30 Ways to Improve Your Memory

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  • 7/27/2019 30 Ways to Improve Your Memory


    30 Ways to Improve your Memory

    Whether we are studying for Fridays spelling test, a doctoral dissertation or a company

    presentation, there are a number of reliable memory techniques and powerful memory aids that yield

    the best results:

    1. Get plenty of rest. Lack of sleep will disrupt the consolidation of memory.

    2. Reduce auditory and visual distractions. The brain can only accommodate one dominant sensory

    entry at a time.

    3. Hydrate your body-brain system. A 2% decrease in hydration can lead to a 20% loss in energy.

    4. Try to eliminate stress or any form of emotional trauma.

    5. Do not attempt to memorize information while in pain, under medication, under the influence of

    recreational drugs or alcohol.

    6. Distribute any practice across time rather than attempting to learn everything at once (distributed

    vs. massed practice or cramming the learning into a single session).

    7. Minimize multitasking. We cannot perform two similar tasks simultaneously, unless one has

    reached automaticity (accomplished without conscious mental processing).

    8. Rehearse information by visualizing with the minds eye (the visuospatial sketch pad) for visual

    information, and rote rehearsal (repetition) for random verbal information (the phonological loop).

  • 7/27/2019 30 Ways to Improve Your Memory


    30 Ways to Improve your Memory

    9. Avoid encoding and retrieval interference.

    10. Add a social aspect to the learning experience.

    11. Use associations to prime the recall of specific information.

    12. Pay attention to what is important (otherwise it will be discarded from working memory within 18-

    30 seconds); download that information in some way to preserve it (note-taking, audio recording,

    oral repetition or mind-maps).

    13. Repeat important information within 10-22 minutes, again within 48 hours, and again at the end

    of a seven-day period.

    14. Take short breaks or naps, during which the brain can reflect and connect.

    15. Study or read prior to going to bed.

    16. Prepare the body for learning/testing with proper nutrition.

    17. Practice positive talk (focus on related prior successes).

    18. Play non-lyrical music (performed at approximately 60 beats per minute).

    19. Process the information as if you are preparing it to teach it to another individual. (To teach is to

    learn twice.Joseph Joubert.)

    20. Use a scent or fragrance during learning (lecture or studying). Bring that same fragrance with

    you during testing.

    21. Use mnemonic devices (acrostics, mind-maps and graphic organizers) for memorizing multiple

    pieces of information. For example, memorizing the animal kingdom FARM-B = fish, amphibians,

    reptiles, mammals and birds.

    22. Relax. It is difficult to identify pertinent information when tense or nervous.

    23. Make as many correlations and connections to previously learned information as you can.

    24. Review old information before reading new information.

    25. Build bridges from what is known to what is new by using the 10-80-10 rule. Devote 10% ofteaching time to activating prior knowledge, 80% to new information, and 10% to a preview of what

    is to come next.

    26. Review and connect new content while walking and discussing that content with another person.

    27. Study in your most favored and most comfortable environment.

    28. Replicate the testing environment while studying. (Some state bar associations allow students to

    prepare for the bar exam in the examination room).

    29. Pay attention to diet, nutrition and memory-boosting vitamins. Consume salmon, folic acid,

    natural sugars and vitamin B12.

    30. Spend time with mentally stimulating individuals, particularly mentors and spouses.
