BSA GM food survey 2012

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Page 23

British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 13

Q.3 Have you ever heard of genetically modified (or GM) foods before? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Yes No 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 954 91% 91 9% 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178

North East95 93

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 180 181 171 94% 10 6% 198 190

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 93 109 183 192 236 258 235 91% 23 9% 285 263 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

1887 932 92% 93% 163 8% 72 7%

206 281 354 328 296 422 518 554 405 410 164 84% 86% 91% 94% 96% 98% 94% 93% 94% 87% 92% 40 16% 47 14% 36 9% 20 6% 12 4% 9 2% 35 6% 41 7% 26 6% 62 13% 14 8%

84 221 91% 92% 8 9% 20 8%

166 144 100 180 88% 90% 92% 94% 23 12% 16 10% 9 8% 12 6%

238 184 301 755 91% 98% 92% 92% 25 9% 3 2% 25 8% 68 8%

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 13

Q.3 Have you ever heard of genetically modified (or GM) foods before? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 78 81% 18 19% 6 6 5 87% 1 13% 1057 1075 989 92% 86 8% 664 641 603 94% 38 6% 215 210 196 93% 14 7% 43 51 40 79% 11 21%

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Yes No 2050 2050 1887 92% 163 8%

NET: Agree634 607 554 91% 53 9%

Strongly agree244 238 220 93% 18 7%

Slightly agree390 370 334 90% 36 10%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 446 89% 57 11% 480 500 474 95% 26 5%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 350 98% 8 2% 833 859 824 96% 34 4% 734 732 678 93% 54 7%

17-18451 459 436 95% 24 5%

19-24549 534 498 93% 36 7%

25-3488 78 73 94% 5 6%

35+23 24 22 92% 2 8%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 14

Q.4 Genetically modified (GM) food is made from plants or microorganisms that have been changed by altering their genes. For example a plant might have its genes modified to make it resistant to a particular plant disease, to improve its food quality or to help it grow faster.. What would you say is your level of interest in the issue of genetically modified food? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Interested Very interested Fairly interested Not very interested Not at all interested NET: Not interested No opinion Mean Standard deviation Standard error (4) 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 685 66% 178 17% 507 49% 285 27% 42 4% 328 31% 33 3% 2.81 0.77 0.02 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178

Yorkshire & West North North Humb- MidEast West erside lands95 93 247 241 180 181 119 66% 24 13% 95 53% 44 24% 16 9% 60 33% 2 1% 2.71 0.81 0.06 198 190

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 93 109 183 192 236 258 191 74% 50 19% 141 55% 54 21% 6 2% 59 23% 7 3% 2.94 0.71 0.05 285 263 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

1347 661 66% 66% 328 150 16% 15%

141 210 253 229 227 286 375 378 298 296 106 57% 64% 65% 66% 74% 66% 68% 64% 69% 63% 59% 25 10% 51 16% 67 17% 52 15% 55 18% 79 18% 97 18% 93 16% 72 17% 67 14% 25 14% 80 45% 63 35% 6 3% 69 39% 4 2% 2.72 0.75 0.06

52 158 57% 66% 12 13% 36 15%

115 110 61% 69% 31 17% 84 44% 55 29% 9 5% 65 34% 10 5% 2.76 0.80 0.06 31 20% 79 49% 35 22% 10 6% 45 28% 4 3% 2.85 0.81 0.07

63 121 58% 63% 15 14% 49 45% 34 31% 6 5% 40 37% 5 5% 2.70 0.78 0.08 25 13% 96 50% 54 28% 11 6% 65 34% 5 3% 2.72 0.77 0.06

178 132 221 543 68% 71% 68% 66% 38 15% 140 53% 64 24% 16 6% 80 30% 5 2% 2.78 0.78 0.05 40 21% 53 134 16% 16%

(3) 1018 511 50% 51% (2) (1) 544 259 27% 26% 100 5% 57 6%

116 159 187 177 172 207 278 285 226 230 47% 49% 48% 51% 56% 48% 50% 48% 52% 49% 83 34% 11 4% 89 100 27% 26% 15 4% 25 6% 91 26% 20 6% 68 115 143 172 100 130 22% 27% 26% 29% 23% 27% 9 3% 21 5% 24 4% 25 4% 23 5% 28 6%

40 122 43% 51% 27 29% 5 6% 33 35% 8 8% 2.70 0.80 0.08 66 27% 12 5% 78 32% 5 2% 2.77 0.77 0.05

93 169 409 50% 52% 50% 47 25% 3 2% 51 27% 4 2% 2.92 0.74 0.05 83 210 26% 26% 10 3% 50 6%

644 316 31% 31% 59 3% 2.79 0.77 0.02 27 3% 2.77 0.78 0.03

93 103 124 111 38% 31% 32% 32% 12 5% 2.66 0.73 0.05 14 4% 2.79 0.77 0.04 11 3% 2.78 0.81 0.04 8 2% 2.77 0.78 0.04

76 136 167 197 122 158 25% 31% 30% 33% 28% 33% 4 1% 2.90 0.72 0.04 9 2% 2.82 0.79 0.04 12 2% 2.83 0.77 0.03 20 3% 2.78 0.76 0.03 10 2% 2.83 0.77 0.04 17 4% 2.74 0.78 0.03

93 260 29% 32% 11 3% 2.84 0.73 0.04 20 2% 2.78 0.79 0.03

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 14

Q.4 Genetically modified (GM) food is made from plants or microorganisms that have been changed by altering their genes. For example a plant might have its genes modified to make it resistant to a particular plant disease, to improve its food quality or to help it grow faster.. What would you say is your level of interest in the issue of genetically modified food? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education etc. etc. 5, etc. education 83 96 60 62% 16 17% 44 46% 29 30% 7 7% 35 37% 1 1% 2.73 0.82 0.09 6 6 4 64% 1 15% 3 50% 2 24% 1 11% 2 36% 2.68 0.94 0.38 1057 1075 673 63% 154 14% 518 48% 307 29% 62 6% 369 34% 33 3% 2.73 0.78 0.02 664 641 446 70% 112 17% 334 52% 154 24% 23 4% 177 28% 17 3% 2.86 0.75 0.03 215 210 159 76% 48 23% 111 53% 42 20% 4 2% 46 22% 4 2% 2.99 0.73 0.05 43 51 27 52% 7 14% 20 39% 18 36% 5 10% 24 46% 1 1% 2.57 0.86 0.13

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Interested Very interested Fairly interested Not very interested Not at all interested NET: Not interested No opinion Mean Standard deviation Standard error (4) 2050 2050 1347 66% 328 16%

NET: Agree634 607 470 77% 175 29% 295 49% 102 17% 32 5% 134 22% 4 1% 3.01 0.82 0.03

Strongly agree244 238 192 81% 111 47% 82 34% 27 12% 16 7% 43 18% 2 1% 3.22 0.90 0.06

Slightly agree390 370 277 75% 64 17% 213 58% 74 20% 16 4% 91 25% 2 * 2.88 0.74 0.04

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 258 51% 26 5% 233 46% 186 37% 34 7% 220 44% 25 5% 2.52 0.71 0.03 480 500 325 65% 51 10% 274 55% 152 30% 10 2% 162 32% 13 3% 2.75 0.66 0.03

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 262 73% 73 20% 189 53% 74 21% 18 5% 93 26% 4 1% 2.89 0.78 0.04 833 859 587 68% 124 14% 463 54% 226 26% 29 3% 255 30% 17 2% 2.81 0.72 0.03 734 732 452 62% 94 13% 358 49% 213 29% 47 6% 260 35% 21 3% 2.70 0.78 0.03

17-18451 459 305 66% 81 18% 224 49% 120 26% 18 4% 138 30% 16 3% 2.83 0.77 0.04

19-24549 534 373 70% 84 16% 289 54% 131 25% 17 3% 148 28% 14 3% 2.85 0.72 0.03

25-3488 78 58 74% 26 33% 32 41% 16 20% 1 1% 16 21% 4 5% 3.12 0.77 0.08

35+23 24 20 86% 11 47% 9 39% 3 14% 3 14% 3.34 0.72 0.15

(3) 1018 50% (2) (1) 544 27% 100 5% 644 31% 59 3% 2.79 0.77 0.02

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 15

Q.5 To what extent do you agree or disagree that genetically modified food should be encouraged? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Agree Totally agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Totally disagree NET: Disagree Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 170 16% 33 3% 136 13% 469 45% 273 26% 134 13% 407 39% -0.32 0.96 0.03 196 246 50 20% 15 6% 35 14% 331 328 98 30% 16 5% 82 25% 417 389 90 23% 16 4% 74 19% 358 348 81 23% 14 4% 67 19% 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472 90 19% 16 3% 75 16%

Scotland184 178 42 24% 12 7% 30 17% 73 41% 45 25% 18 10% 63 35% -0.15 1.04 0.08

North East95 93 21 23% 6 6% 15 16%

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 65 27% 17 7% 48 20% 180 181 41 23% 7 4% 34 19% 80 44% 45 25% 14 8% 59 33% -0.14 0.95 0.07 198 190 57 30% 8 4% 49 26% 79 42% 42 22% 12 6% 54 28% * 0.95 0.07

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 38 24% 9 5% 30 19% 72 45% 33 21% 17 10% 49 31% -0.12 1.01 0.08 93 109 36 34% 9 8% 28 25% 50 46% 11 10% 12 11% 22 20% 0.11 1.05 0.11 183 192 59 31% 13 7% 46 24% 83 43% 29 15% 20 11% 49 26% 0.02 1.05 0.08 236 258 78 30% 16 6% 62 24% 106 41% 43 17% 31 12% 74 29% -0.04 1.07 0.07 285 263 72 27% 10 4% 62 24% 118 45% 47 18% 26 10% 73 28% -0.07 0.98 0.06 189 187 46 25% 11 6% 35 19% 307 326

Private773 822

556 386 27% 38% 117 6% 84 8%

82 156 190 160 115 27% 36% 34% 27% 27% 19 6% 38 9% 44 8% 33 6% 25 6% 90 21%

99 213 30% 26% 21 7% 41 5%

438 302 21% 30% 886 417 43% 42% 402 129 20% 13% 206 10% 72 7%

63 118 147 127 21% 27% 27% 21%

77 172 24% 21%

133 137 186 144 104 182 217 275 183 212 54% 42% 48% 41% 34% 42% 39% 46% 42% 45% 43 18% 20 8% 63 26% -0.07 0.94 0.07 70 21% 23 7% 80 20% 34 9% 78 23% 45 13% 77 25% 44 14% 53 12% 40 9% 98 18% 48 9% 98 17% 61 10% 90 115 21% 24% 42 10% 54 12%

44 105 47% 43% 20 21% 9 9% 28 30% -0.11 0.99 0.10 50 21% 22 9% 72 30% -0.05 1.02 0.07

77 137 367 41% 42% 45% 38 21% 26 14% 64 34% -0.17 1.07 0.08 68 155 21% 19% 22 7% 88 11%

608 201 30% 20% -0.07 1.02 0.02 0.20 1.01 0.03

93 114 123 121 28% 29% 35% 39% -0.01 0.97 0.05 -0.11 0.95 0.05 -0.21 1.03 0.05 -0.21 1.11 0.06

93 146 160 133 169 22% 26% 27% 31% 36% 0.14 1.05 0.05 0.07 1.05 0.04 -0.05 1.01 0.05 -0.08 1.02 0.06 -0.25 0.97 0.04

90 242 28% 29% 0.02 0.99 0.06 -0.09 1.01 0.04

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 15

Q.5 To what extent do you agree or disagree that genetically modified food should be encouraged? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 32 33% 6 6% 26 27% 41 43% 16 17% 7 7% 23 24% 0.08 1.00 0.11 6 6 3 42% 3 42% 3 46% 1 11% 1 11% 0.20 1.00 0.41 1057 1075 230 21% 42 4% 188 17% 499 46% 220 20% 127 12% 346 32% -0.19 0.99 0.03 664 641 208 32% 48 8% 159 25% 252 39% 122 19% 59 9% 181 28% 0.02 1.05 0.04 215 210 82 39% 21 10% 61 29% 79 37% 36 17% 14 7% 50 24% 0.19 1.04 0.07 43 51 18 36% 4 9% 14 27% 19 37% 10 21% 4 7% 14 28% 0.10 1.06 0.16

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Agree Totally agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Totally disagree NET: Disagree Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 556 27% 117 6% 438 21% 886 43% 402 20% 206 10% 608 30% -0.07 1.02 0.02

NET: Agree634 607 77 13% 22 4% 55 9% 100 16% 245 40% 185 30% 430 71% -0.85 1.07 0.04

Strongly agree244 238 29 12% 16 7% 13 5% 8 3% 62 26% 138 58% 201 84% -1.24 1.18 0.08

Slightly agree390 370 48 13% 6 2% 42 11% 92 25% 183 49% 47 13% 230 62% -0.60 0.91 0.05

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 44 9% 1 * 43 8% 377 75% 75 15% 8 2% 83 16% -0.09 0.55 0.02 480 500 144 29% 2 * 141 28% 286 57% 65 13% 6 1% 71 14% 0.14 0.68 0.03

Strongly disagree353 358 284 79% 91 25% 192 54% 68 19% 4 1% 2 1% 6 2% 1.02 0.74 0.04

NET: Disagree Under 16833 859 427 50% 93 11% 334 39% 354 41% 69 8% 8 1% 77 9% 0.51 0.83 0.03 734 732 155 21% 28 4% 127 17% 357 49% 136 19% 84 11% 220 30% -0.17 0.97 0.04

17-18451 459 116 25% 27 6% 89 19% 186 40% 108 24% 49 11% 158 34% -0.14 1.04 0.05

19-24549 534 183 34% 42 8% 141 26% 219 41% 93 17% 40 7% 133 25% 0.10 1.02 0.04

25-3488 78 29 38% 6 8% 23 29% 25 33% 15 20% 8 10% 23 30% 0.06 1.11 0.12

35+23 24 2 10% 2 7% 1 3% 7 28% 10 40% 5 22% 15 63% -0.68 1.09 0.23

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 16

Q.6 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? GM food is good for the UK economy Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Agree Disagree Don't know 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 212 20% 327 31% 507 48% 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 85 24% 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178 34 19% 55 31% 88 50%

North East95 93 21 23% 36 39% 35 38%

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 80 33% 61 25% 99 41% 180 181 46 25% 50 28% 85 47% 198 190 53 28% 48 25% 88 47%

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 46 29% 39 25% 74 46% 93 109 32 30% 26 24% 50 46% 183 192 58 30% 42 22% 92 48% 236 258 87 34% 66 26% 104 40% 285 263 78 30% 71 27% 114 43% 189 187 54 29% 62 33% 307 326

Private773 822

591 379 29% 38% 558 230 27% 23% 901 394 44% 39%

70 101 104 28% 31% 27% 61 25% 77 24%

80 151 193 164 125 109 26% 35% 35% 28% 29% 23%

95 237 29% 29% 87 210 27% 26%

98 106 106 109 152 160 110 137 25% 30% 34% 25% 27% 27% 25% 29%

116 149 187 157 122 171 208 271 196 226 47% 46% 48% 45% 40% 40% 38% 46% 46% 48%

71 143 375 38% 44% 46%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 16

Q.6 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? GM food is good for the UK economy Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 32 34% 27 28% 37 38% 6 6 2 29% 4 71% 1057 1075 267 25% 298 28% 511 48% 664 641 204 32% 180 28% 258 40% 215 210 85 41% 46 22% 79 37% 43 51 18 35% 16 31% 17 34%

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Agree Disagree Don't know 2050 2050 591 29% 558 27% 901 44%

NET: Agree634 607 86 14% 369 61% 152 25%

Strongly agree244 238 23 10% 187 79% 28 12%

Slightly agree390 370 63 17% 183 49% 124 34%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 67 13% 95 19% 342 68% 480 500 173 35% 74 15% 253 51%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 262 73% 10 3% 86 24% 833 859 436 51% 84 10% 338 39% 734 732 177 24% 205 28% 350 48%

17-18451 459 131 28% 127 28% 201 44%

19-24549 534 184 34% 137 26% 214 40%

25-3488 78 36 46% 21 27% 21 27%

35+23 24 2 7% 7 30% 15 63%

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 17

Q.7 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? GM food helps people in developing economies Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Agree Disagree Don't know 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 479 46% 194 19% 373 36% 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178 96 54% 29 16% 54 30%

North East95 93

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 180 181 90 50% 31 17% 60 33% 198 190 99 52% 28 15% 62 33%

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 85 53% 24 15% 51 32% 93 109 183 192 236 258 135 52% 48 18% 75 29% 285 263 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

1093 615 53% 61% 339 144 17% 14% 618 245 30% 24%

120 155 194 188 170 267 322 331 230 211 49% 47% 50% 54% 55% 62% 58% 56% 53% 45% 41 17% 62 19% 66 17% 55 16% 61 20% 54 13% 90 104 16% 18% 62 14% 82 17%

48 129 52% 53% 20 21% 25 27% 35 15% 77 32%

58 113 53% 59% 15 14% 35 32% 30 15% 50 26%

139 102 172 441 53% 55% 53% 54% 44 17% 80 31% 36 19% 49 26% 56 133 17% 16% 97 248 30% 30%

85 111 130 106 34% 34% 33% 30%

76 110 141 159 138 179 25% 26% 26% 27% 32% 38%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 17

Q.7 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? GM food helps people in developing economies Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 53 56% 20 21% 23 24% 6 6 3 40% 4 60% 1057 1075 547 51% 156 14% 372 35% 664 641 356 55% 139 22% 146 23% 215 210 133 63% 26 13% 51 24% 43 51 33 64% 8 16% 10 19%

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Agree Disagree Don't know 2050 2050 1093 53% 339 17% 618 30%

NET: Agree634 607 205 34% 233 38% 170 28%

Strongly agree244 238 47 20% 147 62% 44 18%

Slightly agree390 370 158 43% 86 23% 126 34%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 206 41% 53 10% 245 49% 480 500 352 70% 37 7% 111 22%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 319 89% 11 3% 29 8% 833 859 671 78% 48 6% 140 16% 734 732 367 50% 111 15% 254 35%

17-18451 459 259 56% 74 16% 126 27%

19-24549 534 311 58% 87 16% 137 26%

25-3488 78 48 62% 20 26% 10 13%

35+23 24 11 48% 7 27% 6 25%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 18

Q.8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? GM food is safe for future generations Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Agree Disagree Don't know 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 173 17% 357 34% 515 49% 196 246 57 23% 71 29% 331 328 77 24% 417 389 92 24% 358 348 69 20% 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472 97 20%

Scotland184 178 41 23% 53 30% 84 47%

North East95 93 22 23% 28 30%

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 52 22% 62 26% 180 181 43 24% 49 27% 90 50% 198 190 49 26% 52 27% 89 47%

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 29 18% 43 27% 87 55% 93 109 35 32% 25 23% 183 192 48 25% 39 20% 236 258 61 24% 88 34% 109 42% 285 263 71 27% 64 24% 127 48% 189 187 50 27% 61 33% 307 326

Private773 822

500 327 24% 33% 564 206 27% 21% 986 471 48% 47%

76 129 156 139 109 25% 30% 28% 23% 25%

87 191 27% 23% 88 231 27% 28%

95 102 29% 26%

98 104 28% 34%

93 148 166 109 140 22% 27% 28% 25% 30%

118 155 195 181 128 209 249 289 212 235 48% 47% 50% 52% 41% 49% 45% 49% 49% 50%

43 127 46% 53%

49 105 45% 55%

76 151 401 40% 46% 49%

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 18

Q.8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? GM food is safe for future generations Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 31 32% 29 30% 36 38% 6 6 2 39% 1 11% 3 50% 1057 1075 236 22% 297 28% 542 50% 664 641 156 24% 183 29% 302 47% 215 210 74 35% 53 25% 84 40% 43 51 17 33% 16 31% 18 36%

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Agree Disagree Don't know 2050 2050 500 24% 564 27% 986 48%

NET: Agree634 607 62 10% 404 67% 142 23%

Strongly agree244 238 21 9% 196 83% 20 8%

Slightly agree390 370 40 11% 208 56% 121 33%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 64 13% 82 16% 357 71% 480 500 129 26% 57 11% 314 63%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 242 68% 11 3% 105 29% 833 859 371 43% 69 8% 419 49% 734 732 173 24% 190 26% 369 50%

17-18451 459 110 24% 132 29% 217 47%

19-24549 534 134 25% 147 28% 252 47%

25-3488 78 24 31% 22 28% 32 41%

35+23 24 3 14% 11 48% 9 38%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 19

Q.9 A rice crop with built-in Vitamin A. Rice plants naturally produce the molecule beta-carotene (also known as provitamin A) in their leaves and stems but not in the edible grain. In this situation, two daffodil genes have been inserted into the rice that switch on genes and causes the production and accumulation of beta-carotene in the grains. The rice turns a golden colour which, according to the colour intensity, is an indicator of how much beta-carotene is present. 100 million children suffer from vitamin A deficiency worldwide, this deficiency can cause blindness. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 629 60% 188 18% 441 42% 205 20% 86 8% 70 7% 156 15% 55 5% 0.60 1.10 0.03 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178

Yorkshire & West North North Humb- MidEast West erside lands95 93 247 241 180 181 112 62% 38 21% 74 41% 40 22% 17 10% 8 5% 25 14% 4 2% 0.66 1.06 0.08 198 190

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 93 109 183 192 236 258 156 60% 52 20% 103 40% 46 18% 22 8% 24 9% 46 18% 11 4% 0.56 1.20 0.08 285 263 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

1303 674 64% 67% 415 227 20% 23% 889 447 43% 45% 385 180 19% 18% 143 7% 130 6% 57 6% 59 6%

153 192 236 229 192 301 368 394 281 260 106 62% 59% 61% 66% 63% 70% 66% 66% 65% 55% 60% 50 20% 63 19% 75 19% 62 18% 54 111 122 129 17% 26% 22% 22% 84 19% 80 17% 40 22% 67 37% 30 17% 18 10% 12 7% 30 17% 11 6% 0.62 1.17 0.09

66 165 72% 69% 21 22% 56 23%

112 106 59% 67% 27 14% 85 45% 49 26% 10 5% 9 5% 19 10% 10 5% 0.62 0.97 0.07 30 19% 76 48% 26 16% 10 6% 12 8% 22 14% 6 3% 0.66 1.11 0.09

65 128 60% 67% 23 21% 42 38% 24 22% 6 6% 8 7% 14 13% 5 5% 0.63 1.13 0.12 36 19% 92 48% 31 16% 10 5% 12 6% 22 12% 11 6% 0.72 1.06 0.08

177 109 212 525 67% 58% 65% 64% 52 20% 125 47% 50 19% 13 5% 13 5% 26 10% 10 4% 0.76 1.00 0.06 39 21% 74 146 23% 18%

103 129 161 167 139 190 246 265 198 180 42% 39% 41% 48% 45% 44% 44% 45% 46% 38% 49 20% 11 5% 9 4% 20 8% 23 9% 0.78 0.98 0.07 72 22% 26 8% 20 6% 46 14% 18 5% 0.61 1.10 0.06 79 20% 33 8% 23 6% 56 14% 19 5% 0.62 1.09 0.05 62 18% 25 7% 23 6% 47 14% 10 3% 0.65 1.07 0.06 59 19% 24 8% 25 8% 49 16% 8 3% 0.58 1.12 0.06 64 15% 25 6% 30 7% 54 13% 12 3% 0.78 1.12 0.05 93 17% 43 8% 31 6% 75 13% 18 3% 0.72 1.08 0.04 88 15% 44 7% 48 8% 92 16% 20 3% 0.67 1.15 0.05 93 112 22% 24% 16 4% 22 5% 39 9% 18 4% 0.74 1.00 0.06 39 8% 28 6% 67 14% 33 7% 0.56 1.08 0.05

46 110 49% 45% 11 12% 8 9% 3 3% 11 12% 4 5% 0.82 1.01 0.11 41 17% 14 6% 14 6% 27 11% 7 3% 0.77 1.06 0.07

70 138 379 37% 42% 46% 38 20% 14 8% 15 8% 29 16% 11 6% 0.60 1.17 0.09 66 158 20% 19% 25 8% 9 3% 47 6% 56 7%

272 116 13% 12% 89 4% 0.67 1.09 0.02 35 3% 0.75 1.07 0.04

33 104 10% 13% 14 4% 0.79 0.99 0.06 36 4% 0.65 1.07 0.04

Prepared by Populus

Page 36

British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 19

Q.9 A rice crop with built-in Vitamin A. Rice plants naturally produce the molecule beta-carotene (also known as provitamin A) in their leaves and stems but not in the edible grain. In this situation, two daffodil genes have been inserted into the rice that switch on genes and causes the production and accumulation of beta-carotene in the grains. The rice turns a golden colour which, according to the colour intensity, is an indicator of how much beta-carotene is present. 100 million children suffer from vitamin A deficiency worldwide, this deficiency can cause blindness. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education etc. etc. 5, etc. education 83 96 53 56% 18 19% 35 37% 25 26% 9 9% 5 6% 14 14% 4 4% 0.57 1.09 0.12 6 6 4 64% 1 15% 3 50% 2 24% 1 11% 2 36% 0.32 1.41 0.58 1057 1075 677 63% 202 19% 475 44% 213 20% 70 7% 68 6% 139 13% 47 4% 0.65 1.07 0.03 664 641 436 68% 146 23% 290 45% 94 15% 44 7% 44 7% 89 14% 22 3% 0.73 1.12 0.04 215 210 138 66% 54 26% 84 40% 38 18% 15 7% 13 6% 28 13% 6 3% 0.74 1.12 0.08 43 51 27 52% 7 14% 20 38% 14 27% 8 16% 2 4% 10 19% 1 2% 0.44 1.04 0.16

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 1303 64% 415 20% 889 43% 385 19% 143 7% 130 6% 272 13% 89 4% 0.67 1.09 0.02

NET: Agree634 607 232 38% 48 8% 184 30% 150 25% 102 17% 104 17% 207 34% 19 3% -0.05 1.23 0.05

Strongly agree244 238 40 17% 19 8% 21 9% 41 17% 58 24% 93 39% 151 63% 6 3% -0.80 1.28 0.08

Slightly agree390 370 192 52% 29 8% 163 44% 109 29% 44 12% 12 3% 56 15% 13 4% 0.43 0.92 0.05

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 284 56% 50 10% 234 46% 172 34% 17 3% 7 1% 25 5% 23 5% 0.63 0.78 0.04 480 500 426 85% 97 19% 328 66% 40 8% 19 4% 9 2% 28 6% 7 1% 0.99 0.77 0.04

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 334 93% 213 59% 121 34% 13 4% 4 1% 6 2% 10 3% 1 * 1.48 0.78 0.04 833 859 759 88% 310 36% 449 52% 53 6% 23 3% 15 2% 38 4% 8 1% 1.19 0.81 0.03 734 732 463 63% 129 18% 334 46% 153 21% 43 6% 45 6% 88 12% 28 4% 0.65 1.05 0.04

17-18451 459 321 70% 106 23% 215 47% 60 13% 36 8% 28 6% 65 14% 13 3% 0.75 1.10 0.05

19-24549 534 350 66% 117 22% 233 44% 87 16% 36 7% 37 7% 73 14% 24 5% 0.70 1.12 0.05

25-3488 78 53 68% 24 31% 28 36% 13 16% 7 8% 5 7% 12 15% 1 1% 0.77 1.18 0.13

35+23 24 11 46% 4 19% 7 28% 7 29% 4 18% 1 6% 6 25% 0.34 1.18 0.25

Prepared by Populus

Page 37

British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 20

Q.10 A wheat crop with a built in aphid (wheat parasite) alarm pheromone that reduces the need for pesticides. Certain plants naturally produce aphid alarm pheromones - airborne chemicals which cause aphids to drop from the plants and help reduce the damage they cause. In this case, the crop is wheat that has been genetically modified to produce this naturally occurring aphid alarm pheromone, reducing the need for pesticides to be used to destroy the attacking aphids. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 534 51% 116 11% 418 40% 274 26% 104 10% 71 7% 174 17% 64 6% 0.41 1.06 0.03 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178

Yorkshire & West North North Humb- MidEast West erside lands95 93 247 241 180 181 99 55% 26 15% 72 40% 49 27% 19 10% 8 5% 27 15% 6 3% 0.51 1.03 0.08 198 190 100 53% 28 15% 72 38% 45 24% 22 11% 9 5% 31 16% 14 7% 0.50 1.07 0.08

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 94 59% 19 12% 75 47% 31 20% 14 9% 14 9% 28 17% 7 4% 0.47 1.11 0.09 93 109 183 192 236 258 151 59% 44 17% 107 42% 47 18% 27 11% 17 7% 45 17% 15 6% 0.55 1.13 0.08 285 263 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

1193 659 58% 66% 336 220 16% 22% 857 439 42% 44% 452 178 22% 18% 180 9% 127 6% 76 8% 56 6%

134 164 217 205 171 302 338 353 262 240 103 55% 50% 56% 59% 56% 70% 61% 59% 61% 51% 58% 23 9% 38 12% 61 16% 55 16% 52 107 117 17% 25% 21% 95 16% 58 13% 67 14% 31 18% 72 40% 32 18% 14 8% 12 7% 26 15% 17 9% 0.60 1.12 0.09

60 134 64% 56% 19 21% 40 44% 16 18% 11 12% 2 2% 12 13% 4 5% 0.73 1.00 0.11 48 20% 86 36% 68 28% 21 9% 14 6% 35 15% 4 2% 0.56 1.09 0.07

58 117 54% 61% 21 19% 38 35% 33 30% 8 7% 8 7% 16 14% 2 1% 0.52 1.11 0.12 27 14% 90 47% 38 20% 20 10% 10 5% 30 16% 6 3% 0.56 1.05 0.08

159 118 183 475 60% 63% 56% 58% 42 16% 117 44% 62 23% 13 5% 16 6% 29 11% 13 5% 0.62 1.03 0.06 30 16% 56 121 17% 15%

111 127 155 150 119 195 221 258 204 174 45% 39% 40% 43% 39% 45% 40% 43% 47% 37% 68 28% 13 5% 10 4% 23 9% 21 9% 0.55 0.91 0.07 97 30% 22 7% 22 7% 44 13% 23 7% 0.45 1.03 0.06 87 22% 39 10% 24 6% 63 16% 22 6% 0.52 1.09 0.05 74 21% 37 11% 19 5% 56 16% 13 4% 0.55 1.07 0.06 66 22% 34 11% 29 9% 62 20% 8 3% 0.44 1.18 0.07 58 108 116 14% 20% 20% 35 8% 25 6% 60 14% 11 2% 0.77 1.10 0.05 52 9% 34 6% 59 10% 46 8% 98 129 23% 27% 28 6% 21 5% 49 11% 22 5% 0.61 0.98 0.06 41 9% 26 6% 67 14% 35 7% 0.49 1.05 0.05

88 127 354 47% 39% 43% 29 100 177 16% 31% 21% 12 7% 16 9% 29 15% 11 6% 0.59 1.13 0.08 18 6% 9 3% 81 10% 50 6%

307 133 15% 13% 98 5% 0.56 1.08 0.02 34 3% 0.71 1.08 0.04

86 105 16% 18% 21 4% 0.63 1.12 0.04 21 3% 0.52 1.13 0.05

27 131 8% 16% 15 5% 0.65 0.94 0.05 40 5% 0.53 1.07 0.04

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 20

Q.10 A wheat crop with a built in aphid (wheat parasite) alarm pheromone that reduces the need for pesticides. Certain plants naturally produce aphid alarm pheromones - airborne chemicals which cause aphids to drop from the plants and help reduce the damage they cause. In this case, the crop is wheat that has been genetically modified to produce this naturally occurring aphid alarm pheromone, reducing the need for pesticides to be used to destroy the attacking aphids. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education etc. etc. 5, etc. education 83 96 50 52% 8 8% 42 44% 27 28% 7 7% 9 9% 16 16% 3 4% 0.36 1.07 0.12 6 6 5 87% 5 87% 1 13% 0.87 0.37 0.15 1057 1075 611 57% 154 14% 457 43% 250 23% 93 9% 68 6% 161 15% 52 5% 0.53 1.06 0.03 664 641 389 61% 124 19% 265 41% 114 18% 72 11% 40 6% 112 17% 26 4% 0.59 1.13 0.04 215 210 136 65% 48 23% 88 42% 42 20% 9 4% 17 8% 26 12% 6 3% 0.69 1.12 0.08 43 51 28 56% 4 8% 24 47% 15 29% 5 10% 2 3% 7 13% 1 3% 0.49 0.91 0.14

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 1193 58% 336 16% 857 42% 452 22% 180 9% 127 6% 307 15% 98 5% 0.56 1.08 0.02

NET: Agree634 607 203 33% 34 6% 169 28% 147 24% 135 22% 106 17% 241 40% 17 3% -0.19 1.20 0.05

Strongly agree244 238 43 18% 16 7% 27 11% 35 15% 61 26% 94 40% 155 65% 5 2% -0.82 1.26 0.08

Slightly agree390 370 160 43% 18 5% 142 38% 111 30% 74 20% 12 3% 86 23% 12 3% 0.23 0.94 0.05

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 263 52% 33 7% 230 46% 188 37% 22 4% 6 1% 28 6% 25 5% 0.55 0.75 0.03 480 500 376 75% 74 15% 303 61% 84 17% 19 4% 9 2% 28 6% 12 2% 0.84 0.79 0.04

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 327 91% 194 54% 133 37% 24 7% 3 1% 3 1% 6 2% 1 * 1.43 0.73 0.04 833 859 703 82% 267 31% 436 51% 108 13% 22 3% 12 1% 35 4% 13 2% 1.09 0.82 0.03 734 732 440 60% 109 15% 331 45% 149 20% 65 9% 48 6% 113 15% 30 4% 0.55 1.07 0.04

17-18451 459 275 60% 83 18% 193 42% 95 21% 46 10% 26 6% 71 16% 17 4% 0.59 1.08 0.05

19-24549 534 317 59% 100 19% 217 41% 114 21% 48 9% 31 6% 79 15% 24 4% 0.60 1.09 0.05

25-3488 78 43 56% 19 24% 25 32% 16 20% 8 11% 5 7% 14 18% 5 6% 0.59 1.20 0.13

35+23 24 10 44% 4 18% 6 27% 8 33% 2 8% 2 9% 4 17% 1 5% 0.37 1.19 0.25

Prepared by Populus

Page 39

British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 21

Q.11 Delayed ripening of cantaloupe melons for a longer shelf life. In this instance, a gene has been introduced that delays the release of the plant fruit-ripening hormone, ethylene. The scientists developing this for human consumption propose the technology could extend the shelf life of the fruit. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 567 28% 134 7% 434 21% 641 31% 501 24% 259 13% 761 37% 81 4% -0.16 1.12 0.03

Male927 1004 361 36% 86 9% 276 27% 342 34% 162 16% 104 10% 265 26% 35 3% 0.08 1.11 0.04

Female 18-24 25-34 35-441123 1046 206 20% 48 5% 158 15% 299 29% 340 32% 156 15% 495 47% 46 4% -0.40 1.08 0.03 196 246 331 328 417 389 118 30% 27 7% 91 23% 112 29% 88 23% 54 14% 142 37% 16 4% -0.14 1.16 0.06

45-54358 348 78 22% 24 7% 54 15% 109 31% 101 29% 54 16% 155 45% 7 2% -0.32 1.13 0.06

55-64317 308 67 22% 19 6% 48 16% 89 29% 94 30% 52 17% 145 47% 6 2% -0.37 1.13 0.06

65+431 431 119 28% 24 5% 96 22% 146 34% 104 24% 48 11% 152 35% 14 3% -0.14 1.07 0.05

AB697 553 148 27% 35 6% 113 20% 170 31% 143 26% 76 14% 219 39% 16 3% -0.21 1.12 0.04

C1493 594 162 27% 29 5% 133 22% 193 33% 140 24% 74 12% 214 36% 25 4% -0.17 1.08 0.05

C2308 430 135 31% 36 8% 99 23% 124 29% 105 24% 52 12% 157 36% 15 3% -0.09 1.16 0.07

DE552 472 122 26% 34 7% 88 19% 153 33% 114 24% 57 12% 171 36% 26 5% -0.16 1.11 0.05

Scotland184 178 43 24% 16 9% 27 15% 54 30% 50 28% 22 12% 72 40% 10 5% -0.20 1.15 0.09

North East95 93 32 35% 9 10% 23 25% 22 24% 28 30% 8 8% 36 39% 3 3% -0.02 1.15 0.12

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 74 31% 22 9% 52 22% 81 34% 52 21% 28 12% 79 33% 7 3% -0.05 1.14 0.07 180 181 38 21% 12 7% 26 14% 67 37% 60 33% 12 7% 72 40% 4 2% -0.19 1.00 0.08 198 190 50 27% 12 7% 38 20% 56 29% 49 26% 23 12% 71 38% 12 6% -0.18 1.12 0.08

East Midlands160 159 34 21% 4 3% 30 19% 57 36% 38 24% 25 16% 63 40% 6 3% -0.33 1.05 0.08

Wales93 109 35 32% 4 4% 31 28% 34 31% 19 17% 20 18% 38 35% 2 1% -0.18 1.15 0.12

Eastern183 192 51 27% 9 5% 42 22% 57 30% 41 21% 37 19% 78 40% 7 3% -0.29 1.16 0.09

London236 258 88 34% 16 6% 72 28% 69 27% 51 20% 33 13% 85 33% 16 6% -0.05 1.15 0.08

South East285 263 72 27% 15 6% 58 22% 92 35% 66 25% 24 9% 90 34% 9 3% -0.11 1.04 0.06

South West Public189 187 50 27% 14 7% 36 19% 53 28% 48 26% 29 15% 77 41% 7 4% -0.24 1.17 0.09 307 326 108 33% 30 9% 78 24% 89 27% 80 25% 29 9% 109 34% 19 6% * 1.14 0.07

Private773 822 226 27% 54 7% 172 21% 261 32% 195 24% 110 13% 305 37% 31 4% -0.17 1.12 0.04

75 110 30% 34% 19 8% 55 22% 86 35% 53 21% 16 7% 69 28% 16 7% 0.04 1.05 0.08 21 6% 89 27% 99 30% 62 19% 34 11% 97 29% 22 7% * 1.10 0.06

Prepared by Populus

Page 40

British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 21

Q.11 Delayed ripening of cantaloupe melons for a longer shelf life. In this instance, a gene has been introduced that delays the release of the plant fruit-ripening hormone, ethylene. The scientists developing this for human consumption propose the technology could extend the shelf life of the fruit. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education etc. etc. 5, etc. education 83 96 36 37% 8 8% 28 29% 34 36% 14 15% 9 9% 23 24% 3 3% 0.13 1.08 0.12 6 6 5 74% 1 11% 1 15% 2 26% -0.41 0.80 0.33 1057 1075 293 27% 61 6% 233 22% 330 31% 274 25% 137 13% 410 38% 41 4% -0.19 1.10 0.03 664 641 168 26% 48 7% 120 19% 197 31% 173 27% 83 13% 256 40% 20 3% -0.20 1.13 0.04 215 210 70 34% 19 9% 51 24% 65 31% 34 16% 32 15% 66 31% 9 4% -0.04 1.20 0.08 43 51 21 42% 3 5% 19 37% 19 37% 7 13% 3 7% 10 20% 1 2% 0.21 0.98 0.15

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 567 28% 134 7% 434 21% 641 31% 501 24% 259 13% 761 37% 81 4% -0.16 1.12 0.03

NET: Agree634 607 90 15% 26 4% 64 11% 94 15% 217 36% 200 33% 417 69% 7 1% -0.83 1.13 0.05

Strongly agree244 238 33 14% 20 8% 13 5% 17 7% 46 19% 141 59% 187 79% 1 * -1.16 1.27 0.08

Slightly agree390 370 57 16% 6 2% 51 14% 76 21% 171 46% 58 16% 230 62% 6 2% -0.62 0.97 0.05

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 111 22% 5 1% 106 21% 240 48% 114 23% 16 3% 130 26% 23 5% -0.06 0.79 0.04 480 500 157 31% 22 4% 135 27% 178 36% 130 26% 29 6% 159 32% 6 1% -0.02 0.98 0.04

Strongly disagree353 358 199 55% 78 22% 121 34% 113 32% 32 9% 13 4% 44 12% 2 1% 0.62 1.03 0.06

NET: Disagree Under 16833 859 356 41% 100 12% 255 30% 292 34% 162 19% 42 5% 203 24% 8 1% 0.25 1.05 0.04 734 732 199 27% 52 7% 147 20% 229 31% 182 25% 99 14% 281 38% 23 3% -0.18 1.13 0.04

17-18451 459 123 27% 27 6% 96 21% 131 28% 133 29% 59 13% 191 42% 14 3% -0.22 1.11 0.05

19-24549 534 147 27% 31 6% 116 22% 178 33% 126 24% 66 12% 192 36% 18 3% -0.16 1.09 0.05

25-3488 78 24 31% 5 6% 19 25% 17 22% 21 27% 12 15% 32 42% 4 5% -0.20 1.18 0.13

35+23 24 4 19% 2 7% 3 12% 7 28% 9 37% 4 17% 13 53% -0.44 1.13 0.24

Prepared by Populus

Page 41

British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 22

Q.12 Carnations that have a violet/mauve colouration for resale purposes. Here commercially-grown carnation flowers have had their colour modified by inserting two anthocyanin biosynthetic genes (usually naturally occurring genes that cause colouration in plants) whose expression results in a violet/mauve colouration. This is to add variety to the flowers' colouration for human enjoyment. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 451 22% 92 4% 359 18% 663 32% 494 24% 370 18% 864 42% 72 4% -0.35 1.12 0.03

Male927 1004 228 23% 50 5% 179 18% 368 37% 221 22% 156 16% 377 38% 31 3% -0.26 1.09 0.04

Female 18-241123 1046 222 21% 42 4% 180 17% 295 28% 273 26% 214 20% 487 47% 41 4% -0.44 1.13 0.03 196 246 64 26% 11 5% 53 21% 91 37% 50 20% 26 10% 75 31% 16 6% -0.11 1.04 0.08

25-34331 328 91 28% 21 6% 70 21% 106 32% 74 23% 36 11% 111 34% 20 6% -0.11 1.10 0.06

35-44417 389 96 25% 19 5% 77 20% 121 31% 85 22% 72 19% 157 40% 15 4% -0.31 1.15 0.06

45-54358 348 68 20% 10 3% 58 17% 108 31% 100 29% 63 18% 163 47% 9 3% -0.44 1.07 0.06

55-64317 308 63 20% 10 3% 53 17% 92 30% 68 22% 83 27% 151 49% 2 * -0.53 1.16 0.07

65+431 431 69 16% 20 5% 49 11% 145 34% 117 27% 90 21% 206 48% 11 3% -0.49 1.10 0.05

AB697 553 111 20% 23 4% 87 16% 174 31% 137 25% 116 21% 253 46% 15 3% -0.44 1.12 0.04

C1493 594 133 22% 27 5% 106 18% 171 29% 171 29% 101 17% 272 46% 18 3% -0.37 1.11 0.05

C2308 430 105 24% 22 5% 83 19% 142 33% 94 22% 78 18% 172 40% 12 3% -0.29 1.14 0.07

DE552 472 102 22% 20 4% 82 17% 175 37% 92 19% 76 16% 168 36% 27 6% -0.27 1.09 0.05

Scotland184 178 32 18% 8 5% 24 13% 66 37% 39 22% 33 18% 71 40% 9 5% -0.38 1.10 0.08

North East95 93 33 35% 7 7% 26 28% 28 30% 22 24% 6 7% 29 31% 3 3% 0.04 1.06 0.11

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 64 27% 11 5% 53 22% 76 32% 54 22% 39 16% 92 38% 8 3% -0.24 1.12 0.07 180 181 31 17% 7 4% 24 14% 75 42% 45 25% 29 16% 74 41% 1 * -0.36 1.02 0.08 198 190 36 19% 7 4% 29 15% 60 32% 46 24% 35 18% 81 43% 13 7% -0.41 1.10 0.08

East Midlands160 159 25 15% 8 5% 17 11% 46 29% 51 32% 33 21% 84 53% 5 3% -0.55 1.10 0.09

Wales93 109 22 20% 6 6% 16 15% 34 32% 29 26% 20 19% 49 45% 3 3% -0.39 1.14 0.12

Eastern183 192 38 20% 7 4% 31 16% 51 27% 42 22% 54 28% 96 50% 7 4% -0.56 1.18 0.09

London236 258 81 32% 18 7% 64 25% 74 29% 60 23% 35 14% 95 37% 7 3% -0.12 1.15 0.08

South East285 263 51 19% 10 4% 41 16% 84 32% 74 28% 45 17% 118 45% 10 4% -0.40 1.08 0.06

South West Public189 187 38 20% 4 2% 34 18% 68 36% 33 18% 42 23% 75 40% 6 3% -0.42 1.11 0.08 307 326 85 26% 22 7% 63 19% 108 33% 71 22% 49 15% 120 37% 12 4% -0.20 1.14 0.07

Private773 822 200 24% 29 4% 171 21% 261 32% 188 23% 146 18% 335 41% 27 3% -0.32 1.11 0.04

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 22

Q.12 Carnations that have a violet/mauve colouration for resale purposes. Here commercially-grown carnation flowers have had their colour modified by inserting two anthocyanin biosynthetic genes (usually naturally occurring genes that cause colouration in plants) whose expression results in a violet/mauve colouration. This is to add variety to the flowers' colouration for human enjoyment. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education etc. etc. 5, etc. education 83 96 26 27% 5 6% 20 21% 32 34% 21 22% 14 14% 34 36% 4 4% -0.18 1.12 0.13 6 6 2 38% 2 38% 2 33% 2 29% 2 29% 0.08 0.89 0.36 1057 1075 232 22% 55 5% 177 16% 365 34% 247 23% 195 18% 442 41% 36 3% -0.34 1.12 0.04 664 641 130 20% 22 3% 107 17% 184 29% 185 29% 125 19% 310 48% 17 3% -0.45 1.10 0.04 215 210 53 25% 11 5% 42 20% 66 31% 42 20% 41 20% 83 40% 8 4% -0.30 1.17 0.08 43 51 16 32% 2 4% 14 28% 18 36% 10 20% 6 11% 16 31% 1 2% -0.06 1.06 0.16

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 451 22% 92 4% 359 18% 663 32% 494 24% 370 18% 864 42% 72 4% -0.35 1.12 0.03

NET: Agree634 607 119 20% 29 5% 90 15% 125 21% 140 23% 219 36% 359 59% 5 1% -0.71 1.23 0.05

Strongly agree244 238 39 16% 20 9% 18 8% 29 12% 33 14% 136 57% 169 71% 1 1% -1.04 1.34 0.09

Slightly agree390 370 81 22% 9 2% 72 19% 96 26% 107 29% 83 22% 190 51% 3 1% -0.50 1.12 0.06

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 101 20% 11 2% 90 18% 209 42% 131 26% 43 9% 174 35% 20 4% -0.22 0.93 0.04 480 500 103 20% 21 4% 81 16% 171 34% 148 29% 70 14% 217 43% 9 2% -0.33 1.05 0.05

Strongly disagree353 358 113 32% 30 8% 83 23% 144 40% 65 18% 34 9% 99 28% 3 1% 0.03 1.06 0.06

NET: Disagree Under 16833 859 215 25% 51 6% 164 19% 315 37% 212 25% 104 12% 316 37% 12 1% -0.18 1.07 0.04 734 732 166 23% 36 5% 131 18% 252 34% 157 21% 136 19% 292 40% 22 3% -0.32 1.13 0.04

17-18451 459 97 21% 22 5% 75 16% 128 28% 134 29% 88 19% 223 49% 11 2% -0.43 1.13 0.05

19-24549 534 107 20% 18 3% 89 17% 174 33% 138 26% 99 18% 237 44% 17 3% -0.41 1.09 0.05

25-3488 78 18 23% 3 4% 15 19% 26 33% 17 22% 16 20% 33 42% 1 2% -0.35 1.14 0.12

35+23 24 5 20% 1 2% 4 17% 6 25% 6 26% 7 29% 13 55% -0.62 1.16 0.24

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 23

Q.13 Sugar beet that is tolerant to certain herbicides (weedkillers). A sugar beet crop modified so that is not killed by the herbicides (weedkillers) used to kills off other wild plants (weeds) competing for light and nutrients in the sugar beet fields. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 379 36% 57 5% 322 31% 328 31% 149 14% 105 10% 255 24% 85 8% 0.08 1.08 0.03 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178 77 43% 13 7% 64 36% 53 30% 20 11% 13 7% 33 19% 15 9% 0.27 1.04 0.08

Yorkshire & West North North Humb- MidEast West erside lands95 93 247 241 180 181 74 41% 15 8% 59 33% 62 34% 22 12% 15 8% 37 21% 7 4% 0.21 1.06 0.08 198 190 80 42% 18 9% 62 33% 48 25% 30 16% 16 9% 46 24% 15 8% 0.20 1.13 0.08

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 62 39% 12 8% 50 31% 50 31% 21 13% 17 11% 38 24% 10 6% 0.12 1.12 0.09 93 109 53 48% 15 14% 38 35% 21 19% 12 11% 17 16% 29 27% 6 6% 0.20 1.31 0.14 183 192 83 43% 17 9% 67 35% 48 25% 29 15% 21 11% 50 26% 10 5% 0.16 1.16 0.09 236 258 123 48% 33 13% 90 35% 64 25% 33 13% 23 9% 56 22% 16 6% 0.31 1.16 0.08 285 263 121 46% 26 10% 95 36% 80 30% 29 11% 21 8% 50 19% 12 5% 0.31 1.07 0.07 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

915 536 45% 53% 198 141 10% 14% 717 395 35% 39% 561 233 27% 23% 273 124 13% 12% 187 9% 82 8%

101 128 176 160 133 217 278 257 196 185 41% 39% 45% 46% 43% 50% 50% 43% 45% 39% 20 8% 25 8% 31 8% 27 8% 28 9% 66 15% 61 11% 57 10% 37 9% 43 9%

46 117 49% 49% 11 12% 34 37% 25 27% 13 14% 4 4% 17 18% 5 5% 0.42 1.03 0.11 24 10% 93 39% 65 27% 36 15% 17 7% 53 22% 6 3% 0.31 1.08 0.07

80 153 357 43% 47% 43% 14 8% 38 12% 64 8%

81 103 145 132 104 151 217 199 158 142 33% 31% 37% 38% 34% 35% 39% 34% 37% 30% 72 113 105 29% 34% 27% 22 9% 23 9% 45 18% 27 11% 0.25 1.10 0.08 46 14% 22 7% 68 21% 19 6% 0.20 1.03 0.06 47 12% 37 10% 84 22% 24 6% 0.24 1.11 0.06 94 27% 48 14% 27 8% 75 21% 21 6% 0.26 1.07 0.06 75 102 128 160 120 152 24% 24% 23% 27% 28% 32% 52 17% 39 13% 91 30% 9 3% 0.10 1.19 0.07 59 14% 38 9% 76 14% 53 10% 81 14% 63 11% 60 14% 30 7% 90 21% 25 6% 0.28 1.06 0.06 56 12% 42 9% 97 21% 37 8% 0.20 1.09 0.05

65 115 293 35% 35% 36% 45 24% 27 15% 23 12% 50 27% 12 6% 0.12 1.17 0.09 92 235 28% 29% 43 106 13% 13% 20 6% 75 9%

460 205 22% 20% 115 6% 0.24 1.12 0.03 30 3% 0.40 1.13 0.04

97 129 144 23% 23% 24% 15 4% 0.36 1.18 0.06 19 3% 0.29 1.15 0.04 33 6% 0.19 1.15 0.05

62 180 19% 22% 19 6% 0.35 1.07 0.06 50 6% 0.21 1.09 0.04

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 23

Q.13 Sugar beet that is tolerant to certain herbicides (weedkillers). A sugar beet crop modified so that is not killed by the herbicides (weedkillers) used to kills off other wild plants (weeds) competing for light and nutrients in the sugar beet fields. To what extent would you be supportive or unsupportive of using genetic modification for this purpose? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education etc. etc. 5, etc. education 83 96 39 41% 12 12% 27 28% 31 33% 9 9% 11 11% 20 20% 6 6% 0.23 1.17 0.13 6 6 4 72% 4 72% 2 28% 0.72 0.49 0.20 1057 1075 473 44% 95 9% 378 35% 311 29% 127 12% 97 9% 224 21% 67 6% 0.24 1.10 0.03 664 641 282 44% 67 11% 214 33% 158 25% 109 17% 65 10% 173 27% 27 4% 0.18 1.16 0.05 215 210 110 53% 28 13% 83 39% 46 22% 24 12% 21 10% 45 21% 8 4% 0.36 1.17 0.08 43 51 24 46% 4 8% 19 38% 17 33% 4 8% 4 8% 8 17% 2 4% 0.31 1.04 0.16

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Supportive Very supportive Supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Unsupportive Very unsupportive NET: Unsupportive Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 915 45% 198 10% 717 35% 561 27% 273 13% 187 9% 460 22% 115 6% 0.24 1.12 0.03

NET: Agree634 607 148 24% 32 5% 116 19% 139 23% 155 26% 145 24% 300 49% 21 3% -0.45 1.21 0.05

Strongly agree244 238 35 15% 22 9% 13 6% 29 12% 57 24% 114 48% 171 72% 3 1% -0.97 1.29 0.08

Slightly agree390 370 113 31% 10 3% 103 28% 110 30% 98 26% 32 9% 129 35% 18 5% -0.11 1.02 0.05

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 179 36% 16 3% 163 32% 229 45% 49 10% 20 4% 69 14% 26 5% 0.22 0.84 0.04 480 500 292 58% 40 8% 252 50% 133 27% 44 9% 15 3% 58 12% 17 3% 0.54 0.88 0.04

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 282 79% 107 30% 175 49% 50 14% 21 6% 4 1% 25 7% 1 * 1.01 0.89 0.05 833 859 574 67% 148 17% 426 50% 183 21% 65 8% 19 2% 84 10% 18 2% 0.74 0.91 0.03 734 732 325 44% 68 9% 257 35% 203 28% 97 13% 69 9% 166 23% 38 5% 0.23 1.12 0.04

17-18451 459 212 46% 44 10% 168 37% 112 24% 67 15% 40 9% 107 23% 27 6% 0.25 1.12 0.05

19-24549 534 247 46% 52 10% 195 36% 141 26% 75 14% 46 9% 121 23% 25 5% 0.26 1.11 0.05

25-3488 78 38 49% 10 13% 28 36% 19 25% 11 14% 9 11% 20 25% 1 1% 0.26 1.20 0.13

35+23 24 9 39% 2 9% 7 30% 5 23% 2 7% 6 26% 8 33% 1 5% -0.11 1.39 0.30

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 24

Q.14 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Agree Strongly agree Slightly agree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly disagree Strongly disagree NET: Disagree Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 607 30% 238 12% 370 18% 504 25% 500 24% 358 17% 859 42% 80 4% -0.19 1.27 0.03

Male927 1004 252 25% 101 10% 151 15% 223 22% 248 25% 257 26% 505 50% 23 2% -0.42 1.30 0.04

Female 18-241123 1046 355 34% 137 13% 219 21% 280 27% 252 24% 101 10% 353 34% 57 5% 0.04 1.20 0.04 196 246 65 26% 22 9% 44 18% 86 35% 55 22% 25 10% 81 33% 15 6% -0.08 1.11 0.08

25-34331 328 105 32% 35 11% 69 21% 104 32% 67 20% 37 11% 104 32% 16 5% * 1.17 0.07

35-44417 389 113 29% 41 11% 72 19% 103 26% 99 25% 56 14% 155 40% 18 5% -0.15 1.22 0.06

45-54358 348 102 29% 42 12% 59 17% 80 23% 87 25% 69 20% 156 45% 10 3% -0.24 1.30 0.07

55-64317 308 116 38% 47 15% 69 22% 50 16% 87 28% 48 16% 135 44% 7 2% -0.07 1.33 0.08

65+431 431 107 25% 50 12% 57 13% 82 19% 106 25% 123 29% 229 53% 13 3% -0.47 1.36 0.07

AB697 553 160 29% 62 11% 98 18% 109 20% 126 23% 143 26% 270 49% 14 3% -0.35 1.35 0.05

C1493 594 166 28% 71 12% 95 16% 144 24% 154 26% 105 18% 259 44% 25 4% -0.22 1.28 0.06

C2308 430 123 28% 48 11% 74 17% 123 29% 113 26% 54 12% 167 39% 17 4% -0.12 1.20 0.07

DE552 472 159 34% 56 12% 103 22% 127 27% 107 23% 57 12% 163 35% 23 5% -0.01 1.21 0.05

Scotland184 178 54 31% 22 13% 32 18% 32 18% 58 33% 23 13% 81 46% 10 6% -0.17 1.27 0.10

North East95 93 21 23% 6 6% 15 17% 35 37% 18 19% 16 17% 34 37% 3 4% -0.26 1.13 0.12

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 77 32% 24 10% 54 22% 55 23% 51 21% 52 22% 104 43% 5 2% -0.23 1.30 0.08 180 181 48 27% 19 11% 29 16% 48 26% 49 27% 30 17% 79 44% 5 3% -0.24 1.23 0.09 198 190 59 31% 19 10% 40 21% 50 26% 40 21% 31 16% 71 38% 9 5% -0.14 1.24 0.09

East Midlands160 159 42 26% 20 13% 22 14% 51 32% 39 24% 20 13% 59 37% 8 5% -0.11 1.21 0.10

Wales93 109 27 25% 10 9% 16 15% 30 28% 35 32% 16 14% 50 46% 1 1% -0.27 1.18 0.12

Eastern183 192 53 28% 28 14% 26 13% 34 18% 56 29% 40 21% 95 50% 9 5% -0.29 1.36 0.10

London236 258 101 39% 37 14% 64 25% 63 24% 44 17% 38 15% 82 32% 11 4% 0.07 1.29 0.09

South East285 263 67 25% 27 10% 40 15% 68 26% 68 26% 51 20% 119 45% 9 3% -0.30 1.25 0.08

South West Public189 187 57 31% 26 14% 31 16% 38 20% 43 23% 40 22% 83 45% 8 4% -0.22 1.37 0.10 307 326 106 33% 32 10% 75 23% 78 24% 74 23% 54 17% 128 39% 13 4% -0.14 1.25 0.07

Private773 822 240 29% 91 11% 150 18% 234 28% 189 23% 132 16% 321 39% 27 3% -0.15 1.23 0.05

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 24

Q.14 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 30 31% 17 18% 13 13% 28 30% 24 25% 13 13% 36 38% 2 2% -0.03 1.29 0.14 6 6 2 39% 1 11% 2 28% 1 22% 2 39% 2 39% 0.12 1.15 0.47 1057 1075 338 31% 131 12% 206 19% 287 27% 270 25% 130 12% 400 37% 50 5% -0.06 1.22 0.04 664 641 178 28% 72 11% 106 17% 129 20% 163 25% 159 25% 322 50% 12 2% -0.37 1.33 0.05 215 210 60 29% 21 10% 39 19% 39 19% 48 23% 58 27% 106 50% 5 2% -0.40 1.34 0.09 43 51 16 32% 7 15% 9 17% 16 31% 10 20% 7 13% 17 34% 2 3% * 1.26 0.20

Total Unweighted base Weighted base NET: Agree Strongly agree Slightly agree Neither agree nor disagree Slightly disagree Strongly disagree NET: Disagree Don't know Mean Standard deviation Standard error (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) 2050 2050 607 30% 238 12% 370 18% 504 25% 500 24% 358 17% 859 42% 80 4% -0.19 1.27 0.03

NET: Agree634 607 607 100% 238 39% 370 61% 1.39 0.49 0.02

Strongly agree244 238 238 100% 238 100% 2.00 0.00 0.00

Slightly agree390 370 370 100% 370 100% 1.00 0.00 0.00

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 504 100% 0.00 0.00 0.00 480 500 500 100% 500 100% -1.00 0.00 0.00

Strongly disagree353 358 358 100% 358 100% -2.00 0.00 0.00

NET: Disagree Under 16833 859 500 58% 358 42% 859 100% -1.42 0.49 0.02 734 732 224 31% 90 12% 134 18% 203 28% 176 24% 102 14% 278 38% 27 4% -0.09 1.23 0.05

17-18451 459 137 30% 50 11% 87 19% 95 21% 127 28% 81 18% 208 45% 19 4% -0.23 1.28 0.06

19-24549 534 143 27% 53 10% 90 17% 111 21% 137 26% 126 24% 263 49% 16 3% -0.37 1.30 0.06

25-3488 78 21 27% 7 9% 14 18% 16 21% 18 23% 22 28% 40 51% 1 1% -0.43 1.33 0.14

35+23 24 14 57% 3 11% 11 46% 2 10% 5 22% 2 9% 7 31% * 2% 0.29 1.22 0.26

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 25

Gender Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Male Female 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 1046 100% 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178 87 49% 91 51%

North East95 93

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 180 181 77 42% 104 58% 198 190 94 49% 96 51%

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 80 50% 80 50% 93 109 183 192 236 258 135 52% 123 48% 285 263 131 50% 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

1004 1004 49% 100% 1046 51% -

87 133 192 154 160 279 323 281 218 182 35% 41% 49% 44% 52% 65% 58% 47% 51% 39% 159 194 198 195 148 152 231 313 212 289 65% 59% 51% 56% 48% 35% 42% 53% 49% 61%

45 108 48% 45% 48 133 52% 55%

47 116 43% 60% 62 57% 76 40%

85 138 457 45% 42% 56%

132 102 187 365 50% 55% 58% 44%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 25

Gender Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 43 45% 53 55% 6 6 6 89% 1 11% 1057 1075 498 46% 577 54% 664 641 326 51% 315 49% 215 210 118 56% 92 44% 43 51 28 54% 23 46%

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Male Female 2050 2050 1004 49% 1046 51%

NET: Agree634 607 252 42% 355 58%

Strongly agree244 238 101 43% 137 57%

Slightly agree390 370 151 41% 219 59%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 223 44% 280 56% 480 500 248 50% 252 50%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 257 72% 101 28% 833 859 505 59% 353 41% 734 732 361 49% 371 51%

17-18451 459 215 47% 244 53%

19-24549 534 267 50% 267 50%

25-3488 78 45 58% 33 42%

35+23 24 7 30% 17 70%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 26

Age Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Average age 2050 2050 246 12% 328 16% 389 19% 348 17% 308 15% 431 21% 46.80

Male927 1004 87 9% 133 13% 192 19% 154 15% 160 16% 279 28% 49.82

Female1123 1046 159 15% 194 19% 198 19% 195 19% 148 14% 152 15% 43.91

18-24196 246 246 100% 21.49

25-34331 328 328 100% 29.81

35-44417 389 389 100% 39.70

45-54358 348 348 100% 49.79

55-64317 308 308 100% 59.29

65+431 431 431 100% 69.27

AB697 553 55 10% 88 16% 93 17% 75 14% 76 14% 167 30% 49.54

C1493 594 71 12% 93 16% 120 20% 100 17% 82 14% 129 22% 46.74

C2308 430 55 13% 67 16% 96 22% 85 20% 69 16% 59 14% 44.65

DE552 472 65 14% 80 17% 81 17% 88 19% 81 17% 76 16% 45.63

Scotland184 178 18 10% 21 12% 29 16% 39 22% 39 22% 33 18% 48.66

North East95 93 18 19% 18 19% 11 12% 17 19% 11 12% 18 19% 44.40

North West247 241 17 7% 45 19% 46 19% 44 18% 46 19% 42 18% 47.58

Yorkshire & Humberside180 181 23 13% 22 12% 34 19% 37 21% 31 17% 33 18% 47.15

West Midlands198 190 34 18% 30 16% 32 17% 27 14% 22 11% 44 23% 45.36

East Midlands160 159 17 10% 21 13% 30 19% 22 14% 25 15% 46 29% 49.22

Wales93 109 18 16% 20 19% 15 13% 17 16% 18 16% 21 19% 45.05

Eastern183 192 11 6% 19 10% 54 28% 37 19% 25 13% 45 24% 49.18

London236 258 57 22% 67 26% 62 24% 18 7% 15 6% 39 15% 39.29

South East285 263 17 7% 44 17% 45 17% 52 20% 44 17% 60 23% 48.94

South West189 187 17 9% 21 11% 30 16% 37 20% 32 17% 50 27% 50.22

Public307 326 31 10% 90 28% 89 27% 76 23% 29 9% 10 3% 40.18

Private773 822 110 13% 159 19% 213 26% 168 20% 120 15% 52 6% 41.96

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 26

Age Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 74 77% 15 15% 6 7% 1 1% * * 23.24 6 6 1 15% 3 46% 2 28% 1 11% 47.30 1057 1075 119 11% 125 12% 208 19% 211 20% 188 17% 225 21% 48.17 664 641 62 10% 117 18% 124 19% 105 16% 86 13% 147 23% 47.29 215 210 14 7% 61 29% 39 19% 23 11% 26 12% 47 22% 45.77 43 51 41 81% 5 9% 4 7% 1 2% 22.95

Total Unweighted base Weighted base 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Average age 2050 2050 246 12% 328 16% 389 19% 348 17% 308 15% 431 21% 46.80

NET: Agree634 607 65 11% 105 17% 113 19% 102 17% 116 19% 107 18% 46.68

Strongly agree244 238 22 9% 35 15% 41 17% 42 18% 47 20% 50 21% 48.39

Slightly agree390 370 44 12% 69 19% 72 19% 59 16% 69 19% 57 15% 45.59

Neither agree nor disagree502 504 86 17% 104 21% 103 20% 80 16% 50 10% 82 16% 42.88

Slightly disagree480 500 55 11% 67 13% 99 20% 87 17% 87 17% 106 21% 47.78

Strongly disagree353 358 25 7% 37 10% 56 16% 69 19% 48 13% 123 34% 52.13

NET: Disagree833 859 81 9% 104 12% 155 18% 156 18% 135 16% 229 27% 49.59

Under 16734 732 40 5% 47 6% 138 19% 149 20% 160 22% 198 27% 52.58

17-18451 459 43 9% 66 14% 84 18% 102 22% 69 15% 94 21% 47.75

19-24549 534 67 13% 134 25% 108 20% 66 12% 52 10% 107 20% 44.06

25-3488 78 26 34% 22 28% 8 10% 6 8% 16 21% 45.75

35+23 24 2 8% 4 16% 4 18% 11 45% 3 12% 53.70

Prepared by Populus

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 27

Social Grade Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base AB C1 C2 DE 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 231 22% 313 30% 212 20% 289 28% 196 246 55 22% 71 29% 55 22% 65 27% 331 328 88 27% 417 389 93 24% 358 348 75 22% 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594 594 100% -

C2308 430 430 100% -

DE552 472 472 100%

Scotland184 178 46 26% 48 27% 34 19% 51 29%

North East95 93 16 17% 32 35% 19 20% 26 28%

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 70 29% 78 32% 40 16% 53 22% 180 181 37 21% 54 30% 50 28% 40 22% 198 190 58 30% 39 21% 50 27% 42 22%

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 35 22% 49 31% 44 28% 31 19% 93 109 25 23% 36 33% 17 16% 30 28% 183 192 64 33% 47 25% 43 22% 39 20% 236 258 70 27% 89 34% 43 17% 56 22% 285 263 84 32% 68 26% 52 20% 59 22% 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

553 323 27% 32% 594 281 29% 28% 430 218 21% 22% 472 182 23% 18%

76 167 553 25% 39% 100% 82 129 27% 30% 69 22% 81 26% 59 14% 76 18% -

48 101 230 26% 31% 28% 55 133 228 29% 41% 28% 39 21% 45 24% 58 235 18% 29% 34 129 11% 16%

93 120 100 28% 31% 29% 67 20% 80 24% 96 25% 81 21% 85 24% 88 25%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 27

Social Grade Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 21 22% 33 35% 25 26% 16 17% 6 6 2 35% 1 11% 1 14% 2 39% 1057 1075 161 15% 302 28% 275 26% 337 31% 664 641 249 39% 219 34% 87 14% 86 13% 215 210 126 60% 44 21% 26 12% 15 7% 43 51 11 21% 19 37% 15 30% 6 12%

Total Unweighted base Weighted base AB C1 C2 DE 2050 2050 553 27% 594 29% 430 21% 472 23%

NET: Agree634 607 160 26% 166 27% 123 20% 159 26%

Strongly agree244 238 62 26% 71 30% 48 20% 56 24%

Slightly agree390 370 98 27% 95 26% 74 20% 103 28%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 109 22% 144 29% 123 24% 127 25% 480 500 126 25% 154 31% 113 23% 107 21%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 143 40% 105 29% 54 15% 57 16% 833 859 270 31% 259 30% 167 19% 163 19% 734 732 109 15% 190 26% 195 27% 238 32%

17-18451 459 120 26% 151 33% 101 22% 87 19%

19-24549 534 227 43% 166 31% 74 14% 68 13%

25-3488 78 44 57% 19 24% 6 8% 9 11%

35+23 24 5 20% 11 46% 1 6% 7 28%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 28

GO Region Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Scotland North East North West Yorkshire & Humberside West Midlands East Midlands Wales Eastern London South East South West 2050 2050 178 9% 93 5%

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 87 9% 45 4% 1123 1046 91 9% 48 5% 133 13% 104 10% 96 9% 80 8% 62 6% 76 7% 123 12% 132 13% 102 10% 196 246 18 7% 18 7% 17 7% 23 9% 34 14% 17 7% 18 7% 11 4% 57 23% 17 7% 17 7% 331 328 21 6% 18 5% 45 14% 22 7% 30 9% 21 6% 20 6% 19 6% 67 20% 44 14% 21 7% 417 389 29 7% 11 3% 46 12% 34 9% 32 8% 30 8% 15 4% 54 14% 62 16% 45 11% 30 8% 358 348 39 11% 17 5% 44 13% 37 11% 27 8% 22 6% 17 5% 37 11% 18 5% 52 15% 37 11% 317 308 39 13% 11 4% 46 15% 31 10% 22 7% 25 8% 18 6% 25 8% 15 5% 44 14% 32 10%

65+431 431 33 8% 18 4% 42 10% 33 8% 44 10% 46 11% 21 5% 45 11% 39 9% 60 14% 50 12%

AB697 553 46 8% 16 3% 70 13% 37 7% 58 10% 35 6% 25 5% 64 11% 70 13% 84 15% 48 9%

C1493 594 48 8% 32 5% 78 13% 54 9% 39 7% 49 8% 36 6% 47 8% 89 15% 68 11% 55 9%

C2308 430 34 8% 19 4% 40 9% 50 12% 50 12% 44 10% 17 4% 43 10% 43 10% 52 12% 39 9%

DE552 472

Scotland184 178

Yorkshire & West North North Humb- MidEast West erside lands95 93 93 100% 247 241 241 100% 180 181 181 100% 198 190 190 100% -

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 159 100% 93 109 109 100% 183 192 192 100% 236 258 258 100% 285 263 263 100% 189 187 187 100% 307 326 29 9% 16 5%

Private773 822 64 8% 41 5%

51 178 11% 100% 26 6% 53 11% 40 8% 42 9% 31 7% 30 6% 39 8% 56 12% 59 12% 45 10% -

241 108 12% 11% 181 9% 190 9% 159 8% 109 5% 77 8% 94 9% 80 8% 47 5%

35 101 11% 12% 31 10% 18 5% 20 6% 35 11% 26 8% 72 9% 78 10% 67 8% 25 3% 83 10%

192 116 9% 12% 258 135 13% 13% 263 131 13% 13% 187 9% 85 8%

53 116 16% 14% 37 107 11% 13% 27 8% 68 8%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 28

GO Region Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 7 7% 4 4% 6 6% 15 16% 14 15% 8 8% 4 4% 4 4% 23 24% 9 10% 2 2% 6 6 2 39% 1 15% 1 13% 1 11% 1 22% 1057 1075 97 9% 50 5% 121 11% 107 10% 90 8% 103 10% 64 6% 103 10% 112 10% 130 12% 98 9% 664 641 58 9% 32 5% 76 12% 46 7% 61 10% 38 6% 22 3% 64 10% 90 14% 94 15% 59 9% 215 210 12 6% 7 4% 29 14% 18 8% 19 9% 9 5% 14 7% 16 7% 36 17% 26 12% 24 11% 43 51 6 11% 3 5% 3 6% 7 15% 11 22% 1 2% 2 4% 3 6% 10 19% 4 9% 1 2%

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Scotland North East North West Yorkshire & Humberside West Midlands East Midlands Wales Eastern London South East South West 2050 2050 178 9% 93 5% 241 12% 181 9% 190 9% 159 8% 109 5% 192 9% 258 13% 263 13% 187 9%

NET: Agree634 607 54 9% 21 3% 77 13% 48 8% 59 10% 42 7% 27 4% 53 9% 101 17% 67 11% 57 9%

Strongly agree244 238 22 9% 6 2% 24 10% 19 8% 19 8% 20 8% 10 4% 28 12% 37 16% 27 11% 26 11%

Slightly agree390 370 32 9% 15 4% 54 15% 29 8% 40 11% 22 6% 16 4% 26 7% 64 17% 40 11% 31 8%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 32 6% 35 7% 55 11% 48 9% 50 10% 51 10% 30 6% 34 7% 63 12% 68 14% 38 8% 480 500 58 12% 18 4% 51 10% 49 10% 40 8% 39 8% 35 7% 56 11% 44 9% 68 14% 43 9%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 23 7% 16 4% 52 15% 30 8% 31 9% 20 6% 16 4% 40 11% 38 11% 51 14% 40 11% 833 859 81 9% 34 4% 104 12% 79 9% 71 8% 59 7% 50 6% 95 11% 82 10% 119 14% 83 10% 734 732 61 8% 48 7% 83 11% 82 11% 75 10% 74 10% 33 5% 71 10% 50 7% 80 11% 74 10%

17-18451 459 52 11% 11 2% 50 11% 34 8% 32 7% 40 9% 30 7% 48 10% 44 10% 67 15% 50 11%

19-24549 534 41 8% 23 4% 62 12% 37 7% 44 8% 24 5% 27 5% 52 10% 100 19% 79 15% 46 9%

25-3488 78 7 9% 2 2% 15 20% 7 9% 7 9% 4 5% 2 3% 3 4% 17 21% 12 15% 2 3%

35+23 24 6 25% 1 2% 2 7% 1 5% * 1% 2 10% 3 14% 3 13% 3 12% 3 11%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 29

Have you taken a foreign holiday in the last 3 years? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Yes No 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 618 59% 428 41% 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178

North East95 93

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 180 181 106 59% 74 41% 198 190 122 65% 67 35%

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 85 54% 74 46% 93 109 183 192 236 258 164 64% 94 36% 285 263 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

1271 653 62% 65% 779 351 38% 35%

143 210 231 204 184 300 427 386 253 205 108 58% 64% 59% 58% 60% 70% 77% 65% 59% 44% 60% 103 118 158 145 124 131 127 208 178 266 42% 36% 41% 42% 40% 30% 23% 35% 41% 56% 70 40%

54 168 58% 70% 39 42% 72 30%

65 121 60% 63% 43 40% 71 37%

167 109 208 538 64% 59% 64% 65% 96 36% 78 117 284 41% 36% 35%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 29

Have you taken a foreign holiday in the last 3 years? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 62 65% 34 35% 6 6 4 61% 2 39% 1057 1075 590 55% 486 45% 664 641 450 70% 191 30% 215 210 157 75% 53 25% 43 51 31 62% 19 38%

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Yes No 2050 2050 1271 62% 779 38%

NET: Agree634 607 362 60% 246 40%

Strongly agree244 238 143 60% 95 40%

Slightly agree390 370 219 59% 151 41%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 310 61% 194 39% 480 500 328 66% 172 34%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 228 64% 130 36% 833 859 556 65% 303 35% 734 732 413 56% 320 44%

17-18451 459 266 58% 193 42%

19-24549 534 376 70% 158 30%

25-3488 78 60 77% 18 23%

35+23 24 15 65% 8 35%

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 30

Tenure Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Owned outright without mortgage Owned with a mortgage or loan Rented from the council Rented from a housing association Rented from someone else Rent free 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 317 30% 360 34% 150 14% 65 6% 146 14% 8 1% 196 246 52 21% 331 328 26 8% 417 389 46 12% 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178 47 27% 53 30% 50 28% 10 6% 16 9% 2 1%

Yorkshire & West North North Humb- MidEast West erside lands95 93 23 25% 247 241 73 30% 180 181 71 39% 57 32% 24 13% 7 4% 21 11% 1 * 198 190 68 36% 65 34% 23 12% 12 6% 22 11% 1 *

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 66 41% 53 33% 18 11% 4 3% 16 10% 1 1% 93 109 28 26% 38 35% 21 19% 3 3% 18 16% 1 1% 183 192 68 35% 84 44% 6 3% 16 9% 16 8% 1 * 236 258 62 24% 72 28% 43 17% 21 8% 57 22% 3 1% 285 263 89 34% 103 39% 28 11% 14 5% 28 11% 1 1% 189 187 80 43% 307 326

Private773 822

677 360 33% 36% 717 358 35% 36% 267 116 13% 12% 113 5% 48 5%

96 133 324 239 197 124 116 28% 43% 75% 43% 33% 29% 25% 95 31% 51 17% 15 5% 14 4% 1 * 57 222 229 164 102 13% 40% 39% 38% 22% 23 5% 10 2% 15 3% 3 1% 21 4% 13 2% 54 10% 5 1% 54 9% 20 3% 91 15% 3 1% 57 134 13% 29% 28 7% 56 13% 2 * 52 11% 59 13% 8 2%

64 180 20% 22%

61 139 205 161 25% 42% 53% 46% 42 17% 17 7% 64 26% 11 4% 56 17% 23 7% 82 25% 2 1% 50 13% 33 9% 55 14% * * 45 13% 15 4% 31 9% * *

25 101 28% 42% 24 26% 6 6% 12 13% 2 2% 20 8% 15 6% 30 12% 1 1%

66 177 364 35% 54% 44% 10 6% 4 2% 24 13% 3 2% 31 10% 10 3% 99 12% 42 5%

260 113 13% 11% 17 1% 9 1%

42 134 13% 16% 1 * 4 *

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 30

Tenure Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 26 27% 21 21% 13 13% 7 8% 25 26% 5 5% 6 6 1 13% 1 22% 2 24% 2 29% 1 11% 1057 1075 342 32% 343 32% 192 18% 71 7% 120 11% 7 1% 664 641 223 35% 252 39% 41 6% 26 4% 92 14% 5 1% 215 210 77 37% 85 40% 14 6% 5 2% 29 14% 43 51 15 29% 12 23% 8 16% 4 8% 9 17% 4 7%

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Owned outright without mortgage Owned with a mortgage or loan Rented from the council Rented from a housing association Rented from someone else Rent free 2050 2050 677 33% 717 35% 267 13% 113 5% 260 13% 17 1%

NET: Agree634 607 189 31% 209 34% 85 14% 40 7% 80 13% 5 1%

Strongly agree244 238 91 38% 74 31% 27 11% 13 5% 34 14% * *

Slightly agree390 370 98 27% 135 37% 58 16% 27 7% 46 13% 4 1%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 147 29% 169 34% 76 15% 30 6% 77 15% 5 1% 480 500 164 33% 177 35% 78 16% 23 5% 54 11% 4 1%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 147 41% 140 39% 18 5% 10 3% 40 11% 2 1% 833 859 311 36% 318 37% 96 11% 33 4% 94 11% 7 1% 734 732 241 33% 224 31% 142 19% 47 6% 74 10% 4 1%

17-18451 459 171 37% 181 39% 48 11% 16 4% 40 9% 2 1%

19-24549 534 175 33% 207 39% 37 7% 23 4% 88 16% 5 1%

25-3488 78 27 34% 28 36% 4 5% 5 6% 14 18% * 1%

35+23 24 6 24% 11 46% 6 24% 1 3% 1 4% -

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 31

At what age did you finish your full time education? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Under 16 17-18 19-24 25-34 35+ Still in full time education Never had any full time education Don't know Prefer not to answer 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 371 35% 244 23% 267 26% 33 3% 17 2% 53 5% 1 * 25 2% 35 3% 196 246 40 16% 43 18% 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178 61 34% 52 29% 41 23% 7 4% 6 3% 7 4% 2 1% 1 * 1 1%

North East95 93 48 52% 11 12% 23 25% 2 2% 1 1% 4 4% 1 1% 3 3% 1 1%

Yorkshire & West North Humb- MidWest erside lands247 241 83 34% 50 21% 62 26% 15 6% 2 1% 6 2% 1 * 7 3% 15 6% 180 181 82 46% 34 19% 37 21% 7 4% 1 1% 15 8% 1 * 2 1% 198 190 75 40% 32 17% 44 23% 7 4% 14 7% 10 5% 7 4%

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 74 47% 40 25% 24 15% 4 2% * * 8 5% 1 * 4 3% 4 3% 93 109 33 31% 30 28% 27 25% 2 2% 2 2% 4 4% 8 7% 2 1% 183 192 71 37% 48 25% 52 27% 3 1% 3 2% 4 2% 3 2% 9 4% 236 258 50 19% 44 17% 100 39% 17 6% 3 1% 23 9% 1 1% 6 2% 14 6% 285 263 80 31% 67 26% 79 30% 12 5% 3 1% 9 4% 6 2% 6 2% 189 187 74 39% 50 27% 307 326

Private773 822

732 361 36% 36% 459 215 22% 21% 534 267 26% 27% 78 4% 24 1% 96 5% 6 * 53 3% 67 3% 45 4% 7 1% 43 4% 6 1% 28 3% 32 3%

47 138 149 160 198 109 190 195 238 14% 36% 43% 52% 46% 20% 32% 45% 50% 66 20% 84 102 22% 29% 66 19% 8 2% 4 1% 1 * 7 2% 11 3% 69 23% 94 120 151 101 22% 22% 25% 24% 74 17% 6 1% 1 * 25 6% 1 * 15 4% 11 3% 87 18% 68 14% 9 2% 7 1% 16 3% 2 1% 21 4% 24 5%

62 288 19% 35% 83 194 26% 24%

67 134 108 27% 41% 28% 74 30% 5 2% 17 7% 26 8% 2 1% 15 4% 1 * 25 8% 13 4% 22 6% 4 1% 6 2% 3 1% 9 2% 15 4%

52 107 227 166 17% 25% 41% 28% 6 2% 11 3% * * 2 1% 2 1% 6 2% 16 4% 3 1% 1 * 5 1% 7 2% 44 8% 5 1% 21 4% 2 * 5 1% 19 3% 19 3% 11 2% 33 6% 1 * 12 2% 12 2%

46 113 231 25% 35% 28% 2 1% 3 1% 2 1% 5 2% 6 3% 17 5% 8 2% 14 4% 15 5% 12 4% 33 4% 5 1% 21 3% 3 * 19 2% 29 4%

Prepared by Populus

Page 60

British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 31

At what age did you finish your full time education? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 96 100% 6 6 6 100% 1057 1075 601 56% 334 31% 80 7% 3 * 5 * 13 1% 2 * 17 2% 21 2% 664 641 91 14% 109 17% 355 55% 37 6% 11 2% 17 3% 1 * 11 2% 9 1% 215 210 24 11% 13 6% 97 46% 38 18% 8 4% 14 7% 6 3% 11 5% 43 51 51 100% -

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Under 16 17-18 19-24 25-34 35+ Still in full time education Never had any full time education Don't know Prefer not to answer 2050 2050 732 36% 459 22% 534 26% 78 4% 24 1% 96 5% 6 * 53 3% 67 3%

NET: Agree634 607 224 37% 137 23% 143 24% 21 3% 14 2% 30 5% 2 * 13 2% 23 4%

Strongly agree244 238 90 38% 50 21% 53 22% 7 3% 3 1% 17 7% 1 * 3 1% 13 6%

Slightly agree390 370 134 36% 87 23% 90 24% 14 4% 11 3% 13 3% 2 * 10 3% 10 3%

Neither agree nor Slightly disagree disagree502 504 203 40% 95 19% 111 22% 16 3% 2 * 28 6% 1 * 23 5% 22 4% 480 500 176 35% 127 25% 137 27% 18 4% 5 1% 24 5% 2 * 4 1% 6 1%

Strongly NET: disagree Disagree Under 16353 358 102 28% 81 23% 126 35% 22 6% 2 1% 13 4% 5 1% 8 2% 833 859 278 32% 208 24% 263 31% 40 5% 7 1% 36 4% 2 * 9 1% 14 2% 734 732 732 100% -

17-18451 459 459 100% -

19-24549 534 534 100% -

25-3488 78 78 100% -

35+23 24 24 100% -

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British Science Association GM SurveyONLINE Fieldwork : 17th-19th February 2012Absolutes/col percents

Table 32

What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Base: All respondentsGender Age Social Grade Region Employment Sector

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Secondary school, high school, NVQ levels 1 to 3, etc. University degree or equivalent professional qualification, NVQ level 4, etc. Higher university degree, doctorate, MBA, NVQ level 5, etc. Still in full time education Don't know Prefer not to answer 2050 2050

Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64927 1004 1123 1046 577 55% 315 30% 196 246 331 328 417 389 358 348 317 308

65+431 431

AB697 553

C1493 594

C2308 430

DE552 472

Scotland184 178 97 54% 58 33%

Yorkshire & West North North Humb- MidEast West erside lands95 93 247 241 180 181 107 59% 46 25% 198 190

East MidEastSouth South lands Wales ern London East West Public160 159 93 109 183 192 236 258 112 44% 90 35% 285 263 130 49% 94 36% 189 187 307 326

Private773 822

1075 498 52% 50% 641 326 31% 32%

119 125 208 211 188 225 161 302 275 337 48% 38% 53% 60% 61% 52% 29% 51% 64% 71% 62 117 124 105 25% 36% 32% 30% 86 147 249 219 28% 34% 45% 37% 87 20% 86 18%

50 121 54% 50% 32 35% 76 31%

90 103 47% 65% 61 32% 38 24%

64 103 59% 53% 22 20% 64 33%

98 126 447 52% 39% 54% 59 126 253 32% 39% 31%

210 118 10% 12% 51 2% 31 2% 42 2% 28 3% 12 1% 22 2%

92 9% 23 2% 20 2% 20 2%

14 6% 41 17% 4 2% 6 3%

61 19% 5 1% 12 4% 8 2%

39 10% 4 1% 5 1% 10 2%

23 7% 1 * 5 1% 4 1%

26 8% 3 1% 5 2%

47 126 11% 23% 3 1% 9 2% 11 2% 3 * 4 1%

44 7% 19 3% 8 1% 2 *

26 6% 15 4% 13 3% 15 3%

15 3% 6 1% 7 2% 21 4%

12 7% 6 3% 2 1% 3 2%

7 8% 3 3% -

29 12% 3 1% 6 2% 7 3%

18 10% 7 4% 2 1%

19 10% 11 6% 6 3% 2 1%

9 6% 1 1% 4 2% 4 2%

14 13% 2 2% 5 5% 1 1%

16 8% 3 2% 3 2% 4 2%

36 14% 10 4% 1 * 9 4%

26 10% 4 2% 2 1% 6 2%

24 13% 1 * 2 1% 4 2%

56 17% 6 2% 8 2% 4 1%

85 10% 10 1% 8 1% 20 2%

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Table 32

What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Base: All respondentsQ.14 Agreement:- "Developing Genetically Modified (GM) foods is wrong in principle and should therefore be opposed" At what age did you finish your full time education? What is the highest educational level that you have achieved to date? Universit y degree or Secondary equivalen school, t Higher high professio universit school, nal y degree, Never had NVQ qualifica doctorate Still in any full levels 1 tion, NVQ , MBA, Still in full time time to 3, level 4, NVQ level full time education education education etc. etc. 5, etc. 83 96 13 14% 17 18% 6 6 2 28% 1 22% 1057 1075 1075 100% 664 641 641 100% 215 210 43 51 -

Total Unweighted base Weighted base Secondary school, high school, NVQ levels 1 to 3, etc. University degree or equivalent professional qualification, NVQ level 4, etc. Higher university degree, doctorate, MBA, NVQ level 5, etc. Still in full time education Don't know Prefer not to answer 2050 2050 1075 52% 641 31%

NET: Agree634 607 338 56% 178 29%

Strongly agree244 238 131 55% 72 30%

Slightly agree390 370 206 56% 106 29%

Neither agree nor Slightly