Attack! - Balance of Power Variant

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  • 7/30/2019 Attack! - Balance of Power Variant


  • 7/30/2019 Attack! - Balance of Power Variant


    an air unit), the Player with combined arms may roll [1] extra die. This

    advantage stacks with any other applicable advantages.

    III. Peoples Liberation Rule, Communist Players only for every fascist minor

    neutral that the Communist Player successfully invades, and holds until the

    end of the game, the Communist Player receives [1] bonus victory point. Theminor neutral fascist nations invaded and occupied by the Communist Player

    will be recorded on the score sheet, along with cumulative [+1]s for the

    Fascist Player, and the cumulative [-1]s and [+1]s of the Democracy Player.

    IV. Mass Conscription Rule, Communist Players only if the Communist Player

    possesses a population economics card, the Communist Player may match [1]

    population economics card to a normal completed set of four economics cards,and receive [1] additional Infantry unit at no extra cost. If the Communist

    Player has [2] population economics cards, and two normal complete sets of

    four economics cards, the Communist Player receives [2] free Infantry units at

    no additional cost. Follow this same matching rule for three normal sets offour and [3] population economics cards, and so forth. In addition, if the

    Communist Player has three population economics cards which are notmatched to any normal set of four economics cards, nor otherwise used, the

    Communist Player receives [1] extra Infantry unit at the end of the round for

    each set of three population economics cards. In the same way that oileconomics cards are used for either completing a set, or for producing Oil

    Certificates, but not both, population economics cards may be used for only

    one purpose per round.

    V. Capitalist Partners Rule, Democracy Players only for every democracy

    minor neutral that borders the Democracy Players owned and controlled

    territories, the Democracy Player receives [3] extra Production Points at theend of every round. If there are three such democracy minor neutrals, or

    multiples of three, every third set of three extra Production Points may be

    exchanged for one Oil Certificate. In the case of four or five bordering minorneutral democracies, the Democracy Major Power my receive [1] OC in place

    of [3] PPs, while all of the reminder yield [3] extra PPs to the Democracy

    Major Power each. Follow this same reasoning in the case of seven or eight,

    etc., bordering minor neutral democracies.

    VI. All Players receive [1] free Oil Certificate at the end of every round of play.

    VII. No rookie player, first time player, may play the Democracy Major Power in

    any given game.

    VIII. Political Will Communist Major Powers and Democracy Major Powers

    receive [2] free political action cards at the end of the round of play. Fascist

    Major Powers and Monarchist Major Powers still receive [1] free political

    action card at the end of every round of play.

  • 7/30/2019 Attack! - Balance of Power Variant


    IX. End Game Eagle Card number for every player above four that play in a

    given game, one additional Eagle Card is added to the necessary total to endthe game. The standard political action card deck comes with [14] Eagle

    Cards, add one duplicate Eagle Political Action Card per additional player

    above four in a given game. Players should agree which card or cards shouldbe duplicated (suggestion do not duplicate overly catastrophic cards such as

    revolt, assassination or embargo).

    X. Technological Development (revised) a Player who chooses to develop new

    technology, if successful, may choose from the deck any technology card they

    wish. The card remains face down on the table, in secret, until used. After

    one use, the card remains up for the remainder of the game.

    XI. Steal Technology Political Action Card (revised) when this card is played

    against a player who has successfully developed new technology, the Steal

    Technology player receives the same benefit of this technology card (aduplicate technology card may be employed if available), however the

    original developing player does not lose it. There will now be two playerswith this same technological benefit.

    XII. Strategic Bombing (revised) & Bomber Aircraft (new) Strategic bombingremains a separate action in a Players turn, and the appropriate Oil cost for

    this action must be paid. The large aircraft units contained in the game bags

    will now represent actual Bomber Aircraft, and the smaller aircraft units will

    now represent Fighter Aircraft. Bomber Aircraft Cost = [18] PPs. Achievea Hit on an airplane picture on the combat dice when used in a close air

    support / strike (CAS) role. May be used in a close air strike / support

    (CAS) role, or a strategic bombing (SB) role, but not both roles in thesame turn. Specific Fighter Aircraft, when used to support strategic bombing,

    may not be used in other combat during the Players attack-move action phase

    of their turn. When Bomber Aircraft are used in a CAS role, for everyairplane picture rolled on the combat dice matched to a Bomber, the firing

    player may take [2] casualties from the opponent using the following modified

    casualty hierarchy: Infantry, Artillery, Armor, Fighter Aircraft, and Bomber

    Aircraft. When used in an SB role, should a Player choose the StrategicBombing action during their turn, for every Bomber Aircraft not destroyed,

    and remaining in the front or assault rank, the bombing player rolls one blue

    die for each surviving Bomber Aircraft. Bomber Aircraft may target eitherPPs or OCs, or any combination thereof, at the strategic bombing Players

    discretion. The damage caused by each Bomber Aircraft that survives to

    successfully drop bombs is depicted in the items (i) and (ii) below. Theremust exist a continuous and unobstructed flight path from the strategic

    bombing Players Capital to the targeted Players Capital in order to conduct

    strategic bombing. Minor neutrals do not obstruct the flight path, however, if

    the strategic bombing Player must fly over a 3rd party Major Power, that 3rd

  • 7/30/2019 Attack! - Balance of Power Variant


    party Major Power may deny flight path access. In this case strategic

    bombing cannot be conducted, and no oil is paid for the action.

    i. Strategic Bombing, Industrial Economy (PPs) roll of 1,2 = [4]PPs destroyed; roll of 3,4 = [5] PPs destroyed; 5,6 = [6] PPs


    ii. Strategic Bombing, Oil Reserves (OCs) roll of 1,2 = [1] OCdestroyed; roll of 3,4 = [2] OCs destroyed; roll of 5,6 = [3] OCs


    iii. Each Bomber Aircraft makes one bomb drop or pass, and thenmust pass through the front assault rank and survive, before

    departing for home territory.

    iv. Defending player rolls two additional dice for their Capital unit, as

    long as they possess their own Capital, during each combatsequence. The defending player may match one artillery picture

    on any combat die rolled to the Capital unit, to obtain one

    additional hit, or casualty, from the strategic bombing Player

    attacking them. This represents anti-aircraft (AA) fire from theground.

    v. Once all Bomber Aircraft have passed through the front assaultrank, and have either successfully dropped bombs or have been

    destroyed, or both, the strategic bombing action is over. All

    surviving aircraft units from both players are then returned to anyterritory owned by the respective Major Power.