Journal of African Archaeology Vol. 2 (1), 2004, pp. 81-96 81 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS IN THE DJEBEL UWEINAT REGION, LIBYAN DESERT Maya von Czerniewicz, Tilman Lenssen-Erz & Jrg Linstdter Maya von Czerniewicz / Tilman Lenssen-Erz / Jrg Linstdter SFB 389 ]ACACIA^ Universitt zu Kln Forschungsstelle Afrika Jennerstr. 8 50823 Kln Germany E-mail: [email protected] RØsumØ Durant les deux siLcles prØcØdents, le massif du Djebel Uweinat a fait l\objet de plusieurs expØditions, dont la plu- part avait pour but la dØcouverte de nouveaux sites d\art rupestre. Ces explorateurs s\Øtaient jusqu\alors presque essentiellement limitØs au pied des reliefs, l oø se trouvent d\ailleurs la majoritØ des sites rupestres connus actuelle- ment. Au cours de leurs deux derniLres visites, les membres de l\Øquipe ACACIA, ont concentrØs leur intØrŒt sur la partie supØrieure du Djebel Uweinat ainsi que dans un petit massif montagneux voisin souvent nØgligØ, le Djebel Arkenu. Dans la partie supØrieure du Djebel Uweinat, des artefacts ainsi que des arrangements organisØs de pierres ont ØtØ dØcouverts. Dans la partie supØrieure, seuls des arrange- ments de pierres ont ØtØ trouvØs, l\art rupestre n\Øtant prØ- sent que dans la partie infØrieure. Par consØquent, ces diffØ- rences seront discutØes en terme de processus sØmiotiques. Les sites d\art rupestre du Djebel Arkenu seront placØs dans le contexte d\une carte cognitive d\une population qui vivait dans l\environnement des deux montagnes. De plus, quel- ques informations de base concernant la fonction des trou- vailles archØologiques qui marquent le paysage et donc qui sont interprØtØs comme des indicateurs de la mobilitØ ainsi que de la perception de l\environnement par les peuples prØ- historiques. Keywords: Libya, landscape, semiotic processes, stone structures, rock art, pottery. Abstract Over the last hundred years the Djebel Uweinat was the objective of several expeditions, most of them being driven by the intention to find new rock art sites. These explorers mostly stayed at the base of the mountain where the majority of the currently known rock art sites were found. During their two recent visits, the members of the ACACIA team focused their interest on the upper part of the Uweinat and on its smaller, mostly neglected neighbouring mountain, the Djebel Arkenu. In the upper part of the Djebel Uweinat artefacts and some stone arrangements were found. While no rock art sites were spotted in the upper part, we discuss the function of stone arrangements and rock art from the lower reaches in view of the semiotic processes in which they may have operated. The presentation of the rock art sites found at Djebel Arkenu will also be fitted into an overview of how we interpret the cognitive map of people who used to live in the environment of the two mountains. Furthermore, some background infor- mation concerning the landmarking function of the archaeo- logical finds is given which could be a useful indicator of the character of mobility as well as of perception of landscape among prehistoric people.

Abstract RØsumØ - Universität zu Köln

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Journal of African Archaeology Vol. 2 (1), 2004, pp. 81-96 81


Maya von Czerniewicz, Tilman Lenssen-Erz & Jörg Linstädter

Maya von Czerniewicz / Tilman Lenssen-Erz / Jörg LinstädterSFB 389 �ACACIA�Universität zu KölnForschungsstelle AfrikaJennerstr. 850823 KölnGermanyE-mail: [email protected]

RésuméDurant les deux siècles précédents, le massif du DjebelUweinat a fait l�objet de plusieurs expéditions, dont la plu-part avait pour but la découverte de nouveaux sites d�artrupestre. Ces explorateurs s�étaient jusqu�alors presqueessentiellement limités au pied des reliefs, là où se trouventd�ailleurs la majorité des sites rupestres connus actuelle-ment. Au cours de leurs deux dernières visites, les membresde l�équipe ACACIA, ont concentrés leur intérêt sur la partiesupérieure du Djebel Uweinat ainsi que dans un petit massifmontagneux voisin souvent négligé, le Djebel Arkenu.Dans la partie supérieure du Djebel Uweinat, des artefactsainsi que des arrangements organisés de pierres ont étédécouverts. Dans la partie supérieure, seuls des arrange-ments de pierres ont été trouvés, l�art rupestre n�étant pré-sent que dans la partie inférieure. Par conséquent, ces diffé-rences seront discutées en terme de processus sémiotiques.Les sites d�art rupestre du Djebel Arkenu seront placés dansle contexte d�une carte cognitive d�une population qui vivaitdans l�environnement des deux montagnes. De plus, quel-ques informations de base concernant la fonction des trou-vailles archéologiques qui marquent le paysage et donc quisont interprétés comme des indicateurs de la mobilité ainsique de la perception de l�environnement par les peuples pré-historiques.

Keywords: Libya, landscape, semiotic processes, stone structures, rock art, pottery.

AbstractOver the last hundred years the Djebel Uweinat was theobjective of several expeditions, most of them being drivenby the intention to find new rock art sites. These explorersmostly stayed at the base of the mountain where the majorityof the currently known rock art sites were found. Duringtheir two recent visits, the members of the ACACIA teamfocused their interest on the upper part of the Uweinat andon its smaller, mostly neglected neighbouring mountain, theDjebel Arkenu.In the upper part of the Djebel Uweinat artefacts and somestone arrangements were found. While no rock art sites werespotted in the upper part, we discuss the function of stonearrangements and rock art from the lower reaches in viewof the semiotic processes in which they may have operated.The presentation of the rock art sites found at Djebel Arkenuwill also be fitted into an overview of how we interpret thecognitive map of people who used to live in the environmentof the two mountains. Furthermore, some background infor-mation concerning the landmarking function of the archaeo-logical finds is given which could be a useful indicator of thecharacter of mobility as well as of perception of landscapeamong prehistoric people.

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Journal of African Archaeology Vol. 2 (1), 2004

M. v. Czerniewicz, T. Lenssen-Erz & J. Linstädter


IntroductionThe Djebel Uweinat and its smaller neighbour

Djebel Arkenu are two mountains which rise over theflat plain southeast of the Libyan oasis Kufra (Fig. 1).The Djebel Uweinat forms a landmark where the fron-tiers of Libya, Egypt and the Sudan meet. The largest,western part of the mountain belongs to the Libyanside, whereas the Sudanese (southeast) and Egyptianparts (northeast) are much smaller. The highest peakreaches about 1900 meters above sea level. Deep wadis,the so-called Karkurs, cut into the almost circular shapedmountain. On the northern and western side are locatedthe Karkurs Hamid, Idriss and Ibrahim, on the easternside the Karkur Murr and Karkur Talh. There are per-manent springs at Ain Doua, Ain Zuweia and Ain Murr.Their existence seems to have induced the mountain�sname since the Arabic word ��Uwênât� can be trans-lated as �the small fountains� (SCHIFFERS 1973: 423).

Geologically the Djebel Uweinat consists of twoparts: the western part is composed of circles ofpraecambric layers; in the eastern part sandstone-pil-lars dominate the outer appearance of the mountain(SCHIFFERS 1973: 426).

Beginning from the early 1920ies, the DjebelUweinat was the objective of numerous expeditionsfrom different countries. Before going into detail oftwo recent visits of members of the collaborative re-search centre SFB 389 ACACIA/University of Cologne,Germany, to the Libyan side of the Uweinat, the historyof research of this area will be outlined.

Historical backgroundLooking for a direct way from Ouadai to the Medi-

terranean coast, a Majabri Arab from Jalo calledShehaymah, passed by a mountain with two rock wellsat its foot. This happened around 1809 or 1810 and it isvery likely that his description of the �Gebel en Nari�,the �mountain in flames�, corresponds to the moun-tain nowadays known as the Djebel Uweinat (SHAW1934: 64-65).

Ahmed Hassanein Bey, an Egyptian diplomat andexplorer, was the first to report in detail in 1924 aboutthe Djebel Uweinat and its neighbouring smaller gran-ite outcrop, the Djebel Arkenu (HASSANEIN BEY 1924:354). In his travel documents he mentioned rock en-gravings at the Karkur Ibrahim, on the western side ofthe Uweinat, which led him to wonder: �There are no

giraffes in this part of the country now, nor can theylive in similar desert country anywhere. Also there areno camels among the carvings, and one cannot pen-etrate to this oasis now except with camels. Did themen who made these pictures know the giraffe and notthe camel?� (HASSANEIN BEY 1924: 355-356) With thesewords he indicates that he was well aware of the antiq-uity of the pictures.

After the description of these two �lost oases�,until then only believed to exist far away in the westbeyond the farthest known Egyptian oasis (WILKINSON1837; BAGNOLD 1937: 265), the Egyptian Prince HusseinKemal el-Dine, who found his passion in exploring thedesert, started an expedition towards the Gilf Kebir andthe Uweinat with Citroen cars in 1925 and 1926. Theprince published his rock art finds of the Karkur Talh intwo volumes (KEMAL EL-DINE 1928; KEMAL EL-DINE &BREUIL 1928).

The next explorer who found his way to the Uweinatwas the English Major R. A. Bagnold. After Bagnold�sfirst short passing-by of the Uweinat in 1930 (BAGNOLD1931: 29-31) he returned in 1932 to focus his and hiscolleagues� interest on the rock art of Karkur Talh(BAGNOLD 1933: 106; SHAW 1934).

The Hungarian discoverer Almasy was lured bythe secrets of the Libyan Desert. His passion for thedesert was combined with his abilities as an excellentdriver and pilot and so he could make use of these newtechnologies for his expeditions to the Gilf Kebir andthe Uweinat, among others. When Almasy came to AinDoua in May 1933, at the southern fringe of the DjebelUweinat, he met an Italian topographical mission, in-cluding L. di Caporiacco with whom a wide disputeabout the findings of Ain Doua unfolded. Accordingto Almasy�s description it was his driver who foundthe first rock paintings at Ain Doua and together theylocated a dozen rock art sites before passing this in-formation to di Caporiacco (ALMASY 1936: 73-75, 1939:140). Di Caporiacco and also the German researcherFrobenius, who came to Ain Doua together with Almasyin October of 1933, claimed in their articles (CAPORIACCO1933, 1934 a,b; CAPORIACCO & GRAZIOSI 1934) and in oralcommunications (ALMASY 1936: 73) the discovery forthemselves � a conflict which remains unresolved untiltoday.

Despite these �quarrels�, the expedition ofFrobenius, with the aim to record the rock art and ar-chaeology of the Libyan Desert, led to a publicationby Rhotert, an expedition�s participant, in which he

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gives a colourful impression of the rock art sites of AinDoua and Karkur Talh (RHOTERT 1952: 16-18).

The combined Bagnold-Mond expedition was thelast mission to the Uweinat before World War II. It wascarried out by Bagnold and his scientific team in 1938and sponsored by Sir Robert Mond (BAGNOLD et al.1939; MCHUGH 1975). New rock paintings of KarkurTalh and Karkur Murr were recorded by Bagnold�s col-league WINKLER (1939) and also �crude but distinctivemicroliths, struck from small quartz pebbles and at thelast two ostrich-shell beads� have been described byPeel and Bagnold (BAGNOLD et al. 1939: 294) for thearea next to the rock art sites.

After World War II, the biologist Jany was the firstto visit the Karkur Idriss and Karkur Ibrahim again. Herecognised some rock art sites there but did not pub-lish them (JANY 1963: 357). Some years later, the RoyalMilitary Academy Sandhurst Expedition explored andmapped the Djebel Arkenu, the small neighbouringmountain of the Djebel Uweinat. They found severalnew rock art sites which are briefly described in thepublication of WILLIAMS & HALL (1965: 494).

Concentrating on the Djebel Uweinat again, an Ital-ian group found rock art sites in the Karkur Idriss in1962 (BELLINI & ARIÈ 1962). They called the site CarcurBulega (BELLINI & ARIÈ 1962: 262; �Bû Hlêga� in LEQUELLEC 1998).

In 1965 a Belgian expedition came to the Uweinatto do an intensive research of the natural environmentof the mountain (LÉONARD et al. 1969: 102; LÉONARD1997, 2001). This field trip was followed by a two monthfield research in 1968/69 in which numerous rock artsites in the Karkur Talh, in the Wadis Talh I und II andin small adjacent valleys, in the Wadi Wahesh, in AinZuweya and in the Karkurs Ibrahim, Idriss and Hamidhave been discovered (VAN NOTEN 1978a: 13, 1978b:286). This detailed research pushed the total numberof known rock art figures of the Djebel Uweinat up to4080 (VAN NOTEN 1978: 13).

Around the same time as the Belgians an Egyptiangroup discovered some more rock art sites on thenorthern fringe of the Uweinat in a wadi they calledWadi Handal, situated west of Karkur Talh (HAYNES1980: 62).

Fig. 1. The Djebel Uweinat. The eastern sandstone-massive and the almost round western magmaticintrusion are clearly discernible. The map shows the routes of the 1998 and 2003 trip as well as the sitesvisited. (Landsat TM from 06.02.1987, after NRSC)

site1998 trip2003 trip

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In 1996 a French team found in a two and a half daysurvey in Karkur Idriss and Karkur Ibrahim ten newsites (LE QUELLEC 1998).

Beginning from 1998 to present days, AndrásZboray led almost yearly expeditions to Djebel Uweinatand Djebel Arkenu. Very interested in rock art he pub-lished some of his newest finds of the Uweinat in 2003(ZBORAY 2003).

Outcome of recent visits to the Uweinat regionThe 1998 field trip

At the end of 1998 a field trip to the western partof the Libyan desert was undertaken. This regionhas a potential for expanding and comparative pros-

pects to the existent interdisciplinary Cologne projectworking in Egypt since 1995. With regard to the sup-ply situation for basic needs in ancient times, the GilfKebir and the Djebel Uweinat are the first possiblereserves for people moving west from the Egyptianoasis belt. Especially the Djebel Uweinat is an out-standing landmark in the zone between the westernoasis Kufra and the eastern oases in Egypt. Still todaythe Djebel Uweinat is a traffic junction where goodsare transferred from the Sudan to Libya and vice versa.The former human occupation is evinced by rock pic-tures, stone tools, ceramic sherds and other archaeo-logical material.

At the base of the Uweinat mountain observationswere made which include rock art sites. The new find-ings were a by-product in the pursuit of the objectiveto take a closer look at the already published sites in

Fig. 3. Incised decoratedpottery from the Ain Douaarea (left) as well as from thesouthern rim of the westernpluton (right).

Fig. 2. Pottery decorated with Rocker stamping from the Ain Doua area. Common are shallow (left hand) as well as deep(right hand) comb impressions, but the vertical lines are always very close together.

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order to find indications of the criteria of the prehis-toric artists concerning the placing of their drawings inrelation to the rock formations and the landscape.

An ascent of the Djebel Uweinat showed that theupper regions of the mountain also had been occupiedin prehistoric times. Two archaeological sites with pot-tery and stone tools, including grinding stones, on thesurface are evidence of a repeated use of the upperregion of the Uweinat, supported by the finds of stonetools and a stone arrangement on a mountain spur onthe ascent route. Whereas normally vegetation in theupper region of the Uweinat is virtually absent it issurprising that the two places were localised from awider distance because of a notable vegetation of herbsand some low acacias.

The failure to spot rock art sites in the upperUweinat during the visit of 1998 can be explained bythe short stay and the short range which was exploredin the mountain. Since there is no water in that region,everybody has to carry his whole water supply on hisown, therefore reducing the negotiable distances. Thegroup stayed for two days in the upper part and re-turned with the conviction that more intense searchingwould yield the expected rock art sites. The excursionsinto the inner moutain from the eastern side by Zborayand his group commencing in the same year verifiedthis assumption (ZBORAY 2003). There may, however,also be ecological reasons for the different frequencyof rock art sites in the eastern and the western part ofthe Uweinat. While the granitic part in the west seems

to be void of sites, the easternpart with its sandstone surfaceseems to be particularly rich.Possibly the different terrainsprovided different habitats.

During the stay eight ar-chaeological sites were detectedat the bottom of the Uweinatmountain. Some of these wereconnected to rock art sites andeach of them showed ceramicsherds and stone tools on thesurface.

The pottery indicates thatthe Uweinat area was visited re-peatedly during the last sevenmillenia. The ceramic we inter-pret as the oldest in the moun-tain area, was found in the envi-

rons of Ain Doua. The sherds show different rockerstamping techniques (Fig. 2). Comparable decoratedceramics are known from the Northern Sudan such asfrom the Wadi Howar sites 80/87 (JESSE 2003: pl. 7, 10),80/73 (KUPER 1981: fig. 35) or 84/24 (GABRIEL et al.1985: 109) dated to the 5th millenium BC (JESSE 2003: fig.56), as well as the Nile valley�s famous Early Khartoumsites of Geili (CANEVA 1988: 65 - 67) or Shaneinab(ARKELL 1953). West of the Djebel Uweinat, in theTibesti Mountains or in the Bardague pan (Chad), siteslike Gabrong were excavated which yielded rockerstamped ware comparable to the Uweinat material(SCHUCK 1989: pl. 64-66, 74). The finds are dated to the5th millenium BC (SCHUCK 1989: fig. 57).

A probably younger type of pottery decorated withbands of incised cross-hatchings bellow the rim wasfound in the Ain Doua region as well as on the south-ern top of the mountain (Fig. 3). Similar ceramics areknown from the middle Wadi Howar region (PRILL 2000:pl.1-3) and dated to the 2nd millenium BC (HOELZMANNet al. 2001: fig. 11). Here this type of decoration is called�fine geometric� or �Handessi A� (JESSE, in prep.). Par-allels to the above mentioned ceramic decoration existin the central sahel, like in the plains south of LakeChad. In this region the incised decorated pottery isdated to the Early Iron Age, 500 BC to 500 AD(WIESMÜLLER 2001: 168 - 172, pl. 23).

The presumably youngest pottery of the Uweinatmountain is a mat-impressed ware, found in one of the�tarfuni� called shelters at the bottom of Karkur Ibrahim

Fig. 4. Mat-decorated pottery from Karkur Ibrahim, found below one of the�tarfuni� called shelters at the bottom of the Karkur.

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(Fig. 4). This kind of decoration appears in the finalneolithic, but is in use until today (WIESMÜLLER 2001:158 - 162; STERNER & DAVID 2003: fig. 3). Beside thisceramic of probably recent age, even pots made on apotter�s wheel, were found. The chronological affilia-tion of the pottery found in the Uweinat, describedabove, should be regarded as preliminary. Withoutcloser investigations an exact dating of this type ofceramic is hardly practicable.

Rock art discoveries of the 1998 field tripThe field trip was not designed for systematic rock

art research; the main focus was instead on reconnais-sance of the rock art in the general region and, moreimportantly, on exploring the upper reaches of the moun-tain in view of archaeological traces. This seemed duesince although two parties reportedly climbed the moun-tain, namely the group around Bagnold (BAGNOLD etal. 1939) as well as the Belgian expedition of the late1960s (LÉONARD et al. 1969; LÉONARD 1997), neither ofthem mentioned archaeological finds.

Despite its remoteness, the Djebel Uweinat hasreceived enough attendance that at least many of therock art sites around its foot area have been discov-

ered earlier. Yet only the Frobenius expedition of 1933(RHOTERT 1952), the party Bagnold led to the mountainin 1938 (WINKLER 1939) and the Belgian expedition of1968 seem to have spent enough time at the mountainfor being able to do extensive recordings or at least tophotograph comprehensively. J.L. LEQUELLEC (1998)also reproduces some friezes in black and white trac-ings, but they seem to be based on photographs. Veryrecently A. ZBORAY (2003) published photographs of awealth of new found rock paintings he discovered in thehigher reaches of the sandstone part of the mountain.

On the reconnaissance tour, the whole spectrumof rock art sites was encountered, including sites whichare of exceptional status even at a world-wide scalesuch as Bou Hlega (Fig. 5), while others are small siteswith unspectacular pictures. The short research aimedat systematically allocating the sites in their landscapesetting in order to gain first basic information aboutthe status of rock art. Since the Uweinat mountain prob-ably always was an area requiring high mobility of itsinhabitants due to scarce and scattered resources (an-nual precipitation may at no time during the holocenehave exceeded 50 to 100 mm, NEUMANN 1989: 124), rockart in its landmarking function could be a useful indica-tor of the character of mobility as well as of perceptionof landscape.

Fig. 5. Bou Hlega. The paintings of Bou Hlega display hundreds of cattle partly mixed with antelope. Both animalsseem to originate from the same period.

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The ten sites analysed according to the schemedeveloped and tested elsewhere (LENSSEN-ERZ 2001)exhibit a number of characteristics which are so mani-fest that even the small sample cannot entirely belittlethe findings:

With the exception of two sites, all were of suchsmall size that they only afford accommodation for lessthan ten people. The presentation of the art is relatedto the inner room of the shelters and it is only in a fewcases where, from a coincidental angle, the picturesare visible from outside. Accordingly, the art was not amatter which aimed at the level open space which isadjacent to six sites and which extends only few metresaway from another three sites. The pattern of rock artbeing placed at sites in a way that it might be easilydiscernible from a potential �dance floor� (i.e. a levelarea of at least 10 x 10 m) next to the site is quite currentelsewhere, e.g., in the Brandberg in Namibia (LENSSEN-ERZ 2001: 281).

In terms of the natural �infrastructure�, i.e. of thosenatural features beneficial for food, drink, lodging, mo-bility or religious practice, the location of all sites nearlevel open areas goes together with easy access tomost of the sites, while only at two sites a steep slopeor larger rocks are small obstacles along the accessroute. Water as the most critical resource is only in onecase within reach of few hundred metres in a lastingreservoir, while at all other sites dwellers probablywould have had to benefit from the occasional water orunderground water in the nearby wadis. In view of thelarge distances of far more than 10 km to the still todayprolific springs at the mountain, it is unlikely that theywould have provided the necessary supply.

The sites tend to cluster loosely and even the onesite, which was found to be isolated, may turn out tobe part of a larger group of sites once a more intensesurvey can be undertaken in its surroundings.

The motifs in the art are largely dominated by cat-tle but giraffe and antelope are also present, sometimesmixed with cattle in a way that no temporal differencebetween the motifs can be discerned. Human figuresare not particularly numerous and normally they donot display much stylistic or polychrome elaboration.This, however, certainly pertains to cattle, which - be-sides monochrome specimens - can be seen in an enor-mous variety of patterns of the coat.

In conclusion, one can hypothesise about twospatial patterns linked to rock art, one on the small-

scale level of the site, the other in the wider landscape.In the majority of the cases, the sites are comparativelysmall shelters providing space or accommodation for asmall group of people, e.g. a core family. The presenta-tion of the art exclusively on inside walls and ceilingsemphasises the importance of the secluded room andthe fencing off from the outside. Into this chamber, theanimals were brought through paintings - maybe inorder to enter into a secured �dialogue� with them. Verylikely, however, the animals (i.e. cattle) could be keptright next to the shelter since the setting of most siteswould have allowed herding them on adjacent plains.

The sites are usually not isolated and due to theflat terrain, negotiation between them is rather easy.Nevertheless there is a certain distance and further re-search would have to find out, whether a specific mini-mum spatial entity which contains a site can be estab-lished (e.g. by Thissen polygons). It seems that prox-imity to the level plains with their possibilities of swiftmobility had a strong selective impact on rock art sites,thus showing that the mountain area was not visited toprovide the security of a �fortress� in a case of a hypo-thetical conflict although this the terrain would cer-tainly be highly suited in somewhat higher reaches.More likely this mountain was of highly symbolic sig-nificance - besides its ecological advantages - wherepeople went when they wanted to find a certain �pri-vacy� for specific rituals and yet being able to stayclose to their cattle, on the one hand. On the otherhand, being at locations which at any moment wouldpermit easy and immediate departure as part of theirnomadic lifestyle. Generally, the choice of sites canmore plausibly be linked to a herder lifestyle than tohunter-gatherers even though a fair number of gameanimals can be seen depicted. Further research will haveto clarify the role of hunter-gatherers in rock art pro-duction and use of space.

The 2003 field tripThis visit paid to Djebel Arkenu and Djebel Uweinat

was not a systematic research program. Accordingly,the results have to be understood as intense observa-tions based on expert knowledge but not resulting fromconventional archaeological research.

Not very deep in the main wadi of Djebel Arkenu,where the valley narrows a bit, a few rock art sites, ofwhich it is hard to believe that no one should haveseen them before, were discovered. But there are nohints of them in the literature, which may be due to the

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Fig. 6. View from the mountain spur into Karkur Ibrahim.

fact that the Djebel Arkenu did never receivethe same attention as the neighbouring DjebelUweinat.

In the Uweinat a mountain spur was brieflyexamined, which is located about 50 m abovethe valley floor at the low ridge where KarkurIdriss links with Karkur Ibrahim (Fig. 1). Thegentle slope of the spur makes an easy ascent.On the way to the top of the spur some ar-chaeological finds were discovered (Fig. 6),described in detail below.

A whole day was spent to mount the re-gion of the Upper Uweinat for an archaeologi-cal survey. Several ravines filled with granitegravel and boulders were crossed without find-ing any trace of human presence in the verysteep gorges. Smooth valleys which facilitatehuman dwelling can hardly be found in theupper granite region of the Uweinat. Only oneopen place was found which seems to fit hu-man needs and there a few isolated artefactswere scattered.

Further up the mountain a pass opens theview to the hinterland of the Uweinat lookingstraight at Djebel Kissu in the south (Fig. 7). Itwas reached after crossing a large section ofthe granite part of the Uweinat, taking the routeFig. 7. Watershed in the Upper Uweinat. Djebel Kissu is

visible in the background of the picture.

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people are likely to have taken over ages which is tes-tified by the stone structures encountered on the pass(Fig. 7).

A further short visit was paid to the northernmostvalley of the Libyan part of the mountain, calledKarkur Hamid. This wadi is a broad and shallow valleyfilled with gravel which seems to end in a wide basin.In a mound of huge granite boulders traces of humanoccupation from palaeolithic to recent times were lo-cated.

Impressions concerning field archaeology of the2003 field trip

On the above mentioned mountain spur in theUweinat forming a small plateau some 50 m above thevalley floor, stone circles were discovered (Fig. 6).They caught the eye because most of the small rockshad been put aside to leave room for three stone cir-cles of approximately 1,5 m in diameter, giving the wholeconfiguration a neat and clean appearance. Inside andaround the stone circles lay artefacts (Fig. 8, left), un-decorated ceramic sherds and mill stones (Fig. 8, right).

The rock face next to the structures showed anumber of very small cavities which seemed to havebeen worked over by hand. Inside one of the abris,sized to allow an adult to stretch out in full length, millstones and artefacts were spotted as well as one rockpainting (described below).

Not less compelling were the stone settings on thepass in the upper part of the Uweinat (Fig. 1, Fig. 9).

Here one can encounter several granite boulders ofup to a man�s height covered with hundreds of smallstones, partly forming little walls on top of the boulders(for a more detailed description see below). Since somestone artefacts lie about next to the structures but norecent leftovers like cans, bottles or the likes, it is quiteobvious that this passage has been the usual way to crossthe mountain as long as the hinterland of the Uweinatwas inhabited and this pass provided shortest accessfrom the southern plains to the Karkurs Idriss and Ibrahim.But presently the age of these stone assemblages rightin the middle of the Uweinat is undeterminable and alsothe unspecific stoneartefacts cannot help to definitelyestablish the period when this pathway was in use.

More details were detected on the dwelling place inKarkur Hamid on the northern perimeter of the moun-tain (Fig. 1). Some hand-axes indicate the beginning ofhabitation in palaeolithic times (Fig. 10, left). These stonetools are lying in a wide scatter in front of some graniteboulders forming a small shelter (Fig. 11). Next to one ofthe entrances of the shelter and inside of it ceramic sherds,smaller flakes and isolated mill stones were spotted.

A structure inside the shelter is formed by a smallwall in front of a painted rock face. Adjacent to it thefloor was paved with stone slabs of which a very thinone is shaped in a palette form (Fig. 10, right).

Following the foot of the hill formed by graniteboulders in northeastern direction, two round stonecircles with artefacts and undecorated pottery next toit were found (Fig. 12). Similar to the stone circles inthe Uweinat, the area around them looked tidy asthough all larger stones had been cleared away. A low

Fig. 8. Artefacts next to the stone structures (left) and an upper grinding stone near the structures (right) on the mountainspur of Djebel Uweinat.

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Fig. 9. A large boulder on a pass in the Upper Uweinat. The watershed between desert and inner mountain is only a metreaway from the arrangement. The heaps of fist sized stones on top of the boulder indicate a symbolic landmark in the mountain.

Fig. 10. Hand-axes in the sediment of Karkur Hamid (left)and a palette shaped stone inside the Karkur Hamidshelter (right).

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Fig. 11. Artefact scatter in front of the rock shelter in Karkur Hamid.

Fig. 12. Stone structures in Karkur Hamid.

artificial barrier, built of stones and includinglarger boulders between the stone circles and theshelter, indicates that domesticated animals mayhave been fenced in here.

Aspects of the rock art encountered during thevisit to Uweinat and Arkenu in 2003

Despite its limited character the field trip of2003 resulted in some remarkable new observa-tions. The first were two petroglyph sites atDjebel Arkenu. Both are located near each otherrather deep in the main wadi draining to the south.There have been no reports on these sites so far,but it is unlikely that they should not have beendiscovered before since a worn car track passesnearby and an old military camp is only a fewhundred metres away. Both sites can be reachedvery easily and the petroglyphs are well visible.

The sites are of different character concern-ing their layout as well as the preference of mo-tifs. The first site (Fig. 13) is a boulder with a flattop lying directly on the bank of the wadi. Thetable-like top is somewhat sloping so that thepetroglyphs are reasonably well discernible withmost of them showing medium to strong re-patination although some are fairly little re-

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Fig. 13. Arkenu I. Petroglyphs at the first Djebel Arkenu site. The body of the oryx antelope is 15 cm long.

Fig. 14. Arkenu II. The main panel of the largerpetroglyph site at Djebel Arkenu. The centralgiraffe has a neck length of 33 cm.

patinated. Motifs are rather restricted in theirvariety with a strong focus on bovids (24specimens), among which two oryx and acattle are identifiable. Two canides and twoindistinct animals complete the corpus of rockart at this site. All depictions except onebovid are on the main rock. The single bovidcan be found on an isolated rock lying about40 m upstream on the riverbank. Thus, it isstill in shouting distance from the site butinstead of forming a firm part of the site, itrather forms an intermediary signpost, as itwere, on the way to the next site upstream,which is another 100 m away (Fig. 14).

This site is located some 20 m above thefloor of the wadi on the slope, comprising aperpendicular rock face with two short flank-ing wings, which also bear depictions. Somemetres down the slope lies a large slab, thesloping upper side of which is embellishedwith some petroglyphs. The character of thelocality of this site is quite different from thefirst one and so are the motifs. Here the ma-

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jority of depictions are giraffe of which 17 specimenswere identified, while there are 16 bovids (including 8unambigous cattle but only one clear antelope). Sixhumans (two with bows) and three ostriches consti-tute further motifs which are absent from the other site.The petroglyphs on the main wall are large enough andso little re-patinated that they are easily discerniblefrom the wadi floor while the depictions on the wingsand on the sloping slab only become visible if one isstanding right in front.

At Djebel Uweinat some discoveries which are re-sults of symbolic behaviour were made and whichprobably have not been made before since they arerather inconspicuous. At the site on a mountain spurnext to the intersection of the Karkurs Idriss andIbrahim in one of the small shelters a depiction wasfound. It is an antelope painted in dark reddish brownwith obviously some white parts on the belly havingfaded away. The depiction is on the ceiling inside ashelter where a short outcrop forms a small verticalpiece of rock face.

More rock art was newly discovered on the north-ern margin of the mountain at the location in WadiHamid which also yielded palaeolithic artefacts. Thisis a small, well-secluded shelter under some tumbledgranite boulders. It is located on a flat spur of a lowgranite mound in the middle of the wadi (Fig. 1). Thereis a useful flat terrace in front and only a few metresfurther on to the west the wide flood plain of WadiHamid extends.

Here a total of six figures were detected but two ofthese are nothing more than indistinguishable remainswhile the other four all seem to be cattle of which onlyone is fairly well preserved. As usual in the Uweinat,the depictions are on the ceiling well inside the shelteronly becoming visible after having entered it.

A discovery of quite a different character was madewhen climbing several hours to the south into the up-per reaches of the mountain, starting from the KarkurIdriss - Karkur Ibrahim junction. As pointed out above,this is a pass (at ca 1120 m.a.s.l.) providing the bestaccess to the inner part with the Karkurs Idriss andIbrahim when coming from the south (Fig. 9). The ra-vine running south from here, i.e. towards the desert,cuts deep into the flank of the mountain and providesa useful travel route. Towards the inner part of themountain, the ravine is very narrow and steep and takesone within about three hours to the bottom of KarkurIdriss. When approaching the pass from the inner moun-tain the natural routes are not as unambiguous as theroute coming from the desert plains in the south. Thismay be an explanation why the stone markings men-tioned above, which signify this pass, are muchdenser on the southern ascent than on the northernone.

Near the pass top, on most of the sizeable rockswhose upper side is within reach of people, one canfind heaps of stones mainly the size of an adult�s fist.There is no doubt that these stones were put there bypassers-by - a practice which is also current to today�snomads. The numbers of stones vary between threeand several hundred, according to the availability ofmore or less flat surface on the supporting rocks andaccording to proximity to the watershed (Fig. 15). Themain rock in this configuration is an oblong boulder of5 m length, 3 m width and about 1.5 m height. It islocated only a few steps from the watershed properand on top of it, passers-by have piled several hun-dred stones which almost look like a small wall(Fig.9).

9 8






0 ± 5 m

40 m


very few stone heaps another 50 m





dsingle stone heaps another 50 m

Fig. 15. Sketch of the stone markings on the pass in upper Uweinat. The approximate numbers of stones on each of the rocksare as follows: 1 >200� 2 >100, 3 ca. 30, 4  ca. 30, 5 ca. 20, 6 ca. 50 (partly fallen down), 7 ca. 60, 8 5, 9 ca. 30.

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The semiotics of the Uweinat discoveriesLooking closer at both the symbolic expressions

found during this visit, i.e. rock art and stone mark-ings, there can be no doubt that rock art is the morecomplex sign system following conventions of style,motif, colour, composition and so forth. Very likely,specialists made it at special occasions, i.e. it was partof ritual and/or religious activities, which by their na-ture are linked to the cosmology of people. The sites,on the other hand, do not seem to be so special. In theDjebel Uweinat (but not only there) the locations ofrock art lie in the lifeworld of everyday, they are nothidden and there is easy access. Many sites can beidentified from afar due to their characteristics con-cerning size, roof, and open area nearby. Rock art waspresent every day and accordingly also during mun-dane activities even though the production and part ofits usage probably was sacred. As mentioned before, aconspicuous characteristic of the paintings is (in con-trast to engravings) that there is no public presenta-tion; rather the depictions are related to the inner roomof the shelters.

The other phenomenon found in the upperUweinat which links rocks and symbolism are the stonemarkings reminiscent of Alamaat. Usually Alamaat arehuman-made stone heaps marking routes through thedesert. As isolated waymarks they are well visible andthey are of vital necessity for every traveller. However,here on the main pass providing access to the moun-tain from South, they are different from Alamaat in thedesert because they are not needed for orientation sinceon entering the mountain from the south it is hardlypossible to miss this place. Rather the stone heaps areexpressions for the esteem of the location, which is theentrance threshold to the mountain as this is the high-est point on the natural travel route. Their antiquitycannot be determined but due to the mass of stones, itseems likely that they should have accumulated withinmany centuries. Judging by the low population den-sity of recent times, probably most of the stones wereput in place in prehistoric times.

These stone markings are the result of a compara-tively simple sign process: a ready product, a stone,which is meaningless when lying around and which isnot involved in a technological process (like, e.g., thegrinding of pigment from haematite stones for paint-ings), gets meaning through being placed at a particu-lar location in the landscape. This is doubtlessly anunspecialised activity in which everyone can partici-pate and accordingly here many hundred stones have

amassed. Although it is a meaningful act, it likely wasnot linked to any elaborate ritual. Rather this is a ges-ture linked to concepts which are not as deeply rootedin religious aspects as rock art normally is, it may morelikely be an invocation of good luck, a sign of gratitudefor easy travelling or a gesture of respect for beingable to enter the mountain. A gesture of everyday tan-gibly connects the landscape to the acts of people,thus putting this landmark firmly on the mental map ofeveryone who ever passes by here. The custom ofputting down a stone on a heap when passing by aparticular locus can be found worldwide, e.g. in Na-mibia, where such stone heaps are linked to the trick-ster Heitsi Eibib of the Nama (VEDDER 1934: 58).

The semiotic process involved in the making ofthese stone heaps is not only comparatively simple (inview of rock art), but it is also very restricted in itsframing conditions. The sign is an unmanipulated stoneand the signified is a particular location in the land-scape, which is selected according to its specific topo-graphical properties. Interestingly there are almost noother artefacts to be found on this pass and in particu-lar, there is no rock art, which could add to the mean-ingfulness of the locus. Consequently, also the mean-ing is probably restricted - or maybe rather constant.In view of so many stones piled on the rocks it is ratherprobable that the place was in use over many centurieswith a mono-functional meaning, as it were; and ac-cordingly here we are not facing a palimpsest wherethrough the times new meanings were introduced.Rather we may deal with a �vector of meaning�, carry-ing a basically unchanged message over long periods.With such a vector of meaning through time, we have astrong temporal aspect in the semiotic process wheremeaning is a stable thing - time is not necessarily acause for changes of meaning (cf. LEWIS-WILLIAMS1984: 233). Apparently, if the power of a place in thelandscape is as strong as here, the meaning is trans-mitted through numerous generations and maybeeven through different economic systems. This is sim-ply because the place is so characteristic and givesstructure to the landscape and the gesture of puttingdown a stone is a token of what one has achievedwhen reaching this spot. Even without indigenousinformants, we find clues as how to read the land-scape in these properties. In order to do so, we haveto understand the sign systems and the archaeologi-cal artefacts in their state of being interwoven withtheir setting. This is the whole landscape as thephysical milieu of a lifeworld where everything maybecome replete with meaning, even a single stoneon the floor.

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ConclusionWhen dealing with a desert landscape where there

are recently no people and accordingly no ethnogra-phy, methods of research have to be purely archaeo-logical and have to maintain a positivist or empiricalepistemology. Consequently, we can only work withthe tangible things. But how to proceed beyond themerely descriptive which, as such, provides only littleunderstanding? We can try to access the intangiblethrough the traces of acts of prehistoric people and byfinding relevant links among the tangible things. Afterthese preliminary steps, the concluding interpretationwhich leads to an understanding of landscapes worksthrough a reconstruction of cognitive processes, onthe one hand, and through a deconstruction of semi-otic processes on the other hand. In landscapes likethe Uweinat (or Arkenu) we find ideal conditions forsuch research since here the impact of modern humansettlement activities is negligible while there is to befound a wealth of archaeological sources.

Notwithstanding the short stay in the Uweinat re-gion, the two visits of the ACACIA members led tosome new results concerning the occupation of themountain. First of all, the archaeological finds in theupper region of the granite part of the Uweinat indicatethat people have been moving around there which hasnot been testified before. It is remarkable that on bothtours to the upper Djebel Uweinat occupation remnantshave been found on mountain spurs. What is behindthe preference of this position in the mountain, halfway up to the inner part of the massive? It may be thesurveying view from these places, where humans oranimals can be spotted over a long distance. It mayalso be that during the rainy periods the wadis mayhave become dangerous due to floods coming fromthe upper areas of the mountain. Accordingly an occu-pation of a mountain spur was promisingly safer whichbalanced out the fact that the way to the water resourcestook longer. Whatever the reasons for dwelling on amountain spur might have been, it seems probable thatpeople lived there as the stone circles (base of huts ortents), the mill stones, the artefacts and the ceramicsindicate. Furthermore, people bothered to clear thestony underground of the potential sleeping placesthey found in small shelters.

In contrast to the almost sedentary character of thedescribed finds on the mountain spurs, the small scat-ters of artefacts and ceramic without any traces of dwell-ings in the upper regions of the mountain point to shorttermed stays, maybe for hunting and gathering.

Since no excavations have been undertaken, nei-ther on the mountain spurs nor in the upper part of theDjebel Uweinat, all explications mentioned above mustbe taken as preliminary ideas. Together with the newintriguing finds of rock art in the upper reaches (ZBORAY2003) these thoughts are certainly suited to trigger fur-ther intense interest in the Uweinat and Arkenu moun-tains as foci of prehistoric lifeworlds. However, regret-table experiences from other parts of the Sahara showthat knowledge of such places leads some people notonly to make observations and draw conclusions fromthem - which is acceptable - but also to take away itemsof the cultural heritage. Therefore the broad interestshave to be channeled through measures ensuring thepreservation of the natural and cultural heritage. Sincethree countries �share� in the Djebel Uweinat, i.e. Libya,Egypt and Sudan, all efforts have to be welcomed andsupported which aim at embellishing the mountainswith a high ranking protective status which, under idealcircumstances, should be designed even including theGilf Kebir in Egypt. By such a measure a cultural andnatural heritage would be under protection which ranksamong the world�s most valuable such landscapes.

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