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Bibliography of Current Publications

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International African Institute

Bibliography of Current PublicationsSource: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Apr., 1959), pp.215-224Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the International African InstituteStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1157538 .

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Page 2: Bibliography of Current Publications



Prepared in co-operation with the International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa, the School of Oriental and African Studies, the Royal Commonwealth Society, the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Oxford, and the Societe des Africanistes, Paris.

Note. If an author's name contains a prefix, it is indexed under the initial letter of the prefix.


ABRAHAM, D. P. The Monomotapa dynasty. Nada, 6, 1959, 59-84, ill.

ACQUAH, G. ABEDNEGO. [I957?]. The Fantse of Ghana: a history. Pp. 63. Hull University: Author (Printed in East Germany).

ACQUAH, IONE. I958. Accra survey: a social survey of the capital of Ghana, formerly called the Gold Coast, undertaken for the West African Institute of Socialand Economic Research, 1953- I956. Pp. 176, ill. London: Univ. of London Press. 5os.

ADAM, LEONHARD, and TRIMBORN, HERMANN (Editors). 1958 [3rd ed.]. Lehrbuch der Volker- kunde. Pp. 303, ill. Stuttgart: F. Enke Verlag. DM 39.20.

ADEMAKINWA, J. A. 1958. Ife, cradle of the Yoruba, parts I & 2: a handbook on the history of the origin of the Yorubas. Pp. 88, 56. Lagos: Pacific Printing Works, 51 Ojo-Giwa Street for the Author. 5s., 4s.

Afrique ardente. Le mystere de la foret vierge ... le Pygmee. Afr. ardente [Bruxelles], 30, 105, 1958, 5-Io.

Afrique et Asie. Petite criteriologie pour une socio- logie de l'Islam n6gro-africain (by P. A.). Afr. et Asie [Paris], 44, 1958, 42-50.

AHEUZE, GEORGES. I957. Biologie du Noir: mate- riaux et recherches. Pp. 347, ill. Bruxelles: ]di- tions d'Afrique Centrale.

ALAPINI, J. L'education traditionnelle africaine du Dahomey. tduc. afr. [Dakar], 38, 1956, 5 -6 .

ALBERTO, M. SIM6ES. Necessidade duma revisao da sequencia do povoamento humano na Africa meridional. Bol. Soc. Est. MoSambique, 28, III, July-Aug. 1958, I6 -70.

APTHORPE, R. J. (Ed.). I958. Present interrelations in central African rural and urban life [Iith Conference of the Rhodes-Livingstone Insti- tute, Lusaka, 14-17 January 1958]. Pp. 175. Lusaka: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute. 8s. 6d.

BABIHA, J. K. The Bayaga clan of western Uganda. Uganda J., 22, 2, Sept. 1958, I23-30.

BALANDIER, G. Chez les negrilles du Moyen-Congo. Connaissance du monde [Paris], juin-juil. 1957, 27-36, cartes.

BAsCOM, WILLIAM. Yoruba urbanism: a summary. Man, 58, 253, Dec. 1958, 190-1.

BEATTIE, J. H. M. The blood pact in Bunyoro. Afr. Stud. [Johannesburg], 17, 4, I958, 198-203.

BECKETT, T. H. Two pottery techniques in Morocco. Man, 58, 251, Dec. 1958, 185-8, ill.

BEIER, H. U. Yoruba enclave [Asaba Division]. Nigeria, 58, 1958, 238-5I, ill.

Belgique d'outremer. Les Salampasu chez eux. Bel- gique d'outremer, 285, dec. 1958, 789-93, ill.

BERGHMAN, LIEVEN. Rogations paiennes. Afr. ardente, 30, 105, 1958, I4-I6.

BERNARDI, B. 1959. The Mugwe, a failing prophet: a study of a religious and public dignitary of the Meru of Kenya. Pp. 236, ill. London: Oxford Univ. Press for International African Institute. 25S.

BERNUS, EDMOND. Ahouati: notes sur un village Dida. E~t. eburnmennes [Abidjan], 6, I957, 21 3-29.

BIEBUYCK, D. Les divisions du jour et de la nuit chez les Nyanga. Aequatoria [Coquilhatville], 21, 4, 1958, I34-8. Kongolese dansen. Band [Leopoldville], 17, 5, I958, 17I-8I, ill.

BOELAERT, E. Yebola [chez les Elinga]. Band, 17, 5, 1958, I82-4.

BOONE, OLGA. 1958. Bibliographie ethnographique du Congo belge et des regions avoisinantes, 1956. Pp. 325. Tervuren: Musee Royal du Congo belge. 250fr.

BOURDIEU, PIERRE. Sociologie de 1'Algerie. Pp. 26, carte. Paris: Presses Universitaires (' Que sais- je? ', 802).

BRAASEM, W. A. Zwarte tam-tam met een blank snoer: moderne negerlyriek. Kongo-Overzee, 24, 3, 1958, 178-84.

-- and HOORNIK, ED. (Ed.). De donkere lier. Amsterdam: J. M. Meulenhoff. [Rev.: Kongo- Overzee, 24, 3, 1958, 162-9-W. Brandt.]

BRASNETT, J. The Karasuk problem. Uganda J., 22, 2, Sept. 1958, 13-22, map.

BREIL, I. [1958 ?]. Etude de demographie quantita- tive. Vol. I [Algerie]. Pp. 128. Paris: Docu- mentation Frangaise.

BRENDON, N. J. Chiuzingu [Gouveia's drum]. Nada, 36, 1959, 19-25, ill.

BREUTZ, P. L. Africa before the time of our ancestors: a sketch on archaeology. Bantoe- Onderwysblad [Pretoria], Mar. 1958, 52-56, 73, ill.

CANTRELLE, P. Attention aux mariages consanguins. Notes afr. IFAN, 80, oct. I958, p. 103.

CAQUOT, ANDRE. Les 'chroniques abregees' d'lthiopie. Ann. d'lthiopie, 2, I957, I87- 92. L'homelie en l'honneur de l'archange Raguel (Dersana Ragu'el). Ann. d'lthiopie [Paris], 2, 1957, 9-I 22.

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CAQUOT, ANDRE. Histoire amharique de Grafi et des Gallas [Amharic with French tr.]. Ann. d'JIthiopie, 2, 1957, 123-43.

- La royaut6 sacrale en t1thiopie. Ann. d'Ethio- pie, 2, I957, 205-I8.

CARDEW, MICHAEL. West African pottery. Afr. south [Cape Town], 3, i, Oct.-Dec. 1958, 109-I3, ill.

CARDOSO, JULIO J. ALFARO. Monografia etnografica s6bre os Tsuas. Bol. Soc. Est. Mogambique, 27, io8, Jan.-Feb. I958, I53-206.

CHENEVEAU, R. Pierres de tonnerre du pays mina (Bas Togo). Notes afr. IFAN, 77, janv. 1958,

I-I5, ill. COKER, G. B. A. I958. Family property among the

Yorubas. Pp. 314: London: Sweet & Maxwell. ?2. 5s.

COLSON, ELIZABETH. I958. Marriage and the family among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia. Pp. 379, ill., map. Manchester University Press. 42S.

COMTE, M. P. Les peintures zandes. Connaissance du monde, juin-juil. 1957, 2I-26, ill.

CUENOT, J. Note sur les noms donnes au Bobo- Oule, d'apres la note de G. Le Moal. Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. I958, 635-40, ill.

DAMA-NTSOHA. 1957. La technique de la concep- tion de la vie chez les Malgaches revelee par leurs proverbes. Pp. io8. Tananarive: Imp. Masoandro.

DARK, PHILIP. Benin: a West African kingdom. Discovery [London], May I957, I99-206, ill.

-- West African bronzes. Afr. south, 3, 2, Jan.- Mar. I959, 109-I6, ill.

DECAPMAKER, P. Le droit foncier et le matriarcat. Aequatoria, 21, 4, I958, P. 139.

DECARY, R. Les noms tribaux malgaches. Rev. de Madagascar [Paris], 32, I957, 21-33, ill.

- L'art des tombeaux a Madagascar. Tropiques [Paris], 55, 400, nov. 1957, 48-53, ill.

DEKOSTER, Louis. Meconnaissance du Noir, source de malentendus. Probl. Afr. centr. [Bruxelles], 11, 39, 1958, 30-36.

DERMENGHEM, E. I957. Le pays de Laghouat et des Larbaa. Pp. I2, bibliog. Alger: Documents algeriens (Monographies, 21).

DE ROP, ALBERT. L'epopee des Nkundo: l'original et la copie. Kongo-Overzee, 24, 3, 1958, I70-8.

DEZ, J. Le retournement des morts chez les Betsileo. Ethnographie [Paris], N.S. 5I, 1956, 115-22.

DIETERLEN, G. Les resultats des Missions Griaule au Soudan frangais (193I-I956). Arch. Sociol. Relig. [Paris], 3, janv.-juin I957, I37-42.

EBERHARDT, JACQUELINE. Note sur l'acculturation et culte de possession Malombo chez les Ban- tous du sud-est. Monde non chretien [Paris], 43/44, juil.-d6c. I957, 218-24.

ltlisabethville: CEPSI. Creation du Centre Inter- facultaire d'Anthropologie et de Linguistique Africaine a l'Universite officielle du Congo

belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. Probl. sociaux congolais, 42, sept. 1958, 83-84.

ELLENBERGER, V. Afrique: sorcellerie, initiation, exorcisme. Pp. 264, ill. Paris: Amiot-Dumont.

ESTEVE, H. Enquete demographique comparative en pays Fang; district d'Oyem, I952-I955. Med. trop. [Marseille], 17, I, janv.-fev. 1957, 85-Io5, bibliog., cartes.

FARSI, S. S. I958. Swahili sayings from Zanzibar. i. Proverbes; 2. Riddles and superstitions. Pp. 52, 32. Dar-es-Salaam: East African Lit. Bur. 2S., IS. 6d.

FENIES, J. Migrations Tandroy. Bull. de Madagas- car [Tananarive], 7, 138, nov. I957, 923-40, ill.

FORDE, DARYLL. 1958. The context of belief: a consideration of fetishism among the Yako (Frazer lectures). Pp. 30. Liverpool Univ. Press. 5s.

FOSBROOKE, H. A. History of research scheme R 370 [Rhodes-Livingstone Institute]. Human Probl. Brit. centralAfr. [Lusaka], 23, June 1958, I- I . Tanganyika's population problem: an histo-

rical explanation. Human Probl. Brit. Central Afr., 23, June 1958, 54-58.

FROELICH, J. C. Le kinan des Konkomba du Nord- Togo. Notes afr. IFAN, 80, oct. 1958, 103-4.

GELFAND, MICHAEL. The mhondoro-Chaminuka. Nada, 36, I959, 6-io.

GOLDSMITH, K. L. G., and LEWIS, I. M. A pre- liminary investigation of the blood groups of the sab bondsmen of northern Somaliland. Man, 58, 252, Dec. I958, I88-90.

GOLDTHORPE, J. E. I958. Outlines of East African society. Pp. 277. Kampala: Makerere College, Dept. of Sociology.

GRANDET, CL. Les sedentaires du Cercle de Tom- bouctou (territoire du Soudan). Cah. d'outre- mer [Bordeaux], 10, 39, juil.-sept. I957, 324-5 6, ill.

GRANDIDIER, G. Therapeutique malgache. Rev. de Madagascar, 33, I957, 23-32.

GRILO, VfTOR H. VELEZ. A dispersao dos Wa- Remba ou Vha-Lemba e tribos afins, a sul do Zambeze. Bol. Soc. Est. Mo?ambique, 27, io8, Jan.-Feb. I958, 113-27. Antigos registos portugueses na hist6ria da

etnologia cientifica e variacao cultural na Africa do Sul. Bol. Soc. Est. Mo?ambique, 28, iii, July-Aug. I958, I33-46. Os ' Zimbawes ', ' Mipashelo ' e a civilizagao

Hindu. Bol. Soc. Est. Mogambique, 28, III, July-Aug. I958, I85-97, ill.

GULLIVER, P. H. I958. Land tenure and social change among the Nyakyusa: an essay in applied anthropology in south-west Tanganyika. Pp. 47. Kampala: East African Institute of Social Research (E. Afr. Stud., I ). ios.

GUMPRICH, D. Ziki, Chief of the Waduma: succes- sion ceremony held in Bikita Reserve on 26th October, I957. Nada, 36, I959, 85-86.

HABERT, J. Une page d'histoire voltaique: Amoro,


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chef des Tiefo. Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.- oct. 1958, 377-405, carte. La parente a plaisanterie a Madagascar. Bull.

de Madagascar, I42, mars 1958, 175-216, I43, avr., 268-335.

HELANDER, GUNNAR. I957. Big city Zulu. Pp. 236. Rock Island, Ill.: Augustana Press. $3.50. [Rev.: Books for Afr., 29, i, Jan. I959, p. I5.]

HONEA, KENNETH H. I958. A contribution to the history of the Hamitic peoples of Africa. Pp. iii+ o09, ill., maps. Institut f. Volkerkunde d. Univ. Wien (Acta ethnol. et ling., 5).

HoUIs, M. Conte koniagui: la fille orgueilleuse. Notes afr. IFAN, 80, oct. 1958, 112-14, ill.

HOULDER, J. A., et NOYER, M. H. 1957. Ohabolana ou proverbes malgaches. Pp. viii+2i6. Tana- narive: Impr. Lutherienne. 766fr.

HUBER, HUGO. Begrabnis und Verabschiedung des Toten bei den Nigo (West-Afrika). Wiener volkerkdl. Mitt., 5, 2, I957, 83-93.

- Ceremonie pour les filles puberes d'origine Andangme a Anecho (Togo). Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. I958, 417-3I, ill.

International Research Office on Social Implications of Technological Change. Development and problems of the urban family in Africa South of the Sahara. Information [Paris], i8, Oct. I958, 1-28.

JAULIN, R. La mort Sara. Temps modernes [Paris], sept. I957, 448-77.

JEFFREYS, M. D. W. Origin of the name' Wankie '. Africana notes & news, 12, I, Mar. I956, I7-I8.

JEGOU, J. La vie de tous les jours au pays Tsimihety. Rev. de Madagascar, 3I, I957, 23-44, ill.

JENKINSON, J. N. Installation ceremony of Chief Maranke. Nada, 36, I959, 46-47, ill.

KALCK, P. En Oubangui-Chari: le village Baya traditionnel. Tropiques [Paris], 55, 395, mai I957, 67-70, ill.

KOHL-LARSEN, LUDWIG. I957. Der Hase mit den Schuhen. Tiergeschichten der Turu. Kassel: E. Roth. DM 3.80.

KRONENBERG, ANDREAS. I958. Die Teda von Tibesti. Pp. i6o+xvii [pl.]. Institut f. Volker- kunde d. Univ. Wien (Beitr. z. Kulturgesch. u. Ling., 12).

KUNENE, D. P. Notes on hlonepha among the southern Sotho. Afr. Stud., 17, 3, 1958, I59-82.

LABOURET, H. 1958. Nouvelles notes sur les tribus du Rameau Lobi: leurs migrations, leur evolu- tion, leurs parlers et ceux de leurs voisins. Pp. 295. Dakar: Mem. IFAN, 54. 2.5oofr.

LAMARQUE, P. Monographie de la p&che au lac Anony. Bull. de Madagascar, 7, I30, mars 1957, 199-222, ill., carte.

LANNING, E. C. A burial site at Mweya, Toro. Uganda J., 22, 2, Sept. I958, I70-2, ill.

- The identity of the Bachwezi. Uganda J., 22, 2, Sept. 1958, p. 188.

LEGER, J. La femme en pays Dogon. Vivante Afr. [Namur], 195, 22, 1958, Io-I2.

LE RUMEUR, G. En Mauritanie: l'habitat des Bei- danes. Tropiques, 55, 395, mai I957, 53-58, ill.

LE TANNEUR, CH. Les gens du mil, les Bobo-oule. Connaissance du monde, 8, 1957, 87-98, ill.

LEwrs, I. M. The Godhardunneh cave decorations of North-Eastern Somaliland. Man, 58, 234, Nov. I958, 178-9, ill.

LHOTE, H. 1957. Peintures prehistoriques du Sahara: Mission H. Lhote au Tasili. Pp. 66, ill. Paris: Musee des Arts decoratifs.

LIVINGSTONE, F. B. Anthropological implications of sickle-cell gene distribution in West Africa. Amer. anthropologist, 40, 3, I958.

LONGMORE, L. African poverty and social unrest. Afr. affairs [London], 57, 229, Oct. 1958, 291-4.

LOWIE, R. H. Le messianisme primitif: contribution a un probleme d'ethnologie. Diogene [Paris], I9, juil. 1957, 8o-94.

Lux, A. Comment evaluer l'emigration des villes africaines. Folia sci. Afr. centr. [Bukavu], 4, 2, 1958, 32-35.

MAIR, LUCY. I958. Free consent in African mar- riage. Pp. ii. London: Anti-Slavery Society.

MARTINS, EVARISTO. Monarquia do Ngoio. Por- tugal em Afr. [Lisboa], 13, 76, July-Aug. I956, 197-2IO.

MAURICE, A. Au Dahomey: les chateaux Somba. Tropiques, 55, 395, mai 1957, 59-66, ill.

MAus, ALBERT. Ruanda-Urundi: terres d'invasions. Bull. Soc. belge It. et expansion [Liege], 178, nov.-dec. I957, 1023-7.

MEYEROWITZ, EVA. Gold and the Akan of Ghana. Afr. south, 3, i, Oct.-Dec. I958, 103-8.

Mozambique. 1958. Recenseamento geral da popu- lagao civilizada em 1955. PP. II99+7. Lou- rengo Marques: Imprensa Nacional.

MOLET, L. Les populations de l'Ankaizinana (centre nord de Madagascar) [Summary of I956 thesis]. Ann. de Geog. [Paris], 65, 352, nov.-dec. 1956, 4I8-36, bibliog., cartes.

MORGADO, NUNO ALVES. Contribuigao para o estudo do problema demografico de S. Tome e Prin- cipe. Garcia de Orta [Lisboa], 5, 4, 1957, 633- 58.

Nada. How Lobengula came to rule the Matabele, as related by Chief Simon Sigola. Nada, 36, I959, 87-9I.

NICOLLE, W. H. H. Tribes in the Zambesi valley. Nada, 36, I959, II-15.

PAULME, DENISE. Des riziculteurs africains: les Baga (Guinee frangaise). Cah. d'outre-mer, 10, 39, juil.-sept. I957, 257-78, ill., carte.

- La notion de sorcier chez les Baga. Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. 1958, 406-I6.

Portugal em Africa. Aforismos populares do enclave de Cabinda. Portugal em Afr., 13, 74, Mar.- Apr. 1956, o19-I6.

POTEKHIN, I. I. Ethnographic observations in Ghana. Soviets. Ethnog. [Moscow], 3, I958, I42-54.


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RACKOW, ERNST. 1958. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der materiellen Kultur Nordwest-Marokkos. Wohnraum, Hausrat, Kostiim. Pp. 54+72 pl. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. DM 40.

RADCLIFFE-BROWN, A. R., ed. SRINIVAS, M. N. 1958. Method in social anthropology: selected essays. Pp. 189. Univ. Chicago Press; Cambridge Univ. Press. 28S.

REYNOLDS, BARRIE. Iron gongs from Northern Rhodesia. Man, 58, 255, Dec. I958, 194-5, ill., map.

RIBAS, OSCARO. 1958. Ilondu: divinidades e ritos angolanos. Pp. I51[+26, ill.]. Luanda: Museu de Angola.

RITA-FERREIRA, A. Nota s6bre o conceito de tribo em Mogambique. Bol. Soc. Est. Mogambique, 27, io8, Jan.-Feb. 1958, 49-68.

-- Caracteriza?ao e agrupamento etnico dos indigenas de Mogambique: esbogo recapitula- tivo. Bol. Soc. Est. Mocambique, 28, I II, July-Aug. 1958, 173-8i, map.

ROUGH, JEAN, et BERNUS, EDMOND. Notes sur les prostituees toutou de Treichville et d'Adjam6. ]~t. 6burneennes, 6, I957, 231-42.

ROUGERIE, GABRIEL. Les pays Agni du Sud-Est de la C6te d'Ivoire forestiere. 1ft. eburneennes, 6, 1957, 7-212, ill., cartes.

SAUTER, R. L'6glise monolithe de Yekka-Mikael. Ann. d'Tthiopie, 2, 1957, 15-36, ill.

SCHEBESTA, PAUL. Bambuti-Initiation. Kongo- Overzee, 24, 3, 1958, 136-61.

SCHLOSSER, KATESA. 1958. Eingeborenenkirchen in Siid- und Siidwestafrika, ihre Geschichte und Sozialstruktur. Ergebnisse einer volkerkund- lichen Studienreise 1953. Pp. 355, ill. Kiel: W. G. Muhlau.

SCHMALENBACH, WERNER. Grundsitzliches zur primitiven Kunst. Acta tropica [Basel], 15, 4, 1958, 289-323.

SCHULZ-WEIDNER, WILLY. Die Zala, ein kuschi- tisches Volkstum in Siidwest-Abessinien. Actes 4e Congr. int. Sci. anthrop. et ethnol., Wien, 3, 1956, 36-41.

SINGER, RONALD. The Boskop 'race' problem. Man, 58, 232, Nov. I958, 173-8.

SOUTHALL, A. W. Oedipus in Alur folklore. Uganda J., 22, 2, Sept. 1958, I67-9.

STILLFRIED, BERNHARD. Heilkundige bei einem westafrikanischen Negervolk [Yoruba]. Wiener volkerkdl. Mitt., 5, 2, 1957, 94-97.

TAYLOR, D. H. I958. Basutoland 1956 population census 8th April 1956: report. Pp. 118. Maseru: Govt. Printer.

TOBIAS, PHILLIP V. Proposed Raymond Dart Insti- tute for the study of man in Africa. Afr. Stud., 17, 2, 1958, I20-2.

TRIMINGHAM, J. SPENCER. I959. Islam in West Africa. Pp. 272, ill. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 30s.

VALMY, R. La geophagie a Madagascar. Rev. de Madagascar, 33, 1957, 41-44.

VAN BOECKHOUT, J. Le droit foncier du groupement Bakwanga du secteur Baluba Bushimaie. Bull. Jurid. indig., 26, I0, juil.-aofit I958, 285-91.

VIRE, MME M. M. Notes sur trois 6pitaphes royales de Gao. Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. 1958, 368-76, ill.

VON OIDTMAN, CHRISTOPH. O porto de Sofala e o problema de Zimbaue. Bol. Soc. Est. Mogam- bique, 27, Io8, Jan.-Feb. 1958, 5-22, ill., map.

VON SICARD, HARALD. The Jawunda. Nada, 36, 1959, I03-28.

VYCICHL, WERNER. Le pays de Kouch dans une inscription 6thiopienne. Ann. d'lfthiopie, 2, I957, 177-9-

- Le titre de ' roi des rois ': 6tude historique et comparative sur la monarchie en tthiopie. Ann. d'lithiopie, 2, 1957, 193-203.

WALKER, A. Les tatouages au Gabon. Liaison [Brazzaville], 65, sept.-oct. 1958, 34-39, ill.

WESCOT, JOAN A. The festival of ya Mapo. Nigeria, 58, 1958, 212-24, ill.

WHITE, C. M. N. Numbers in Northern Rhodesia. Man, 58, 235, Nov. 1958, I79-80.

-- and others. Comparative aspects of Luvale female puberty ritual. Afr. Stud., 17, 4, 1958, 204-20.

WILSON, MONICA. I958. The peoples of the Nyasa- Tanganyika corridor. Pp. 75. Communications School Afr. Studies Univ. Cape Town N.S. 29.

-- 959. Communal rituals of the Nyakyusa. Pp. 228, ill. London: Oxford Univ. Press for International African Institute. 35s.

WRIGHT, ST. Notes on some cave churches in the Province of Wallo. Ann. d'Inthiopie, 2, 1957, 7-I 3, ill.

YABLOCHKOV, L. 1958. Afrikanski etnograficheski sbornik II [African ethnographic collection II]. Pp. 270, maps. Moscow: Akademia Nauk S.S.S.R.

ZAHAN, D. La notion d'6cliptique chez les Bambara et les Dogon du Soudan frangais. Notes afr. IFAN, 80, oct. 1958, io8-ii.

ZOEGGER, B. Aspects du probleme de la dot dans le sud-Cameroun. Rev. jurid. et polit. U.F., I958, 170-8I.

ZOHRER, LUDWIG G. A. Bemerkungen tiber einige Rest-Volker an der Ost-Kuste im Gebiete von Somalia. Wiener volkerkdl. Mitt., 5, 2, 1957, 98-1o1.


[BASSET, ANDREI]. 1957. Memorial Andre Basset (I895-1956). Pp. 158. Paris: Maisonneuve. ?I. 7s 3d.

BELA, H., et autres. Quelques pseudonymes Ewondo. Notes camerounaises [Yaaunde], 3, I, mars I957, P. 3-

BERRY, J. The making of alphabets. Proc. 8th int. Congr. Linguists [Oslo], 1958, 752-64.

BOELAERT, E., et autres. Afrikaanse talen in het onderwijs in Belgisch-Congo. Bull. Seances,


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Acad. roy. Sci. colon., 4, 4, 1958, 86I-903, 921-45.

CAMPBELL, A. A., and others. Praise names of Cecil John Rhodes. Nada, 36, I959, 99-102.

CAPOT-REY, R., et autres. Glossaire des termes geo- graphiques arabo-berberes. Bull. liaison saha- rienne [Alger], 8, 25, mars I957, 2-4; 26, juin, 72-75-

COLE-BEUCHAT, P.-D. Notes on some folklore forms in Tsonga and Ronga. Afr. Stud., 17, 4, I958, I85-91.

COMBA, PIERRE. Une annee de publications en langue Amharique. Ann. d']thiopie, 2, 1957, 253-64.

CRAZZOLARA, J. P. 959. A study of the Logbara (Ma'di) language: grammar and vocabulary. Pp. 384. London: Oxford Univ. Press for International African Institute. 40s.

DE ROP, ALBERT. I958. Grammaire du Lomongo (phonologie et morphologie). Pp. Ii6, carte. Leopoldville: Editions de l'Universite (Studia Universitatis Lovanium, 3). IIofr. 1958. Mlements de phonetique historique du

Lomongo. Pp. 28. L6opoldville: Editions de l'Universite (Studia Universitatis Lovanium, 5). 30fr.

DOKE, C. M. Scripture translation into Bantu lan- guages. Afr. Stud., 17, 2, 1958, 82-99.

East African Swahili Committee. List of commercial terms: English-Swahili. J. E. Afr. Swahili Committee [Kampala], 28, 2, July I958, 79-84.

GAMBLE, DAVID P. 1958 [Ist ed. 1954]. Medical Mandinka. Pp. 4, dupl. London: Colonial Office.

GOWER, R. H. Swahili slang. J. E. Afr. Swahili Committee, 28, 2, July I958, 4I-48.

HARRIES, LYNDON. Supplementary vocabulary: Swahili-English [words not in Johnson's dic- tionary]. J. E. Afr. Swahili Committee, 28, 2, July 1958, 49-78.

HOMBURGER, L. La linguistique et l'histoire de l'Afrique. Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. 1958, 554-61.

Houis, M. Quelques donnees de toponymie ouest- africaine. Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. 1958, 562-75.

HULSTAERT, G. 1957. Dictionnaire lom6ngo-fran- ?ais, K-Z. Pp. I948, ill. Tervuren: Ann. Mus. roy. Congo belge (Ser. in-8?, Linguistique, 16, 2). I.oIo fr. (A-Z).

JACQUOT, A. L'orthographe francaise et la tran- scription des langues vernaculaires. Itduc. afr., 39, 1957, 55-60.

JAQUINOD, F., et PRosT, A. La langue des Bo ou B6ka. Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. I958, 623-3 5.

KLINGENHEBEN, AUGUST. Zur Entstehung des

Klassensprachentyps in Afrika. Mitt. Inst. Orientforsch. [Berlin], 6, I, I958, 112-20.

LANHAM, L. W. The tonemes of Xhosa. Afr. Stud., 17, 2, 1958, 65-81.

LAROCHETTE, J. I958. Grammaire des dialectes

Mangbetu et Medje, suivie d'un manuel de conversation et d'un lexique. Pp. 232. Ter- vuren: Ann. Mus. roy. Congo belge (Ser. in-8?, Linguistique, i8). i65 fr.

-- Les Langues du groupe Moru-Mangbetu. Kongo-Overzee, 24, 3, 1958, 18-3 5.

LASEBIKAN, E. L. 1958. Learning Yoruba. Pp. 81. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 5s.

LESLAU, WOLF. Observations on a comparative phonology of Semitic Ethiopic. Ann. d'tIthio- pie, 2, I957, I47-66.

- Ten years of Ethiopic linguistics (1946-1956). Ann. d'Jtthiopie, 2, 1957, 277-3I8. Une hypothese sur la forme primitive du type

Ben Amharique. Word [N.Y.], 13, 3, Dec. 1957, 479-88. - 958. The verb in Harari (South Ethiopia).

Pp. 86. Univ. of California Publ. in Semitic Philology, 21. $I.75. The Arabic origin of the Ethiopic qolle' spirit',

Arabica [Leiden], 5, 2, May 1958, I94-6. Arabic loan-words in Geez. J. sem. Stud. [Manchester], 3, 2, Apr. 1958, 146-68.

MARTINS, MANUEL A. DE MORAIS. Contribuicao ao estudo da influencia do portugues na lingua quicongo. Garcia de Orta, 6, I, 1958, 33-59.

MONOD, TH. Un nouvel alphabet ouest-africain: le bete (Cote d'Ivoire). Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. I958, 332-53, ill.

MOUCHET, J. Contribution a l'etude du Gula (Tchad). Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. I958, 593-6II.

NLEND, RHODE. Quelques pseudonymes Bassa. Notes camerounaises, 3, I, mars 1957, PP. 3.

PLAZIKOWSKY-BRAUNER, H. Die determinativen Elemente der sog. kuschitischen Sprachen. Mitt. Inst. Orientforsch., 6, I, 1958, 121-41.

PROST, A. Quelques notes sur le Don (Samogho). Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. I958, 612-23.

SAMARIN, WILLIAM J. The phonology of pidgin Sango. Word, 14, I, Apr. I958, 62-71.

SANDILANDS, A. The ancestor of Tswana grammars. Afr. Stud., 17, 4, 1958, I92-7.

SIERTSEMA, B. Some notes on Yoruba phonetics and spelling. Bull. IFAN, 20 (B), 3/4, juil.-oct. 1958, 576-92.

STEvICK, EARL W. Inflection of the Manyika verb. Nada, 36, 1959, 30-45.

STOPA, ROMAN. 1957. The energy producing speech and the typical phonetic systems of African languages. Pp. i. Krak6w: Prace Krakow- skiego Komitetu Orientalistycznego Polskiej Akademii Nauk. From clicks to expiratory consonants. I. The

typical sounds of human speech and their functioning in the phonetic systems of some African languages. Lingua posnaniensis [Poznari], 6, I957, I37-53.

TAYLOR, F. W. 1959 [2nd rev. ed.; ist ed. 1923]. A practical Hausa grammar. Pp. 178. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 25s.


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TUCKER, A. N. Some problems of junction in Lango. Mitt. Inst. Orientforsch., 6, I, I958, I42-56.

VAN DER MERWE, and others. I958. Aspek as uit- drukkingsmiddel van handeling: simposium. Pp. 48. Pretoria: Communications Univ. S. Africa (B. 7).

VYCICHL, WERNER. Trois notes de linguistique amharique. Ann. d'IEthiopie, 2, 1957, 167-76. Note sur la transcription de l'Amharique. Ann.

d'Ethiopie, 2, 1957, p. 245. WHITELEY, W. H. I958. The dialects and verse of

Pemba: an introduction. Pp. 6i. Kampala: East African Swahili Committee (Studies in Swahili dialect, 4). Sh. 3/50.

WRIGHT, J. L., and KAMUKWAMBA, N. 1958. Kaonde note book: a new vocabulary based on the Chibemba note book by T. S. L. Fox-Pitt. Lusaka & Blantyre: Publ. Bur. in assoc. w. Longmans. is. gd.


Bantu Bemba MPASHI, STEPHEN A. 1958. Bakutemwe [Marriage

advice]. Pp. 60. Lusaka & Blantyre: Publ. Bur. 2S.

Tonga Milimo. 1958. Cimuka [Novel]. Pp. 27. Lusaka &

Blantyre: Publ. Bur. 3s. 6d.


ALEXANDRE, PIERRE (Rapporteur). La responsabilite chretienne dans les regions de transformation sociale rapide: rapport sur l'enquete menee parmi les protestants africains de l'A.O.F. et de 1'A.t.F. Monde non chretien, 45/46, janv.- juin 1958, pp. 148.

BROWN, MARY A. Education in Liberia. Ghana Teachers' J., i, 1959, 12-18, ill.

[Bruxelles: Exposition Internationale, 1958]. Uni- versities of Belgian Congo and of Ruanda- Urundi. Pp. 48, ill. [also in French and Flemish].

BURNET, ALICE AM. Women at Makerere. Afr. women [London], 2, 4, June 1958, 78-80.

CARSTENS, W. P. The Dutch Reformed Church militant. Afr. south, 3, 2, Jan.-Mar. I959, 48- 53-

CONNILLIERE, G. H. Jeunesse laborieuse d'A.J.F.: les centres de formation professionnelle rapide, ' Icoles de la derniere chance '. Tropiques, 55, 401, d6c. I957, 29-34, ill.

CREIGHTON, T. R. M. Education and society in East Africa. Frontier [formerly World Dominion], July 1958. [Summarized Oversea quart., 1, 4, Dec. 1958, 104-6.]

DELAGE, R. Jeunesse studieused'A.:t.F. Tropiques, 55, 401, dec. I957, 2I-28, ill.

DE VAULX, B. I957. Les eglises de couleur. Pp. 157, bibliog. Paris: A. Fayard.

DUBUISSON-BROUHA, MME, et autres. 1958. Le probleme de l'enseignement dans le Ruanda- Urundi: rapport d'une mission d'etude con- stituee par la Fondation de l'Universite de Liege pour les Recherches Scientifiques au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi. Pp. 125. Elisabethville: Mem. CEPSI, i.

ESIGIE, A. E. O. A school history society [Antiqui- ties Society, Nigeria]. Oversea Educ., 30, 3, Oct. 1958, 122-4.

France d'Outre-Mer. Les efforts de la J.A.C. en A.O.F. [jeunesse agricole]. Notes docum. Secretariat soc. O.-M. [Paris], 28, juil.-sept. I958, 15-I6.

GEE, T. W. A century of Muhammadan influence in Buganda, I852-I95I. Uganda J., 22, 2, Sept. I958, 139-50, ill.

GOODE, PAMELA M. The Gayaza farm-diet scheme in Uganda. Afr. women, 3, I, Dec. 1958, 7-10.

HOWELL, D. R. The status of teachers in Nigeria. Oversea Educ., 30, 3, Oct. 1958, I02-9.

Kenya educationalist. Nos. I and 2. Nairobi, P.O. Box 8039, Kenya Teachers' Association. Half- yearly, Sh. 2/50 p.a. [See Oversea quarterly, Dec. I958, p. I24.]

KERR, ALEXANDER. The Fort Hare transfer bill, I959. S. Afr. outlook [Lovedale], 89, 1053, Jan. 1959, 5-8.

LEWIS, CARLOS A. I958. Catholic Negro bishops: a brief survey of the present and the past. Pp. 62, ill. Bay Saint Louis, Miss.: Divine Word Publications. $i.

LHOTE, H. L'ecole des arts et de l'artisanat de Poto- Poto. Tropiques, 55, 40o, dec. 1957, 74-79, ill.

Low, VICTOR N. Education for the Bantu: a South African dilemma. Comp. Educ. Rev. [N.Y.], 2, 2, Oct. 1958, 21-27.

LUCAS, ERIC. I959. English traditions in East African education. Pp. 22. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 3s. 6d.

MARTHEY, J. L'ceuvre missionnaire pour la popula- tion feminine au Congo. Rev. Hist. Colon. [Paris], 44, 154, I957, 79-10I.

MBATHI, T. K. B. The Jeanes School camp [Geitwa], 1957. Community Develop. Bull., 9, 4, Sept. 1958, 75-78.

MELLANBY, K. I958. The birth of Nigeria's univer- sity. Pp. 263. London: Methuen. 25s.

MOHAMED OMER AHMED. Adult education in the Sudan. Fundam. & adult Educ. [Unesco, Paris], 10, 3, 1958, II5-19.

MONDET, M. L. La formation professionnelle en Afrique fran?aise. Union franc. et Parlement, 9I, f6v. 1958, 24-27.

Nigeria: Eastern Region. Annual report of the Education Department for the year 1956. Pp. 41. Enugu: Govt. Printer. is. gd.

Nigeria. Lagos women's play. Nigeria, 58, 1958, 225-37, ill.


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RAKOTOVELO, M. Le probleme de l'enseignement a Madagascar. Union franc. et Parlement, 91, fev. 1958, 18-19.

SASTRE, R. Christianisme et cultures africaines. Tam-tam [Paris], 6, 7, janv. I957, 12-23.

SCHUTTE, KARL H. The Catholic Church and agri- culture in Africa. Neue Z. f. Missionswiss. [Beckenried], 14, i, 1958, i-II.

SMYKE, RAYMOND J. Teaching in West Africa. Afr.

special Rep. [Washington, D.C.], 3, 11, Nov. 1958, 12-13; 12, Dec., 4 and 13.

TAYLOR, JOHN V. I958. The growth of the Church in Buganda: an attempt at understanding. Pp. 288. London: S.C.M. Press. 25s.

WILLS, A. J. History in the African primary school, Northern Rhodesia. Oversea Educ., 30, 3, Oct. 1958, I26-33.



Advance. Fund raising for voluntary effort. Advance [Accra], 20, Oct. 1958, pp. 47.

American Assembly. The United States and Africa: final report of the Rocky Mountain Assembly October 23-26, 1958, cosponsored by the Social Science Foundation of the University of Denver and the American Assembly, Columbia University. Pp. 36, ill.

ANDERSON, J. N. D. The Tunisian law of personal status. Int. & comp. law quart. [London], 7, 1958, 262-79.

APOLLONIO, SERGIO, and CASTAGNO, AL A. Somalia heads toward independence. Afr. special Rep., 3, 12, Dec. 1958, 8-15, ill., map.

ARDEN-CLARKE, SIR CHARLES. The problem of the High Commission Territories. Optima [Johannesburg], 8, 4, Dec. 1958, 163-70, ill., maps.

ARNOLD, MAX. Les problemes africains sont des

problemes humains. Bull. Soc. belge 8lt. et expansion, 178, nov.-dec. 1957, 1020-2.

ASKwrITH, T. G. 1958 (3rd ed.). Kenya's progress. Pp. I23. Nairobi: Eagle Press. 3s. 6d.

AUJOULAT, L. Aujourd'hui l'Afrique. Toumai: Casterman. [C.R.: Probl. sociaux congolais, 42, sept. 1958, 101-7 - A. D.]

AUSTIN, D. G. The Ghana Parliament's first year. Parliamentary affairs [London], 11, 3, summer

1958, 35o-60. BARNES, W. L. GORELL (Chairman). Urban problems

in East and Central Africa: report of a con- ference held at Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Feb. 1958. J. Afr. Admin., 10, 4, Oct. 1958, 182- 236.

BECKERS, HENRI. Le fonds du bien-etre indigene. Belgique d'outremer, 274, janv. 1958, 23-24.

Belgique d'outremer. L'action sociale des entreprises privees (par A. F.). Belgique d'outremer, 274, janv. 1958, 22-23.

BRETTON, H. L. Current political thought and prac- tice in Ghana. Amer. polit. Sci. Rev. [Washing- ton, D.C.], 52, I, Mar. 1958, 46-63.

BRUYNS, Louis. Les mutualites ont-elles un sens au Congo? Zaire, 10, 10, dec. 1956, 1035-44.

Buganda: Lukiko. Buganda petition for cessation of British protection: full text of memorandum submitted by the Kabaka to the Queen. E. Afr. & Rhodesia, 35, 1786, Jan. 1959, 535-6.

Bukavu: Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa South of the Sahara. Inter-African nutrition conference, 3rd session, Luanda, 1956, vol. I. Pp. 471. London & Bukavu: C.C.T.A.

BusIA, K. A. West Africa in the twentieth century. J. world Hist. [Paris], 4, I, 1957, 203-17.

CABOT, JEAN. Un domaine nouveau de riziculture inondee: les plaines du Moyen Logone. Cah. d'outre-mer, 10, 38, avr.-juin 1957, I58-73, carte.

Central African Statistical Office. Preliminary report on urban African budget survey in Bulawayo, June 1958. Monthly digest Statist. [Salisbury], 5, suppl., 1958, pp. 14.

CHENET, Adm., et autres. L'action paysanne dans le delta de la Mahavavy. Bull. de Madagascar, 7, 134, juil. I957, 623-9.

COwAN, L. GRAY. 1958. Local government in West Africa. Pp. 292, map. Columbia Univ. Press; London: Oxford Univ. Press. 40s.

COX-GEORGE, N. A. Studies in finance and develop- ment: the Gold Coast (Ghana) experience 1914-18. Publ. finance [London], 13, 2, 1958, 146-77.

CROWDER, MICHAEL. Independence and the Cameroons. W. Afr., No. 2177, Jan. 1959, p. 3.

DE FAUCONVAL, A., et TOUMPSIN, G. Les paysannats du territoire de Mwene Ditu. Bull. agric. Congo belge [Bruxelles], 48, 3, juin 1957, 541- 57-

DE VOS, P. Les elections municipales Bacongo et Bangalas. France d'O.-M. [Paris], 338, janv. 1958, 43-44 et 62.

DOBRSKI-GABSZEWICS, S. L'evolution de l'action sociale en Afrique belge. Belgique d'outremer, 274, janv. 1958, 18-21.

DOMONT, J.-M. Prelude a la democratisation des institutions politiques congolaises. Probl. Afr. centr., 11, 39, 1958, 3-19.

DORSINVILLE, M. H. (Chairman). 1958. United Nations visiting missions to Trust Territories in East Africa, 1957: report on Ruanda-Urundi, 25th session (30 Jan.-26 Mar. 1958), Suppl. 3 (T/1402). Pp. 49, map. New York: United Nations. $0.50.

East African Statistical Department. 1958. An estimate of the balance of payments of East Africa for the year 1956. Pp. 35. Nairobi. 5s.

ELIAS, T. OLAWALE. British West Africa, past and present. Afr. south, 3, 2, Jan.-Mar. 1959,85-92.

Ethiopia observer. The new Ethiopian penal code. Ethiopia observer, 2, 8, Sept. 1958, 258-86.


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Ethiopia observer. The work of the United Nations in Ethiopia. Ethiopia observer, 2, 9, Oct. I958, 290-318, ill.

EZERA, KALU. Nigeria's constitutional road to independence. Afr. south, 3, 2, Jan.-Mar. 1959, 93-99-

FABUNMI, L. A. Foreign aid and self-help in West Africa. Afr. south, 3, 2, Jan.-Mar. 1959, ioo-8.

France: Comite central francais pour l'Outre-Mer. L'habitat urbain africain. Nouv. Rev. frang. O.-M., 50, 8/9, aoft-oct. I958, p. 281.

Ghana. 1957. The consolidation development plan. I [estimates of expenditure, 1957-58]. Pp. I3I. Accra.

GOSSET, PIERRE et RENEE. I958. L'Afrique: les Africains. 2 vols. Pp. 231, 277. Paris: Julliard. 750 fr. chaque vol. [Rev.: Nouv. Rev. franc. O.-M., 50, 8/9, aofit-oct. 1958, p. 299.]

HAILEY, Lord. 1957. Tomorrow in Africa. Pp. ii. London: Africa Bureau. is. 6d.

HANCE, WILLIAM A. 1958. African economic devel- opment. Pp. 307, maps. London: Oxford Univ. Press for Council on Foreign Relations. 30s.

HANNIGAN, A. ST. J. J. Native custom, its similarity to English conventional custom and its mode of proof [Ghana]. J. Afr. law, 2, 2, summer 1958, IOI-I5.

HILL, RICHARD. I959. Egypt in the Sudan 1820- 1881. Pp. I88, map. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 25s.

HOLLEMAN, J. F. The tightrope dancers: report on the 7th annual conference, Institute of ad- ministrators of non-European affairs, Muizen- berg, 3oth Sept.-3rd Oct. I958. Pp. 21. Univ. of Natal, Institute for Social Research (Occas. reports, 2).

HUDSON, W. Psychological research on the African worker. Civilisations [Bruxelles], 8, 2, 1958, and Oversea quart., 1, 4, Dec. io8-io.

Institute of African-American Relations. The assimilado system in Portuguese Mozambique. Afr. special report, 3, II, Nov. 1958, 7-1O, ill.

International Labour Office. Interracial wage struc- ture in certain parts of Africa. Int. labour Rev., 78, I, July 1958, 20-55.

IRVINE, A. G. 1959. The balance of payments of Rhodesia and Nyasaland I945-I954. Pp. 648, map. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 63s.

JACK, D. T. 1958. Economic survey of Sierra Leone. Pp. 75. Freetown: Govt. Printing Dept. 8s.

JOHNSTON, BRUCE F. I959. The staple food econo- mies of western tropical Africa. Pp. 288, maps. Stanford Univ. Press. 45s.

KERR, A. J. The reception and codification of systems of law in southern Africa. J. Afr. law, 2, 2, summer I958, 82-Ioo.

KILSON, M. L. The analysis of African nationalism. World politics [N.Y.], 3, Apr. 1958, 484-97.

KONVITZ, MILTON R. The Liberian code of laws. J. Afr. law, 2, 2, summer I958, II6-i8.

LENNOX-BOYD, ALAN (Chairman). I958. Report by the resumed Nigeria constitutional conference, held in London in September and October 1958. Pp. 45. London: H.M.S.O. (Cmnd. 569). 2s. 6d.

LEWANIKA, GODWIN. The problems of a multi-racial society in Central Africa. Afr. affairs, 57, 229, Oct. 1958, 279-87.

Liaison. Bilan de cinq annees d'activite du service du genie rural du Moyen-Congo. Liaison, 65, sept.-oct. I958, 58-60.

MATSON, A. T. Uganda's old Eastern Province and East Africa's federal capital. Uganda J., 22, i, Mar. I958, 43-53.

MORALES MUNOZ, RAMON. Cooperaci6n indigena en Fernando Poo. Africa [Madrid], 15, 203, Nov. I958, 490-2, ill., map.

MUTOMBO, DIEUDONNE. La question fonci&re au Congo beige. Voix du Congolais [Leopoldville], 15I, oct. I958, 600oo-3, 152, nov., 646-8, ill. [In continuation.]

NENE-KHALY, B. Debats sur la jeunesse africaine. Pr6sence afr. [Paris], N.S. 20, juin-juil. I958, 86-103.

NICAISE, J. Le decret du 6 juin 1956 sur la pension des travailleurs autochtones. Zaire, 10, 0o, dec. I956, Io11-33.

NICULESCU, BARBU. I958. Colonial planning: a comparative study. Pp. 208. London: Allen & Unwin. I8s.

PARAF, PIERRE. L'ascension des peuples noirs: le reveil politique, social et culturel de l'Afrique au XXe sicle. Paris: Payot. [C.R.: Probl. so- ciaux congolais, 42, sept. 1958, I8-25 - H. D.]

PAULUS, J. M. R6alisations sociales en faveur de la jeunesse. Belgique d'outremer, 274, janv. I958, 25-26.

PEETERS, GERARD. L'agriculture congolaise et ses problimes de structure. Zaire, 12, 5, I958, 451- 77.

PRESCOTT, J. R. V. The geographical basis of Nigerian Federation. Nigerian geog. J. [Ibadan] 2, I, June 1958, I-I3, map.

RAVEN, F. 1958. The constitution and race relations in Central Africa. Pp. 28, map. London: Africa Bureau. Is. 6d.

Rhodesia, Northern: Department of Agriculture. I958. Peasant farming in the Petauke and Katete areas of the Eastern Province of Northern Rhodesia. Pp. 52. Lusaka.

SAND, G. Le mouvement cooperatif indigene au Congo belge et au Ruanda-Urundi. Bull. Soc. belge It. et expansion, 18I, mai-juil. I958, 519-24.

SCOTT, M. The international status of South West Africa. Int. affairs, 34, 3, July I958, 318-29.

SM,IT, D. L. Taxation imposed on Africans. S. Afr. outlook, 88, 1051, Nov. I958, I64-7.

SPANDRE, MARIO. Les doctrines politiques congo- laises. Probl. sociaux congolais, 42, sept. I958, 43-76.

SQUIRES, H. C. 1958. The Sudan medical services:


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an experiment in social medicine. Pp. 138. London: Heinemann. I2s. 6d.

STEWART, J. L., and JEFFREYS, M. D. W. 1956 (rev. ed.). The cattle of the Gold Coast. Pp. 48, ill. Accra: Govt. Printer. 6s.

Tanganyika. I958. Review of land tenure policy. Part i. Proposals for land tenure policy in relation to land held under customary tenure in rural areas. Pp. 4. Dar-es-Salaam: Govt. Printer. 80 cents.

THOMSON, JACK. The developing federation and partnership: how is it progressing? Afr. affairs, 57, 229, Oct. 1958, 266-78.

Times, The. Making the nomad feel at home with civilization [Somali]. Times Brit. colonies Rev., 32, 1958, p. 7, ill.

-- Facing up to facts in the Gambia: problems of political immaturity. Times Brit. colonies Rev., 32, I958, p. 12.

TRAPNELL, C. G., and CLOTHIER, J. N. 1957. The soils, vegetation and agricultural systems of North-Western Rhodesia: report of the eco- logical survey. Pp. ix+69, ill., maps. Lusaka: Govt. Printer. Ci. Is.

TWINING, Lord. Tanganyika's middle course in racial relations. Optima, 8, 4, Dec. 1958, 2II- i8, ill.

United Nations. 1957. Special report of the com- mittee on South West Africa: a study of legal action to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by the Mandatory powers under the Mandate for South West Africa. Pp. 8. New York: General Assembly Official records: 2th

session, Suppl., N. 12 (A/3625). 1958. Economic developments in Africa I956-

I957. Pp. 84. New York: U.N. 5s. 6d. I958. Social study on economic conditions in

non-self-governing territories [Chapter 6. Social aspects of economic development, pp. Io6-39]. Pp. 201. New York: (St./TRI/SER. A/i3). $2.

I1958. Report on social conditions in non-self- governing territories [Part 2 of the Report of the Committee on information from non-self- governing territories-ninth session, 1958, Off. Rec. Gen. Assembly, I3th Session, Suppl. I5 (A/3837)]. Pp. 23. New York: U.N.

VENNETIER, P. Banlieue noire de Brazzaville. Cah. d'outre-mer, 10, 38, avr.-juin 1957, I31-57, ill., cartes.

VIBERT, M. L'industrialisation de l'Afrique. Notes docum. Secretariat soc. O.-M., 28, juil.-sept. 1958, xi-xxxvii.

WARMINGTON, W. A. Spare time activities in the Cameroons plantations. W. Afr., No. 2177, Jan. I959, 7; 2178, 33.

West Africa. French Africa in 1958 (by H. P.). W. Afr., 2178, Jan. 1959, 27.

WILLIAMS, T. (Chairman). Weekend study conference on government: a factual study of government in Northern Rhodesia, 3Ist May and ist June,

1958. Duplicated. Lusaka, P.O. Box I253: United N. Rhodesia Association. Ios.

WRIGHT, M. J. The early life of Rwot Isaya Ogwangguji, M.B.E. Uganda J., 22, 2, Sept. 1958, 13I-8, map.


Africana nova: a quarterly bibliography. No. I, Sept. 1958. [Pp. 20]. Cape Town: South African Public Library.

AMUGBANITE, TONY. Enugu-city of coal: a por- trait of Eastern Nigeria's capital. W. Afr. Rev., 30, 376, Jan. I959, 22-24.

DUREN, A. 1958. Atlas general du Congo: Cartes des etablissements medicaux du Congo belge et du Ruanda-Urundi. Pp. I9. Bruxelles: Acade- mie Royal des Sciences Coloniales. 400fr.

FREEMAN-GRENVILLE, G. S. P. Swahili literature and the history and archaeology of the East African coast. J. E. Afr. Swahili Committee, 28, 2, July 1958, 7-25.

GAMBLE, DAVID P. 1958. Bibliography of the Gambia. Pp. 36, dupl. London: Colonial Office.

GORDON-BROWN, A. (Ed.). 1959. The year book and guide to East Africa. Pp. 112, ill., maps. London: R. Hale. 8s. 6d. - 959. The year book and guide to Southern

Africa. Pp. 154, ill., maps. London: R. Hale. Ios. 6d.

HERSKOVITS, MELVILLE J. Some thoughts on Ameri- can research in Africa. Afr. Stud. Bull. [N.Y.], 1, 2, Nov. 1958, pp. 25.

HEYSE, TH., et BERLAGE, JEAN. 1958. Documenta- tion generale sur le Congo et le Ruanda- Urundi (I955-1958). Pp. 84. Bruxelles: Van

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KIRK-GREENE, A. H. M. Barth: a centenary memoir. W. Afr., no. 2175, Dec. 1958, p. I2o9; 2176, pp. 1231-2.

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Page 11: Bibliography of Current Publications


MOHAPI, M. M. The traditional knowledge of Bantu concerning medicinal herbs and its presentation in book form. Bantu [Pretoria], I , Nov. 1958, 62-66.

Morocco: Ministry of Foreign Affairs. [I958]. Morocco. Pp. I32, i11. Rabat.

OKIGBO, P. Factors in West African economic his- tory. J. world Hist., 4, I, 1957, 218-30.

PIRLOT, PAUL. Les transformations par l'homme de la nature exterieure au Congo belge. Bull. Soc. belge AIt. et expansion, 177, aoft-oct. 1957, 769-72.

PRINS, A. H. J. On Swahili historiography. J. E. Afr. Swahili Committee, 28, 2, July 1958, 26- 40.

RUYTJENS, E. I958. Historisch ontstaan der grens van de onafhankelijke Congostaat en de Portu-

gese bezittingen in Neder-Congo tussen I885- I894. Pp. 92, carte. Bruxelles: Acad. roy. Sci. colon., Sci. mor. et pol., Mem. in-8?, 16, i (Histoire). Ioofr.

SHEPPERSON, GEORGE. The literature of British Central Africa. Human Probl. Brit. central Afr., 23, June I958, I2-46.

WARD, W. E. F. I958 (rev. ed.). A history of Ghana. Pp. 392, ill. London: Allen & Unwin. 25s.

West Africa. A literary publicist [Ulli Beier]. W. Afr., No. 2174, Dec. 1958, p. II8I.

WICKIZER, V. D. Plantation crops in tropical agri- culture. Tropical Agric. [Trinidad], 35, 3, July 1958, 171-80.

WILLS, CoLIN. Nigerian hides and skins. Progress [London], 46, 260, autumn 1958, 258-65, ill.


Bull. Jurid. indig. Bulletin des juridictions indigenes et du droit coutumier congolais (Iglisabethville). IFAN Institut Frangais d'Afrique Noire (Dakar). Nada Native Affairs Department Annual (S. Rhodesia).


The Trustees invite applications for the prize, being the income on ?6,70I. 5S. I Id. 21 per cent. Consolidated Stock, less expenses, to be awarded to the person per- forming the most valuable anthropological research work

published during I959, with reference to the peoples in-

habiting the Continent of Africa, preference being given in the first place to Nigeria, and in the second place to West Africa.

All applications, together with two copies of the book, article, or work in question, to be received by 3 Decem- ber 1959 by the Trustees, Barclays Bank Limited, Trustee

Department, P.O. Box 207, 40 Corn Street, Bristol, I.


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