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Bibliography of Current Publications

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International African Institute

Bibliography of Current PublicationsSource: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Jul., 1962), pp.302-312Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the International African InstituteStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1157562 .

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Page 2: Bibliography of Current Publications



Prepared in co-operation with the Christian Literature Council, Royal Commonwealth Society, School of Oriental and African Studies (London), Institute of Commonwealth Studies (Oxford), Societe des Africanistes, and Howard University Library (Washington, D.C.).

Note. Names containing prefixes are indexed under the initial letter of the first prefix.


ADAM, J., et autres. Les plantes utiles en Afrique occidentale [Senegal]. Notes afr. IFAN, 93, janv. 1962, I3-I6.

ALLISON, PHILIP A. Carved stone figures in the Ekoi country of the middle Cross River, Eastern Nigeria. Man, 62, I5, Feb. 1962, 17-I9, ill.

baNtu. Traditional authority of Rarabe tribe re- stored. baNtu [Pretoria], 9, I, Jan. 1962, 9-I5, ill.

BARBOUR, K. M., and PROTHERO, R. M. (ed.). I961. Essays on African population. Pp. x+ 336, maps. London: Routledge & KeganPaul. 35s.

BARNES, J. A. African models in the New Guinea highlands. Man, 62, 2, Jan. I962, 5-9.

BAXTER, P. T. W., and BROKENSHA, D. W. (eds.). I961. Pilot survey of Tutu. Pp. 23. Legon: University of Ghana, Child Development Re- search Unit (Occ. Paper).

BECKERS, RENE. L'habitat des melanodermes d'apres les textes grecs d'Herodote a Strabon. Ten- dances du temps [Elisabethville], 18, 55, 1960, 35-58; 19, 56, I96I, 23-52; 57, 47-69.

BEIDELMAN, T. O. Some notes on the Kamba in Kilosa District. Tanganyika notes, 57, Sept. 1961, I81-94, map.

BERNUS, EDMOND, et VINES, SUZY. Traditions sur l'origine des Dida Mamini du Canton Wata (Subdivision de Divo, C6te-d'Ivoire). Notes afr. IFAN, 93, janv. 1962, 20-23, ill., carte.

BIEBUYCK, DANIEL. 1962. Les mitanmba: systeme de mariages enchaines chez les Babembe, territoire de Fizi, Province du Kivu (Republique du Congo). Pp. 34. Bruxelles: Acad. roy. Sci. O.-M., classe Sci. mor. et pol., Mem. in-8?, 27, 2. 5ofr.

BLACKING, JOHN, and APTHORPE, RAYMOND. Field- work co-operation in the study of Nsenga music and ritual. Africa, 32, I, Jan. 1962, 72-73.

BLOMJOUS, Mgr. Vie sociale et catechumenat. Vi- vante Afr. [Namur], 216, sept.-oct. 1961, 33-35.

BOONE, OLGA. I96I. Carte ethnique du Congo: quart sud-est. Pp. xvi+271, bibl., cartes. Ter- vuren: Mus. roy. Afr. centr. (Annales, Ser. in- 8?, Sci. humaines, 37.)

B6T BA NJOCK, HENRI-MARCEL. Pr6eminences so- ciales et systeme politico-religieux dans la societe traditionnelle Bulu et Fang. J. Soc. Africanistes, 30, 2, I960, 151-71.

BRAHEN, ADU. The Ghana kola trade. Ghana notes & queries [Kumasi], no. i, Jan.-Apr. 1961, 8-io.

BREUIL, J. H. Rythmes africains. Tropiques [Paris], 441, aout-sept. I961, 33-4I.

BROKENSHA, DAVID. Akwapim studies. Universitas [Accra], 5, I, Jan. 1962, 4-7.

BURROWS, JOHN R. [1961.] The population and labour resources of Natal: a study by the De- partment of Economics, University of Natal. Pp. xiii+ 21o, maps. Durban: Natal Town and Regional Planning Commission (Reports, 6).

CALAME-GRIAULE, GENEVIEVE. Le r6le spirituel et social de la femme dans la societe soudanaise traditionnelle. Diogene [Paris], 37, 1962, 80-92.

CARDOSO, CARLOS LOPES. N6tulas de etnografia angolana. Bol. Inst. Angola, no. 15, Jan.-Dec. I962 [repr., pp. I6, ill.].

CARREIRA, ANT6NIO. Simbolos, ritualistas e ritua- lismos animo-feiticistas na Guine portuguesa. Bol. cultural Guine portug., 16, 63, July I961, 505-39, ill.

CARROLL, K. F. Three generations of Yoruba carvers. Ibadan, 12, June I96I, 21-24.

CASHMORE, T. H. R. A note on the chronology of the Wanyika of the Kenya coast. Tanganyika notes, 57, Sept. I96I, I53-72.

CAUSSE, J. J., BOUTILLIER, J. L., et autres. 196I. Une enquete de menage en pays Lobi (Haute-Volta), 1956-1957. Pp. 23. Paris: Institut National de la Statistique et des lgtudes Egconomiques.

CHAMPAULT, DOMINIQUE. Une mission au Sahara nord-occidental. Objets et mondes [Paris], 1, 3/4, 1961, 61-64, ill.

COHEN, RONALD. Marriage instability among the Kanuri of Northern Nigeria. Amer. anthropo- logist, 63, 6, Dec. 1961, 1231-49.

CONTON, W. F. I96I. West Africa in history. Vol. i. Before the Europeans. Pp. 93. London: Alien & Unwin.

CORNEVIN, R. Evolution des chefferies tradition- nelles en Afrique noire d'expression frangaise. Penant [Paris], 686, avr.-mai I96I, 235-50; 687, juin-aofit, 379-88.

COSTA, AFONSO (ed.). I961. Bibliografiadoetnologo pre Carlos Estermann, S.Sp. Pp. 15. Luanda: Instituto de Angola.

CREEL, J. LUKE. 1960. Folk tales of Liberia. In collaboration with Bai Gai Kiahon and the Vai tribe in Liberia. Pp. I44, ill. Minneapolis: Denison. $3.5 0.

CROWDER, MICHAEL. I962. The story of Nigeria. Pp. 307, bibl., ill., maps. London: Faber. 2is.

CROWLEY, DANIEL J. Folklore research in the Congo. J. Amer. folklore [Boston], 74, 294, Oct.-Dec. 1961, 45 -60.

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CUNNISON, IAN G. (ed.). 1962. Historical traditions of the eastern Lunda (Central Bantu historical Texts, 2). Pp. ix+141. Lusaka: Rhodes- Livingstone Inst. (Communications, 23). 7s. 6d.

CUVELIER, J. Notes sur l'histoire du Congo, speciale- ment du Bas-Congo. Bull. seances, Acad. roy. Sci. O.-M., 7, 2, 1961, 211-14.

DAAKU, K. YEBOA. Pre-European currencies of West Africa and western Sudan. Ghana notes & queries, no. 2, May-Aug. 1961, 12-14.

DA CUNHA, ALBERTO X. Contribuigao para o estudo sociol6gico da tribu To. Bol. Inst. Angola [Luanda], 14, July-Dec. 1960, 23-31.

DAMMANN, ERNST. Die 'Urzeit' in afrikanischen Verschlingermythen. Fabula [Berlin], 4, i/2, 1961, 130-6.

DARK, PHILIP (introd.). 1961. Benin art. Photo- graphs by W. and B. Forman. Pp. 59+94 pl., map. London: Hamlyn. 30s. [Rev.: Nigeria Mag., 71, Dec. I961, 373-8, ill.-K. C. Murray.]

DAUBESCHIES, Mgr. Le kitawala [traduction d'une brochure en Kihemba]. Tendances du temps, 19, 58, [196I], 5-I8.

DAVIDSON, BASIL. The civilization of Kush (Em- pires of old Africa, i). W. Afr. Rev., 33, 412, Apr. 1962, 18-23, ill., map.

- Ancient Ghana (Empires of old Africa, 2). W. Afr. Rev., 33, 4I3, May I962, 21-24 and 47, ill.

DE ARANZADI, INIGO. La adivinanza en la zona de los Ntumu (Introducci6n al libro). Guinea espafi. [Santa Isabel], 59 [i.e. 58], I552, Jan. 1962, 8-I8, ill.

DE HEN, F. J. Les tambours a fente congolais. Patterns of culture [Delft], 314, I96I, pp. 82, ill., cartes.

DELANGE, JACQUELINE. Le bansonyi du pays Baga. Objets et mondes, 2, I, printemps 1962, 3-12, ill.

DESCHAMPS, HUBERT. 1962. Traditions orales et archives au Gabon: contribution a l'ethno- histoire. Pp. 272, ill., carte. Paris: Berger- Levrault.

DE SOUSBERGHE, L. 196I. Deux palabres d'esclave chez les Pende (Province de Leopoldville, 1956). Pp. 87, ill. Bruxelles: Acad. roy. Sci. O.-M., classe Sci. mor. et pol., Mem. in-8?, 25, 5. 9ofr.

DEVISSE, J. A la recherche d'Aoudaghost. Africa, Inform. de l'elite [Dakar], 20, juil.-aofit I961, 36-39 et 92.

DOOB, LEONARD W. I96I. Communication in Africa: a search for boundaries [sub-Saharan African societies]. Pp. xvi+4o6, bibl. New Haven and London: Yale Univ. Press. $7.50.

D'OTTON-LOYEVSKI, E. R. Esquisse sur la Mauri- tanie. Tropiques, 442, oct. 196I, Io-23.

DROST, DIETRICH, and KONIG, WOLFGANG (eds.). 196I. Beitriige zur Volkerforschung. Hans Damm zum 65. Geburtstag. 2 vols. I. Text- band. 2. Tafelband. Pp. 752, 152, ill., maps. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag (Ver6ff. Mus. f. Vol- kerkde Leipzig, I).

DUPIRE, MARGUERITE. I962. Les facteurs humains de l'economie pastorale [Peuls, Sarakolle, Toua- reg]. Pp. 55, bibl., cartes. Paris: Secretariat IFAN Niger.

ECUERE DIBOMO, BIENVENIDO. El caserio Balengue. Guinea espafi., 57, I 55, Nov. I961, 330-3.

EDWARDS, ADRIAN C. 1962. The Ovimbundu under two sovereignties: a study of the history and social organization of the Ovimbundu of Angola. Pp. xvii+ I69, map. London: Oxford Univ. Press for Int. Afr. Inst. 30s.

ENNIS, MERLIN (tr.). 1962. Umbundu: folk tales from Angola. Pp. 450. Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press. $7.50.

FALLERS, LLOYD A. Ideology and culture in Uganda nationalism. Amer. anthropologist, 63, 4, Aug. I961, 677-86.

FELGAS, HELIO. 960. Populao6es nativas do Congo portugues. Pp. 136, ill. Luanda. 45 $0o.

FISHER, HUMPHREY. Ahmadiyya in Sierra Leone. W. Afr., no. 2329, Jan. I962, p. 73.

France. Institut National de la Statistique et des 1gtudes Pconomiques. 1961. Bibliographie des etudes demographiques relatives aux pays en voie de developpement (ouvrages parus depuis I945). Pp. Iio. Paris. [C.R.: Bull. bibl., 96, aofit-oct. I96I, 14-15.] - Enquete demographique 1961 au Da-

homey: resultats provisoires. Pp. 22, cartes. Paris.

I-- 96I. Republique du Congo: enquete demographique 1960-61. Pp. 26, carte. Paris.

--- 196I. Manuel pour la formation d'en- queteurs dans le cadre d'une etude par sondage de budgets familiaux et de consommation dans un pays en voie de developpement. Pp. 6I. Paris.

- 96I. Manuel de formation de l'enqueteur et du contr6leur d'une enquete demographique par sondage dans un pays en voie de deve- loppement. Pp. 78, ill. Paris.

FRANCHINI, VINCENZO. Pitture rupestri e antichi resti architettonici dell'Acchele Guzai (Eritrea). Rass. studi etiop. [Roma], I7, I961, 5-10, ill.

FREYVOGEL, THIERRY. A collection of plaited mats from the Ulanga District of Tanganyika. Tanganyika notes, 57, Sept. 1961, I39-84, ill. [tr. from the original German version in Acta Tropica, 16, 4, I959].

FYFE, CHRISTOPHER. I962. A history of Sierra Leone. Pp. vii+773, bibl., map. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 84s.

GAMBLE, DAVID P. Infant mortality rates in a Sierra Leone urban community (Lunsar). J. trop. Med. & Hyg. [London], 64, 196I, I92-9.

GAMITTO, A. C. P., tr. Cunnison, Ian. 1960. King Kazembe and the Marave, Cheva, Bisa, Bemba, Lunda, and other peoples of southern Africa: being the diary of the Portuguese expedition to that potentate in the years I831 and I832. 2 vols. Pp. 208, 228, ill., maps. Lisboa: Junta


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de InvestigaS6es do Ultramar (Est. ciencias polit. e soc., 42, 43). 50 $oo each vol.

GELFAND, MICHAEL. The totem of the tutelary spirit (mhondoro) and that of the clan of the Sokoto district. Afr. Stud. [Johannesburg], 20, 4, I96I, 214-16.

GOLDSCHMIDT, WALTER. A comparative ecological field research programme in East Africa. Africa, 32, i, Jan. 1962, p. 73.

GONCALVES, J. J. 196X. O Islamismo na Guin6 portuguesa. Pp. 222. Lisboa: Agencia Geral do Ultramar.

GOORTS, P., et autres. Les aspects biologiques, hu- mains et economiques de la peche dans le lac de barrage de la Lufira. Probl. sociaux congo- lais [Elisabethville], 55, dec. 196I, I-127, bibl., cartes.

GORDON, TIM, and LANCASTER, MICHAEL. Orisha houses in Ibadan. Ibadan, ii, Feb. 1961, 22- 25.

GUTKIND, PETER C. W. La famille africaine et son adaptation a la vie urbaine [Kampala]. Diogene, 37, 1962, 93-IIo.

HARRIS, ROSEMARY. The influence of ecological factors and external relations on the Mbembe tribes of South-East Nigeria. Africa, 32, i, Jan. 1962, 38-52, map.

HATCHELL, G. W. The ngalawa and the mtepe. Tanganyika notes, 57, Sept. 1961, 2II-15, ill.

HERSKOVITS, MELVILLE J. The study of African oral art. J. Amer. folklore, 74, 294, Oct.-Dec. 1961, 45I-6.

HILL, ADELAIDE C. The broadening horizons of African women. Boston Univ. graduate J., 10, 2, Dec. 1961, 57-62.

HOSSMANN, IRMELIN. Simbabwe. Neues Afr. [Miin- chen], 4, 3, Mar. I962, II2-16, map.

HOUGHTON, D. HOBART. Men of two worlds: some aspects of migratory labour. S. Afr. J. Econ., 28, 3, Sept. 1960, 177-90.

HULSTAERT, G. I961. Les Mongo: apercu general. Pp. 66, bibl., carte. Tervuren: Mus. roy. Afr. centr. (Arch. d'Ethnographie, 5).

HURAULT, JEAN. I96I. Les Noirs refugies Boni de la Guyane francaise. Pp. xiii+362, ill., carte. Dakar: IFAN (Memoires, 63).

IDOWU, E. BQLAJI. 1962. Olodmare: god in Yo- ruba belief. Pp. viii+222, ill. London: Long- mans. 27s. 6d.

IYANDZA-LOPOLOKO, JOSEPH. 1961. Bobongo: danse renommee des Ekonda du Lac Leopold II, une institution parascolaire. Pp. ix+ I69, ill., carte. Tervuren: Mus. roy. Afr. centr. (Arch. d'Ethno- graphie, 4).

JACOBS, J. Le recit epique de Lofokefoke, le heros des Mbole (Bambuli). Aequatoria, 24, 3, I961, 81-92.

KANEDA, HIROMITSU, and JOHNSTON, BRUCE F. Urban food expenditure patterns in tropical Africa. Food Res. Inst. Stud. [Stanford, Cal.], 2, 3, Nov. I961, 229-75, bibl., map.

KIRKE-GREENE, ANTHONY. Makidi-the Hausa drummer. Nigeria Mag., 71, Dec. 1961, 338- 55, ill.

LAZARUS, A. D. The aspirations of the Indian people in South Africa. Optima [Johannesburg], 12, I, Mar. 1962, 53-58, ill.

LEBEUF, J.-P. Pipes et plantes a fumer chez les Ko- toko. Notes afr. IFAN,93,janv. 1962, 6-I7.

- Le centre tchadien pour les sciences humaines. Objets et mondes, 1, 3/4, 1961, 9I-93, ill.

LEMBEZAT, BERTRAND. I961. Les populations paiennes du Nord-Cameroun et de l'Adamaoua. Pp. 252, bibl., carte. Paris: Presses Univ. de France pour l'Inst. int. afr. (Monog. ethnol. Afr.). 20 NF.

LE MOAL, G. Les habitations semi-souterraines en Afrique de l'ouest. J. Soc. Africanistes, 30, 2, I960, I93-203, ill.

LESLAU, WOLF. Tigre games. Rass. studi etiop., 17, I96I, 6i-68.

LEWIS, I. M. Notes on the social organisation of the 'Ise Somali. Rass. studi etiop., 17, 1961, 69-82, ill.

LHOTE, HENRI. Nouvelles statuettes neolithiques du Sahara. Objets et mondes, 1, 3/4, 1961, 21-32, ill.

LIGERO, ARMANDO. El flame entre los Bubis. Guinea espafi., 57, I551, Dec. I96I, 357-61; 59 [i.e. 58], 1552, Jan. I962, 5-7.

LLOYD, P. C. Installing the Awujale. Ibadan, 12, June I96I, 7-10.

LOPEZ SAEZ, ENRIQUE M. La caza entre los antiguos Pamues. Africa [Madrid], 18, 240, Dec. 1961, I2-I5, ill.

Louvain: Semaine de Missiologie. 1961. Devant les sectes non-chretiennes. Rapports et compte rendu de la 31e Semaine de Missiologie, Lou- vain I96I. Pp. 317, bibl. Bruges: Desclde de Brouwer.

MABOGUNJE, AKIN. The market-women [Yoruba]. Ibadan, II, Feb. I96I, I4-17.

MCCALL, DANIEL F. Koforidua: a West African town. J. human relations, 8, 3/4, I960, 419-36.

-- The traditions of the founding of Sijilmassa and Ghana. Trans. hist. Soc. Ghana [Legon], 5, I, 1961, 3-32, bibl.

MARGARIDO, ALFREDO. Incidences socio-econo- miques sur la poesie noire d'expression portu- gaise. Diogene, 37, 1962, 53-80.

MARQUER, PAULETTE. Note sur deux empreintes de pieds humains trouvees dans la Republique Centre-Africaine. J. Soc. Africanistes, 30, i, 1960, 7-14, ill.

MARRIS, P. 1961. Family and social change in an African city: a study of rehousing in Lagos. Pp. 180. London: Routledge.

MARTIN, AMADOR. Antigiiedades bubis: la familia rela. Guinea espafi., 59, 1553, Feb. 1962, 37-40.

MAUNY, R. Les fouilles de l'Universite de Dakar en Mauritanie. Tropiques, 441, aoft-sept. 1961, I9-21.


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MDEE, ABDULLAH M. Some experiences of witch- craft [Pare]. Tanganyika notes, 57, Sept. 196I, 149-5I.

MENSAH, ATTA A. Music of Africa [adapting itself to the 2oth century]. W. Afr. Rev., 33, 412, Apr. 1962, 29-33, ill.

MERCIER, PAUL. 1962. Civilisations du B6nin. Pp. 365, ill., cartes. Paris: Societe Continentale d']fditions Modemes Illustrees (Coll. Connais- sance de l'Afrique).


1962. L'influence de l'Ivolution culturelle sur l'equilibre psychique [Katanga]. Pp. IIo, bibl. Bruxelles: Acad. roy. Sci. O.-M., classe Sci. mor. et pol., Mem. in-8, 27, I. 2zofr.

MILLOT, J., et Laplaze, Y. Les lampes malgaches anciennes (fanaovan-jiro). Objets et mondes, 1, 3/4, 1961, 3-20, bibl., ill.

--De Pointe-Noire au pays Tsogo. Objets et mondes, 1, 3/4, 1961, 65-80, ill., carte.

M6NNIG, H. O. Lobedu kinship terminology. Afr. Stud., 20, 4, 1961, 226-36.

NICOLAISEN, JOHANNES. Essai sur la religion et la magie touaregue [Ait]. Folk [Copenhagen], 3, 1961, 113-62.

NSUGBE, P. 0. Oron ekpu figures. Nigeria Mag., 71, Dec. 1961, 357-65, ill.

NZEKWU, ONUORA. Kola nut. Nigeria Mag., 71, Dec. 1961, 298-305, ill.

OLLENU, N. A. I961. The law of succession in Ghana. Pp. 53. Accra: Presbyterian Book Depot. 4s. 6d.

OPOKU-AMPOMAH, J. K. Introducing an Ashanti girl into womanhood. Ghana notes & queries, no. 2, May-Aug. 1961, 7-9.

PAGEARD, R. Travestis et marionnettes de la region de Segou. Notes afr. IFAN, 93, janv. I962, I7-20.

Paris. Musee de l'Homme. I960. La vie du Sahara [brochure a l'occasion de l'exposition lors du 6e Congres International des Sciences Anthro- pologiques et Ethnologiques]. Pp. 85, bibl., ill., cartes.

PAUWELS, MARCEL. Jeux et divertissements au Rwanda. Ann. lateranensi, 24, 1960, 2I9-363, ill.

PEREZ DEL AMO, MANUEL M. Basupu del Oeste. Guinea espafi., 59 [sic], 1552, Jan. I962, 19-22.

PERROT-DEsNOIX, Dr. Decouverte d'un nouveau site rupestre: Tessalit-Amachach (Mali). Notes afr. IFAN, 93, janv. 1962, 5-7, ill.

PROTHERO, R. MANSELL. African ethnographic maps, with a new example from Northern Nigeria. Africa, 32, I, Jan. 1962, 61-64, map.

RAMBIRITCH, BIRBAL, and VAN DEN BERGHE, PIERRE L. Caste in a Natal Hindu community. Afr. Stud., 20, 4, 1961, 217-25.

RAUM, O. F. Leadership in a warrior society: the Zulu. Yearb. of Educ., 1961, 4I-53.

RAYNER, WILLIAM. 1962. The tribe and its succes- sors: an account of African traditional life and

European settlement in Southern Rhodesia. Pp. 239, bibl., ill., maps. London: Faber. 30os.

READER, D. H. 1961. The black man's portion: history, demography and living conditions in the native locations of East London, Cape Province (Xhosa in town, I). Pp. xv+ i80, ill. Cape Town: Oxford Univ. Press for Inst. social & econ. Res., Rhodes University. R.4., 40s.

REIS, C. SANTOS, e DA COSTA, F. COUTINHO. A ali- mentagao dos Manjacos. Bol. cultural Guine portug., 16, 63, July 1961, 377-504, bibl., ill., map.

Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of. Central Statistical Office. I960. Census of population, 1956. Pp. 6+ 167. Salisbury.

RITA-FERREIRA, A. Timbilas e jazz entre os indi- genas de Homoine. Bol. Inst. Invest. cient. Mozambique [Lourenco Marques], 1, I, 1960, 68-79.

- Cren?as e praticas magicas em Homoine. Bol. Invest. cient. Mozambique, 1, I, I960, 8o-88.

ROGERS, CYRIL A., and FRANTZ, C. 1962. Racial themes in Southern Rhodesia: the attitudes and behavior of the white population. Pp. xviii+ 427, bibl. New Haven and London: Yale Univ. Press. $6.75.

ROUGET, GILBERT. Un chromatisme africain [de Dahomey]. L'homme [Paris], 1, 3, sept.-dec. 1961, 32-46, ill. [avec disque en annexe- Musee de l'Homme LD I7-3].

ROUMEGUARE, PIERRE, et ROUMEGUERE-EBERHARDT, JACQUELINE. Poupees de fertilite et figurines d'argile: leurs lois initiatiques. J. Soc. Africa- nistes, 30, 2, I960, 205-23, ill.

RUEL, M. J. Kuria generation classes. Africa, 32, I, Jan. 1962, 14-37, bibl., map.

SANKALE, MARC, et PENE, P. I960. Medecine'sociale au Senegal. Pp. 104, bibl. Dakar: Afrique- Documents (Dossiers afr., cah. I).

SARREMEJEAN, MARGUERITE. La vie agricole et le calendrier du paysan malgache dans les plaines de Tananarive. Cah. d'outre-mer [Bordeaux], 14, 56, oct.-dec. 1961, 349-71, ill., cartes.

SERVIER, J. Essai sur les bases de l'economie tradi- tionnelle chez les Berberophones d'Algerie. Cah. Inst. Sci. econ. appliquee [Paris], ser. 5, 2, no. io6, I960, 87-I03.

Shell Company of Nigeria. 1961. Nigeria in cos- tume. Pp. 103, ill. [Rev.: Nigeria Mag., 71, Dec. I96I, p. 380-0. Nzekwu.]

SHINNIE, P. L. Yendi Dabari. Ghana notes & queries, no. I, Jan.-Apr. I96I, Io-II; 3, Sept.- Dec., 4-5.

- Excavating in Nubia. Universitas, 5, I, Jan. 1962, 3-4.

SIMMONS, DONALD C. Analysis of cultural reflec- tions in Efik folk tales. J. Amer. folklore, 74, 292, Apr.-June 1961, I26-4I.

SMITH, MARIAN (ed.). I961. The artist in tribal society [pp. 85-I20, Paul Bohannan, K. C. Murray and William Fagg on Nigeria]. Pro-


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ceedings of a symposium held at the Royal Anthropological Institute. Pp. xiii+50o, ill. London: Kegan Paul. 25s.

South Africa. Bureau of Census and Statistics. 1960. First results of the population census, 6 Sept. 1960: geographical distribution of the population. I. Union of South Africa. 2. Terri- tory of South West Africa. (Special report, 234.) Pp. viii+36 (duplicated). Pretoria: Govt. Printer. 2oc.

South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. 1960. Report of the Committee on socio-economic surveys for Bantu housing research. Pp. xvi+I23. Pretoria: C.S.I.R.

STAHL, KATHLEEN M. I961. Tanganyika-sail in the wilderness. Pp. I60, ill., map. The Hague: Mouton. fi. 8s.

TALBOT, P. AMAURY, and MULHALL, H. 1962. The

physical anthropology of southern Nigeria: a biometric study in statistical method. Pp. xvi+ 127, bibl., maps. London: Cambridge Univ. Press. 32s. 6d.

TARDITS, CLAUDE. Religion, epopee, histoire: notes sur les fonctions latentes des cultes dans les civilisations du Benin. Diogene, 37, I962, 17- 28.

TENREIRO, FRANCISCO. I96I. A ilha de Sao Tome. Pp. 292, ill., cartes. Lisboa: Junta de Investi- gagoes de Ultramar (Memorias, 24).

TORDOFF, W. A note on the relations between Samory and King Prempeh I of Ashanti. Ghana notes & queries, no. 3, Sept.-Dec. I961, 5-7.

TRIMINGHAM, J. SPENCER. I962. A history of Islam in West Africa. Pp. viii+262, maps. London: Oxford Univ. Press (Glasgow Univ. Publ.). 30o.

TROBISCH, WALTER. Attitudes of some African youth toward sex and marriage. Practical An- throp. [Tarrytown, N.Y.], 9, I, Jan.-Feb. I962, 9-I4.

TSHISEKEDI, E. Le mariage coutumier des Afri- cains: est-il l'acte de deux individus ou un contrat entre deux clans ? Rev. judiciaire con- golaise, 1, I, I962, 4-5 [extrait d'un Memoire].

TUBIANA, JOSEPH (ed.). Deux fragments inedits du tome second de Douze ans dans la Haute-tlthiopie d'Amauld d'Abbadie. Rocznik orientalistyczny [Warsaw], 25, 2, I96I, 27-85.

ULLENDORFF, EDWARD. The 'death of Moses' in the literature of the Falashas. Bull. School orient. & Afr. Stud., 24, 3, I96I, 419-43.

USoRo, ENO J. The place of women in Nigerian society. Afr. women [London], 4, 2, June I96I, 27-30 [from Nigerian outlook, I960].

VAN GRUNDERBEECK, ROGER. Un probleme mddico- social de l'Afrique noire: le chanvre. Tendances du temps, 19, 58, [I96I], I9-38.

VANSINA, JAN. I962. L'evolution du royaume rwanda des origines a I900. Pp. Ioo, bibl. Bruxelles: Acad. roy. Sci. O.-M., classe Sci. mor. et pol., Mem. in-80, 26, 2 (Histoire). ioofr.

VAUGHAN, JAMES J., Jr. Rock paintings and rock gongs among the Marghi of Nigeria. Man, 62, 83, Apr. 1962, 49-52, ill.

WEGHSTEEN, S. J. Origine et histoire des Watabwa (Haut-Congo). Ann. lateranensi, 24, 2960, 364- 75, carte.

West African review. Ibadan: city of contrast. W. Afr. Rev., 33, 4II, Mar. 1962, 3-10, ill. Africa dances [picture-essay of West Africa's

traditional dancing]. W. Afr. Rev., 33, 4I3, May I962, 4- 3.

WILKS, IVOR (ed.). Qissatu Salga tarikhu Gonja- The story of Salaga and the history of Gonja. Ghana notes & queries, no. 3, Sept.-Dec. 196I, 8-31.

WILLETT, FRANK. The introduction of maize into West Africa: an assessment of recent evidence. Africa, 32, I, Jan. i962, I-I3, bibl. and DEMPSTER, ALAN. Stone carvings in an

Ife style from Eshure, Ekiti, Western Nigeria. Man, 62, i, Jan. I962, I-5, ill.

WILLIAMSON, KAY. Changes in the marriage system of the Okrika Ijo. Africa, 32, I, Jan. I962, 53-60.

WILSON, GORDON. I96I. Luo customary law and marriage laws customs. Pp. 153. Nairobi: Govt. Printer. Sh.II.

WINANS, EDGAR V. I962. Shambala: the constitu- tion of a traditional state. Pp. xxxvii+I8o, bibl., ill., maps. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 28s.

YETA, M. The kuomboka ceremony during Yeta III's reign. N. Rhodesia J., 4, 6, I96I, 574-82, ill.


AURELINE, Frire. Noms kinyarwanda des oiseaux avec noms scientifique et francais. Noms des mammiferes: kinyarwanda, francais et latin. Servir [Astrida], 22, 5, I96I, I83-7.

BASSET, ANDRt. I96I. Textes berberes de l'Aures (parler des Ait Frah). Pp. xii+353, ill. Paris: Maisonneuve (Publ. Inst. d'lt. orient., Fac. des Lettres et Sci. humaines d'Alger, 23). [C.R.: Africa, 32, I, Jan. 1962, 79-80-M. Urbain- Faublee et J. Faublee.]

BIVAR, A. D. H., and HISKETT, M. The Arabic literature of Nigeria to 1804: a provisional account. Bull. Sch. orient. Stud., 25, I, 1962, 104-48, ill.

CERULLI, ENRICO. I958. 1960. Scritti teologici etiopici dei secoli XVI-XVII. Vol. I. Tre opuscoli dei Mikaeliti. 2. La storia dei quattro concili e altri opuscoli monofisiti. Pp. xxii+ 315, xix+244. CittA del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. [Rev.: Rass. studi etiop., I7, 196I, p. I I9-M. M. Moreno.]

COUPEZ, A., et KAMANZI, TH. Poeme pastoral rwanda. Aequatoria, 24, 3, I961, 93-II0.

DAMMANN, ERNST. Die sprachlichen Verhaltnisse in Ghana. Babel [Berlin-Sch6neberg], 7, 4, I96I, I68-76.


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DOKE, C. M. The linguistic work of H. W. Wood- ward. Afr. Stud., 20, 4, 1961, 197-202.

ERASMUS, J. G. 1961. Uitgesoekte Noord-Sotho spreekwoorde / Diema tse di kgethilwego tsa Sesotho sa lebowa. Pp. 105. Johannesburg: Afrikaans Pers.

FUSELLA, LUIGI. II Dagmawi Menil6k di Afaw&rq Gabra Iyasus. Rass. studi etiop., 17, 1961, II- 44 [continua].

FORTUNE, G. 1962. Ideophones in Shona: an in- augural lecture given in the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, April 196I. Pp. 43. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 4s.

GASPARINI, ARMIDO. [I956]. Ya-Ityopya tarik. Pp. ii+i96+xx, ill. Asmara: Arti Grafiche. [Rev.: Rass. studi etiop., 17, 1961, I22-3-- M. M. Moreno.]

GODIA, STANLEY (ed.). Rules for Logooli ortho- graphy. Pp. 5. Nairobi: East African Lit. Bur. Sh. I.75.

Houis, MAURICE. Mouvements historiques et com- munautes linguistiques dans l'Ouest Africain. L'homme, 1, 3, sept.-dec. I96I, 72-91, cartes.

HULSTAERT, G. La persistance des tons en Lomongo. Aequatoria, 24, 3, 1961, 102-5.

HUNTER, WILLIAM F. [I960 ?]. A manual of Congo Swahili Grammar. Mission Baptiste du Kivu. [See Swahili, 31, 1960, p. IIo.]

ITALIAANDER, ROLF. Geleitwort zur Sondernummer 'La traduction en Afrique'. Babel, 7, 4, 1961, I47-50.

JACQUOT, ANDRE. Esquisse phonologique du Sango urbain (Bangui). J. Soc. Africanistes, 30, 2, 1960, I73-91.

JAGER, OTTO A., and DEININGER-ENGLHART, LISE- LOTTE. Some notes on illuminations of manu- scripts in Ethiopia. Rass. studi etiop., 17, 1961, 45-60, ill.

KLINGENHEBEN, AUGUST. Die Inversion im Ful. Afr. u. Ubersee [Hamburg], 45, 3, Feb. 1962, 161-9.

KNAPPERT, J. Derivation and tone deflection in CinNdau and some other Bantu languages. Afr. u. Ubersee, 45, 3, Feb. 1962, 169-89.

KUBIK, GERHARD. Beziehungen zwischen Musik und Sprache in Afrika. Neues Afr., 4, I, Jan. 1962, 33-37.

LESLAU, WOLF. A prefix h in Egyptian, modem South Arabian and Hausa. Africa, 32, I, Jan. 1962, 65-68. Reflexions a propos du type C en tigrigna.

Bull. Soc. Ling. Paris, 56, I, 1961, 202-II. London Missionary Society, Kawimbe. 1962. Ci-

mambwe grammar. Pp. 54 (cyclostyled). Ridgeway, Lusaka, Box RW. 8: Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland Publications Bur. 4s.

NIEMANDT, J. J. Bibliography of the Bantu lan- guages in the Republic of South Africa. 4. Zulu. Bantu Educ. J. [Pretoria], 7, 7, suppl., Sept. 196I, pp. 31.

OGBALU, F. CHIDOZIE. 1959. Igbo-English dic-

tionary. Pp. 49. Port Harcourt: African Lit. Bureau.

PALMER, F. R. Relative clauses in Tigre. Word [N.Y.], 17, I, Apr. 1961, 23-33.

PLAZIKOWSKY-BRAUNER, HERMA. Texte der Hadiya- Sprache. Rass. studi etiop., 17, I96I, 83-II5.

RAPONDA-WALKER, ANDRI. Encore des devises gabonaises, cris de guerre, serments. Realites gabonaises [Libreville], 13, sept.-oct. I96I, 9- 12. 1961. Dictionnairefranqais-mpongwe. Pp. 725.

Brazzaville: Imp. Saint-Paul. - et SILLANS, R. 1961. Les plantes utiles du

Gabon: essai d'inventaire et de concordance des noms vemaculaires et scientifiques des plantes spontanees et introduites. Pp. x+6I4, ill. Paris: Lechevalier (Encycl. biologique, 56). 2.50 NF.

SAMARIN, WILLIAM J. The vocabulary of Sango. Word, 17, i, Apr. 1961, 16-22.

SCHALL, ANTON. 1961. Zur athiopischen Verskunst. Eine Studie iiber die Metra des Quene auf Grund der Abhandlung 'al-Qene laun min as-si'r al-habasi', von Dr. Murad Kamil. Pp. xvi+ 308. Wiesbaden: Steiner Verlag. [Rev.: Rass. studi etiop., 17, 1961, 120-I-M. M. Moreno.]

TAYLOR, C. 1960. A teacher's handbook of Ru- nyankore-Rukiga orthography. Pp. vi+85. Kampala: East African Lit. Bur. 3sh.

VAN WARMELO, N. J. 1961. Place names of the Kruger National Park. Pp. 6I. Pretoria: Govt. Printer (Ethnological Publ., 47).

WHITELEY, WILFRED H. Le concept de prose lit- reraire africaine. Diogene, 37, 1962, 29-52.

ZIERVOGEL, DIRK, and others. I961. Klein Noord- Sotho-woordeboek / Short Northern Sotho dictionary: N.-Sotho - Afrikaans - English, Afrikaans-N.-Sotho. Pp. xii+176. Pretoria: Van Schaik.


Bantu Kaonde

CHIBANZA, SIMON J. Bufumu Bwabukasempa [His- tory of the Kasempa chieftainship]. Pp. 35. Lusaka, P.O. Box RW. 8; Publications Bur. is. gd.


I960. Kikutu ki6be kia ngana ietu Jezu Kristu/ O Novo Testamento de Nossa Senhor Jesus Cristo. Pp. 480. Lisboa: Dep6sito das Escritu- ras Sagradas. 3s.


KISHINDO, JUSTUS H. A. 1960. Mbiri ya Ecclesia Anglicana ku Nyasaland 1860-1960. Pp. 37. Cape Town: Oxford Univ. Press (Mission histories series). 2s.


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MULINDWA, Y. R. K. I96I. Ebikoikyo [riddles]. Pp. 20, ill. Kampala: East African Lit. Bur. Sh. I.5o.


I961. Evangeli ya Marika [St. Mark]. Pp. 56. London: Brit. & Foreign Bible Soc. 6d.


NCHETE, D. C. I961. Maambaamba musaama [Traditional history of the Batonga]. Pp. 40. London: Macmillan. 3s.


MMANGO, A. M. I960. 'Law'ilahle' [play]. Pp. 104. Lovedale Press. 4r. 6d.

Non-Bantu Margi

I961. Yohanna [St. John]. Pp. 52. 196i. London: Brit. & Foreign Bible Soc. 3d.


I96I. Aa Testament [New Testament]. Pp. 436. London: Brit. & Foreign Bible Soc. 3s.


I96I. Ak6jQp6 ewl aladun [poems]. Pp. 60. Lon- don: Longmans. zs.

OGUNBQWALE, P. 0. 1961. Ak6jopp orin ibile [song book]. Pp. 48. London: Evans Bros. 2S. 6d.


ALLOTT, A. N. The problem of practical training for law students in Africa. J. Afr. law, 5, 3, autumn I961, 123-4.

AWOKOYA, STEPHEN 0. An African view of Unesco. Boston Univ. graduate J., 10, 2, Dec. 1961, 62- 67.

BANJo, S. A. (Chairman). I96I. Report of the Com- mission appointed to review the educational system of Western Nigeria, Dec. I960-Jan. 1961. Pp. viii+89. Ibadan: Govt. Printer. 2S. 6d.

BATTEN, T. R. i962. Training for community de- velopment: a critical study of method. Pp. 200, ill. London: Oxford Univ. Press. 2Is.

BEBEY, FRANCIs. Educational broadcasting in tro- pical Africa [Unesco meeting at Moshi, Sept. I96I]. Unesco chronicle [Paris], 7, 12, Dec. 196I, 442-4.

BESHIR, M. O. Some problems of university educa- tion in the Sudan. Comp. Educ. Rev. [N.Y.], 5, I, June I961, 50-53.

Fort Hare. 1961. A short pictorial history of the University College of Fort Hare, I916-I959. Pp. xv+85, ill. Lovedale Press. 6s.

GREENOUGH, RICHARD. 196I. Africa calls: de- velopment of education, the needs and prob- lems. [Informal account of Unesco conference at Addis Ababa.] Pp. 50, ill., map. Paris: Unesco.

HAYDEN, HOWARD. Meeting the educational needs of Africa. Unesco chronicle, 7, o1, Oct. I961, 349-53; I, Nov., p. 397; 8, I, Jan. 1962, 20-22; 2, Feb., 58-6o.

HERBERT, A. Co-operation in West Africa's uni- versities [Seminar at Fourah Bay]. W. Afr. Rev., 33, 41 , Mar. I962, I2- 5, ill.

HEY, PETER D. The rural Zulu teacher in Natal. Comp. Educ. Rev., 5, i, June I96I, 54-55.

- African aspirations for education in rural Natal. Comp. Educ. Rev., 5, 2, Oct. 1961, II2-I7.

JOHNSON, ESSIE. Ghana women and higher educa- tion [extract from the Report of the Commission on university education in Ghana, May I96i]. Afr. women, 4, 3, Dec. I96I, 62-65.

LAPCHINSKAYA, V. P. Angliiskiy kolonialism i pros- veshcheniye narodov Nigerii [English colonial- ism and the education of the peoples of Nigeria]. Sovetskaya pedagogika [Moscow], no. 8, Aug. I96I, I2I-36.

LEWIS, L. J. Education and political independence in Africa. Comp. Educ. Rev., 5, I, June I96I, 39-49.

LOFTUS, ERNEST. 1961. A visual history of East Africa. Pp. 64, ill., maps. London: Evans. 3S. 6d.

MATTHEWS, Z. K. African awakening and the uni- versities (third Davie memorial lecture, Aug. I96I). Pp. 20. University of Cape Town.

Nigeria trade journal. Technical education in Nigeria. Nigeria trade J. [Lagos], 10, i, Jan.-Mar. 1962,

7-9, ill. OGBALU, F. CHIDOZI. [960 ? revised ed.]. School

certificate Igbo: for West African School Certi- ficate, General Certificate of Education, Higher Elementary, etc. Pp. I40. [Port Harcourt]: African Lit. Bur., obtainable from Varsity Bookshop, Onitsha.

PHILLIPS, J. F. V. (Chairman). I962. Report of the committee of inquiry into African education [Nyasaland]. Pp. 362, tables. Zomba: Govt. Printer. 5s.

PONOMAREV, D. K. Angliiskiy imperialism i pros- veshcheniye narodov Kenii [English imperial- ism and the education of the peoples of Kenya]. Sovetskaya pedagogika, no. II, Nov. I960, 111-23.

RAUM, O. F. Problems of freedom in University education in South Africa. Yearb. of Educ., I959, 416-32.

Unesco. I96I. Outline of a plan for African educa- tional development. Conference of African states on the development of education in Africa, Addis Ababa, I5-25 May I96I. Pp. 27. Paris.


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Unesco. 1961. Conference of African states on the development of education in Africa, Addis Ababa, 15-25 May i96I. Final report. Pp. vi+ I27. Paris.

- Unesco's programme for Africa (196I-62). Unesco chronicle, 7, 3, Mar. I96I, 83-88.

VAN ZYL, H. J. (Chairman). 1958. Report of the Commission of inquiry into non-European education in South West Africa. Pt. I. Native education. Pt. 2. Coloured education. Pp. iv+ I64, iii+99 (duplicated). [Windhoek.]

World Health Organization. Education of health personnel in Africa I960-70. WHO Chron., 15, Io, Oct. I96I, 374-8I. [Summary: Oversea quart., 2, 8, Dec. I961, 241-3.]


ADDICOTT, LEN. I962. Cry Angola. Pp. I44, map. London: SCM Press. 6s.

ALLOTr, A. N., and READ, J. S. Colloquium on African law, London, June I96I. The legal status of women in Africa; and practice, pro- cedure and evidence in the Native, African, local or customary courts. J. Afr. law, 5, 3, autumn 196I, 125-38.

AUSTIN, DENNIS. Ghana since independence. World today [London], 17, io, Oct. I96I, 424-35.

BERG, ELLIOT J. Economics of independence. W. Afr., 2336-8, Mar. I962, pp. 255, 293, 324.

BOUTILLIER, J. L., and CAUSSE, J. An inquiry into levels of living in an area of the Ivory Coast [Agni]. (Family living studies, ch. I4). ILO Stud. & Reps. N.S. 63, 1961, 245-68.

BRETr, L. (ed.). [I96I.] Constitutional problems of federalism in Nigeria. Pp. 247. London: Sweet & Maxwell.

BROWN, WILLIAM 0. The outlook for the White man in Africa, particularly as settler. Afr. Stud. Bull. [N.Y.], 3, 3, Oct. 1960, I-II.

BUTLER, L. G. Cooperative centres in the Gwembe valley. Rev. int. Co-op. [London], 54, I , Nov. 1961, 282-8, ill.

CALLAN, EDWARD. I962. Albert John Luthuli and the South African race conflict. Pp. 75, bibl., map. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Western Michigan Univ. Press. $i.oo.

CARBONNELLE, C., et KIRSCHEN, E. S. 196I. L'eco- nomie des deux Ueles. Pp. x 6. Bruxelles: Centre Scientifique et Medical de l'Univer- site Libre de Bruxelles en Afrique Centrale (CEMUBAC). I 3ofr.

CHUBB, L. T. 196I. Ibo land tenure. Pp. xI5. Ibadan Univ. Press. i2s. [First published by Gaskiya Corporation, I947.]

CHURCH, R. J. HARRISON. Problems and develop- ment of the dry zone in West Africa. Geog. J. [London], 127, 2, 1961, 187-204.

CORNEVIN, R. Sous-developpement et sous-admi-

nistration: interferences et accelerations. Rev. Sci. polit. [Paris], 11, 3, sept. I96I, 684-90.

COWEN, DENIS V. 196I. Swaziland: report on constitutional reform made on behalf of the Swaziland Progressive Party and the Eurafrican (Coloured) Welfare Association. Pp. 34. [Mba- bane ?]: Swaziland Progressive Party.

DEvERNOIS, G. Commentaires sur les constitutions des ttats Africains et Malgache. Bull. Assoc. At. Probl. O.-M., 163, aout I96I, 1-34. The evolution of the countries of French civi-

lization in Africa and Oceania: Negro Africa, Madagascar, Algeria, Wallis and Futuna islands. Civilisations [Bruxelles], 11, 4, I96I, 463-77.

DOS SANTOS, MANUEL P. PEREIRA. Plano de fomento de MoSambique. Est. ultramarinos [Lisboa], 4, I96I, 41-65.

DRAKE, ST. CLAIR. Pan-Africanism, negritude, and the African personality. Boston Univ. graduate J., 10, 2, Dec. 1961, 38-5I.

DUIGNAN, PETER, and GANN, LEWIS. A different view of United States policy in Africa. Western polit. quart. [Salt Lake City, Univ. of Utah], 13, 4, Dec. 1960, 918-23.

DUMONT, GEORGES-H. 196I. La Table ronde belgo- congolaise (janv.-fev. 1960). Pp. 308. Paris: Ad. Universitaires.

ELIAS, T. OLAWALE (Chairman). 1960. Report of the Elias commission of inquiry into the ad- ministration, economics and industrial relations of the Nigerian Railway Corporation. Pp. 93. Statement by the Government . . . (S.P. 7 of 1960). Pp. 8. Lagos: Govt. Printer.

- I962. Ghana and Sierra Leone: the develop- ment of their laws and constitutions. Pp. xii+ 334. London: Stevens. J3. IOs.

ERASMUS, D. P. Die ekonomiese belangrikheid van trekarbeid vir Betsjoenalandprotektoraat. S. Afr. J. Econ., 27, I, Mar. 1959 35-46.

FADLI, MOHAMMED. 1961. L'operation-labour [Maroc]. Pp. 79. Rabat: Editions La Porte. Paris: Librairie de Medicis (Coll. du CEDES, 4).

FAIR, T. J. D., and GREEN, L. P. Development of the 'Bantu homelands'. Optima, 12, I, Mar. 1962, 7-I9, maps.

GABATSHWANE, S. M. I957. Introduction to the Bechuanaland Protectorate history and adminis- tration. Pp. 93. Kanye: Gabatshwane.

- I96I. Tshekedi Khama ofBechuanaland: great statesman and politician. Pp. 69, ill. Cape Town: Oxford Univ. Press. 5s. 6d.

GANN, L. H., and DUIGNAN, P. I962. White settlers in tropical Africa. Pp. 170. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books (WA 13). 3s. 6d.

GASPAR, JosE M. Angola e Mocambique e problema do seu povoamento nos seculos XIX e actual. Est. ultramarinos, 3, I961, I9-26, bibl.

GAVRILOV, N. I. Respublika Mali - molodoye neza- visimoye gosudarstvo Afriki [Mali Republic- a new independent African State]. Narody Azii i Afr. [Moscow], no. 4, July-Aug. I96I, 29-37.


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GONIDEC, P. F. Les institutions politiques de la Republique Federale du Cameroun. Civilisa- tions, 11, 4, 1961, 370-95, carte.

Great Britain. Central Office of Information. Na- tionality and citizenship laws of countries of the Commonwealth. Pp. 25. London: C.O.I. Ref. Div. (R.5024, Dec. I96I).

HAWKINS, E. K. 1961. Roads and road transport in an under-developed country: a case study of Uganda. Pp. 263, map. London: H.M.S.O. (Colon. Res. Stud., 32). ?2. 5s.

HAYTER, Sir WILLIAM (Chairman). I961. University Grants Committee. Report of the Sub-Com- mittee on oriental, Slavonic, East European and African studies. Pp. v+I25. London: H.M.S.O. 6s. 6d.

HEDGERS, R. Y. Legal education in West Africa. J. Soc. public teachers of law [London], 6, 3, I96I, 75-79-

HERMAN, FERNAND. La situation economique au Congo en I96 . A1t. congolaises [Leopoldville], 2, 1962, 1-34.

HODGKIN, THOMAS. 1961. African political parties. Pp. 217, bibl., map. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books (WA 12). . . 6d.

HOUGHTON, D. HOBART. Land reform in the Bantu areas and its effect upon the urban labour market. S. Afr. J. Econ., 29, 3, Sept. 1961, I65-84.

HUNTER, GUY. 1962. Tropical Africa project: supplement on manpower and training. Pp. 35. London: Institute of Race Relations. I962. The new societies of tropical Africa:

a selective study. Pp. xviii+ 376, ill., maps. London: Oxford Univ. Press for Inst. of Race Relations. 42s.

INGHAM, KENNETH. 1962. A history of East Africa. Pp. xii+456, bibl., ill., maps. London: Long- mans. 25s.

Institute of Race Relations (London). 1962. Angola: a symposium-views of a revolt. Pp. I6o. London: Oxford Univ. Press for Inst. of Race Relations. 9s. 6d.

ITALIAANDER, ROLF. 1962. Schwarze Haut im roten Griff. Pp. 421, bibl., ill., map. Diisseldorf, Wien: Econ Verlag.

IZMAGILOVA, R. Novyye gosudarstva Afriki [The new states of Africa]. Sovetskaya Etnog. [Moscow], no. 4, Apr. 1961, I47-66.

JABAVU, D. D. T. Bantustan: a study. Latitude [London], 1, 2, 1961, 13-I9.

JESMAN, CZESLAW. Ruanda and Urundi in transi- sition. Brit. survey, MAIN SER., I49, Aug. 1961, 1-21, map.

Katanga. [I96I.] White book of the Katanga government about the outlaw activities in some Baluba areas. Pp. 67. Elisabethville.

Kenya. I961. Reported employment and wages in Kenya, I948-I960. Pp. 41. Nairobi: Govt. Printer. 3s. 6d.

KHAZANOV, A. M. Portugal'skiy kolonializm v

Afrike [Portuguese colonialism in Africa]. Na- rody Azii i Afr., no. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1961, 71-84.

LEGUM, COLIN. 1962. Pan-Africanism: a short political guide. Pp. 296. London: Pall Mall Press. 27s. 6d.

LOBATO, ALEXANDRE. No II centenario da insti- tuiSao do municipalismo em Mo9ambique. Est. ultramarinos, 3, 1961, 27-44.

LUMUMBA, PATRICE. 1962. Le Congo - terre d'ave- nir est-il menace ? Bruxelles: Office de Publicite. i8ofr. [Rev.: W. Afr., no. 2331, Feb. 1962, I27-8-F. J.P.]

MAIR,LUCY. 1962. Primitive government. Pp.228, maps. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books (A 542). 4s. 6d.

9-62. The Nyasaland elections of 1961. Pp. 87. London: Athlone Press for Inst. of Common- wealth Studies (Commonwealth papers, 7).

MASON, PHILIP. Prospects and progress in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Afr. affairs [London], 61, 242, Jan. 1962, 17-27.

MORSE, C., and others. I950. Basutoland, Bechuana- land Protectorate and Swaziland: report of an economic survey mission. Pp. 555, maps (sepa- rate folder). London: H.M.S.O. 22s. 6d.

MUNGER, EDWIN S. 196I. African field reports, I952-196I [Tropical Africa and South Africa]. Pp. 840. Cape Town: Struik. Limited edition.

NEAME, L. E. 1962. The history of Apartheid: the story of the colour war in South Africa. Pp. 200, maps. London: Barrie and Rockliffe. 22s. 6d.

NETO, JOAO PEREIRA. Devera o desenvolvimento agricola ter prioridade no desenvolvimento eco- n6mico da Africa ao sul do Saara ? Est. ultra- marinos, 4, 1961, 117-46.

ODONE, AUGUSTO. Somalia's economy: prospects and problems. Civilisations, 11, 4, I96I, 444-8.

OKUMA, THOMAS. I962. Angola in ferment: the background and prospects of Angolan national- ism. Pp. xv+ 137, map. Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press. $3.50.

OREWA, G. 0. 1962. Taxation in Western Nigeria. Pp. I70, map. London: Oxford Univ. Press (Nigerian Social and Econ. Stud., 4). 25s.

PANKHURST, RICHARD. 1961. An introduction to the economic history of Ethiopia. Pp. 443. London: Sidgwick and Jackson. 42s.

PERHAM, MARGERY. 1962. The colonial reckoning (Reith lectures, 1961). Pp. i60. London: Collins. 13s. 6d.

PoPov, Yu. N. O nekotorykh chertakh rabochego dvizheniya v Afrike (yuzhney Sakhary) [Some features of working-class movements in Africa south of the Sahara]. Narody Azii i Afr., no. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1961, 4 6-57.

Portugal. Centro de Estudos Politicos e Sociais. 1961. Estudos de economia. Vol. I. Pp. 243, ill., map. Lisboa: Junta de Investigagoes do Ultramar (Est. ciencias polit. et soc., 47). 50 $oo.

PRATT, R. C. Nationalism in Uganda. Polit. studies [Oxford], 9, 2, June 1961, 157-78.


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PRESCOTT, J. R. V. Overpopulation and over- stocking in the native areas of Matabeleland. Geog. J. [London], 127, 2, I961, 2I2-25.

RAINERO, ROMAIN. I960. I primi tentativi de colo- nizzazione agricola e di popolamento dell'Eri- trea, I890-1895. Pp. 255, map. Milano: Marzorati.

Revue judiciaire congolaise, 1, I, I962, pp. I6. Leopold- ville (C.C.P. B2I73 du Prof. A. Rubbens).

50ofr. ($4.oo) p.a. Rhodesia, Northern. I96I. An account of the

disturbances in Northern Rhodesia, July to October I96I. Pp. 78. Lusaka: Govt. Printer. 5s.

RIVKIN, ARNOLD. Problems and opportunities of eco- nomic development in the new states of Africa (lecture delivered to the Nigerian Foreign Service Institute, Lagos, Oct. I96I). Pp. 12.

ROBERTS, MARGARET. African trade unionism in transition. World today, 17, o1, Oct. 1961, 447-55

ROBINSON, V. L. (Chairman). I961. Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into and report on administrative and judicial functions in the Native Affairs and District Courts De- partments. Pp. 77. Salisbury: Govt. Printer.

ROussEAU, P. Relations entre chefs d'entreprises blancs et employes autochtones, avant et apres l'independance au Katanga. Bull. seances Acad. roy. Sci. O.-M., 7, 4, I96I, 622-42.

SOARES, AMADEU CASTILHO. A acgao social desen- volvida nas provincias portuguesas de Africa. Est. ultramarinos, 3, I96I, 45-55.

Somali Republic. Government Information Services. I962. The Somali peninsula: a new light on imperial motives. Pp. xiii+137, bibl., maps. Mogadiscio: Stationery Office (obtainable from Crown Agents, London). 2os.

SPAULL, HEBE. Cooperative training in East Africa. Rev. int. Co-op., 54, 9, Sept. 1961, 242-5. Cooperative organisations in East Africa. Rev.

int. Co-op., 54, io, Oct. 1961, 259-61. Strasbourg. Council of Europe. I96I. The United

Nations and Africa. Pp. I24. Sudan. I960 (2nd ed.). Report of the commission

on co-ordination between the central and local government. Pp. o02. Khartoum: Govt. Printer.

SUTTON, FRANCIS X. Planning and rationality in the newly independent states of Africa. Econ. Develop. & cultural change [Chicago], 10, I, Oct. I961, 42-50o

TENNENT, J. R. M. The administration of criminal law in some Kenya African courts. J. Afr. law, 5, 3, autumn 196I, 139-44.

THOMPSON, A. C. x960 (revised ed.). The laws of Swaziland. 4 vols. Mbabane: Swaziland Govt. ?. 3s. per vol. [Ist ed. I9I3, compiled by T. A. Steward.]

TOUPET, CH. Le rythme des travaux agricoles en Mauritanie: l'utilit6 des calendriers agraires. Notes afr. IFAN, 93, janv. i962, 24-27, bibl.

Uganda. I961. Annual reports on the Eastern Pro- vince, Western Province and Northern Province for the year ended 3Ist December 1960. Pp. [28]+[39]+[59]. Entebbe: Govt. Printer (Final provincial administration report).

- Ministry of Economic Development. Statistics Branch. I96I. Estimation of cultivated areas, I960. Pp. o1+9 appendices. Shs.2.5o.

UKELONU, 0. I960. Report of the Commission of inquiry into the Nembe chieftainship dispute. Pp. 38. Enugu: Govt. Printer (Off. Docum. 24).

United Nations. I961. Community development in urban areas: report by the Secretary-General. Pp. 44. New York: U.N. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs (ST/SOA/43-E/CN.5/356/ Rev. I). 5s.

VAN DE WALLE, E. Un essai de resorption du ch6- mage a Usumbura I959. Zaire, 14, 5/6, I960, 467-80.

WARNER, H. W. 1961. A digest of South African Native civil case law, I894-I957. Pp. xii+ 396+94 (index). Cape Town: Juta. Cio. 2s. [Rev.: J. Afr. law, 5, 3, autumn 196I, p. i88- J. S. Read.]

WELBOURN, F. B. Comment on Corfield [Historical survey . . . Mau Mau]. Race [London], 2, 2, May I96I, 7-27.

YUDIN, Yu. A. Nekotoryye problemy stanovleniya natsional'noy gosudarstvennosti v nezavisimykh stranakh Afriki [Some problems of constitu- tion-making in independent Africa]. Sovets- koye gosudarstvo i pravo [Moscow], no. 2, Mar.-Apr. I96I, 35-48.


BAINES, THOMAS, ed. KENNEDY, R. F. I96I. Journal of residence in Africa, I842-I853. Vol. I. 1842-1849. Pp. xix+252, ill., map. Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Society. R4.

BERNARDI, B. I961. Le religioni in Africa. Pp. 95. Roma: Istituto Italiano per l'Africa.

BOAHEN, A. ADU. The African Association, 1788- I805. Trans. hist. Soc. Ghana, 5, i, I96I, 43- 64, bibl.

BRADING, BARBARA and RICHARD. I961. Basuto- land: portrait of a protectorate. Pp. 25, ill., map. London: S.P.G.

BRIDGES, R. C. Krapf and the strategy of the mission to East Africa, 1 844-5 5. Makerere J. [Kampala], no. 5, 196I, 37-50, bibl.

British survey. Ethiopia. History of a Christian African empire; its place in contemporary Africa (by N. B.). Brit. survey, MAIN SER. I47, June I96I, I-I9.

BURTON, Sir RICHARD F. I96I [repr. from ist ed. I86o]. The Lake regions of Central Africa: a picture of exploration. 2 vols. Pp. xxii+412 vi+468, ill. New York: Horizon Press. $I5.

CHAMBAUD, JACQUES. La navigation fluviale dans


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le moyen Niger. Cah. d'outre-mer, 14, 55, juil. 1961, 255-92, ill., carte.

CHARTON, ALBERT. L'Afrique d'expression fran- caise. Culture franS., avr. I96I, [repr., pp. I4].

COLLINS, ROBERT 0. I962. The southern Sudan, 1883-I898: a struggle for control. Pp. vii+ 212, bibl., map. New Haven and London: Yale Univ. Press. $6.

Copenhagen. Kongelige Bibliotek. Nyere Afrika- litteratur [exhibition, 8-25 March 1962]. Pp. 64.

CROWDER, MICHAEL. Senegal. Nigeria Mag., 7I, Dec. 1961, 325-37, ill.

FILESI, TEOBALDO. I viaggi dei Cinesi in Africa nel Medioevo. Africa [Roma], 16, 6, Nov.-Dec. I96I, 275-88, bibl., ill., map.

FISHER, HUMPHREY. Ahmadiyya in the Gambia, French territoriesandLiberia. W. Afr.,no. 2330, Jan. 1962, p. 93.

France. L'Iethiopie. Notes et ]Et. docum., 2.828, oct. I96I, pp. 38, cartes.

GALPERINA, E. L. (ed.). I96I. V ritmakh tam-tama: poety Afriki [Drum rhythms: poets of Africa]. Pp. 278. Moscow: Inst. Afriki, Akad. Nauk. [Rev.: W. Afr., no. 2320, Nov. 1961, p. I279- J. T. A.]

GAVEH, D. Tamale, a geographical study: a local study of Tamale township. Bull. Ghana geog. Assoc. [Achimota], 6, I, 1961, I2-29, bibl.

GLUSHAKOV, P. I. (ed.). 1960. Afrika I960 (kratkii spravochnik) [Africa 1960. A concise reference book in Russian]. Pp. 138. Moskva: Izda- tel'stvo Instituta Mezhdunarodnykh Otno- shenii.

HAYDON, E. S., and LULE, I. S. I960. Report y'et- teeka ly'empisa y'ensi, I940-55 [Customary law reports of the principal court of His Highness the Kabaka of Buganda 1940-55. In Luganda and English]. Nairobi: East African Printers (Boyds). Sh.4.

International African Law Association-British Sec- tion. A report on African legal studies in the United Kingdom. J. Afr. law, 5, 3, autumn I96I, 15 -6.

KINGSNORTH, G. W. 1962. Africa south of the Sahara. Pp. vii+ 6o, maps. Cambridge Univ. Press. 17s. 6d.

Kitwe. Message and report of the All-Africa con- ference on Christian literature and audio-visual communication, meeting at the Mindolo Ecu- menical Centre, June 17-30, I961. Pp. I8. London: S.P.C.K.

KOGAN, M. M. Ispanskiye kolonii v Afrike [The Spanish colonies in Africa]. Narody Azii i Afr., no. 4, July-Aug. I96I, 44-50.

LEBON, J. H. G., and ROBERTSON, V. C. The Jebel Marra, Darfur, and its region. Geog. J., 127, I, Mar. I96I, 30-49.

LEGUM, COLIN (ed.). 1961. Africa: a handbook to the continent. Pp. xiv+553, ill., maps. Lon- don: Blond. 84s.

LITTLE, KENNETH. An exhibition of African art held

at the Royal Scottish Museum, 24th Feb.-24th Mar. I962. Pp. 38, ill., map. Edinburgh Uni- versity, Dept. of Social Anthropology.

LIVINGSTONE, DAVID. [I961]. On Tana river: a story of Kenya's Tana Church [Methodist]. Pp. 94. London: Cargate Press.

Low, VICTOR N. Eastern Nigeria's resources on the map: new atlas under preparation [by B. N. Floyd]. W. Afr. Rev., 33, 413,May I962, 65-66.

MATHEWS, E. J. PETER. Mindolo Oecumenical Foundation. Int. Rev. missions, 51, 201, Jan. I962, 67-7I.

MATTHEWS, Z. K. Albert John Luthuli: a personal tribute. S. Afr. outlook [Lovedale], 92, 1089, Jan. 1962, p. 7.

MPHAHLELE, EZEKIEL. 1962. The African image. Pp. 240. London: Faber. 2Is.

M'TIMKULU, DONALD G. S. All Africa Church con- ference [Ibadan, I958]. Int. Rev. missions, 51, 201, Jan. I962, 63-66.

NEL, A., and JANSEN, J. P. (eds.). I961. Aspects of recent African development in maps. Pp. 56, maps. Stellenbosch: Society for Teaching Geo- graphy.

Nigeria. i96I. National directory of Nigeria: trades and professional I960-I961. Pp. xii+348. London: Unimex.

Portugal. Centro de Documentacao Cientifica Ultra- marina. 1961. Bibliografia cientifica da Junta de InvestigaS6es do Ultramar. Vol. 3, 1960. Pp. I80. Lisboa.

POTEKHIN, I. I., andothers. Institut Afriki, Akademiya nauk, Moscow [African Institute: review of 1960]. Narody azii i Afr., no. 2, Mar.-Apr. I96I, 223-5.

Rhodes University. Institute of Social and Economic Research. A brief account of the aims, orga- nisation, and achievements, 1955-June, I96o. Pp. 24. Grahamstown.

SCHAPERA, I. (ed.). I961. Livingstone's missionary correspondence, 1841-1856. Pp. 342. London: Chatto and Windus. 42s.

SCHNAPPER, BERNARD. I961. La politique et le commerce fran?ais dans le Golfe de Guinee de I838 a 1871. Pp. 286, cartes. Paris et La Haye: Mouton (tcole prat. Hautes tft., Monde O.-M. passe et present, 1it., I).

SECK, ASSANE. Dakar. Cah. d'outre-mer, 14, 56, oct.-dec. 1961, 372-92, ill., cartes.

SENGHOR, LIOPOLD S. De la negritude: psychologie du Negro-africain. Diogene, 37, I962, 3-16.

Unesco. Library development in Africa. Unesco Bull. libraries, 15, 5, Sept.-Oct. I96I, 225-87.

VARMA, S. N., and others. I961. Tanganyika: a back- ground study. Pp. xv+ 124, map. New Delhi: Africa Publications. Rs. 5.

West Africa. Ibo novelist [Onuora Nzekwu]. W. Afr., no. 2331, Feb. 1962, p. 117, ill.

XABREGAS, JOAQUIM. NutriaDo, agronomia e educa- .ao alimentar. Bol. Inst. Angola, 12, Jan.-Dec. 1959, 67-74, ill.


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