BLAW 711 Mid-Term Essay Questions1

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  • 8/11/2019 BLAW 711 Mid-Term Essay Questions1


    In the Mattel toy recall case(s), the product liability theories that the parents might employ against Mattelare as follows;

    I. Negligence

    Elements for proving negligence;1. uty of !are.". #reach of duty.

    a. $tandard of !are%. !ausation in fact.&. 'ro imate !ause.. In*ury.

    'ossible defenses for negligence;1. +ssumption of the ris .". !ontributory -egligence.%. !omparative -egligence.

    a. 'ure b. Modifiedc. Intervening or superseding cause

    II. Strict Liability

    Elements for proving $trict iability;1. /nreasonably dangerous defect.

    a. esign defects b. 0ailure to test products ade uatelyc. 0ailure to warnd. Evidence on these points can also be used to establish a breach of duty for

    negligence purposes.". 'roduct reaches the consumer substantially unchanged.%. efect causes the in*ury

    'ossible defenses for $trict iability;1. /navoidably unsafe product.". !omparative fault.%. +ssumption of ris .&. 2bvious ris .. +bnormal misuse.

    3. 4overnment contractor.5. $tate of the art.6. 'reemption.

    III. Express Warranty - if the products had an expressed warranty

    Elements for proving breach of e pressed warranty;

    1. +ffirmation of 0act or 'romise". escription of the 4oods%. $ample or Model&. #asis of the #argain

    IV. Breach of Implied Warranty of Merchantability This might be aimed at the retail seller ofthe allegedly defective goods.

    Elements for proving #reach of Implied 7arranty of Merchantability;1. 4oods must be fit for the ordinary purpose for which they are used.

    'age 1 of % 189"9"81&

  • 8/11/2019 BLAW 711 Mid-Term Essay Questions1


    ". 4oods must serve their purpose safely.%. 4oods must be of average grade or uality.&. $eller must be a merchant. 4oods must be ade uately pac aged and labeled.

    'ossible defenses for #reach of 7arranty1. -o privity of contract.". !ontributory -egligence.%. !omparative -egligence.

    a. 'ure b. Modifiedc. Intervening or superseding cause

    If the statements made by people against Mattel were proven false, then Mattel might consider thefollowing torts;

    I. Defamation (libel is written defamation, slander is spo en defamation)

    Elements for proving defamation;1. !ommunication or publication to a third party.". 2f false statements.%. Made with nowledge of their falsity or with rec less disregard of the true facts or in

    negligently failing to ascertain the truth.&. :hat violate the right to ac uire and maintain a good reputation,. 2f another 3. 'ublic figures (in this case a corporation) must show malice.

    'ossible defenses for defamation;1. !onsent". 'olitical broadcast%. Made by a government official in the performance of government duties&. Made by participants in a *udicial proceeding. $tatement made between spouses

    3. :ruth (in some *urisdictions, however the defendant has the burden to prove that thederogatory statements are true)

    II. Disparagement

    Elements for proving disparagement;1. Made false statements about the uality or ownership of the plaintiff s goods or


  • 8/11/2019 BLAW 711 Mid-Term Essay Questions1


    'ossible defenses for in*urious falsehood;

    1. 'rivilege". 4ood faith assertion of competing property rights%. 4eneral unfavorable comparisons.

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