NORTH TORRANCE TATTLER lly MKS. II.KNic AIJ.ISON MKtilo 4-'.M.'IO Unl.li <ay, according to her proud ils iiml nig brother Alii sister Linda. "Tattlf rau-lii',1 HI MKni.i' l-ii \Vn kninv every sorry to hoar thaty reporter, Mrs. Ilono Aliison. ha; undergone major surgery nt Tor rancc Memorial Hospital. Keep! * * * your chin up, Ijonc. and you' Mr- alul Mrs. Mike Itardln, will be back with us soon. : 17010 Crenshaw Blvd., have as thoir guests this weekend Mike's Mr. Kenuto BurUone of 1 IJIII-K, Pa. is visiting his brother- in-law ami slscr. Mr. and Mrs. Ix-o Kuhn.s, at 17021 Crenshaw Blvd. brotn(;r ' Harry, and his friend :Ray Robcrt ° Hanford, Calif. The "flu hug" has been visit- ing Mrs. Ruth Stopp, 17201 At- kinson Avo., the past week. No , .. fun, huh Ruth? L" rr-V Ooriiey, manner of (he , , ," ( Texaco station at 174th and On the .njured ,,st, -myjSSSSJnln^t , ^urie^ ^S^l^^^^'^^^^^^ a fall from the "monkey bars."] * * * Both wriats were broken. Lift* North Torrnn F'- can get difficult under such con- pj>A am] p,,, ' SehoolFTA dltlons. ^ ^ ^ ;worc ^ol , r(;p1. cscntcd at lno JwriSs.ffias-SsSllS ;^f/,^^i^ir,f/S I and presentation of pendants for thp hlRh ,|^ hts of lhc day. A the one-year girls. ^ panc, discussion hy four yhigh .. .. ,, , school student? and music by Mrs. Mary Km.klo and Mrs.; tnc Ta ,. tar choit. madc thj, Grace Haves are takim; the mPoti 1Ur pntortaininir as well as 1 ^C° ° Pt 3'""', Mre- "" (h % m'formativ" Lun heon to the 1 fhclr"' J Krot?' 0 aT loshT'"''^^ i assembR<d "'Pi'esentatlvcs was the troop. The Olsens have oman a u ' , . moved to Torranco gardens. i ,, rHi Harrv Van Bpllchem was . . .. , ' luncheon hostess Wednesday, Congratulations to Mr. and Ft . h r>7 to ,. ,. ., a r North Mrs. Clyde Bronson, 17-lth St...T0 rrance MomenTirv PTA mem who celebrated their.fourth w.ocl- ,«. . np,. nomp 20n w 162nd ry on hcbruary st Th( , pl.oup met to i ay pi ans v '""" Shorwoods for , hc PTA Carnlval| , ho hcld ding annl 20. Also thi on their 12th anniver; ruaiy 17. ry Fob- at the schoo^. in late April. Yukon''Ave',' The long-li-gecd bird paid visit to the Jaclt Muirs of / dath Avo. The little lady arrived' d^s^ith'-^eFdaughte^'Bob" February 17 and is called Bon.| blp/ . Bobhlp is a WAC attached I to a hospital unit, and at the 'end of her leave will report to Camp Stonoman, before sailing' for Japan. Best wishes, Bobble.' Mr. and Mrft. II. Nelson and son "Donnio" of Bishop, Calif., are visiting their daughters, Mrs. Helen Woods and Mrs. Audrey Richtcr, for a few weeks. Birthday*) held sway this week. Joseph Fletcher, 17523 Cerise Ave.. was honored by his wife Feb. 21.' Those attending the celebration included the Hoi- brooks, the Fannans, Mrs. Ade- line Cortez. and Joe's mother, Mrs. J. Fletcher. "Fake" was i the game, and quite a game, I too! Plain or Sugared 1 DOUGHNUTS 43c d«. (Rig. 53t doi.) 6 for 22c "Devil's Food Deluxe SQUARE.... .59c ea. (7Sc value) 30c hull UmdeKamps BAKERIES ' ElU 150G Cravens St. Torraiice The three-cornered jeans cro\v<> celebrated with little Gary Hoi- brook on his first birthday, Tuesday. February 10. Ten littlr boys and girls consumed quanti- ties of cake, ice cream and strawberry sodas. Ronnle Seber of Ardnth Ave. also joined the birthday parade Saturday. Feb. 23, when 10 youngsters gathered for cake and ice cream, marking Ronnle's seventh year. I^est you forget! The rei^ilar monthly meeting of the North Torrance Civic Improvement As- sociation will be held Wednes- day, March 5, in the usual spot. Let's all turn out and support our association. i The regular meeting of the Community Church Circle this month will be held at the home of Mrs. Ann Colllns, 17025 Cren- shaw Blvd. All women of thi community are welcome. SECRETS OF A HAPPY HOME Here, we make happy homes hy helping families pay for their homes through our convenient, budget-fitted home-financing plan; nnd add to family security hy encour- aging insured savings accounts for every member of the family. Lei help make your home happier ihrough our savings or home-financing plans. AMERICAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION x Established 1923 Here's a taste-tempting combination that's sure.! o be a hit! Easy to fix, even easier on the food budget. Tender, firm macaroni topped with a generous portion of nippy, brisk-flavored cheese. Really a taste treat, and right in sea- son, too. Your favorite cheeses are no farther away than the delightfully re- freshing dairy foods section at your nearest. Safeway. Check these low, low- prices and save at Safeway. March Issue FAMILY CIRCLE Magazine On sale EC J MACARONI Globe "Al" brand, elbo type. Makes a tasty, tempting main dish. CHEESE Mild Oregon Cheddar, just right for cooking with macaroni. Good for sandwiches, too. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Town House, natural or sweetened. (46-oz. can. 19c) SHORTENING ROYAL SATIN Mb. can. 29c 'FANCY TUNA Chicken of the Sea brand. Bite Size Solid Pack Green label«% ^r e Red label«% QC 6Vj-oz.can AO 7-oz.can M*M CHUNK TUNA Torpedo Breast 0' Chicken 23' '5?* 29 C 6.01. can Rockwood Candy p Nr.,,,7X 29c Tomato Juice d 3 13*r; 25c Kern Grape Jelly 2t37c Kern Preserves 't b;37c Grape, Apricot or Peach. Annla Rllffor Catallna 18-«i. 4 Q. Apple DUIier brand. |ar I't Raisin Bread b sS.k To'^Sc Sugar Belle Peas Sweet Potatoes I:: Spaghettini ^,1: Paper Napkins Offer «ndl March t ON YOUR FAVORITE PANCAKE MIX OR SYRUP BY BUYING IT WITH SUNNYBANK MARGARINE Golden cubes. <J ^J^ Foil wrapped. Ib. Mm Jf Pancake Mix tzr ^:3fc For waffles, too. (20-oz., 16c;3'/a-lb., 39c) . Table Syrup l5.25cSEttc Sleepy Hollow, cane & maple blend. For high quality eggs at low , prices, shop at Safeway. Oak Glen Brand GRADE A LARGE dozen Breakfast Gems GRADE A URGE dozen Cream 0' the Crop GRADE AA E LARGE dozen 9 Finest eggs you can buy. ' 7r; B 15c '»;eo;21c pkg 19 r brand. of 80 I At White, Yellow, Green, 80 count. Dinner Napkins ° 0 r pkg 19c Lucerne Milk ,:r21c Vitamin 0, Homogenized. Save 6.6% over home delivered price, (half gallon carton, 42c) Dairy Drink IS.. , 0qrl8c Dairy food prices effective in Lot Angeles milk marketing area only. For meat that is tops in quality, flavor and tender- ness, yet low in price, shop at the Safeway near you. FOR; COUPON SAVE rnon a pound of NOB HILL COFFEE FLEET MIX fiu,<Z:44c NOB HILL COFFEE !^79c Finest quality. (2-lb. bag1 , 1.57) &X popo/or demand . . . C n E E OF rKCE ROUND STEAK CHUCK ROAST Shoulder cuts from U. S. Gov't graded i ROILING REEF RIR - ARM _ A BLADE CUT Ib./3 ( CUT Ib. swirrniNG Swift's bland 3-ltt. shortening. (m 79' SAVE 10 C ON A 10-11. OH UROfft IAO Of KITCHEN GRAFT FLOUR Guaranteed To Work Wonder* W/»fi Any Recipe! Bring Ihli coupon to our ilor« and s«l lOc off Iht r^ulor ritall prln of a 10-lb. or larg.r bag of Kilch.n Craft flour. OfffK IXP/RfS MAR. 3O, Calhvalu. l/JOo( 1 C.nl Plate Meat U. S. CHOICE Standing cut. The finest roast in the beell Specially priced at Safeway. Beef Hearts ear »35c ^/^ Pork Sausage ;:,,"b » 49c Salmon Fillet T&. fc 49c & Ocean Perch Fillet ,b 39c Fricassee Fowl cy Xg" d ». 59c Manor Houie. Grade A. Pan ready. TOM TURKEYS 55' 98 69 29 85 FLOWER SEEDS Choice of S Varieties c VALUE EACH Attached to Every Can of New Improved RIK RAK CLEANSER 2 14-u. cans ' VI W 1 15 C large pkg. DREFT SUDS Olanlpkg. 41-01. «jr»le / J PB01HJCE lorlul, fresh Eviscerated, Grade A. Selection of Sizes. 57 C KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR 10-lb. 1 A-J 25-lb. bag l.UJ bag PIE CRUST MIX Pillsbury brand. 9-OZ. <f QC For flaky pie cruiti. pkg. | W 205 SO. PA-CIFIC AVE. CH, CALIF. TELEPHONE CHONTlrn 4 »').)! CABBAGE CEIERY CARROTS; AVOCADOS Fu«rl« voriety- In oil. larg« *'* PRICES EFFECTIVE IHROUOH SUN, MAR. 2,1952, AT SAFEWAY STORES IN 10$ ANGELES COUNTY. Right to limit r.itfv.d No laUl to dfoltrl. Sail) tan uddid ID ntoil prill on tonobl* II.ml

7r;B 15c ROUND STEAK CHUCK ROAST · a fall from the "monkey bars."] * * * Both wriats were broken. Lift* North Torrnn F'-can get difficult under such con- pj>A am] p,,, ' SehoolFTA

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Page 1: 7r;B 15c ROUND STEAK CHUCK ROAST · a fall from the "monkey bars."] * * * Both wriats were broken. Lift* North Torrnn F'-can get difficult under such con- pj>A am] p,,, ' SehoolFTA


MKtilo 4-'.M.'IO


<ay, according to her proud ils iiml nig brother Alii sister Linda.


rau-lii',1 HI MKni.i' l-ii

\Vn kninv every sorry to hoar thaty reporter, Mrs. Ilono Aliison. ha; undergone major surgery nt Torrancc Memorial Hospital. Keep! * * * your chin up, Ijonc. and you' Mr- alul Mrs. Mike Itardln, will be back with us soon. : 17010 Crenshaw Blvd., have as

thoir guests this weekend Mike's

Mr. Kenuto BurUone of 1IJIII-K, Pa. is visiting his brother- in-law ami slscr. Mr. and Mrs. Ix-o Kuhn.s, at 17021 Crenshaw Blvd.

brotn(;r' Harry, and his friend :Ray Robcrt ° Hanford, Calif.

The "flu hug" has been visit­ ing Mrs. Ruth Stopp, 17201 At- kinson Avo., the past week. No , .. fun, huh Ruth? L"rr-V Ooriiey, manner of (he

, , ," ( Texaco station at 174th and

On the .njured ,,st, -myjSSSSJnln^t , ̂ urie^^S^l^^^^'^^^^^^ a fall from the "monkey bars."] * * *Both wriats were broken. Lift* North Torrnn F'-can get difficult under such con- pj>A am] p,,, ' SehoolFTAdltlons. ^ ^ ^ ;worc ^ol , r(;p1 .cscntcd at lno

JwriSs.ffias-SsSllS ;^f/,^^i^ir,f/S Iand presentation of pendants for thp hlRh ,|^hts of lhc day. A the one-year girls. ^ panc, discussion hy four yhigh

.. .. ,, , • school student? and music byMrs. Mary Km.klo and Mrs.; tnc Ta ,.tar choit. madc thj,

Grace Haves are takim; the mPoti 1Ur pntortaininir as well as 1^C° ° Pt3'""', Mre- ""(h% m'formativ" Lun heon to the 1fhclr"' JKrot?'0aT loshT'"''^^ i assembR<d "'Pi'esentatlvcs was

the troop. The Olsens have oman a u ' , .moved to Torranco gardens. i ,,rHi Harrv Van Bpllchem was . . .. , ' luncheon hostess Wednesday, Congratulations to Mr. and Ft. h r> 7 to ,. ,. ., ar North

Mrs. Clyde Bronson, 17-lth St...T0rrance MomenTirv PTA mem who celebrated their.fourth w.ocl- ,«. . np,. nomp 20n w 162nd

ry on hcbruary st Th( , pl.oup met to iay pians v '""" Shorwoods for , hc PTA Carnlval| , ho hcld

ding annl20. Also thion their 12th anniver;ruaiy 17.

ry Fob- at the schoo^. in late April.

Yukon''Ave','The long-li-gecd bird paidvisit to the Jaclt Muirs of /dath Avo. The little lady arrived' d^s^ith'-^eFdaughte^'Bob" February 17 and is called Bon.| blp/ . Bobhlp is a WAC attached

I to a hospital unit, and at the 'end of her leave will report to Camp Stonoman, before sailing' for Japan. Best wishes, Bobble.'

Mr. and Mrft. II. Nelson andson "Donnio" of Bishop, Calif., are visiting their daughters, Mrs. Helen Woods and Mrs. Audrey Richtcr, for a few weeks.

Birthday*) held sway this week. Joseph Fletcher, 17523 Cerise Ave.. was honored by his wife Feb. 21.' Those attending the celebration included the Hoi- brooks, the Fannans, Mrs. Ade­ line Cortez. and Joe's mother, Mrs. J. Fletcher. "Fake" was

i the game, and quite a game,I too!

Plain or Sugared 1 DOUGHNUTS 43c d«.

(Rig. 53t doi.) 6 for 22c

"Devil's Food Deluxe SQUARE.... .59c ea.

(7Sc value) 30c hull


150G Cravens St. Torraiice

The three-cornered jeans cro\v<> celebrated with little Gary Hoi- brook on his first birthday, Tuesday. February 10. Ten littlr boys and girls consumed quanti­ ties of cake, ice cream and strawberry sodas.

Ronnle Seber of Ardnth Ave. also joined the birthday parade Saturday. Feb. 23, when 10 youngsters gathered for cake and ice cream, marking Ronnle's seventh year.

I^est you forget! The rei^ilarmonthly meeting of the North Torrance Civic Improvement As­ sociation will be held Wednes­ day, March 5, in the usual spot. Let's all turn out and support our association. i

The regular meeting of theCommunity Church Circle this month will be held at the home of Mrs. Ann Colllns, 17025 Cren­ shaw Blvd. All women of thi community are welcome.

SECRETS OF A HAPPY HOMEHere, we make happy homes hy helping families pay for their homes through our convenient, budget-fitted home-financing plan; nnd add to family security hy encour­ aging insured savings accounts for every member of the family. Lei u» help make your home happier ihrough our savings or home-financing plans.


Established 1923

Here's a taste-tempting combination that's sure.! o be a hit! Easy to fix, even easier on the food budget. Tender, firm macaroni topped with a generous portion of nippy, brisk-flavored cheese. Really a taste treat, and right in sea­ son, too. Your favorite cheeses are no farther away than the delightfully re­ freshing dairy foods section at your nearest. Safeway. Check these low, low- prices and save at Safeway.

March Issue


Magazine On sale EC


MACARONIGlobe "Al" brand, elbo type. Makes a tasty, tempting main dish.

CHEESEMild Oregon Cheddar, just right for cooking with macaroni. Good for sandwiches, too.

GRAPEFRUIT JUICETown House, natural or sweetened. (46-oz. can. 19c)


'FANCY TUNAChicken of the Sea brand.

Bite Size Solid Pack Green label«% ^r e Red label«% QC6Vj-oz.can AO 7-oz.can M*M

CHUNK TUNATorpedo Breast 0' Chicken23' '5?* 29C6.01.


Rockwood Candy pNr.,,,7X 29c Tomato Juice !±d 3 13*r; 25c Kern Grape Jelly 2t37c Kern Preserves 'tb;37c

Grape, Apricot or Peach.Annla Rllffor Catallna 18-«i. 4 Q. Apple DUIier brand. |ar I't

Raisin Bread bsS.k To'^Sc Sugar Belle Peas Sweet Potatoes I:: Spaghettini ^,1: Paper Napkins

Offer «ndl March t


SUNNYBANK MARGARINEGolden cubes. <J ^J^ Foil wrapped. Ib. Mm Jf

Pancake Mix tzr ^:3fcFor waffles, too.(20-oz., 16c;3'/a-lb., 39c) .

Table Syrup l5.25cSEttcSleepy Hollow, cane & maple blend.

For high quality eggs at low , prices, shop at Safeway.

Oak Glen BrandGRADE A LARGE dozen

Breakfast GemsGRADE A URGE dozen

Cream 0' the CropGRADE AA E LARGE dozen 9

Finest eggs you can buy.

' 7r;B 15c'»;eo;21c

pkg 19 rbrand. of 80 I At

White, Yellow, Green, 80 count.

Dinner Napkins °0r pkg 19c Lucerne Milk ,:r21c

Vitamin 0, Homogenized. Save 6.6% over home delivered price, (half gallon carton, 42c)

Dairy Drink IS.. ,0qrl8cDairy food prices effective in Lot Angeles milk marketing area only.

For meat that is tops in quality, flavor and tender­ ness, yet low in price, shop at the Safeway near you.


SAVErnon a pound of



Finest quality. (2-lb. bag1, 1.57)

&X popo/or demand . . .



Shoulder cuts from U. S. Gov't graded i



swirrniNGSwift's bland 3-ltt. shortening. (m


SAVE 10CON A 10-11. OH UROfft IAO Of


Guaranteed To Work Wonder* W/»fi Any Recipe!

Bring Ihli coupon to our ilor« and s«l lOc off Iht r^ulor ritall prln of a 10-lb. or larg.r bag of Kilch.n Craft flour.OfffK IXP/RfS MAR. 3O,

Calhvalu. l/JOo( 1 C.nl

Plate Meat U. S. CHOICE

Standing cut.

The finest roast in the beell Specially priced at Safeway.

Beef Hearts ear »35c ^/^Pork Sausage ;:,,"b » 49cSalmon Fillet T&. fc 49c &Ocean Perch Fillet ,b 39cFricassee Fowl cyXg"d ». 59c

Manor Houie. Grade A. Pan ready.



FLOWER SEEDSChoice of S Varieties


Attached to Every Can of New Improved


2 14-u. cans

' VI W 1


C large pkg.DREFT SUDS

Olanlpkg. 41-01.

«jr»le/ J

PB01HJCElorlul, fresh

Eviscerated, Grade A. Selection of Sizes.

57CKITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR10-lb. 1 A-J 25-lb. bag l.UJ bag

PIE CRUST MIXPillsbury brand. 9-OZ. <f QC For flaky pie cruiti. pkg. | W



In oil. larg« *'*

PRICES EFFECTIVE IHROUOH SUN, MAR. 2,1952, AT SAFEWAY STORES IN 10$ ANGELES COUNTY.Right to limit r.itfv.d No laUl to dfoltrl. Sail) tan uddid ID ntoil prill on tonobl* II.ml