AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF MIDWIVES INCORPORATED This Action Plan for the next triennium has been developed by the Executive of the Australian College of Midwives Inc. with the assistance of all Branches. It is based on the International Confederation of Midwives Action Plan which was developed in Vancouver, Canada, 1993. I wish to thank all members involved in the project for their commitment to ensuring that the College achieves its mission through the process of strategic planning. Comments relating to the Action Plan are welcome and should be addressed to: The Executive Officer, ACMI, Suite 23,431 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Vic 3004 or to your State Branch. The number of strategies to be actioned will require input from all members to ensure their success. If you wish to be involved in whatever capacity, please contact your State Branch. JUDI BROWN National President ACTION PLAN FOR THE TRIENNIUM 1994-1997 AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF MIDWIVES INCORPORATED MISSION STATEMENT The Australian College of Midwives recognising the ICM action plan for the next triennium will work towards advancing the aims and aspirations of midwives in the attainment of improved outcomes for women in their childbearing years, their newborn and their families. Inherent in this statement is the development of competent and caring midwifery practitioners. AIMS I~ To strengthen the profession of midwifery. I~ To develop the role of the midwife as an autonomous professional practitioner. To improve the standard of care provided to mothers, women, babies and their families. To advance the provision of midwifery and women's health services in collaboration with other health professionals and consumers. I~ To advance within the Asia Pacific Region the potential of the midwife, and the value of midwifery in achieving the reduction in the rates of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. TRATEGIES Action Duration Responsibility Outcom{ GOAL: Increase the number of Associations of Midwives in the Asia Pacific Region. 1. Initiate contact with countries: Papua NewGuinea,Fiji, WesternSamoa, Solomon Islands,Kiribati, Malaysia, Singapore,Cambodia, Vietnam,Thailand,Laos, Nepal,India,Sri Lanka, Pakistan,China,Cook Islands,Tonga, Brunei Establishdatabase of contact midwives. Obtain Information Packages from ICM and develop mechanism for distribution to identified countries. Apply for Government grants (AIDAB) for specific projects. Ensureregularcommunication between ACMI and identified countries. 1994-1996 Branches Contact with identified ICM countrieswillbe established. ACMI AsiaPacific Representative Continued next page SEPTEMBER 1994 ACMI JOURNAL PAGE 3

Action plan for the triennium 1994–1997

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Page 1: Action plan for the triennium 1994–1997


This A c t i o n P l a n f o r t h e n e x t t r i e n n i u m has been d e v e l o p e d by the Execut ive o f the Australian Col lege o f Midwives Inc. w i t h the ass is tance o f all Branches .

I t is ba sed o n the In te rna t iona l C o n f e d e r a t i o n o f Midwives Act ion Plan w h i c h was d e v e l o p e d in Vancouver , Canada , 1993.

I w i s h to t h a n k all m e m b e r s i nvo lved in the p ro j ec t for the i r c o m m i t m e n t to ensu r ing tha t the Col lege achieves its m i s s i on t h r o u g h the p r o c e s s o f s t rategic p lann ing .

C o m m e n t s re la t ing to the Act ion Plan are w e l c o m e a n d shou ld be a d d r e s s e d to: The Execu t ive Officer, ACMI, Suite 2 3 , 4 3 1 St Ki lda Road, Melbourne , Vic 3004

or to y o u r State Branch.

The n u m b e r o f strategies to be ac t ioned will require input f r o m all m e m b e r s to ensure their success. I f y o u w i s h to be i nvo lved in w h a t e v e r capaci ty , p l ease con tac t y o u r State Branch.

JUDI BROWN National President



The Australian College of Midwives recognising the ICM action plan for the next triennium will work towards advancing the aims and aspirations of midwives in the attainment of improved outcomes for women in their childbearing years, their newborn and their families.

Inherent in this statement is the development of competen t and caring midwifery practitioners.


I~ To strengthen the profession of midwifery.

I~ To develop the role of the midwife as an au tonomous professional practitioner.

To improve the standard of care provided to mothers, women, babies and their families.

To advance the provision of midwifery and women's health services in collaboration with other health professionals and consumers.

I~ To advance within the Asia Pacific Region the potential of the midwife, and the value of midwifery in achieving the reduction in the rates of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity.

TRATEGIES Action Duration Responsibility Outcom{

GOAL: I n c r e a s e the n u m b e r o f A s s o c i a t i o n s o f M i d w i v e s i n t he A s i a P a c i f i c R e g i o n .

1. Init iate contac t w i t h countr ies : Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Western Samoa, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China, Cook Islands, Tonga, Brunei

Establish database of contact midwives. Obtain Information Packages from ICM and develop mechanism for distribution to identified countries. Apply for Government grants (AIDAB) for specific projects. Ensure regular communication between ACMI and identified countries.

1994-1996 Branches Contact with identified ICM countries will be established.

ACMI Asia Pacific Representative

C o n t i n u e d nex t p a g e


Page 2: Action plan for the triennium 1994–1997


TRATEGIES A c t i o n D u t - a t i o n R e s p o n s i b i l i t y O u t c o m ~

1. Collection of midwifery data through State Research Committees.

G O A L : I n c r e a s e the n u m b e r o f Associat ions o f Midwives in the Asia Pacif ic Region (cont.).

2. E n h a n c e c o n t a c t w i t h :

New Zealand, Japan, Hong Ensure communication via 1994-1996 ACMI Communication enhanced Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Journal / Newsletter Asia Pacific with all countries by Indonesia, Sarawak, Ensure regular communication Rep. May 1996. Philippines. Evaluate process. Jan 1996

3. E n h a n c e c o n t a c t w i t h :

Midwives in Promote ACMI in all States and Territories. 1994-1997 Branches Increase membership 10 % Australia Review process of attracting members. ACMI annually.

Consider strategies. Implement processes.

G O A L : To demons t ra te the po ten t ia l o f m idwi f e ry act ions to reduce m a t e r n a l and p e r i n a t a l mor ta l i ty a n d morb id i t y rates in Aus tra l ia and t h e A s i a Pacif ic Region through Research activities.

Establish State 1994 Branches Research Committees

Research Committees established in each State and Territory

Aboriginal Women's Health Project established.

2. Establish Aboriginal Identify midwifery actions for Aboriginal 1994-97 ACMI Branches Women Health Working women's health Group as an ACMI project Set strategies - seek funding


G O A L : To extend the knowledge o f midwi fery and inf luence o f Midwives throughout the wor ld in v e n u e s w h e r e dec i s ion-making takes p lace and pol icies made abou t the delivery o f m idwi f e ry c a r e .

Letters to Federal and State 1994 and ACMI Executive Ministers drafted, ongoing

Establish goals of Office and 1994-1997 ACMI Executive Terms of Reference

Call for Expertise - Midwifery Network 1994-1997 ACMI Executive through Branches and in Journal.

Publish/press release Raise profile of midwives Liaison with consumer groups

1994-1997 ACMI Executive

Communications with Federal and State Ministers achieved and maintained.

Political Officer position established.

Network of politically active midwives established.

Increased awareness of midwives and midwifery practice to the general public

1. Cover letters for all State delegates to send to Ministers on midwifery issues.

2. Appoint National Political Liaison Officer

3. Establish national network for politically active midwives.

4. Promote international definition of a midwife

GOAL: To faci l i ta te the conduct o f midwi fery workshops, seminars, and conferences in the Asia Pacific Region.

I. Attendance and Offer support to J.N.A. Asia Pacific Pep. involvement in 1995 Sponsor midwives to attend Late 1994 ACMI Conference in Japan

2. Involve Asia Pacif ic Invitation to all member associations to 1995 Asia Pacific Rep. region member participate in planning activities. ACMI Executive associations with planning of workshops, etc.

G O A L : To e n c o u r a g e and suppor t m idwi f e ry research in the p u r s u i t o f qual i ty in the reproduct ive years.

1. Appoint National Appoint co-ordinator 1994 ACM1 Executive Research Co ordinator

ACMI sponsored midwives will attend Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Japan 1995.

Asia Pacific Regional member associations will participate in the planning of future workshops for the regions.

c a r e o f w o m e n i n t h e

National Research Co- ordinator appointed.

C o n t i n u e d nex t p a g e


Page 3: Action plan for the triennium 1994–1997


GOAL: To e n c o u r a g e a n d s u p p o r t m i d w i f e r y research in the p u r s u i t o f qual i ty in the care o f w o m e n in the r e p r o d u c t i v e years (cont.).

2. Appoint State Research Call for Reps. from each Branch Co-ordinator

3. Seek funding for midwifery research

4. Establish National Midwifery Research Network

1994 Branches

Write submissions to appropriate agencies Ongoing

Planning for National Conference on 1994-96 Midwifery Research 1996

ACMI Executive

ACMI Executive National Research Co-ordinator

Research Co-ordinator appointed in all branches by 1994

To achieve funding.

National Research Conference held in 1996

GOAL: Work towards

1. Initiative follow-up activities resulting from 87-91-93 pre Congress workshops.

2. Assistance for rural area midwives to attend conferences

3. Assist midwives from developing countries to attend workshops

4. Encourage Asia Pacific Region members to contribute to ACMI Journal & ICM Newsletter

ach ievemen t o f safe mo therhood goals f o r As ia Pac i f i c Region.

Liaison with 1994-1996 ACMI Executive - Aboriginal Health Workers Branches - NESB Women's Groups - Adolescent Health Groups - Perinatal Morbidity Comms.

Continuation of PNG Project 1994-1996 Asia Pacific Rep. commenced

Establish a scholarship scheme 1994-1997 ACMI Exec. Branches

Pursue sponsorship from AIDAB 1994 1997 ACMI Exec. & other NGOs

Encourage & assist 1994-1997 ACMI Asia Pacific Rep. with compilation

Develop liaison with Aboriginal, NESB and Adolescent groups.

Admission of PNG Mid Assoc. admitted to ICM

Remote area and rural mid. school established

Sponsorship obtained by AIDAB & other NGOs

Contribution from Asia Pacific Region members published in ACMI Journal

GOAL: Strengthen m i d w i f e r y educa t ion a n d ongo ing educa t ion programs .

1. Position statement on Develop 1994 midwifery education Endorse

Circulate Enforce

2. Mechanism to regulate Discuss feasibility Ongoing education & practice Research requirement

Conduct gap analysis Set time frame

3. Competencies for Review available Competencies 1994-1995 practice Incorporate ACMI standards

Validate and test Competencies

4. Monitor Maintenance of Develop credentialling strategy 1995 Performance Standards Develop monitoring mechanism

Formulate professional conduct comm.

5. Establish database Offer funds for data collection relating to education of Determine most feasible projects midwives Establish whether midwives meet

consumer needs

Policy Comm National Exec Executive Officer Branches

National Exec


Midwifery Competencies Strategic Planning Committee National Exec Executive Officer Educ Comm Branches

Educ Comm Educ Comm National Exec

National Educ Co-ordinator

Policy ratified, circulated and promoted.

Initial plan in place this triennium

Competencies for practise established and endorsed by ACMI

Credentialling process established. Initial plan in place this triennium

Database established with mechanism for update established

Continued next page


Page 4: Action plan for the triennium 1994–1997


FRATEGIES A c t i o n D u r a t i o n R e s p o n s i b i l i t y O u t c o m t

GOAL: Strengthen m i d w i f e r y educa t ion and ongoing educa t ion p r o g r a m s (cont.).

6. Develop and maintain Distance Education Project

7. Branches develop and maintain educational activities

Ensure continuation of funding through lobbying Promote availability of packages Ensure funding availability for some members to encourage participation

Maintain Branch education activities Share ideas and resources - interstate

Ongoing National Exec

National Educ Co-ordinator Branches

Ongoing Branches Branches

8. Increase the credibility Upgrade ACMI Journal to Referee status 1994 1995 ACMI Exec of the ACMI Journal. Negotiate publisher

Launch National Journal

Development of education project completed. Develop education modules maintained with successful participants.

Educational activities are conducted. National Education Network established through Branches.

Refereed Journal published in 1995

GOAL: To develop m e c h a n i s m s to suppor t m idwives so they can f u i l y prac t i se their skills.

1. Negotiate Provider Plan national campaign 1994 Branches Numbers Lobby Government Branches

Consumers Health Prof.

2. Increase assertiveness ACM1 Educ Programs 1994-1997 National Educ training and skills Co-ordinator


3. Develop promotional Increase Branch activities 1994-1997 ACMI Exec activities to increase public Branches awareness

4. Rotate midwives Develop ACMI Policy and 1994 ACMI Exec through practice domain Position Statement


5. Network/Support Inform midwives of clinical network and 1994-1997 ACMI Exec Groups for midwives support resources available National Educ


Provider Numbers for ACMI accredited midwives.

Workshops conducted

Increase awareness of role of midwife and midwifery services

ACMI Policy and Position Statement published.

Production of resource info.

GOAL: The deve lopment o f Na t iona l Code o f Ethics based on In t e rna t iona l Code o f Ethics f o r Midwives.

1. Develop ACMI Review ICM Code 1994-1995 ACMI Exec ACMI Code of Ethics Code of Ethics WA Branch endorsed at Biennial Meeting


GOAL: To preserve the integri ty o f the title " 'midwife" To classi fy and def ine m i d w i f e r y activities.

1. Seek representation Consultation and submission to Ongoing ACMI Exec Appropriate representation on ANC ANC CEO achieved on ANC

2. Seek representation on State Nursing Boards

3. Preservation of midwifery practice

4. Develop and strengthen the organisation, culture and the professional image of the midwife

Seek to amend State legislation and Ongoing Branches Appropriate representation subsequently develop midwifery achieved legislation

Lobby within Health sector Ongoing ACMI Exec That midwifery practice is Government to preserve the role of the Branches preserved midwife

Establish a "Fellowship" category of 1994 1995 Fellowship is established membership to ACMI

Continued next page


Page 5: Action plan for the triennium 1994–1997


TRATEGIES A c t i o n D u r a t i o n R e s p o n s i b i l i t y O u t c o m {

G O A L : To e n s u r e the f i n a n c i a l v iabi l i ty o f ACMI.

1. To maintain base With CPI increase funding To align capitation fee

with projected budget

2. To increase revenue Membership drive raising activities Marketing of ACMI products



ACMI Exec Financial Advisory Committee Members

ACMI Exec Executive Officer Branches

Appropriate base funding is maintained

Increased revenue obtained. Marketing strategies established.

3 . Identify potential funding agencies

4. Cost effective operational management of ACMI

Seek funding from Government and corporate sponsorship Establish a Benefactors' Scheme

Change premises Seek Financial advice Review Journal costs Review work practices Cost recovering of National Education Co ordinator expenses Develop comprehensive Business Plan



ACMI Exec Executive Officer

ACMI Exec Financial Advisory Committee Executive Officer

Funding obtained

Cost effective operational management in place

G O A L : The f o u n d a t i o n o f a Na t iona l Midwi fery Regis trat ion Authority.

1. Establish national standards and processes for the regulation of Midwifery within Australia

2. ACMI statement on present system of registration of midwives with ANC: Nursing Registering authorities maintain a register of midwives according to ICM definition of a midwife.

Set up a committee to explore the concept 1994-1995 - self regulation - Competencies - professional regulation - Accreditation - statutory regulation - Regulation

Obtain clear statement from the ANC Beginning of regarding the present system of 1995 registration. Request ANC to set up a Midwifery Registration Board with ACMI appointed representative to oversight matters related to midwifery registration,

ACMI Exec Committee is established

Formation of an ACMI Registration Committee

Midwifery ACMI Exec ACMI statement established register to and published remain until further negotiation

3. Lobby to ensure qualified midwives are employed to provide care for midwifery clients

4. Develop processes for accreditation of courses related to midwifery education. Establish ACMI as a credible body for accreditation of midwifery courses

Write to employment agencies stating the ACMI position on using unqualified persons

Set up accreditation guidelines for midwifery courses. Obtain representation on the Curriculum Development and Accreditation of Courses at the higher education sector.

Ongoing ACMI Exec Information disseminated Branches appropriately

Ongoing ACMI Exec National Education/ Educ Comm Accreditation Guidelines


G O A L : Promote and suppor t the safe pract ice f o r Independent ly Prac t i s ing Midwives~Midwives in Pr ivate Practice.

1. Promotion of the Independent Practice model. Circulate information to consumers and other appropriate Health professionals & Agencies

Design and circulate pamphlet for Health Dofessionals, Media and Schools. Lobby Governments to provide funding for IPMs comparable to Health Professionals. Provide support and networks for IPMs.

1994 1995 Co-opted IPMs Independent practice model ACMI Exec promoted

C o n t i n u e d nex t p a g e


Page 6: Action plan for the triennium 1994–1997


TRATEGIES A c t i o n D u r a t i o n R e s p o n s i b i l i t y O u t c o m t

GOAL: P r o m o t e a n d s u p p o r t t he s a f e p r a c t i c e f o r I n d e p e n d e n t l y P r a c t i s i n g M i d w i v e s ~ M i d w i v e s i n P r i v a t e P r a c t i c e (cont.) .

2. Provide for educational Determine needs analysis in the December 1994-1995 IPMs needs of IPMs Journal. Provide flexible/variable

opportunities for IPM education Ongoing IPMs National Educ Co-ordinator Educ Comm

Needs of IPMs identified

IPMs involved in specific ongoing education

GOAL: To i n c r e a s e the e f f i c i e n c y a n d p r o d u c t i v i t y o f N a t i o n a l E x e c u t i v e M e e t i n g s .

1. Develop an effective Conduct workshops to plan and establish 1994-1995 ACMI Exec communication process ACMI organisational structure.

Streamline meeting procedures. Develop communication network between State delegates.

GOAL: I n c r e a s e a n d e n h a n c e c o n s u m e r r e l a t i o n s w i t h ACMI.

1. Develop and enhance Liaise with relevant consumer groups Ongoing ACMI Exec Collaborative application link with consumer groups Encourage consumers to communicate Branches established with relevant

with ACMI. consumer groups. Publicity Form consumer reference group Ongoing ACMI Exec To meet periodically with Initiate joint ventures as appropriate Branches ACMI Exec

GOAL: I n c r e a s e a n d e n h a n c e r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h o t h e r P r o f e s s i o n a l Col l eges a n d A s s o c i a t e s .

Educational Seminar Ongoing ACMI Exec Increased and enhanced Video and Literature Branches affiliation with other

Organisation structure in place. Streamlined meeting procedures established. Role delineation and function of office bearers determined.

1. Develop and enhance links with other Professional Colleges and Invitation to various groups for Professional Colleges and Associations multidisciplinary education sessions Associations

Publish appropriate share care articles in Journal Undertake various proiects with identified groups



T O W R I T E A R T I C L E S F O R T H E D E C E M B E R 1 9 9 4 I S S U E

T h e E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e a g r e e d to d e v o t e o n e i ssue o f t h e J o u r n a l to IPMs to e n a b l e t h e m to w r i t e

o f t h e i r p r a c t i c e s a n d e x p e r i e n c e s .

If y o u w i s h to p r e s e n t a r t i c l e s fo r p u b l i c a t i o n , p l e a s e f o r w a r d to:

L o r r a i n e W i l s o n , E d i t o r

A u s t r a l i a n C o l l e g e o f M i d w i v e s Inc.

Sui te 2 3 , 4 3 1 St Ki lda R o a d

M e l b o u r n e V i c t o r i a 3 0 0 4

b y S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 1 9 9 4