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Appendix II Awards&Decorations presented to soldiers

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Page 1: Appendix II Awards&Decorations presented to soldiers



Lt James F. Baker Sgt Bunito Montez

Lt Donald F. Daly Lt David R. Pinney

Lt Alvin W. Kehl Lt Henry R. Walls


Col Russell F. Akers, Jr. Lt Robert Q. Jones

Maj Philip L. Avery Sgt Jerry E, Kelley

Pvt Lloyd Bergland Pfc Stanley J. Kirla

Lt Walter A. Bik Jr. Lt Thomas C. Kirtley

Pfc Emory R. Bonner M/Sgt Franklin J. Laskowsl<y

Maj Edgar E. Bowman Cpl Ramiro Lee

Lt Robert J. Brandon Sgt William L. Linebarger

Sgt Donald R. Brieger Pfc Chester J. Lis

M/Sgt Elmer M. Brokaw Sgt Kenneth M. Lockard

Sgt Bruce A. Brown Lt William T. Loyd

Sfc Charles C. Chaloupka Cpl Bruce H. McGill

Lt John Chesnut Jr. Lt Dan I. McKeithen Jr. (Post)

Pvt Samuel H. Chippo Lt Robert K. Mackey (Post)

Pvt Emilio J. Ciampichini Pfc Otto E. Marschke

Maj Lawrence P. Connors Sfc Robert L. Massencale Jr.

Sgt Thomas P. Cunningham Lt Merle R. Meeker

Capt Gilbert D. Diffenderfer Sgt Frederick A. Mensior

M/Sgt Sam Dimenza Pfc Kenneth W. Merrill (Post)

Pfc Robert L. Dorr Pfc Clarence E. Millkin

Pfc Edward P. Drake Pfc William D. Molberg

Cpl Philip G. Eby Sfc Morris L. Nelson

Sfc John D. Edwards Lt Murray M. Olwell

Cpl James Escott M/Sgt Earl T. Pankey

Sfc Raymond Evangelista Cpl Lonnie J. Parke

Sfc Thomas R. Fitzgerald Pfc Joe Reginelli

Pvt Hugh E. Flynn Lt Eugene E. Reinkemeyer

M/Sgt Isaac D. Ford (Post) Cpl Robert W. Reynolds

Sgt Dale L. Geise Lt Edward W. Rockis

Pvt Cullen D. Gittleson Sgt Jose Rodriguez

Pvt Bernard Goodstine Pvt Warren E. Sessler

Pvt Harm K. Hanckney Lt Russel A. Sieder

Cpl Milo L. Harnack Maj John K. Singlaub

Sgt James N. Holcomb Lt Philip C. Smith

Pfc Donald Jenkins

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Sgt James F. Strauss Sfc Joseph Wells

M/Sgt Thomas Verran Lt Col Jesse D. Willoughby

BRONZE STAR MEDALS FOR VALOR AWARDED FOR ACTION AFTER 1 JANUARY 1953 Sfc John D. Adams Pfc Jerry A. Dartt M/Sgt Daniel L. Allen Sgt Byron L. Davis Sgt Sergio Alvarado Pfc Joseph E. Davis Sfc Theoduplho Arbiol Sgt Bobby G. Deaver Pfc Dile R. Bailey Lt Nickolaos A. Demetriou Cpl Rober H. Baker Sgt Kenneth F. Delano Cpl Willie Banks Sgt Gerald F. Dewispelare Cpl Robert S. Barajas Cpl Joviniano Diaz-Diaz M/Sgt John Barboza Pfc Richard L. Doe Pvt Arthur B. Barlow Pvt Turner F. Doehan Cpl Otis Bates Jr. M/Sgt Jack C. Douglas Pfc James Bazzelle Jr. Pvt Raymond E. Dabree Cpl William A. Bennett Pfc Philip A. Dubuque Cpl Jerry F. Bent Cpl William C. J. Dunlap Lt Walter A. Bik Jr. Sgt Horace E. Dutton Maj Daniel C. Bird Pfc Ralph E. Dutton Lt Ralph E. Bogar Lt William R. Edmonds Sgt Albert J. Bogner Cpl John R. Eilts Pfc William A. Bouyer Cpl Robert W. Eldridge M/Sgt Donald A. Bradley Pfc John J. Ellis Sfc Lawrence E. Bradley Jr. Pfc Richard P. Emich Sgt Lloyd A. Brien Pvt Allen K. England M/Sgt George F. Brosehn Cpl George T. Ertle Lt William D. Brotherton Pfc Kenneth H. Erickson Pfc Galvin Broyles Sgt Kenneth R. Erving Sfc Paul F. Burns Lt Kenneth M. Ethridge Pfc Jose R. Caceres Sfc Raymond Evangelista Sgt Thomas J. Cain Jr. Sgt Bobby J. Evans Pvt Clarence D. Carpenter Cpl Joseph Ferguson Cpl Paul E. Carter Sgt John F. Ferrara Sgt Elbert W. Chapman Lt Ronald J. Flahive Sfc Donald Chase Pvt Stephen Ford Pfc John R. Cheney Cpl Hilliard Fortner Jr. Pfc Earl J. Clark Cpl Carl F. Freeman M/Sgt Reinaldo Collazo-Barbosa Sgt Edward J. Freitas Cpl Arley E. Cook Sfc Albert C. Frost Sfc Joe Cook Pfc Joe B. Galavis Pfc Elwood L. Cox Pfc Francisco G. Garcia Cpl Luis E. Curz-Torres Cpl Dale H. Garmann

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Cpl Elmer C. Dalbeck Sfc Leo L. Gasperlin Cpl Louis Daray Lt Charles P. Gass

BRONZE STAR MEDALS FOR VALOR (Continued) Cpl Raymond C. Gavin Pfc Floyd W. Kinney Cpl John C. Gaylor Sgt Donald J. Kirk Pfc Chester J. Gibala Sgt Gene 1. Kohl Sgt Eugene D. Giebler Pvt St. Valentine Knight Lt Anastasios S. Gotas Cpl Albert S. Knull Jr. Sgt Jose D. Gonzales-Rivera Pvt Joe W. Lacey Cpl Joe H. Graniello Capt Clayton Lamberth Pfc Eugene J. Grigiski Pvt Richard W. Laston Pfc Ronald D. Grutt Pfc Colin K. Laughlin Cpl Leo J. Gu-@itorad Pvt Robert R. Lawhorn Pvt Margarito D. Guzman Pfc Roy L. Layfield Cpl Gerald Haakonson Pfc Arthur G. Lee Pvt Willard G. Hahn Lt Thomas Leschak Pfc Walter J. Hall Pfc Robert W. Lipscomb Pvt Billy W. Hamby Pfc Chester J. Lis Lt John F. Hamilton Pfc John T. Lody Pfc George R. Handlin Pfc Jack J. LoMonaco M/Sgt Fran W. Harris Cpl James L. Long Cpl Ronald E. Hart Pvt Emery G. Longley Cpl Lawrence J. Harton Cpl Charles E. Loper Sfc Fredrick J. Healey Pfc Robert L. Lorah Sgt Raymond V. Healey Pfc Joseph J. Lund Lt Daniel L. Herbst Pfc John L. Lundy Sgt Harry A. Hockersmith M/Sgt Leslie L. Lynch Pfc Robert M. Hooker Jr. Cpl James R. Lyster Sgt Forrest R. Horne Sfc Rolland E. Manning Pfc Duane T. Housken Lt Russell B. Morgan Lt Daniel L. Hubet Pfc Otho E. Marschke (Post) Cpl Robert H. Hughes M/Sgt Martin Martinez Sfc Donald J. Jackson Cpl Gregorio Martinez Pvt William Jackson Pfc Cecil Marting Pfc Arthur R. Jackson Pfc Louis R. Maruca Sgt John W. Jakson Pfc John S. Maryak Lt Donald G. Jenkinson Pfc Angel Matos-Rivera Cpl Bobby R. Jennings Pvt Donald J. May Sgt Jerry D. Johnson Sgt Winston K. McClatchy Cpl Robert C. Jones Sgt Edward W. McClintock Sgt Earl D. Jones Cpl Ben E. McCollum Pvt John E. Jones Sgt Lowell T. McCollum Pfc Wesley A. Jordan Pfc Robert L. McIntyre Lt Joseph E. Juston Sfc Donald Mclnyre Sfc Veikko A. Juhola Cpl Terrence M. McManus

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Lt Christos G. Kabadelis Pfc Manuel T. Mello Sfc Vaclav B. Kadlec Sgt Charles A. Meyer Sgt Louis E. Kaw Cpl David Miller Pvt Conrad M. Kershner Pfc William D. Molberg Pvt Robert M. Kingsboro Pfc Ronald L. Montroy

BRONZE STAR MEDALS FOR VALOR (Continued) M/Sgt Lauren F. Moore Lt Edward W. Rockis Cpl Nicanor Moquite Sgt John N. Rodrigues Pfc Alberto Moreno Pfc Forrest F. Rogers Sfc Michael Morganelia Pvt Richard J. Rogulski Pfc Roy G. Mullins Sgt John E. Rohrig Sfc Michael J. Muscara Sgt Ned C. Ruby Pfc Richard A. Musson Lt Constandinos N. Sakkos Cpl Yoo Je Myung Sgt Eugene Saice Sfc Herbert S. Nakaguma Sfc Torres C. Sanchez Cpl Donald R. Nauholz Lt Datip Saund Lt Francis J. Nester Cpl David A. Smith Cpl Joseph D. Newman Cpl Helder B. Smith Pfc James J. Nichols Sgt Bradley E. Smith Pfc Henry J. O'Donnell Pfc Joseph E. Smith Sgt Daniel R. O'Keefe Sfc Lester L. Smith Pvt Enzo A. Oliver Sgt Gene T. Smith Cpl Ismail Oliver-Maczo Pvt Billy W. Smith Cpl George P. O'Regan Sfc William E. Spence Pfc Joseph Oriti Lt Leonard A. Spirito Cpl Anthony F. Ortega Sgt George F. Sprague Pfc Raymond D. Ott Pfc David D. Stafford Cpl Dinald W. Paccio Pvt Theodore Stamuli Cpl Michael Paglino Lt Christos I. Stefanou Cpl Shelby Painter Sgt Buck D. Stewart M/Sgt Carl T. Pankey Pvt Forest W. Storie Lt Chris Pappas Cpl Robert J. Susino Cpl William 0. Partington Jr, Pfc Harold A. Swenson Lt Don R. Patton Cpl Voshio Taise Pfc Billy W. Perdue Lt Robert W. Tart Jr. Lt George E. Petrie Jr. Sgt Stanton E. Taylor Pfc Joseph Petrone Jr. Pfc C. L. Thomas Lt Don E. Phelps Cpl Harold B. Thompson Pfc Wesley S. Phillips Pfc Mourice E. Tong Pfc Gerald L. Philpot Sfc Santos Torre@-,Santiago Sgt Lewis F. Poore Sgt Sperlin A. Townsend Cpl Sard Porrata Sgt Kenneth Trammel Pfc Glenis E. Potter Pfc Charles C. Trout Pfc Frank Radin Sgt John L. Troutman Pfc Herbert S. Ragland Sfc Donald J. Uliana

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Sfc William S. N. Redman Pfc Billy G. Underwood Pfc Bobby M. Reeves Lt Georgios D. Vakalopoulos Pvt James N. Reeves Cpl Juan J. Vazquez-Laracuente Cpl Charles W. Reidlinger Sfc Leon J. Veith Pfc Richard D. Reilly Pfc Charles E. Volk Pfc John R. Renfroe M/Sgt Leon C. Wadley Cpl Clyde C. Reynolds Cpl Curuie H. Waldes M/Sgt Charles T. Roberts Jr. Lt Harold A. H. Walz


M/Sgt Curtis M. Watkins Lt William J. Williams Pfc James M. Watley Pfc George T.'Williams Cpl Lafayette D. Wells Pfc Clarence E. Willis Pvt Lionel D. West Pfc Willie B. Wimbrey Sgt George D. Westerman Sgt Date E. Wogan Capt Thomas F. Whalen Lt Isao Yamashiro Sfc Charles F. Willett Pfc Jack W. Yancey Pfc Eugene Williams Sfc Clyde E. Young

Cpl Adeario Zarate