Are We All Unsofisticated Dots Trying to Fit In

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  • 8/18/2019 Are We All Unsofisticated Dots Trying to Fit In


    Are We All "Unsophisticated" Dolts Trying To Fit In?

    McGinn’s discussion of popular music is ery interesting and I must say that I agree !ith

    him to a certain etent# $o!adays% people are profiled &y the 'ind of music they listen to% more

    than moies and &oo's# (esearch has sho!n that music is a good indicator of sophistication#

    Musical &ehaior in particular sho!s ho! sophisticated a ciili)ation is# This inoles listening

    epertise !here a listener can tell ho! the musical instruments are arranged in a composition# An

    analysis of (oc' music is ery interesting !hen it comes to appreciation since the genre is ery

     popular in most Western cultures# I &eliee that most people !ho listen to roc' music are

    aeragely sophisticated# *i'e McGinn puts it% the genre has simple musical arrangement% a high

     pitched lyrical content and a rhythmic &eat# In my ie!% the genre re+uires little intelligence to

    appreciate the composition thus ma'ing it ery popular oer the years#

    Different genres are listened to &y people from different social classes# ,lassical music

    for instance is appreciated a lot &y rich people# A study &y M-llensiefe et al# ./0123 concluded

    that musical sophistication is directly correlated to such socio4demographic aria&les as people’s

    occupations% social status% gender% financial status and age# I &eliee that (oc' lac's the depth

    ehi&ited &y intricate genres li'e ,lassical music and 5a)) !here composers and instrumentalists

    spend a lot of time to put together comple compositions# Also% many (oc' loers shift their

    interest to other genres !hen they gro! older .Griffiths% /0163# A study &y 7ritish researchers

    found that people listen to certain music genres !ith respect to the different phases of life that

    they are in .Griffiths% /0163# Teenagers for instance loe (oc' &ecause it is energetic% trendy and

    they are not 'een on lyrics# The study also indicated that people listen to particular music genres

    in order to fit !ithin a group and find a partner &efore they use music to epress their intelligence

    and emotions#

  • 8/18/2019 Are We All Unsofisticated Dots Trying to Fit In


    (esponse 1

    I partially agree !ith the first classmate’s stand on the su&8ect# McGinn !as merely

    stating !hat other people !ere afraid to accept &ut I also thin' that his position !as an

    unnecessary generali)ation# The classmate’s notion that different people hae different interests

    !hen it comes to music and other forms of art is true &ecause these tastes are !hat shape an

    indiidual’s personality# The classmate has ho!eer ta'en the discussion !ith a personal touch

     &y een eplaining his or her loe for alternatie roc'# I find this approach unproductie &ecause

    it ma'es the discussion su&8ectie and not o&8ectie# The classmate also agrees that the simple

    nature of (oc' music attracts people !ho not that sophisticated !hich proes McGinn right# I

    agree !ith the classmate’s ie! that een though people may loe a certain type of music during

    a certain age% it should not define !ho they are# This is true &ecause the reality is that een

    sophisticated people listen to (oc'% 9un'% (eggae and less intricate genres#

    (esponse /

    I find the second classmate’s approach on the matter rather insightful since it is true that

    as humans% !e are al!ays progressing intellectually# This is ery eident !hen people moe

    from one age group to the net !here they find themseles li'ing a certain type of music &ased

    on its popularity# I am also in agreement that the same principle can &e applied to other forms of

    epression# In my ie!% appreciation of art% history and moies is 8ust as dynamic as appreciating

    music# Tastes eole and one can find themseles li'ing something 8ust to &e part of a group# I

    also agree that it is unfair to generali)e that people !ho li'e (oc' hae identity issues# I &eliee

    most (oc' loers li'e listening to it &ecause it is simply en8oya&le and easy to dance

  • 8/18/2019 Are We All Unsofisticated Dots Trying to Fit In



    Griffiths% :# ./0163# Scientists Prove Our Taste in Music Does Change Over a Lifetime# Mail

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