Cargo Company

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  • 8/4/2019 Cargo Company


    Case for Analysis

    In the Class

    Cargo Companys Communication

    Most of the courier and cargo companies while sending their total consignments (technically

    called load) to a particular station send advance intimation through an E-mail (technically

    called pre-alert message). Akash Cargo Services Ltd. was no exception to this procedure.

    Whenever they sent their load by evening flight to Mumbai, they sent pre-alert to Mumbai giving

    details of the load like flight number, total number of bags, total weight of the bags etc Night-

    duty Airport Executive at Mumbai Airport used to retrieve the load and used to confirm the

    receipt of the load to the Bangalore office.

    The arrangement worked fine for months and even years. Airport Executive continued to get the

    pre-alert message and after retrieval of the load, he continued to confirm the receipt of the load.

    One night, Samuel who was on night-duty at Mumbai airport observed that neither there was a

    pre-alert, nor any load from Bangalore office. He tried calling Bangalore office. But it was well

    past midnight and there was no response from the office. Security guard on duty told to the

    Airport Executive that nobody was available in the Bangalore office and staff on duty had left

    already. Samuel knew that generally Robin worked in the night time. He tried calling on Robins

    mobile number but it was switched off.

    Samuel had no other option but to call the Asst. Manager Operations of Bangalore, Charles.

    Charles tried contacting Robin but he observed the same. This was unique situation. He was

    concerned about the happenings. Charles tried calling other operations staff to find out whether

    anybody knew where Robin lived. But none of them knew where Robins house was. Charles was

    disappointed. Charles was on the horns of dilemma. Should I defer the matter for early morning

    or settle it right away? he thought. After mulling over for a few minutes, he chose the latter.

    As a last resort, Charles called Harry, HR Executive. Charles explained the situation to him and

    told him to go to the office to find out Robins address from the personal documents of Robin. By

    the time it was 01:30 hours and Harry was aghast to see that he was told to go to office in the

    dead of the night.

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    Willy-nilly, Harry went to his office, pulled out the documents of Robin and noted his address.

    Later he confirmed the address to Charles.

    Charles had to commute 15 KMs in order to go to Robins house. He reached Robins home at

    02:15 hours. For Robin, it was a strange experience to see that his manager was knocking his

    door at well past midnight. When questioned why he did not send the pre-alert, he just told that

    very simple, today there was excess booking by other logistic companies and there was no

    space, so cargo officials of all the airlines refused to accept our load. And since no load was

    connected, I did not send pre-alert as well. However, I have done booking for morning flight and

    load will be connected through the morning flight. Charles was infuriated by his answer. But his

    fate had stored a little more frustration for him as while returning home from Robins home, night

    duty patrol cops caught for him driving his two-wheeler without driving license.

    All put together, in disgust, next morning Charles sent a mail to the head office complaining

    against Robins irresponsible behaviour. He marked a copy to Robin as well. Following is the

    series of exchanges that took place in the organisation:

    Dear Sir,

    I feel disgusted at the way I was treated by Mr. Robin last night. Firstly, he neverbothered to

    send a pre-alert message to Samuel at Mumbai. Secondly, he kept his mobile switched offto

    impede communication. And finally, when I reached at his place, he behaved casually and

    made an irresponsible statement that as there was no load booked, so there was no pre-alert

    message sent.

    I think, Sir you need to take cognizance of this matter and initiate appropriate action. So

    that neither such events take place in the future, nor does such behaviour.

    With regards,


    To: Head Operations [email protected],

    C.C: Head HR [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , robin@

    Subject: Irresponsible Behaviour Attachment: Report on the incident

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    Based on the above complaint, the Head Operations, Mr. Ashwin called for explanation from

    Robin and asked the other affected employees to write into him. Following are the mails received

    by Mr. Ashwin.

    Dear Sir,

    Yesterday night, I was on duty waiting for the load. Since, I did not receive any pre-alert from

    Bangalore, I got worried. I was quite tensed to see that there was no load from the Bangalore

    office which had never happened. I waited until the last flight but in vain. I tried to contact Robinbut he had his mobile switched off. Again, this has never happened in our organisation.

    Therefore I called up Charles. And rest of the story is known to you. I feel Robin should have

    been quite responsible in communicating with us.

    With regards,Samuel

    Attachment: Report on the incident

    Yesterday night, Samuel who was on night-duty at Mumbai airport observed that neither there

    was a pre-alert, nor any load from Bangalore office. He tried calling Bangalore office. But it

    was well past midnight and there was no response from the office. Security guard on duty told

    to the Airport Executive that nobody was available in the Bangalore office and staff on duty had

    left already. Samuel knew that generally Robin worked in the night time. He tried calling on

    Robins mobile number but it was switched off.

    Then he called me up. I tried contacting Robin but found his mobile to be switched off.

    I tried calling other operations staff to find out whether anybody knew where Robin lived. But

    none of them knew where Robins house was. As a last resort, I called Harry. By the time it was

    01:30 hours and I requested Harry to find out Robins address from the office. Harry went to his

    office and confirmed Robins address to me.

    I had to commute 15 KMs in order to reach Robins house. I reached his home at 02:15

    hours. When I questioned why he did not send the pre-alert, he just told that very simple,

    today there was excess booking by other logistic companies and there was no space, so cargo

    officials of all the airlines refused to accept our load. And since no load was connected, I did

    not send pre-alert as well. However, I have done booking for morning flight and load will be

    connected through the morning flight.

    I was quite upsetting. Meanwhile, on my way back home, the night duty patrol cops

    caught me for driving the two-wheeler without driving license. I had to haggle my way out and

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    Ashwin is now perturbed. He has to find a feasible solution to this problem. But before

    that he needs to analyze the issue.

    Dear Sir,

    Yesterday night, I was sleeping when Charles called me up and asked me for Robins address. I

    understood that it was an emergency. Even if, I wasnt quite comfortable, I took the pains to go to

    the office and collect Robins address. I think Charles took too much of trouble to sort out the


    I also think that Robin should have shown better sense of responsibility. After all, we have a

    mobile for remaining connected and not for refraining from communication.

    With regards,Harry

    Respected Sir,

    I am flabbergasted the way in which I am being pinned. I understand that I have been entrusted

    with the responsibility of booking the load from Bangalore and dispatching it to Mumbai. I have

    been dispersing my duties with utmost dedication and care all these days. Even in this case, there

    were no bookings open for 3 days at a stretch but I used my tact and network for getting the load

    booked for the next day morning.

    It is but obvious that in the absence of a load, there cant be a pre-alert. Therefore, I did not send

    the pre-alert. I would have sent it the next morning because the booking was there for the next


    Now, as for the mobile is concerned, I hardly realized that it had gone out of charge and got

    switched off. Even if, people think that I had switched it off: whats the harm? It is my personalchoice to keep my phone switched off during my rest hours.

    I thinkpeoplelacked common sense while handling this issue. Why did they panic at all? Why

    didnt they think that there would be no load therefore there is no pre-alert? I far as I know, there

    is no rule in the organisation to send a message when there is no load booked.

    Further, I feel that I have been logical and sensible in my dealings and not all irresponsible. Hope

    you understand this.

    With regards,
