ASP.NET Ajax Custom Controls Creating your own JavaScript-based, Ajax-enabled, client-side controls

ASP.NET Ajax Custom Controls

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Page 1: ASP.NET Ajax Custom Controls

ASP.NET Ajax Custom Controls

Creating your own JavaScript-based, Ajax-enabled,

client-side controls

Page 2: ASP.NET Ajax Custom Controls


Custom ASP.NET Ajax controls



Control extenders

Building server controls and components




Embedding scripts as resources

Building extender controls


TargetControlID, TargetControlType attribute

Page 3: ASP.NET Ajax Custom Controls

Custom ASP.NET Ajax Controls

There are three distinct types of Ajax custom controls you

might build

Non-visible components

Visible components (controls)

Control extenders

All three are similar to build

Incorporate JavaScript into control rendering

Integrate with page ScriptManager

Use ScriptDescriptors to describe client properties/events

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Core interface for integrating with ASP.NET Ajax

Include script references with GetScriptReferences

Add property/event descriptors to automatically wire up to client controls

namespace System.Web.UI{

public interface IScriptControl{

IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> GetScriptDescriptors();IEnumerable<ScriptReference> GetScriptReferences();


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Sample: Custom TextBox

Consider a custom TextBox derivative that highlights on focus:

<head runat="server"><style type="text/css">.LowLight {background-color:#EEEEEE;}.HighLight {background-color:Ivory; }

</style></head><body><form id="form1" runat="server"><div><asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />

<ps:SampleTextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" NoHighlightCssClass="LowLight" HighlightCssClass="HighLight" />


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1) Create client Sys.Web.UI derivative


PS.SampleTextBox = function(element) { PS.SampleTextBox.initializeBase(this, [element]);

this._highlightCssClass = null;this._nohighlightCssClass = null;

}PS.SampleTextBox.prototype = {

initialize : function() {PS.SampleTextBox.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');

...}, ...}

PS.SampleTextBox.registerClass('PS.SampleTextBox', Sys.UI.Control);


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2) Define server-side Control derivative

namespace PS{public class SampleTextBox : TextBox, IScriptControl{private string _highlightCssClass;private string _noHighlightCssClass;private ScriptManager sm;

public string HighlightCssClass{get { return _highlightCssClass; }set { _highlightCssClass = value; }


public string NoHighlightCssClass{get { return _noHighlightCssClass; }set { _noHighlightCssClass = value; }

}// continued…


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3) Implement IScriptControl

public IEnumerable<ScriptReference> GetScriptReferences(){ScriptReference reference = new ScriptReference();reference.Path = ResolveClientUrl("CustomTextBox.js");

yield return reference;}

public IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> GetScriptDescriptors(){ScriptControlDescriptor descriptor =

new ScriptControlDescriptor("PS.SampleTextBox", this.ClientID);descriptor.AddProperty("highlightCssClass", this.HighlightCssClass);descriptor.AddProperty("nohighlightCssClass", this.NoHighlightCssClass);

yield return descriptor;}



function() { $create(PS.SampleTextBox,


null, null, $get("TextBox1")); });

<script src="/TestClient/CustomTextBox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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4) Integrate with ScriptManager

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e){if (!this.DesignMode){

sm = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page);if (sm == null)

throw new HttpException("Missing ScriptManager ");sm.RegisterScriptControl(this);



protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer){if (!this.DesignMode)



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5) Build control with client integration

Standard techniques for building controls apply

All script interaction can leverage ASP.NET Ajax

get_element() inherited from Sys.UI.Control gives you access to the

rendered HTML element in the client

Use pageLoad( ) to hook initialization

Leverage remaining Sys.* classes as needed

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Bundling compiled resources

ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a new handler, new attributes access,

& bundle resources in assemblies

WebResource.axd — serves objects from an assembly's resources

[assembly:WebResource(...)] — annotates an assembly for proper

WebResource.axd retrieval

Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl returns WebResource.axd url

with query string to return a specific resource

Ideal for custom controls that need to embed images /

JavaScript to simplify deployment

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Example — resource bundling

[assembly: WebResource("StopLightControl.YellowOn.jpg", "image/jpg")][assembly: WebResource("StopLightControl.YellowDim.jpg", "image/jpg")]

Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(GetType(), "StopLightControl.YellowOn.jpg");


Compile action set to

Embedded Resource

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To reference resource-embedded script files:

Include WebResource assembly-level attribute to expose

Implement GetScriptReferences with alternate ctor of ScriptReference


[assembly: WebResource("AjaxCustomControls.CustomTextBox.js", "text/javascript")]

public IEnumerable<ScriptReference> GetScriptReferences(){ScriptReference reference =

new ScriptReference("AjaxCustomControls.CustomTextBox.js",GetType().Assembly.FullName);

return new ScriptReference[] { reference };}

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ASP.NET Ajax supports string resources as embedded


Useful for localizing strings in your client script files

Steps for using ScriptResource

1. Create a .resx file in your project, with Build Action set to Embedded


2. Add strings to .resx you want to reference in your client script

3. Add an assembly-level attribute declaration of ScriptResource

4. Reference strings with typename string passed in a last parameter to

ScriptResource attribute

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Using ScriptResource

[assembly: ScriptResource("HoverImageControl.HoverImageControl.js","HoverImageControl.HoverImageControl", "HoverImageControl.Resource")]

_onMouseDown : function(e) {if (this.get_element() && !this.get_element().disabled) {

this.get_element().src = this._clickImageUrl;alert(HoverImageControl.Resource.hi);



Name of embedded script that will use resource

Name of embedded resource

Script typename you will use to extract strings

Reference resource

strings with typename

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ScriptResource Implementation

The effect of using ScriptResource is to modify the referenced

embedded script to include a class that provides all string .resx


No server communication to retrieve values

Simple integration with existing script files

Resource file loading is culture-dependent

Set UICulture="auto" and Culture="auto" on your .aspx page to have

culture set based on user language preference

Create additional copies of .resx file with locale name (like


Type.registerNamespace('HoverImageControl');HoverImageControl.Resource={"hi":"Hello there!","bye":"Good bye!"};

Appended to script file

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Building components

Differences when building components instead of controls

Return ScriptComponentDescriptor from GetScriptDescriptors

Inherit client-side class from Sys.UI.Component

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Extender controls

Extender controls are designed to extend other controls

Control does not render separately

Inherit server-control from System.Web.UI.ExtenderControl

Implement IScriptControl, exposing as virtual methods

Define TargetControlID property

Inherit client behavior from Sys.UI.Behavior

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" />

<ps:FocusBehavior ID="FocusExtender1" runat="server"NoHighlightCssClass="LowLight"HighlightCssClass="HighLight"TargetControlID="TextBox1" />

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Custom controls are the building blocks for extending ASP.NET




Control Extenders

All provide tight integration with ScriptManager and client-side

script support

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© 2008 Pluralsight, LLC


Online documentation:



“ASP.NET Ajax in Action”, by A Gallo, D. Barkol and R. Vavilala (Manning
