Mathematical Programming 82 (1998) 255-271 Approximation algorithms for two-machine flow shop scheduling with batch setup times Bo Chen a, Chris N. Potts b,*, Vitaly A. Strusevich ° a Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK b Faculty of Mathematical Studies, University of Southampton, Southampton S0117 1BJ, UK c School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences', University of Greenwich, London SE 18 6PF, UK Received 1 March 1995; accepted 17 July 1996 Abstract In many practical situations, batching of similar jobs to avoid setups is performed while constructing a schedule. This paper addresses the problem of non-preemptively scheduling in- dependent jobs in a two-machine flow shop with the objective of minimizing the makespan. Jobs are grouped into batches. A sequence independent batch setup time on each machine is required before the first job is processed, and when a machine switches from processing a job in some batch to a job of another batch. Besides its practical interest, this problem is a direct generalization of the classical two-machine flow shop problem with no grouping of jobs, which can be solved optimally by Johnson's well-known algorithm. The problem under inves- tigation is known to be NP-hard. We propose two O(n log n) time heuristic algorithms. The first heuristic, which creates a schedule with minimum total setup time by forcing all jobs in the same batch to be sequenced in adjacent positions, has a worst-case performance ratio of 3/2. By allowing each batch to be split into at most two sub-batches, a second heuristic is de- veloped which has an improved worst-case performance ratio of 4/3. © 1998 The Mathema- tical Programming Society, Inc. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. Keywords: Scheduling; Flow shop; Batch setup times; Approximation algorithm; Performance analysis 1. Introduction This paper addresses a two-machine flow shop scheduling problem with batch set- up times. The traditional version of this problem without setups, which is one of the most well-known in scheduling theory, can be stated as follows. We are given two machines A and B, and a set N = {1,2,... ,n} of jobs. Each job must be first pro- cessed on machine A and then on machine B. Neither of the machines can process *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. S0025-5610/98/$19.00 © 1998 The Mathematical Programming Society, Inc. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PHS0025-56 1 0(97)00086-5

Approximation algorithms for two-machine flow shop scheduling with batch setup times

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Page 1: Approximation algorithms for two-machine flow shop scheduling with batch setup times

Mathematical Programming 82 (1998) 255-271

Approximation algorithms for two-machine flow shop scheduling with batch setup times Bo Chen a, Chris N. Potts b,*, Vitaly A. Strusevich °

a Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK b Faculty of Mathematical Studies, University of Southampton, Southampton S0117 1B J, UK

c School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences', University of Greenwich, London SE 18 6PF, UK

Received 1 March 1995; accepted 17 July 1996


In many practical situations, batching of similar jobs to avoid setups is performed while constructing a schedule. This paper addresses the problem of non-preemptively scheduling in- dependent jobs in a two-machine flow shop with the objective of minimizing the makespan. Jobs are grouped into batches. A sequence independent batch setup time on each machine is required before the first job is processed, and when a machine switches from processing a job in some batch to a job of another batch. Besides its practical interest, this problem is a direct generalization of the classical two-machine flow shop problem with no grouping of jobs, which can be solved optimally by Johnson's well-known algorithm. The problem under inves- tigation is known to be NP-hard. We propose two O(n log n) time heuristic algorithms. The first heuristic, which creates a schedule with minimum total setup time by forcing all jobs in the same batch to be sequenced in adjacent positions, has a worst-case performance ratio of 3/2. By allowing each batch to be split into at most two sub-batches, a second heuristic is de- veloped which has an improved worst-case performance ratio of 4/3. © 1998 The Mathema- tical Programming Society, Inc. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Scheduling; Flow shop; Batch setup times; Approximation algorithm; Performance analysis

1. Introduction

This pape r addresses a two-mach ine flow shop schedul ing p r o b l e m with ba tch set-

up times. The t r ad i t iona l vers ion o f this p r o b l e m wi thou t setups, which is one o f the

mos t wel l -known in scheduling theory, can be s ta ted as follows. W e are given two

machines A and B, and a set N = { 1 , 2 , . . . ,n} of jobs . Each j o b mus t be first p ro-

cessed on machine A and then on mach ine B. Ne i the r o f the machines can process

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

S0025-5610/98/$19.00 © 1998 The Mathematical Programming Society, Inc. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. P H S 0 0 2 5 - 5 6 1 0 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 0 8 6 - 5

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more than one job at a time. The objective is to find a schedule that minimizes the makespan Cmax, which is the completion time of all jobs on both machines. Follow- ing a standard classification scheme [1], this problem is denoted by F211C~n,x.

In some manufacturing environments, it is necessary to perform a setup on a ma- chine before it can start to process a job. The setup cannot be performed while the machine is processing a job. Setup times can be of various types. However, in this paper, we assume that the setup times are sequence-independent, which means that the setup time is dependent only on the job to be processed next and is independent of the previous job, if any; and they are anticipatory, which allows the setup for any job on machine B to be performed concurrently with the setup and processing of this job and of other jobs on machine A. Note that the processing of any job on machine B cannot start until both the processing of this job on machine A and the setup of this job on machine B are completed. This problem is denoted by F21setup[Cm~,x if we again adopt the makespan objective.

The model with batch setup times, which we are to investigate, is similar to the F21setuplCmax problem. Practical applications involving batch setup times are given by Monma and Ports [2] and by Potts and Van Wassenhove [3]. In the batch setup times model, the jobs are partitioned into several groups, called batches. No setup time is required between jobs of the same batch. However, a setup on each machine is required before the first job is processed, and when a machine switches from pro- cessing a job in some batch to a job of another batch. Note that, once a job is pro- cessed on a machine, there is no requirement that all jobs in the same batch should be scheduled next. Consequently, any batch can be split into several sub-batches, where the first job of each sub-batch requires a setup. The same splits are not necessarily adopted on both machines, so sub-batches must be specified for each machine. This model is denoted by F21batch setup[C . . . .

Both the F211C .... and F21setupl C .... problems are solvable in O(n log n) time by algorithms which create a schedule with identical job processing orders on each ma- chine [4,5]. However, the F21batch setupICm,x problem is NP-hard [6], although Potts and Van Wassenhove [3] point out that if the number of batches is fixed and processing orders on the two machines are constrained to be identical, then the pro- blem is polynomially solvable by dynamic programming. Potts and Van Wassenhove also review other results in the general area of scheduling with batch setup times.

In this paper, two O(n log n) time heuristic algorithms for the F21batch setuplC .... problem are described and their worst-case performance is analyzed. If, for any in- stance of the problem, the makespan of the schedule generated by some heuristic does not exceed p times the optimal makespan, where p is a constant that is as small as possible, then p is the worst-case performance ratio of the heuristic. We first pro- pose a heuristic in which no batch is split so that all jobs of the same batch are pro- cessed consecutively. This approach follows the so-called group technology assumption, and the heuristic has a worst-case performance ratio of 3/2. By allowing each batch to be split into at most two sub-batches, a second heuristic is developed for which a reduced worst-case performance ratio of 4/3 is obtained.

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This paper is organized as follows. After providing some preliminary results in Section 2, we present our two heuristic algorithms in Sections 3 and 4. The first heur- istic in Section 3 does not allow any batch to be split. A modification to this heur- istic, which allows limited splitting of batches, is presented and analyzed in Section 4. Some concluding remarks are given in Section 5.

2. Preliminaries

A formal description of our F2lbatch s e t u p l C m a x is as follows. There is a job set N, and each job j, for j E N, must be first processed on machine A and then on machine B; the processing times are ay and b j, respectively, where aj + bj > 0. Assume that N is partitioned into v batches N1, . . . ,Nu, and IN~l-n~ for l~<v~<v, where ~ 1 n, = n. Let the batch setup times of batch N~ on machines A and B be s~ and t~, respectively. All processing and setup times are non-negative integers. For conve- nience, we use both single and double indexing for the jobs. Let N, = {(v, 1 ) , . . . , (%n,)}, for 1 ~< z ~< v, so that (z,k) refers to the kth job in batch N~. At the same time, we refer to (% k) as job ~-11 n~ + k.

A permutation schedule for a flow shop is one in which the processing order of jobs is the same on each machine. Given a permutation ~z, its associated schedule can be constructed by ordering the jobs on all machines in accordance with ~, and starting each operation as early as possible. Recall that, for the F2llCmax problem, there always exists an optimal solution which is a permutation schedule [4]. How- ever, for the F21batch setuplCm~x problem, it is not known whether the existence of an optimal solution that is a permutation schedule is guaranteed.

In our first heuristic, we first sequence the jobs within each batch. Then, a sche- dule is constructed by sequencing complete batches, so that only one setup per batch is necessary on each machine. The sequencing problems in these two phases are es- sentially F2[ICmax problems. Thus, it is useful to present algorithms for the F2llCm~x problem and to derive their properties.

Given a permutation ~z of jobs, the makespan of the corresponding permutation schedule for F211Cmax can be written as

C°max(~) = max ~ a ~ ( j ) + Z b ~ ( j ) I 1 <~u<~n . (1) j=l j=u

If the maximum in (1) is attained for u = v, then job ~(v) is critical in ~ and in its associated permutation schedule. If a job is critical in some schedule, then any delay to the starting time of either of its operations causes the makespan to increase. A per- mutation ~z* which minimizes (1) over all permutations re of jobs is called optimal.

For any set Q c N of jobs, we define

Qa = {j c Q t aj <~ bj} , Qb = { j ~ Q [ aj > bj} , (2)

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: ai, b ( o l : Z ]eQ jcQ

For the F2llCmax problem, an opt imal pe rmuta t ion can be found by the following algori thm.

Algorithm 1. Step 1. Part i t ion N into the two subsets N ~ and N b according to (2).

Step 2. F o r m a pe rmuta t ion ~z ~ in which all jobs in N ~ precede each of those in N~': the jobs in N ~ are sequenced in non-decreasing order of a/, while the jobs in N b are sequenced in non-increasing order of bj. Stop.

Algor i thm 1, which is due to Johnson [4], requires O(n log n) time. The permuta- t ion ~* found by the a lgor i thm is called a Johnson permutation of the jobs in set N. In our analysis, we also use a pe rmuta t ion of jobs which is generated by the following algori thm.

Algorithm 2. Step 1. Part i t ion N into the two subsets N a and N ~' according to (2).

Step 2. Define l -- a~gmax{/~i I J c N ~'} if N ~' ¢ (3, and r = argmax{a i [ j ~ N ~} if N t' ¢i (3.

Sty7) 3. F o r m a pe rmuta t ion ~r ( l ,N( ' \ {1} ,N~ ' \ { r} , r ) , where the jobs in N ~' \ {/} and N t' \ {r} are ordered arbitrarily. ( I f N ~ = (~, then l and N" \ {/} are re- moved f rom the above definition of or; if N t' (3, then N t' \ {r} and r are removed.) Stop.

Algor i thm 2 can be viewed as a par t o f the Gonza lez -Sahn i a lgor i thm for solving the two machine open shop p rob lem [7], and its running t ime is O(n). The permuta- t ion a generated by Algor i thm 2 is called a Gonzalez Sahnipermutation. Although a is not an opt imal permuta t ion , it has the following proper ty which is exploited in our heuristic algorithms.

Lemma 1. For the F2llCm~x problem, either job 1 or job r is critical in the permutation a that is generated by Algorithm 2.

Proof. By definition, a(1) = l i f N a ¢ ~), and or(n) = r i f N b/~ (3. Suppose that some

job a(u) is critical in a, so using (1) we have

u n

j l j u

First, suppose that a(u) ~ N ~. Then, f rom the definition o f N ~, we have a~(j / ~< b~/j; for 2 ~<j ~< u - 1, and the choice of job l ensures that a~(, / ~< b~(l/. Substi tut ion into (3) yields

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COax ((7) ~ a~(1) -I- Z b~U)' j=l

from which we use (1) to deduce that a(1) is a critical job. Alternatively, suppose that cr(u) E N b. The definition of Nb and the choice of job r

provide the inequalities b~(j / < a~(j) for u + 1 ~< j ~< n - 1, and b~(,) < a~(,). Substitut- ing into (3), we obtain

COax (o') ~ £ aa(j) -}- b~(~), j--1

which implies that a(n) is a critical job. Thus, we have shown that either job l or job r is critical in a. []

We now return to the F21batch setuplCma x problem. Consider a partial schedule formed by the jobs in a single batch N~, for 1 <~ z ~< v. Let rc, define a permutation schedule for these jobs, where ~z~ is a permutation of the integers 1 , . . . , n~. If we de- note the corresponding makespan by Cm~x (re0, then

0 (Tr,),t~ + b(N0}, (4) Cmax(~0 = max{sT + Cm, x

where, as in (1),

C0max(7"C-c) = max ~-~a(~,~(l))+ ~--~b(~,=.(i))l 1 <~u<~n, (5) j=l j=u

is the makespan of the permutation schedule for the jobs in N~ with batch setup times disregarded. It is clear that a Johnson permutation ~ for the jobs in set N~ is still optimal for scheduling the jobs in batch N~ in the presence of batch setup times. If C ~ x denotes the makespan of an optimal schedule, then we claim that

X * Cma x ~> max s~+a(N), t~+b(N), ma {Cmax(~)} • (6) -c=l "c=l l~<z~v

To justify the claim that (6) is a valid lower bound, we note that the first two terms in the maximization are the total loads on machines A and B, while Cmax (rc~) is the ma- kespan obtained by considering only the jobs in batch N~.

3. A non-split heuristic

In this section, we analyze the worst-case performance of a special class of heur- istic algorithms for the F2 Ibatch setup l C max problem, which generate schedules with- out splitting any batch. These algorithms are called non-split heuristics. We show that the makespan of a schedule found by any non-split heuristic can be at least 3/2 times the makespan of an optimal schedule in the worst case. On the other hand, we also present such a heuristic which runs in O(n log n) time and generates a sche- dule with makespan at most 3/2 times the optimal value.

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For a schedule S, its makespan is denoted by Cmax (S). If S is a permutation sche- dule corresponding to permutation ~, then we also use Cma~ (re) to denote its make- span.

Lemma 2. There exists an instance of the F21batch setuplCma~ problem, such that i f S is a schedule generated by any non-split heuristic for the instance, then

Cmax(S) /CLa x ~ 3/2.

Proof. Consider the following instance of the problem. The job set N = {1,2,3} is partitioned into two batches: N1 = {1,2} and N2 = {3}. All batch setup times are zero. Also, processing times are (a l ,b l )= (0,1), ( a z , b 2 ) = (l,0) and (a3,b3) = (1,1).

Any non-split heuristic produces a schedule S that is no better than any of the schedules corresponding to the four permutations (1,2,3), (2, 1,3), (3, 1,2) and (3,2, l). Thus, we have Cmax(S ) ) 3 , whereas C,*,~ = Cnlax(TC*)=2, where ~*=(1,3 ,2) . []

Lemma 2 implies that the worst-case performance ratio of any non-split heuristic cannot be better than 3/2. We now present a non-split heuristic with a worst-case performance ratio that achieves this lower bound. Our heuristic creates a schedule that is defined by a permutation of the jobs.

Algorithm 3. Step 1. Perform (a), (b) and (c) for z = 1 , . . . , v. (a) Run Algorithm 1 to find a Johnson permutation ~ of the jobs in set N~. (b) Evaluate Cmax (7C*). Define c~ : Cmax (lr~) - t~ - b(N~) and /~ = Cn, ax (:Z~;) -- St

-a(S~). (c) Associate with set N~ an artificial job z having processing times at = c~ and

Step 2. For the F21lCmax problem with artificial jobs {1 , . . . , v} defined in Step 1, run Algorithm 2 to find a Gonzalez-Sahni permutation a of these artificial jobs. If necessary, renumber the artificial jobs, and also the corresponding batches, so that ~ = (1, . . . ,v) .

Step 3. Set ~z ~ : (7c~,..., rc~), and output the heuristic permutation 7c 1. Stop.

Algorithm 3 is a non-split heuristic which runs in O(n log n) time. The algorithm creates the heuristic permutation lr ~ of the original jobs in which the batches are or- dered according to the sequence of artificial jobs in Step 2, and the jobs within each batch are sequenced according to a Johnson permutation.

Consider the schedule corresponding to the Johnson permutation ~ for a single batch N~, with makespan Cmax (::~), where the setup and all processing operations on machine B are scheduled as late as possible, as depicted in Fig. 1. In this schedule, machine B is idle for the first e~ time units, machine A is idle for the last/3~ time units,

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^ ~

Fig. 1. Optimal permutation schedule for jobs in N~.


and both machines are simultaneously busy for 7¢ time units. To sequence the batches, an artificial job is created from the schedule for each batch N, by removing the "common" segment of length 7¢: the remaining segments on machines A and B with lengths c¢¢ and/3,, respectively, correspond to the two operations of the artificial job. We show later in the proof of Theorem 1 that a schedule for the original pro- blem is easily created from a schedule of artificial jobs by reinserting the common segments that are removed during the creation of the artificial jobs.

The artificial jobs, and hence the batches, are ordered according to a Gonzalez- Sahni permutation. Although a Johnson permutation could be constructed instead, without detriment to the performance guarantee, a Gonzale~Sahni permutation is faster to compute and is simpler to analyze. In particular, either the first or the last artificial job is critical due to Lemma 1. If the first artificial job is critical, for exam- ple, then the makespan of the heuristic schedule corresponding to permutation n I ex- ceeds the total time for all setup and processing operations on machine B by at most cq. The observations c~1 +/31 ~< Cm~x(n~) and cq ~</31, show that ~l ~< C .... (n~)/2 ~< C*~ /2 , from which our worst-case performance bound of 3/2 is obtained.

We now give a formal presentation of this intuitive argument.

Theorem 1. For the permutation n a generated by Algorithm 3,

1 * Cma x ( g ) / C . . . . ~ 3 /2 , (7)

and this bound is tight.

Proof. We first analyze some features of the schedule created by Algorithm 3. For the artificial F2]]Cmax problem introduced in Step 2, the Gonzalez Sahni permutation a = (1 ,2 , . . . , v) determines a schedule S~ of the artificial jobs. From Lemma 1, either artificial job 1 is critical in S~ and cq ~</31, or artificial job v is critical and/3v < e~. Let co be a critical artificial job in S~, where co E {1, v}. Then, from (1), the makespan of schedule S~ in the artificial problem is

+ ~ / 3 ~ if co = 1,

Cmax(Sa) : (8) -c-1

~ c~ +/3v if co = v. =

We now evaluate Cma x (TO 1) for the original F2]bateh setup]Cmax problem in terms of the makespan Cmax(S~) for the artificial F2]lCmax problem. In the optimal

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schedule for batch N, (see Fig. 1), let 7~ = Cmax (n~) - e~ - ~ be the total load on each machine in batch N~, for 1 ~< z ~< v, which is not present in the artificial problem. Suppose that each of these loads is inserted into the schedule S~ as follows. On ma- chine A, the load for batch N~ is inserted immediately after artificial job z is pro- cessed, so that all subsequent setup and processing operations on machine A are delayed by 7# on machine B, it is inserted immediately before artificial job z is pro- cessed, which again causes a delay of 7~ to all subsequent operations on machine B. Thus, the completion of batch N~ for the F2lbatch setupIC,~ax problem is later on both machines by time ~ = 1 7~ than the completion of job ~ in the artificial F211C~ax problem. Moreover, for each ~, a load inserted on machine A is scheduled to start no later than the load that is inserted on machine B. Consequently, each job in N~ is completed on machine A no later than it starts on B. Thus, we have estab- lished that the constructed schedule is feasible, and it has makespan Cm~ (n l), which exceeds Cm~(So) by ~ = 1 7~. We use (8), together with the relationships

v ~ v / ~ v ~ = 1 (~ + 7~) = ~=1 st + a(N) and ~ , : 1 ( , + Y~) : ~ 1 t~ + b(N), to deduce that

~ l + ~ t ~ + b ( N ) if~o = 1 Cmax (7cl) = r=l (9)

if o = u.

I t i s c l e a r t h a t ~ + ~ < ~ C ~ . ~ ( n ~ ) f o r l < ~ < ~ v . Ifco 1, then cq ~</]1 and it fol- * 2 * lows that cq ~< Cm~x (no,)/ . Similarly, if co v, then /~,, < ~v and /~v < C ..... (n~)/2.

Substituting into (9) yields

{ { ~ t~ + C * m,~ (n,) + if co = 1,

(10) Cmax (7t;1) --~ 2 s ~ + a ( N ) + ½ C ..... (n:)) if o9 = v.

The desired bound (7) now follows from Eqs. (6) and (10). The tightness of the bound is implied by Lemma 2. [~

4. An improved heuristic

The results of the previous section show that to design a heuristic with a better worst-case performance than 3/2, it is necessary to split some batches. In this section, we propose a heuristic which improves the schedule generated by Algorithm 3 by al- lowing limited splitting.

It is useful to derive two preliminary results. The first relates to the processing or- der of jobs within a batch.

Lemma 3. There exists an optimal schedule in which all jobs in the same batch are processed in the same order on both machines.

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Proof. Suppose that, in an optimal schedule S*, the jobs in some batch N,, where 1 ~< z ~< v, are processed in different orders on machines A and B. Then there exists a pair of jobs i and j, where i,j c N~, such that job i is processed before j on machine A, but is processed after j on machine B. Let T/(S*) and Tj(S*) denote the start times of jobs i and j on machine B in this schedule. We show that S* can be transformed into a new optimal schedule in which job i is processed before job j on both machines.

Move the processing operation of job i on machine B so that it starts at time ~(S*), and delay by bi the starting times on B of the setup and processing operations that are scheduled in S* within the time interval [Tj(S*), T~(S*)]. Note that no extra setup is generated by this transformation because the machine is setup to process jobs in batch N~ at time Tj(S*). In the resulting schedule, the only operation to be scheduled earlier is job i on machine B, and this operation starts at time ~(S*). By the feasibility of S*, we observe that Tj(S*) is no smaller than the completion time of job j on machine A, which in turn is no smaller than the completion time of job i on machine A. Thus, the schedule generated by the transformation is feasible. Since the last operation on machine B is completed at the same time in both schedules, the transformed schedule is also optimal.

After a finite number of applications of this type of transformation, we obtain a schedule with the desired property. []

Let S be an arbitrary schedule for the F2]batch setup] Cmax problem. This schedule is defined by specifying the processing orders of the jobs on the two machines and then starting each operation as early as possible. As for the F2]]Cmax problem, we define a job to be critical in S if any delay to the starting time of either of its opera- tions causes the makespan to increase. If, for each job, there is a delay between the completion of its first operation and the start of its second operation, then S contains no critical job. Since all operations on machine B are started as early as possible, then the absence of a critical job implies that there is no idle time on machine B, in which case

Cmax (S) = B 0 (S), (11)

where B0 (S) is the total time for all setup and processing operations on machine B in S. Alternatively, if (11) does not hold, then it is straightforward to deduce that

Cma x (S) = max{Au(S) + a, + b, + B,(S) ] 1 ~< u ~< n}, (12)

where Au(S) and B,(S) are the total times for all setup and processing operations per- formed on machine A before job u is processed, and on B after u is processed, respec- tively, in S. If (12) holds and the maximum is attained for u = v, then job v is critical in S.

For a given non-permutation schedule, some jobs are never critical, even if their processing times are changed arbitrarily. We define k to be a separating job in sche- dule S if there is no job j that is sequenced after k on machine A and before k on machine B. It is easily verified that a non-separating job cannot be critical. In any

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schedule, there is at least one separating job, since the last job processed on ma- chine A is always separating. Moreover, all jobs are separating in a permutation

schedule. We now concentrate on the design of a heuristic with a better worst-case perfor-

mance than Algorithm 3. Inequality (10) shows that this heuristic performs badly when C , ~ ( ~ ) is large, where N~ is the first or last batch of a which is constructed in Step 2, and ~ is defined in Step 1. To derive an improved heuristic, we focus on whether the other batches should be scheduled before or after batch N~, or whether they should be split into two sub-batches with one sub-batch scheduled before No~ and one after. I f a job of batch N~ is critical in a permutation schedule, and some other batch N~ is not split and is scheduled before the critical job, then batch N~ con- tributes s~ + a(N~) to the makespan; if batch N~ is not split and is scheduled after the critical job, then it contributes t~ + b(N~); and if batch N: is split into sub-batches N A and N~ that are scheduled before and after the critical job, then batch N, contributes s, + a(N A) and t~ + b(N~). In the latter case, we observe using (2) that the smallest contribution occurs when N A = N~' and N~ = N~. Thus, our decision about batch

N~ depends on the value of R~, where

R~ = min {s~ + a(N~), t~ + b(N~), s~ + t~ + a(N~) + b(N~)}, (13)

for l ~< ~ ~< v. Batch N: is a front batch if R~ = s~ + a(N~) since it is to be scheduled before N~o in our improved heuristic. Similarly, batch N~ is a rear batch if it is not a front batch and R~ = t~ + b(N~); each such batch is to be scheduled after N,,, Batches which are neither front nor rear batches are split batches. I f N~ is a split batch, then sub-batches N~ and N~ are to be scheduled before and after N,,,, respectively.

Our second preliminary result establishes a lower bound on the optimal make-

span. It is expressed in terms of an arbitrary batch N,,, although it is used when N~,, is the first or last batch of the permutation ~r, which is constructed in Step 2 of

Algorithm 3.

Lemma 4. For any batch N~,

Cma x ~> C ..... ( ~ ) + ~-]R~, (14)

where l d oa <~ v and ~z~ is an optimal permutation for the jobs in batch N,~.

Proof. Consider an optimal schedule S*. By Lemma 3, we may assume that, in S*, all jobs in the same batch are processed in the same order on both machines. For

schedule S*, let zco~ be the processing order for the jobs in batch N,,,. Since 7"g* Cma× (~,~) ~> Cmax ( ~ ) , it is sufficient to establish that

From (4), there are two alternative values for Cm,× (~,~). First, consider the case that Cm,x (~Z~) = t~ + b(N~). It is clear from (6) that

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C~nax >1 E t~ + b(N) = t<o + b(No,) + Z ( t ~ + b(N-c)) >~ Cmax (~o) + ZR-C, -c=l "c/Lw -c/Lo)

where the final inequality is deduced from (13). Thus, in this first case, we have es- tablished (15), which implies that (14) is satisfied.

For the remainder of the proof, we consider the alternative case that

0 C .... (~,~) so~ + Cmax ( ~ ) . (16)

Without loss of generality, we assume that the jobs are indexed so that ~e, = ((co, 1 ) , . . . , (co, no~)). Let (oo, w) be a critical job for the permutation ~z,o when setup times are ignored. Thus, we use (5) to obtain

C°ma~ (~e)) = a(oj) + Z b(o,,2- (17) j--1 j - -w

From (12), we have for any job k that

Cma x ~ Ak(S*) + ak + bk + Bk(S*). (18)

In the following analysis, we choose k to be a separating job for schedule S*. Now, for any batch N~, where 1 ~< ~ ~< v, we define

{ & + a(N-c) if N~ = 0,

R-c t~ + b(N~) i f N A = (0, (19)

st + t-c + a(N A) + b(N~) otherwise,

where N A and N~ denote the sets of jobs in N-c which are processed in S* before job k on machine A, and after k on B, respectively. Consider any batch N~, where k ¢ N~. Since k is a separating job, each job of batch N~ is included either in N A or in N( (or both). Thus, N~ = N A t3 N~, which together with Eqs. (13) and (19) implies that

R-c ~> R-c for k ¢ N-c. (20)

Our use of (20) depends on how k is selected. First, suppose that (co, w) is a separating job in S*. Then, we choose k to be (co, w).

In schedule S*, ~o~ defines the processing order of jobs in batch N,o. Also, for any batch N , where v ¢ ~o, at least one setup is required on machine A for the jobs of N A when N~ A ¢ ~) and on machine B for the jobs ofN~ e when N( ¢ (3. Thus, we obtain

w 1

Ak(S*) >~ &, + Za(°>,J) + Z (& + a(Nff))' (21) j - - I .c/Lea ' NzA #O


Bk(S*) >~ Z b(e,j) + Z (t-c + b(N~B)). (22) j=w+l z#~o, N~#O

For z ¢ co, let x-c and y-c denote the contribution of batch N-c to the right-hand side of Eqs. ((20) and (21), respectively. If N~ = 0, i.e., if N-c -- N A, then x-c - & + a(N~) and y~ = 0. Similarly, if N A = 0, i.e., if N~ = N~, then x~ = 0 and y~ - t-c + b(N~).

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Moreover, if N A 7 ~ (3 and N~ 7 / (3, then x~ = s~ + a(N~) and y~ - t~ + b(N~). There- fore, combining Eqs. (21) and (22) and applying (19) yields

w 1 n~

A~(S*) + Bk(S*) >~ so~ + Za(~,.i) + Z b(<,j) + Z R ~ . (23) .i-1 ] w+l ~¢~.

Furthermore, since job k is chosen to be (co, w), we combine Eqs. (16), (17) and (23) to obtain

Ak(S*) + Bk(S*) + ak + bk >~ Cmax ( ~ , j ) + Z R ~ , "c~o)

which, together with Eqs. (18) and (20), proves (15), and hence (14). Alternatively, suppose that (co, w) is not a separating job in S*. Then there is some

separating job that is processed after job (co, w) on machine A and before (co, w) on B. Let (co',w') be the last such separating job to be processed on machine B, and we choose job k to be (co',w'). Observe that oJ # co, i.e., k does not belong to batch N,~, since the jobs in N~ are processed in the same order on both machines.

We now establish lower bounds, similar to those in Eqs. (21) and (22), on the total load on machine A before job k is processed and on the total load on machine B after job k is processed. For machine A, we use the observation that job (co, w) precedes job k, and consequently ~ D {(co, 1) , . . . , (co, w)}, to obtain


Ak(S*) >~ s~,~ + Z a((,)j) + Z (s: + a(N~A)). (24)

For machine B, noting that job (co, w) is processed after job k, we deduce that N~ _D {(co, w) , . . . , (co, n~o)} and that


Z + + + (25) j w r¢ , , ) , , . , , NrB¢0

where b,,, is the total time for all setup and processing operations of the jobs in set N~, on machine B, in S*.

We claim that b~,, >~ t~o, + b(N~,) ifN~, ¢ 0. To justify our claim, we need to show that, ifN~, ¢ 0, then at least one setup time is used on machine B in S* for the jobs of N~,. We note that job (eJ,w') is the last job in batch N~, to be sequenced before (co, w) on machine B: otherwise, due to the identical ordering of jobs in the same batch on the two machines, there is another separating job that is scheduled after (co',w') but before (co, w) on machine B, which contradicts our choice of job (co', w'). Thus, if N~, ¢ 0, the first job of batch N,,,, to be scheduled after (co, w) on machine B starts a sub-batch and requires a setup. We have now established our claim. Hence, we may rewrite (25) as

Bk(S*) >~ ~-~b(~,~j)+ ~ (t~+b(N~)). (26) j--w ~:¢co, N~ TL~I

As in the derivation of (23), we combine Eqs. (24) and (26) to obtain

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w t~a)

Ae(S*) + Bk(S*) >1 soo + Z a(~oj) + Z b(~oj) + Z R~, j=l j=w %&o

from which, on substitution of Eqs. (16) and (17), we deduce that

Ak(S*) + Bk(S*) + a~ + bk >~ C°max (reo)) @ ~-~Rv @ ak + bk. (27) z¢:co

From (20), R~ ~> R, for z ¢ co' because k E No,,. Similarly, each job in batch Noy, with the exception of job k, is included either in N A, or in N~, (or both). Although job k does not contribute to Ro,, due to (19), it contributes to Roy, and that contri- bution does not exceed ak + bk. Therefore, we deduce that Ro~, + a~ + bk >~ Roj. Use of these observations in (27), together with (18), completes our proof of (15), and hence (14). []

Lemma 4 suggests a method for modifying permutation n l, which is generated by Algorithm 3, to produce a new candidate schedule. First, batch N~ is identified using (9). In this candidate schedule, neither batch No,, nor any front or rear batch, is split. Each front batch is scheduled before N~ and each rear batch is scheduled after N~; for a split batch N~, sub-batches N~ and N~ ° are formed, with N~" scheduled before N~ and N~ scheduled after N,,. The ordering of the batches and sub-batches scheduled before No, is arbitrary, as is the ordering of the batches and sub-batches scheduled after No,. Thus, we create a permutation schedule in which any batch is split at most once. A formal statement of our procedure is as follows.

Algorithm 4. Step 1. Run Algorithm = ( < , . . . ,

Step 2. Set

3 to renumber the batches and find a permutation

1 i f Cmax (rel) : o; 1 + ~ tz Av b ( N ) , v

z=l c o z

v i f c . . . . "c=l

Step 3. Set re2 = ~Z~o . , Step 4. Perform (a) and (b) for ~ = 1 , . . . , v, with ~ ¢ co.

(a) Evaluate R~ using (13), and hence determine whether N~ is a front, rear or split batch. (b) If N~ is a front batch, then set re2= (re~, ~2); if N~ is a rear batch, then set re2 = (re2, 7"C*); if N, is a split batch, then set 7~ 2 = (7~z a, TC 2, 7cb), where n~ and reb~ are the subsequences of rc~ corresponding to the sets N~ and N~, respectively.

Step 5. Choose rd / c {rex, re2} so that Cmax (n H) = min {Cmax (re'), Cmax (re2)}. Out- put the heuristic permutation ren. Stop.

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The running time of Algorithm 4 is O(n log n) since its time complexity is domi- nated by Step 1. Our main result establishes the worst-case performance ratio of Al- gorithm 4.

Theorem 2. For the permutation 7~ Lr generated by Algorithm 4,

:I , 4 Cma x (/'c/ ) / C m a x ~-~ (28) 5,

and this' bound is' tight.

Proof. Let =1 and co be defined as in Algorithm 4. Observe that co is chosen as in the 4 * . proof of Theorem 1 to be consistent with (10). Assume that Cmax(g 1) > ~Cmax,

otherwise, the validity of (28) is apparent. From Eqs. (10) and (6), we obtain

1 7l;* Cmax(7cl) ~ C*lax 4 - - C m a x ( ~ o ) , 2

from which we deduce that

2 , Cmax (/re;) > 3Cmax .

It follows from Lemma 4 that

Z 1 C* . R~ < - max (29) 3 ~c¢:co

Let =2 be the permutation found at the end of Step 4 of Algorithm 4. To show that (28) holds, we consider four cases separately.

First, suppose that there is a critical job in ~2 which belongs to batch N,o. It fol- lows from the construction of ~z 2 by Algorithm 4 that batch N,, is not split and its jobs are ordered according to permutation rt2,. Any other batch N~, where r ¢ co, is sequenced in permutation =2 according to its type. If N, is a front batch, it is sched- uled before batch No,. If N~ is a rear batch, it is scheduled after No. If N, is a split batch it is partitioned into two sub-batches N," and N~ which are sequenced before and after batch No,, respectively. Since batch No, contains the critical job, we deduce from Eqs. (12) and (13) that

= rr* Z R ~ . C . . . . (g2) C . . . . ( o ) ) 4-

Hence, rc 2 is an optimal permutation due to Lemma 4, and (28) trivially holds. Second, suppose that there is a critical job in ig 2 which is sequenced before batch

No,. Let v denote this critical job. We partition the set of batch indices {1 , . . . , v}\{co} into three subsets: f~l contains indices of front batches, f~2 contains indices of rear batches, and f~3 contains indices of split batches. Using (12), we have

Cmax (~2) = Av(=2) 4- a~ 4- by + B~(~z2). (30)

By the construction of rt 2 by Algorithm 4, no job in batch N¢, for z E f~2, and no job in sub-batch N~ °, for z c ~3, is scheduled before batch No, and hence before job v. Therefore,

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A~(~ 2) + av <~ Z ( s ~ + a(Nz)) + Z ( s ~ + a(N~)).



Since there are two setups for each batch N~, where z E ~"~3, and a single setup for all other batches, the total time for all setup and processing operations on machine B yields the inequality

v b~ + B~(rc 2) <~ ~ t~ + b(N) + Z tz.

17=1 ZG~') 3 (32)

Substituting Eqs. (31) and (32) in (30), we obtain

Cmax(Tr2)~ Z ( s . c 4-a(N~)) @ Z ( s z @a(Na)) @ £ t z - ~ b(N) @ ~-~ tr zCQ1 "cE~3 z=l zC~3

Cmax 3r- Z Rz' (33) zCeJ

where the last inequality is obtained from Eqs. (6) and (13). Substituting (29) into (33) yields the desired inequality (28).

Third, for the case that a critical job in ~z is sequenced after batch No, a symmetric argument applies, thereby establishing (28).

Fourth, suppose that there is no critical job in rc 2. Since there are two setups for each batch N,, where z E f~3, and a single setup for all other batches, using (11), we obtain

Cmax(7~2)~ £ t~-F b(N) -F Z tz-< * -~Cma x @ ~-~ Rz, (34) ~=1 zCf~ 3 zero

where the last inequality is obtained from Eqs. (6) and (13). The desired inequality (28) follows by substituting (29) into (34). Thus, (28) holds in all cases.

To show that the bound (28) is tight, we consider an instance with five jobs and three batches. Setup times and processing times are given in Table 1, where 0 < c < 1. The three batches are defined by N~ = {1}, N2 = {2, 3} and N3 = {4, 5}. The permutation schedule corresponding to n* = (2, 1,4, 5, 3) is an optimal solution

Table 1 Worst-case instance for Theorem 2

N~ N1 N2 N3

st 0 0 1 t~ 0 0 0

j 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 1 0 2~ l+e 1 0 l + e 0

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which has makespan Cma x = 3 + 2c. Algorithm 4 first constructs rc 1 = (1,2, 3, 4, 5) for which Cmax (7~ 1) = 4 + 2e, and sets co = 1. The permutation ~2 = (4, 2, 1, 3, 5) is then generated, which gives C .... (~c 2) = 4 + 2e. Hence, Cmax (~h') = 4 + 2c, where ~H = ~1 or ~H = re2. We deduce that C m a x (7"cH)/Cmax = 4/3 - 2e/(3(3 + 2e)) -+ 4/3 as e ---, 0. []

5. Concluding remarks

This paper considers the problem of scheduling a two-machine flow shop with batch setup times. On each machine, a sequence independent setup time is required between jobs of different batches. We propose a non-split heuristic in which all jobs in the same batch are processed consecutively. This heuristic is shown to have a worst-case performance ratio of 3/2, and no other non-split heuristic has a better worst-case behavior. By allowing batches to be split into at most two sub-batches, we design a heuristic with an improved worst-case performance ratio of 4/3.

Both of our heuristic algorithms generate permutation schedules in which the pro- cessing order of jobs is the same on each machine. Nevertheless, our worst-case ana- lysis is valid irrespective of whether or not there exists an optimal solution that is a permutation schedule. This latter issue remains unresolved.

The literature contains other results on the worst-case analysis of heuristics with sequence independent batch setup times. A common feature of these heuristics is that, in each case, batches are split into at most two sub-batches. Zdrzatka [8] pro- poses a heuristic for minimizing the maximum lateness on a single machine for non- positive due dates, and shows that it has a worst-case performance ratio of 3/2. Mon- ma and Potts [9] and Chen [10] consider the preemptive scheduling of jobs on iden- tical parallel machines to minimize the makespan. Monma and Ports [9] propose a heuristic which, for an arbitrary number of machines, has a worst-case performance ratio of 2. For a special category of problems in which the total processing time of the jobs in each batch is restricted, Chen designs a heuristic with a worst-case perfor- mance ratio of 3/2 for an arbitrary number of machines. The worst-case performance ratio of our second heuristic for the two-machine flow shop compares favourably with these ratios for other problems.


Discussions with C.L. Monma and L.N. Van Wassenhove during the initial stages of this work are gratefully acknowledged. Some useful suggestions by anonymous referees have helped to improve the presentation. This research was partly supported by the International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, INTAS-93-257.

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