Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan

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  • 8/12/2019 Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan


  • 8/12/2019 Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan


    Otis family buys a home. The man who said he had sold

    aghost. Mr. Otis said he is equal. They have a

    housekeeper thatMs Hume said. In Ms Hume afraid theghost. Every day sees abloodstain. This spot is the wife ofSimon de Canterville.Simon de Canterville, the ghost,killed his wife in that place andwhy there is blood.Mr.Otis has wife and children. Their children are

    calledWhashington, the largest has 18 years Virginia has16 years andtwo twins.When they arrive at the house seethe stain of blood. The olderbrother, and Washington tooka KH7 it clean.


  • 8/12/2019 Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan


    .The next morning back out the same bloodstain and the

    elderbrother returned to clean it.The first night the ghostappeared with chains that do a lot ofnoise when walking.

    Otis Lord takes one and gives one to three.The ghost is toappear on big brother for cleaning because thestain ofblood that is in the library. It comes at night, but thetwinswill make hell. They put thumbtacks on the floorbecausethe ghost trample, put butter on the stairs, make afake ghostto scare him, he falls on a Galician water, throw

    pillows on it.Ends up depressed and does not leave hisroom, hiding.Virginia has a boyfriend, one day backriding, find a room thathad never seen. A ghost in theroom is sitting in a window.Decides to enter. Try tocomfort him. The ghost claims that 3.

    Summary Continued

  • 8/12/2019 Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan


    . THE CANTERVILE GHOST could not scare them. He explains

    that he took his paintings topaint the stain of blood.The ghostsays that he is tired and just want to sleep and die.Virginia

    replied that may die in the garden of the dead. Then theghostbrings to a room where they left Virginia in black handsandminds. The ghost tells you to die must pass thefollowing:"When a girl or has prayed for you and a child iscrying for you,then the house will be quiet and still and peacecome toCanterville" .The parents were concerned becauseVirginia had not returned.They go look at the horse but not

    found and it was night. Thenext day they were back with ablack box. He told them that theghost was dead and that thediscomfort had given the jewels.The girl was sad.Years after theVirginia and her boyfriend were married and thewedding tookthe jewels that gave Simon de Canterville, theghost.

    Summary Continued

  • 8/12/2019 Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan


    The Canterville Ghost is a study in


    He creates stereotypical

    characters that

    represent both Englandand the United States,

    satirizing both the

    unrefined tastes of

    Americans and thedetermination of the

    British to guard their


  • 8/12/2019 Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan


  • 8/12/2019 Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan


    Themessage inthe storyWilde has a

    message, and he

    uses his fifteen-

    year-old Virginiato

    convey it.

  • 8/12/2019 Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan



    Virginia tells her fatherthat God has forgiventhe ghost, and becauseof that forgiveness, inthe end, Sir Simon deCanterville can rest in


  • 8/12/2019 Canterville Ghost by Arshil Khan
