2192 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. MAG-21, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 1985 A NEW FORMULATION OF THE MAGNETIC VECTOR POTENTIAL METHOD FOR THREE DIMENSIONAL MAGNETOSTATIC FIELD PROBLEMS Toshiya Morisue Abstract - A novel formulation of the magnetic vector potential method for three dimensional magnetostatic field calculations is derived. Rigorously defining the interface and boundary conditions of the gauge of the veczor potential, the new methodgivesaunique solution to the problem. The new field equation does not con- tain the gauge condition against the usual formula- tions[l] , [2], [3], and takes the form of thediffusion equation. Computed results are favorably compared with the analytic soluzion of a t e s t problem. This formula- tion is directly applicable to three dimensional eddy cux-en-c problems. INTRODUCTION To formulate the three dimensional magnetostatic field problem using the magnetic vector potential as a boundary value problem, the gauge of the vector poten- tial and the interface and boundary conditions of the gauge sho.dd first of all be defined clearly. Without them the boundarg- value problem could not be solved uniquely. This paper presents a new method for calculating the three dimensional magnetostatic field problem, rigorously defining zhe interface and boundary condi- tions of the gauge of the vector potential. The new field equasior, does not contain the gaugecondition against the us;lal formulations [l] , [2], [3], and takes the form of the diffusion equation. The gaugecondition appears in the interface and bomdary conditions. The method gives a uniquesolution to the problem. corresponding to the equation does not include the Lagrange multiolier. Therefore, the finite element formulation based on t h i s me-chod may be more effective than the usual ones. analy-cic solution of a test problem. dimensional eddy currentproblems. THE A FORMULATION By Trirtue of the new formulation, the weak form CompEted results are favorably compared with the Thisformulation i s d i r e c t l y a p p l i c a b l e t o three The problemspace X is an unbounded region. R contains several regions. Source current regions and material regions are bomded, respectively. Maxwell's Equations curl X = , div = 0 Constit-tive Relation - 3 = k(B) 2 The reluctivity k is a monotonically increasing posizive-valued sca1a.r function of the magnitude of g. in other words, 3-H curve is convex as shown in Fig.1. B I The author is withFacultyofEngineering, Uni- versity of Tokushima, Minami-josanjima 2-1, Tokushima, 770, Japan Uniqueness of Field Intensity from (I) there exists a scalar function f such that grad f = zl - 22, and is continuous over R. (grad f may bediscontinuousatinterfaces.) The constitutive rela- tion gives that (51 - g2).(21 - g2) 0, since - B1.22) = kl.(B;! -21I2 + (k2 - k1).($22 - g2.Bl). %et C be a loop representing some flux line of El - 22. Tnen, Suppose we have two solutions, gl and g2. Then, (gl - g2).(gl - 22) = k2.(Zl - B;?)2 + (kl - k2).(B12 - This is a contradiction and therefore the value of g is unique. Magnetic Vector Potential tor potential such that: Since is solenoidal over R, there exists a vec- - S = curl & (3) From (1) and (31, curl (k curl 4) - 2 = 0 (4) where k = k(lcur1 AI). Gauge Condition introducethe Coulomb gauge: To e n s u r e uniqueness of the vector potential, we div A = 0 (5) Boundary Condition of the Vector Potential following manner: The vector potential vanishes at infinity in the where = (x,y,z), since the source current and materi- al regions are bounded, and tne vector potential due t o a loop current I is expressed as follows: where S is a surface s-oanndd by the loop current, and - n'is a unit vector normal to the surface element ds'. Material Interface Conditions The continuity of the normal component of flux density and tangential component of field intensity form the material interface conditions, and are ex- pressed in terms of the vector potential as follows: where g is a unit vector normal to the interface. Gauge InterfaceConditions terface is expressed as follows: The continuity of the gauge(div A) across the in- - n.Al = g.&2 (9) - n.grad(g.&l) = n.grad(q.fi2) i IC) together with (7). Uniquenessof the Vector Potential yields a uniquesolutionover X. Proof.Let &a and Ab be two solutions to the system. From the constitutive reiation and the uniqueness Of the field intensity follows that cur2 na = curl go. Then, there exists a scalar function g such that gradg = Aa - &b. Using (5) gives that div grad g = 0. By vir- tu; of the gauge interface conditions, this Laplace's equationholdsover R (even on the interface). From t h i s fact and (6), g vanishes over R. Therefore, &a = Ab. The system of the equations (4) through (10) - 0018-9464/85/1100-2192801.00O1985 IEEE

A new formulation of the magnetic vector potential method for three dimensional magnetostatic field problems

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Page 1: A new formulation of the magnetic vector potential method for three dimensional magnetostatic field problems



Toshiya Morisue

Abstract - A novel formulation of the magnetic vector p o t e n t i a l method for three dimensional magnetostatic f i e l d c a l c u l a t i o n s i s derived. Rigorously defining the interface and boundary condi t ions of the gauge o f t he veczor po ten t ia l , the new methodgivesaunique solution t o t h e problem. The new f i e ld equa t ion does not con- t a i n t h e gauge condition against the usual formula- t i o n s [ l ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , and t akes t he form of t h e d i f f u s i o n equation. Computed resu l t s a re favorably compared with the analytic soluzion of a t e s t problem. This formula- t i o n i s d i r e c t l y a p p l i c a b l e t o t h r e e d i m e n s i o n a l eddy cux-en-c problems.


To formulate the three dimensional magnetostatic f i e l d problem us ing t he magnetic vector potential as a boundary value problem, the gauge of the vector poten- t i a l and t h e i n t e r f a c e and boundary conditions of t h e gauge sho.dd f i r s t of a l l be def ined c lear ly . Without them t h e boundarg- value problem could not be solved uniquely.

This paper presents a new method fo r ca l cu la t ing the three dimensional magnetostatic f ield problem, rigorously defining zhe interface and boundary condi- t i o n s of t h e gauge of the vec tor po ten t ia l . The new field equasior, does not contain the gauge condition against the us;lal formulations [l] , [2], [ 3 ] , and takes t h e form of the diffusion equat ion. The gaugecondition appears in the interface and bomdary condi t ions. The method gives a unique solution t o t h e problem.

corresponding to the equat ion does not include the Lagrange mul t io l i e r . The re fo re , t he f i n i t e element formulation based on t h i s me-chod may be more e f f e c t i v e than the usual ones.

analy-cic solution of a t e s t problem.

dimensional eddy current problems.


By Trirtue of t h e new formulation, the weak form

CompEted resu l t s a re favorably compared wi th t he

This formulation i s d i r e c t l y a p p l i c a b l e t o t h r e e

The problem space X i s an unbounded region. R contains several regions. Source current regions and mater ia l regions are bomded, respect ively.

Maxwell's Equations

c u r l X = , div = 0

Const i t - t ive Relat ion

- 3 = k(B) 2 The r e l u c t i v i t y k i s a monotonically increasing

posizive-valued sca1a.r function of the magnitude of g. i n o the r words, 3 - H curve i s convex as shown in F ig .1 .


The author i s with Faculty of Engineering, Uni- v e r s i t y of Tokushima, Minami-josanjima 2-1, Tokushima, 770, Japan

Uniqueness of Field Intensity

from (I) t h e r e e x i s t s a sca la r func t ion f such that grad f = zl - 22, and i s continuous over R . (grad f may be discont inuous a t in terfaces . ) The cons t i t u t ive r e l a - t i on g ives t ha t (51 - g 2 ) . ( 2 1 - g 2 ) 0, since

- B1.22) = kl.(B;! -21I2 + (k2 - k1).($22 - g2.Bl ) . %et C be a loop represent ing some f l u x l i n e of El - 22. Tnen,

Suppose we have two so lu t ions , gl and g2. Then,

(gl - g 2 ) . ( g l - 2 2 ) = k2. (Zl - B ; ? ) 2 + ( k l - k2) . (B12 -

This i s a contradict ion and therefore the value of g i s unique.

Magnetic Vector P o t e n t i a l

t o r p o t e n t i a l such t h a t : Since i s solenoidal over R , t h e r e e x i s t s a vec-

- S = c u r l & ( 3 ) From (1) and (31,

c u r l ( k c u r l 4) - 2 = 0 (4) where k = k ( l c u r 1 A I ) . Gauge Condition

introduce the Coulomb gauge: To ensure uniqueness of the vector potential , we

d iv A = 0 ( 5 ) Boundary Condition of the Vector Potential

following manner: The vec to r po ten t i a l van i shes a t i n f in i ty i n t he

where = (x ,y,z) , s ince the source current and mater i - a l regions are bounded, and tne vec to r po ten t i a l due t o a loop current I i s expressed as follows:

where S i s a surface s-oanndd by the loop current , and - n ' i s a uni t vec tor normal t o t h e s u r f a c e element d s ' .

Mater ia l Interface Condi t ions The cont inui ty of the normal component of f lux

density and tangential component of f i e l d i n t e n s i t y form the mater ia l in terface condi t ions, and are ex- pressed in terms of the vec tor po ten t ia l as fo l lows:

where g i s a uni t vector normal t o t h e i n t e r f a c e .

Gauge Interface Conditions

t e r f a c e i s expressed as follows: The continuity of the gauge(div A) across the in-

- n.Al = g.&2 (9) - n.grad(g.&l) = n.grad(q.fi2) i I C )

together with (7). Uniqueness of the Vector Potent ia l

y i e l d s a unique solution over X . Proof. Let &a and Ab be two so lu t ions t o the system. From t h e c o n s t i t u t i v e r e i a t i o n and the uniqueness Of t h e f i e l d i n t e n s i t y f o l l o w s t h a t c u r 2 n a = c u r l g o . Then, t h e r e e x i s t s a sca la r func t ion g such that gradg = Aa - &b. Using (5) gives that d iv grad g = 0 . By v i r - tu; of t h e gauge in te r face condi t ions , th i s Laplace ' s equation holds over R (even on t h e i n t e r f a c e ) . From t h i s f a c t and ( 6 ) , g vanishes over R. Therefore, &a = Ab.

The system of the equat ions (4) through (10)


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Page 2: A new formulation of the magnetic vector potential method for three dimensional magnetostatic field problems



The Diffusion Equation

the following diffusion equation: Using t h e Coulomb gauge ( 5 ) , (4) can be writ ten as

( d i v k grad)A - ( (grad k) .grad)A

- ( g r a d k ) x c u r l + 2 = 0 (11)

The r e l u c t i v i t y k can be considered as the "thermal conductivity", and the term: -1 (grad k) .grad)A - (g rad k ) x c u r l & + 5 as the " internal heat source".

The Interface Conditions

wr i t ten as follows: The interface condi t ions ( 7 ) through (10) can be

- A 1 = 42 (12)

k l (g.grad)& = k2 (g.grad)A;?

+ ( k l - k2) grad(g.h2) (13)

( see Appendix 1. ) The term: (kl - k2) grad(c.,2) can be considered as the "surface heat source".

The Boundary Condition The boundary condition i s t h e same a s ( 6 ) :

- A(L) - O(l/r2) (14) The diffusion system (11) through (14) forms a

"well-posed" problem, t h a t i s , additional information i s not necessary t o solve the problem.

By t h i s f a c t and the preceeding discussion, the diffusion system has a unique solution. Furthermore, t h i s s o l u t i o n a u t o m a t i c a l l y s a t i s f i e s t h e Coulomb gage.

The f low diagram for the calculat ion of the mag- ne t i c vec to r po ten t i a l & i s shown in F ig .2 for a case of two media.

4 (n.grad),l I 1

( d i v k l g r a d ) @ - ( ( g r a d k l ) . grad)&l

- ( g r a d k l ) x c u r l &l + 21 = 0

3 A 1 - 1 '

A2 = 41 - c.

( d i v k2 grad),2 - ( (grad k2) .grad)A2

- (grad k2) x c u r l A2 + 52 = 0


1 ( n . grad)A2

k l ( g . g r a d ) & l = k2 (n.grad)&2 - + ( k l - k 2 ) g r a d ( 2 . g )

Fig.2 Flow-diagram fo r ca l cu la t ing

The Weak Form The weak form of the diffusion system i s obtained

using the usual Galerkin method. For s impl ic i ty , we assume t h a t R = R1 U R2, where R1 i s t h e bounded i ron region and R 2 i s t h e unbounded a i r region surrounding R1. Since t he r e luc t iv i ty i s constant over R2, t h e boundary integral formulat ion i s p r e f e r a b l e f o r t h e region R2. The weak form i s as follows:

where El and W:, are weighting (vector) functions and S i s t h e i n t e r f a c e between X 1 and R2. Repeated indices imply summation. In (15 ) and' (16) , & and 9 a r e unknown var iab les . For fu r the r de t a i l s s ee Appendix 2.

It seems reasonable t o choose the weighting func- t i ons such t ha t :

over the in te r face .


The new formulation was a p p l i e d t o a t e s t prob- lem, an inf in i te l ength square i ron-bar wi th a con- s tan t permeabi l i ty exc i ted by an in f in i t e l eng th so l e - noid, which has an analytical solution against which the numerical resul ts could be compared.

The problem geometry i s shown i n Fig. 3.


Y current Solenoid

/ -

- 7 x

A i r

Fig.3 The problem geometry

For t h i s problem, the vec to r po ten t i a l had two

- A(x,y,z) = (Ax(x,y), A ( x , y ) , 0 )

components :

Y (18) Since the permeabili ty of i r o n was cons tan t , the boundary i n t e g r a l method was used for bo th t he i ron . and air regions.

wr i t ten as fol lows: The two dimensional boundary integral equation i s

where 1 = t h e i r o n , 2 = t h e a i r , and S = t he i n t e r f ace . Note t h a t t h e boundary integral vanishes at i n f i n i t y , s ince - O(l/r) for t h e two dimensional f ield and the o rde r of t h e boundary i n t e g r a l i s e i t h e r l/r or ( l o g r ) / r .

Four boundary in t eg ra l equa t ions : ( lg ) and fo,ur

Page 3: A new formulation of the magnetic vector potential method for three dimensional magnetostatic field problems


i n t e r f ace cond i t ions : (12 ) , (13) uniquely determine the boundary values of Alx, Aly, ---, ( n . grad)A2y.

ing method. The boundary elements used were zero-order and variable-length. The d i v i s i o n o f t h e i n t e r f a c e i s shown in Fig.4.

Discre t iza t ion was ca r r i ed ou t by the po in t match-


I L node

H element

I 32 x 4 = 128 nodes I 0 15 .x


Fig.4 Division of t h e i n t e r f a c e

Short elements were used where the vector poten- t i a l changed grea t ly . Rounding the sharp edges of the i r o n was necessary for the normal vector to be cont inu- ous on the in te r face and for ob ta in ing good r e s u l t s using the reasonable number of the elements.

t i a l i s shown in Fig.5. (For t h i s problem, Ay(x,y) = -Ax(y,x), and there was a four fo ld symmetry in Ax(x ,y ) )

The computed resu l t o f the magnet ic f lux dens i ty i s shown in Fig.6. (There was a e ight fo ld symmetry i n Bz(x,y).)

The computed r e s u l t of t h e magnetic vector poten-

The re la t ionship between the computat ion error and the permeabi l i ty i s shown in Fig.7.

It turns out from the computed r e s u l t s t h a t t h e computation error remains within 1% f o r t h e r e l a t i v e permeability of 1 through 1000.

t h a t t h e new formulation i s accurate and valid. From t h e above r e s u l t s we come to t he conc lus ion


This formulation of the three dimensional magneto- s t a t i c f i e l d problem appears t o be promising. The major advantages are :

- The f i e ld eqda t ion i s a well-posed diffusion equation. It au tomat ica l ly sa t i s f ies the Coulomb gauge so t h a t t h e Lagrange m u l t i p l i e r i s not n e c e s s a r y i n t h e f i n i t e element computation.

- The method i s d i r e c t l y a p p l i c a b l e t o t h e t h r e e dimensional eddy current problem.





1 2 3 x o r y ,

4 5

Fig.5 The computed r e s u l t of the vector p o t e n t i a l ( AX )

- - - - - - - - py = 200 - ~ -.-

0.984 - ____ ~ ~ ....... . . . . . . ..~. ~. . .

- ~. I 1

0 ~ . I.-.. 2 3 4 5 Distance from the mid-point of the interface

Fig.6 The computed r e s u l t of the f lux dens i ty a long t he a i r - s ide i n t e r f ace

Page 4: A new formulation of the magnetic vector potential method for three dimensional magnetostatic field problems


Appendix 2

stant in each finite element, them grad k = 0 and the weak form is expressed as follows:

If the magnetic flux density is assumed to be con-

0 . - . 200 400 600 800 .. _ _ 1000 Relative permeability

Fig.7 Relationship between the computation error of the flux density and the relative per- meability


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Appendix 1 - Al'= A2 follows from that 2 x A1 = g x A2 and

_ _ n.Al = ;.E. Let (n, u, v) be the local Descartes coordinates

on the interface such that n-direction coincides with the direction of the unit vector normal to the inter- face. (8) can be written as follows:

kl ( (2. grad) (2.g) - (2. grad) (2.g) )

= k2 ( (e. grad) (g.A2) - (2. grad) (;.E) ) , kl ( (,%.grad) (v.Al) - (v.grad) (g.41) )

, = k2 ((~.grad)(v.&2) - (v.grad)(g.A2)) (A-1) From (A-11, (101, and (12) is obtained that: kl (g.grad)Al = k2 (2. grad)&2

+ (kl - k2) grad(2.g)

k grad W .grad A dv P - SUM is.$.(ki - k )grad(n. A) asij


(id) IJ j -1 j .-

where S. is the common interface between i-element I J and j-element, and n is the normal surface vector

which is taken to point into j-element. Repeated indi- ces: p imply summation.

-i j