10 Tips for Successful Family Meetings

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  • 8/10/2019 10 Tips for Successful Family Meetings


    10 Tips for Successful Family Meetings

    by R.J. Fetsch and B. Jacobson*

    Revised by C.J. Kemp, A. Quinn, & C.A. Fruhauf** !"#!$%

    Quick Facts...

    ost fami'ies ar(ue and some fami'ies have ar(uments )here pushin(, s'appin(, hittin(, etc.

    are invo'ved. o matter )hat, a'' fami'ies can 'earn different strate(ies to discuss difficu't


    +eop'e are more 'ie'y to suffer vio'ence and ne('ect from those c'osest to them than from

    stran(ers. -hree fema'e partners, three chi'dren, and t)o ma'e partners are i''ed by fami'y members

    every day in the nited /tates.

    Adu'ts )ho e0perienced vio'ent chi'dhoods are more 'ie'y to abuse chi'dren and romantic

    partners than those )ho e0perienced 'itt'e or no vio'ence as chi'dren.

    Fami'y meetin(s are a structured discussion that can he'p fami'y an(er decrease. Fami'ies can use

    these discussions to reso've specific conf'icts that mi(ht have 1ust been ar(ued about in the past.

    Fami'ies mi(ht use these meetin(s to discuss issues such as, house ru'es, vacation p'ans, sib'in(

    riva'ry, chan(es in the fami'y structure, etc. /pecific (uide'ines to see if it is safe for your fami'y to

    conduct a fami'y meetin( are 'isted. 2ne ey indicator of determinin( fami'y safety is the )ay

    coup'e3s hand'e conf'ict.Ar(uments bet)een coup'es can be c'assified into three different types. -he first type is non4vio'ent

    in )hich coup'es may or may not ye'' at each other and may resort to name4ca''in(, criticism,

    defensiveness, and#or contempt. 5o)ever, throu(hout the ar(ument both partners fee' physica''y

    and emotiona''y safe. A second type of ar(uin( is ca''ed common coup'es3 vio'ence. 6n this type of

    ar(uin(, one or both partners mi(ht ye''7 use name4ca''in(, criticism, defensiveness, and contempt7

    mi(ht a'so push, shove, and# or hit each other7 and mi(ht thro) ob1ects in (enera' or at each other.

    6n this second type, both partners sti'' fee' physica''y and emotiona''y safe durin( the ar(ument. 6n

    these first t)o types of ar(uments, both partners fee' as thou(h they have re'ative'y e8ua' po)er in

    the re'ationship. 9ast'y, there are coup'es )hose ar(uments c'assify as intimate partner vio'ence.

    -ypica''y, this is )here one partner is tryin( to intimidate, hurt, scare, harass, and#or manipu'ate the

    other partner. -his third type of ar(uin( is )here one partner ho'ds more po)er in the re'ationship

    and may physica''y and#or financia''y iso'ate and#or physica''y, emotiona''y, and#or menta''y hurt

    the other partner and any chi'dren or anima's in the househo'd.

    By providin( research4based an(er and conf'ict mana(ement strate(ies in our homes and in our

    fami'ies, )e can reduce and prevent ar(uments and vio'ence. :e a'so be'ieve that on(oin( (ood

    communication bet)een fami'ies can decrease ar(uments and vio'ence and increase fami'y

    satisfaction. A revie) of four computer databases over the past ;< years !=>$4"

    artic'es on fami'y meetin(s or fami'y counci's. -hese artic'es su((est that there are many positive

    benefits to fami'y meetin(s, such as enhancin( mora' reasonin( in youth, increased positive youth

    behavior, and increased effective fami'y decision main(. 6f you find that these tips do not )or for

    your re'ationship and#or fami'y, p'ease see support from a trusted friend or re'ative, therapist,counse'or, and#or spiritua' 'eader.

    Is Your Family Ready for Meetings?

    An e0ce''ent )ay for fami'ies to communicate is throu(h re(u'ar fami'y meetin(s. -his

    communication strate(y can enhance mora' reasonin( and mana(e an(er 'on( before it turns into

    vio'ence. Re(u'ar fami'y meetin(s can promote fami'y harmony by providin( a safe time and p'ace

    for main( decisions, reco(ni?in( (ood thin(s happenin( in the fami'y, settin( up ru'es, distributin(

    chores fair'y, sett'in( conf'icts, and pointin( out individua' stren(ths.

    /ome fami'ies are ready for se'f4directed enrichment and prob'em so'vin( and other fami'ies may

    first )ant to uti'i?e fami'y or marria(e therapy in order to decrease ar(uments or vio'ence in the

    househo'd. -o he'p assess )hether your fami'y is ready to try fami'y meetin(s, ans)er the fo''o)in(

    8uestions@!. 6s the parent, or parents, )ho 'ive in the househo'd committed to usin( )ords and

    communication to so've prob'ems as a fami'y instead of vio'ence

    ". 6n a t)o4parent fami'y, do both parents fee' as thou(h they share re'ative'y e8ua' po)er in their

    coup'e3s re'ationship e.(. both partners fee' as thou(h they have an e8ua' say in decision

    main(7 that your partner taes your opinion into account )hen main( decisions, etc.%

  • 8/10/2019 10 Tips for Successful Family Meetings


  • 8/10/2019 10 Tips for Successful Family Meetings


    Be(in and end on time. uard meetin( times and encoura(e hi(h commitment by eepin( them a

    hi(h priority. /ometimes discussions can run over4time so one parent shou'd appoint themse'ves the

    time4eeper. At !< minutes before the meetin( is over, the time4eeper parent shou'd see if fami'y

    members be'ieve the discussion )i'' be reso'ved in !< minutes or if they )ant to e0tend the meetin(

    time or schedu'e a ne) meetin( to continue the discussion.

    ". Rotate meeting responsi#ilities $e.g.% leader% secretary and timekeeper&.

    -reatin( everybody as e8ua's provides a'' fami'y members )ith practice at prob'em so'vin(.

    Incoura(e a'' to be (ood 'isteners. -he ori(ina' 'eader shou'd be an adu't fami'y member )ho can

    be a ro'e mode' of positive#open communication and 'istenin( si''s and mediation si''s. -he'eader starts and ends the meetin( on time and he'ps the fami'y deve'op the ru'es to fo''o). 2ne

    e0amp'e of a ru'e is@ 2n'y one person speas at a time7 the rest 'isten )e'' enou(h so they can repeat

    bac to the speaer3s satisfaction )hat he or she said and fee's. -he 'eader maes sure a'' points of

    vie) are heard.

    -he 'eader a'so eeps the communication focused on one topic at a time and ends the meetin( on

    time. At the end of the meetin(, the fami'y decides )ho )i'' be the 'eader, secretary and timeeeper

    ne0t time. /ome fami'ies choose to have a secretary )ho eeps minutes of decisions and

    a(reements. -he secretary a'so can record activities and dead'ines on a ca'endar for a'' to see. -he

    ne0t meetin( can be(in )ith a re4cap by the secretary. -he minutes can be a fami'y 1ourna' that is

    ept to 'oo bac on in 'ater years. -he ro'es of 'eader and secretary can be rotated amon( the adu'ts

    unti' everyone fee's at ease )ith ho) to conduct an effective fami'y meetin(. -hen these ro'es canbe rotated amon( youn(er chi'dren as )e''. Eouth may need assistance )ith their ro'e as 'eader and

    parents )i'' )ant to ne(otiate ho) to provide assistance )ithout overtain( the 'eader ro'e.

    /ome fami'ies may decide that rotatin( ro'es especia''y for youth youn(er than > years% may not be

    effective and that certain ro'es mi(ht not be necessary )hereas other ro'es such as, referee, co4

    'eader, ru'e4maintainer, etc.% mi(ht be more needed. +arents may )ant to try co4'eadin( )ith any

    youth )ho do not be'ieve he#she is ready to be a 'eader. -ryin( anythin( ne) is (oin( to tae (ettin(

    used to, so try one sty'e of fami'y meetin(s for a fe) )ees and then mae chan(es to the sty'e to

    best fit your fami'y.

    '. (ncourage all family mem#ers to participate.

    6n a safe environment, fami'y members can e0press their opinions )ithout punishment or

    reta'iation. /ho) 'ots of 'ove parents may need to ro'e4mode' this durin( difficu't discussions%.). *iscuss one topic and sol+e one pro#lem at a time.

    -he fami'y may )ant to start by everyone sharin( some of their ma1or (rievances and a'so some

    positive moments )ithin the fami'y. -he topics% of discussion in the fami'y meetin( shou'd be

    somethin( that affects the )ho'e fami'y. For instance, if the issue 1ust affects the parents or t)o of

    the sib'in(s, then this shou'd not be discussed at the fami'y meetin(.

    -he 'eader mi(ht start the discussion )ith, G-he prob'em )e )ant to so've today is .... 6 su((est )e

    devote ... minutes to this issue. 6s this a(reeab'eH 9ater the fami'y can rene(otiate more time if

    necessary. As the 'eader notices the discussion movin( off trac, he or she mi(ht say@ G-hat sounds

    'ie an issue )e may )ant to discuss at another time. But for no) the issue )e3re here to discuss

    is ....H As the 'eader notices someone interruptin( the speaer, he or she mi(ht say@ GI0cuse me,

    nameL. :e )ant to hear your opinion because it is important to us. Cou'd you ho'd it unti' nameL

    is finished ta'in(H -his type of 'eadership may be difficu't for chi'dren, so a parent may need to

    step in to foster the chi'd3s 'eadership capabi'ities. /ome chi'dren may be ab'e to better voice their

    concerns throu(h )ritin(, dra)in(, and ro'e p'ayin(. 6t is important in these meetin(s to uti'i?e

    stren(ths of each fami'y member to he'p discuss and reso've the issue.

    2ne or both parents may )ant to summari?e the discussion to eep the fami'y on trac )hen the

    focus moves to another unreso'ved issue. +arents )i'' )ant to 'oo for nonverba' and verba' si(ns

    that a fami'y member is uncomfortab'e )ith somethin(. 6f one or more fami'y members are

    uncomfortab'e, then a parent may )ant to ca'' a time4out to the meetin( and chec in )ith each

    fami'y member.

    ,. -se Imessages.2ften )hen )e are upset )e start sentences )ith GEou are soM..H or GEou do this a'' the time and it

    maes me madH or a simi'ar version. :hen the person )e are ta'in( to hears this, they

    immediate'y (o on the defense. 5o)ever, )hen you are sharin( this information often you are

    tryin( to voice a concern or emotion. -ry startin( sentences )ith G6 fee' sad )henMH or G6 (et upset

  • 8/10/2019 10 Tips for Successful Family Meetings


    )henMH -his he'ps the other fami'y members understand ho) you fee' and )hat you )ant chan(ed

    )ithout fee'in( persona''y attaced.

    /. -se pro#lemsol+ing steps.

    For prob'em4so'vin( steps, see fact sheet !

  • 8/10/2019 10 Tips for Successful Family Meetings


  • 8/10/2019 10 Tips for Successful Family Meetings
