Byzantine and Islamic Art

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  • 8/18/2019 Byzantine and Islamic Art


    Kanczes 1

    Rachel Kanczes

    Mrs. Horvath

    AP World History- 3

    26 March 2015

    yzantine and !sla"ic Art

    #he yzantine $"%ire &as constr'cted (ro" the r'ins o( the colla%sed Ro"an $"%ire

    &hich allo&ed (or a ne& c'lt're and sense o( creativity to ta)e o((. yzantine $"%ire c'lt're

    &as ins%ired lar*ely +y the %revio'sly colla%sed Ro"an $"%ire, +'t their art in(l'ence &as a

    &hole di((erent story. yzantine art &as &idely in(l'enced +y !sla"ic arts the"es and *enres

    and o(ten hel%ed %eo%le e %ress individ'ality and their a"o'nt o( %o&er. #he t&o re*ions

    +asically co"+ined their styles to create one (or" o( art and the t&o re*ions &ere de%endent on

    each other (or ideas and the"es. Artists &ere o(ten ins%ired +y !sla"ic %atterns and sha%es

    &hich led the" to the creation o( +ea'ti('l "osaics. Mosaics o(ten de%icted s'+ ects li)e

    h'ntin*, nat're, and "ytholo*ical scenes. #hese ty%es o( "osaics &ere o(ten (o'nd in %alaces,

    ho'ses, and %'+lic +aths. Mosaics that de%icted scenes (ro" the i+le &ere very rare in the / th

    and early 5 th cent'ries, +'t +eca"e increasin*ly %o%'lar in the late 5 th and 6 th cent'ries. Mosaics

    in ch'rches and %laces o( &orshi% o(ten de%icted scenes o( nat're and &ere very %o%'lar in the

    areas o( onstantino%le and Asia Minor.

    !n onstantino%le and Asia Minor, "osaics that o(ten sho&ed +i+lical scenes +eca"e

    very %o%'lar. #hey o(ten incl'ded *eo"etrical desi*ns and incor%orated nat're into the "osaic.

    ne o( the "ost %o%'lar %ieces co"%iled o( art, &orshi%, and architect're &as the Ha*ia o%hia

    in onstantino%le. #he Ha*ia o%hia &as +'ilt in 360, +'t in /0/ &as destroyed +y riots in the

    city. Aro'nd 515 $"%eror 'stinian ! de"anded that the ch'rch &as to +e re+'ilt, and on

  • 8/18/2019 Byzantine and Islamic Art


    Kanczes 2

    4ece"+er 2 , 53 the +'ildin* &as ina'*'rated. Ha*ia o%hia has a central do"e that has a

    dia"eter o( over 101 (eet that &as held '% +y (o'r arches and "any other se"i-do"es, &hich

    &as very i"%ressive at the ti"e. !n 55 the (irst do"e colla%sed, +'t &as re+'ild lar*er in 562.

    #he "a*ni(icent ch'rch also had "any %anels o( colored "ar+le and stone, and &as decorated

    &ith a *old cross inside the lar*e do"e. #he ch'rch &as also decorated &ith "any "osaics +y

    yzantine artists. #hese "osaics +eca"e very i"%ortant at the ti"e +eca'se it allo&ed (or the

    yzantine $"%ire to e %ress reli*ion and creativity into one. !t also allo&ed (or c'lt'ral

    di(('sion to ta)e %lace +y allo&in* yzantine artists to ado%t so"e !sla"ic techni7'es li)e 'sin*

    Ara+ lan*'a*e and learnin* ho& to create te tiles, tiles, and *lass. #he co"+ination o( these t&oc'lt'res allo&ed (or a +ea'ti('l ty%e o( art to ta)e its (or".

    #he (lo&er ! chose to create sho&s the the"es and styles o( the "osaics in the yzantine

    $"%ire. My (lo&er de%icts a dove carryin* an olive +ranch &ith a cross +ehind it. #his scene

    ill'strates one o( the "any %o%'lar +i+le stories8 9oah:s Ar). 9oah:s Ar) is one o( the (e& rare

    +i+le scenes de%icted in a "osaic d'rin* this ti"e in a syna*o*'e at Misis. #his (lo&er sho&s

    ho& nat're &as o(ten sho&ed in the "osaics, ho& color('l they co'ld +e, and ho& even

    s'ddenly they co'ld sho& a +i+lical "eanin*. #he dove sho&s nat're, the color o( the ;tiles<

    sho&s creativity, and &itho't )no&in* a+o't the +i+le story the dove co'ld +e %assed o(( as 'st

    an ani"al or sy"+ol. #he (lo&er sho&s ho& t&o re*ions &ere a+le to co"+ine and "a)e one

    +ea'ti('l ty%e o( art very %o%'lar8 Mosaics. Witho't yzantine or !sla"ic art, "osaics "i*ht not

    have +eco"e as %o%'lar as they are today and &e "i*ht not have s'ch color('l and +ea'ti('l

    %ieces o( art to ad"ire and recreate.

  • 8/18/2019 Byzantine and Islamic Art


    Kanczes 3

    Wor)s ons'lted

    roo)s, arah. ;!cons and !conoclas" in yzanti'".< Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. 9e&

    =or)8 #he Metro%olitan M'se'" o( Art, 2000. We+, 2/

    March 2016.

    ollin*rid*e, Peter, ;R'+lev, Andrei, ..< The Oxford Companion to Western Art. $d. H'*h

    ri*stoc)e. (ord >niversity Press. Oxford Art Online. We+. 2/ March 2016.

    ?a+att, Annie, and harlotte A%%leyard. ; yzantine Art 'nder !sla".< Heilbrunn Timeline of Art

    History . 9e& =or)8 #he Metro%olitan M'se'" o( Art, 2000.

    We+. 2/ March 2016.M'llett, Mar*aret. ;$arly hristian and yzantine art.< Gro e Art Online. (ord >niversity

    Press. Oxford Art Online. We+. 26 March 2016.

    We*ner, $""a. ;Ha*ia o%hia, 532-3 .< Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History . 9e& =or)8 #he

    Metro%olitan M'se'" o( Art, 2000. We+. 2/ March 2016.