Christy Samira Leon Kareena Philicia Ayanna Lilah Remy Donovan Michael Yamilee Jessica Leslie Jose Carlos Bryan Ricardo Alexis David Jordan Alejandra Kathy Diana Ixza Emily Jaileen Jeffrey Monday February 11, 2013 Imagine that you have a little brother and he just lost his first tooth. Other than money, what would you like the Tooth Fairy to leave him under his pillow. Edward Adrianette

2.11.13 classwork monday

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  • 1. Imagine that you have a little brother and he just lost hisfirst tooth. Other than money, what would you like theTooth Fairy to leave him under his pillow. Monday February 11, 2013 Emily Bryan Ricardo Christy Leslie Ayanna Samira Jose Alexis Jessica Kathy Ixza Donovan Yamilee Jordan Lilah Kareena Michael RemyPhilicia Alejandra Carlos Adrianette Diana Jaileen LeonJeffrey Edward David
  • 2. Morning WorkDO NOW:Write the x12Times Table tentimes.
  • 3. Reading Animal Defenses (p. 420) Talk About It How do animals defend themselves when they are scared or threatened? Look at the picture and respond in writing.Activity Using loose leaf paper, draw an animal defending itself from their predator. Write a sentence describing your picture.
  • 4. A glimpse is a quick look at something.Something that is secluded is private andout of view.Behavior refers to the way a person oranimal acts.Arroyo is the Spanish word for stream orcreek.
  • 5. Arousing is stirring up or causing excitement.A person who is stunned is shocked oroverwhelmed.Something that is nestled has settled into acomfortable position.Unpleasant things are offensive orunattractive.
  • 6. Reading Homework Practice book, page 119. Review for exam tomorrow.
  • 7. MathAim: Round Decimals (p. 303)Do Now: Example 1 & 2Lesson:1. Complete 113 on page 3043052. Complete Problem Solving 1418 on page 306Homework: "My Homework" pages 307308 Quiz tomorrow
  • 8. Spelling 1. contest 11. minute 2. content 12. compact 3. protest 13. conduct 4. combat 14. contract 5. permits 15. refuse 6. rebel 16. conflict 7. present 17. research 8. insert 18. excuse 9. desert 19. entrance 10. subject 20. extract
  • 9. SpellingAim: Word MeaningsDo Now: Write the spellingwords in your notebook 5xeach.Lesson:1. Practice book, pages 112.Homework: Use each spelling word in a sentence.
  • 10. Language ArtsAim: Prepositions (p. 428)Do Now: Copy the RULES inyour notebook.Lesson:1. Guided Practice, exercise 110, page 428.2. More Practice, exercise 1125, page 429Homework: Extra Practice, exercise 125, page 494.
  • 11. RULESA preposition is a word that relates a noun orpronoun to another word in a sentence. This book about bicycles is Teds. example
  • 12. Guided PracticeDirections: Name the preposition in each sentence.1. Wedroveintothepark.2. Ourbicycleswereinthecarrack.3. Westoppedbesidethebiketrail.4. Wefollowedthetrailoverahill.5. Thesunwasshiningthroughthetrees.6. Billyrodeunderabridge.7. Ifollowedbehindhim.8. Suddenly,hestoppedbyabrook.9. Nearthewater,wesawadeer.10. Wewatchedquietlyforafewminutes.
  • 13. Homework Summary for Monday February 11, 2013ReadingPractice Book, page 119Study for exam tomorrow.Math"My Homework" pages 307308Study for quiz tomorrow.SpellingUse each spelling word in a sentence.Language ArtsExtra Practice, 125 on page 494.
  • 14. Attachments 1314158 AnalogiesTTT.notebook