Bring Plant Upkeep Down ... Non-Rusting, Corrosion-Resisting Aluminum 18 C&EN APRIL 2 7, 1959

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Page 1: Bring Plant Upkeep Down

Bring Plant Upkeep Down . . . Non-Rusting, Corrosion-Resisting


1 8 C & E N A P R I L 2 7, 1959

Page 2: Bring Plant Upkeep Down

Reynolds Aluminum improves Plant Appearance, Lowers installation

and Maintenance Costs

You can build low maintenance and lasting good looks right into a plant or equipment —by using strong, lightweight, rustfree aluminum in structural and building appli­cations. Aluminum resists corrosion due to weather and gaseous atmospheres, so i t needs little or no attention in a processing or refining plant installation. I t can't rust ever, and it stays strong and new-looking, even in dBmp and corrosive places.

And maintenance costs aren't the only costs that can be lower, when you build with.

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rosion-resistant metal, and its light weight (3s the weigiit of steel) can speed installa­tion, cut building labor.

Thus, a catwalk using Reynolds Alumi­num treadplate is not only maintenance-free —it often can be put u p faster, at less cost than any otlier corrosion-resistant structure-Roof ventilators made with aluminum resist corrosion and won't rust—and, because of alummum's heat reflectivity, are often more efficient. Aluminum chain link fencing never needs painting for protection, seldom needs maintenance of any kind.

Cost-cutting Reynolds Aluminum is find­ing its way into more and more applications in chemical and petroleum processing, not only in building and structural uses, but in piping, jacketing:, heat exchangers, and other process equipment.

Before you plan your next installation, check all the costs, and learn how aluminum can save for you. For details, contact your local Reynolds office or wri te direct t o Reynolds Metals Company, P. O. Box 2346-CK, Richmond IS, Virginia.

This fence wtH never need protective painting, seldom need any maintenance at aii.

Upkeep on this stairway and conveyor is just about zero; aluminum stays bright and new looking, and it's non-sparking.


A P R I L 2 7, 1 9 5 9 C & E N 1 9