20 - Endocrine System

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  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Lecture 19 Endocrine SystemKK Chapter 15, Hildebrand Chapter 20

  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Information Systems in VertebratesEndocrine System - chemical signals (hormones) from

    the endocrine glands are distributed by the blood-

    vascular system to target tissues to regulate the

    relatively slow processes of growth, developmentand homeostasis.

    Nervous System - receives signals from sense organs,

    and transmits them to muscles, to control


  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Thyroid GlandThyroid glands originate as a ventral evagination of

    the pharynx, in the vicinity of the gill pouches. The

    thyroid hormones are permissive, allowing target

    tissues to respond to other stimuli.

    Thyroid hormones include thyroxine, and they effect

    metabolic rate, growth, development, moulting and


    Thyroid hormone precursors

    are stored as colloid and are

    released in response to

    thyroid stimulating hormone

    from the pituitary(adenohypophysis).

    KK15.1,15.2; H&G 20.2, 20.5

  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Other Glands of the PharynxSeveral other glands originate in the pharynx, from

    the pharyngeal pouches (and ultimately neural crest),

    including the thymus (TM), the ultimobranchial body(B), and theparathyroid (PT). We have alreadymentioned the thymus in the context of hemopoesis.The ultimobranchial body secretes calcitonin, which

    lowers blood calcium, and is opposed in this action

    by secretions of theparathyroid gland. These areclosed associated with, or embedded in, the thyroid

    in mammals.KK 15.5, 15.6, H&G 20.5


  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Adrenal Gland

    KK 15.8

    The adrenal gland develops adjacent to the kidney, and its cortex comes from

    mesenchyme. The medulla of the adrenal gland comes from neural crest via

    the sympathetic ganglia (which we will cover next lecture). The hormonesreleased by the adrenal gland involve salt and water balance, protein and

    carbohydrate metabolism, and stress response.

  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Adrenal Gland (2)

    KK 15.9, 10

    H&G 20.6

    There are two components of adrenal glands, adrenocortical tissue

    (black below) and chromaffin tissue (white). These are separate in

    lower tetrapods. In amniotes, chromaffin tissue is in the medulla ofthe adrenal glands, surrounded by adrenocortical tissue.

  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    The PancreasThe dorsal pancreas, or the pancreatic islets

    where dorsal and ventral pancreas are fused,

    also receives neural crest cells. These are

    involved in carbohydrate metabolism via the

    hormones insulin and glucagon, as well as

    protein metabolism.

    KK 15.11, H&G 12.12

  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Pituitary 1 DevelopmentWe have already

    mentioned the origin of the

    pituitary (hypophysis) in

    the context of the

    stomodeum. The adult

    organ is compound, arising

    from oral ectoderm(adenohypophysis) and



    KK 15.13, H&G 20.4

  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Pituitary 2 NeurohypophysisThe neurohypophysis secretes

    vasopressin (ADH) and

    regulates water content and

    blood pressure. It also secretes

    oxytocin, which promotes

    release of milk from mammary

    glands and also contraction ofthe reproductive organs.

    KK 15.15, H&G 20.4

  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Pituitary 3 AdenohypophysisThe adenohypophysis secretes

    several important hormones,

    including growth hormone,

    prolactin (lactation), thyroid

    stimulating hormone

    (thyrotropin: stimulates release

    thyroid hormones),gonadotropins (FSH and

    LH/ICSH), corticotropin (to

    stimulate the adrenal cortex to

    release its hormones), and


    KK 15.15, H&G 20.4

  • 7/27/2019 20 - Endocrine System


    Other Endocrine Glands Other endocrine glands include the pineal body

    (which we will come to again as part of the

    brain), the gonads (testes, ovaries), the

    digestive tract, and the kidneys.