A2 Psychology Relationships Notes

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  • 8/21/2019 A2 Psychology Relationships Notes.


     Jide OlaofeA2 Psychology revision notes- Relationships.

    Interpersonal Attraction

     This was the dominant eld of research into relationships ntil the late !"#$%s.

    &ontact Theory

    Relationships previosly have 'een formed 'etween people who live near each


    BOSSARD( )oo*ed at marriages in Philadelphia and fond that more than +$, of 

    +$$$ coples lived within a ve minte wal* of each other prior to marriage.

    FESTINGER( alls of residence stdy. ond that the closer yo lived with

    people on camps/ the more li*ely the event of a relationship wold occr.

    AO2( It doesn%t consider homose0als and it is time loc*ed.

    What makes someone physically attractive?

    Architectral actors

    - acial featres

    - 1ody shape

    - i3e

    4ynamic actors

    - 4ress sense

    - peech

    - acial e0pression

    - &hantelle

    5A)T6R proposed the 7AT&I89 :POTT6I.

     T6 7AT&I89 :POT6I( The more socially desira'le a person is ;physical

    attractiveness/ intelligence/ social standing

  • 8/21/2019 A2 Psychology Relationships Notes.


     Jide OlaofeA2 Psychology revision notes- Relationships.

    - They 'elieved they were >matched% with their date althogh they were in

    fact randomly allocated.

    - ?estionnaires distri'ted in interval dring dance and at a si0 month

    follow p.


    - 1efore the dance/ the more attractive the stdent/ the more attractive

    they assmed their date wold 'e.

    - Once they met their matches/ regardless of their own attractiveness they

    reacted more positively to physically attractive dates and were more li*ely

    to arrange follow p dates.

    - Intelligence and personality did not ma*e a di@erence.


    - They sed estionnaires so they are ic* and easy.

    - 4oes not ta*e into consideration homose0als.

    - The model focses on physical attractiveness 't this can 'e overcome 'y

    other attri'tes sch as money.

    - Physical attractiveness is more important to men than woman ; TAB6=&Iield of

    desira'les% are people we cold possi'ly 'e with and are a smaller grop.

     T6R6 AR6 TR66 I)T6R(

    - The rst lter is a socialCdemographic varia'les. People from >eld ofdesira'les% that we come into contact with. Personal factors don%t really

    ma*e a di@erence.

    - The second lter is similarity of attitde or vales. If the cople share

    similar 'eliefs or ideals/ there is a higher chance of the relationship

    progressing. If it does not scceed/ ltering ot will occr.

  • 8/21/2019 A2 Psychology Relationships Notes.


     Jide OlaofeA2 Psychology revision notes- Relationships.

    - The third lter is complimentary of emotional needs. This is where yo are

    thin*ing a'ot the other person%s needs as opposed to yors.


    • Byrne an! +lore ,-./#0 - 5e spend a lot of time in relationships 'ecase

    we nd them rewarding and we nd life alone npleasant and nrewarding.

    • Direct re1ar!s ;Operant &onditioning< can 'e things sch as friendship/

    love and se0.

    • In!irect re1ar!s ;&lassical conditioning< sch as 'eing associated with

    pleasant circmstances.



    +lark an! 'ills ,-./.04

    - 60change relationships at the start

    - DIf yo do this/ I%ll do thatE

    Relationship progresses into a commnal relationship which is o@ering

    rewards e0pecting nothing in retrn.

    )IBI89 TRO=9 AO&IATIO8 F 7A: A84 A7I)TO8 ;!"G$

  • 8/21/2019 A2 Psychology Relationships Notes.


     Jide OlaofeA2 Psychology revision notes- Relationships.

    • 5omen may 'e socialised into 'eing more attractive to the needs of

    others and not to their own needs.

    • Participants in relationships are other more concerned with eity and

    fairness than to ma0imise their own 'enet.


    Economic Theories

    • 9rops of e0planations that loo* at how coples reglate their


    • hare the view that people *eep an eye of what they are ptting in and

    getting ot of a relationship and that they may choose to move on if a'etter deal is o@ered 'y someone else.

    • 60plains how coples *eep their relationships going and decide whether to

    stay or go.

    Social E5chan"e Theory ,(omans -./-0

    • 6ach person trying to ma0imise their rewards and minimise their costs.

    • 60change part is where individal receive rewards from others and they

    feel o'liged to reciprocate sch as things li*e company/ secrity/ se0al

    favors. &osts are those e0changes that reslt in a loss or pnishment

    sch as physical or psychological a'se and loss of opportnities.



    omans 'elieves that( )oads of Rewards H PROIT. )oads of )osses H


    +O')ARISON E2ES 6 T(IBA3T AND 7EIE8 ,-.9.0


    !.  SA')ING F 60ploring the costs and rewards in a variety of relationships.

    2. BARGAINING F &ople >cost ot% the relationship and identies prot and


    . +O''IT'ENT- &oples settles into a relationship and e0change ofrewards 'ecomes predicta'le.

  • 8/21/2019 A2 Psychology Relationships Notes.


     Jide OlaofeA2 Psychology revision notes- Relationships.

    . INSTIT3TIONAISATION- Interactions are esta'lished and the cople

    settle down.


    !.  The comparison level involves comparing the crrent relationship with a

    general e0pectation of how rewarding relationships/ created from previos

    e0periences. If the crrent relationship seems more rewarding than those

    yo have e0perienced previosly/ yo are more li*ely to stay.

    2.  The comparison level for alternatives is comparing yor crrent

    relationship with other possi'le relationships on o@er.

    .  The social e0change theory predicts that an individal may decide to leave

    a relationship if the ratio of costs and rewards ceases to 'e positive. If the

    costs otweigh the rewards/ then person will loo* for a via'le and

    attractive alternative.


    • Assmes people spend time and e@ort evalating their relationships -

    don%t we tend to do this once the relationship has 'ro*en downK

    • Rewards and costs increase as the relationship develops.

    • Liews people as 'eing self-centred and li*ely to leave if the costs otweigh

    the rewards F so why do people stay in sch nrewarding relationshipsK

    E;loser% will feel dissatised and the >winner%.

    O=R PRI8&IP6)

    !. People try to ma0imise their rewards and minimise negativee0periences.

  • 8/21/2019 A2 Psychology Relationships Notes.


     Jide OlaofeA2 Psychology revision notes- Relationships.

    2. 4istri'tion of rewards is negotiated to ensre fairness/ cold 'e

    throgh a trade o@ or compensation.

    . =nfair relationships prodce dissatisfaction which the loser feels the


    . As long as the loser feels that there is a chance to restore fairness

    and is motivated to save the relationship/ they will try to re-

    esta'lish eity.

    LA8 :PR68 A84 1==8B ;!""$<

    •  They carried ot a longitdinal stdy sing 2+" coples recrited 'y an

    advert in a local paper. GM, were married and the remainder were


     They o'tained a score for eity in the relationship sing arteld%s 9lo'al7easrement of atisfaction and fond that M+, of men and women felt

    that their relationship was eita'le. 2+, of men felt over-'eneted and

    2+, of women felt nder-'eneted.

    • One year later/ coples were as*ed a'ot satisfaction in relationship.

     Those who felt they were eita'le at stage one were most satised/ the

    over-'eneted the ne0t and the nder 'eneted were least satised. This

    spports the eity theory.

  • 8/21/2019 A2 Psychology Relationships Notes.


     Jide OlaofeA2 Psychology revision notes- Relationships.


  • 8/21/2019 A2 Psychology Relationships Notes.


     Jide OlaofeA2 Psychology revision notes- Relationships.