SQY* THE EUROPEAN HEART OF ECO-INNOVATION IN 2030 З * Communauté d'agglomération Saint - Quentin- en- Yvelines By MULTINOV Team July 2010

Become an eco-innovative city by 2030

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The MULTINOV full proposal to turn Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines local authority into the european heart of eco-innovation by 2030. (MULTINOV team, July 2010, Econoving)

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Page 1: Become an eco-innovative city by 2030




* Communauté d'agglomération Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

By MULTINOV Team July 2010

Page 2: Become an eco-innovative city by 2030




Saint Quentin en Yvelines (SQY) is both a rural and urban area shared by local citizens and commuters, companies and local authorities. It is a place which can fulfil a vast diversity of expectations. But if it is to remain attractive, SQY will have to succeed in dealing with two main challenges:

• Environmental challenge, becoming sustainable or even better having a positive footprint

• Economical challenge, enhancing its attractiveness and competitiveness

Becoming the European heart of eco-innovation thanks to MULTINOV’s plan, SQY has the opportunity to meet both these challenges.


This proposal recommends first to improve the efficiency of SQY’s processes which rely on natural resources. The main change will lie in the mutualisation of the use of resources, which will turn into a much less demanding system from this point of view. It implies important evolutions which will only happen through a strong involvement of the population. SQY should also change its financial model, from a community which is not only a tax collector but also generates profits from activities run by its sub-divisions. Finally, SQY will develop its competitiveness becoming attractive to stakeholders who will be able to create, test and implement the next cutting edge eco-innovations there.


SQY will use a range of methods, going from the implementation of current leading edge technologies to the creation of Pilot Projects where innovations of the future will be developed, before being extended at larger scale. The management of this plan will be carried out by a new structure called INTEGRATION TEAM. Moreover, new tools for stakeholder involvement will be created and regrouped in what will be called

PARTICIPATION TEAM. Funds for this program will come from various providers, from local to European level. For example, SQY will take part in a ‘European Initiative on Smart Cities’ which will test innovative ways of funding programs. Finally, an adaptive management will adjust this plan according to the evolution of the context and to the results of its experimentations.


In the future, SQY will not only rely on taxes, a major part becoming very aleatory with the changes going on right now in France, but will also generate its own revenues. SQY will also be more resilient to the evolution of external factors, especially on the energy front where primary sources supply will become more and more difficult and expensive. Building on its current assets, SQY will also study and improve very much people’s well being and become a place well known for its quality of life. Finally, one of the major benefits is that SQY will become the leading European place in the creation, testing and implementation of eco-innovations. MULTINOV’s plan is going to create an environment attractive to investment, SMEs and creative people. Thus, SQY will become a dynamic economic area where people enjoy a healthy pleasant life.


As a multidisciplinary team, MULTINOV has a wide diversity of skills, from technical and architectural to commercial and managerial, which are very strong assets when dealing with a project of this extent. This diversity will allow to deal with various issues which will rise along the project in the most efficient way. Being at the forefront of what is happening in research centres thanks to its network, it is a chance for SQY to be ahead of its time implementing the latest technologies and processes. It is a chance to build on this advanced knowledge to go further ahead and develop its competitiveness through the solutions which will be used in the next decades.

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[What do people want?]

People want to live in a sustainable city that is vibrant and affordable. They want to benefit from green spaces while having access to cutting edge infrastructures and facilities. They want a healthy and wealthy city. They want jobs close to their home. They want a city adapted to their needs. We propose SQY to become an even better place to live and work.

[A real potential in SQY]

SQY has already positioned itself as a green and blue territory with 62% of natural areas. SQY has a strong potential to go beyond this current state as it benefits first from 8 existing clusters(1) which create jobs and synergies between private and public R&D as well as universities, and also from the connection to innovative structures such as Grand Paris and the OIN Paris-Saclay. Walking the talk of the green growth is an incredible opportunity for SQY and for the Ile-de-France region to valorise their dynamic potential and become a distinctive leading place in eco-innovation implementation, demonstrating that a shift is possible. It is urgent to make trials. The time for observation of climate change impacts is over. It is time for action. We envision SQY as a sustainable territory that initiates action and « walks the talk ». Citizens and commuters will not be the witnesses of the deterioration of their environment; they will be actors of the improvement and renewal of their community. Living in SQY will become a great new kind of urban experience.

(1) 8 clusters: AsTech, Cap Digital, Cosmetic Valley, Finance Innovation, Medicen,

Mov’eo, System@tic, Advancity. Sources: Réseau Observatoire de la Ville ; KPMG « Assurer durablement la réussite du territoire », février 2008

[Why multi eco-innovation?]

We chose multi eco-innovation as a key enabler to the green future we desire. We chose eco-innovation as a relevant answer both to the urgency of climate change mitigation and to the current financial and economic crisis. We propose SQY to build its own new resilient future, inspiring change in France and in Europe.

[MULTINOV "Make it Happen"]

Between now and then are some challenges which MULTINOV team proposes to take up. The attached report is a pathway to this desirable future. This «Make It Happen» is authored by the MULTINOV multidisciplinary team which was proposed the audacious and exciting challenge of developing a plan to make of SQY the European Eco-innovative city by 2030. It is about proposing a plan for the next 20 years with a range of different inter-operable and cutting-edge proposals. 14

long-term goals have been identified, supported by a set of measurable and attainable targets that will lead SQY on its way to 2030. This plan will cement SQY position as a European heart of eco-innovation: a people-centric place, a European accelerator of multiple eco-innovations, and an operator of its territory.

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Claire DUSONCHET Professional background: Sustainable Architecture degree

Alexandre GHEDIN Professional background: Project leader in car industry

Rachel GUILLOTEAU Professional background: Innovative project leader in car industry

Joseph ITURBIDE Professional background: Business school degree

Elizaveta KUZNETSOVA Professional background: Energy Engineer degree

Florence LECOMTE Professional background: International Project management degree

Stéphane MASSOT Professional background: Engineer degree

Christophe ROBILLARD Professional background: 20 years in telecommunication industry


PP1. Low waste




PP2. Clean mobility



PP3. Smart


Stéphane MASSOT

Florence LECOMTE








Inspiring future


Drivers & challenges

Alexandre GHEDIN


Alexandre GHEDIN




Executive summary

Alexandre GHEDIN

Well-being research centre




Report layout


Claire DUSONCHET: Integration team

Rachel GUILLOTEAU: Participation team

Alexandre GHEDIN: Finance strategy

(with Elizaveta KUZNETSOVA), Quadri-helix system (with Christophe ROBILLARD)

Elizaveta KUZNETSOVA: Monitoring &

decision-making tool, Timeline


Stéphane MASSOT

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THE FIRST DRIVER which needs to be considered is population,

which is going to evolve both in terms of quantity and of characteristics. One third of the population is between 40 and 60 years old, and this number has been increasing over the past few years (L'Observatoire de la Ville, 2008, 2009). Therefore, it is likely that an important part of SQY’s inhabitants will be retired in 2030, or close to retirement if the legal age is moved forward. Moreover, because of the progress of health care, people will have longer, healthier lives. Challenge #1 ���� Older population

o Health offer o Services o Leisure

The creation of the OIN Paris–Saclay is expected to bring around 3000 people in the region (Les Enjeux, 2009), part of it probably settling in SQY. The rise of single occupancy flats also brings the need for more housing of smaller sizes (L'Observatoire de la ville, 2009) (Communauté d'Agglomération de Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, 2007) Challenge #2 ���� Increased population

o housing needs o energy needs o mobility needs

Moreover, these people working in SQY may be willing to live somewhere else, which will add on to the current flows of labour force in and out of SQY. The Grand Paris may also impact the population of the region. The transportation infrastructure will be improved, not only towards Paris, but also in a circular fashion to create links between areas of the Ile-de-France (Transport et mobilité, 2009). It could be an opportunity for people to settle in a mixed urban and rural area while reaching more easily their working places in other parts of the Ile-de-France. Challenge #3 ���� High level of commuting

THE SECOND DRIVER to deal with is energy. It is widely admitted

that oil resources will decrease within the next 20 years and are likely to be depleted around 2060 if the worst scenario is considered. The data for gas is roughly the same. It is pretty likely that other sources of fossil fuels will be found over this period but the cost for their extraction will become incredibly higher than what it is today (Oil depletion, 2010), (Bentley, 2002).






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The energy supply of SQY is totally dependant on suppliers settled outside its territory and based on nuclear, heavy fuel and gas power. If nuclear fusion happens to work quickly, energy supply will not be a problem anymore. However, the chances for this technology to turn to routine production before 50 or 60 years are very low (D'haeseleer, 2003). Hence, it is of major importance to act towards energy efficiency and to reach the highest possible level of self sufficiency, but remaining connected to the global grid. This also applies to mobility. Challenge #4 ���� Energy consumption

o from buildings o from transportation systems

Challenge #5 ���� Energy dependency

Challenge #6 ���� Energy infrastructure security

THE THIRD DRIVER is our planet environment. Climate change,

depletion of raw materials, supply of quality food and water are global issues which will impact SQY. The agriculture in SQY covers slightly more than 14% of the total area of the territory (Communauté d'Agglomération de Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, 2009), but it is getting more and more difficult everyday for farmers. Talks around the reductions of subsidies from the EU and a strong pressure on prices make it hard for them to make a living. Also, future events like heat waves, storms could make things worse for this field. Challenge #7 ���� Green house gases and pollutant emissions

Challenge #8 ���� Resource depletion

Challenge #9 ���� Resiliency to extreme weather events

Challenge #10 ���� Resiliency to transportation failures

FINALLY, from an economical prospect, globalisation is often

considered as a threat, but we should try to get the most out of it. On the other hand, the trend may change, and if re-localisation happens, SQY will have to be ready and take advantage of the opportunities which will rise. Also, economic barriers may rise again and change the impact of globalisation. Challenge #11 ���� Economical competitiveness

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SQY PEOPLE-CENTRIC PLACE, where a well-being culture will be created and people will be involved in the development of their city. We want SQY to go beyond technological innovation successes, which means going further than current eco-cities like Freiboug or Malmö that are more “techno-centric”, by generating and implementing social innovations. In parallel, one of our main ambitions is to be the first European city implementing functional economy which is a new responsible consumption mode tackling the scarcity of resources and fostering existing and new businesses. To reach that goal, we chose to encourage the citizen to be actor of its daily consumption, while offering him easy access to high quality products to rent.

From ‘Diaporamas’ www.saint-quentin-


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A place where a self-learning innovation system will be developed. A place where green innovations will be implemented in the fields of energy, buildings, mobility, waste and water resources, based on the following 3 principles:

• Be the first European city to implement waste as resource innovations

• Connected buildings leading the way to sustainable city

• Clean mobility system in which every need meets a service

Taking advantage of SQY's geographical position, of its proximity to the OIN Paris-Saclay and to Paris, and of the projects we propose, we want to build the conditions to create an attractive place for people and businesses where multi-innovations will be catalyzed, implemented, tested and adopted in order to reduce SQY’s ecological footprint.



SQY will establish sustainable connections to tackle the different challenges described above. SQY will become a territorial operator and a local green energy producer heading toward energy self-sufficiency. This new situation will enable to connect people, businesses and infrastructures for a sustainable city.

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# 2030 GOALS Where SQY is


European level

1 2,5 to 3,5 hag/h ecological footprint

5,2 hag/h ecological footprint

The Netherlands (4,1 hag/h)

2 40% cut in energy consumption

Annual consumption is about 0.38 Mtoe 1.5%/year estimated increase in energy needs

Reduce energy consumption by 52% (Woking, United Kingdom) For Buildings the best: Cutting home energy consumption by 80% (Freiburg, Germany )

3 40% clean energy production

Less than 5% of the energy consumed in SQY is produced by ‘green’ energy sources

51% clean energy production (Växjö, Sweden)


20% of energy consumption in storage capacity

No energy is stored today

La Réunion : 1MW electrochemical storage capacity since 23/11/2009, (Beutin, 2010), (Public institutions, 2008)


Half of the territory connected to multiple types of smart networks

No smart network today Amsterdam smart city


Reduce by 50% SQY’s pressure on water resources

8,7 Million m3 in 2005, slow decrease, rainwater collection program

BedZed(UK) : 30% reduction during the project

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# 2030 GOALS Where SQY is


European level


100% organic waste recovered

Compost bag in Voisin le Bretonneux No common action plan in the 7 towns

Lille: pioneer in urban methanisation in France Germany: the European leader in methanisation


First French city with urban circular economy

Nothing developed in SQY territory

Applied to industrial eco-parks like Kalunborg (Denmark) Venlo region (Netherlands): 100% circular economy in 2012 (cradle to cradle principle)


European leader in functional economy by B2C mode European observatory for functional economy

Nothing developed in SQY territory

Only B to B model: for example truck tires by Michelin


80% of people use clean mobility modes 20% of zero fossil fuel transport

3 train stations, a bus (fuel) network Auto-solism, no bike-sharing system Discontinuions bike lanes & tracks

Stockholm (Sweden): city fleets 100% clean, 5% of all vehicles either hybrid or using biofuels

# 2030 GOALS Where SQY is


European level


Comfortable & secure transportation system (50% less of traffic related death and injuries then national level)

No data on road safety per city (National level (2008): 16th place between 30 world countries by road death per 100 000 inhabitants (IRTAD, 2009)

Luxembourg has reduced the yearly number of road deaths by 49% in 2008 compared to 2001


Transport system in which every need meets a service (transport offer diversity & accessibility – up to 80,000 daily registered users)

No bike-sharing system, no renting of kick-scooter possible, no carpooling parking places. But well networked with buses and trains

In 2009, London has achieved a 5% shift from the private car to public transport, walking and cycling since 2000


Connection to OIN & Grand Paris networks for better access to larger areas

OIN & Grand Paris under planning

London for the integrative approach developed by TfL (Transport for London)

14 Well-being Research Centre

Research network as SEnT (Santé Environnement, Toxicologie) coordinated by PRES UniverSud Paris, (SEnT, 2009)

European research project called ‘Well-being 2030 project’ by the European Policy Centre (EPC, 2009)

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WHAT? THREE PILOT PROJECTS & a well-being research centre

As explained in a previous part SQY is facing a series of challenges which need to be addressed strongly. The three following Pilot Projects have been defined aiming at continuously testing multiple innovations which are technological, social and organizational answers to these issues.

We propose SQY to develop a well-being research centre to be able to foster and measure SQY people’s well-being through the pilot projects. Moreover, to achieve SQY's long-term goals for 2030, each pilot project has been assigned targets for 2014 and 2020. Pilot projects will help SQY in taking the best out of our ideas and propositions. While "learning by doing" with the PARTICIPATION TEAM devoted to citizens’ involvement and with the INTEGRATION TEAM ensuring the coherence and transversal thinking, SQY will run these pilot projects on a small scale. In a second phase and depending on the results obtained, these experiences will be extended to the whole territory of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and beyond, in partnership with other regional or European local authorities.




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• Municipal limited company founded by the SQY

• Mostly financed by public forces: EU funds such as "intelligent energy", and "smart cities", national and regional funds.

• The team members: 50% will be employees from public services and departments from the SQY, depending on the competencies required by the projects, and 50% from UVSQ and Econoving Chair.


Turning SQY into a leading Eco-city requires multi-level governance (Corffe-Morlot, Kamal-Chaoui, Donovan, & Teasdale, 2009) and organizational innovations: the integration of multi-competencies is key to the success of sustainability planning (Brownill & Carpenter, 2009), MULTINOV proposes to create an 'INTEGRATION TEAM' (InT). As a new territorial actor genuinely anchored to worldwide sustainable logics, from the Kyoto protocol to the Grenelle de l’Environnement, it advocates an increasing role of local entities in climate change action. This new local-scale facilitator called Integration Team will develop an integrated planning framework to ensure that proposed actions, policies and strategies will contribute to achieve the common vision, i.e. “SQY the European heart of Eco-Innovation in 2030”. Its main purpose is operational: successful implementation of the three pilot projects: “1- Low waste community”, “2- Clean mobility system and “3 - Smart buildings” and duplication on SQY’s territory of the best actions.

MULTINOV proposes to create a ‘PARTICIPATION TEAM’ which would be dedicated to public engagement inside the INTEGRATION TEAM. This special team is detailed in the following pages. This is the first time that such a team focused on participation will be implemented in an eco-city project.

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REFERENCES • Amsterdam: the Amsterdam Innovation Motor (AIM), a city

agency that promotes cooperation between the public and private sectors (See: http://www.aimsterdam.nl/amsterdam-innovation-motor-2 ).

• Barcelona: the worldwide recognized Local development Agency that has mostly brought success to the District of Innovation 22@bcn. (See:http://www.barcelonactiva.cat, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/2/33/43505170.pdf ).

• Breda (NL): autonomous multi-disciplinary cell of 300 people created in Breda, a worldwide model of urban sustainability Netherlands (MASBOUNGI A., 2008). The cell is only devoted to manage and give coherence to all the different sustainable policies and projects.


• FEDERATES. As a public body independent to the changes of political leadership, the InT will deliver coherence of sustainable policies among the 7 communes of SQY. It will bring all urban development stakeholders around a common vision, benefiting from a privileged position between the public sector strategy and the private sector needs.

• OPERATES. The InT will lead the operational plan of the 3 pilot projects for the 2010-2014 period of time and manage the broader duplication of successful actions up to 2030. To ensure that, it will develop and apply monitoring and decision making mechanisms described in the following pages, as well as a project timeline.

• COORDINATES. The InT will develop an innovative culture crossing competencies and advocating collaborative approaches. It will be a central body for the various urban actors and will ensure the equilibrium between top-down and bottom-up methods, when facilitating the up streaming and down streaming of information and emerging ideas.

• COMMUNICATES. The InT will open SQY to Europe. It will promote its climate objectives and programs at local and European levels through permanent share of best urban practices, and diffusion of incentives to join recognized networks such as the 'Covenant of mayors'(http://www.eumayors.eu). The InT will implement tools to share these best practices and lessons learned from the pilot projects with other countries and towns: web platform, launch of bids in order to be recognized as one of the Europe's most sustainable cities.

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People of CODESQY are 85 volunteers and come from different activities: economic, social, cultural. They are like consultants for any project proposed in SQY giving advices and remarks, and observing project implementation. http://www.saint-quentin-en-yvelines.fr/communaute-dagglomeration/le-conseil-de-developpement-codesqy/presentation-du-codesqy/

Each pilot project (or sub-project) will happen in a district of SQY. Therefore each pilot project will have its own place for information and participation about its definition and its development. This place is called ‘district information centre’. The PARTICIPATION TEAM will coordinate the different district information centres.

To build the future eco-city, MULTINOV bases its vision on a "well-being pillar", in which public engagement and active participation play a key role. Indeed MULTINOV proposal is set up with public participation to define and build up the project for SQY 2030. The first year of the MULTINOV plan consists in the project definition with the different stakeholders, which means inviting citizens to participate to this definition. According to Braun (2010) social participation succeeds when stakeholders’ opinions and recommendations are taken into account. Thus, it is necessary to consult people before making decision and to get them to participate in the analysis and development of the plans.


The participation team will include developers and the existing development council of SQY (CODESQY) which is composed of different stakeholders nominated by the president of SQY. The developers of the PARTICIPATION TEAM are people from SQY and private experts in social participation.

“Developers at this stage should not only incorporate stakeholder’s

suggestions into the planning process but also indicate how

stakeholders can participate in carbon-neutral actions” (Braun, 2010).

MULTINOV will present propositions for SQY in 2030 based on 3 pilot projects. A social participation process will be introduced to get feedbacks and recommendations on MULTINOV’s proposals and to make the project become stakeholders’ project and no longer MULTINOV’s project. Thus, this first year will put a strong emphasis on the development of the social participation process.

Participation team:




District information

centre of pilot project 1

District information

centre of pilot project 2

District information

centre of pilot project 3

For this purpose a global information and participation centre will be set in SQY, located at the Musée de la ville in Montigny-Le-Bretonneux. This centre is what MULTINOV calls ‘PARTICIPATION TEAM’. It will coordinate the social participation process, being also a place for information, communication, claims and debates. This PARTICIPATION TEAM is part of the integration team which is the developer entity.


Public engagement can be part of well-being in SQY, involving citizens in the future of their city and getting them to become more responsible. The participation team will be a good media to exchange with the new well-being research

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The different district information centres will either be existing committees like “conseil de quartier”, or new committees. They will include local representatives from local associations, town council, young people council, and any volunteer. These centres will be the places where future end-users, developers, researchers and other stakeholders (such as external organisations) will have the possibility to meet and co-operate, in so called co-building groups, during the development of the pilot projects (Ornetzedera & Rohrarcherb, 2006). The district information centres can also host self-organising groups (also known as self-builders) which will create and manage evaluation project of innovations (Ornetzedera & Rohrarcherb, 2006). The aim is to involve future users from the beginning of project planning processes which should foster the adoption of innovations. These groups will be set at the early phase of a pilot project or of an innovation development.

MULTINOV wants to involve most citizens, and not only early adopters of sustainable principles or people that are already convinced. The PARTICIPATION TEAM, through its district information centres, will be able to develop different ways of involving citizens, like the Forum Vauban in Freiburg (Forum Vauban, 2004), or the KUKA mediation agency in Hannover. We will use the pilot projects and their district information centres as test beds for innovative participation method. The social participation process will be used for each pilot project and developed as often as necessary to shape the final proposal for SQY along the years. It is divided into 4 parts: public consultation and planning definition, monitoring for proposals incorporation, development of actions, and monitoring and evaluation of the process.


Nantes is a French pioneer in putting in place innovative social participation processes. They developed a specific workshop called “Atelier Climat” which consists in evaluating citizens about how they can reduce their ecological footprint in a daily life (KOSTRECHE, 2010). They also implemented a new method to involve inhabitants in the water management, which is called “dem’eau” (Un atelier citoyen autour de l'eau, 2009). MULTINOV, with stakeholders’ approval, could propose this kind of participation methods for any particular innovation.

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Innovations systems have evolved with time. First models were driven by states and then centred on firms. A third type of institution, universities, was assigned the task of research after the cold war in addition to their original goal of teaching. Since then, they have taken even more importance in the innovation system and have become a cradle for small companies. Hence, we are now dealing with Triple Helix systems where universities, firms and government work together in a more efficient innovative environment (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff, 2000). Studies show that innovation is more often generated by independent inventors and small companies rather than by big firms (in terms of R&D expenditures) and that it is important to distinguish the concepts of invention and innovation (innovation is the process of putting invention on the market, and requires specific tools and competencies) (NELSON, 1967). Finally, research has recently theorised that regional system of innovations are a good level of analysis compared to NIS (Cooke, Gomez Uranga, & Etxeba, 1997) (Doloreux & Parto, 2005).

Based on this set of information, as well as on its strengths and weaknesses, SQY is going to implement the next step of development of innovation systems by creating a quadri-helix system, in which local governance and citizenry participation will come on top of the three standard layers of the triple-helix. This fourth layer will mainly be organised around the structures called INTEGRATION TEAM, which will coordinate the different actions, and PARTICIPATION TEAM through which SQY’s stakeholders will be involved in framing the success of this plan for 2030. More details on these structures are given in the report.

SQY will apply this extended system to the field of Eco-Innovations, and more particularly on the following specific competencies which fall in a wider list edited by EURADA (EURADA, 2009):

• New products through constant innovation, technology leaps or new uses for existing products (eco-construction, bio-fuels, etc.);

• New business models including low cost, low energy consumption, maximum reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, organic farming, and specialist venture capital funds;

• New administrative and legislative models through use of differentiated taxation, incentives, public procurement, spatial planning, building and operating licenses for industrial – and possibly commercial – activities, etc.

The following development towards an efficient quadri-helix system will be carried out: Attractiveness to innovative stakeholders

• Creation of an office which will centralize inventions waiting for managing competencies to become innovations

• Reduced taxes for eco-innovative companies thanks to SQY’s new economical model which will generate revenues instead of only being a tax collector

• Stakeholder involvement will allow to have early feedback and adapt innovations to the market

• Real scale test beds available thanks to the Pilot Projects, which will allow companies to drastically reduce failures due to the transition from lab to market

• Enhanced support from SQY’s Maison de L’entreprise (Maison de l'entreprise, 2010), thanks to wider networks (financial, organisational, technological)

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• Creation of an ‘observatoire des meilleures pratiques’ to provide SQY with first-hand, up-to-date sources of inspiration and improvement.

Promote innovations

• SQY will show the way being first to implement effective new technologies created in-house

• Promote commercial opportunities at privates' level through local regulations, incentives

• Create common marketing strategies based on ‘SQY town scale showroom’, which will benefit both to SQY and companies.

• Partner with the OIN and other neighbour areas to spread new technologies and increase the first customer potential

Develop competitiveness

• Fill in the gap between gazelles and big firms (85% are small enterprises) (L’Observatoire de la Ville, 2010)

• Partner with other cities, institutions.

• Only promote economically viable large scale project, on the same basis as in the Amsterdam Smart City programme.

The first mission of the ‘observatoire des meilleures pratiques’ will be to monitor the outcomes of the KIC program, supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT, 2010). One of its aims being to foster entrepreneurship and new business creation, some of its conclusions could be interesting for SQY to remain at the leading edge of system organisation. Our initial metrics for the evaluation of the performance of SQY innovative system will use the European Innovation Scoreboard 2009 (PRO INNO EUROPE, 2009) as a basis, and will be upgraded once the conclusions of the European research group which was created in May

2010 (Jenkinson, 2010) to devise a new framework of indicators will be available. It is important for the future European Heart of Eco-Innovations to use the standards shared at European level in order to easily demonstrate the success of the plan.





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MULTINOV is working on a complex multi-criteria project with a high degree of uncertainly and which relies on collaboration among a diverse set of actors. Therefore, in order to establish a resilient system of monitoring and decision-making, MULTINOV suggest the INTEGRATION TEAM to use an evaluation tool relevant to adaptive co-management at each timeline milestone (see Project Timeline). As a social well-being oriented project, the use of a collaborative monitoring tool will be the most adapted strategy for MULTINOV. The main evaluation principle is “associated with increased levels of co-operation and therefore social

capital between actors, transparency, sharing of information, and the

ability to feed information directly into management decisions, thereby

tightening the adaptive management cycle and increasing adaptive

capacity” (Cundill & Fabricius, 2009).

Moreover, this MULTINOV management strategy will ensure project resiliency, as defined by Berkers et al. (Berkes, Colding, & Folke, 2003) through three system capacities:

1. the ability of a system to absorb or buffer disturbances and still maintain its core attributes;

2. the ability of the system to self-organize; 3. the capacity for learning and adaptation in the context of change.

Therefore, based on the work of Ryan Plummer & Derek Armitage (2007), MULTINOV will evaluate their adaptive co-management process around three components, developing several parameters for each of them.

An ecological component will be the frame for a complex

project evaluation process including the following elements: ecological components, their relationships and functions, diversity and ecological memory and continuity (“ability of the system to maintain itself through space and time and continue to self-organize” (Plummer & Armitage, 2007)).

A livelihoods component will link economic and social outcomes

by evaluating: social well-being, sustainable resource use, system vulnerability and security etc.

A process component will be the key of MULTINOV adaptive co-

management system through evaluation of collaborations/partnerships and social learning processes.

Assess Problem






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REFERENCES Currently, monitoring and adaptive management framework is used with success in natural resources management:

• Coastal Ecosystem Restoration project in Rhode

Island (USA). (See: http://www.csc.noaa.gov/coastal/management/management.htm)

• Water (everglades ecosystem) management project for South Florida (USA). (See: http://www.ucowr.siu.edu/updates/pdf/V113_A6.pdf [6])

• Parsons Slough (USA) ecosystem management. (See: http://www.elkhornslough.org/tidalwetland/downloads/Adaptive_Management_of_Parsons_Slough.pdf)

Alexandria is the first eco-city using this framework for their strategy development. (See: http://www.nvc.vt.edu/uap/docs/EcoCity/EcoCityAlex-p1ppt.pdf)

• Evaluation of performance/outcomes

• Foundations for multi-site comparison






Parameters examples: multiple types of stakeholders, dialogue builds consideration and appreciation, diverse inputs present in decision-making, shared actions are undertaken etc.


Parameters examples: natural or social capitals, financial resources market changes, institutions and policies, decision-making context etc.

Ecological system

Parameters examples: air/water quality, species interaction, concentration of pollution, ‘resource’ diversity, ecosystem protection etc.

(Plummer & Armitage, 2007)

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To emphasize the benefits of MULTINOV Pilot Projects, we plan to perform a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). The main difference between eco-innovative projects’ assessment and standard projects lies in the need for a detailed analysis of each phase of their life, and more specifically manufacturing and end-of-life. For low pollutant systems (renewable energies, compressed-air vehicles etc.), emissions during the operation phase are negligible, whereas a considerable amount of emissions is associated with material procurement, manufacture and transportation (Gagnon et al., 2001). For our project we will evaluate two approaches: a process-based model developed by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the 'Ecobilan d’ACV' developed by the ADEME (ADEME, 2005). The first method is widely used for innovative projects assessment for example in the field of renewable energies (Khan et al, 2005). The most appropriate methodology will be chosen after this evaluation phase. This analysis will be used by the INTEGRATION TEAM during the project design and validation stage, which will facilitate early-project decision making by evaluation of performance, cost implications and environmental impacts (Kam et al., 2004). Moreover we propose to evaluate the innovations using a range of indicators suggested by H. Kobayashi in its Life Cycle Planning Methodology (Kobayashi, 2006). Some of them are presented below:

• Project eco-efficiency - ‘product value per environmental impact’;

• Factor-X - the improvement ratio of the eco-efficiency. Furthermore this approach will be used to assess all new innovative products, processes or activities which could be adopted by SQY.

From ‘Diaporamas’ www.saint-quentin-en-yvelines.fr/

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For the next 4 years, the total cost of the project is estimated to be about 260 M€ (see Financial aspects part in each Pilot Project). This amount is coherent with initial investments estimated in other world eco-cities, which lie in a range between 64 M€ for Oslo and 868 M€ for Copenhagen, depending on the project complexity, dimensions, potential etc. (see Appendix 1). However, MULTINOV relative project cost (1760 € per resident) is considerably higher than the relative cost of other projects chosen for comparison. This could be explained by:

• high discount rate(2), which reaches the level of 2.04 for some comparative projects;

• different level of project complexity, meaning that current solutions for eco-cities like Smart Grids or Mobility Advanced Systems are more costly, than technologies already used in other cities;

• different areas of application, which could vary from several hundreds of m2 to several thousands of km2.

It is important to know that the eco-cities chosen for comparison have been selected for their similarities with SQY (existing infrastructure, eco-strategy, number of projects etc.). Eco-projects built from scratch like the

(2) The interest rate used in determining the present value of past cash flows

Vauban district in Freiburg, which relative price is 4000 € per resident, are not included. The budget of SQY consists of two parts, one operational which deals with funding daily activities and the investment one which is used for financing important long term projects (Saint Quentin en Yvelines, 2009). The operational budget is based for nearly 60% on the ‘taxe professionnelle’, a tax paid by companies to the local authorities. However, this tax is going to disappear from 2010. The French state will compensate for the loss of income for this year and a new mechanism should be created and normally implemented from 2011 (Ministère du Budget, des Comptes publics et de la Réforme de l'Etat, 2009). However, this new mechanism is still under construction, and it is impossible at this point to forecast the income which will be generated from this new system. In this context of uncertainty, one aspect of our project is to switch SQY’s economical model from one of a tax collector to a different one where the city will most likely collect less taxes and generate revenues from its ownership of the grids which will be developed throughout the community. Based on the principle of the Régie d'exploitation de la fibre optique de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, SQY will build, own and maintain the different networks, and also run the commercial activity towards private operators which will use these network to sell their services (Communauté d'Agglomération de Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, 2009). This global activity will generate revenues for the community. In order to fund our projects, SQY will take the most possible advantages from shared investments, mainly with the state, the region, the Conseil Général and even with private partners under appropriate agreements. It will also apply to national and European funding programs dedicated to sustainable development projects.

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The most recent ones are the Grand Emprunt (Direction de l'information légale et administrative, 2009) and the Grenelle de l’Environnement in France, as well as the European Initiative on Smart Cities which will dedicate up to 12 Billion Euros to projects in the field of buildings (new and refurbishment), energy and mobility (European Commission, 2010). Regarding the implementation of projects, the civil engineering work will only be done once. All the sheaths will be laid at the same time, even if they are not used straight away, in order to reduce the cost to the maximum. This way of doing will also reduce the inconveniences for the population during the work, which is an important factor even though not directly linked to finance. SQY’s investment budget for 2010 is around 173 Million Euros. Following an interview with the local authorities, we should consider that the budget will lie around 100 Million Euros. What is still unclear at this point is the amount of money that will be available each year, because the reimbursement of some projects will finish and also because SQY has other projects being defined right now. Of course, this global budget can be increased if external funds are gathered.

The 260 M€ global investment budget is shared between the various projects defined in each work-package. The first concern will be to ensure the fundraising for every single project. As explained before, it will rely for its most important part on funding programs and partnerships.

But these funding programs are dedicated to specific kinds of projects, which means that all of our propositions are not eligible to every investment scheme. Moreover, grants provided by a program may not cover all of the expenses of the associated project.

In order to get around these issues, we’ll use the following alternatives:

• Each project will apply to as many funds which they are eligible to as possible.

• When necessary and possible, the plan will be divided in sub-parts which may prove to meet the specificities required for a submission.

• Implementations could be stepped according to the amount of money raised.

• The Integration Team will prioritise our propositions and actions according to the importance of their outcome. In case we manage to build a budget which will not be affected to a specific purpose, the Integration Team will be able to use that money to fill in the fund gaps of interesting projects, according to their prioritisation.

• It is finally important to know that the pilot projects could be launched for a minimum cost of 130 million euros. But in that case, they will be considerably simplified.

The ultimate alternative will be to postpone a project

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Boulder, USA

The oldest cities in green technologies implementation in US (positive housing, mobility projects), environmental policies creation (first local tax carbon), in 2008 had became first Smart Grid City. In addition, this project must provide installations for fully automated home energy use.

Curitiba, BRASIL

Curitiba is worldwide known for its life quality coping with population growth and environment protection. People involvement and well being promotion are at the core of any urban planning. A program called cambio verde is set in shanty towns which principle is to exchange sorted garbage bags against gifts like transport tickets.

Copenhagen, DENMARK


A third of people already cycle to work, school or university. There are about 350km (217 miles) of cycle routes around the city. Cyclists have priority over cars and pedestrians at many major junctions and traffic lights. Since the mid-1990s, Copenhagen reduced the risk of having an accident when you travel by bike by 65%.


NEWater plants allow complete water reuse: conversion of waste waters into drinkable water that is added to rainwater collection systems.



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The first year will consist in pilot projects definition in collaboration with the different stakeholders. Over this period the INTEGRATION TEAM will be set up, the strategy for 2014 fixed and public engagement fostered.

At each milestone, pilot projects will be assessed by the INTEGRATION TEAM according to the monitoring & decision-making framework, and the strategy and goals will be adapted.

During the first stage MULTINOV pilot projects will be developed independently from each other. Over the second stage, mutual interactions and interdependencies could be created by the multi-project environment establishment. In this case the INTEGRATION TEAM will manage projects’ inter-relationships, adaptability, self-organization and feedbacks. Moreover, during the whole life of this lan, the ‘Observatoire des meilleurs

pratiques’ will contribute to continuous monitoring of world eco-innovation practices. Best ideas will be implemented in SQY or transfer from SQY to other cities.













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HUMAN WELL BEING, a core indicator for the eco-

cities of tomorrow

Nowadays, most cities in the world aim to tackle climate change using new technologies and slightly involving citizens. Very few of them consider the issue of resource depletion linked to our economical model where “the conventional formula for achieving prosperity relies on the

pursuit of economic growth. Higher incomes will increase well-being and

lead to prosperity for all, in this view” (Jackson, 2009). However the correlation between increased well-being with wealth is not true once a level of income is reached (Layard, 2003). Thus, cities must study new parameters to increase well-being in their future development. London (City of London, 2009), Copenhagen (City of Copenhagen, 2009), or Vancouver (City of Vancouver, 2009) consider life quality through green spaces, easy access to any point in the city, effects of greenhouse gases on human health. But this looks a narrow approach, whereas Curitiba has increased well-being while coping with population growth and environment protection. “Residents of Curitiba, Brazil, think they live in

the best city in the world, and a lot of outsiders agree. Curibita has 17

new parks, 90 miles of bike paths, trees everywhere, and traffic and

garbage systems that officials from other cities come to study” (Meadows, 2004).

Cities ranking, a way to assess life quality of cities

The French newspaper ‘Le Point’ set a best town to live in ranking, (Philippe Houdart, 2008). ‘Nantes’ reached the first place thanks to leisure and public spaces, cultural events, a large old industrial area transformed in a district, 5000 jobs created per year, real estate projects, easy access to town and its centre, and mass transport. Each year an international awards event focuses on environmental management and creation of liveable communities (Livcom awards 2010), with criteria about sustainable development and life quality. In 2009, for cities



between 75000 and 200000 inhabitants, the gold medal was delivered to Melville (Australia) and Broadland (England), and the CERGY PONTOISE agglomeration got a bronze medal. The MERCER consultancy agency created an international city ranking for firms that want to expat French people to other countries (MERCER, 2008). Those different rankings assess the cities on life quality including ecological indicators. However, do they provide an adequate evaluation of urban well-being?

No well-being indicators for eco-cities recognised


A. Sen, the 1998 Noble prize in economics, together with J. Stiglitz and J.P. Fitoussi, was asked in February 2008 by Nicolas Sarkozy to create “The Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress” (CMEPSP) which aim was to identify the limits of GDP as an indicator of social progress (STIGLITZ, SEN, & FITOUSSI, 2008). He had co-developed the HDI indicator in 1990 (Human Development Index) to replace the GNP indicator, but it is better suited to evaluate well being in poor countries (Le Monde, 2008).

SQY at the cutting edge of well being research and


In order to work on the basis of the CMEPSP, we will propose the French government, through the UVSQ, to create a research centre for urban well-being gathering the competencies of different laboratories or research network as SEnT (Santé Environnement, Toxicologie) coordinated by PRES UniverSud Paris, (SEnT, 2009). We will take advantage of the future UFR Médecine in SQY to set up this new centre. Well-being definitions and indicators will be developed with international recognition, for example working with the European Policy Centre (EPC, 2009) which started in October 2009 a European research project called ‘Well-being 2030 project’. SQY will develop social innovations in a European and French context to enlarge the city well being concept developing it beyond the urban quality of life. Those innovations coming out of the researches will be first applied in SQY and might turn into spin outs in the social field.

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Scarcity of resources is becoming critical worldwide as some materials are likely to disappear in less than 20 years. This is the driver that brings waste reuse and recycling strategies at the forefront of policies. The European waste directive of 2008 considers waste management at 5 levels: prevention, reuse, recycling, with incineration and disposal being the last resorts which are also pushed by the French plan called Grenelle de l'Environnement. Following the PREDMA (Plan Régional d'Elimination des Déchets Ménagers et Associés), SQY will have to integrate the following waste prevention objectives (ADEME, 2009):

• Reduction of the household waste by 7%/year during 5 years

• Reduction of the waste treated by incineration or land filling by 15% until 2012

• Increase of the recycling and composting up to 35% of household waste in 2012 and up to 45% in 2015

• Increase of the recycling of packaging waste and industrial non-hazardous waste up to 75% in 2012

• 50kg/year/hab of waste for 2019 SQY obviously needs to handle a new waste management strategy which should be coherent between the 7 cities (see Current waste strategy), with the recent European, national and regional orientations, as well as with the challenges of GHG, of pollutants emissions reduction, and of resources depletion reduction.

Supported by regional data announcing a 1.2% waste reduction between 2007 and 2008 (ORDIF Publications, 2009), MULTINOV proposes an ambitious pilot project to innovate for a low waste community. SQY will combine two very promising breakthrough approaches to its territory: circular economy and functional economy, which will bring SQY at the first step of the podium in the change from pollution management towards resources management.


At SQY scale, waste policies are organized differently among the 7 different communes. Although SQY’s waste sorting strategy is mostly based on citizen voluntary approaches, recent and original initiatives have been created. For instance, ‘sorting ambassadors’ check the sorting quality of household, and help them to improve it if necessary (in Guyancourt), and Voisins-le-Bretonneux has developed a domestic composting plan

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Citizen behaviour is a key point for any action in waste management. Then through its district information centre, strong citizen participation will be encouraged to aim at an "integrated waste management" (Kollikkathara, Feng, & Stern, 2008) based on three major plans: “methanisation & composting plan”, “circular economy plan”, and

“functional economy plan”. Each plan proposed has goals for 2014, 2020, and 2030.



In France, organic wastes represent 30% of our total waste (ADEME, 2007) and 100kg/year/inhabitant can be converted to methane (CNIID, 2010). In SQY, household organic waste are collected and treated by incineration, a process which emits very much CO2 and is very energy-greedy. As there are no industries on SQY's territory, organic waste is also the first waste stream cycle which can be rapidly implemented. Hence we propose to divert all of SQY's organic waste from incineration and landfill while offering the choice to people to transform it into energy or compost thanks to a methanisation plant or to micro-composting units.

2014 GOALS 2020 GOALS 2030 LONG






T &








• Organic waste collection system (household and food sector)

• Sustainable landfill site (temporary storage for further waste treatment)

• Compost system in residential area for several districts

• Methanisation plant supplying the new local electrical and heat grids

• Compost system in all residential areas

• 100% organic waste recovered










• “Ressourcerie” for WEEE

• Waste as resource loops: plastic, paper and textile waste streams

• Research program about territorial ecology

• Citizen awareness web platform

• Demonstrator for water to water system

• New waste as resource loop

• First French city with urban circular economy












• Demonstrator platform in CASQY for product service system in a B2C mode

• New B2B leasing systems with local companies

• Several platforms to cover the whole territory of CASQY for B2C leasing mode

• European leader in functional economy by B2C mode

• European observatory for functional economy


Literature and interviews namely with Aurélien Lugardon, the main associate of the French company Naskeo specialized in organic waste treatment, is highlighting this underexploited source as a real niche.

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We want to propose cutting-edge waste as resource cycles at the city scale, managing the city as an ecosystem involving all citizens, from institutions to companies and inhabitants. The ambition is to offer people the choice between different innovative "waste as resources" cycles for their waste, based on their need and consumption habits. Easy first recycling loops are proposed in the first pilot years in order to encourage the movement to the whole territory of SQY. It will gather all stakeholders around the question of implementation of a circular economy: producer, distributor, consumer, expert, recycling and treatment actors.


Eco-conception was a great improvement towards the integration of environmental issues into product design. But it is still a classical model of economy. Purchasing an eco-product still leads to mass production to keep the business profitable. We propose to go beyond eco-design to make people consume less or differently through the functional economy. The concept is to pay for the use of a product instead of the product itself. We want SQY to be:

• a leader in functional economy for the citizens, from B2B to B2C schemes

• a leader in the test/experimentation of innovative and high quality sustainable modes of consumption


Alan Fustec (Conference ProDurable 2010, Paris) promoted the functional economy, which is already adopted by large worldwide companies such as Michelin and Xerox (COMBE, Perrier, Pireyn, & Richard, 2008), and showed that 40% of household expenditure could be transformed into service economy.

“Waste is simply resources out of place” says a common adage.

‘Waste as Art’




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Door to door selective

collection of all organic


Collection of all organic wastes in order to valorise them by methanization in the existing Sidompe centre in Plaisir in the first 2 years of the pilot. In the next years it will be spread to the whole territory if successful.

Commercialized Partners: COVED/SAUR for collection, ORDIF for datas and network

Implementation of a


methanization plant

equipped with a CHP

(Combined Heat and

Power) unit

58.4% of the European electricity produced from biogas in 2007 resulted from co-generation. Biogas injection into the new local energy grid for heating and electricity. Given to its capacity, the methanisation plant will allow other cities of the Parisian region to use it

Commercialized Competitors: The Urban Community of Lille, CUBL with the injection of biomethane into urban heat grid. Germany: European leader; primary biogas energy production per inhabitant in 2007* (TOE/1 000 inhab.) reached 29 TOE vs 4.9 in france. http://www.eurobserv-er.org/downloads.asp) Partners: Naskéo as technical operator, GDF SUEZ as technical and R&D support, AMORCE for biogas and electricity grids European network: Biogasmax, http://www.biogasmax.fr/

Development of urban

compost micro-


Proposition of residential composting systems for private and collective housing. The compost can be sold to the city for parks or kept for people privative gardens.

Ongoing implementation of several systems

Competitor: Lyon : http://www.lescompostiers.org/ Partners: Maison de l'environnement, Agence locale & énergie, réseau Compost Plus, http://www.compostplus.org/

2. CIRCULAR ECONOMY PLAN ( First recycling loops)

Plastic bottles to plastic


100% of CASQY's PET goods to the new Limay (78) cutting-edge plant ‘France Plastiques Recyclage (FPR)’ (2009) on the Seine River. (See: http://www.sita.fr/catalogue_sita/waste-book/appli.htm).

Commercialized and ongoing researches

Paper to paper and


Development of customized offers to citizens, companies, and university choosing to supply paper stream.

Commercialized and ongoing researches

Textiles to building


The French textile recycler Le Relais collects 45,000 tonnes of used textiles each year. It produces a thermal insulation product called Métisse® (See: http://www.lerelais.org/Isolant-Metisse).

Commercialized throughout Europe

WEEE to EEE Today, 15-20kg WEEE per person in France and only 4kg are collected whom 2% are re-used. WEEE collection in offices and household at interesting tariffs to reuse them through micro-recycling centres called "ressourceries", creating local jobs.

Existing centres: ressourceries

And ongoing researches on WEEE recycling

Competitors: Venlo region (NL), first region in the world to implement fully cradle2cradle principles. They want to become 100% C2C in 2012 and they are already leader of green public procurement in Netherland Potential partners: Le Relais (Textile operator), Paprec (Paper Operator), Sita (Plastic operator), Frances plastiques (Bottle to bottle expert), Auxilia (Territorial ecology consultant), Fondaterra (Assessment and monitoring), SUEZ Environnement (Technical and R&D support for water loop), Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency (EPEA, Expert in cradle to cradle ecology), ARVIA Technology (Wastewater process). http://www.arviatechnology.com/process.html


Experimental platform

offering different

consumer modes

To incentivise companies to go from classical business mode to PSS mode (Product Service Systems) (MONT, 2008) Platform which promotes: 1. High quality of products: sustainable, long-life, Cradle2cradle 2. Sensitization, awareness campaigns for all citizens 3. Renting of products instead of purchase through leasing systems

4. Mutualisation of products

New Competitors: only companies that already launched PSS Potential partners: Goodwill, Institut de la durée, Observatoire de l’éco-politique Internationale, Oksana Mont, Dominique Bourg, Fondation Nicolas Hulot, HEC Paris, Darty

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• Establishment of an organic recovery program in a pilot zone of Montigny-le-Bretonneux which gathers the university, the commercial centre and its restaurants, residential buildings and offices. It will be a common plan shared and supported by the 7 cities of SQY.

• Different ways of treating organic waste proposed to citizens. They will test and choose which one suits them best : they may either want to get energy at a cheaper price, compost for their garden, or they just want to be rewarded financially.

• Audit of facilities to identify opportunities to increase recovery and beneficial use of organic waste.

• Test of different methods of education and incentive programs for people participation for sorting and collecting organic waste.

• Test of different methods of waste collection (example: door-to-door, voluntary contribution).


• AFME material and energy streams analysis on the territory: identification of potentials

• Co-building of the circular economy plan: consultation of the citizens, commune’s representatives and businesses on the relevant streams to implement. They will have to select which innovative recycling loops they will supply and benefit from in cash return or material return.

• Launch of labs and university researches with private partnerships on waste loops


“To organise such systems, additional actors are needed. Since the focus

here is on private consumers and durable products, actors need to be

involved that are physically situated in vicinity of final consumers” (MONT, 2008). SQY will set up an experimental platform offering different consumer modes. As companies are afraid of loosing money changing their economical model, the platform will first make changes in consumer behaviours thanks to strong citizen participation. By 2020, other similar platforms will be developed on the whole territory promoting the results from the first experimental platform and testing innovative consumption modes. SQY and the 7 cities will gain popularity and make savings on waste treatment; involved companies will get profitable activities while adapting to a very constrained environment because of resources scarcity; and citizens will feel responsible, save money and get comfort of use.


• Reduction of collected waste amounts saving money and time

• Reduction of waste transportation that emits 1/3 of all goods transported

• Production of local and low-cost energy

• Production of compost for local parks, gardens and crops

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- Trials on products that contain matters which will become very rare (cutting-edge EEE)

- Trials on eco-innovative products that are too expensive to be purchase but can be rented (ex: premium electric car such as the Bluecar from Bolloré)

- Trials on products that people don’t use on a daily-basis (ex: carpet-washer, drilling machine)

- Trial on a household electric appliance: washing machines or hoovers

Creation of a panel of population to test and assess the propositions Creation of networks of companies to fulfil customer needs in product service systems (MONT, 2008) Research and trial on new innovative insurance contracts


The general optimization of waste management among the 7 cities will allow financial savings which will be reinvested in the proposed projects. The investment costs are given for the 5 coming years for the whole territory of SQY. The assessment is essential for a good management of bio waste: amounts collected and people involvement will be assessed after the first 2 years of implementation; hence we only propose here orders of magnitude. The local data are extracted from the respective 7 cities 2008 waste reports (ADEME, 2007). Needed investments: ~ 70 M€

1. Methanization & composting plan financing

options: 66.4 M€

Implementation of the new program on all territory: global cost (harmonization of dumpsters, communication and awareness campaigns, etc…) estimated at 600 000 €. It is based on a comparative initiative in the city of Montpellier (www.montpellier-agglo.com, Amethyst project,

2009). Collection and treatment: global cost (door to door selective collection + treatment) estimated at 2.278M€, according to the ADEME waste management costs report. (http://www.ademe.fr/presse/Communiques/cp2004/cp_2004_05_04_dechetscouts.htm) Methanization unit: global cost estimated at 63.2 M€. It is based on the capacity of the Amethyst project: 170000T/year. (www.montpellier-agglo.com). Development of urban compost micro-production: global cost

(communication + implementation + training of people) estimated at 300 000 €. It is based on the experience of the Métropole of Chambery. (http://territoiresetdechets.ademe.fr/servlet/getBin?name=240E64FC80792DCE0F4E0829FD952D841222259330718.pdf). In parallel, the individual compost units would be proposed to citizens at the price of 15€HT.

2. Circular Economy plan financing options: 4.35M€

Estimations based on ADEME data. (http://www.ademe.fr/bretagne/actions_phares/dechets_municipaux/tri.asp) Plastic bottles to plastic bottles loop: global price estimated at 550 000€ Paper to paper and paperboard loop: global price estimated at 1.3 M€ Textiles to building insulation loop: global price estimated at 2.5 M€ (http://www.novethic.fr/novethic/planete/environnement/dechets/recyclage_textiles_taxe_pour_sauver_filiere/104543.jsp)

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INCENTIVE Monetary value put on waste Interesting price of local renewable energy from waste Quality of life

STICK Penalties Tax on weight of waste bags

EVANGELIZATION Extensive programs for youngest people in schools and educational institutions Active collection: rewarding of people for returning certain waste Educational competition between schools and universities in order to get funds New CASQY’s web platform only dedicated to the new waste strategy

EXAMPLARITY Education of city employees Local ecological pact (Nicolas Hulot Foundation) 100% Food waste recovered 100% household organic waste recovered International communication on CASQY project

PROCUREMENT Integration cell Eco-comparator system for proposed products

WEEE to EEE loop: It is impossible to define a cost a priori for WEEE, the value of the waste will compensate for the cost of recovery, but not for the rest. (http://www2.ademe.fr/servlet/KBaseShow?sort=-1&cid=96&m=3&catid=14689#theme7)

3. Functional Economy plan financing options: 690K€

Experimental platform offering different consumer modes: global price

(collection of products, sell, and communication) is estimated at 690 000 €. It is based on a similar structure: the recyclerie/ressourcerie Apti'Prix (78) (www.ordif.com/public/document.srv?id=13772).


Here is the base for a composite indicators system, which will be used by the INTEGRATION TEAM in order to monitor and assess on a regular basis the performance of the waste management project. This data should be accessible to all citizens. + Ecological performance indicators: measurement of the ecological footprint, and quantity of raw material saved + Waste reduction indicators: percentage of waste recovered, and percentage of waste reduction (kg/capita/year) + Innovation system indicators: percentage of companies involved, percentage of companies created, percentage of social actors involved, percentage of eco-innovation generated and percentage of eco-innovation implemented in SQY territory + Public engagement indicators: percentage of citizen using products in leasing mode or micro-composting, and degree of public/customer satisfaction regarding the project

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Currently, the following main risks seem to shape the evolution of mobility in the coming decades:

• critical tension on oil resources, which directly influences cost and availability of energy;

• CO2 emissions due to transport are said to increase by 58 % by 2030 (OECD).

• Progressive population increase and aging (see Drivers and Challenges)

Thus, based on the assessment of the current situation, the Committee for World Sustainable Mobility Program provided major goals for 2030 (Mobility 2030: Meeting the challenges to sustainability, 2004). Through this vision analysis we identified the following important points related to the situation of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and its development scenario:

• reduce transport-related emissions and noise; • increase transport security; • mitigate transport-related congestion.

Moreover, one of the mobility issues presented in the report and on which we want to base our mobility strategy is to "preserve and enhance mobility opportunities available to the general population" (Mobility 2030: Meeting the challenges to sustainability, 2004).

Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines is the second largest economic centre of the west side of the Ile de France after La Défense. Its university as well as its others educational institutions attract more than 20,000 students. However, 3/5 of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines’ inhabitants work outside its territory and 3/4 of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines employees come from outside.

These flows are drained by the following rail and road axes:

• Train lines from Montparnasse, RER C and line La Verrière-La Defense

• Highways A12, A13 and A86.

• Rambouillet-Chartres axis with the Transilien, the TER Centre and the RD10

• Houdan-Dreux axis, with the RN 12.

• Interurban and Mobilien bus lines connexions with neighbourg cities and the rest of Yvelines (INSEE, 2009).



Note: rail freight does not appear: it

represents 0,18% of freight-related emissions.

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MULTINOV has developed 3 categories of goals to switch to a new clean mobility system in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. The first one is devoted to ecological targets, meaning that we will put a strong emphasis on the reduction of mobility related emissions. The second category deals first with well-being, for example by increasing transport comfort and security, and also with the management of the economical relations between mobility actors. The last category is related to innovation processes, takes into account the diversity factor in partnerships and a new interaction model between mobility stakeholders.


MULTINOV will achieve its mobility goals through the creation of a new transportation system. This transportation system will be accessible and easy to use and contribute directly to the environmental footprint reduction goals. Therefore, the main priority of MULTINOV’s mobility program is to develop an innovative transportation system in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and in neighbour regions. We will base our territorial strategy on hub(3) development, which will increase the fluidity, attractiveness and

(2) In appendix, a chart gives a ranking in terms of reduction of GHG emissions for

various measures (CERTU). Our propositions are based upon this framework while for some of our propositions; there is no numbers for the time being on by how much their implementation could reduce GHG emissions. (3)

A transport hub (also transport interchange) is a place where passengers and cargo are exchanged between vehicles or between transport modes

2014 GOALS


2020 GOALS

2030 LONG


1 • Low carbon mobility pilot project (more then 40% of clean(2)

transport fleet)

• 10% of project infrastructure is energy self-sufficient via local smart grids

• Low carbon mobility pilot project (more then 70% of clean( transport fleet)

• 25% of project infrastructure is energy self-sufficient

• 80% of people use clean mobility modes

• 20% of zero fossil fuel transport

2 • Average daily journey reduction by 10 minutes (dealing with traffic congestions) and transport related noises decrease

• Security focused project infrastructure adapted to each transport mode

• Offer diversity – simple mobility for everyone (social/age groups; up to 5,000 daily registered users)

• 20% of private transport fleet reduction thanks to public transport adapted infrastructure

• Uniform payment system for mobility project users

• Comfortable & secure transportation system (50% less of traffic related death and injuries then national level)

• Transport system in which every need meets a service (transport offer diversity & accessibility – up to 80,000 daily registered users)

3 • First real-time interaction platform between demand (users) and supply actors (transport companies)

• Partnerships with neighbour regions

• Common projects development with Smart Buildings pilot project (to bring clean mobility at home)

• Connection to OIN & Grand Paris networks for better access to larger areas

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profitability (Groothedde, Ruijgrok, & Tavasszy, 2005) of the system for users and operators. The principle of MULTINOV’s mobility system is to create new hubs or improve existing station (reconstruction project of Montigny Station) in high ‘rider demand’ areas. Existing buses and rail network, as well as new innovative transport modes (see Technology Table), will ensure fast links between hubs. Low density areas will be taken into account by ‘light’ connections with light trains, bikes etc. The complexity of the structure complexity and the dimensions of each hub will be adapted to the population needs and to its purpose - i.e. transfer station (like a RER station), or final destination (supermarket, park, big company location). To manage the new mobility offer, MULTINOV will integrate an advanced IT module dedicated to users and operators, which will also improve private transport by monitoring and preventing road problems (Heermann & Caskey, 1995). Over the first 4 year of development of its strategy, MULTINOV will develop and implement a Mobility Pilot Project on the territory of Saint-Quentin, which will include: (1) Existing station: to take advantage of the future reconstruction

works planned by the CASQY to improve its railway infrastructures, MULTINOV chose the train station of Montigny-le-Bretonneux to become the first big multi-modal hub in Saint-Quentin.

(2) Hub: a new hub will be created in the district called ‘La Clef de Saint-Pierre’ (Elancourt), which is the location of some big companies, like EADS and Thales, and also of a residential zone.

(3) Road infrastructure between two destinations will be also a part of pilot project.

The main objective of this pilot project is to focus on a small but complex mobility infrastructure, in order to involve the largest number of stakeholders and to develop a global vision of what the mobility strategy should be for Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.










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For Dynamic Public Transport, self running vehicles, which already have been tested in industry and could be integrated as public transport mode, will be evaluated. The main advantage of this technology is the low needs for infrastructure modifications (using GPS for example). Tests will be carried out on public vehicles which size can be adapted to the number of passengers. In the case of train breakdowns, MULTINOV will develop an automatic light rail transport mode (classified as Timetabled Mode) from SQY to the first big transfer station, Versailles. The partners for this project will be local industrial companies (Renault, SNCF). In the Private Services category, MULTINOV will evaluate zero footprint vehicles based on air compressed engines (Motor Development International, 2009), with air being compressed thanks to high efficiency air compressors using solar or wind energy (Energy Planet, 2009). IT technologies will not only allow to facilitate the use of public transports by increasing their efficiency and accessibility, but also to assess the possible performance of the new system in which different modes are to be used in combination (Horn, 2002).

To improve the city road infrastructures (3) between two destinations (1&2) MULTINOV will work in close relationship with the CASQY. In parallel we are expecting to make an agreement with the « Directions interdépartementales des routes », and further with the « Opérateur Routier National » about possible development of road sections of the RD10 and N12. The two hubs (1&2) will become a test bed for the implementation of innovative technologies in multi-modal transport and energy. Transport modes. Through this pilot project, demand-responsive transport modes and services, as well as traveller information technologies will be developed, implemented and tested. To ensure a demand responsive transport system, MULTINOV will integrate a swarm of transport solutions,

which are classified in following chart (Horn, 2002) taking into account their flexibility. Public transport includes Fixed Route transport which follows a fixe timetable. Dynamic Public Transport is more flexible and limited only by time periods (more journeys in the evening and less at week-ends). Shweeb is included in the Free Range mode, together with other categories of Privates services (taxi) and Private transport.

MULTINOV traveller-information systems will incorporate a number of available techniques, providing information by telephone, internet or special information modules.

Alternative energy sources. To better integrate the new transport modes in the territorial infrastructure and to reduce transport-related pollution in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, MULTINOV will develop and integrate some alternative energy sources adapted to mobility.





Fixed Route

RER/Transilien Bus Light rail transport

Private Services

Taxi Carpooling Carsharing Bikesharing

Dynamic Public


Smart Shuttle (self-running and adapted size vehicles)

Shweeb Human powered monorail

(Horn, 2002)



Clean cars Bikes

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Unlike established solutions for shared rides, OpenRide enables drivers to offer spontaneous shared rides when already on the road, and it also covers journeys over short distances. Thus OpenRide exploits the previously untapped market potential for free transit capacities in private individual transport.

Commercialized OpenRide is developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems. It is in the top 10 international Nokia innovation contest in the category "apps on maps".





This service delivers planned- and real-time navigation in a

public transport network. Commercialized

It has undergone successfully the first experimentation phase in Lyon (a video presentation: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9kbbo_projet-mobiville_tech?start=9) and recently applied to the challenge “IT for future mobility” of the EU Seventh Framework Program; Microsoft France


LIGHT RAIL TRANSPORT (LRT) LRT could be a basic mobility mode for eco-city, decreasing of traffic problems and transport related pollution.

Commercialized Veolia and Alstom Transport are our near partners. Light rail network is a key transport mode for The Tianjin Eco-city

DYNAMIC PUBLIC TRANSPORT Self-driving vehicle and vehicle with adapted size are the most promising technologies.

Ongoing researches (GM, AUDI)

Potential partners are car industry companies. In the context on Saint-Quentin will plan to build a partnership with RENAULT Research Centre.


It is a Pedal-Powered Monorail system that is "a direct response to the transportation needs of today and the future." Each capsule holds a single rider who has to pedal in order to get from point A to point B and let you go much faster than a bicycle. Fully faired recumbent cycles, because of their low aerodynamic resistance, are breaking all bicycle speed records and currently reaching speeds of 90 kph (56 mph) in sprints.

Commercialized as a leisure transport mode

In the first time this concept could be tested in the context of Parc d’Activité des Pissaloup situated near ‘La Clef de Saint-Pierre’ district. In the case of successful application Shweeb transport mode could be integrated in the pilot project mobility infrastructure.


CARSHARING SYSTEME The opportunity to rent a car near your house. Commercialized Mobizen

ECO CARS This year Yvelines region will be a place for prototype development of eco-cars.

Ongoing researches MULTINOV will benefit of this event by offering a possibility to AKKA Technology, Induct, Muses and Venturi to test their eco-vehicles in Mobility Pilot Project.



It is the most adaptive technology of clean energy production for public places. Easy to store, the kinetic energy from working people is transformed in electricity, used for transport and station appliances.

Commercialized Created in collaboration of Enviu, Delft University of Technology, Ecofys and Studio Roosegaarde kinetic floor was tested successfully in Tokyo subway.

DISSIPATED HEAT EXTRACTION This economically approved technology (~6 years for investment return) is used for station and nearest buildings.

Commercialized Validated by International Association of Public Transport it is used already for Paris and Vienne undergrounds.

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To ensure the success of its mobility system MULTINOV will work in close relationship with each stakeholder. The feedback from the PARTICIPATION TEAM will allow MULTINOV to adjust its mobility program which will contribute to our people centric vision. Here below are presented some examples of people involvement in mobility projects.

1. Real-time carpooling plan

"Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines is not isolated" (Jean-Pascal Dumas, Head of general services for the CASQY): we therefore propose the OpenRide solution for the provision of shared cost rides to be tested in all the territories SQY exchanges with. This requires CASQY to take the lead and to build this experimentation project up.

2. Real-time public-private transport plan

This first plan will be integrated step by step with the Mobiville solution, which initially aimed at helping the user of a smart phone during its trips in an urban public transport network.

3. Innovative human-powered vehicles plan

CASQY takes the lead to give more visibility to innovative human-powered vehicles. CASQY is already considering the idea to give the opportunity to SQY’s citizens and visitors to rent human-powered vehicles in all three train stations. We propose CASQY to buy some recumbent bikes, trikes, velomobiles (faired recumbent trike) and folding bikes so that one can rent one and build its own view on these vehicles. These vehicles are innovative because they are more energy-efficient, more comfortable and some can be used even in bad weather conditions thanks to the fairing of the vehicle.

We propose CASQY to get in contact with the Shweeb company, producing the human-powered monorail. In a very first phase, a Shweeb could be set in the leisure park. As Shweeb is doing its Research & Development to conceive the Shweeb as a transport mode, we can imagine that in three years, a test could be made in SQY for the Shweeb as a transport mode, for example in the ‘Parc d'Activité de Pissaloup’.

4. Electric vehicles plan

We propose CASQY to take the best out of Renault electric vehicles. Through public procurement, CASQY could be an example for this technology.

5. Compressed-air vehicles plan

MDI would be eager to show the global performance of their vehicles on the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines territory.


We estimate the overall cost of needed investment for Mobility Pilot project is equal to ~ 140 M€:

- Multi-modal transport modes and alternative energies: the global

technological investment is 35 M€, including 6 M€ investments in

IT Technologies (Ezell, 2010), 10 M€ for Self-driving cars

prototypes development and test, Shweeb human-powered

monorail – 1 M€ (Peter Cossey, 2010).

- Hubs construction: About 80 M€ will be invested in the new

station construction (2) and in the improvement of Montigny’s

Train Station (1). This cost is comparable to ‘TfL’ projects (i.e.

North London Railway Station Upgrade) (Transport for London

Investment Program 2010)

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INCENTIVE - Some experiences could be conducted in partnership with Green Cove Ingénierie and SNCF to make parking places cheaper for carpoolers. - White certificates (Certificats d'Economie d'Energie)obtained by the SQY through Green Cove Ingénierie and CertiNergy could be paid back to carpoolers through green gifts - Subsidies to buy an electric scooter

STICK - Higher price of parking places; toll for the small infrastructure project: the higher weight/person transported, the higher the price.

EVANGELIZATION - Turn the parking places into carpooling places with distribution of carpooling card (destination, number of seats available, departure time, phone number) to SQY citizens, pedibus and bikebus training for head of education institutions

EXEMPLARITY Civil servants could receive a bike in leasing to come to work for the CASQY.

PROCUREMENT - Bike-sharing system - Training for civil servants and SQY bus drivers to save oil and money while driving. Free tickets for the opening of Shweeb.

- Road infrastructure improvement: MULTINOV estimates up to 25

M€ in reference with ‘TfL’ project (Transport for London

Investment Program 2010), including Light rail branch line – min 6

M€ per km (Status of North American Light Rail Projects, 2002)

Future payback:

+ Alternative energy solutions in Hubs as well low carbon transport

will be paid back by energy and tax savings

+ IT system will provide up to 6.3 to 1 benefit-cost ratio (Ezell,


+ Offer diversity and possible technologies transfer


+ Indicator 1/ecology: consumption of non-renewable energy per

km. person

+ Indicator 2/well-being: number of fatalities & average number of transport modes available 5 minutes away from anywhere in SQY.

+ Indicator 3/innovation process: numbers of mobility projects where SQY is involved in, as a leader and as a partner, in France and Europe.

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Housing is the second most emitting domain of SQY. CO2 emissions are coming mostly from natural gas heating (128,000 teq C02 out of 158,000) and then from electric heating. Urban heating is not yet developed (used in less than 1% of housings). SQY’s housing park is composed of 33% of individual residences and of 67% of collective buildings. Only a few buildings were built before 1949 (<3%, mainly located in Trappes). The vast majority were built after 1975 and consume around 180 kWh/m2/year. SQY intends to build 593 housings each year for 9 years according to its PHL1 program (30% will be devoted to social housing) (Fondaterra, 2009). SQY also has projects concerning housing such as Cerqual (certification of new residential and collective buildings), OPATB (project intending to improve thermal and energetic efficiency of residual and tertiary sector buildings), information and incentives toward individuals and firms, Eco pole SQYES Project (consists in an action plan for Montigny, Guyancourt and the train station refitting ), etc (SQY’s Building department).

2014 GOALS



2020 GOALS 2030 LONG


1 • 10% cut in energy consumption (1, 3)

• First smart grids implemented(1)

• 25% cut in energy consumption(1,2,3)

• Spread of smart grid (if successful)(3)

• Renewable solutions installer’s label ready(1)

• 40% cut in energy


2 • 5,0 ecological footprint (1, 3, 4)

• 100m² of cultured green roof (4)

• 4, 2 ecological footprint (1, 3, 4)

• First cooperative housing district(4)

• First teleworking centre (4)

First urban farm realisation (other than green roof)(4)

• 2,5 to 3,5 hag/h ecological footprint

3 • 10% clean energy production(1)

• 25% clean energy production(1,2)

• 40% clean energy production

4 • First mass energy storage facility (3)

• 10% of storage capacity(3)

• 20% of energy consumption in storage capacity

5 • First multiple smart networks project (electricity, water, gas, heat) (3)

• Spread of smart networks systems (if successful)(3)

• Half of the territory

connected to

multiple types of

smart networks

6 • Reduce by 15% SQY’s pressure on water resources(add pressure limiters)(1)

• Reduce by 30% SQY’s pressure on water resources (1)(3)(4)

• Reduce by 50%

SQY’s pressure on

water resources



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In order to lower the dependency to a particular primary energy, and thus to be more resilient to the depletion of energy sources, it will be necessary to develop a large energy mix (including renewable energies). The ‘Observatoire des meilleures pratiques’ will gather information on available green technologies (renewable solutions …) and best practices (water pressure limiters).

1. Implementation of multi-scales smart grids for various


• Create a smart electricity grid (like in Boulder, USA), to lower

losses and allow for the integration of intermittent energy


The current electricity network cannot benefit 100% from intermittent and distributed energy sources since its architecture, derived from Edisson’s time, is obsolete and not adapted to these new opportunities. By creating a smart electricity grid, we will ease their integration and take a step forward in a necessary process (funds are available today for these applications). The idea of smart grids is to benefit from the development of the IT sector to add an information layer to the network. This information layer will be able to monitor equipments and to react much faster to fluctuating offer and/or demand.

• Adapt this concept to other resources, in order to rationalize

their uses and to detect leakages (gas, water (Waters), heat)

The concept of smart grid is for the moment mainly applied to electricity networks, but we can extend it to utilities, or to other ways of energy transportation (heat, natural gas, hydrogen …). This would benefit the industrials as a well-thought range of captors and actuators will allow them to detect leakages and better adapt their offer to demand.













This pilot project is divided into 4 sub-projects. Here are the actions we want to implement in each of them:

2. Integration of renewable energies and insulation improvements

• Offer a large choice of solutions to increase the energy mix

and increase sustainability

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Create a place where citizens can ask questions and meet specialists to choose the appropriate solution with them. Create the according incentives system.

Existing ADEME’s center for insulation diagnosis. European incentives (for PassivHauss in Deutschland as an example)




Adding at IT layer to the power grid will add new functionalities and improve its efficiency and integration capacity.

First realisations Amsterdam, GDF Suez

SMART UTILITIES NETWORKS Using the Smart Grid know-how will increase security and avoid leakages

Under development SUEZ Environment

DOMOTIC NETWORK A network of captors will ensure the best functioning of all equipment and ease medical monitoring

Research programs Internet box manufactures (for example Sagem)

3) RESEARCH on new ways to deal with energy


This research center will first focus on :

• High efficiency solar thermal

• Heat storage

Research phase

GDF Suez can partner with us on solar thermal; experiments held in Helsingborg and Helsingor on heat storage (1st European Conference on Polygeneration, 2007)



Create a network of test beds buildings experimenting and generating cutting edge solutions in the different current and future technologies. The best outcomes according to context will be extended to the city.

Test beds are existing Network of test-beds = not


Ademe, GDF-Suez, Alstom, innovative SMEs (Nhéolis, Heykom) and research labs (CNRS) projects (ESG, Cool Roof project; etc.)


TELEWORKING CENTER Thanks to IT systems, some professionals will be offered a place to work next to their homes.

Not implemented

COOPERATIVE HOUSING Offer citizens to live own not only their apartment, but also some common facilities.

First Realisations in France Habicoop, French association of cooperative housing

URBAN FARM Create cultivated spaces inside or on top of buildings Existing Italcementi (intensive green roofs)

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Those technologies have been identified as emerging technologies, which are beginning to be tested, and still need some efforts in order to be marketable. That is why we propose SQY to engage in research on these particular fields, in order to aim for a leading position in the future. Thanks to the proximity of the OIN, it will benefit from existing research entities and spin outs like Hekyom (spin out focused on thermo- acoustic heating systems), and French soon-to-be biggest research centre. It may be the foundation of a new cluster of innovations centred on heat (and cool) management in buildings.

• Creating a network of experimental housing to generate


We will develop a network of 4 specific innovative housing prototypes experimenting technological and social innovations. The objective is to generate innovation thanks to the experimentations and implement gradually best innovative outcomes to the entire city so as to become the eco-innovation leader. We will take into consideration in our pilot project a realistic panel of buildings (if it is possible each prototype will be provided with four buildings: existing individual and collective buildings, new individual and collective buildings) so as to adapt to the current and future situation of SQY. At the beginning, the prototypes will be equipped with the current best technologies and connected to the grids to then welcome technical innovative experiments. Moreover social innovations could be implemented and tested in some prototypes. We will invite scientists and people on a voluntary basis to live during an experimental period in the buildings and assess the level of comfort and optimality of the innovations generated. Some concept building could be done as ‘Maisons d’hotes’ or hotels.

By allowing a quicker detection of leakages and an immediate response, this technology will help the industrials save money (leaks represent a service that they invest in and that is not paid for). It will also increase the security of residents (we can imagine that finding a gas leak and being able to cut the appropriate portion of network almost instantly is key to prevent accidents), and finally it will benefit the environment since man won’t harvest unnecessary resources to compensate for leakages. Planning a multiple uses smart network will also benefit SQY as creating a multiple network at once will diminish the investment costs and increase the potential for funding.

• Develop a domestic network that will pursue this purpose

inside the house, inform the inhabitants in real time and

monitor the health of people and equipments.

Thanks to the development of IT networks and automation, it is also possible to extend this concept inside buildings, using local area networks (LAN or rather home area network HAN) to interconnect equipments. This will allow to monitor all inputs (energy, water …), consumption, health status of equipments and people (thanks to portable health care devices, to increase security for low autonomy populations) and a better information (thanks to a dedicated user interface that will inform inhabitants about their consumptions in real time and allow them to act on the behaviour of their multiple networks), and new services (for example, we could imagine that the device would contact hospitals automatically if an alarm is raised by a medical device).

3. Research on new ways to deal with energy

• Create a research centre to increase competencies around

high efficiency solar thermal (in partnership with GDF Suez)

and heat storage (following and going beyond an experiment

held in Helsingborg and Helsingor (1st European Conference

on Polygeneration, 2007)).

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The 4 prototypes are the following:

-The Solar Housing: a solar innovation focused building that will develop innovative solar technologies such as cold solar (partnership with LESBAT).

-The Renewable Energy Housing: building finding ways to best combine the different renewable energies. It is focused on the development of wind energy (increase efficiency and adaptability to urban context - partnership with Nhéolis) and geothermal energy (generate electricity from low depth geothermal energy - partnership

with Géothermie Soultz - and ground source heat pumps - partnership with Penwith Housing Association). -The Smart Energy Housing: experimentation of other innovative technologies. This concept will notably focus on smart management of energy (such as home grids- partnership with

SmartHouse/SmartGrid Project), waste (partnership with the EU

commission’s LIFE program), water (reverse osmosis technology-partnership with Sovereign Hill) and hydrogen storage (partnership

with CNRS). It will develop experiments on thermo acoustic systems (Heykom) and adaptive technologies such as for instance reversible thermochromic roof and auto-regulation vegetal walls (partnership

with AADI -Alsace Architecture Design Institute) for heating regulation.

-The Mixed Technologies Housing (renewable and non renewable energies): experimentation of best combination of the various best and innovative solutions coming from two previous concept houses

These four concept buildings will help in finding new ways to manage energy, waste and water resources efficiently in SQY. Developing cutting-edge experiments on technologies thanks to concept buildings is an

efficient way to adapt to public investment priorities, energy capabilities, business model ruptures or technologic ruptures.

3. Creation of new concepts of buildings adapted to the future

• A teleworking centre that will allow people to work near their

homes while maintaining a social network.

Home to work transportation is a key issue for the environment as well as for human health and quality of life. This project will tackle this issue by reducing distances between home and work whenever possible (not all professional functions could apply). It will also foster encounters between a variety of people working in different companies and sectors, and thus increase the potential for innovation. The idea is to equip a building with proper teleconference utilities and adapted security systems (access restrictions and partitioned IT systems), in order to welcome nearby worker belonging to many different firms.

• New housing, with common facilities to allow densification

without degrading the comfort, and to ease the access to low

income households.

One of the major issues for the city of the future will be to offer decent habitat to all its citizens. However, the part of low-income households has increased recently because of the economical crisis and of the smaller family cells. The solution is to build collective buildings with common rooms. For the same cost, citizens would have smaller individual space, but an access to all the necessary infrastructure to allow them to have a party with their friends, create an association … Some of this space could also be used to integrate future services (like energy storage) and help financing the building.

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end of this phase (which will last from a few months up to one year, depending on the outcome).


Needed investments:

- Insulation and renewable energies : most investments will not be

made by SQY (except for communal buildings), investments needed

to create an information space inside an existing structure (town

hall, university, Maison de l’Environnement) and to complement

state’s incentives (can be decided gradually depending on budget)

- Research will be financed by the university and/or private partners

(GDF SUEZ for example)

- Smart grids: Boulder’s complete smart grid plan cost approximately

100 M$, the cost would be comparable for a complete coverage

(Boulder (Colorado) hosts 100 000 inhabitants for 65 km²), 10 M€

should be enough for the first tryouts. If budget is a too hard

constraint, it is still possible to use less sensors or global actuators,

and infer the results to non equipped buildings.

- New housing: The BedZed district in the south of London cost 17

M£. For the first phase, a small district of about 25 buildings should

cost about that much.

As a whole, and for the first phase, this pilot project should cost about 50 M€, taking into account interesting incentives and all the parts of the project not specified above. In the event of a lack of funds, smart networks will be the top priority since it will help for all other actions. On the contrary, if funds can be raised for more than this amount, we can offer a better coverage and dedicate some space for new research projects.

• An urban farm, to shorten food circuits, by implanting off-

field organic culture inside the buildings.

The idea of urban farm is to invite nature into building by dedicating an appropriate space to allow inhabitants (or a dedicated professional team) to grow organic food (mainly fruits and vegetables) for their own consumption, thus increasing air quality, reinforcing the link with natural space, and shortening food circuits. MEANS OF ACTIONS

A total of about 20 buildings will be devoted to the pilot project 1:

+ 15 to 20 buildings for the experimental zone (50% individual houses and 50% collective buildings)

+ 1 research center + 1 urban Farm + 1 teleworking center

All those buildings will be connected to the smart networks.

Most of these buildings projects may be implemented on existing structures, the remaining will be integrated into the second or third phase of the “Zac de l’Aérostat” project (first phase seems already too advanced), in Trappes.

This pilot project will start by a reflection phase with the citizens, to present them the preliminary ideas we have and include their own ideas in the ‘think tank’. Only the research sub-project might start before the

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INCENTIVE Incentives for positive housing, high efficiency and eco-friendly equipments Financial helps for retrofitting Reduction of taxes for Innovative SMEs local implementation Offer of an experimental space for innovative SME’s and research programs Promotion/founding of individual eco-innovative initiatives

STICK Variable water price (the more one consumes, the more one pays per litre) Bonus/malus system for energy consumption for individuals and firms

EVANGELIZATION Information centre on green technologies complementing the Maison de l’Environnement

EXAMPLARITY Procurement from local materials, products and services Annual report on municipal efforts and eco-program Creation of a cooperative housing entity Annual Networking Plan to find partnerships

PROCUREMENT Enforce the use of local materials in buildings (wood for example)

Future payback:

+ Insulation and renewable energy solutions will be paid back by

energy savings

+ Smart grids (electricity) do not have a precise business model for

the moment, but their service will be paid for one way or


+ Smarts utilities networks will benefit industrials by avoiding leaks,

so they could finance part of them as a counterpart

+ New housing will increase density while decreasing needs to

invest in new low-income housings and infrastructures


+ Clean energy indicator : measurement of fossil energy

dependency before and after the project, measurement of

increase of use of renewable energy

+ Ecological foot print indicator : measurement of the ecological

foot print before and after project implementation

+ Energetic performance indicator: measurement of energetic

consumption before and after project implementation

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SQY today is a lucky place, its heterogeneous situation, between urban and rural worlds, with a great proportion of green and blue areas while being in the immediate vicinity of Paris and Saclay make it a land of opportunities. However, shifting to a new society, which will both ensure the well being of its people and tackle global environmental issues, will not be obvious. And a growing and aging population, together with supply chain ruptures (for energy as well as for goods) in a world where not only economical, but also environmental threats are globalised will be as many obstacles that SQY will have to overcome and convert into assets. Helping SQY on this path is the aim of MULTINOV. First, it will use a new approach, placing the citizens at the core of the project’s governance thanks to a dedicated PARTICIPATION TEAM co-designing every aspect of the project with professionals and inhabitants. In order to deal with the numerous stakeholders needed to succeed in this project, an INTEGRATION TEAM will supervise stakeholder’s involvement and make sure that communication works well, while making sure that all aspects of the project follow a reasonable plan (be it the initial plan or a more appropriate one if needed), thanks with appropriate tools. First and foremost, MULTINOV proposes to build an innovative research center entirely focused on people well-being. It will complement the efforts to integrate citizens into urban planning by gathering a group of multi-disciplinary experts that will try to answer theoretically to questions of population’s happiness. Then, the three pilot projects will each focus on one of the most relevant subject of urban planning related to environment issues: buildings, mobility and waste as a resource.

Thanks to next generation networks, SQY will be able to manage all its flows (electricity, gas, water, heat …) optimally to reduce leaks, increase security and adapt production to consumption (and the other way around). New buildings will respond to inhabitants needs by offering a wider range of facilities, securing a local organic food production and allowing the luckiest workers to work in the building next door. Meanwhile, it will catch up and take a step further in technology development thanks to dedicated research programs and pilot infrastructures. Transports will evolve into a next generation that will integrate information technologies to become an adaptive platform, dedicated to every particular need in order to address it by the best available solution and thus reduce the misuses of individual transport in an environmental and social perspective. It will integrate existing eco mobility systems into multimodal nodes while dedicating a place to future developments in order to test them in real situation. Last but not least, brand new ways of dealing with waste will be designed. A platform will be implemented to bring functional economy from theory to practice, ensuring a decrease in waste production as well as an increase in the quality of goods and their affordability. The circular economy approach will be generalized to convert waste (outputs) into resources (inputs) and the remaining organic litter will be valorized through compost and methanisation plants. Thanks to this comprehensive plan, SQY will soon be recognized as a people-centric place, where living is truly fulfilling, by citizens; as the European accelerator of multiple eco-innovations, where eco-innovations are developed and implemented by academies and industries; and finally as a real operator of its territory able to create a link between a wide set of stakeholders to tackle multi-facets issues, by its European peers.

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Buildings: new municipal office building: eco-buildings cuts C02 87%, electricity 82%, gas 87% and water 72%

Council House 2 (CH2), Melbourne

2003 Opened in August 2006


Energy: reduce CO2 emissions by 1.1million tons by making energy audits mandatory

- 2004 On-going (expansion in 2008)

41,6 Melbourne,


Renewable energy: south hemisphere's largest solar project with 252,000 kWh/year energy savings

Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne

2003 Completed and functioning


3,280,000 268 88,2

Energy: 97% of Copenhagen city heating supplied by waste heat

- 1984 On-going 379

Renewable energy: largest off-shore wind farms in the world powers 150,000 Danish households

14-20 km into the North Sea, off the west-coast of Denmark's Jutland Peninsula

2002 In operation since 2006

349 Copenhagen, DENMARK

Transport: City of cyclists reduces approximately 90,000 tons of C02 emissions per year and has over 36% of the city's population cycling to work everyday

Green Cycle Routes, Cycle Track Priority Plan

2000 Expanding 140

1,400,000 620 868

Lighting: 10,000 Intelligent streetlights save 1440 tCO2 and reduce energy consumption by 70%

- 2004 On-going 12 Oslo, NORWAY

Waste: “Waste Management Hierarchy” program

- 2006 On-going 52

560,000 114 64

Transport: Stockholm's clean vehicles are slashing 200,000 tons C02 annually

- 1996 On-going 63 Stockholm, SWEDEN Transport: Stockholm to introduce congestion

charge - trial cut CO2 by 14%, traffic by 25% - 2006 In operation 270

775,000 430 333

Smart Buildings Guyancourt 2010 In project 50

Clean Mobility System Montigny/Elancourt 2010 In project 140


FRANCE Low Waste Community - 2010 In project 70

150,000 1760 260

(5) Converted in Euros from local currency (AUD, DKK) or USD by taking into account an average rate of exchange for the year of investment starting.

(6) Table completed using C40 CITIES Climate Leadership Group http://www.c40cities.org/

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GHG reduction potential Measures applied to France

Very important (more than 500 kteqCO2/year)

-Multimodal information (if the modal transfer to public transport due to the site is at least 3.5%) -Unique pricing (if the system provokes a modal transfer to public transport of 4%) -Real-time carpooling (estimation based on a theoretical analysis where 15% of drivers become carpooling passengers). - High Occupancy Toll (Paris' surrounding road)

Important (between 100 and 500 kteq CO2/year) -Multimodal information (if the modal transfer to public transport due to the site is between 1 and 2%) -Unique pricing (if the system provokes a modal transfer to public transport of 0.8 and 1.6%) -Carpooling (if the system provokes a transfer where 0.65% of drivers become carpooling passengers) -Automation control and fine 3 km before & 3 km after every radar (calculation for 1000 radars)

Moderate (between 1 and 100 kteq CO2/year) -Multimodal information (if the modal transfer to public transport due to the site is 0.5%) -Carpooling (if the system provokes a transfer where 0.015% of drivers become carpooling passengers) - Speed limiter adapting to speed limits - Speed limitation on city-surrounding roads (Toulouse) - Urban Toll (Paris) -Dynamic milestones for park places (Lyon). -Bike-sharing system (Paris)

Little (smaller than 1 kteq CO2/year) -Bike-sharing system (Lyon)

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• ‘European Initiatives on Smart Cities’

• Opération d’Intérêt National (OIN)

• Project Grand Paris

• Project Saclay