Search Titles Text Anarchist Studies Network Wiki FrontPage RecentChanges FindPage HelpContents An Anarchis...ibliography Page Edit Show Changes Get Info More Actions: User Login An Anarchist Education Bibliography Anarchist Pedagogy: History and Theory Accurso, Ricardo Vicente (1989). La Educación libertaria en Argentina. Andorra: El Sembrador. Ackelsberg, Martha A. "Education for Empowerment: Preparation as Revolution." Free Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1991. 115-142. <--Most interesting concept: "capacitación" ("preparation," "consciousness-raising," "capacity-building," or simply "empowerment") vs. "captación" (ideologizing, proselytizing, enrolment ). Ansart, Pierre, ed. (1995). L'Éducation: Proudhon, proudhonisme (XIXe-XXe siècles): actes du colloque de la société P.-J. Proudhon, Paris, 4 et 5 novembre 1994. Paris: Société P.-J. Proudhon. <--Includes Gaetano Manfredonia's "Les syndicalistes révolutionnaires et la question de l’enseignement." Argenton, Alberto (1977). La concezione pedagogica di un classico dell'anarchismo: William Godwin. Bologna: Pàtron. Armand, Émile et al. (1911). Enquête sur des Questions de tolérance et d’éducation, et réponses de E.

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An Anarchist Education Bibliography

Anarchist Pedagogy: History and Theory

Accurso, Ricardo Vicente (1989). La Educación libertaria en Argentina. Andorra: El Sembrador.

Ackelsberg, Martha A. "Education for Empowerment: Preparation as Revolution." Free Women of Spain:Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,1991. 115-142. <--Most interesting concept: "capacitación" ("preparation," "consciousness-raising,""capacity-building," or simply "empowerment") vs. "captación" (ideologizing, proselytizing, enrolment).

Ansart, Pierre, ed. (1995). L'Éducation: Proudhon, proudhonisme (XIXe-XXe siècles): actes du colloque dela société P.-J. Proudhon, Paris, 4 et 5 novembre 1994. Paris: Société P.-J. Proudhon. <--Includes GaetanoManfredonia's "Les syndicalistes révolutionnaires et la question de l’enseignement."

Argenton, Alberto (1977). La concezione pedagogica di un classico dell'anarchismo: William Godwin.Bologna: Pàtron.

Armand, Émile et al. (1911). Enquête sur des Questions de tolérance et d’éducation, et réponses de E.

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Armand, Jean Darricarrère, Manuel Devaldès, A. Lorulot, P. Reclus, H. Ryner…. Orléans: Éd. de l’Erenouvelle.

Asociación Pedagógica Paideia (1985). Una escuela libre. Colección Sumerut, 3. Madrid: Ziggurat.

- - - (1989). Conclusiones I congreso de pedagogia antiautoritaria. Mérida: Colectivo Paideia.

Avrich, Paul. The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United States, Edinburgh:AK Press, 2006.

Bakunin, Mikhail (1992). "All-Round Education." The Basic Bakunin: Writings, 1869-1871. Trans. anded. Robert M. Cutler. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books. 111-125. <--Orig. "L'Éducation intégrale,"serialized in L'Égalité, 1869. Parts of this can be found online here and here.

Barbedette, L. (1934). "Intelligence." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 1040-1043.

Barrancos, Dora (1990). Anarquismo, Educación y costumbres, en la Argentina de principios de siglo.Buenos Aires: Ed. Contrapunto.

Baumann, Heribert, and Ulrich Klemm (1988). Anarchismus und Schule. Grafenau-Döffingen: Trotzdem,1988.

Berge, Andre (1972). La libertad en la educación. Madrid: Ed. Morava.

Blas de Ezquerro, Yolanda et al. (1989). Pioneros, educación en libertad. Madrid: Ed. Popular.

Boussinot, Charles (1934). "Ruche." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 2471-2472.

Brunelle, L. (1975). ¿Qué es la no directividad? Madrid: Ed. Narcea.

Calandri, Enrico (1993). La società ineducata: complessità ed utopia del mutamento pedagogiconell'approccio libertario tra passato e presente. Roma: ??.

Cano Ruiz, Benjamin (1978). El pensamiento de Miguel Bakunin. México: Ed. Mexicanos Unidos.

Cappelletti, Angel J. (1980). Francisco Ferrer y la pedagogía libertaria. Madrid: Ed. mexicanos unidos.

Cardona de Gibert, Angeles, and Francisco-Luis Cardona Castro (1978). La utopía perdida: Trayectoriade la pedagogía libertaria. Barcelona: Bruguera.

Carrasquer, Felix [a.k.a. Felix Carrasquer Launed] (1981). Una experiencia de educación autogestionaria:escuela Elíseo Reclús, Barcelona, 1935-1936. Barcelona: Felix Carrasquer.

Cassebaum, Anne (2003). "Revisiting Summerhill." Phi Delta Kappan 84.8: 575-78.

Celma, Jules (1972). Diario de un educastrador. Buenos Aires: Ed. La flor.

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Ciabati, Patrizia (1973). Contraescuela (Alumnos de Barbiana). Madrid: Ed. Lee y discute.

Codello, Francesco (2005). La buona educazione: esperienze libertarie e teorie anarchiche in Europa daGodwin a Neill. Milano: F. Angeli.

- - - (1995). Educazione e anarchismo: l'idea educativa nel movimento anarchico italiano (1900-1926).Ferrara: Corso.

- - - (1995). Pedagogia di ... Firenze: La Nuova Italia.

- - - (1983). Scuola laica e scuola libera in alcuni periodici anarchici dell'età giolittiana. Parma: Centro ital.per la ricerca storico-educativa.

- - - (2005). Vaso, creta o fiore?: né riempire, né plasmare ma educare. Lugano: La baronata.

- - - et al (1980). Luigi Molinari: una vita per gli ideali libertari e per l'educazione popolare. I-Crema :Pace, Evoluzione europea.

Colectivo Paideia (1993). "Crítica a una Escuela Autogestionária Dentro de un Sistema noAutogestionário." La Samblea, Boletín de la Asociación Pedagógica "PAIDEIA" 15: 34-40.

Colectivo Brancaleone (1996). Pedagogia libertária: liberdade no coditiano. <--video, 20 mins.

Copparoni, Edna (1992). "Edgardo Riceti Maestro y Luchador social." 12 años de educación libertaria enSabadell, 1927-1939. Buenos Aires: Ed. Reconstruir. ??-??.

Cuevas Noa, Francisco José (2003). Anarquismo y educación. La propuesta sociopolítica de la pedagogíalibertaria. Cuadernos Libertarios, 11. Madrid: Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo. <--Reviewed here.

De Oliveira, Leila Floresta (1999). "Gênese do pensamento pedagôgico anarquista: Proudhon e osprincipios liberais e democráticos." Educação e filosofia 13.26: 141-172. <--(English: "The Genesis ofAnarchist Pedagogical Thinking: Proudhon and his Liberal and Democratic Principles.") Abstract: "Thispaper consists of a discussion on traits of anarchistic thinking that are relevent to the comprehension of howthe education question is stated under libertarian viewpoint. I will therein contrast one great distinguishedfounder of anarchistic thinking, Proudhon, and the liberal and democratic thought. This oppositions will beexamined under some highly esteemed concepts from those thought currents, considering that the libertarianthinking is built exactly from the dialogue with them."

Delaunay, E. (1934). "Coéducation." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 356-359.

- - - (1934). "École." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale. 618-627.

- - - (1934). "Éducation." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale.631-639.

- - - (1934). "Enfant." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale. 684-

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- - - (1934). "Histoire." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale. 909-913.

- - - (1934). "Jeu (éducation)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale.1112-1118.

- - - (1934). "Liberté (éducation)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 1256-1258.

- - - (1934). "Mémoire (caractères généraux, éducation, etc)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. SébastienFaure. Paris: Librairie internationale. 1493-1497.

- - - (1934). "Mensonge (et enfant)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 1502-1503.

- - - (1934). "Mesure." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale. 1517-1520.

- - - (1934). "Méthode (éducation et enseignement)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris:Librairie internationale. 1550-1557 .

- - - (1934). "Morale (et éducation)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 1654-1665.

- - - (1934). "Neutralité (scolaire)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 795-796.

- - - (1934). "Observation." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale.1822-1825.

- - - (1934). "Orientation (professionnelle)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 1883-1885.

- - - (1934). "Pédagogie." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale.1999-2001.

- - - (1934). "Puériculture." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale.2244-2247.

- - - (1934). "Rurales (écoles)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 2486-2487.

- - - (1934). "Test." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale. 2752-2755.

Devaldes, Manuel (1957). "L'éducation et la liberté, 1900." Un en-dehors: Manuel Devaldès (1875-1956).

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Paris-Bruxelles: Ed. Pensée et Action. ??-??.

Díaz, Carlos (1976). Escritos Sobre Pedagogia Política. Alcoy: Editorial Marfil.

- - - (1978). El Manifiesto Libertário de la Enseñanza. Madrid: Ediciones de la Piqueta.

- - - and García, Félix (1975). Ensayo de Pedagogía Utópica. Madrid: Ediciones Zero.

- - - and García, Félix (1977). Per una pedagogia libertaria: l'educazione come pratica dell' autogestione.Torino: Edizioni del Centro Documentazione Anarchica.

Dupont, Pauline (1895). "Innovation pédagogique.". Les Temps Nouveaux 3: ??-??.

Echeverria, Javier (1974). Escuela y concientización. Madrid: Ed. Lee y Discute.

Ermini, Rino (1994). Pedagogia libertaria: percorsi possibili. Livorno: Edizioni Sempre Avanti.

- - - (1998). Per una pedagogia libertaria. Livorno: Sempre Avanti.

Faure, Sébastien (19--?). Ce que nous voulons. Paris: Editions de "L'idée libre", A. Lorulot.

- - - (1992). Écrits pédagogiques. Paris: Éditions du Monde libertaire.

- - - (1932). Palabras de un educador. Trans. Jose Antonio Enmanuel. Barcelona: B.A.I.

- - - , ed. (1907). Pour les petits: recueil de chansons, chœurs, monologues, comédies, à l'usage des enfantsde 8 à 15 ans, sans musique. Rambouillet: Ruche. <--Includes contributions by S. Faure, Stephen Mac Say,Maurice Bouchor, Th. Dubois, Paul Bigarelle, Nœgeli, Eugène Potevin.

- - - (1914). La Ruche: une œuvre de solidarité, un essai d’éducation. Paris: Imprimerie ouvrière.

- - - (1914). La Ruche, son but, son organisation, sa portée sociale. Rambouillet: Ruche. <--Included inÉcrits pédagogiques (above).

- - - (1934). "Ruche (la)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale.2472-2486.

Fernández Cortés, Francisco (1975). Escuela viva. Madrid: Ed. Lee y Discute.

- - - (1977). La asamblea en la escuela. Madrid: Ed. ZYX.

Ferrer [y] Guardia, Francisco. The Origin and Ideals of the Modern School. Trans. Joseph McCabe. NewYork, Arno Press, 1972. <--Enormously influential in Spain and around the world. Other editions: NewYork, Mother Earth Pub. Association, 1909; New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1913; etc. Spanish versiononline here.

- - - (1978). Francisco Ferrer, 1859-1909, y la pedagogía antimilitarista. Calgary: La Escuela Moderna.

- - - (1934). Francisco Ferrer anarchiste. Ed. Anselmo Lorenzo. Paris: Groupe de propagande par la

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- - - (1903?). "La Ingenuidad infantil"." Centro de Documentação e Apoio à Pesquisa.

Fidler, Geoffrey C. "Anarchism and Education: 'Éducation Intégrale and the Imperative TowardsFraternité.'" History of Education 18.1 (1989): 23-46.

- - - (1990). "Henri Roorda Van Eysinga and the Pedagogy Of Éducation Libertaire." PaedagogicaHistorica 26.3: 7-46. <--Abstract: "The anarchist-inspired pedagogy of Henri Roorda van Eysinga (1870-1925) had an important, and critical, influence on the contemporary theory of 'education libertaire' - atheory Inextricable from practice, and illuminated in the experience of the 'Ecole Ferrer de Lausanne,' withwhich he was associated.. Roorda's role in promoting the "modern school' principles of Francisco Ferrer isgenerally acknowledged. His reputation as "the soundest revolutionary of our age' on the education ofchildren, however, is largely unknown or forgotten. "Dutch by birth, Roorda grew up and remained in the'Suisse romande,' where his early exposure to the revolutionary intellectual idealism of post-Communeexiles like Kropotkin and (notably) Elisée Reclus had lasting consequences. Cited in 'libertarian' and 'new'education circles alike, his writing effectively addressed the twin 'scientific' and 'revolutionary' facets ofRousseau's pedagogical-critical discourse. The dichotomies engendered by this Juxtaposition of a child-centred 'education intégrale" with a revolutionary-fraternal 'mentalité anarchiste' richly nuanced hiscontribution to the pedagogy and the idiom of 'education libertaire.'"

Freire, Paulo (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Trans. Myra Bergman Ramos. New York: SeaburyPress. <--Not an anarchist but a left-Marxist of broad repute, famous for his experiments in "problem-posing" education in Brazil; influential among some anarchist educators, criticized by others (see KingsleyWidmer, below).

Fromentin, Alfred (1909). La Vérité sur l’œuvre de Francisco Ferrer. Paris: Éd. du Groupe d’étudesscientifiques.

Gallo, Sílvio (2005). "A Educação e as três pontências do pensamento." Presente! Revista de Educação50: 37-39.

- - - (1998). "A Educação Pública Como Função do Estado." Comunicações 5.1: 5-28.

- - - (1999). "A Educação Brasileira Contemporânea Numa Perspectiva Libertária." Revista daADUNIMEP 1: 16-27.

- - - (2002). "A Escola Pública numa Perspectiva Anarquista." Verve: Revista do Núcleo de SociabilidadeLibertária 1: 124-164.

- - - (2007). "Acontecimento e Resistência: educação menor no cotidiano da escola." Cotidiano escolaremergência e invenção 1. Ed. Ana Maria Facciolli de Camargo and Márcio Mariguela. Piracicaba: JacinthaEditores. 21-39.

- - - (2006). "Anarquismo e Filosofia da Educação." Centro de Documentação e Apoio à Pesquisa.

- - - (1997). "Conhecimento, Transversalidade e Educação: Para Além da Interdisciplinaridade."Impulso: Revista de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas 10.21: 115-133.

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- - - (2002). "Deleuze e la pedagogia del concetto." Il Giardino Dei Pensieri.

- - - (1995). Educação anarquista: um paradigma para hoje. Piracicaba: Ed. UNIMEP.

- - - (1995). "Educação e Controle." Sinpro Cultura - caderno de cultura do Sindicato dos Professoresde Campinas e Região 23: ??-??.

- - - (1992). "Educação e Liberdade: a experiência da Escola Moderna de Barcelona." Pro-Posições,Revista quadrimestral da Faculdade de Educação da UNICAMP 3.3: 14-23.

- - - (2007). [www.cedap.assis.unesp.br/cantolibertario/textos/0126.html "El Paradigma Anarquista emEducación."] Centro de Documentação e Apoio à Pesquisa.

- - - (1994). "Ferrer i Guàrdia e a Pedagogia Racional: uma educação para a liberdade." Educació iHistòria, Revista d’història de l’educació 1: 41-44.

- - - (2004). "Filosofia da Educação e Paciência do Conceito. Espacios en blanco." Serie indagaciones 14:135-152.

- - - (2006). "Modernidade/pós-modernidade: tensões e repercussões na produção de conhecimento emeducação." Educação e Pesquisa 32: 551-565.

- - - (2006). "O Ensino Fundamental: formação e transformação." Quaestio 8: 89-104.

- - - (1995). Pedagogia do Risco - experiências anarquistas em educação. Campinas: Papirus, 1995.

- - - (2007). Pedagogia Libertária - Anarquistas, Anarquismos e Educação. São Paulo: EditoraImaginário/Editora da Universidade Federal do Amazonas. <--Collection of essays, including "OParadigma Anarquista Em Educação," "Pedagogia Libertária: Princípios Político-Filosóficos," "Politecnia eEducação: A Contribuição Anarquista," "Ética, Ciência e Educação Na Perspectiva Anarquista,""Educação e Liberdade: A Experiência da Escola Moderna De Barcelona," "Os Limites De UmaEducação Autogestionária: A Experiência da Pedagogia Institucional," "Pedagogia Libertária e Ideologia:Vias e Desvios da Liberdade," "Universidade Libertária e Utopia," "A Educação Pública Como FunçãoDo Estado," "Escola Libertária e Legislação Autoritária," "A Educação Brasileira Contemporânea," "EmUma Perspectiva Libertária," "Anarquismo e Filosofias da Diferença," "Estúpida Retórica: AlgumasConsiderações," and "Sobre Risco, Liberdade e Educação" (see above and below).

- - - (1996). "Pedagogia Libertária: Princípios Político-Filosóficos." Educação Libertária: textos de umseminário. Ed. Maria Oly Pey. Rio de Janeiro/Florianópolis: Achieamé/Movimento.

- - - (1997). "Pedagogia libertária e ideologia: vias e desvios da liberdade." Perspectiva 15.27: 17-34.

- - - (1993). "Politecnia e Educação: a contribuição anarquista." Pro-Posições, Revista Quadrimestral daFaculdade de Educação da UNICAMP 4.3: 34-46.

- - - (2004). "Repensar a educação: Foucault." Educação e Realidade 29.1: 79-97.

Gilliard, Edmond (1973). La escuela contra la vida. Valencia: Ed. Betacuatro.

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Girard, André (1897). Éducation et autorité paternelle. Paris: Publ. des Temps nouveaux.

- - - (1902). L'Education pacifique, conférence. Paris: Éd. de L'Education libertaire.

Giroud, Gabriel [a.k.a. G. Hardy] (1900). Cempuis. Education intégrale. Coéducation des sexes. Paris:Schleicher Frères. <--With 48 illustrations.

- - - (1902). Observations sur le développement de l’enfant: petit guide d'anthropométrie familiale etscolaire Paris: Schleicher.

Gladel, Constant (1902). Solution du problème social. Liquidation de la propriété et de la misère. ??:Librairie socialiste internationale.

Goodman, Paul (1963). "A.S. Neill Saddens." Letter to the editor, replying to A.S. Neill's letter, "Only OneSummer Hill." Village Voice 9.5: 4.

- - - (1971). "Children Should Be Anarchists." New Schools Exchange Newsletter 58: 5.

- - - (1964). "From John Dewey to A.S. Neill." Seeds of Liberation. Ed. Paul Goodman. New York:George Braziller. 494-97.

- - - (1971). "Introduction." Children's Rights: Toward the Liberation of the Child. Ed. Paul L. Adams.New York: Praeger. ??-??. <--Advance version printed previously as "What Rights Should ChildrenHave?" in New York Review of Books 17.4: 20-22.

Godwin, William (1783). An Account of the Seminary That Will Be Opened on Monday the Fourth Day ofAugust at Epson in Surrey, For the Instruction of Twelve Pupils in the Greek, Latin, French and EnglishLanguages. London: Cadell. <--Technically, Godwin predates the modern anarchist movement, but hisexperiments in anti-authoritarian pedagogy have obvious relevance to a history of anarchism and education.

- - - (1797). The Enquirer: Reflexions on Education, Manners and Literature. London: Robinson. <--Close,sharp observations on the ways in which authority distorts reading, learning, and communication, andthinking.

- - - (1826). The History of England: For Use of Schools and Young Persons. London: Baldwin, Cradock& Jay.

- - - (1836). Pantheon: Or the Ancient History of the Gods of Greece and Rome: For the Use of Schoolsand Young Persons of Both Sexes. London: Baldwin & Cradock.

Goldman, Emma (1906). "The Child and Its Enemies." Mother Earth 1.2: 7-14.

- - - (1909). "Francisco Ferrer." Mother Earth 4.9: 275-277.

- - - (1907). "La Ruche (The Beehive)." Mother Earth 2.9: 275-277.

Gómez Pérez, Rafael (1975). Represión y libertad. Pamplona: Ed. EUNSA.

Gorman, Anthony (2005). "Anarchists in Education: The Free Popular University in Egypt (1901)."

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Middle Eastern Studies 41.3: 303-320.

Grave, Jean (1900). Enseignement bourgeois et enseignement libertaire. Paris: Éd. des Temps nouveaux.<--Trans. into Spanish by J. Ruipérez as Educación burguesa y educación libertaria , by "Juan Grave"(Barcelona: Presa y Rosón, 1900).

Griéger, Paul (1973). Renovación pedagógica en la escuela. Madrid; Ed. Bruño.

Grupo Soma (??). História do anarquismo, 2: Anarco-sindicalismo, pedagogia libertária. São Paulo:Soma.

Guédez, Víctor (1987). Educación y proyecto histórico-pedagógico. Caracas: Universidad NacionalAbierta, Fondo Editorial del Vicerrectorado Académico.

Guieysse, Charles, and Charles Péguy (1901). Les universités populaires et le mouvement ouvrier. Paris:Cahiers de la quinzaine.

Heinlein, Markus (1998). Klassischer Anarchismus und Erziehung: libertäre Pädagogik bei WilliamGodwin, Michael Bakunin und Peter Kropotkin. Würzburg: Ergon.

Ixigrec (1934). "Liberté (éducation)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 1255-1256.

Jomini Mazoni, Regina (1999). Ecoles anarchistes au Brésil (1889-1920). Lyon: Atelier de CreationLibertaire.

Klemm, Ulrich (1990). Anarchismus & Bildung. Ulm: Ed. Flugschriften.

- - - (1984). Die libertäre Reformpädagogik Tolstois: und ihre Konzeption in der deutschen Pädagogik.Reutlingen: Trotzdem-Verlag.

Koven, David (1989). "Walden Center and School." Social Anarchism 14: 40-52.

Lacaze-Duthiers, Gérard de (1934). "Pédant, pédantisme." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure.Paris: Librairie internationale. 2001.

- - - (1934). "Professeur." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale.2156-2160.

Laisant, Charles-Ange (1913). L’éducation de demain. Paris: Publication des Temps nouveaux. <--Firstedition in 1906.

- - - (1904). L'éducation fondée sur la science. Paris: Éd. Félix Alcan.

Lamotte, Émilie (1922). ''L'éducation rationnelle de l'enfance''. Conflans-Honorine: Éd. de "l'Idée libre."

- - - (1907). "Éducation anarchiste." L'Anarchie 107: ??-??.

- - - (1912). L'éducation rationnelle de l'enfance. Paris: L'Idée libre.

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Lanarque (1934). "Instruction." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 1032-1033.

- - - (1934). "Intellectuel." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale.1040.

Lewin, Roland (1989). Sébastien Faure et "La Ruche", ou, L'éducation libertaire. Cahiers de l'Institutd'histoire des pédagogies libertaires. Vauchrétien, Maine-et-Loire: Ivan Davy. <--"La Ruche" ("TheBeehive") was the name of an experimental school founded by Sébastien Faure.

Ludojoski, Roque Luis (1986). La coparticipación escolar: el autogobierno en la educación. BuenosAires: Editorial Guadalupe. <--Appears to be an updating of El autogobierno en la pedagogía (BuenosAires: Editorial Guadalupe, 1967).

Mac Say, Stephen [a.k.a. Stéphane Masset] (1934). "Individualisme (éducation)." Encyclopédieanarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale. 1007-1009.

- - - (1911). Vers l'éducation humaine. La Laïque contre l’enfant. Paris: Schleicher.

Mahé, Anna (1907). "Éducation mixte." L'Anarchie 142: ??-??.

- - - (1907). "Hygiène du cerveau. La Mère, Éducatrice." L'Anarchie 92: ??-??.

Manfredonia, Gaetano (2007). Anarchisme et changement social. Insurrectionnisme, syndicalisme,éducationnisme réalisateur. Lyon: Atelier de Création Libertaire.

Marc-Lipiansky, Edmond (1999). A pedagogia libertaria. Trans. Plinio Augusto Coelho. São Paulo:Imaginario; Nu-Sol; Soma.

- - - (1983). La pédagogie libertaire. Paris: Zéro de conduite.

Marestan, Jean (1934). "Éducation sexuelle." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris:Librairie internationale. 640-641.

Martín Luengo, María Josefa (1981). Intento de educacion antiautoritaria y psicomotriz en preescolar.Merida: Colectivo "Paideia".

- - - (1978). Fregenal de la Sierra, una esperiencia de escuela en libertad. Madrid: Campo Abierto.

- - - , Encarnación Garrido Montero, Maria Oly Pey, and Guilherme Carlos Corrêa (2000). Pedagogialibertária experiências hoje. São Paulo: Editora Imaginário.

Mella, Ricardo (1902). "La bancarrota de las creencias." Acción Libertaría La Revista Blanca 10: ??-??.

- - - (1911). "¡Basta de idolatrías!" Acción Libertaría 9: ??-??.

- - - (1913). "El cerebro y el brazo." Acción Libertaría 8: ??-??.

- - - (1913). "Cómo se afirma un método." Acción Libertaría 20: ??-??.

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- - - (1979). Cuestiones de enseñanza libertaria. Bilbao: Zero. <--Reprint of Madrid 1913 edition,collecting most of the articles by Mella under this heading.

- - - (1911). "Cuestiones de enseñanza: Primera parte." Acción Libertaría 20: ??-??.

- - - (1911). "Cuestiones de enseñanza: Segunda parte." Acción Libertaría 21: ??-??.

- - - (1911). "Cuestiones de enseñanza: Tercera parte." Acción Libertaría 22: ??-??.

- - - (1910). ''El problema de la enseñanza: primera parte''. Acción Libertaría 5: ??-??.

- - - (1911). ''El problema de la enseñanza: segunda parte''. Acción Libertaría 11: ??-??.

- - - (1912). "La gran mentira." El Libertario 3: ??-??.

- - - (1978). Ideario. Barcelona: Producciones Editoriales. <--Reprint of earlier edition with prologue byJosé Prat (Gijon: La Victoria, 1926).

- - - (1910). "Por la cultura." Acción Libertaría 3: ??-??.

- - - (1903). "Por los bárbaros." La Revista Blanca 124: ??-??.

- - - (1910). "El problema de la enseñanza: Primera parte." Acción Libertaría 5: ??-??.

- - - (1911). "El problema de la enseñanza: Segunda parte." Acción Libertaría 11: ??-??.

- - - (1911). "¿Qué se entiende por racionalismo?" Acción Libertaría 19: ??-??.

- - - (1913). "La razón no basta." Acción Libertaría 10: ??-??.

- - - (1913). "Las viejas rutinas." Acción Libertaría 1: ??-??.

- - - (1912). "El verbalismo de la enseñanza." Acción Libertaría 7: ??-??.

Mercier, Lucien (1986). Les universités populaires, 1899-1914: éducation populaire et mouvement ouvrierau début du siècle. Paris: Editions ouvrières.

Monés, Jordi, Pere Solà, and Luis M. Lázaro Lorente (1977). Ferrer Guardia y la pedagogía libertaria:elementos para un debate. Barcelona: Icaria.

Morales Muñoz, Manuel (1988). "La difusión de la cultura entre las clases populares malagueñas: la'Asociación libre para la enseñanza popular' (1869-1871)." Arbor: Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura 509: 73-84.

Nash, Mary, ed. (1977). "Mujeres Libres": España 1936-1939. Barcelona: Tusquets Editor. <--Includes asection, "La educacion de los niños" (pp. 191-233).

Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand Domela (1900). L'Education libertaire. Paris: Publ. des Temps nouveaux.

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Noja Ruiz, Higinio (1923). La Armonía, o, La escuela en el campo (Alginet, 1923). Ed. Virus, Barcelona,1996.

Parera, Arturo (1979). Cauces de una revolución: ¡La escuela emancipadora!. Barcelona: Ed. ArturoParera.

Peirats Valls, José (1991). Anarquismo. Móstoles: Ed. Madre Tierra.

Proudhon, Pierre (1930). "Philosophie populaire: programme." De la justice dans la révolution et dansl'église; nouveaux principes de philosophie pratique adressés à son éminence Monseigneur Mathieu,cardinal-archevêque de Besançon t.1. Paris: Rivière. 187-248. <--This preface to De la Justice not onlyoutlines Proudhon's approach to the philosophical tradition but -- in a manner reminiscent of AntonioGramsci's "The Study of Philosophy" -- an argument for "the philosophical capacity of the people,"suggesting a blurring of the boundaries between "metaphysical" theory and "industrial" practice, intellectualand manual labor, mind and body, discourse and action, forces and signs.

- - - (1931). "Cinquième étude: L'Éducation." De la justice dans la révolution et dans l'église; nouveauxprincipes de philosophie pratique adressés à son éminence Monseigneur Mathieu, cardinal-archevêque deBesançon t.2. Paris: Rivière. 327-471. <--Proudhon's abstract for this section: "Whether religion is aproduct of a mystical intuition or a metaphysical speculation, and whether the Church that serves as itsexpression is organized for aristocracy or for communism, since this religion posits the principle of rightapart from the human subject, education must also necessarily be outside of humanity, and ends in a systemof depravity. Thus, the soul, not cultivated as a living germ that has its law in itself and only asks to developfreely but treated as a uniform, obscure and bad nature that is to be given its path, its movement, and itsquality by an extrinsic action, man becomes, by way of the education given him by the Church, a hypocrite,since his conscience is not within himself; a stranger to himself, since his end is outside himself; a strangerto society, which, by way of its State reason, sometimes makes him a serf, sometimes privileges him, but inall cases deprives him of the reason of things and respect for persons; a stranger, finally, to the earth onwhich he stands like an exile, and which has nothing in common with him. And since the inevitable resultof such an education, by depriving him of all of his own justice, of all freedom of spirit, of any regard forhis kind, of any communion with nature, is to render existence unhappy, death will be all the moremiserable to the extent that the devotion of the subject to its faith will have been greater. – Contrary theoriesof free conscience, egalitarian teaching, the possession of nature, and a good death."

Pym, Denis (1991). "The Axe, the Chainsaw and Education: An Examination of Shortcomings In OurRelations With Our Artefacts." The Raven 16: 324-333.

Raynaud, Jean-Marc (1987). T'are ta gueule à la révo! Dires et agirs d'éducations libertaires. Paris: Éd. duMonde libertaire.

- - - , and Guy Ambauves (1978). L'Education libertaire. Paris: Éd. Spartacus.

- - - , and Thyde Rossel (1992). Bonaventure. Une école libertaire: pourquoi, comment. Paris: Éd. duMonde libertaire.

Read, Herbert Edward (1949). Education for Peace. New York: C. Scribner's Sons.

- - - (1944). The Education of Free Men. London: Freedom Press.

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- - - (1943). Education Through Art. London: Faber & Faber. <--Influenced post-WWII educationalreforms which resulted in the inclusion of arts curricula in schools.

- - - (1966). The Redemption of the Robot: My Encounter with Education Through Art. New York: TridentPress.

Robin, Paul (1892). "La coéducation des sexes en France et à l’étranger." L’éducation intégrale 11.6: ??-??.

- - - (1908). Dans l'eau. Nager sur le ventre, sur le dos, le sport, plonger, sauvetage. Paris: Chez l'auteur.

- - - (1892). Du rôle de la femme dans l'enseignement. Cempuis: Imprimerie de l'Orphelinat.

- - - (1870). "L'éducation des enfants." Le Progrès 4: ??-??.

- - - (1901). L'education integrale: culture harmonique de toutes les facultés, physiques, intellectuelles etaffectives: sommaire de conferences. Paris: André Girard.

- - - (1888). L'enseignement de la lecture. Cempuis: Imprimerie de l'Orphelinat.

- - - (1908). "L'enseignement intégral." L'école rénovée 2, 4 and 5: ??-??, ??-??, ??-??.

- - - (1872). "L'enseignement intégral." Revue de philosophie positive ??: ??-??. <--Reprinted in Volontéanarchiste 41 (1992): ??-??.

- - - (1893). "Manifeste aux partisans de l'éducation intégrale." L'éducation intégrale 12 [Numéro spécial]:??-??.

- - - (1866). Méthode de lecture. Paris: Delegrave.

- - - (1908). "Notes sur l'éducation." L'école rénovée 1: ??-??.

- - - (1901). "Vers l'Éducation intégrale." L'Éducation libertaire 3: ??-??.

- - - et al. (1895). Fêtes pédagogiques à l’orphelinat Prévost: cinq sessions normales de pédagogiepratique, vacances de 1800-1894. Cempuis. <--Also listed as Fêtes pédagogiques. 4ème session normalede pédagogie pratique tenue à l’Orphelinat Prévost, Cempuis (Oise) en 1893, s.l., 1895.

Roorda [Van Eysinga], Henri (1918). Le Pédagogue n'aime pas les enfants Paris-Lausanne: Payot. <--Reprinted Paris, 1973 by Delachaux et Niestlé.

- - - , and Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis (1998). L'Ecole et l'apprentissage de la docilité [H. Roorda],suivi de 'L'Education libertaire: conférence' [Domela Nieuwenhuis]. Montmorency: Éd. Tanguy L'Aminot-Musée J.-J. Rousseau-Montmorency.

Rosenthal, Thomas (1986). Schwerpunktthema Anarchismus und Pädagogik in der Diskussion. Ulm: Ed.Flugschr.

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Safón, Ramon (2002). Francisco Ferrer y Guardia, le rationalisme combattant, suivi de « La Fédérationdes travailleurs de l'éducation ». Paris: Éd. CNT-Région parisienne.

Schneider, Karl (1971). Francisco Ferrer y la pedagogia antiautoritaria. Calgary: La Escuela Moderna.

Smith, Michael P. (1989). "Kropotkin and Technical Education: An Anarchist Voice." For Anarchism:History, Theory, and Practice. Ed. David Goodway. London: Routledge. 217-234.

- - - (1983). The Libertarians and Education. London: Allen & Unwin.

Spring, Joel H. (1975). A Primer of Libertarian Education. New York: Free Life Editions.

Stirner, Max (1967). ''The False Principle of Our Education: or, Humanism and Realism''. Trans. RobertH. Beebe. Colorado Springs, CO: Ralph Myles.

- - - (1842). ''Das unwahre Prinzip unserer Erziehung oder der Humanismus und Realismus.''. RheinischeZeitung 100, 102, 104, 109: ??-??, ??-??, ??-??, ??-??.

Suissa, Judith (2006). Anarchism and Education: A Philosophical Perspective. New York: Routledge.

Tiana Ferre, Alejandro (1987). Educación Libertaria y Revolución social: España, 1936-1939. Madrid:Ed. Escuela Abierta/UNED.

Tomassi, Tina (1977). La dimensione pedagogica del pensiero bakuniano. Milano: Antistato.

- - - , and Marta Martín (1988). Breviario del pensamiento educativo libertario. Madrid: Madre Tierra.

Torre, Andrea (1999). Saggi filosofici e pedagogici. Ed. Domenico e Caemela Torre. I-Casalvelino Scalo:Galzerano.

Torre, Filippo (1964). Educare alla ribellione. Ragusa: La Fiaccola.

Vastola, Michael (2006). "Pedagogy, Ideology, and Space in the Classical Anarchist Conception ofFreedom." Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 6.2. <--Abstract: "This article attempts tounderstand the term 'freedom' through a comparative analysis of how it was mobilized in various anarchisttexts from the nineteenth century. Such an analysis helps to differentiate the anarchist conception from itsmainstream liberal and libertarian variants. This is accomplished with the aid of a broad spatial frameworkin which incommensurable notions of space and spatiality are clarified. Likewise, the frameworkdemonstrates the extent to which popular assumptions about pedagogy from the anarchist tradition arebased on a contradictory recognition of ideal educational practices. Such practices often utilize apropaganda model that is in many respects antithetical to their ideas about the spatial dimensions offreedom, as well as the central role of freedom in a moral social relation. Though critical of their conceptionof state power, the author claims that there is still much to learn from the philosophical foundations ofclassical anarchist thought, particularly when they draw upon (in a largely critical fashion) some of theindispensable concerns and suppositions of the Enlightenment -- which may modestly contribute to thepost-postmodern reactualization of theories of subjectivity, ideology, and praxis for our historical moment.The importance of new theories of ideology is emphasized, since the absence of a more sophisticatedrecognition of the concept is a major reason why the anarchist tradition has often failed to sufficiently

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consider real power relations in its immediate circumstances -- as exemplified by many of its simplisticassumptions about authority and pedagogy in the nineteenth century."

Wendling, Karl (1913). Wider den pädagogischen Anarchismus. Strassburg i. E.: Bull.

Radical Education

Hemmings, Ray (1975). Cincuenta años de libertad: las ideas de A.S. Neill y la escuela de Summerhill.Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

hooks, bell. Teaching to Transgress: Education as a Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge, 1994.

Illich, Ivan ''Deschooling Society''. New York: Harper & Row, 1971. <--Together with Paul Goodman'sadvocacy of the decentralized city-as-school, widely influential in libertarian circles in the 1970s, creatingconsiderable ripples in the broader public conversation.

- - - (1973). ¿En America Latina para qué sirve la escuela? Buenos Aires: Ediciones Búsqueda.

Kohl, Herbert R. (1970). The Open Classroom: A Practical Guide to a New Way of Teaching. New York:Vintage Books. <--Frequently cited and discussed by anarchist educators.

- - - , and Julia Sicart (1981). Autoritarismo y libertad en la enseñanza. Barcelona: Ariel.

Lane, Homer (1928). ''Talks to Parents and Teachers''. London: Allen & Unwin. <--Influenced A.S.Neill, who visited Lane's "Little Commonwealth" community for delinquent adolescents in 1917, andDavid Wills.

Lytton, Lord (1964). "A Last Word on Homer Lane." Anarchy 4: 150. <--See Lane (above).

Neill, Alexander Sutherland (1966). Freedom, Not Licence! New York: Hart Pub. Co.

- - - (1960). Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing. New York: Hart Pub. Co. <--Highlyinfluential experiment in non-authoritarian pedagogy.

Tolstoy, Leo (1967). Tolstoy on Education. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Weather, A. (1967). "A One-Man Show: The Story of Red Hill School." Anarchy 7.1: 19-25.

Weaver, Anthony (1962). "The Work of David Wills." Anarchy 2: 129-138. <--See Wills (below).

Wolff, Robert Paul. The Ideal of the University. Boston: Beacon Press, 1972.

Anarchism and the Academy: Critiques and Interventions

Cappelletti, Angel J. (1989). "Universidad y Autogestion." Correo A 11: 8-9.

Cassella, Edgardo (1940). "Universidad Sin Maestros y Sin Juventud." Hombre de America 1.1: 12.

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Cohn, Jesse (2006). "Anarþist Bir Öðretmen Nasýl Öðretir [trans. of 'Anarchist in the HierarchicalClassroom: On the Difficulty of Conversations.']" Siyahî 2.8: 106-107.

Coté, Mark et al, eds. (2007). Utopian Pedagogy: Radical Experiments Against Neoliberal Globalization.Toronto: University of Toronto Press. <--Contents: What is utopian pedagogy? / Mark Coté, Richard J. F.Day, and Greig De Peuter -- Utopian thinking in dangerous times : Critical pedagogy and the project ofeducated hope / Henry A. Giroux -- Teaching and tear gas : the university in the era of general intellect /Nick Dyer-Witheford -- Academic freedom in the corporate university / Ian Angus -- Revolutionarylearning : student resistance/student power / Mark Edelman Boren -- Exiled pedagogy : from the 'Guerrilla'classroom to the university of excess / Jerry Zaslove -- Universities, intellectuals, and multitudes / StuartHall -- From intellectuals to cognitarians / Franco Berardi (BIFO) -- Diffused intellectual : women'sautonomy and the labour of reproduction / Mariarosa Dalla Costa -- Conricerca as political action / GuidoBorio, Francesca Pozzi, and Gigi Roggero -- On the researcher-militant / Colectivo Situaciones -- Makingof an antiracist cultural politics in post-imperial Britain : the new beacon circle / Brian W. Alleyne -- 'Beforecoming here, had you thought of a place like this?' : notes on ambivalent pedagogy from the cybermohallaexperience / Shveta Sarda -- Transformative social justice learning : the legacy of Paulo Freire / CarlosAlberto Torres -- Breaking free : anarchist pedagogy / Allan Antliff -- Enigma in the education system :Simon Fraser University and the Secwepemc Cultural Education Society / Richard Toews and KellyHarris-Martin -- Subaltern act! Peasant struggles and pedagogy in Pakistan / Imran Munir -- 'Let's talk' : thepedagogy and politics of antiracist change / Sarita Srivastava -- Present and future education : a tale of twoeconomies / Michael Albert -- Academicus affinitatus : academic dissent, community education and criticalu / Mark Coté, Richard J. F. Day, and Greig De Peuter.

Gallo, Silvio (2004). "A Filosofia no Ensino Médio e seu caráter interdisciplinar." ''Revista SulAmericana de Filosofia e Educação'' 2.

- - - (2004). "A Orquídea e a Vespa: transversalidade e currículo rizomático." Currículo eContemporaneidade: questões emergentes 1. Ed. Elisa Pereira Gonçalves et al. Campinas: Alínea. 37-50.

- - - (2000). "Disciplinaridade e Transversalidade." Linguagens, Espaços e Tempos no Ensinar e noAprender. Ed. Vera Maria Candau et al. Rio de Janeiro: DP&A. 165-180.

- - - (2004). "Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Fundamental: entre o oficial e o alternativo."Comunicações 11.1: 17-27.

- - - (1997). "Universidade Libertária e Utopia." LetraLivre, Revista de Cultura Libertária 2.18: 3-5.

- - - et al (2004). "O ensino da filosofia no Brasil: um mapa das condições atuais." Cadernos CEDES24.64: 257-284.

Goodman, Paul (1966). Compulsory Mis-Education, and The Community of Scholars. New York: VintageBooks.

- - - (1960). Growing up Absurd: Problems of Youth in the Organized System. New York: Random House.

- - - (1964). "In What Ways Does the Present Marking and Credit System Inhibit or Promote Learning?"Undergraduate Education: The Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual National Conference on HigherEducation, April 19-22, 1964. Ed. G. Kerry Smith. Washington, D.C.: Association for Higher Education.

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- - - (1970). New Reformation: Notes of a Neolithic Conservative. New York: Random House. <--Parts 1and 2 ("Sciences and Professions" and "Education of the Young") are particularly focused on educationalquestions, from Goodman's argument that "technology is a branch of moral philosophy" to the history ofprogressive education, but largely meditating on Goodman's increasingly bruising confrontations withradicalized students.

- - - (1963). "Progressive Education From John Dewey to A.S. Neill." Liberation 8.9: 23-24.

- - - (1963). Review of Education and the Cult of Efficiency by Raymond E. Callahan. HarvardEducational Review 33.4.

Hogan, Patrick Colm. "The Ideology of the Humanities and the Political Economy of Criticism: NotesToward the Constitution of an Anarchist University." The Politics of Interpretation: Ideology,Professionalism, and the Study of Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 173-212. <--Notas exciting as it sounds (Hogan doesn't seem to even want to understand contemporary critical theories, andmost anarchists would probably find his pedagogy unpalatably liberal), but since Hogan professes someallegiance to a form of anarchism, vaguely modelled after Chomsky's, this may be relevant to the list.

- - - . "Why We Should Not Set Out to Politicize the Classroom: an Anarchist Response to the Debate OverPleasure and Critique." College Literature 21.3 (Oct. 1994): 56-6. <--See above.

Kostelanetz, Richard (1991). Review of Profscam: Professors and the Demise of Higher Education byCharles J. Sykes. Social Anarchism 16: 83-86.

Lindenfeld, Frank (1986). Review of Beyond Domination: An Essay in the Political Philosophy ofEducation by Patricia White. Social Anarchism 11: 70-71.

Long, Mike (1997). "Ebonics, Language and Power." Social Anarchism 24: 5-29.

Martin, Brian (1989). "What Should Be Done About Higher Education?" Social Anarchism 14: 30-39.

Nash, Roy (1961). "Summerhill School: 40th Anniversary." Anarchy 1.11: ??-??. <--See Neill (below).

Pelletier, Dr. [Madeleine] (1934). "Enseignement." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris:Librairie internationale. 694-696.

Restivo, Sal (1998). "Mathematics, Mind, and Society: An Anarchist Theory of Inquiry and Education."Mathematics Education and Society: An International Conference (University of Nottingham).

Richardson, Maurice (1962). "Clinical Aspects of the Work of David Wills. By a Consultant Psychatrist."Anarchy 2: 139-146. <--Commenting on David Wills (see below).

Schumacher, John (1998). "On Choosing to Be a Radical Professor." Institute for Anarchist StudiesNewsletter 2.1: ??-??.

Stinton, Judith (2005). A Dorset Utopia: The Little Commonwealth and Homer Lane. Norwich: Black Dog

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Books. <--See Lane (below).

Thévenet, Alain (2006). "Du dressage des ours." Réfractions 16: ??-??.

Urales, Federico (1949). Nociones de pedagogia: como debemos educar a nuestros hijos. Un profesor dela Normal. Toulouse: Universo.

Vernet, Madeleine (1934). "Paix (la paix par l’éducation)." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure.Paris: Librairie internationale. 1934-1935.

Y., G. [Georges Yvetot?] (1934). "Éducation syndicale." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure.Paris: Librairie internationale. 641.

Ward, Colin (1995). Talking School: Ten Lectures by Colin Ward. London: Freedom Press.

- - - , and Anthony Fyson (1973). Streetwork: The Exploding School. London: Routledge & K. Paul.

Wastieaux, L. (1934). "Enfant." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairieinternationale. 683-684.

- - - (1934). "Enseignement." Encyclopédie anarchiste. Ed. Sébastien Faure. Paris: Librairie internationale.696-697.

Widmer, Kingsley (1989). "Anarchists in Academe: Notes from the Contemporary University." SocialAnarchism 14: 5-12.

- - - (1987). "Liberating the Illiterate? Some Politics of the Literacy Hype." Social Anarchism 12: 3-12. <--A critique of Paulo Freire's pedagogy in particular.

- - - (1980). "Anarchism vs. Schoolism: The Influential Case of Paul Goodman." Social Anarchism 1: 17-28.

Wills, William David [a.k.a. David Wills] (1964). Homer Lane: A Biography. London: Allen & Unwin.

- - - (1967). "Terrible Misconception." Anarchy 7.??: 122-128. <--Comments on Neill's "Summerhill" (seebelow). Wills was also influenced by Homer Lane (see below).


Roger King (et al) The University in the Global Age Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004

Duke Maskell and Ian Robinson The New Idea of a University Theorverton: Imprint Academic, 2001

Simon Wortham Rethinking the University: Leverage and Deconstruction Manchester: University ofManchester Press, 1999

Jeff Schmidt Diciplined Minds: A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-Battering Systemthat Shapes their Lives Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000

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