Volume 36B, number 4 P H Y S I C S L E T T E R S 20 September 1971 BROKEN SU(6) PREDICTIONS FOR BARYON PRODUCTION WITH POLARIZED VECTOR MESONS E. HIRSCH, U. KARSHON and H. J. LIPKIN~ Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Physics, Rehovot, Israel Received 29 June 1971 Quark model and SU(6) predictions for branching ratios of A, ~ and Y* (1385) production in strangeness exchange reactions disagree with experiment. New predictions for vector meson polariza- tion density matrix elements are presented which seem to agree with experiment. A "broken SU(6)" description which includes configuration mixing in the ~ and Y* wave functions is consistent with the success of the polarization predictions and the failure of the branching ratio predictions of unbroken SU(6). The quark model makes definite predictions for the branching ratios of the final states in reactions of vector meson production by strange- ness exchange [1-3] K'+p-" (pO, a~,~) + (A,~o,y *°) (la) 7r" + p -~ K *° + (A, ~o, y*O) (lb) where y*O denotes y*o (1385). For any given baryon B, the pO and w cross sections are predicted to be equal [1] 5(K-p-' Bp)= 5(K-p--* Bw) . (2a) where ~ is the cross section corrected for kinematic factors such as phase space [3]. For any given meson, the baryon cross sections are predicted to be in the ratios [2]: ~(A)/ff(~°)/~Y(Y*°) = 27/1/8 if there is baryon spin flip (2b) = 3/1/0 with no baryon spin flip (2c) where flip (AS=l) and non-flip (AS=0) transi- tions are defined by analogy with GamowoTeller and Fermi beta decay transitions, and not by analogy with helicity flip (AS z -- 1) and non-flip (AS z = 0) amplitudes. Eqs. (2b) and (2c) can be combined to give the sum rule ~(A) = 315(Z °) + ~(y*O)] in all cases (2d) and the inequalities This work was performed in part under the sponsor- ship of the US National Bureau of Standards. 27~(~ °) >i ~(A) >/~(y*o) in all cases. (2e) Experimental results for reactions (la) show good agreement [4, 5] for relations (2a), some disagreement for relation (2c) and serious dis- agreement [5, 6] for the spin relation (2b). The quark model derivation is also expressible in terms of SU(3) and SU(6) symmetries, without specific reference to quarks. It is therefore of particular interest to ~Uunine these predictions in detail to u=derstand why some of them work while others do not, and to determine which as- sumptions are responsible for the disagreements. Polarization measurements provide additional information for comparison with theoretical predictions. Relations (2) hold separately for each polarization. Thus measurement of vector meson polarization density matrices allow the cross sections to be separated into three compo- nents, each of which should satisfy relations (2). Baryon polarization information is not easily available, since it requires measurements on both initial and final states. However, partial information on baryon polarization is obtained from the meson measurements by use of con- straints imposed by angular momentum and parity conservation [2]. The vector meson polarization is most con- veniently specified in the linear polarization basis [7] in the meson Jackson frame. The axes are chosen in the conventional manner in the vector meson rest frame. The z-axis is in the direction of the incident momentum, the y-axis normal to the reaction plane and the x-axis in 385

Broken SU(6) predictions for baryon production with polarized vector mesons

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Volume 36B, number 4 P H Y S I C S L E T T E R S 20 September 1971

B R O K E N S U ( 6 ) P R E D I C T I O N S F O R



Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Physics, Rehovot, Israel

Received 29 June 1971

Quark model and SU(6) predictions for branching ratios of A, ~ and Y* (1385) production in strangeness exchange reactions disagree with experiment. New predictions for vector meson polariza- tion density matrix elements are presented which seem to agree with experiment. A "broken SU(6)" description which includes configuration mixing in the ~ and Y* wave functions is consistent with the success of the polarization predictions and the failure of the branching ratio predictions of unbroken SU(6).

The quark model makes definite predic t ions for the b ranch ing ra t ios of the f inal s ta tes in reac t ions of vec tor meson product ion by s t r ange - ness exchange [1-3]

K ' + p - " (pO, a~,~) + ( A , ~ o , y *°) (la)

7r" + p -~ K *° + (A, ~o, y*O) (lb)

where y*O denotes y*o (1385). For any given baryon B, the pO and w c ross sec t ions a r e predic ted to be equal [1]

5 ( K - p - ' Bp )= 5(K-p--* Bw) . (2a)

where ~ is the c ross sect ion co r rec ted for k inemat ic fac tors such as phase space [3]. For any given meson , the ba ryon c ross sec t ions a r e pred ic ted to be in the ra t ios [2]:

~(A)/ff(~°)/~Y(Y *°) = 27 /1 /8 if the re is baryon spin flip (2b)

= 3 /1 /0 with no baryon spin flip (2c)

where flip (AS=l) and non-f l ip (AS=0) t r a n s i - t ions a r e defined by analogy with GamowoTel le r and F e r m i beta decay t r ans i t i ons , and not by analogy with hel ic i ty flip (AS z -- 1) and non-f l ip (AS z = 0) ampli tudes . Eqs. (2b) and (2c) can be combined to give the sum ru le

~(A) = 315(Z °) + ~(y*O)] in all cases (2d)

and the inequalities

This work was performed in part under the sponsor- ship of the US National Bureau of Standards.

27~(~ °) >i ~(A) > / ~ ( y * o ) in a l l cases . (2e)

Exper imen ta l r e su l t s for reac t ions (la) show good ag reemen t [4, 5] for re la t ions (2a), some d i sag reemen t for re la t ion (2c) and ser ious d i s - ag reemen t [5, 6] for the spin re la t ion (2b). The quark model der iva t ion is also express ib le in t e r m s of SU(3) and SU(6) s y m m e t r i e s , without specif ic r e f e r e n c e to quarks. It i s the re fore of pa r t i cu l a r i n t e r e s t to ~Uunine these predic t ions in deta i l to u=ders tand why some of them work while o thers do not, and to de t e r mi ne which a s - sumpt ions a r e r e spons ib le for the d isagreements .

Po la r i za t ion m e a s u r e m e n t s provide addit ional in format ion for compar i son with theore t ica l predic t ions . Relat ions (2) hold separa te ly for each polar iza t ion. Thus m e a s u r e m e n t of vector meson po la r iza t ion densi ty ma t r i ce s allow the c ros s sec t ions to be separa ted into th ree compo- nents , each of which should sat isfy re la t ions (2). Baryon polar iza t ion informat ion is not easi ly avai lable , s ince it r equ i r e s m e a s u r e m e n t s on both in i t ia l and final s tates . However, pa r t i a l in format ion on baryon polar iza t ion is obtained from the meson m e a s u r e m e n t s by use of con- s t r a in t s imposed by angular momentum and par i ty conserva t ion [2].

The vector meson polar iza t ion is most con- venient ly specif ied in the l i nea r polar iza t ion bas i s [7] in the meson Jackson f rame. The axes a r e chosen in the conventional m a n n e r in the vec tor meson r e s t f rame. The z -ax is is in the d i rec t ion of the incident momentum, the y-ax is n o r m a l to the reac t ion plane and the x-axis in


Volume 36B. number 4 P H Y S I C S L E T T E R S 20 September 1971

the plane. Let rex, my and m z denote the p r o - j ec t ions of the v e c t o r meson spin on the x, y and z axes r e spec t i ve ly . We choose a b a s i s of s t a t e s having rex=0 , my =0 and mz=O r e spec t i ve ly . These c o r r e s p o n d to the c a r t e s i a n components (x, y, z) of a vec to r , r a t h e r than to the s p h e r i c a l h a r m o n i c s IT/(0, ~b). The p o l a r i z a t i o n dens i ty m a t r i c e s in th is b a s i s a r e s imply r e l a t e d [7] to those in the convent ional J a c k s o n (J) and J a c k s o n t r a n s v e r s i t y (tr) b a s e s . Using the notat ion of Haber et al. [8], we obtain

pzz=pg '- ~ , t r t r t r t5 0 = ~ l P l , 1 + P - l , - 1 + P l , - 1 + P - , , I ~ (3a)

t r = PJ,1 + Pl/, (3b) PYY =P0, 0 -1

J J ½{p~r t r t r t r Pxx=Pl,1- P l , - 1 = . , 1 + P-l , -1 - P l , - 1 - P - l , 1 }

(3c) Pxz = - ~ P ~, 0 " (3d)

The cross sectior~ for linearly polarized final states are specified by multiplying the cross sections by the polarization density matrices.

~(i)=Pii~, i =x,y,z . (3e)

In this basis ~(x) and ~(z) include only baryon spin flip contribution~. This is most easily seen in the transversity basis, as angular momentum and parity conservation require that transver- sity be conserved modulo 2. A transversity flip in the meson transition requires a transversity flip in the baryon transition. The vector meson states with m x --0 and m z = 0 are linear combi- nations of the states with my =~1, since they ar~ both orthogonal to the rhy -- 0 state. Thus ~(x) and ~(z) include only contributions from states with a meson transversity flip and there- fore with a baryon transversity flip. They are predicted to satisfy the relations (2b)

0 (x) (A)/~(x) (~ o)/~-(x) (y*O) = 2 7 / l / 8 (4a)

5(z)(A)/5(z)(~°)/5(Z)(Y*°) = 2 7 / 1 / 8 . ( 4 b )

The c r o s s s ec t ions ~(Y)(A) and~(Y)(~ °) involve no meson t r a n s v e r s i t y f l ip and t h e r e f o r e no ba ryon t r a n s v e r s i t y flip. However , t h e r e a r e two independent Amy = 0 ba ryon t r an s i t i ons ; namely +1/2 ~ +1/2 and -1 /2 ~ -1 /2 . The non- f l ip AS = 0 ampl i tude p r e d i c t e d to sa t i s fy eq. (2c) is invar ian t ( sca la r ) under sp in ro ta t ions and contains the above two t r a n s i t i o n s with equal ampl i tude and positive phase . It is a Am = 0 ampl i tude for all directions of the axis of quantizat ion. T h e r e is a l so a Amy =0, AS =1 ampl i tude which t r a n s f o r m s l ike a vec to r under

sp in ro ta t ions and contains the above two t r a n s i - t ions with equal magni tude but opposite phase . This v e c t o r ampl i tude contains Am = ± 1 compo- nents with r e s p e c t to the # and z axes and is p r e d i c t e d to s a t i s fy the sp in f l ip p r e d i c t i o n s (2b). These v e c t o r and s c a l a r ampl i tudes cannot be s e p a r a t e d without p o l a r i z a t i o n m e a s u r e m e n t s on the ba ryons . Thus ~(Y) inc ludes both components which sa t i s fy eqs. (2b) and those which sa t i s fy (2c). Al l components sa t i s fy the sum ru le (2d) and the inequa l i t i e s (2e).

The flil3 and non-f l ip components of 5(Y)(A) and of ~(Y)(T °) can be ca lcu la ted f rom the ex- p e r i m e n t a l va lue of ~(Y) (y*o) if 7(Y) (y*o) i s a s s u m e d to be pu re flip as ind ica ted by the p r e - dic t ion (2c). The r e l a t i ons (2b) o r (4a) and (4b) then d e t e r m i n e the f l ip cont r ibu t ions to ~(Y) (A) and 5(Y) (T°). The non-f l ip cont r ibu t ions a r e obta ined by sub t rac t ing the flip cont r ibut ion and can be subs t i tu ted into the non-f l ip p r e d i c t i o n (2c). F r o m eq. (2b) we obtain

~(Y)(A) - (27/8) ~(Y)(y*o)= 3[~(Y)(~o) _ ~(Y)(y*O)/8]"

From eqs. (4a) and (4b) we obtain (5a)

~(Y)(^)_ ~(i)(A) ~(Y)(y*o)= ~(i)(y*O)

=3I~(Y)(po)_ _~(i)(~°) Cy)(y,o)] (5b) ~(i)(y*O)

where i = x o r z. This can a l so be wr i t t en

Ipyy (A) OYY(Y*°)Oii(A)] - * o ~ ~ ( A ) =

P ii(Y ) J

=3[pyy(~O) OYY (Y*°)Oii(~°) *o ]~(~o) (5c) P ii (Y )

where Pii can be Pxx, Pzz, or any l inea r c o m b i - nation.

Re la t ion (5a) is jus t the sum ru le (2d). If a l l p r ed i c t i ons a r e s a t i s f i e d eqs. (Sb) and (5c) a r e iden t ica l to (Sa) and a l so add nothing new. How- ever , when some p red i c t i ons a r e b roken , (Sb) and (5c) a r e no longer equivalent to (Sa). Ea. (5a) a s s u m e s that the flip cont r ibut ions to ~'(Y) sa t i s fy the t h e o r e t i c a l p r e d i c t i o n s (2b). Eqs. (5b) and (5c) a s s u m e that they have the s a m e . r a t i o s a§ the o ther f l ip cont r ibut ions ~(x) and ~(z). If ~(x) and ~(z) sa t i s fy the p r ed i c t i ons (4a) and [4b), a l l r e l a t i ons (5) a r e equivalent . If ~(k) and ~(z) do not sa t i s fy t hese r e l a t i ons , as s e e m s to be the ca se e xpe r ime n t a l l y , they a r e no longer equivalent .


Volume 36B, number 4 PHYSICS L E T T E R S 20 September 1971

considerably l a rge r than the e r r o r s . F u r t he r invest igat ion is n e c e s s a r y to c lear up the p case, s ince there is a poss ib i l i ty of sys temat ic e r r o r s in the data [6] and cor responding p and co ent r ies a re predic ted to be equal by the re la t ions (2a), which so far has shown good ag reemen t with experiment .

Let us now cons ider how the predic t ions (6) can hold while the predic t ions (4) a re broken.. The three polar iza t ion c ross sec t ions or(x), ~(Y) and ~(z) se lect different t - channe l exchanges. ~(z) is pure unna tu ra l par i ty exchange with no meson hel ici ty flip in the Jackson f rame, a(x') and ~(Y) a r e both Jackson hel ici ty flip ampl i tudes , but ~(Y) has no t r a n s v e r s i t y flip and ~(x) has t r a n s v e r s i t y flip. At Regge asymptot ic energies or(x) is expected to be dominated by unna tu ra l par i ty exchange and or(Y) by na tura l par i ty ex- change [10]. At the energies of these exper i - ments which a r e hardly asymptot ic or(z) is p r e sumab ly dominated by pseudosca la r exchange, and ~(x) is some other exchange, not of spin zero, such as vec tor or axial vector. In ei ther case, eqs. (6) re la te two different types of ex- changes in A, S and Y* product ion, provided that both a(x) and a(z) a re non-vanishing.

It is difficult to re la te a l l these c ross sect ions without some sor t of quark model or SU(6) a s - sumption. At the SU(3) level , the Y* is not r e - lated at a l l to the A and ~ and the re la t ion be- tween A and ~ r equ i r e s the D / F ra t ios for dif- ferent exchanges to be the same. We a r e the re - fore led na tura l ly to a "broken SU(6)" desc r ip - tion.

The different spin flip exchanges a re re la ted in the quark model and in SU(6) because the i r couplings to baryons a re propor t ional to ma t r ix e lements of components of the same spin vector and there is no polar iza t ion m e a s u r e m e n t on the baryon to dis t inguish between the different components. For example, the dominant cou- pling (neglecting recoi l) of quarks to pseudo- sca la r , vec tor and axial vector mesons a re descr ibed by the opera tors [11]

(o .k) - pseudosca la r exchange (7a)

Combining (4a) and (4b) and the inequal i t ies (2e) gives the re la t ions

°'(X)(A) cr(X)(~O)- °'(X)(y*O) (6a) ~(Z)(A ) -~(z)(~o)- ~(Z)(y*O)

~(y)(~o) >/ cr (Y)(A) >I Jx)(~o)+ ~(z)(~o) ~(X)(A)+~(z)(A )

a (Y)(y*O) (6b) (X)(y*O) + JZ)(y*O)

These re la t ions can also be expressed ent i re ly in t e r m s of po la r iza t ion densi ty m a t r i c e s by u se of the defini t ions (3)

P xx(A)/~ z z (A) : pxx(r ,°) /~zz(~ °) - -

= pxx(Y*°) /pzz(Y *°) (6c)

pyy(~O) >I pyy(A) >~pyy(y*O) (6d)

These re la t ions (6) a r e a lso l inear combinat ions of other re la t ions and add nothing new if a l l p r e - dict ions (4) hold. However, when some p red ic - t ions a re broken they provide s ignif icant tes ts for the b reak ing of the model. All the re la t ions (4), (5) and (6) hold also when re l a t iv i s t i c Wigner rota t ion effects a re taken into account, s ince the t r a n s v e r s i t y a rgument is r e l a t iv i s t i c [9].

Exper imenta l data show that predic t ions (4a) and (4b) a r e badly broken by very la rge fac tors , but by the same factors in both cases [6]. This pecu l i a r r egu la r i ty s t imula ted this invest igat ion and suggests a compar i son with the predic t ions (6d) which a r e seen to be val id (table 1). The exper imenta l tes t of the predic t ion (6c) extended by l sospm a rgument s to :, and Y - product ion [6] is a lso shown in table 1. The p product ion r e su l t s a re inconclus ive , because the e r r o r s a r e la rge in compar i son with the effect. How- ever , s ignif icant ag reemen t with eq.(6c) is shown in the ¢o case. Both a(x) and 9(z) a r e of the same o rde r of magni tude, and the ra t ios ~(x)/~(z) a re

Table 1 Value of pyy andPxx/Pz z for various final states

Final state ~-po ApO y*-po ~-w Aw Y*-w

pyy 0.79 ± 0.06 0.68 + 0.07 0.21 + 0.06 0.65 ± 0.05 0.52 + 0.06 0.14 + 0.07

0.29 + 0.39 0.18 ~: 0.25 0.43 + 0.14 1.00 + 0.36 0.87 + 0.31 0.59 ± 0.18 Z Z

Data from the work of ref. [6].


Volume 36B, number 4 PHYSICS L E T T E R S 20 September 1971

((~ × k. ~) - vector exchange (7b)

( u . t ) and (¢~. k) (e .k ) - axial vector exchange (7c)

where a is the quark spin, k the momentum of the exchanged boson and ~ the vec tor or axial vec tor meson polar izat ion. The only baryon dynamical va r i ab le which appears in these ope- r a to r s is the vector o.

The ma t r ix e lements for the contr ibut ions of the pa r t i cu la r exchanges (7) to the product ion of a given baryon B are al l propor t ional to the same reduced mat r ix e lement (B I I~[ ]p), and a r e otherwise independent of B. The predic t ions (4) depend on the values of these reduced ma t r ix e lements with SU(6) baryon wave functions. How- ever , the predic t ions (6) a re seen to be inde- pendent of the value of (B I ]ol [P), which cancels out. Thus, the predic t ions (6) a r e insens i t ive to the baryon wave functions, and a r e comple te - ly independent of them in the approximat ion where reco i l is neglected.

The s imples t way to break SU(6) and the r e - la t ions (4a) and (4b) while p r e s e r v i n g the r e l a - t ions (6) between different exchanges is to a l - low for SU(6) and SU(3) breaking in the baryon wave functions; i.e. configurat ion mixing. The most obvious mixing [12] would be with the L=2 baryon 56, which mixes in some S=3/2 decuplet into the ~ and some S =3/2 decuplet and S = 1/2 octet into the Y*. The nucleon and A cannot mix with this configuration which con- ta ins no (1=1/2, Y = l ) o r (I=0, Y =0) states. These admixtures could produce an enhance- ment of the ~ and Y* c ross sec t ions in spin flip t r ans i t i ons pa r t i cu la r ly for the ~ where the dominant contr ibut ion is suppressed. They should not affect the A and should have a much s m a l l e r effect on the ~ /A rat io in non-f l ip t rans i t ions .

Detailed calculations" of the effect of mixing a re not poss ib le without a specific model to give the t r ans i t ion ma t r ix e lement to the L=2 con- figuration. However, extensive exper imenta l t es t s of these ideas a re poss ib le by looking at the genera l iza t ion of the predic t ions (4) and (6) for al l cases of vector meson product ion with octet and decuplet baryons. Eqs. (4) apply to a l l s t r angeness exchange reac t ions (1), and can be extended by i sospin to a l l charge s tates .

S imi la r re la t ions hold for vec tor meson product ion with charge exchange product ing nucleon and A final baryons [13]. The baryon flip contr ibut ions sat isfy the re la t ions

~(i)(N)/~(i)(A):25/24, i=x,z . (8a)


There is no non-f l ip contr ibut ion to ~(A). Thus we have the inequali ty

~Y(N)/~Y(A) >! 25/24 (8b)

The analogs of eqs. (6c) and (6d) a re

pxx(N)/pzz iN) = pxx(A)/pzz (~ (8c)

pyy (N) >~ pyy (A) . (8d)

If sys temat ic d i sagreements a re found for p r e - dict ions (4) and (8a), while non - t r i v i a l ag ree - ments a re found for re la t ions (8c) and (8d) this would be in te res t ing evidence favoring the con- f igurat ion mixing hypothesis.

Fu r the r genera l iza t ion of the re la t ions (6) and (8c) a re poss ib le if the dominant flip exchanges a re descr ibed by the express ions (7) and recoi l effects a r e negligible. The ra t io Pxx/Pzz should be equal for al l s t r ange baryons produced in the reac t ions (1), not only A, ~ and Y*(1385). The same would hold for a l l non - s t r a nge baryons produced with vector mesons in charge exchange reac t ions , not only N and A (1238). These p r e - dict ions can be violated by exchanges descr ibed by opera tors other than (7), which involve spa- t ia l degrees of freedom as well as spin.

Discuss ions with Y. Avni, U. Maor~ M. Milgrom and A. Shapira a r e grateful ly ac- knowledged. We also wish to thank A. Rouge for in te res t ing comments on our manuscr ip t .

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