5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak

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  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak





  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    Warm-up Activity

    News Break

    1. Have you done anything wrong?________________________________________________________

    2. How do you tell your parents when you have done something wrong?________________________________________________________

    3. Have you ever hid your examination marks from your parents or siblings?___________________________________________________________________

    4. hy did you hide your examination marks?___________________________________________________________________

    !. How did your parents rea"t when you failed the examination?___________________________________________________________________

    #. How do you "onvey your examination results to your parents?___________________________________________________________________

    $. %n your opinion& what is the meaning of '(ews )reak*?___________________________________________________________________

    +. hy do you think the title of the poem is ,(ews )reak-?___________________________________________________________________

    . /o you "hange your marks to avoid being s"olded by your parents?___________________________________________________________________

    10. How do you feel when your parents meet and dis"uss with your tea"her?___________________________________________________________________

    11. ho would you prefer to "ome to s"hool to "olle"t the examination results?___________________________________________________________________

    12. hat did you get when you obtained good results?___________________________________________________________________

    13. hat would you like to have for the good results you obtained?___________________________________________________________________


    Now why so loving, darling,And why the sudden kiss?

    Youd help me with some little !o"s?#or goodness sake, whats this?


  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    Your %ace is clean %or once, dear&Your clothes without a crease&You saved your luncheon money?Will wonders never cease?

    No dropping o% your school "ooks,No shrieking, childish tre"le&

    'oday you are a lam", love,Where yesterday a re"el&

    But surely youre some stranger,No rage or hulla"aloo&(ome closer, let me look dear,(an this "e )*A++Y you?

    Now were you struck "y lightningr were you stunned at sport?Ah now . see the reason&

    Youve "rought your school report/


    A"out 'he Author

    0A1 #A'(2*N


  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    ax at"hen 12020125 was an 6ustralian 7ournalist and "hildren-s writer. His "hildhood

    times was spent on an 6delaide 8lains farm at 6ngle 9ale& 6ustralia. 8art of his High :"hool

    studies was done at home. He went to ;awler High :"hool on"e in week to get his papers

    "orre"ted. he 6dvertiser*. He began writing for "hildren in 1##. His published worksin"lude 20 books and poetry. >hree of his books re"eived "ommendation in the hildren-s

    )ook of the @ear 6ward. He wrote for "hildren in the primary s"hool group. His poetry is well

    known throughout the Anglishspeaking world.

    5ummary % 'he 6oem

    >he "hild rea"hes home and heBshe hugs and kisses the persona lovingly. HeB :he offers to

    help the persona with some little 7obs. >he parent is taken aba"k and wonders the reason for

    this "hange. >he "hild looks "lean and the "lothes are tidy. He B :he had saved the lun"heon

    money. >he parent marvels that the "hild does not drop the s"hool books and displays a

    Cuiet behaviour. >he persona begins to wonder if the "hild is a stranger as there was no

    anger or noise by the "hild. >he parent looks at the "hild "losely to make sure everything is

    fine. inally& the parent sees the s"hool report that the "hild has brought home.

    *lements o% 'he6oem


    1. >he speaker is a parent who is puDDled to see the "hild-s sudden "hange of behaviour.


    7& 'he tone o% the poem is light-hearted and humorous&& 'he reader is 9lled with curiosity at the "eginning o% the poem "ut will mostcertainly laugh

    when they read the last sentence&



  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    1. %t is in the ,first person- point of view.


    7& 'ime : No speci9c time %rame is mentioned although it can "e in%erredthat the child

    has !ust returned home %rom school&& 6lace : At home


    7& Parents respons!"t# 'he child pretends to "e good "e%ore showing the school report to his

    mother& 6arents play the role o% "oundaries setters& (hildren have to "e

    aware o% certain "oundaries thus knowing conse;uences to their actions& .tis good to change your attitude %or the "etter< however, mere pretending

    is meaningless& Being good and pretending to "e good are o% two di=erent

    matters& 6arents have to make their children aware o% this&

    & Creat$t# %as no !on'ares 'he child is indeed creative& .n order not to get a scolding %rom his mother,

    he does all sorts o% things to please her& +et your childs creativity >ow&

    2owever, the world is too overwhelming %or a young child to "loom in his

    own ways& 'here%ore, always "e at his or her sides to provide support andguidance&

    3& Ha$n( an "teror )ot$e 'he child in the poem is rather sly& 2e is "ehaving well %or a reason& 2e

    has "rought home his report card which may contain "ad grades& 5ince he

    does not want to make his parents angry, he tries to win the parents heart

    "y "eing o"edient&

    MORA* VA*+ES

    1. e must be aware of the "hanges in the way people think and a"t.2. e must try to behave well at all times and not only on "ertain "ir"umstan"es3. e must be brave to fa"e the "onseCuen"es of our a"tions instead of giving ex"uses.4. 8arents should try to understand their "hildren if they hide their reasons for behaving



  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    ,- Metap%or

    'he persona uses metaphor to descri"e the "ehaviour o% the child& *&g: Today you are a lamb signi9es innocence and o"edience&

    Where yesterday a rebel signi9es diso"edience and de9ance&

    .- S#)!o" Your face is cleansym"olises the child looking sweet and lova"le&

    Your clothes without a creasesym"oli@es the child standing upright

    and o"ediently waiting %or his mother&

    /- I)a(er# Now why so loving, darling, and why the sudden kissgives the image

    o% a loving son hugging a very surprised mother&

    no rage or hullabaloogives the image o% a noisy crying child throwing


    0- Assonan1e Assonance is the repetition o% vowel sound in words that are close to

    each other&

    *&g:Now why so loving , darling

    2- A""teraton

    Alliteration occurs when a series o% words repeat the same consonantsor sounds&

    *&g: .....clothes without a crease , surely youre some stranger.

    3- H#per!o"e

    An outrageous eaggeration used %or e=ect& *&g: Now were you struck by lightning is an eaggeration o% the

    mothers %eeling with regards to the reason %or the change in his


    6araphrase % 'he 6oem


    STAN4A ,

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak






    Now why so loving, darling,

    And why the sudden kiss?

    >he persona is greeted with a kiss and hug from the "hild. >he "hild also helps theparent with household "hores. >he parent is puDDled with this "hange of behaviour.

    Your face is clean for once, dear.

    Your clothes without a crease.

    STAN4A .

    >he parent is surprised to see that the "hild-s fa"e is "lean and the "lothes are neatwithout any wrinkles. >he "hild also did not spend his lun"h money& whi"h isunusual.

    No dropping of your school books,

    No shrieking, childish treble.

    STAN4A /

    >he "hild did not drop the s"hool books. >he "hild also did not s"ream or show andoutburst of anger. En that day& the "hild a"ts inno"ent and gentle. >his "ontradi"tsthe previous day where the "hild was rebellious.

    STAN4A 0But surely youre some stranger,

    No rage or hullabaloo.

    >he persona begins to wonder if the "hild is a stranger. >he "hild did not show anyanger or make any noise. >he persona wants to take a "loser look at the "hild to"onfirm the identity of the "hild.

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak



    Now were you struck by lightning

    r were you stunned a sport?

    STAN4A 2

    >he parent wonders if the "hild has been stru"k by lightning or hit during a game.>hen& the parent finds out the truth about the "hild-s improved behaviour. >he "hildhas brought home the s"hool report.

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    +iteral 0eaning

    'he persona 9nds it hard to understand the sons change in "ehavior& 2e is likea di=erent person& 2e hugs and kisses her and o=ers to help her with some

    work& 2e looks clean and tidy %or a change and he has even saved his luncheonmoney& 'he persona is %urther surprised "y the "oys ;uiet "ehavior, not hisusual "oisterous sel%& 2e does not even throw down his school "ooks& Cnlike hisusual re"ellious sel%, he is a gentle as a lam"& .t dawns on her that she might "etalking to a stranger& 5he wonders i% he was involved in accident and had hurthis head& 'he reason "ecomes o"vious when she notices his school report in hishand&

    #igurative 0eaning

    'here are di=erent categories o% people with di=erent types o% "ehaviour& .n

    general, we epect people to "e their normal sel% or "ehave in the same way all

    the time& We %eel save as we know what to say or do& 2owever, people do

    change their "ehaviour once in a while& 'hey may change due to circumstances

    or %or personal reasons&

    When a person who is usually cool and collected "ecomes loving and caring, we

    wonder a"out their motives& A person who does not usually li%t a 9nger to help

    and suddenly o=ers to help do the chores will cause eye"rows to "e raised& Anuntidy person who "egins to take care o% his appearance or a spendthri%t who

    "egins to count the pennies will raise dou"ts a"out his motives& A "oisterous

    and unruly person who turns meek, polite and respect%ul may make us dou"t his


    We may ;uery as to whether they are %or real& Do they have an ullterior motive?

    *ventually, he or she will show his true colours and the actual reason will "e

    revealed& Be alert to these changes o% character and act accordingly&


  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    6ractice 7

    Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions from thepoem.



  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    Pra1t1e .

    $at%h the words with the pi%t&res 'i(en.

    1. 4.

    2. !

    3. #.



    *&dden kiss

    )ittle +obs




  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    Pra1t1e /

    $at%h the words with the s&itable meanin's.







  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    Pra1t1e 0

    here are 1# words &sed in the poem that are hidden in the word ma/e below. Find

    them, &nderline and write the words in the spa%e pro(ided.

    ) 0 - ) $ 7 F 8 *0 9 : ; - : *< = ) $ > ? - ? -

    * < @ < A F B )7 7 ; ) $ - A 7 8 F B $: ) * @ ) 0* B * ; = ? - : @ @ < 7 9

    1. eeling& showing or indi"ating love and affe"tion.

    2. 6 dearly beloved person.

    3.ree from dirt& stain or impurities.

    4.>he emotion aroused by something aweinspiring& surprising.

    5.>he offi"ial "urren"y& "oins and negotiable paper notes.

    6.6 sweet& mildmannered person.

    .>he surfa"e of the front of the human head.

    !.to feel or express strong unwillingness or repugnan"e.

    ".>o "ome to an end.

    1#.>he a"t of falling.


  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    Pra1t1e 2

    >ns%ramble the words from the poem. $at%h them with the appropriate meanin'.

    ;:-* $

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    +. ______________________________________________________________

    . ______________________________________________________________


    11. ______________________________________________________________

    Pra1t1e 3

    Find words in the poem that ha(e the meanin's below. omplete the %rosswordp&//le with the words.


    2 3




    ! " 1#



    13 14


    %ross -own

    2. a person who is defiant 1. anger

    5. see 3. mid4day meal

    !. hit 4. fresh

    ". noise 6. wrinkle

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    11. sho"ked . s"reaming

    14. explanation 1#. affe"tionate

    15. put aside 12. stop

    13. "hores

    Pra1t1e 5

    ased on the poem and the pi%t&res, what differen%es %an Co& findD



    hild-s fa"e is"lean.

    hild lovestowards his


    hild does not shout orbehave "hildishly

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    6ractice 8

    )ist the differen%es in the %hildEs beha(io&r after he obtains the s%hool report.

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    Pra1t1e 6

    )ist the %hildEs a%tions that made the parent s&spi%io&s.

    >he "hild was himself yesterday.

    >he "hild-s "lothes are "rumpled.

    >he "hild never helps with the house


    >he "hild drops his s"hool books onthe floor.

    >he "hild was defiant like a rebelyesterday.

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    O% no7 I(ot )#report1ar'-

    6ractice 74

    ;rite r&e or False for the followin' statements.


  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    1.>he boy greets the mother with a kiss lovingly.

    2.(ormally his fa"e is not "lean but "overed with smudges.

    3.He has used up all his po"ket money for lun"h.

    4.6s usual& he throws down his books and s"reams.

    5.His "lothes look smooth but are "overed with mud.

    6.His behavior is "omparable with a gentle do"ile lamb.

    .His normal behaviour is to a"t like a rebel and throw his books.

    !.>he "hild usually saves his po"ket money.

    ".>he "hildren normally listens to his parent.

    1#.>he "hild has got ex"ellent results.

    6ractice 77

    $at%h the expressions below with the %orre%t poeti% de(i%es.


  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    6ractice 7

    omplete the followin' senten%es with the %orre%t words from the followin' pairs ofwords that rhCme.







    ,(o rage or hullabaloo-

    ,..surely you-re somestranger-

    ,@our fa"e is "lean-

    ,(ow why so loving& darling-

    ,>oday you are lamb-

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak



    % saw mother gave father a _________________ before he left for work

    ______________ morning.


    >he se"retary prepared a ________________ of the ________________ for the tea"her.


    %t is _____________ that the pri"e for this bag too _______________ for me.


    %f you "an keep your shirt smooth without a _______________& mother will

    ______________ nagging at you.


    >he _____________ % am going to

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    ill in the blow out spa"es with the items indi"ated in the ro"ket.

    6ractice 7


    2. hat isthe realreason forthe "hild-s"hanges?

    1. Howwould theparentrea"t afterknowingthe realreason?


  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    = e p o r t ? a r dw i t h g o o d

    r e s u l t s

    = e p o r t ? a r dw i t h p o o r

    r e s u l t s

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    se the pi%t&res to help Co&.



  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    (2*(H YC) CND*)5'AND.NI

    Test Yorse"8- - - - -

    1. ho is the poet?_______________________________________________

    2. How many stanDas are there in the poem?_______________________________________________

    3. /o you think the title is suitable for the poem? hy?_______________________________________________

    4. hat is the main idea of the poem?_______________________________________________

    !. :tate one moral value that you have learnt from the poem.___________________________________________________________________

    #. /o you like the poem? hy?___________________________________________________________________

    $. /es"ribe the poem in oneword.___________________________________________________________________

    +. How is the poem related to your own life?___________________________________________________________________

    . :uggest two ways to avoid yourself from being s"olded by your parents.

    i. __________________________________________________________________

    ii __________________________________________________________________

    10. %f you are a parent& what would be your rea"tion when your "hild-s behaviour

    improves suddenly?___________________________________________________________________

    11. /o you think a sudden "hange of attitude "ould save yourself?___________________________________________________________________

    12. /o you think the "hild will "ontinue with his good behaviour after showing his report

    "ard. hy do you think so?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    )ead the poem care%ully and answer the ;uestions&



  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    a5 here did the situation o""ur?


    1 mark5

    b5 hat did the boy do when he met his mother?


    1 mark5

    "5 hat was offered by the boy to his mother?



    1 mark5

    d5 hat was his mother-s rea"tion after hearing the offer from his son? 8rovide the textualeviden"e for your answer.



    2 marks5

    )ead the poem care%ully and answer the ;uestions&

    Yor 8a1e s 1"ean 8or on1e9 'ear- Yor 1"ot%es :t%ot a 1rease-


    No: :%# so "o$n(9 'ar"n(9An' :%# t%e s''en ;sshe mother is very surprised. %t "an be found by the line& ,or goodness sake& what-s


    @ra%ti%e 2

    a5 His fa"e is "lean for on"e.

    b5 i. He must have stayed Cuietly at s"hool

    ii. He must did not run or play very mu"h.

    "5 6ny suitable answers are a""eptable.

    @ra%ti%e 3

    a5 (ormally he thrown down the book on the floor.

    b5 He does not throw his books and he does not s"ream and shout.

    "5 >he literary devi"e is simile.

    d5 i. >he boy ki"ks up a fuss about having too mu"h work at s"hool.

    ii. >he boy "ries that he is not going ba"k to s"hool anymore.



  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak


    @ra%ti%e 4

    a5 He did not throw tantrums or "reate a fuss

    b5 %t means he was hurt in some way or other. :he says this be"ause she is totally unable to

    understand the "hange in the boy-s behaviour.

    "5 :he wants to have a better look to make sure he is her son.

    d5 i. eeling I :he must have felt relieved.

    ii. =eason I :he feels this way be"ause this is what she expe"ts him to do L hoodwink

    her with his good behaviour for possibly a poor s"hool report.

    @ra%ti%e 5

    a5 He was defiant yesterday but obedient today.

    b5 >he "hild did not show his bad temper like yesterday.

    "5 >he poet "apitalises the word to show the mother-s high degree of bewilderment.

    d5 Humans are sometimes pretentious peopleG in order not to get s"olded for getting bad

    result& the "hild behaves extremely well in front of his mother.

  • 7/26/2019 5. Module Lit Form 1-NewsBreak



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