IL NUOVO CIMEINTO VOL. 40 B, IN. 1 11 Luglio 1977 Are Superluminal Connections Necessary? (*)(**). It. P. STAPe .~awrence Berkeley ~aboratory, University o] Cali]ornia - Berkeley, Cal. 94720 (ricevuto il 13 Gennaio 1977) Summary. -- The following theorem is proved: if the statistical pre- dictions of quantum theory are true in general and if the macroscopic world is not radically different from what is observed, then what hap- pens macroscopically in one space-time region must in some cases de- pend on variables that are controlled by experimenters in far-away, space- like-separated regions. By what happens maeroscopically in one space-time region is meant specifically the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a macro- scopic event, such as the detection and recording of a particle by some macroscopic device. By a variable controlled by an experimenter in a cer- tain space-time region is meant specifically the experimental setting in that region of some macroscopic device, in which this setting is controlled by an experimenter acting within that region. The theorem pertains specifically to experimental situations in which there are two far-apart, spacelikc- separated regions in each of which there is a device that can be set at either of two alternative settings by an experimenter acting within that region. There is also a long sequence of experimental results (i.e. events) in each of the two regions. The theorem asserts that, for some such cases, it is mathematically impossible, within the manifold of all conceivable results compatible with the statistical predictions of quantum theory (to within a generous limit of, for example, 1000 standard deviations), that what happens in each region be independent of the experimental setting of the device in the far-away region. In short, there are situations in which it is mathematically impossible to meet both the statistical requirements of quantum theory and also the locality requirement that what happens in each region be independent of the setting made in the far-away, spacelike separated region. This result is a sharpening of a result due to Bell. Bell's result was formulated (*) This paper is based on a series of lectures on Bell's Theorem given in Trieste in December 1975. (**) Supported by the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration. 191

Are superluminal connections necessary?

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IL NUOVO CIMEINTO VOL. 40 B, IN. 1 11 Luglio 1977

Are Superluminal Connections Necessary? (*)(**).

I t . P . STAPe

.~awrence Berkeley ~aboratory, University o] Cali]ornia - Berkeley, Cal. 94720

(ricevuto il 13 Gennaio 1977)

Summary . - - The following theorem is proved: i f the stat is t ical pre- dictions of quantum theory are t rue in general and if the macroscopic world is not radical ly different from what is observed, then what hap- pens macroscopically in one space-time region must in some cases de- pend on variables tha t are controlled by experimenters in far-away, space- l ike-separated regions. By what happens maeroscopically in one space-time region is meant specifically the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a macro- scopic event, such as the detection and recording of a part icle by some macroscopic device. By a variable controlled by an experimenter in a cer- tain space-time region is meant specifically the experimental sett ing in tha t region of some macroscopic device, in which this sett ing is controlled by an experimenter acting within tha t region. The theorem pertains specifically to exper imental si tuations in which there are two far-apart , spacelikc- separated regions in each of which there is a device tha t can be set at either of two al ternat ive settings by an experimenter acting within tha t region. There is also a long sequence of exper imental results (i.e. events) in each of the two regions. The theorem asserts that , for some such cases, i t is mathemat ica l ly impossible, within the manifold of all conceivable results compatible with the stat is t ical predictions of quantum theory (to within a generous l imit of, for example, 1000 s tandard deviations), tha t what happens in each region be independent of the exper imental sett ing of the device in the far-away region. In short, there are si tuations in which i t is mathemat ica l ly impossible to meet both the s tat is t ical requirements of quantum theory and also the local i ty requirement tha t what happens in each region be independent of the sett ing made in the far-away, spacelike separated region. This result is a sharpening of a result due to Bell. Bell 's result was formulated

(*) This paper is based on a series of lectures on Bell 's Theorem given in Trieste in December 1975. (**) Supported by the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administrat ion.


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in terms of unspecified local hidden variables, and claimed merely to rule out the notion of local hidden variables, which was believed by hardly anyone anyway. The present theorem is formulated directly in terms of specified macroscopic quantities, and within the philosophic ~ramework of contemporary quantum theory. The aim of this work is to discuss the significance of this theorem and its possible uses.

l . - P r o o f o f t h e t h e o r e m .

The theorem stated in the abst ract is a shaioening of a result due to BELL (1). I t has been proved in ref. (2,3). However, it will be useful to give here an al ternat ive proof tha t is perhaps simpler and more informative.

Consider a spin correlation exper iment in which two spin-�89 fermions are allowed to scat ter off each other and then move apart into two spacelike- separated space-time regions R1 and R2, where each is allowed to pass through a Stern-Gerlaeh device. This device produces a deflection of the part icle ei ther up or down relative to some experimental axis, which can be controlled by a human exper imenter (or by a random number generator). The particle is then detected and recorded by suitable devices, and it is thereby determined whether

the part icle went up or down. The above account describes what the physicist imagines to be happening.

Wha t is actually observed are the settings of the axes of the two devices and the macroscopic events tha t are in terpre ted as the detection and recording of the particles. The question is whether the events in each region can be independent of the variable controlled by the exper imenter in the far-away, spacelike-separated region. The theorem states that , if the statistical predic- tions of quan tum theory are valid in general, and if the world is not radically different f rom what it is observed to be, then wha t happens at the macroscopic level in each region cannot be independent of how the apparatus was set in

the far-away, spacelike-separated region. The requirement of the theorem tha t the macroscopic world be not rad-

ically different f rom what it is observed to be means that , if a conceivable event is reliably observed not to occur, then it does not occur. This requirement rules

out the so-called many-world interpreta t ion of quan tum theory, in which what is observed is regarded as fundamenta l ly an illusion. We assume, specifically, ia this si tuation in which we can observe either the events corresponding to the

(1) J. S. BELL: .Physics, .Physique, Fisi]~a, 1, 195 (1965). (2) It. p. STAMP: Correlation Experiments and the 2Vonvalidity o] Ordinary Ideas About the .Physical World (Berkeley 1968)~ and LBL-5333. (8) H. P: STAPe: Phys. t~ev. D, 3, 1303 (1971).

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particle going up or the events corresponding to the particle going down, bu t never bo th sets of events together, t ha t some choice is made between these two al ternat ive possibilities. 1~o restriction is placed on the method b y which this choice is made: it could be by the action of chance, or b y some deterministic process, or by the will of God, or by anything else. Bu t there must be a real choice, for it is precisely the dependence of this choice on the far-away v~riable tha t is the subject of the theorem.

l~ow we proceed with the proof. Each of the two particles can go either up or down relative to the chosen

axis of the Stern-Gerlach device. Thus the result of the experiment can be assigned to one of the four small boxes in the diagram shown below (fig. 1):

t t t ~

Fig. 1. - Diagram indicating the four possible results of the experiment.

If the original scattering of the two fermions is at low energy, so tha t the scat tered spin state is the state of zero spin, then quan tum theory gives the following predictions (fig. 2) for the probabilities of finding each of the four

possible results:

I cos 0 1 cos 0 4 4 4 4

1 cos 0 1 cos 0

Fig. 2. - The quantum theoretic probabilities for the results indicated in fig. 1.

Here 0 is the angle between the axes of the two Stern-Gerlach devices, measured in an appropriate way.

Each axis has two allowed directions. These are chosen so tha t the four al ternat ive angles 0 are as follows (here the arrows show the directions of the axes):

0,1 = o ~ ( ~ ) , 01~-- 90~

021 = 135~ t ) , 022 = 45~ -> ) .

Then the four corresponding sets of probabilities are shown in fig. 3.

13 - I 1 N u o v o C i m e n t o B .

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The exper iment discussed above corresponds to a single pair of fermions. Consider now a long sequence consisting of IY such pairs. The choice between the four a l ternat ive experiments is to be made just before the ba tch of _~ pairs of particles enters regions R1 and _~. The conceivable results in each of the four a l ternate experiments are represented b y distr ibuting the _~ integers in all possible ways among the four little boxes in the big box corresponding to tha t experiment. The number in each small box of fig. 3 gives, to a high degree of accuracy, which can be increased b y increasing ~Y, the fract ion of the set of N integers tha t is predicted by quan tum theory to be in t h a t small box.

(/" ~)

1 o


1 o


1 1


1 1

(\_~ + )

7 + s 4 s

+ 4 8 4 8 (c)

4 s- ~ + s

4-+ 8 (d) 4 8

Yig. 3. - The probabilities for the various cases. The small boxes labelled by the let- ters (a), (b), (c) and (d) arc discussed below.

In terms of this geometric picture, the locality requirement is the require-

ment that , as one moves laterally f rom one big box to another (i.e. changes

the setting of the second device), the integers tha t represent the events can move only laterally, f rom one small box to another. This locality requi rement expresses the condition tha t what happens in the first region i~1 be unal tered by a change of setting in i~ . Similarly, in a vert ical shift f rom one big box to another the integers can shift only vertically between the little boxes.

There is no way to satisfy bo th this locality requirement and the quan tum theoret ical requirement tha t within each of the big boxes the fract ion of the N integers lying in each small box be approximate ly tha t shown in fig. 3. To show this, one m a y ask, for any arrangement tha t conforms to the above quan- tum-theoret ical requirement, what fract ion ] of the set of 2V integers lies bo th in box a and in box d of fig. 3. Considering the intermediate step through the

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little box b, one sees tha t this fract ion ] cannot be larger than ~, since only those integers tha t lie in b can be both in a and d. Considering the step through the

lit t le box c, one sees tha t the fraction / must be at least

since at least this quan t i ty must monte from c to d in the second (lateral) step. Thus we have a contradiction, and can conclude tha t there is no way tha t one can arrange the conceivable results of the four experiments in such a way as to meet bo th locality and quantum-theore t ica l requirements.

The proof of this result in ref. (~,~) involved more arithmetic, which tended

to obscure the origin of the contradiction, bu t was more straightforward. Bo th proofs are merely variat ions of Bell's original argument .

To avoid possible confusion, it will be mentioned tha t our locality require- ment is not the same as the locality requirement of quan tum field theory, which refers to the operators of field theory. The present locality requirement makes no reference to the formalism of quan tum theory ; it is formula ted directly in terms of the macroscopic observables.

2. - F a c t a n d n e c e s s i t y .

The idea tha t what happens depends on a variable can be formulated in two ways. In the first formulation, one considers a theoretical manifold of possibilities and asks whether what happens must necessarily depend on the variable. In the second formulation, one considers ~ sequence of actually oc- curring instances and asks whether in this sequence there is a correlation be- tween what actual ly happens in a given instance and the choice actually made by the exper imenter in tha t instance. In this la t ter situation, the question of dependence is purely experimental. Long ago, H u g e (4) emphasized tha t one can never deduce from such empirical evidence the existence of a necessary connection. Ra the r one can observe what has happened in the past and make

a theoret ical assumption tha t the same pa t t e rn will be found in the future.

Both ideas of dependence are used in our analysis. First, the statistical regularities of quan tum theory are accepted on the basis of past experience. Then, on the basis of this theoretical assumption, it is shown by mathemat ica l analysis tha t what happens in one region must , in some instances, necessarily depend on the variable controlled by the exper imenter in the far-away, space- l ike-separated region.

(4) D. HuMn: An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748).

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3. - B o h r ' s c o m p l e m e n t a r i t y pr inc ip l e .

Our theorem is formula ted in a theoret ical f ramework in which experi- menters are considered free to choose which exper iment they will perform and theorists are free to consider in a single analysis the conceivable results of several a l ternat ive experiments. However , Bohr ' s principle of complementar i ty imposes a l imitat ion on the simultaneous use of evidences f rom al ternat ive incompatible experiments. The question thus arises whether our theoretical f ramework is compatible with the canons of quan tum theory, as expounded by Boga .

B o g ~ claims that , in order to widen our conceptual f ramework sufficiently to account for the observed regularities in atomic phenomena, we must re- nounce the demand for classical pictorial description in favor of a description based on the idea of complementar i ty . Bohr ' s argument goes as follows: <( The critical point is here the recognition tha t any a t t empt to analyse, in the cus- t omary way of classical physics, the " i n d i v i d u a l i t y " of atomic processes as conditioned by the quan tum of action, will be f rus t ra ted by the unavoidable interact ion between tile atomic objects concerned and the measuring instru-

ments indispensable for t ha t purpose. (( An immediate consequence of this si tuation is tha t observations regarding

the behaviour of atomic objects obtained with different experimental arrange- ments cannot in general be combined in the usual way of classical physics. In part icular, m~y imaginable procedure aiming at the co-ordination in sp~ce and t ime of the electrons in an a tom will unavoidably involve an essentially uncontrollable exchange of momentum and energy between the a tom and the measuring agencies, entirely annihilating the remarkable regularities of atomic stabili ty for which the quan tum of action is responsible. Conversely, any investigation of such regularities, the very account of which implies the con- servation laws of energy and momentum, will in principle impose a renun- ciation as regards the space-time co-ordination of the individual electrons in

the atom. Fa r f rom being inconsistent, the aspects of quan tum phenomena revealed by experience obtained under such mutual ly exclusive conditions

must thus be considered complementary in quite a novel way. The viewpoint o f " complemen ta r i t y" does, indeed~ in no way mean an arb i t rary renunciat ion as regards the analysis of atomic phenomena, bu t is on the contrary the ex- pression of a rat ional synthesis of the wealth of experience in this field, which exceeds the limits to which the application of the concept of causali ty is nat- urally confined. ~> (5)

(~ While, within the scope of classical physics, the interact ion between ob- ject and apparatus can be neglected or, if necessary, compensated for, in

(5) N. Bon~I: Atomic Physics and H,teman Knowledge (New York, N.Y., ~958), p. 19.

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quantum physics this interaction ... forms an inseparable part of the phe- nomena . . . . Within the scope of classical physics all characteristic properties of a given object can in principle be ascertained by a single experimental ar- rangement ... and can be combined into a consistent picture of the object under investigation. In quantum physics, however, evidence about atomic objects obtained by different experimental arrangements exhibits a novel kind of complementary relationship. Indeed, it must be recognized that such evidence, which appears contradictory when combination into a single picture is attempted, exhausts all conceivable knowledge about the object. Far from restricting our efforts to put questions to Nature in the form ofe xperiments the notion of complementarity simply characterizes the answers we can receive by such inquiry whenever the interaction between the measuring instruments and the objects forms an integral part of the phenomena. ~> (6)

<( The element of wholeness, symbolized by the quantum of action and completely foreign to classical physical principles, has, however, the conse- quence that in the study of quantum processes any experimental inquiry im- plies an interaction between the atomic object and the measuring tools which, although essential for the characterization of the phenomena, evades a sep- arate account if the experiment is to serve its purpose of yielding unambiguous answers to our questions. I t is indeed the recognition of this situation which makes the recourse to a statistical mode of description imperative as regards the expectations of the occurrence of individual quantum effects in one and the same experimental arrangement, and which removes any apparent contradic- tion between phenomena observed under mutually exclusive experimental conditions. However contrasting such phenomena may at first appear, it must be reahzed that they are complementary in the sense that taken together they exhaust all information about the atomic object which can be expressed ia common language without ambiguity.

<~ The notion of complementarity does not imply any renunciation of de- tailed analysis limiting the scope of our inquiry, but simply stresses the character of objective description, independent of subjective judgment, in any field of experience where unambiguous communication essentially involves regard to the circumstances in which evidence is obtained. ~> (7)

<( A most conspicuous characteristic of atomic physics is the novel relation- ship between phenomena observed under experimental conditions demanding different elementary concepts for their description. Indeed, however con- trasting such experiences might appear when attempting to picture a course of atomic processes on classical lines, they have to be considered as eom-

(~) N. BoH~: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic .Physics and Human .Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1963), p. 4. (7) N. Bona: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1963), p. 60.

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p lementary in the sense tha t they represent equally essential knowledge about atomic systems and together exhaust this knowledge. The notion of com- p lementar i ty does in no way involve a departure f rom our position as detached observers of Nature , bu t must be regarded as the logical expression of our si tuation as regards objective description in this field of experience. The re- cognition tha t the interact ion between the measuring tools and the physical systems under investigation consti tutes an integral par t of quan tum phe- nomena has not only revealed an unsuspected l imitat ion of the mechanical conception of ~a tu re , as characterized by a t t r ibut ion of separate properties to physical system, bu t has forced us~ in the ordering of experience, to p ay proper a t ten t ion to the conditions of observation. ~)(s)

(( However great the contrasts exhibited b y atomic phenomena under dif- ferent exper imental conditions, such phenomena must be te rmed comple- men ta ry in the sense tha t each is well defined and tha t together they exhaust all definable knowledge about the objects concerned. ~) (9)

(( The freedom of exper imentat ion presupposed in classical physics is of

course retained and corresponds to the free choice of experimental arrange- ment for which the mathemat ica l s t ructure of quan tum theory offers the ap- propriate lati tude. ~) (lo)

(( The renunciat ion of pictorial representat ion involves only the state of a tomic objects, while the foundat ion of the description of the experimental conditions, as well a s our freedom to choose them, is fully retained. ~> (11)

We see from the above quotations tha t what is rejected by the notion of complementar i ty is not the general theoretical contemplat ion of a l ternat ive experiments, bu t ra ther the a t t empt to combine the evidence obtained f rom al ternat ive incompatible experiments into a single classical-type picture of the atomic object. There is no rejection of the idea tha t the experimenters are free to choose the experiment they wish to perform. In fact, this freedom of exper imentat ion is explicitly recognized and retained. Moreover, there is no rejection of the idea tha t theorists should t r y to combine the evidence obtained from the al ternat ive possible measurements into a single theoretical scheme. On the contrary, the main point of complementar i ty is precisely tha t one can combine the evidence from al ternat ive measurements into one theoret ical structure, which, however, does not provide a classical-type picture of the

atomic object.

(s) N. BOgR: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and H~mau Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1958), p. 74. (9) N. BoH~: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1958), p. 90. (lo) N. BOHR: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1958), p. 73. (11) N. BOH~: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1958), p. 90.

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Bohr 's argument for the need for complementar i ty in the analysis of atomic phenomena rests on the claim tha t the interact ion between the object and the measuring instruments is an integral and inseparable par t of the phenomena. I t follows f rom this inseparabili ty tha t during the process of measurement there is, s tr ict ly speaking, no separate atomic object; the atomic process is inseparably l inked to the apparatus. Thus there is no reason why one should be able to ascribe aspects of this evidence to an atomic object conceived as a separately existing enti ty. The experimental da ta should be associated ra ther with the whole experimental arrangement.

This argument provides a rat ional physical basis for the claim tha t evidences from different experiments cannot be combined into a classical-type picture of an independent ly existing atomic object. Bu t it in no way rules out the simultaneous consideration of al ternative possibilities if, as in our procedures, one treats the conceivable data from alternative experiments as nothing bu t the conceivable da ta f rom al ternat ive experiments.

One might introduce a new principle of (( strong complementar i ty ~)that would simply preclude any use i n n single theoretical analysis of the results of al ternat ive incompatible experiments. This principle would, of course, provide a basis for rejecting our theorem, if such a basis were desired. How- ever, this principle would directly conflict with Bohr ' s complementar i ty be- cause it would exclude the idea tha t the data obtained from alternative measure- ments are complementary, in the sense tha t they can be combined together to form an exhaust ive characterization of the individuM atomic object.

This new principle of strong complementar i ty might be justified on the basis of the positivistic principle tha t nothing tha t is in principle unknowable should be allowed in the conceptual f ramework of science. Bo]tn was careful to avoid any such blanket restriction on allowed concepts. His aim was not the positivistic one of narrowing our conceptual f ramework to bring it into accord with some epistemologieM statute, bu t ra ther the pragmatic one of widening the conceptional f ramework of science for the purpose of ordering and augmenting those aspects of human experience tha t are objective in the sense tha t they refer to no part icular individual and can be unambiguously formulated and communicated.

(~ ... the notion of complementar i ty is called for to provide a f ramework wide enough to embrace the account of fundamenta l regularities of Na ture which cannot be comprehended in a single picture. ~ (l~) (( The h is tory of physi- eM science thus demonstrates how the explorat ion of ever wider fields of ex- perience, in reveahng unsuspected hmitat ions on accustomed ideas, indicates new ways of restoring logical order. )) (is) (( Indeed, the development of atomic

(In) ~. BOHR: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and Human K~owledge (New York, N.Y., 1963), p. 12. (18) N. BOER: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1958), p. 74.

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physics has taught us how, wi thout leaving common language, it is possible to create a f ramework sufficiently wide for an exhaust ive description of new experience. 7> (14)

Thus Bom~ did not advocate an arb i t rary renunciat ion of t radi t ional ideas on the basis of some philosophical principle, bu t ra ther aimed to show on the basis of physical considerations tha t in quan tum mechanics (( we are not dealing with an arb i t rary renunciat ion of a more detailed analysis of atomic phenomena, bu t with a recognition tha t such an analysis is in principle ex- cluded. ~> (15) The physical basis of his argument was (( the recognition tha t

no sharp separation can be made between an independent behaviour of the objects and their interact ion with the measuring ins t ruments .... ~) (16)

The positivistic principle of (( s trong complementar i ty ~) could, in spite of Bohr, nevertheless be introduced. However~ now philosophers appear to agree tha t the positivistic criterion of meaning is untenable, because it excludes useful theoret ical constructions. A valid argument for the exclusion of a theoretical construct ion must demonstra te tha t i t cannot be useful. How- ever, the notion of al ternat ive possibilities plays a basic role in the conduct of daily life. I t is useful in classical physics and lies at the hear t of Bohr ' s philosophy of quan tum theory.

These arguments in defense of the idea tha t theorists should be free to con- templa te a l ternat ive possibilities do not imply tha t the idea does not fail in the present case. However , Bohr ' s line of thought would not favor an arbi- t r a ry renunciat ion of a t radi t ional idea, bu t would demand an explanat ion of the reason for its failure. The proper funct ion of a criterion of meaning is not to mask embarrassing ignorance, bu t to exclude what is necessarily useless.

4 . - C o n c l u s i o n s .

The theorem forces one to accept at least one of the following five pos- sibilities:

1) Exper iments of the required type cannot actually be performed. Comment: Exper iments have been performed tha t are similar to the one

described in sect. 1, bu t involve photons instead of fermions and polarizers instead of Stern-Gerlach devices (1D. Contradictions between locali ty and

(14) N. B o ~ : Essays 195811962 on Atomic .Physics and Human Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1958), p. 88. (15) ~q. BOH~: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (New York, lq. Y., 1958), p. 62. (le) ~. Borne: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic .Physics and Human Knowledge (Hew York, N.Y., 1958), 13. 52. (iv) S.J . F~EDMAN and J. F. CLAUS~]~: .Phys. Rev. ~ett., 28, 938 (1972); J. F. CLAVSER: .Phys. l~ev. f~ett., 36, 1223 (1976).

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quantum theory can be obtained also from these photon experiments. In these ~etual experiments, the distunces between the two devices ~re not gre~t enough to satisfy the conditions of the theorem. However, it ~ppears that the replacement of polarizers controlled by human experimenters by Kerr cells controlled by fast random number generators would be a practical and feasible method of making the two experimental regions spacelike separated (is). Each experimental region would then be defined as the product of the spatial region occupied by the Kerr cell, the photon detectors and recorders, un4 the control- ling random number generator times the temporal interval between the in- itiation of the random number routine and the recording of the result of the photon detection.

The efficiencies of detection in the experiment performed so far are not sufficient to derive the contradiction: information is lost due to the failure to detect many of the particles. However, this problem appears to be only financial (19).

2) Experiments of the required type can be performed, but the predic- tions of quantum theory fail.

Comment: In the experiments of ref. (17), the predictions of quantum theory are borne out, and there seems to be no physical reason to expect the neces- sary changes to make any difference.

3) ~ t u r e makes no choice: ulthough we observe either the up-event or the down-event, not both, ~qature makes no choice between these two alter- native possibilities.

Comment: This possibility corresponds to the m~ny-world interpreta- tion of quantum theory (~o-~).

4) Yariables controlled by experimenters are not effectively free. Comment: The theorem is formulated in ~ theoretical framework in which

the variables controlled by the experimenters are considered free variables. The setting of each of these vuriables could be controlled, for example, by the arrival times of photons coming down a telescope directed at the far reaches of space, an4 away from the other region. In this case, the notion that the v~riables controlled by the experimenter are effectively free corresponds to the notion that some photon could have arrived several microseconds earlier or later than it actually did, and that the setting would consequently have been changed, but that the statistical predictions of quantum theory would

(is) j . F. CLAVSER: private communication. (19) j . F. CLAUSES: private communication. (20) I-I. EVERETT iII: t~ev. Mod. Phys., 29, 454 (1957). (21) j . A. W~]~LE~: .Rev. Mod..Phys., 29, 463 (1957). (23) B. DEWITT: The Many Worlds Interpretation od Quantum Mechanics (Princeton, N.J., 1973).

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still retain their validity. This idea tha t the experimental settings are free variables is the basis of Bohr 's idea tha t the quantum-theoret icaI s tate gives an exhaust ive description of the atomic system.

5) A spacelike connection exists: a change in the setting in one region must in some cases be accompanied b y a change in the course of events in a far-away, spacelike-separated region, if the approximate validi ty of the statistical predictions of quan tum theory are to be maintained.

There are two subcases.

a) No information is t ransferred super]uminally. Comment: The spacelike connection could conceivably be a nonsuperlu-

minal connection (issuing from the points common to the backward light- cones h'om the two regions) tha t controls both the setting in one region and the course of events in the other region. In our example, the setting is con- trolled by the fluctuations of certain far-away stars. The seIection of these stars is controlled by the sett ing of the telescope, which could be fixed in ac- cordance with the calorie count of the exper imenter breakfast . Thus an effectNe control over the choice of setting involves an effective control over a diverse set of factors tha t can be picked in an unlimited var ie ty of ways, and at the whim of the experimenter. I t seems unlikely tha t the necessary inflexible connection would be maintained in such a roundabout way.

b) Informat ion is t ransferred superluminally. Comment : The central mys t e ry of quan tum theory is <( how does infor-

mat ion get around so quick? )). How does the particle know tha t there are two slits? How does the information about what is happening everywhere else get collected to determine what is likely to happen here? How does the particle know tha t it was looked for in some far-away place a, nd not found? Quantum phenomena provide prima /acie evidence tha t information gets around in ways tha t do not conform to classical ideas. Thus the idea t h a t information is t ransferred superluminally is, a priori, not unreasonable.

Every th ing we know about ~ a t u r e is in accord with the idea tha t the fun- damenta l process of Nature lies outside space-time (surveys the space-time con- t inuum globally), bu t generates events tha t can be located in spacetime (:~,2~). The theorem of this paper supports this view of Na ture b y showing t h a t super- luminal t ransfer of information is necessary, barring certain al ternatives t h a t have been described above and ~hat seem less reasonable. Indeed, the rea- sonable philosophical position of Bohr seems to lead to the rejection of the other possibilities, and hence, by inference, to the conclusion tha t superluminal

t ransfer of information is necessary.

(2a) H. P. STAP~: ~ o v o Cimento, 29, 270 (1975). (24) H. P. STAre: Theory o/ reality, LBL-3837, to appear in Foundations o/ l~hysics.

Page 13: Are superluminal connections necessary?


One must ask, however, what use acceptance of the necessity of super- luminal transfer of information could have, in view of Bohr's argument that quantum theory is complete.

5 . - The completeness of quantum theory.

The question of the completeness of quantum theory was debated by BOH~ and EInSTEIn. ]~omr claimed that quantum theory provides answers in prin- ciple to all properly formulated questions about atomic phenomena that can be answered by experiment, and is, therefore, complete. He admitted, on the other hand, that quantum theory is merely a set of rules for deriving expec- tations about observations obtained under special circumstances : (~ Strictly speaking, the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics and electro- dynamics merely offers rules of calculation for the deduction of expectations about observations obtained under well-defined experimental conditions spe- cified by classical concepts. ~)(~5) (~ The quantum mechanical formalism, the Sole aim of which is the comprehension of observations obtained under ex- perimental conditions described by simple physical concepts, gives just such an exhaustive account of a very large domain of experience . . . . The whole formalism which can be applied only to closed phenomena must in all such respects be considered a rational generalization of classical physics. ~)(~6) (~ Every atomic phenomenon is closed in the sense that its observation is based on registrations obtained by means of suitable amplification devices with irreversible functioning such as, for example, permanent marks on a photo- graphic plate caused by the penetration of electrons into the emulsion. In this connection it is important to realize that the quantum mechanical for- malism permits well-defined application referring only to such closed phe- nomena. ~> (~7)

This closure requirement is related to the ~ fundamental distinction be- tween the measuring apparatus and the objects under investigation ~>. This ~ distinction between the objects under investigation and the measuring in- struments ~ is a main point of Bohr's interpretation of quantum theory, be- cause the object is represented in Hilbert space, while the apparatus is repre- sented in ordinary space. The need to make this distinction entails that quantum theory can apply only to an object that is sufficiently isolated from its environments to justify its idealization as a separate entity. This isolation

(~) N. BOHR: Essays 1958/1962 ou Atomic Physics a~d Human Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1963), p. 60. (~6) N. BOHR: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and Human A%owtedge (New York, N.Y., 1958), 1 o. 90. (27) N. BOHR: Essays 1958/1962 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge (New York, N.Y., 1958), p. 73.

Page 14: Are superluminal connections necessary?

204 ~. P. STAPP

must occur after the preparat ion of the object and before its final observation,

since during the measurement object and apparatus are inseparably linked.

These restrictions entail, for example, tha t quan tum theory cannot apply to

objects being continuously observed. In fact, quan tum theory applies only

under very special conditions of isolation and closure.

The scope of quantum theory is, therefore, limited and it becomes the

proper task of science to seek a conceptual f ramework tha t will encompass

broader domains of experience. Bohr 's argumentat ion against a return to the

(< cus tomary way of classical physics ~ does not exclude every a t t empt to en-

large, on any basis, the conceptual framework of science. Thus the construction

of a more comprehensive framework based on superluminal information transfer

at the individual-event level could conform to Bohr ' s arguments and yet

fulfill the demand of Einstein for a theory tha t is more complete.

I am grateful to Dr. K. CAmLL, Dr. J. KARUSH and 2r G. W ~ I S S ~ A ~

for discussions tha t contr ibuted significantly to the development of this paper.

@ R I A S S U N T O (*)

Si d~ una prova del seguente teorema: se le predizioni statistiche della teoria quantistica sono vere in generale e seil mondo macroscopico non ~ radicalmente differente da quello che si osserva, allora eib che accade macroseopicamente in una regione dello spazio- tempo deve in alcuni easi dipendere 4a variabili ehe sono controllate da sperimentatori in regioni a separazione di tipo spaziale Iontane ~ra loro. Per ei5 che aecade maeroscopica- mente in una regione dello spazio-tempo si intende specificamente il veriilcarsi o i l non verificarsi di eventi maeroscopici come la rivelazione o la registrazione diuna particella per mezzo di qualche meceanismo macroscopieo. Per variabile eontrollata da uno speri- mentatore in una certa regione dello spazio-tempo si intende specificamente la messa in opera sperimentale in quella regione di qualche meccanismo macroscopico, il cui funzionamento ~ controllato da uno sperimentatore che opera in quella regione. I1 teorema si riferisce specificamente a situazioni sperimentali in cui ci sono due a sepa- razione di r spaziale lontane fra loro in ciascuna delle quali c'~ un meccanismo che pub essere posto a ciascuna delle due messe in opera alternative da uno sperimentatore che agisce in quella regione. C'g anche una lunga sequenza di risultati sperimentali (eio~ eventi) in ciaseuna delle due regloni. I1 teorema afferma che, per alcuni di questi easi, ~ matematicamente impossibile, nella moltitudine di tutti i concepibili risultati compatibfli con Ie predizioni della teoria quantistica (fino a u n generoso limite di, per esempio, 1000 deviazioni standard), che quello chc accade in ciascuna regione sin indi- pendente dalla messa in opera sperimentale del meecanismo nella regione lontana. In breve, ei sono situazioni in cui ~ matematicamente impossibile incontrare entrambe le condizioni statistiehe della teoria quantistiea ed anche le eondizioni di loealit~ secondo la quale ci5 che aeeade in ogni regione ~ indipendenCe dalla messa in opera

(*) T~aduzione a cu~'a della l~edazione.

Page 15: Are superluminal connections necessary?


i a t t a ne l la reg ione a s epa r az i one di t ipo spazia le l o n t a n a . Questo r i su l t a to ~ u n migl iora- m e n t o d i u n r i s u l t a t o d o v u t o a Bell . I1 r i s u l t a t o d Bel l e ra f o r m u l a t o sul la ba se di v a r i a b i l i n o n specifiche loeal i nascos te e m i r a v a s e m p l i c e m e n t e a e l imina re la noz ione di v a r i a b i l i loeal i nascos te , che e o m u n q u e era di f f ie i lmente c r edu ta . I1 p r e s e n t e t e o r e m a

f o r m u l a t o d i r e t t a m e n t e su l la ba se di q u a n t i t ~ m a e r o s e o p i e h e speeif iehe e ne l s i s t ema filosofico de l la t e o r i a quan~is t i ca eoa~emporanea . Lo seopo d i ques~o l~voro ~ d i scu te re i l s ignif icato di ques to *eorema e ]e sue poss ibi l i u~ilizzazioni.

Heofxo,~nMbI .rill eynep.rllOM~Sa,rlbltble eB~I314. 9

Pe3mMe (*). - - f]~OKa3blBaeTC~I c~e~y~onla~ TeopeMa: Ec~H CTaTHCT~I~IeCKIIe n p e ~ c r a - 3aHH~ KBaHTOBOI~ TeopHH crlpaBe~nnBbi H ec~H MaKpocKorIrlqeCK~ MHp He pa)~rlKanBHO OTJIHqaeTc~ OT TOFO, qTO Ha6yIio~aeTc~i, TOr~Ia TO, tlTO rIpOHCXO~IAT MaKpocKoIIHtleCKI~ B HeKOTOpOVf IlpOCTpaHCTBeHHO-BpeMeHHO~ o6nacTrL ~O~)KHO B HeKOTOpblX cnyqaax 3aBHCeTb OT IlepeMeHHl~IX, KOTOpl, Ie KOHTpO27HpylOTC~I 3KcHepHMettTaTOpaMH B y~a- YIeHHBIX o6naCT~X, pa3~ener ras lx IIpOCTpaHCTBeHHO-IIO)~O6HblM MHTepBaJIOM. <( TO, HTO IIpoHcxo)~HT MaKpOCKOIIH~IeCKH B HeKOTOpO~I IlpocTpaHCTBeHFIO-BpeMeHHo~ 06JIaCTa >>, B vlaCTHOCTH, 03Ha~iaeT IIO~IBJIeHHe HYIH HeHO~IBYIeHHe MaKpOCKOIIH~IeCKOFO C06blTH~t, TaKoro KaK lleTeKT~IpOBaHHe H perncTpHpoBaHrle ~IaCTrI~bI C IIOMOIn~hlO MaKpocI<O- nHqecKoro npH60pa . Y[epeMeHHa~, KOHTpOYlHpyeMa~I 3KClIepHMeHTaTOpOM B HeKOTOpO~ HpocTpaHCTBeHHO-BpeMeHHo~ O6YIaCTH, B qaCTHOCTH, 03HaqaeT 3KcIIepBMeHTaJIbHylO yCTaHOBKy B IIpOCTpaHcTBeHHO-BpeMeHHO~ 06YlaCTI4 HeKOTOpOFO MaKpocKoIIH~IeCKOFO n p ~ 6 0 p a , r~Ie 3Ta yCTaHOBKa KOHTpOYIHpyeTc~ 9KcHepHMeHTaTOpOM, ~eI~CTBytotJ4HM BHyTpt~ 3TO~ o6nacTg. YKa3aHua~ TeopeMa OTHOCHTC$I K 3KCnepHMeHTa~/bHO~ CrlTyaarI~I, B KOTOpOffI HMelOTC~I ABe y)IaYleHHble O6JIaCTH, pa3~Ieae~Hble IIpOCTpaHCTBeHHO- YIO~O6HBIM 14HTepBaYIOM, B Kax~IO~I H3 KOTOpblX HMeeTC~I n p a 6 o p , KoTopbl~ Mo~KeT 6I~ITG yCTaHOBYIeH B YIto6oe H3 ~ByX aYIbTepHaTHBHblX IlOYIOXeHH~ 3KClIepHMeHTaTOpOM, )~e~cTBylOIIIHM BHyTpH 3TO~ O~YlaCTH. KpoMe TOFO HMeeTC~[ )lYIHHHa~I IIOCneAoBa- TeYI~HOCTb 9KClIep~IMerlTa~bHblX pe3y~TaTOB (T.e. CO6r~ITHffI) B xa)K~O~ H3 3TaX 06aacTe:R. TeopeMa yTBepx~aeT, qTO B H~KOTOpblX cYty~asX MaTeMaTH~IeCKrI HeBO3- MO)KHO, ~ITO6I, I Ha MHO~KeeTBe BCeX BO3MO~KHblX pe3yYIbTaTOB, COBMeCTIAMt~IX CO CTaTH- CTHVieCKHMH ilpe~cKa3armflMrI KBaHTOBO~ TeopHM (B ~pe~enax , Ha~puMep, 1000 CTaH- )~apTHBIX OTKYIOHeHHI~), CO6blTHfl B KaX~o_~ O6YIaCTVI 6birth He3aBHCHMBI OT 9KClIepH- MenTaabHO~ yCTaHOBKrI IlprI6OpOB B y~xaneHno~ 06nacTrI. ~[l~pyrrlMH CnOBaMri, cym~eCT- BytOT CHTyalIHH, B KOTOpt, IX MaTeMaTH~IeCKH HeBO3MOXHO BcTpeTHTB H CTaTHCTH~IecKHe orpaHHqeHHa KBaHTOBO~ TeopHH, a TaKxe Tpe6OBaHHe YIOKaTIBHOCTH, qTO6bI CO6blTH~ ]3 K~?~O~ o6aacTH 6BIJIH 6hi He3aBHCHMBI OT yCTaHOBKH, rtpOH3Be)~eHHO~ B y)~aJIeHHO~ O6~IaCTH, pa3~e~eHHo~ IIpOCTpflHCTBeHHO-HO)~O6HMM HHTepBaYIOM. ~)TOT pe3yJIbTaT ilpe)~cTaBflaeT O606IIIeHHe pe3ynbTaTa, iio~yHeHHOrO Be~nOM. Pe3y~bTaT Benna 6~In CqbopMyYtiapoBaH B TepMHHaX HeClIe/2HaJIH3HpoBaHHblX ~IOKaYIbHblX CKpSITBIX ~epe- MeHHblX. Pe3y~bTaT B e ~ n a ~pOCTO yTBep~K~IaeT, ~TO Heo6XO)IHMO HCKJIIO~II~T5 IIOH~ITHe ~IOKa.qI~HMX CKpI, ITSIX ilepeMeHit~iX, KOTOpOMy Bp~I~ YIH KTO-HH6y)Ib rlpn~aeT 3Ha~eHrle. YIpe~noxenHaa TeopeMa Herlocpe~CTBeHHO qbopMy~apyeTCa B TepMI4HaX clteI~an~HblX MaKpocKOII~I~IecK!~X BeYI~qHH B (~HJIOCO~Et~HX paMKaX cyl2~eCTBylo~e_~ KBaHTOBO~ TeOplfflff. I l e a ~ aTOR pa6oTsI - - o6cy~/ffTI, 3HaqHMOCTb 9TO~[ TeOpeMbI iA ee BO3MO)KHble IIpHMeHeHH~I.

(*) IIepeee~eno pebam~ue~.