Application Packages Wrapped Neatly in a Bow EIS Developer Forum April 4, 2007

Application Classes

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Page 1: Application Classes

Application Packages Wrapped Neatly in a Bow

EIS Developer Forum

April 4, 2007

Page 2: Application Classes

Agenda What are Application Packages

and Classes? Why would I want to use App

Packages/Classes? When would I use App

Packages/Classes? General Structure of an App

Class Exception Handling (try/catch) App Packages/Classes and App

Messaging in 8.48

Page 3: Application Classes

What are Application Packages/Classes? It’s just PeopleCode Application Packages contain

Application Classes You can create your own classes

or extend the functionality of the existing PeopleCode classes

A subclass can inherit all the properties and methods of the class it extends.

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Why would I want to use Application Packages/Classes? Provide all the advantages of true

object-oriented programming: easier to debug because all the pieces

are separate easier to maintain because

functionality is gathered into a single place

extensible by subclass Provide more structure Because the Tools team says

it’s a good idea!

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When would I use an Application Package/Classes? To structure your existing

PeopleCode functions to make them easier to debug and maintain.

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When would I use an Application Package/Classes?For example, consider this

FUNCLIB record…

It’s full of functions, but where do I find the one I want?

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When would I use an Application Package/Classes?…compared to this Application


The structure of the Application Package makes it easier to group similar functions.

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When would I use an Application Package/Classes? To structure your existing

PeopleCode functions to make them easier to debug and maintain.

To extend the functionality of an existing PeopleCode class or a custom class.

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When would I use an Application Package/Classes?

For example, a custom “Person” class could have these properties:

Name City State

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Person class

class Person

method getBioDemo(&sEMPLID As string) Returns boolean;

property string Name;

property string City;

property string State;


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Person class getBioDemo methodmethod getBioDemo

/+ &sEMPLID as String +/

/+ Returns Boolean +/

Local boolean &bReturn;

Local string &sName, &sCity, &sState;


&Name = &sName;

&City = &sCity;

&State = &sState;

If All(&sName) Or All(&sCity) Or All(&sState) Then

&bReturn = True;


&bReturn = False;


Return &bReturn;


Created automatically – don’t mess with these statements!

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PeopleCode using Person classimport GBUT_PEOPLE:Person;

Local GBUT_PEOPLE:Person &personBioDemo;

&sEMPLID = GBUT_TEST_WRK.EMPLID.Value;&personBioDemo = create GBUT_PEOPLE:Person();

If &personBioDemo.getBioDemo(&sEMPLID) Then MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, &personBioDemo.Name | "

lives in " | &personBioDemo.City | ", " | &personBioDemo.State);

Else MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "No Bio Demo Data Found");End-If;

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Employee subclass extends Person class An Employee would have the

same properties as a Person along with additional attributes like Job Title.

By making Employee a subclass of Person, the Employee class has access to the properties/methods of Person as well as any additional properties/methods defined for Employee.

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Employee subclass

class Employee extends GBUT_PEOPLE:Person

method getJobData(&sEMPLID As string) Returns boolean;

property string JobTitle;


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Employee subclass getJobData method

method getJobData

/+ &sEMPLID as String +/

/+ Returns Boolean +/

Local boolean &bReturn;

If %This.getBioDemo(&sEMPLID) Then

SQLExec("Select b.DESCR from PS_JOB a, PS_JOBCODE_TBL b where a.EMPLID = :1 and a.effdt = (select max(a_ed.effdt) from ps_job a_ed where a.emplid = a_ed.emplid and a.empl_rcd = a_ed.empl_rcd) and b.jobcode = a.jobcode", &sEMPLID, &sJobTitle);

If All(&sJobTitle) Then

&JobTitle = &sJobTitle;

&bReturn = True;


&bReturn = False;



&bReturn = False;


Return &bReturn;


Created automatically – don’t mess with these statements!

This method is in class “Person”

Page 16: Application Classes

PeopleCode using Employee subclassimport GBUT_PEOPLE:Employee;

Local GBUT_PEOPLE:Employee &employeeData;

&sEMPLID = GBUT_TEST_WRK.EMPLID.Value;&employeeData = create GBUT_PEOPLE:Employee();

If &employeeData.getJobData(&sEMPLID) Then MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, &employeeData.Name | ", " |

&employeeData.JobTitle | ", lives in " | &employeeData.City | ", " | &employeeData.State);

Else MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Either no BioDemo data or no job

title found");End-If;

Page 17: Application Classes

General Structure of an Application Class Class name Class extensions Declaration of public external

interface Declaration of private instance

variables and methods Declaration of protected instance

variables and methods Definition of methods Constructors External function declarations

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Class name A fully qualified name that is

formed hierarchically by the name of the top-level package that contains them, the package that contains that package and so on.

Must be unique within the App package.

class Employee extends GBUT_PEOPLE:Person method getJobData(&sEMPLID As string) Returns

boolean; property string JobTitle;end-class;

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Class name ExampleApplication Packages

Application Classes

Class names





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Class extension Represents the “is a” relationship. Inherits all the public methods and

properties of the class it extends. Before you can extend a class, you

must import it.

import GBUT_PEOPLE:Person;

class Employee extends GBUT_PEOPLE:Person method getJobData(&sEMPLID As string) Returns

boolean; property string JobTitle;end-class;

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Declaration of public external interface Specifies the methods and

properties that the class provides to other PeopleCode programs.

class Employee extends GBUT_PEOPLE:Person method getJobData(&sEMPLID As string) Returns boolean; property string JobTitle;end-class;

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Declaration of private instance variables and methods The private part of a class

declaration gives the declaration of any private methods, instance variable, and private class constants.

Private methods or instance variables cannot be overridden by subclasses because they are completely private to the declaring class.

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Declaration of private instance variables and methodsclass Emailer method Emailer(&bDebug As boolean); method addAttachment(&sFile As string, &sTitle As string); method send() Returns boolean; … property string TU; property string CC; property string BC; property string Subject; property string Body; …private method getUserEMail(&sOPRID As string) Returns string; method getRoleEMail(&sROLENAME As string) Returns string; method errorThrower(&nMsgSetNum As number, &nMsgNum As

number, &aSubstitution As array of string); method isValid() Returns boolean; instance boolean &bInError; instance string &currentMethod; …end-class;


PrivateThese methods are not

available to programs outside class Emailer.

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Declaration of protected instance variables and methods Fall between public and private. Can be accessed only by objects

of this application class and those derived from this application class.

Use protected methods and properties when you want to hide them from outside use, but allow the flexibility of using them in derived classes.

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Declaration of private instance variables and methodsclass A; method A(); property string Q;protected method MP() Returns string; property string P;end-class;

Class b extends A; method B(); property string X;end-class;

Public Protected

method MP() is available only to class A and its subclasses (like Class b).

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Definition of methods

Come after the definition of any global or component variables and external functions needed by the method

Passing parameters By value

method increment (&val as number, &text as string);

By referencemethod increment (&val as number out, &text as


Page 27: Application Classes

Constructors A constructor is a public method with

the same name as the class. A class that does not extend some

other class does not need any constructor.

Instantiate new objects of an app class by using the Create function. The function takes the name of the class and any parameters needed for the constructor method.

&employeeData = create GBUT_PEOPLE:Employee();

Page 28: Application Classes

External function declarations Declare Function xyz PeopleCode


Allowed in application classes In the global and component

variable declarations After the class declaration (after the

end-class statement) Before the method definitions

Page 29: Application Classes

Other AppClass Conceptsthat we aren’t going into today… Abstract Methods and Properties Interfaces Using Methods and Properties for

Collections Downcasting …

Please refer to PeopleBooks 8.48 > PeopleCode API reference > Application Classes for more information.

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Exception Handling An exception can be defined as any unusual

event that requires special handling in your PeopleCode program.

For example, dividing by zero, referencing a method or property that doesn't exist, or trying to use a method or property on a null object are all exceptions that should be handled.

Exception handling is the processing you initiate when an exception occurs. You can handle errors in PeopleCode using the catch statement. The places in your code where you want exceptions handled must be enclosed by the try and end-try statements.

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Exception Handling

The process of exception handling can be broken down as follows: An error occurs (either a hardware

or software error). The error is detected and an

exception is thrown (either by the system or by your program).

Your exception handler provides the response.

Page 32: Application Classes

Exception Handling try SQLExec(&sCurrentDDL); catch Exception &cl %This.Result = "Error"; %This.errorThrower(20101, 13, Split(%This.Name |

"." | %This.currentMethod, ";" | %This.TableName |

";")); If &bInDebug Then &fLogFile = GetFile(&sLogFileName, "A", %FilePath_Absolute); &fLogFile.WriteLine(%Datetime | " | " |

%This.Name | "." | %This.currentMethod | " Error during doAlter"); &fLogFile.Close(); End-If; Return False; end-try;

Page 33: Application Classes

Exception Handling

An exception to exception handling: Using functions that transfer the

end user to a new component, such as the DoModal, DoModalComponent, or Transfer functions (in some cases) inside a try block do not catch PeopleCode exceptions thrown in the new component.

Catches are only caught for exceptions thrown within the current component.

Page 34: Application Classes

AppClasses and the LS 8.9 Upgrade Application Messaging changes in

the 8.48 version of PeopleTools A Node is still a Node and a

Message is still a Message, but… Message channels become Queues New objects: Services and

Service Operations Node Transactions (Routing tab in

8.21) become Routings Message Subscriptions become

Application Classes and Service Operation Handlers

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AppClasses and the LS 8.9 Upgrade

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AppClasses and the LS 8.9 Upgrade

Page 37: Application Classes

For more information on this topic, sign up for one of the workshops to be held tomorrow (Thursday, April 5)

9:00 am – 12:00 pm1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

RP - EIS Training Room 1

Workshops on Friday

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The End