie-ed signif icantly orseres%lts 61.5"s and 62.76s# in the initial meas%rement compared to the s%bEects in this st%dy 2'.'s#.n the final meas%rement, altho%gh they ere m%ch better than in the initial tests 1st e9perimentalgro%p 60.)5s4 2nd gro%p 61.52s# they had eaker res%lts than the basketball players at the basketballcamp CKikinda $07C 2'.'2s#. t o%ld be desirable that the res%lts of the c%rrent testing erecompared ith those of the best players. (ltho%gh e deal ith reference times -alid for thebasketball players of competition le-el seniors#, they sho%ld be taken into acco%nt as referenceinformation. n one of the pre-io%s st%dies 20# “the re8%ired -al%e for top basketball players for thes%icide test kamika3e# for the grade 5 i.e. ma9im%m one# as belo 25 secondsS and for the grade1 it as belo 2' seconds”.n the test F%nning forard and back for the e-al%ation of the *+( mo-ement itho%t the ball,

    the players had somehat orse res%lts in the final meas%rement abo%t 7.1s# than in the initialappro9imately ".'s#. This impro-ement of abo%t 0.2s did not sho statistically significant difference.n the pre-io%s research ;17

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    impro-ement in the techni8%es of dri-ing the ball after ten days of programmed training. t is -erydiffic%lt, almost impossible, for trainers to e-al%ate the acc%racy of techni8%es of dri-ing the ball solelyon the basis of obser-ations of the players. The reason is that the speed of mo-ement of players inthe sprint ith or itho%t the ball# depends on the fre8%ency of steps and the stride length. =hendri-ing the ball, basketball players often foc%s don the body to protect the ball, hich is probably aconse8%ence of negati-e transfer from the dribble#, shortening their steps i.e., CE%mpingC, beca%se theacti-ity being performed as r%nning#. (ltho%gh that affects their speed of mo-ement negati-ely,shortening the length of steps %s%ally leads to increased fre8%ency. Therefore, the coach can onlycompare the res%lts of the player ho performs the to tests CKamika3eC and CKamika3eC ith dri-ingthe ball# e9actly and ith relati-e ease, not only by e-al%ating the techni8%e, b%t also monitoring theprogress of players in dri-ing the ball. ?n the other hand, the best ays to stim%late the player tocorrect an error in the techni8%e of performing technical and tactical elements and manip%lating theball sho%ld be based on the meas%rements. This a-oids s%bEecti-e e-al%ation of the coach andremo-es any possible do%bt in the players. t also increases the possibility of moti-ating basketballplayers toards the correction of improper techni8%es adopted, hich is one of the %na-oidable b%tthe most demanding tasks in coaching.0#03;t te te5i;e 37 a66 a5 >e =e4 easi6 3>tai5e< . Fed%ction of difference of res%lts beteen the to tests sprint ith and itho%t the ball# in the final meas%rement 1.65s#compared to the initial one 2.02s# by abo%t 0.7s indicate impro-ement of ball dri-ing techni8%e %nder the effects of the training treatment.8R0620< 88

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    t is important to kno that comparing the res%lts of the test CKamika3eC ith dri-ing the ball iththe res%lts of the CKamika3eC test can be relati-ely easy in order to obtain information abo%t thetechni8%e ith the ball.Therefore, e recommend that in their f%t%re similar research trainers or researchers sho%ld%se the test CKamika3eC ith dri-ing the ball, beca%se it pro-ides more information than the testCKamika3eC shortened ith dri-ing.

    RE5ERE0ES1. /en (bdelkrim, G., :l &a3aa, *., U :l (ti, M. 200"#. Timemotion analysis and physiological data of elite %nder1'yearold basketball players d%ring competition. J Sports Med ., 12# "'75.2. /ogdanis, L. @., Viagos, J., (nastasiadi, +., U +aridaki, +. 2007#. :ffects of to different shortterm trainingprograms on the physical and technical abilities of adolescent basketball players. J Sci Med Sport ., 102# 7')).6. /laWko-iX, +. 1'7'#. Predictive value of the batter of bas!etball situatio" tests. +asterAs Thesis, Vagreb. &ac%ltyof Bhysical :d%cation, Yni-ersity of Vagreb.. ele9trat, (., U @ohen, . 200)#. Bhysiological testing of basketball players toard a standard e-al%ation of anaerobic fitness. J Stre"#th $o"d %es., 22# 10""1072.5. Mo-ano-iX, . 1''#. /asketball theory and teaching methods. GiW B%blisher a%thor. in *erbian#.". Mo-ano-iXLol%bo-iX ., U Mo-ano-iX, . 2006#. &"thropolo#ical basis 'as!etball . GiW *eag%ll graphics. in*erbian#.7. KaraleEiX, +., U Mako-lEe-ic, *. 2001#. (u"da)e"tals of 'as!etball , /elgrade &ac%lty of *port and Bhysical:d%cation. in *erbian#.). KaraleEiX, +., U Mako-lEe-iX, *. 2007#. &actor str%ct%re of basketball abilities. n Mako-lEe-ic, *. :ds#. nternationalscientific conference C &"altics a"d dia#"osis of phsical activit .C p. 117125#. /elgrade &ac%lty of *port and

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    !44'. KociX, +. 200)#. *"flue"ce of pro#ra))ed trai"i"# process o" the develop)e"t of situatio"al+)otor a"d )otor abilities of ou"# bas!etball plaers. Ynp%blished octoral Thesis, GiW &ac%lty of *ports and Bhysical :d%cation.in *erbian#.10. K%3nEeco-, J., Betro-skiE, /., U Z%stin J. 1')0#. Yni-ersal modeling iss%es in sports. Moder" trai"i"# ,'eo#rad-, 2117. in *erbian#.11. +atthe, ., U ele9trat, (. 200'#. >eart rate, blood lactate concentration, and timemotion analysis of femalebasketball players d%ring the competition. J Sports Sci ., 27)# )16)21.12. +ikolaEec, K., Loralc3yk, F., Bopr3ecki, *., VaEac, (., *3yngiera, =., U =askieic3., V. 2006#. The effects of specific conditioning on speed abilities in yo%ng female basketball players. J u) /i"etics., 10 6'7.16. ?stoEiX, *. +., +a3iX, *., U ikiX, G. 200"#. Brofiling in basketball physical and physiological characteristics of eliteplayers. J Stre"#th $o"d %es., 20# 707.1. Br%s, L., U *3opa, M. 1'''#. (daptability of selected motor abilities in boys beteen 12 and 15 years of age theres%lts of the “Training H detraining H retraining” e9periment. J u) /i"etics., 2 61'.15. F%bin, B. 1''5#. ech"ical + tactical activit of bas!etball plaers i))ediatel before a"d after arrivi"# i" the ball  possessio". Ynp%blished +asterAs Thesis, Go-i *ad &ac%lty of Bhysical @%lt%re. in *erbian#.1". F%bin, B. 1''"#. The necessity of the relation beteen training ith the str%ct%re of a basketball game. [earbook He9ercises and training, /elgrade &ac%lty of Bhysical @%lt%re, p. 2' 2')#. in *erbian#.17. F%bin, B. 1''7#. ffective"ess of differe"t trai"i"# pro#ra))ed of bas!etball plaers. Ynp%blished dissertation,Go-i *ad &ac%lty of Bhysical @%lt%re in *erbian#.1). F%bin, B. 200'#. mportance of strategic information for planning in basketball. 5 th congress and "th nternationalscientific conferences Ti-at. Mo"te"e#ri" Sport &cade) , Bodgorica, p. 26 2#. in *erbian#.1'. Jam-ako%dis, :., Jrabas, . *., Lala3o%las, @., *tefanidis, B., +eta9as, T. ., +andro%kas, K. 2007#. :ffects of basketball training on ma9imal o9ygen %ptake, m%scle strength, and Eoint mobility in yo%ng basketball players. J Stre"#th $o"d %es., 216# '60'6".20. TrniniX, *. 200"#. Selectio" preparatio" a"d )ai"te"a"ce of bas!etball plaers a"d the tea). Vagreb Jictor +arko Otd, *plit Yni-ersity of *plit.**ress or correspon*ence:8a+le Rubin' 8?/.Sports ca*emy ;elgra*e 6ec?nology an* et?o*ology o ;asketball /ept/eligra*ska $1!!%%% ;elgra*e' SER;28?one: @3! !! 3,!! 4"" (oAce8?one: @3! $! 4%$ ," (?omeE-mail: rubiniBneobee.net

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