100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE

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  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE



    1. accentuateto stress, single out as important

    2. alliterationuse of the same consonant at the beginning of each word

    3. analogydrawing a comparison in order to show a similarity

    4. antibodya protein that produces an immune response

    5. aspirehave an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

    6. bamboozleconceal one s true motives from


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    !. bizarreconspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

    ". boisterousfull of rough and e#uberant animal spirits

    $. boycottrefusal to have commercial dealings with some organization

    1%. camou&agean outward semblance misrepresenting the nature ofsomething

    11. commemoratecall to remembrance

    12. chronologythe determination of the temporal se'uence of past events


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    13. cowercrouch or curl up

    14. decorumpropriety in manners and conduct

    15. deductionthe act of removing a part from the whole

    16. deigndo something that one considers to be below one s dignity

    1!. despondentwithout or almost without hope

    1". dialoguea conversation between two persons


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    1$. divulgema(e (nown to the public information previously (ept secret

    2%. eclecticselecting what seems best of various styles or ideas

    21. ellipsea closed plane curve with an oval shape

    22. embargoa government order imposing a trade barrier

    23. e#ponenta notation of how many times to multiply a number by itself

    24. enthusiastichaving or showing great e#citement and interest


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    31. gurua *indu or +uddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher

    32. heritagethat which is inherited

    33. hieroglyphica writing system using picture symbols

    34. holograma photograph for reproducing a three dimensional image

    35. hypocrisypretending to have 'ualities or beliefs that you do not have

    36. immuneof the condition in which an organism can resist disease


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    3!. impertinentimproperly forward or bold

    3". inferencedrawing a conclusion on the basis of circumstantial evidence

    3$. introspectioncontemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct

    4%. -auntyhaving a cheerful, lively, and self con)dent air

    41. -ovialfull of or showing high spirited merriment

    42. (ilometera metric unit of length e'ual to 1%%% meters


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    43. labyrinthcomple# system of paths in which it is easy to get lost

    44. laconicbrief and to the point

    45. lichena plant occurring in crusty patches on tree trun(s or roc(s

    46. light yearthe distance that light travels in a vacuum in 1 year

    4!. maneuvera military training e#ercise

    4". marsupiala mammal the female of which has a pouch carrying theyoung


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    4$. metaphora )gure of speech that suggests a non literal similarity

    5%. mosaicdesign made of small pieces of colored stone or glass

    51. mutationa change or alteration in form or 'ualities

    52. nebulaan immense cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space

    53. nocturnalbelonging to or active during the night

    54. nuisanceanything that disturbs, endangers life, or is o ensive


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    55. omnivorean animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances

    56. outrageousgreatly e#ceeding bounds of reason or moderation

    5!. ozonea colorless gas that is a screen for ultraviolet radiation

    5". parasitean animal or plant that lives in or on a host

    5$. participlea form of the verb used as an ad-ective

    6%. plateaua relatively &at highland


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    61. phloem/botany0 tissue that conducts synthesized food substances/e.g., from leaves0 to parts where needed consists primarily ofsieve tubes

    62. polygona closed plane )gure bounded by straight sides

    63. protagonistthe principal character in a wor( of )ction

    64. pulverizema(e into a powder by brea(ing up or cause to become dust65. 'uandary

    state of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options

    66. 'uarantineisolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    6!. 'uotaa prescribed number

    6". rainforesta forest with heavy annual rainfall

    6$. randomlac(ing any de)nite plan or order or purpose

    !%. recedepull bac( or move away or bac(ward

    !1. enaissanceperiod of uropean history at the close of the iddle ges

    !2. renegadesomeone who rebels and becomes an outlaw


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    !3. reposefreedom from activity

    !4. sacri)cethe act of (illing in order to propitiate a deity

    !5. silhouettea )lled in drawing of the outline of an ob-ect

    !6. solsticewhen the sun is at its greatest distance from the e'uator

    !!. spectruma broad range of related ob-ects or values or 'ualities

    !". stereotypea conventional or formulaic conception or image


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    !$. strategyan elaborate and systematic plan of action

    "%. su ragea legal right to vote

    "1. symbiosisthe relation between two interdependent species of organisms

    "2. tari a government ta# on imports or e#ports

    "3. techni'uea practical method or art applied to some particular tas(

    "4. tempothe speed at which a composition is to be played


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    $1. undulatemove in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion

    $2. vaccinein-ection of wea(ened or dead microbes to create antibodies

    $3. vacillatebe undecided about something

    $4. vertebrateanimals having a bony or cartilaginous s(eleton

    $5. virtuososomeone who is dazzlingly s(illed in any )eld

    $6. voraciousdevouring or craving food in great 'uantities


  • 8/18/2019 100 Vocabulary Words 9TH GRADE


    $!. wretcheddeserving or inciting pity

    $". #ylemthe woody part of plants7 the supporting and waterconducting tissue, consisting primarily of tracheids and vessels

    $$. yachtan e#pensive vessel propelled by sail or power

    1%%. zoologythe branch of biology that studies animals
