6 Ahorseundersuchamazingc on tr ol Hew aitspa tien tlyf orthesig nal ,t obeg in, H isr oundwithjustat ouchfr omther ider H isears ,f or w ar d ,list ening , A shest epson t othew oodenbr idge H isc oa tthec olorofthemidnigh tsk y , M akeshimstandoutfr omalltheotherhorses Ho wbeautifulitist oseeahorseandr ider W or k ingasat eamlikethis T heset w ointher ingdon tputast epwr ong R iderandchampionar eone Cheersgoupastheytaketheirtur nandlea v e A swinners D ennis: AK A( CEEIM AHO T VERSION)

aiesecwzlc,newsletter Oct

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aiesecwzlc,newsletter Oct.

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  • Here We Go:


    New Beginning

    New Generation !!!

    [Re ]--!



    [News FUN !]


  • [Re ]-!

    OGX ITEP --Tina() Tina eXchange!

    AIESEC --(Dexter) Dexter


  • []-

    ER/A new: NC AIESEC NC functional skill practices cold call interview sharing NC closing NC

    Project/: I learned a lot by participating in this years NC. not only from the lectures but also the stories shared. i really like to listen to the stories of those AIESECers who went on exchangeseveryone has their own story and has gained different perspective from the exchange. one thing they have in commu is that exchange program changed their lives and othersit's hard to imagine the living standards of others in foreign countries so I've decided to see it myself. I'm gonna try and go on the exchange during winter vacation and in the summer too!

  • Project/: team team team NCfunctional skill beer game beer game sharing NC AIESEC from AIESEC

    ER/(): & AIESEC David AIESEC

  • OGX/: AIESEC ? EP beer game I am an AIESECER~!

    OGX/: ,,,,, beer game super crazy!!, WZLC !!,,,!

  • !

    2010 Korea Leadership

    Development Seminar

    INNOVASIA Conference (/) AIESEC 1AIESEC 2010 Conference 9 AIESECers what's green-it's green-do green then be green! 11


    Delegate: Date: 30th July~3rd August


    Olympic Parktel in Jamshil, Seoul


    Green Power

    Here we go!

    We are


    We all from


  • *City Tour!

    *AIESEC , Global Village ,,

    * chair,


  • AIESEC ,delegate book-make your dream come true.


  • News FUN !


  • Reveal by LORAL

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    2. LORAL



    5. 18 :12/31

    Remind:(,[email protected]&&

    : http://aiesecwzlc.meworks.cc/

  • Meworks// Facebook

    Meworks: http://aiesecwzlc.meworks.cc/

    AIESEC : http://www.wretch.cc/blog/aiesecwzlc




    : Dylan Tseng President 2010-2011 E-mail: [email protected] MSN: [email protected] URL: www.aiesec.org.tw

    : Lily Wang Account Manager External Relations & Communication Department 2010-2011 E-mail: [email protected] URL: www.aiesec.org.tw