A NOTE ON SL(-) CLASSICAL YANG-HILLS THEORIES E .G . Floratos s Theoretical Physics Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland In an interesting work, Hoppe has studied the canonical quantization of a relativistic spherical membrane of Dirac type , in the light cone gauge . He was able to show that this theory is exactly the same as the quantum mechanics of space constant SU(N) Yang-Hills potentials 4 in the limit N+ - . The basic ingredients of his proof are first, that the SU(N) Lie algebra, when N + -, can be shown to be isomorphic to the infinite dimensional Lie algebra of area preserving (or symplectic) di£feomorphisms of the sphere S2 which is the symmetry of the relativistic membrane after gauge fixing ; second, the particular form of the membrane Hamiltonian in the light-cone gauge is the same as that of SU(N) space constant Yang-Hills potentials (in the gauge A0 = 0) for N+- . One would like to have an analogous geome- trical interpretation for the full Yang-Mills theory, that is for space-time dependent poten tials . In this work, although wa do not find any direct relation of the Yang-Mills theory to the membrane theory or an extension of it, we do find a simple geometrical picture of the SU(-) Yang-Mills theory by making use of the equiv- 0920-5632/89/503 .50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division) Nuclear Physics B (Proc . Suppl.) 11 (1989) 350-354 i4orth-Holland, Amsterdam alence between the SU(N), N ; -, Lie algebra and that of the "symplectic" or area preserving co- ordinate transformations of an "internal" sphere S2 . Indeed ure show that in the large N limit the classical SU(N) fields (NxN matrices) : AP(x) = Aat, ta SU(N), a- 1, .. .,N2-1 are replaced by c-number functions of an "internal" sphere S2 : p = 0,1,2,3 (1) - it A (X,O,e) = E E ARm (x)Y (O,e), (2) p R=1 m= - .t p ~,m where Ylm are the spherical harmonics on S2 . The gauge transformations and SAp= ô N w + [Ap ,w ], w= wa ta (3a) 8F pV = [FWV,w ], Fp.V = ail A V - 8VA il + (3b) are replaced by + [A, t ,AV ] On leave of absence from Physics Department, Univ . of Crete, Iraklion, Crete and Research Centre of of Crete . Work done in collaboration with J . Iliopoulos ENS, Paris and G . Tiktopoulos, National Technical Univ . Athens .

A note on SU(∞) classical Yang-Mills theories

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Page 1: A note on SU(∞) classical Yang-Mills theories


E.G . Floratos s

Theoretical Physics Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

In an interesting work, Hoppe has studied

the canonical quantization of a relativistic

spherical membrane of Dirac type , in the light

cone gauge .

He was able to show that this

theory is exactly the same as the quantum

mechanics of space constant SU(N) Yang-Hills

potentials4 in the limit N+ - .

The basic

ingredients of his proof are first, that the

SU(N) Lie algebra, when N + -, can be shown to

be isomorphic to the infinite dimensional Lie

algebra of area preserving (or symplectic)

di£feomorphisms of the sphere S2 which is the

symmetry of the relativistic membrane after

gauge fixing ; second, the particular form of

the membrane Hamiltonian in the light-cone gauge

is the same as that of SU(N) space constant

Yang-Hills potentials (in the gauge A0 = 0) for

N+- .

One would like to have an analogous geome-

trical interpretation for the full Yang-Mills

theory, that is for space-time dependent poten

tials . In this work, although wa do not find

any direct relation of the Yang-Mills theory to

the membrane theory or an extension of it, we do

find a simple geometrical picture of the SU(-)

Yang-Mills theory by making use of the equiv-

0920-5632/89/503 .50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.(North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)

Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 11 (1989) 350-354i4orth-Holland, Amsterdam

alence between the SU(N), N ; -, Lie algebra and

that of the "symplectic" or area preserving co-

ordinate transformations of an "internal" sphere

S2 .

Indeed ure show that in the large N limit

the classical SU(N) fields (NxN matrices) :

AP(x) = Aat, ta

SU(N), a - 1, . . .,N2-1

are replaced by c-number functions of an

"internal" sphere S2 :

p = 0,1,2,3


- itA (X,O,e) = E


ARm(x)Y (O,e), (2)p

R=1 m=-.t p


where Ylm are the spherical harmonics on S2 .

The gauge transformations


SAp = ôNw + [Ap,w], w = wata


8FpV = [FWV,w ],Fp.V

= ailAV - 8VA il +


are replaced by

+ [A, t,AV ]

On leave of absence from Physics Department, Univ. of Crete, Iraklion, Crete and Research Centre ofof Crete .

Work done in collaboration with J. Iliopoulos ENS, Paris and G. Tiktopoulos, National Technical Univ .Athens .

Page 2: A note on SU(∞) classical Yang-Mills theories

according to

SN =

2 f d4x trFpVF"


in the large N limit becomes


SAp(x,9,$) - 8 Iw(x,9,0) + JAp,w}



ailAV - 8VAp +

FpV (Xse'0

and g is the limit of N-1-gN'



aM -AL

asacose be

80 acose °

as we pass from Eq . (1) to (2) .

The action of SU(N) Yang-Mills theory




JS2dQ jd4x F1WGx'e'O16ug

Fliv(x,e .e) - biAV(x,e'~) -

- aVAg(xse'm) + JApaAV I

E.G. Floratos/SU(oo) classical Yang-Mills theories


where the Poisson bracket of two functions, f

and g on S2 is defined as

The commutators are replaced by Poisson brackets

lim N[Ag,AV] = JAil AV1


In this note we shall give a heuristic

proof of this construction . We begin by review-

ing the defining properties of the infinite

dimensional Lie algebra of symplectic or area

preserving diffeomorphisms of the sphere(SDiff(S2)) .

The generators of symplectictransformations of a surface, locally have theform

- af

a _ af


aQ2 aQlaQ i aQ2

and they satisfy the algebra

[Lf,L9]= L{f,gi

for f,g differentiable functions of S2 ,

f,g 60(S2) . Here{f,g} is the Poisson bracket

defined as

~f .g} =af$ - AL

a01 a02

a02 801 ' (12)

in local co-ordinates a,, a2 of the surface such

that the area element is

dA = daida2


that is, in canonical or symplectic co-ordi-

nates5 .

In the case of the sphere of = *, a2 -cose . For the sphere, we can form a basis of

generators choosing f = Yl'm(® .$) to be the

spherical harmonicsl '6.



a - aYRm


(14)R,m = acose o

o acose

Relation (11) implies that

it . .m ..

(15)[LR'm,Lk,'m, ] = fR.m,R,m, , LR-m-

where the structure constantsflwm»

areIm,R ®m ®defined by expanding the Poisson brackets on the

basis YRm:


These structure constants have been calculated

explicitly in Ref . [1] .

To get a feeling of

Page 3: A note on SU(∞) classical Yang-Mills theories


the geo

note that for R = 1, m - 0, ±1,

usual angular momentum generators

lization), Lz9


trical meaning of these generators, we

these are the

(up to norma-

L+ . Also,

= -1Y1'mgyR®m°J

[Ll'+l,Lksmj = [R(j.+l)-M(m±l)1 Lt.mtl(18)

[L1,0,TJA.'mj= aLjt'm.


Equations (18) and (19) mean that the infiniteset of generators L.

is reduced to an infiniteA,msum of irreducible sets of operators of definiteangular momentum 1,

Lx'-v LA.,-R+1' . . ., L't R A. = 1,2, . . . (20)

with respect to the SU(2) Lie algebra, L1 0,L1+ 1 of solid rotations of the sphere . We nowchoose an appropriate basis for SU(N) 1 . Thespherical harmonics YRm(®,f) are harmonic homo-geneous polynomials of degree A in threeEuclidean co-ordinates xi, x2, x3

xl = cosesin®, x2 = sinesin®, x3 = COS®

x . . .xXI,




where a(m)

i Is a symmetric and tracelessis

. . ,s

1tensor . For fixed 1 there are 2141 linearlyindependent tensors a(m)

7 .fi' . .sii


Let Sl, S2, S3 be NxN Hermitian matriceswhich form an N-dim irreducible representationof the Lie algebra SU(2)

E.G. F'loratos%SU(oo) classical Yang-Mills theories

[Si psj ] = isijkSk


In Ref . 1, it was shown that the matrix polyno-mials

T(N)= E




(24)A m


11 . . .IR il

. .Lit

for A. = 1, . . .,N-1, m = k, . . .,R can be used to

construct a basis of N2-1 matrices for the fun-

damental representation of SU(N), with corres-

ponding structure constants f(N) :




(N) Jt"m"


[ Rm'eTR'm°j

ifRM,R®m,, Tim (25)

There is a normalization of the generators TI N )such that the limit




RM,A °m' N-

A,m,A °m° s (26)

exists and coincides with the structureconstants of SDiff(S2 ) as defined in Eq . (16)l .

After these preliminaries we proceed to esta-

blish the relation of the infinite dimensional

algebra (15), SDiff(S2 ), to the SU(N) algebra as

N + -, by an argument which avoids the explicit

computation of Ref. 1 for the structure

constants f(N) and f.

If we rescale the genera-

tors of SU(2) by 1/N,

Si-' Ti

= N S1(27)

they satisfy the algebra

[Ti9T~j s 1 N eijkTk


and the Casimir element

T2 =Ti+T2+ T3= 1+N


has ,a finite limit for N + co .

Under the norm


m(®9$) = E1 a(m)

kk=1, . . .,R

=18293 ,-


Page 4: A note on SU(∞) classical Yang-Mills theories

Ix/2 = Tr:K2 ,


for x

SU(2), the generators Ti , i = 1,2,3 have

definite limits as N + - which are three objects

x1, x2, x3 which commute [by (28)] and are

constrained [by (29)] according to

xi + x2 + x3 = 1 .


If we consider two polynomial functions of three

commuting variables f(xl,x2,x3) and g(xl,x2,x3),

the corresponding matrix polynomials

f(Tl,T2,T3), g(Tl,T2,T3) have commutation rela-

tions for large N which follow from (28) .

lim. i [f,g] = eijkxi Of j L9


This is similar to the passage from quantum

mechanics to classical mechanics . This can be

generalized to all semi-simple Lie groups . Thus

the large representations of SU(2) give rise to

a symplectic structure on the sphere . Large N

limits of quantum models have been considered as

classical theories with particular symplectic

structures in Refs . 8 and 9. If we parametrize

xi by polar co-ordinates (21), we see that the

right-hand side of (32) is nothing else than the

Poisson brackets of Ref . 5 . Consider now the

basis Tkm) of SU(N) obtained by replacing in

(24) the matrices Si by the rescaled ones Ti .

Then according to (27) we obtain

lim i [TÂm) JR'm'] _ {Ykm'YR'm'1N-~

E.G. Floratos/SU(oo) classical Yang-Mills theories



If we replace the left-hand side of this

equation by Eq . (25) and the right-hand side

with Eq. (16) we obtain Eq . (26) .

To arrive at the new type of SU(-) gauge

invariance described by Eqs . (1)-(9), we expand

the classical Yang-Mills fields in the basis of

the matrices Tim) :

AL(x) = Alm(x) (N),R = 1, . . .,N-1,


Equation (33) implies that the commutator of the

gauge fields as N

m has as a limit the Poisson


N[AIl AV ]


JAlà,(x,0,40), V(x,0,4)1


The factor of N necessary for the existence of

this limit can be obtained by rescaling the

gauge field in the initial Yang-Mills theory by

the substitution

Ap + NAP.



It is easy to see now that the large N limit of

the classical Yang-Mills theory (1), (3a-b) and

(7) is the "Poisson gauge theory" (2),(4a-b) and

(8) .

The new gauge theory presented here may be

relevant for the study of the planar limit of

SU(N) Yang-Mills theory10-12



1 . J . Hoppe, Ph .D thesis, MIT (1982) and Aachenpreprint PITHA86/24 .

2 . P.A.M. Dirac, Proc. Roy . Socl 268A (1962)57 .

3 . P.A . Collins and R.W . Tucker, Nucl . Phys .B112 (1976) 150.

4 . M. Löscher, Nucl. Phys . B219 (1983) 233 .

5 . V . Arnold, "Méthodes mathématiques de lamécanique classique", Edit . MIR, Moscow(1974) .

6. E.G . Floratos and J . Iliopoulos, Phys .Lett . B201 (1988) 237 .

Page 5: A note on SU(∞) classical Yang-Mills theories

7 . M. Na ermesh, "Group theory and itsapplication to physical problems", Reading,Massachusetts (1962) .

8. ®. Jevicki sad N. Papanicolaou, Ann. ofPhys. 120 (1979) 107 .

9. L .. Yaffe, Rev. Modern Physics 56 (1982)407 .

10. G. °t Hooft, Nucl. Phys . B17 (1974) 461 .

Il. G. Veneziano, Nucl. Phys. B117 (1976) 519 .

12 . R. Witten, Cargése Summer Institute, ed. byG.

't Hooft et al ., Plenum Press, (N.Y.),(1979) .

E.G. Floratos/SU(oo) classical Yang-Mills theories