Burnout Syndrome and Self-efficacy

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  • 7/25/2019 Burnout Syndrome and Self-efficacy


    Viktorija Beevi omi1,Nina Bosanki2iSelvira Draganovi2

    1Federal employment inst itute Sara-jevo, 71 000 Sarajevo2International University of Sara-

    jevo, Hrasnika Cesta 15, 71 000Sarajevo 71 000 Sarajevo

    Contact address:

    Viktorija Beevi-omiTelephone:++387 61 483 321

    Email: [email protected]

    Submitted: February 22, 2014.Accepted: April 2, 2014.


    Burnout syndrome, as dened by Christina Maslach, oneof the most famous researchers of this phenomenon in theUnited States, is psychological syndrome of emotionalexhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personalaccomplishment, which usually occurs in people who are

    somehow working with other people.1Thereby, emotionalexhaustion refers to feelings of emotional overload and

    job exhaustion, while reduced personal accomplishmentand depersonalization relates to the negative evaluationof the self and others. Medical professions are, due tospecic working environments, psychologically, emo-tionally and physically enormously demanding. Under-standing burnout and its impact on medical personnelis important to all medical institutions in order toappropriately approach, eliminate or mitigate existingor prevent detrimental burnout eects which appear in aform of physical or psychological health problems, workineciency, lessened motivation to perform daily tasks,

    worsening relations with work environment and low life

    quality in general.2,3Given the amount of the time spendat the workplace and daily communication with nurses,from the perspective of physicians it is useful to know

    whether burnout syndrome is present among them andhow it manifests. An adequate nursing sta and supportat all levels within the organization, which is the key to

    quality patient care, reduces the level of dissatisfactionand occupational burnout and intention to leave medicalinstitution.4Shwarzer et al.5 in their survey found thatone of the signicant individual resources that reduces

    burnout is perceived self-ecacy, which representsthe belief that a person has an ability to organize andperform the actions necessary to accomplish the desiredoutcomes.

    The aim of this study was to investigate the presence,degree and correlation of burnout dimensions, and therelationship with perceived self-ecacy in nurses em-ployed in the Cantonal Hospital Dr. Irfan Ljubijanki

    in Bihac. The intention to resign medical profession in


    Burnout Syndrome and Self-efcacyAmong Nurses


    Introduction.The aim of this research was to investigate the presence and level

    of relationship of burnout dimensions with perceived general self-efcacy in relation

    to the length of service of nurses. Participants were nurse employees of a Cantonal

    Hospital Dr.Irfan Ljubijanki Biha (N=102) who work directly with patients.

    Materials and Methods. Maslach burnout inventory MBI-HSS. was used to test

    burnout in the workplace. Generel self-efcacy was measured by a short version of

    the original general self-efcacy scale by Schwarzer et al.

    Conclusion. Research results indicate low level of burnout in the workplace with

    a tendency towards moderate. More specically, moderate emotional exhaustion,

    low depersonalization and high personal accomplishment. Perecived self efcacy is

    associated with depersonalisation (rs= -0.26, p

  • 7/25/2019 Burnout Syndrome and Self-efficacy



    relation to the dimensions of burnout and perceived self-ecacy was also investigated.

    Patients and Methods

    A questionnaire with clear instructions about researchpurpose and privacy policy was distributed to partici-pants. It has been noted that all individual data will beprotected, and not shared with participants superiors andcolleagues. The survey was voluntary and anonymous.The questionnaire consisted of Maslach burnout invento-ry MBI-HSS 1, the general self-ecacy scale5 and demo-graphic questionnaire related to personal and social statuscharacteristics such as gender, age, education level and

    work experience. In addition, respondents were askedto estimate their personal intention to resign the pro-fession and most disturbing factors at their workplace.

    After establishing satisfactory psychometric propertiesof the scales and performing descriptive analysis, dueto the asymmetry of the distribution of the collected da-ta, Spearmans Rank correlation coecient and Mann

    Whitney U test was used.

    Maslach burnout inventory MBI-HSS (Maslach BurnoutInventory for Human Service Survey) consists of 22items phrased as statements about personal feelingsand attitudes, which is self-scored on a seven-point fre-quency scale, ranging from 0 (never) to 6 (every day).The three subscales of the MBI-HSS include EmotionalExhaustion (nine items; e.g. I feel burned out from my

    work.), Depersonalization (ve items; e.g. I feel I treatsome recipients as if they were impersonal objects), andPersonal Accomplishment (eight items; e.g. I have accom-plished many worthwhile things in this job). High scoreson Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization andlow scores on Personal Accomplishment are indicative of

    burnout. The subscales represent a related (EE-EmotionalExhaustion and DP- Depersonalization) and independent(PA-Personal Accomplishment) but separate multidimen-sional concept of the burnout construct.

    The scale of general self-ecacy measures general and sta-ble sense of personal ecacy in dealing with a variety of

    stressful situations. The scale contains 10 statements. Eachstatement is assessed on a 15 Lykert type frequency scale,

    where 1 means does not apply to me and 5 fully appliesto me. Totals score are formed as a linear combination of

    the estimates. Scales internal consistency, Cronbach alphafor MBI-HSS was 0.78 and for general self-ecacy scale0.91.


    Total of 102 respondents participated in this study (N=102),87.3% were females and 12.7% males. The average age was35 years (min. 23 and max. 60) and the average length ofservice (work experience) was 15 years (and min. 2 max.40).

    Results on burnout dimension scale show moderate

    emotional exhaustion (M=18.71, SD=10.54), low deperso-nalization (M=3.22, SD=3.83) and high personal accom-plishment (M=42.00, SD=7.90). This indicates a low tomoderate level of burnout. Out of total 102 participants,45.01% reported moderate emotional exhaustion, 77.61%low depersonalization and 87.34% of the high job ful-llment. Research results also indicate that there isstatistically signicant correlation between emotionalexhaustion and depersonalization dimensions with highcoecient of r

    s =0.554 (p

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    28Scripta Medica

    Vol. 45 No 1 May 2014. www.scriptamedica.com

    In regard to intention to leave medical profession (Table1.) in relation to perceived self-ecacy and burnoutdimensions the results indicate that high self ecaciousparticipants with a tendency towards higher emotional

    exhaustion show a greater intention to change professionthan participants with lower emotional exhaustion.

    Participants with high level of self-ecacy who nd theirjob fullling, to the greatest extent do not intend to leavethe job. And participant who are low in self ecacy, and

    who report higher fulllment in work, to the greatestextent do not have intention to leave the job.

    Participants reported that they are mostly troubled atwork by bad interpersonal relationships (55.92%) and ina-dequate allocation of tasks/duties (29.41%).


    Results of this study indicate that surveyed nurses expe-rience moderate emotional exhaustion and job overload.

    According to Brudnik,6 emotional job demands are amajor factor in the perception of excess work strain.Research of Aguir-Escriba at al.7suggests that nurses aremore prone to emotional exhaustion if they are exposedto increased psychological demands, with low controlover the performance of the work and low support fromsupervisors and colleagues.

    Low depersonalization indicates that there has been no

    change in relation to patients. Nurses still have interestin patients and are willing to help them. Perceived jobfulllment through personal achievement indicates thatsurveyed nurses feel competent and successful in their

    work with patients and possess enthusiasm for the workthey do. Perceived self-ecacy as an important factor of

    belief in their ability to organize and accomplish desiredgoals is reported by most of the surveyed nurses. However,signicant percentage of participant who are not convincedin own, aforementioned capabilities, considering the low,

    but statistically signicant, correlation with deperso-nalization, should not be ignored. Results of Ebling andCarottas8 study on the relation between self-ecacy and

    professional dimensions of burnout have been partiallyconrmed. In our study, relationship between associationof depersonalization and personal accomplishment withself-ecacy has been conrmed, in way that nurses withhigh self-ecacy experience more personal achievements,and lower levels of depersonalization. Self-ecacy may bean eective moderator of burnout, because it prevents theloss of professional satisfaction, reduces exhaustion anddepersonalization tendency (Ogresta et al.).9When it comesto intention to leave the profession, personal achievementor sense of fulllment with a job play important role as

    well. Nurses who perceived themselves as self ecaciousalso estimated themselves as more competent and suc-

    cessful in their work with patients. Self-ecacy is an

    important moderator in occupational burnout syndrome.Results found by Grau et al.10 suggests individuals withlow self ecacy are more vulnerable to suer fromthis syndrome. The intention to leave the profession is

    signicantly aected by the feeling overloaded with work,job fulllment and self-ecacy .11 Our ndings suggest thatnurses who are more fullled with the work they do, donot intend to leave the medical profession, regardless of

    whether they perceive themselves high or low self-ecient.


    Research results indicate that it would be desirable towork on raising the level of self-ecacy, balancing taskdistribution at work and improving the organizationalclimate, in order to prevent professional burnout. There-fore organizing various educational workshops to help me-

    dical personnel get acquainted with the factors of burnout,as well as workshops with emphasis on increasing feelingsof self-ecacy, which we found to be associated withthe syndrome of burnout in the workplace, would be ofutmost importance to prevent burnout and improve jobsatisfaction. In addition it would be highly desirable todevelop human resources department/human resourcesteams within medical facilities which would, among otherthings, facilitate individual and group counseling, wo-rk to improve the organizational climate, examine andmonitor employee needs and develop training programs inaccordance with the needs identied.


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    Sindrom sagorijevanja na poslu i samoekasnost kod

    medicinskih sestara


    Uvod. Cilj ovog istraivanja bio je ispitati stepen prisutnosti i povezanost dimenzija sagorijevanja na poslu sa percipiranomsamoekasnou i intencijom naputanja profesije kod medicinskih sestara (N=102) zaposlenih u Kantonalnoj bolnici Dr. Irfan

    Ljubijanki Biha.

    Materijal i metode. Za ispitivanje sindroma sagorijevanja na poslu korien je Maslach inventar sagorijevanja na radnom mjestuMBI-HSS. Opta samoekasnost je mjerena skraenom verzijom originalne skale Schwarzera i sar.

    Zakljuak. Rezultati ukazuju na umjerenu emocionalnu iscrpljenost, nisku depersonalizaciju i visoko lino postignue. Ispitaniciu uzorku imaju nizak stepen sagorijevanja na poslu, sa tendencijom ka umjerenom. Percipirana samoekasnost je povezana sa

    depersonalizacijom (rs= -0.26, p

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    C o p y r i g h t o f S c r i p t a M e d i c a i s t h e p r o p e r t y o f S c r i p t a M e d i c a a n d i t s c o n t e n t m a y n o t b e

    c o p i e d o r e m a i l e d t o m u l t i p l e s i t e s o r p o s t e d t o a l i s t s e r v w i t h o u t t h e c o p y r i g h t h o l d e r ' s

    e x p r e s s w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n . H o w e v e r , u s e r s m a y p r i n t , d o w n l o a d , o r e m a i l a r t i c l e s f o r

    i n d i v i d u a l u s e .