10th Anniversary Files

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  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files


    SquareThru to the knth- Schedule f EventsFriday,March 13:


    Sattrday,March 14:TbursRegistration&BanquetlCelebrationDancirtg

    Swtday,March 15:BrwtchDancirtg


    6:00p.m. 7:30P-m-7:30p.m.o 10:30P.m-(wlMikeDeSisto)

    SeeEnclosedScheduleSocial4:00P.m-5:0a .m. - 6:30P-m-7:00p.m.o 11:00P-m-(wlMikeDeSisto& PaulMarcum)D:a)n tu2:00 -m-2:00p.m.o 5:00P-m-(wlPaulMarcum)i niiit. n Center fSFt a .

    rlit2450Stilter St. il tl l - til ':;;l S iii s,",-il F iI *i d ii i l ;EByRur : ii1. _tt,t,rl S 3 #2|from iri""""".-""""i "'il-l"i*:AUEvents t tlrcRussianCenten?'s allAnna (415)621-0862rRichard 415 618- 818.

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files



    Dear Friend:Thank you fo r your registration for rrsquare thru to theT en t h l r t , on March 13 , 14 , and L5 , L992 .Enclosed please find a schedule of events for the weekend,housingrzhotel information, transportat ion information, andtours/act ivit ies planned for Saturday, March L4. Alsoenclosed is a registrat ion form for non-dancers and BasicDancers.The events for the weekend wil l be held at the RussianCenter o f San Franc isco, located at 2450 Sut ter St reet .Please see the enclosed map for direct ions. Parking isavai lab le across the s t reet for 93.0o per day.I f you have any qluest ions , ca l l Anna at (415) 62L-O862; Max(41 -5 ) 431 - -6238 ; o r Tom (4 l s 1 626 -2886 .We look forward to dancing with you in March!

    Yellowrocks ! -,-/"d*rfuTodd Tryon and Richard Sirnonell iPublicity Conrnittee

    t twsdLL

    ^g584 Ca-stroS. Suitc 40 San Frarriso, C-a- 9,t114 Tcl: (415) 621-0s62

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files



    R E: Mee t i ng Apr i l 13 , t 99 I

    Anna , I w r I I be en rou t e t o N as hv i l l e t ha t day . So r rY

    F or t i re reun lon on Sa t r : r day nrgh t , th ts !s rny concept : I want tohave a BfG grand march o f ev e ry pe rs on s t i l l a l r , ve tha t I c an f i ndwho has ev e r been t h rough r a WSD c lass o r been a member o f WSD.T h rs , o f cor , r . rse ,wou ld rnvo lve peop le who are cur ren t l y ac t rve andpeop le w ho hav e no t danc ed f o r aw hr l e ( and hope f u l l y s ome peop lewh o nev e r ev en f r n r s hed t he Bas . i c o r Marns t ream c las s ) . T hey a rea l l a pa r t - o f ou r c o lo r f u l pas t .i t w ou ld be n rc e t o be ab le t o o f f e r t hem a c hanc e t o be a pa r t o ft he d rnne r on Sa t u rday ( o r any o f t he pu re l y s oc ra l ev en t s f o r t ha tmat te r ) . Then the g rand marc h w ou ld l ead r i gh t in to fo rmrngs qua res and w e c ou ld hav e a t rp o f t he qu i c k es t remed ia lr ns t ruc t ron f o r t he f r r s t f ew c a l l s t o hav e a h o t s i ng rng c a i l .T hen t hey c ou t d g o home r f t hey w rs hed , o r s t ay a round and no tdanc e .Wou l c i r t be pos s lb l e to have a Sa t u rday morn ing o r a f t e rnoonworkshop o f , sdy , t .wo hours w hrc h w ou ld be a fas . t_ -paced rev rew ofa l l t he Bas i c s c a l l s ?

    An r tem wh lch I L re l reve 1s impor tan t fo r req rs t ra t ron f o rmsc onc e rn ing hous rng w hrc h I nev e r s ee i s : Wr l l y ou s ha re a bed w i t hyour hos t o r ano t he r gr . res t - o f ( c r c 1e r :ne same sex oroppos r t e s ex ?f be l rev e t h rs r s r r npo r t an t f o r t hos e peop le wh o c an o f f e r a f r ees po t r n t he r r bed bu t . don ' t f ee l c omf o r t ab le pu t t l ng s omeone on t hef l oo r o r on a s o f a . N one o f us w ho go t o f I y - l n ' s m ind a t a l ls Leep rng on t he f l oo r o r on a s o f a , bu t Somepec p le may no t w an t t oas k a gues r t t o s l eep t he re .

    I f , you use tha t f lo rescent pape r f o r p r i n t i ngs end a b lac k -on -w hr t e c opy 1e t -he o t he r c l ubsmake more cop: .es . T he b r i gh t pape r isrmpos s rb le t o mak e n l c e c op ies f rom . Be i rev ei r !

    f l - y e rs , be c e r t a rn t oi n c as e t hey need t obeau t i f u l - , bu t . 1 rme- -don ' t ev en doub t

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files


    As soon a f te r convent r r :n as f ca : r ge t my w i t s about f f i , I ' rn gc l i ngt o s t a r t on s eek rng ou t a l l t hos e f o rmer WSD -as s oc ra t ed peop le . I ntha t reg ta rd , may T spend money f r : r pos tagre to ser rd cu t a gene ra lno t i c e t o t he WSD da t abas e t o ( 1 ) t r e c e r t a i n t he i r add res s i sc u r ren t f o r : a f u t u re mar i i ng o f s pec i f i c s and t2 ) t o s o l i c i t t he i ras s i s t anc e in t r ac k ing dow n "1os t " s ou l s ?Add i t i ona I l y , f r dy f : - nv es t i ga t e t he pos s rb r l i t y o f p l ac i r r g an ad r nON B o f t he gay rags c a l l i ng f c ; r " l os t " s ou l - s ? T h i s may be on t heex pens rv e s ide t o t he t une o f s ev e ra l hund red do l l a r s . O f c ou rs e ,I w r l i f i r s t t r y t o ge t an ang le w i t h t he pape rs to ge t a f reea r t i c l e .

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files


    C nmiteesSi te

    Reg i t r a t i on

    F nance


    Ref res ments

    Publ c i y

    Act v ' i ' i es

    S ound

    Transpor ta t ' i onrov ides eq ' i s t ran tsw' i th nformat jonabout oca lt ranspor ta t i6n l4un i ,BABT, tc . ) andwhere o obta in passesor t j cke ts . Prov ' i desnformat ionabouta j rpor tt ranspor ta ton . Possb1 ar ranqe or t ransi lor t veh ' i l es toa i por t f romdance ocat jon Sun. ) . fan l

    Secure enuesor a l dance ventsn igh ts Sunday runch) negot i tecont rac ts or presenta t iono the863-2383Ma' in ta in eqis t rat jon database;orwardmonjes ece ived othe f i nance"cha i r ; eepcommi t teeppr i sed f reg is t ra t i onto ta l s ; s ta f f req is t ra t i on deskat a l l events ; Drepara t jonof req is t ra t i on oackets :works lose lv w i th f i nahce 'andhous i igcommi t tebsTOM'T. 2 I -2324)l4a ' in ta inecordsof mon ies ece ivedandmonies pent ;mon i to rexpenses; ake epos i t s ;works lose ly w i th a l ' lcommitees ' ; tDDIES.621-6408)Locates va i lab lehous ingor a t tendees; ar ranges i thloca l ho te l s / mote ls o r -mosteconomica la tes ; -adv jsesat tendees f ava i ab le hous ' i nq ;ass ' i qns nd racks neededhous ing ;works lose ly w i th reg is t ra t i on andpub l c i t ycommj t teeso assure hat everyones aware f hous ingava i lab i l ty andneeds re met j (GARY21-6506)P lans he menuor the Sunday runch;ar ranqes or theprepara t ion , erv inqandc le-anup; r ranqesor cater inq forSaturdaymeal ;a r rangesor sod 'as nda iy o ther re f reshmentsfor Fr i i Jay ance GREG95-1646)Workswi th product ion taf f (SCOTT J0HN 64-6134)oprepare lyers /announcementsor the f l y - j n ; contac tsa l lIAGSDClubs to ' i nsure tha t they are aware f a l1 necessaryinformat jon;assures hat annou-ncementsre rece ivedby a l lc lubs ; prepares ndsends er iod ic updates s de ta j l s aref ina l i zed: works lose lv w i th a l l commi t teeso assureaccura te nformat ion TbDD 53-6307 RICHARD. 648-384S)Preparesnformat ionreqard inq oca l enter ta ' inmentora t tbndees ur inq imes hen d lnc inq s not schedu led ;ar rangesours o f the area or tho ie whochooseo a t tend;obta i6s nformat ion rom oca l orqan iza t ionseqard inq oca ltour i s t i n fo rmat ion ;works lose l .V j th o ther c5mmi t t6esoassure ub l c ' i t y andpreregis t rat ionas requ ' i red ;EDZ.487 7006Assureshat a l1 necessaryin qoodwork inq rder forfo r - t ranspor tof equ ipmentsuDerv isesetuoandsounddahces TBA)

    sound qu ipments ava i lab1e ndusedur ing he f1y ' i n ; Ar rangesto and rom he dance ocat ions ;checks f equ ipmentor a l l

    (Fr iday& Saturdaycontracts rev' i wboard or s ignature ;B iL

    Reunon P lans and orqan i zesa reun ' i onof cu r ren t and former WSDmembers . FRE$4AN31-6272)

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files



    Reqist rat ion Hajn ta ' i n eqjs t rat ' iondatabase;orwardmon ' iesec ieved o- the f i nance-cha i r;keepcommi t tee ppr i sed f reqis t rat iontotal s; staf regist rat i on deskat a ' l events [reparat ' ionof reg ' is t rat ionpackets ;works lose ly wi th f i nanceandhous ing ommi t tees

    Commjtee requi ementsS i te

    F nance


    Brunch(Sun.Publ c i ty

    Act i v i t i es

    Secure enues or al l dance vents(Fr iday & Saturdayn igh ts , Sunday runch) ;negot ia te ont rac ts ; rev iewcont rac ts or presenta t iono the board or s ignature ;

    l , la in ta in ecordsof mon ' iesece ived ndmoniesmoni to rexpenses; ake epos i t s ;works los leyandregist rat ion commit teesLocates va i lab lehous jnq or a t tendees; a rranqesw' i thloca l ho te l s / mote ls o r -mosteconomica lsa tes i adv isesat tendees f avai lab lehous inq ; ass ' i qns nd racks neededhous ' i ng ; o rks lose ly w i th 169 is t ra t i onandpub l i c i t ycommi t teeso assure ha t ever lone s aware f hous in ! ;ava ' i l ab i lt y andneeds re met ;Plans he menu or the Sunday runch;arranges or theprepara t ion , erv ' i ng ndc l eanup;Prepareslyers /announcementsor the f ly - jn ; contac tsa l lIAGSDClubs to i nsure hat they are aware f a l1 necessaryinformat ion;assures ha t annoucementsre rece jvedby a l lc lubs ; perpares ndsends er iod ic updates s de ta ' i l s a ref jna l i zed; works lose ly w j th a l l commj t teeso assureacura te n format ionPreparesnformat ion eqard inq oca l en ter ta inmentora t tbndees ur inq imes rhen inc inq s not schedu led ;ar ranqes ours 6 f tne area or tho(e whochooseo a i tend;obta j is in format jon rom oca l organ iza t ionsegard ing1oca1tour is t in format ion;works lose ly w ' i t ho ther commi t teesoassurepub ' lc i t y andprereg is t ra t i onas requ i red ;

    spent ;wi th hous ing

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files


    i /SD ly in Conmit tee

    SubcommiteesS i te

    Reg i t ra t i on

    F ' i ance


    TheF lv ' i nCommi t tees comor i sedf the Cha i rso f eachsubcomin ' i t t eeseebe low or a descr ip t i on )a longw i th acha i rpersonAnnaDamian j ) ho chedu les nd eads hecommi t tee ee t ings ndhe lps subcommi t teesas needed)oovercome ny pro6lems hich hey mayencounter. As the I ,JSDAdm' in i s t ra to r , axRobb is an adv isorymemberf t heComm' i t tee.Each f thesesubcommi t teesis , in tu rn , compr i sed fvo lun teerswhoare char te redwj th qe t t i nq the var ious obscomole ted .These ubcomm' i t t ees16enco i l raqedo meet "indbpendent l yandwi th eacho ther ) as o f te i as needed.Add i t i ona l subcommi t teesay e fo rmed s the needar j ses .TheCha i rsof eacho f thesesubcomm' i t t eesis named f te reachdescr io t ' i on lonqw i th the i r te leohone umber . Theseare the peof teyou shdu ld on tac t o vb lun teer our he1p .In the caseo f 2 subcomm' i t teesSound ndDecora t i ons) ,hepos i t j on o f Cha i rperson ' i s t i l l ava i l ab le . I f you w ish tovo lun teer o cha i r e j t he r o f t heseCommi t tees ,l easeca l lAnna 621-0862) .

    Secure enuesor a l l dance ven ts Fr iday& Satu rdayn igh ts , Sunday runch Dance) ; ego t ia tecon t rac ts ; rev jewcont rac ts o r p resen ta t j ono the en ti re commi t tee ;con t ' i nu ' i nqesDons ' i b i lt i es ' i n th i s a rea shou ldbe m in ima linc lud inq"mak ' i hqnv necessarvon tac tw i th the ha l l andar ranq in {a s i t 6 v i i i t f o r o ther commi t tee embers ; (B ILBLADES63-2383) ; EGOTIATIoNS0MPLETES0F al ]3 l9 l ;C rea teandmajn ta in e g is t ra t i on da tabaseTom aspo in tedou t tha t ' i t wou ldbe more f f i c i en t t o workw ' i t hScb t t t odeve l p a commoneq i t ra t i on /Housnq database) fo rwardmon ies ' rece jvedo the f i nancecha i r ; keepcommi t teeappr i sed f req i s t ra t i on to ta l s ; a r range o r con f j rmat ionnb t i ces o be Sent ; s ta f f reg i s i ra t i on -desk t a l1 even ts ;p repara t i on f req is t ra t i on packe ts ;worksc lose ly w i thf inance and housi f rg ommit tebs;TO|\ , |RIPP 26-2886)Mai ta ' in recordsof moni s rece' ived ndmones spent f A,tmon io r exDensesmake eoos ' i t sworksc l ose l w i h a l ; - 'commj t tees;EDDIE MITH21-6408) ' '16oLocatesava' iable hous' inqor at tendees th s ' includesava i l ab lespace t peop les 'homes) ;a r ranqes i th l oca lho te l / mote l f o r i nos teconom' i ca la tes ; adv ' i ses t t endeeso f hos t i n fo rmat ion ; ass jqns nd racks needed ous inq ;works lose ly w i th reg ' i s t r i t i on andpub l i c i t y commi t te6soassure ha t everyones aware f hous ing va i l ab i l i t y andal l needsare mei ; (GARYRAY21-6506)Ar rangesor ca te r ing o r Sa tu rday ' i nner ndSunday runch ;I s re6pons jb leor t6e c leanup o i t he ha l l a f te r b i r t hmea ls ;mus tworkwj th the req is t ra t i on commi t teeo be awareo f the tota l number f mea ls "neededor eachday ; a r rangesfo r sodas o be ava i l ab leandso ld dur ing a l l dances ;a r ranqes nv add i t i ona l re f reshmentss approor ia te orFr idaVeven inq ance :Greq s a l so mak inq ' the 'a r ranqementsfo r the des iq f iandc iea t i5n o f a smal l m6mentof t6e f lv into be g iven {o eacha t tendee GREGSM0N26-3855)

    Refres ments

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files


    Pub l c i t y

    Act i v ' i t i es


    announcementsre rece ived y a l l c lubs ;per iod i upda tes s de ta I s a re f i na l i zed ;wi th a l l commi t teeso assureaccura te nd

    Works i th produc t ' i onta f f to p repare l ye rs /announcementsfo r the f l y - in ; con tac tsa l l IAGSDClubs to insure heyare aware f a l l necessaryn fo rmat jon ;assures ha tpreparesand sendsworksc1 se lyt ime lyjn fo rmat jon TODDRYON53-6307 R ICHARDIM0NELLI648-3848)Preparesn fo rmat ion eqard inq oca l en te r ta inmento ra t tbndees ur inq jmes hen d lnc inq s no t schedu led ;arranqes ours 5t t f re area for thoie whochoose o at tend;ob ta i i s i n fo rmat ion rom oca l o rqan iza t i onseqard inq oca ltour j s t j n fo rmat ion ;works l ose lJ w i th o ther cSmmi t t6esoassurepub l c j t y andprereq ' i s t ra t i on s requ i red ; Forwardsa l l mon ieso the F inance ommi t tee ;. l e avea lso d iscussedthe ooss ib i l i t v o f c rea t inqour own e rs iono f a tour o fsome f t he mo i t i n te res t i f i gp laceso f loca l h i s to ry (gayandotherw ise) ; EDZEIGLER"4BT-7006)Assuresha t a l l necessaryound qu ' i pments ava i l ab le andin qoodwork inq rder fo r use dur inq he f l v i n : A r ranqesfo r " t ranspor t 5 f equ ipmento and iom the ianc6 loca t ions ;superv i ses e tupandsound hecks f equ ipmento r a l ldances 0LUNTEERHAIRPERSONtEDED

    Transpor ta t j on rov ides eq ' i s t ran tsw i th i n fo rmat jon bou t oca l t ranspor ta t i 6n l ' lun i ,BART, tc . andwhere o ob tan passesor t i cke ts . Prov ides n fo rmat ion bouta i rpor tt ranspor ta t i on . A r ranqe or t ranspor t veh ' i c les o a i rpor tf rom bance oca t jon (S i l n . ) . ( f oNDUhHAM50-9232)Reun ' i on P lansandorqan jzes reun jono f cu r ren t and o rmerWSDmembers.FREEMANTAI4PER3I-6272\Decora t j ons P lans o r andexecu tes l l decora t i ons f t he ha l l ; t h i s' i nc ludesthe ma jnha l l where ances i l l t ake p lace , the

    en t ry ha11of the Russ jan en te r ,andany ab le decora t ' i onswh ich he Ref reshmentomm' i t t eeeels are appropr ia te ;workswi th the other comm'i t tee emberso assure hat the theme f

    Produc t ion Is respons ib leor p repar inq 1 l pub l c i t y ' i n fo rmat ionfo rthe f l y i n ; Sco t t anb lbhn i ve o f?ered o -use he i r ta len tswi th qraph ics o oroduce uch temsas req is t ra t ' i on o rmsand Tye i ' s ; hey have . l so -o f fe red o wor ( wi th Tom r ipp todeve lob commonatabaseor bo th req is t ra t ' i onandhous inqin fo rmbt ion : dd i t i ona lhe lp i s neededn copv inq nd

    decorathe f l y i n and he l , lSDo lo rs are re f l ec ted in thedecora t i ons :mustkeeoexoense i th budqetedim i mus tkeepexpense i t h budgetedjm i t s ;r t he p lacbmentnd emova l f a t l decora t i onsr ranges . fo r he p lacement .Andemova lr ranqes o r tne Dtacementno emova l T at oecora t l ons swel 5s the returh of any i tems whichmayhavebeen entedor borrowed:VOLUNTEERHAIRPERSONEIDEDr borrowed;VOLUNTEERHAIRPERSONEiDt

    in fo rmat ion ; dd j t j ona lhe lp i s neededn con f o rm a t i on ; add i t i ona l he lp i s needed n c opy inq andma' i l ' ingf in fgrma! ign s i t becomesva i lab l i r SCOrfCARIY& JoHN-CoNLEY64-6134)Sol ic ' i t communi tyus inessor i tems o be dona ted s pr i zesfor a 50/50 raf f i e to be held at eachdanceevent (maybewon igh ts ; maybe l l 3 ) ; a l so to con tac t oca l bus ' i nesseso rcoupons r adswh ' i ch i I be p laced n the req ' is t ra t ' i onpacke t th i s wou ld nc ludesubhposs ib j l i t i es -as a f reedr ink a t a l oca l bar ; f ree co f fee rom a loca l co f fee shop,c lo th ing d i scoun ts_ fg r g rchases ade u r ing he weekend,e tc . ) (6 rL BLADES63-2383)

    Pr izes

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files


    Subcommitees (con t ' i nued)Ca l e rs Books a l l e rs ; ob ta jnsa s ' i qned on t rac t rom eachca l l e r ;de te rm jnes he ther r no t a -spec ' i a l e rm i t needs o beob ta ined romASCAP/BMIor m i rs i c i bens ing ; a r ranges o rhousnq dur inq cal ers stay ' in SanFranc5co; arr inqes f ort ranspSr ta t i o i o and rom he a i rpor t and o ' t he da i l ces ;o rov ides a l l e rs w ' i t hs iqh tsee inq poor tun i t i es s t imefe rm i t s ; ensures ha t caT le rs a i ldbar tnerswhomay hooseto a t tend) a re adv jsed f mea ls ;addresses ny ques t ions r

    concernshe ca l l e rs mavhavedur inq he ' i r s tav i n SanFranc isco ; ANNA AHIANi21-0862)

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files


    ATTN: Reunion Celebration584 Castro St Ste 480SanFrancisco,CA 94114February l, 1992

    Dear Former Western Star Club and ClassMembers.Can you believe t? Western Star Dancerswill soon be TEN (count em, 10)yearsold, and we're planninga BIG party! You caadd mmensely o the Celebrationby participating. The enclosedmaterialsand the remainderof this letter will tell you how.WSD is hosting ts first fly-in to celebrate he occasionon March 13, 14 & 15. All dancingand mealswill be at the RussianCente2450 Sutter St (at Divisadero), SF (but you'll receive completedetails n your registrationconfirmation once your registrationhabeen received). Even if you don't remember he squaredance calls, you'll be able to participate n the meals, two-step'n, ansocializing. If you attend he Saturdaybanquet,you'll be part of the specialPromenade--evenf you just begana classand nevcompleted t. You have all beena part of the life and success f WesternStar, andwe wish to tell the wodd (of thoseattending hfly-in)! And if your significantother has never squared,bring 'em along.FORM A $50 registration. For all participantswho will not be dancing ull Mainstreamor Plus tips. If you plan to danceall thMainstream ips, pleaseuse FORM B. You'll enjoy all the socializingwith two-step'n n a separate all, the two mealand the anniversarysouvenir pin. lf you can danceBasic, you can also dance he limited number of Basic tips. Thprice is good even f

  • 8/14/2019 10th Anniversary Files


    WSD MIA's (as of February l, 1992)The following individuals are in the WSD database,but we have lost track of them. If you know anything about how to contact aof them, pleasecontact he Club through FreemanStamper 415) 431-6272 yep, still dancing).Also, if you have recent nformation about any former WSD club and classmembersof whom you suspectwe might not know, plefeel free to provide that information. Even if we alreadyhave the information, it's always nice to confirm it. Since we have ucompleted he data entry of some of our earlier classeswith the mailing addresses t the time of their class,we can expecta goonumber of returns.Baldwin, JamesBarton, AndreaBennett,SeanDavidBrandstein,RoslynBurke, Bil lColeman,RichardCousins,MarshallDean,EdwardDoering,Bil lDunn, RobertEvans, FrankFicken,DennisGrady, Owen JGuel, EmileH., Dan (Class10, began09/86)Harper, MichaelHayn, PeterHerre, Jeffiey RHittner,JamesHolloway, DavidHuchrin, RalphHurley, KathleenJoInoue, MasatoJohnson, enJohnson,DougKessley,RickKorobi, RoseKuhn, RogerKuluk, Id aLockridge,DaleLondon,DavidLusk, DoanMagnet, LynnMalley, JeanMalvas, PaulMarsh, AlbertMasucci, EduardoMcAdams,JohnMock, Earl DanielMoore, RobMurphy, AnnNewman, BobNils Neste, Prince

    O'Connor, JamesOliver, ShirleyParsley,ClydePenman, LewisPicard, DavidRhodes,Michael ARicci, JohnRickard, HankShaw,RichardSimkins, DanSimpson,EricStover, BradStudebaker,BenSylmar, GerryTaylor, John KTuck, Richard(theone whose ecordswere used in early days ofMidnight Sqs)Tumey, EdWeisinger, KenWhite, ArthurWhite, TomYeomans,David

    Floen, Kevin*Gonz.alez,Amador RHammond, CarlHaro, PatHartless, I-eeHaskins, I-arryHead, JimKernkamp, TomKollmann, Claude Jl.ansdowne,JimLewis, DavidLush, Murray*Milburn, Michael ANilson, MarkNoesen, Greg (Gregn)Perry, RogerPerry, StevePeter,GarrettThumper (K C Petrow)- O3l3OShernoff, Henry 05/3S m i t h , E d d i e ( f o r m e r c l

    Administrator,J 09103

    06t /I 03/2UrU27I 06/2408/l803t02051206n9081204n509/10tU2 l1tot02(believer2t 0t/20

    IN MEMORIAMWith sadness, e report the followingdeathsof which we arc awarc:

    Smith, RamonStutzman,KurtVolk, Kenneth-Whitlock, I-arryZimmermann, Paul C

    12/00r/08o2 l04n104t24" Honoray from Squares Across Border, our SisterCity Clubnderson. Darrell EArchambault,Gaby

    Barber, BruceBellvil le, BobBishop, Keith DBraaten, JerryBubbles Mark Savino)Buck (Gary France)Chenault,Bil lClayberg, Richard MCohen, RonCooper, Thomas RettigDruid, Dan

    05/05/89/ /88oUt2l8804n0t9009/08/91o2n7 90l2l3t 19lI t87lUt5 t9 lllt t86I t8102n6t890U25t86