8 Ways to Improve Your Managerial Skills

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  • 8/6/2019 8 Ways to Improve Your Managerial Skills


    Q no: 2 Describe the managerial skills you need to be an effective manager and suggest how

    can you achieve these skills.

    8ways to improve your managerial skills

    Each year, thousandsofpeople make the switchfrom staffengineerorscientist to managerand,

    although many ofus lookforward to the change,we findit frustratingonce we get there. When

    we were engineers,we were rewardedforourtechnical skillsand laborsindirect proportion to

    what we accomplished.

    But now,asa manager,oursuccessis measurednot by ourownoutput hut by the output and

    productivity ofthe people we supervise. And that sense ofnot beingindirect control canbe a


    Fortunately,workingwithothersandgetting them togive you theirbest canbe just asrewardingas technical accomplishments . . . once youget the hangofit. Here are eight tips that will help

    you to manage and toguide yourpeople more effectively.

    The Human TouchThe most valuable qualities youcandevelop within yourselfare patience,kindness,and

    considerationforotherpeople. Although machinesandchemicalsdon't care whetheryouscream

    andcurse at them, people do.

    Yoursubordinatesare not just engineers,scientists,administrators,clerks,and programmers

    they're people,first andforemost. People withfamiliesandfriends, likesanddislikes. Peoplewithfeelings. Respect them as people and you'll get theirrespect and loyalty inreturn. But treat

    them coldly andimpersonally and they will lose motivation to perform foryou.

    Corny asit sounds, the Golden Rule "Dountoothersas youwouldhave othersdounto you''is

    asound, proven management principle. The next time you're about todiscipline aworkeror

    voice yourdispleasure,asked yourself, "Would I like tobe spoken to the way I'm thinkingof

    speaking tohim orher?'' Give yourpeople the same kindnessandconsideration that youwould

    want toreceive ifyouwere in theirplace.

    Dont Be Overly CriticalAsa manager,it's part ofyour job tokeep yourpeople on the right track. And that involves

    pointingout errorsand telling them where they've gone wrong.

    But some managersare overly critical. They're not happy unless they are criticizing. They rarely

    accomplish muchortake onanythingnew themselves,but they are only toohappy to tell others

    where they went wrong,why they're doingit incorrectly,andwhy they coulddo the jobbetter.

  • 8/6/2019 8 Ways to Improve Your Managerial Skills


    Don't be this type ofperson. Chancesare, youhave more knowledge and experience in yourfield

    thanagood many ofthe people yousupervise. But that'swhy the company made you the boss!

    Yourjobis toguide and teach these people not to yell ornit-pickorshow them howdumb they

    are compared to you.

    Mary Kay Ash,founderanddirectorofMary Kay Cosmetics,says that successful managersencourage theirpeople insteadofcriticizing them. Forget theirmistakes," she advises, "andzero

    inonone small thing they doright. Praise them and they'll do more thingsright anddiscover

    talentsandabilities they neverrealized they had."

    Let Them FailOfcourse, tofollow throughon Mary Kay'sadvice, you've got to let yourpeople make some


    Does thisshockyou? I'm not surprised. Most workers expect tobe punishedforevery mistake.

    Most managers thinkit'sa "blackeye" on theirrecordwhenan employee goofs.

    But successful managersknow that the best way fortheirpeople to learnandgrowis through

    experience and that means takingchancesand making errors.

    Give yourpeople the chance to try newskillsortaskswithout asupervisorlookingovertheir

    shouldersbut only onsmaller, lesscrucial projects. That way, mistakeswon't hurt the company

    andcan quickly and easily be corrected. On majorprojects,where performance iscritical, you'll

    want togive as muchsupervisionasisneeded to ensure successful completionofthe task.

    Be AvailableHave you everbeen enthusiasticabout a project,only tofind yourselfstuck,unable tocontinue,

    while youwaitedforsomeone higherup tocheckyourworkbefore giving the goaheadforthe

    next phase?

    Few thingsdampen employee motivation more than management inattention. Asa manager,

    youhave a million things toworry about besides the report sittingin yourmailbox,waitingfor

    yourapproval. But to the personwhowrote that report, eachday'sdelay causesfrustration,


    So,although you've got a lot todo,give yourfirst attention toapproving,reviewing,andokaying projectsin progress. Ifemployeesstop by toaska questionordiscussa project,invite

    them tosit downforafew minutes. Ifyou're pressedfortime,set up anappointment forlater

    that day,andkeep it. Thiswill let yourpeople know youare genuinely interestedin them. And

    that'ssomething they'll really appreciate.

  • 8/6/2019 8 Ways to Improve Your Managerial Skills


    Improve the WorkplacePeople are most productive when they have the right toolsandworkin pleasant,comfortable

    surroundings. According toastudyby the BuffaloOrganization,acomfortable office

    environment createsan extra $1600 ofproductivity annually forprofessionalsand managers.

    Having the right equipment is equally important. One ofmy clientsrecently hiredafull-time

    technical writerat asalary of$25,000,but wasreluctant toinvest $2500 inaword processorfor

    him touse. I explained that,in my experience,word processorscan easily double the

    productivity ofawriter. Therefore,ifthe writerwas expected to produce $25,000 worthofwork

    witha typewriter,he could produce $50,000 withaword processoran extra $25,000 a yearin

    productivity fora $2500 investment! The client bought the computer. Both the company and the

    writerwere delightedwith the results.

    Be aware that you may not be the best judge ofwhat youremployeesneed todo theirjobs

    effectively. Evenifyou've done the job yourself,someone else may workbest withadifferentset oftools,orinadifferent setup because each personisdifferent. Ifyourpeople complain

    about workconditions, listen. These complaintsare usually not made forselfgain,but stem from

    eachworker'sdesire todo the best job possible. Andby providing the right equipment orwork

    space, youcanachieve enormousincreasesinoutput . . . openwitha minimal investment.

    A Personal Interest in PeopleWhenis the last time youasked yoursecretary howhersonwasdoingin Little League orhow

    she enjoyedhervacation?

    Goodsalespeople know that relating to the customerona person-to-person level is the fastestway towinfriendsandsales. Yet many technical managersremainaloofandavoidconversation

    that doesnot relate directly tobusiness. Why? Perhapsit'sbecause engineersare more

    comfortable with equationsandinanimate objects thanwith people,andfeel uncomfortable in

    social situations.

    But just asasalespersonwants toget toknowhiscustomer, youcanbenefit by showinga little

    personal interest in yourpeople theirproblems,family life,health,andhobbies. Thisdoesn't

    have tobe insincere oroverdone just the type ofroutine conversation that shouldnaturally pass

    between people whoworkclosely. Ifyou've beenignoring youremployees,get into the habit of

    takingafew minutes every week(orevery day) tosay "hello" andchat fora minute ortwo Ifanemployee hasa personal problem affectinghis moodorperformance, try tofindout what it is

    andhow you might help. Sendacardorsmall gift onimportant occasionsandholidays,suchasa

    10thanniversary with the firm orabirthday. Often,it is the little thingswe doforpeople (such

    as lettingworkerswith longcommutes leave early onasnowy day,orspringingfordinnerwhen

    overtime isrequired) that determine theirloyally to you.

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    Be Open to IdeasYou may thinkthe signofagood manageris tohave adepartment where everybody isbusy at

    workon theirassigned tasks. But ifyourpeople are merely "doing theirjobs," they're only

    workingat about halftheirpotential. A truly productive department isone inwhich every

    employee isactively thinkingofbetter, more efficient methodsofworkingwaysinwhich toproduce ahigherquality product. in less time,at lowercost.

    Toget thiskindofinnovationfrom yourpeople, youhave tobe receptive tonewideas;what's

    more, youhave to encourage yourpeople to produce newideas. Incentivesare one way youcan

    offeracashbonus, time off,agift. But a more potent form ofmotivationissimply the

    employee'sknowing that management does listenanddoes put employee suggestionsandideas

    towork. Quality Circles,usedby Westinghouse andothermajorfirms,are one way ofputting

    thisintoaction..The oldstandby, the suggestionbox isanothertime tested method.

    Andwhen you listen tonewideas,be open minded. Don't shoot downasuggestionbefore you'veheardit infull. Many ofusare too quick, too eager, toshowoffourown experience and

    knowledge andsay that somethingwon't workbecause we've triedit before orwe don't doit

    that way. Well, maybe youdid try it before,but that doesn't meanit won't worknow. And

    havingdone thingsacertainway in the past doesn't mean you've necessarily beendoing them the

    best way. A good managerisopen-mindedandreceptive tonewideas.

    Give Your People a Place to GoIfaworkerdoesn't have a place togoa position toaspire to,a promotion toworktoward thenhis

    jobisadead end. Anddead-endworkersare usuallybored,unhappy,andunproductive.

    Organize yourdepartment so that everyone hasopportunity foradvancement,so that there isa

    logical progressionup the ladderin termsoftitle,responsibility,status,and pay. Ifthisisn't

    possiblebecause yourdepartment is toosmall, perhaps that progression must inevitably lead to

    jobsoutside the department. Ifso,don't hold people back;instead, encourage them toaim for

    these goalsso that they will put forth theirbest effortsduringall the years they are with you?

    A manager's jobisvariedandcomplex. Managersneedcertainskills to perform the dutiesand

    activitiesassociatedwithbeinga manager. What type ofskillsdoesa managerneed? Research

    by Robert L. Katzfound that managersneeded three essential skills. These are technical skills,

    humanskillsandconceptual skills. Technical skillsinclude knowledge ofand proficiency ina

    certainspecializedfield,suchas engineering,computers,financial and managerial accounting,or

    manufacturing. These skillsare more important at lower levelsofmanagement since these

    managersare dealingdirectly with employeesdoing the organization'swork. Humanskills

    involve the ability toworkwell withotherpeople bothindividually andinagroup. Because

    managersdeal directly with people, thisskill iscrucial! Managerswithgoodhumanskillsare

    able toget the best out oftheirpeople. They knowhow tocommunicate, motivate, lead,and

    inspire enthusiasm and trust. These skillsare equally important at all levelsofmanagement.

  • 8/6/2019 8 Ways to Improve Your Managerial Skills


    Finally conceptual skillsare the skills managers must have to thinkandconceptualize about

    abstract andcomplex situations. Using these skills managers must be able tosee the organization

    asawhole,understand the relationship amongvarioussubunits,andvisualize how the

    organizationfitsintoitsbroaderenvironment. These skillsare most important at top level

    management. A professional associationofpracticing managers, the American Management

    Association,hasidentifiedimportant skillsformanagers that encompassconceptual,

    communication, effectiveness,andinterpersonal aspects. These are briefly describedbelow:

    Conceptual SkillsAbility touse information tosolve business problems,identificationofopportunitiesfor

    innovation,recognizing problem areasandimplementingsolutions,selectingcritical information

    from massesofdata,understanding the businessusesoftechnology,understanding the

    organization'sbusiness model.

    Communication Skills

    Ability to transform ideasintowordsandactions,credibility amongcolleagues, peers,and

    subordinates, listeningandasking questions, presentationskillsandspokenformat, presentation


    Effectiveness SkillsContributing tocorporate mission/departmental objectives,customerfocus, multitasking;

    workingat multiple tasksat parallel,negotiatingskills, project management,reviewing

    operationsandimplementingimprovements,settingand maintaining performance standards

    internally and externally,setting prioritiesforattentionandactivity, time management.

    Interpersonal SkillsCoachingand mentoringskills,diversity skills;workingwithdiverse people andculture,

    networkingwithin the organization,networkingoutside the organization,workingin teams;


    In today'sdemandinganddynamicworkplace, employeeswhoare invaluable toanorganization

    must be willing toconstantly upgrade theirskillsand take on extraworkoutside theirown

    specific jobareas. There isnodoubt that skillswill continue tobe animportant way of

    describingwhat a managerdoes.