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7 things you should do to keep prices down!

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7 things you should do

t o keep prices down!

If prices soar, this war will last longer, and we could all go broke when it 's over. Uncle Sam is fighting hard t o keep prices down. But he can't do it alone. It's up to you to battle against any and every rising price! To help win the war and keep i t from being a hollow victory afterward— you must keep prices down. And here's how you can do i t :

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ONLY WHAT YOU NEED D o n ' t buy a thing unless you cannot get along -without it. Spending can ' t create more goods. I t makes t h e m scarce and prices go up. So make everything you own last longer. "Use i t up, wear it out , make it do , or do wi thout ."

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I f you d o pay more, you ' re par ty to a b lack marke t t ha t boosts prices. And if pr ices go up through t h e ceiling, your m o n e y will b e worth less. Buy rationed goods only with s tamps .

O - SUPPORT HIGHER TAXES I t ' s easier and cheaper to pay for the war as you go. And it 's bet ter to pay big taxes now—while you. have the extra money to do it. Every doDar put into taxes means a dollar less to hid for scarce goods and boost prices.

4 L PAY OFF OLD DEBTS Paid-off debts make you independent now . . . and make your position a whale of a lot safer against the day you may b e earning less. S o pay off every cent you owe—and avoid making new debts as you 'd avoid heiling Hitler!


O . DON'T ASK MORE MONEY i n wages, or i n prices for goods you have t o sell. T h a t puts prices up for the t i l ings all of "us buy . We ' re all in this war together — business men, farmers a n d workers. Increases come out of everybody 's pocket—including yours.

FUTURE Money in the savings bank will come in handy for emergencies. -And money in life insurance protects your family, protects you in old age. See that you're ready to meet any situation·.

BUY WAR BONDS and hold triem. Buy as m a n y as you can. Tlien cut corners t o b u y more. Bonds p u t money to "work fighting the war in­stead of let t ing it sraove u p prices- They mean safety for you tomorrow. And tbey'll help keep prices down today.


Tills advertisement, prepared by the War Advertising Council, Is contributed b y this magazine in cooperation with the Magazine Publishers of America.

V O L U M E 2 1 , N O . 19 O C T O B E R 1 0 , 1 9 4 3

Use it up . . . Wear it out. . .

Mcuze it do . . . Or do without.