6 Things to Consider

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  • 8/8/2019 6 Things to Consider



    How many times do you say you wish you knew how to meditate or had time to chant or pray? There

    are so many components to take into consideration with spiritual growth and personal development.

    Some things to take into consideration are the following:

    1. What's your objective for engaging in spiritual growth and personal development? Is it for yourself or

    are you simply doing something because your mate is complaining about how you can be? Are you

    doing it because it is culturally correct? Are you doing it because everyone else is doing it and well, you

    don't want to seem like the black sheep of the group? Be sincere and genuine when pursuing spiritual

    growth. Come from your heart and really get in touch with how you feel about this.

    2. What path should you follow? This includes traditions, religions, philosophies, etc.. Has the path been

    chosen for you simply because you are a part of any particular group or family? Do you feel like you

    have no choice? One thing I do know is that the more you work on personal development, your path will

    become very clear to you. If you follow your heart, even if you are in the stages of research, you trust

    what you feel and go with the flow. All will be revealed in time. Release any guilt that you feel or any

    false guilt that family, friends, society may be projecting towards you.

    3. Where should you begin? Start with your strongest desire, question, pain, passion and see where ittakes you. Is it a path to resolution? Does it lead to more questions that eventually lead to several

    discoveries, coincidence, and epiphanies? This is one of the most exciting times in life because you get

    to explore. Set aside judgments, criticisms and clear your mind. Pre-conceived notions can stagnate the

    process. If you clear your mind, your Higher Self will show you the way to go.

    4. Create a plan of action.. How often will you engage? Spiritual development isn't too far from physical

    development. You gotta do SOMETHING every day. Incorporate your spiritual development personal

    growth with your daily schedule. I find it comical that some people actually think this is too much to ask

    and if you feel this way, let me run something by you: When you are in need of help from the Creator,

    whom you barely speak with, praise, or worship, just what exactly are you expecting in return and to

    what degree?

    What I have noticed is that some people who observe devotees and other vessels of light who are

    diligent, expect to have the same experience as such people. It simply does not work that way. Each

  • 8/8/2019 6 Things to Consider


    experience will be unique and according to who that person is and what their destiny is for this life time.

    So expect the unexpected or don't expect anything at all and be surprised.

    5. What does your routine consist of? What I have come to learn is that no matter what kind of path

    you choose, it is detrimental to include some form of praise, prayer, and worship. Now, if you choose to

    follow a philosophy, then ok, by all means you can do that. However, how you experience the Creator in

    your life will be very limited.

    6. Healing or what I like to call the "return to wholeness" must take place as a part of your spiritual

    development. This is where personal growth comes in because you now have to face those things which

    you have suppressed internally. The deepest pains and most traumatizing experiences are hidden all to

    well and surface as you are mentally and emotionally ready to address them.

    From time to time while working on clients I often hear them make comments where they believed they

    resolved certain issued. Resolution does NOT take place by talking something out, ignoring it, burning

    paper, praying it gets taken away, saying affirmations, chanting, or meditating. The latter enhances the

    amount of positive energy you take into your body by helping you to acknowledge the power of divinity

    within you.

    In order for you to resolve your personal issues, you will have to do what I call belief work which is when

    you work with the subconscious mind. Any emotional traumas that need to come out can take place

    during belief work or working with any of the higher forces such as angels, ascended masters, light

    beings, advanced beings, ancestors, or deities.

    Ignoring what has been resolved in taking in more light only empowers the issues that are within you.

    Eventually, it will surface as an imbalance be it through emotions, spirituality, or mentally. Ego,

    arrogance, anger, resentment, grudges, hate, etc. just do NOT carry high vibrational frequencies. Now, if

    you have decided that the purpose of your spiritual development is not to be reconnected to the Source

    and Center of All Creation or that you just want to experience things that cause a response from yourphysical senses, well then you probably are ok and can hold on to those lower emotions and

    characteristics. However, for the person who wants to ascend, they will only get so far while holding on

    to such things and will become an easy target for beings of the lesser forces.

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    At the beginning and end of the day, your actions will determine your experience, growth, development,

    and evolution. All that you need has already been supplied and if you're not sure where to look, just ask

    and you will be led directly to it. We are in an excellent position right now and there are no limits to

    what you can personally create and how you can affect the lives of those around you. Dare to be free

    and live outside of the self-constructed, limiting box around your life.


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