Yanxi Liu [email protected] RI and CALD School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science | - Yanxi Liuyanxi/images/GroupTheory/symmetryINTRO2.pdf · 2005. 9. 29. · Examples of elements in the Euclidean Group are: ... David

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  • Yanxi [email protected]

    RI and CALDSchool of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

  • Today’s Theme:Different Types of Symmetries

    and Symmetry Groups

  • What is a symmetry?

  • What is a symmetry of S ⊆R3?

  • DefinitionIf g is a distance preserving transformation in n-dimensional Euclidean space R , and S is a subset of R , then g is a symmetry of S iff g(S) = S, and S is (setwise) invariant under action g.

    An example:a square plate in R(2)

    Reflection axis

    4-fold rotations


  • DefinitionA group G is a set of elements with a binaryoperation * defined on the set that satisfy:

    • * is associative a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c• G is closed, for any a,b in G, a*b also in G• any element in G has an inverse• there is an identity element id in G, id*a = a

    a square plate in R(2)

    G = symmetries of asquare

    * = transformation composition

    An example:

  • Symmetry Group

    All symmetries of a subset S of Euclidean space R have a group structure G, and G is called the symmetry group of S.


  • Examples of group G versus set S

    G SAct upon

    Invariant of

  • The Promise:… beyond absolute regularity there are nuances

    of decreasing regularities, of reductive invariance: that there is an order to so-called disorder.

    Ordering Disorder after K.L. Wolfby W.S. Huff (an architect)

  • The PerilsTyger! Tyger! burning bright,In the forest of the night,What immortal hand or eyeCould frame thy fearful symmetry?

    William Blake 1794

  • What are different types of symmetries?

  • Symmetry or Near-Symmetry Patterns are ubiquitous

    Symmetry or Near-Symmetry Patterns are ubiquitous

    a square shape in R2

  • Symmetry or Near-Symmetry Patterns are ubiquitous

    Symmetry or Near-Symmetry Patterns are ubiquitous

  • Symmetries in 3D

  • Hierarchy of Symmetries

  • Which one is more symmetrical?


  • How to organize these different types of


  • Types of Symmetry Groups G: for all g in G, g(S) =S

    • point group: All symmetries g in group G leave at least one point in R3 invariant • Space group: symmetry groups in R3

    that contains a non-trivial translation symmetry

  • Euclidean Group

    All symmetries of R3 for the symmetry group of the 3D Euclidean space and is called the Euclidean Group

    Examples of elements in the Euclidean Group are:Rotations



  • Proper Euclidean Group

    All handedness-preserving isometries form the proper Euclidean group that

    excludes reflections

  • Group relations: Subgroup

    Definition:Let (G,*) be a group and let H be subset of G . Then H is a subgroup of G defined under the same operation if H is a group by itself (with respect to * ), that is:• H is closed under the operation. • There exists an identity element e such that for all h, h*e = e*h = h• Let h in H, then there exists an inverse h-1 such that h-1*h = e = h*h-1.

    The subgroup is denoted likewise (H, *).We denote H being a subgroup of G by writing H G .

  • Group Relations: Group Conjugate

    G1, G2 are subgroups of G, we call G1 is a conjugate to G2 iff for some g in G, such

    that G1 = g * G2 * g-1

  • Orbits

    An orbit of a point x in R3 under group G is G(x) = { g(x)| all g in G}

  • Types of Symmetry Groups G of S

    • G is finite• G is infinite

    • G is discrete (Definition 1.1.10)• G is continuous

  • Definitions of Different Types of Subgroups of the Euclidean Group

  • Discrete Point Groups asSubgroups of theEuclidean Group

  • The hierarchy of the subgroups of The Euclidean Group

    O orthogonal groupSO special orthogonal groupT translation groupD dihedral groupC cyclic group

  • S(2), S(3), SO(2), SO(3), T1-3


    T1C2 …???Non-discrete

    Crystallographic groups

    Cn, D2n, G of regular solids



  • An Exploration of Hierarchies of Symmetry Groups

    • Surface Contact/Motion among solids (robotics assembly planning)

    • Periodic Patterns (visual)• Papercut Patterns (fold-then-cut)

  • Example I: Symmetry in Contact Motions

  • Solids in Contact-MotionLower-pairs

  • Insight:

    The contacting surface pair from two different solids coincide, thus has the samesymmetry group which determines their relative motions/locations

  • ‘Put that cube in the corner !’ (how many different ways?)



    ‘Put that cube in the corner with face 1 on top !’(4 different ways)

    Complete and unambiguous task specifications can be tedious for symmetrical objects

  • Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) Representation

    Different types of surfaces associated with different types of groups

    The concept of “conjugated symmetry groups”are used here

  • Algebraic Surface feature and its coordinates

    World coordinates

    Solid coordinates

    Surface coordinates



    Contacting surfaces

  • Example II: Symmetry in Visual Form

  • p2



  • p6

  • Hilbert’s 18th Problem


    In n-dimensional euclidean space is there … only a finite number of essentially different kinds of (symmetry)groups of motions with a fundamental region?


    Yes! (Bieberbach and Frobenius, published 1910-1912)

  • 11 1g m1 12 mg 1m mm


    Examples of Seven Frieze Patterns and their symmetry groups

  • Hierarchy of Frieze Groups

  • Examples of 17 Wallpaper Patterns and Their Symmetry Groups

    From a web page by:David Joyce, Clark Univ.

    p1 p2 pm pg cm

    pmm pmg pgg cmm p4

    p4m p4g p3 p31m p3m1

    p6 p6m

  • lattice units of the 17 wallpaper groups

  • p1














    Subgroup Relationship Among the 17 Wallpaper Groups(Coxeter)

    P1 camp P2 camp

  • Where does the symmetry group of an affinely deformed pattern migrate to?





  • Examples of Symmetry Group Migrationcmcm p1


  • Potential Symmetry= largest Euclidean subgroup in AGA-1An inherent, affine-invariant, non-face-value

    property of a patternp6mcmmp2


  • Example III: Reflection Symmetry for Folding

    A Symmetry Group Formalization of Papercut Patterns

  • SIGGRPHA 2005 Technical Sketch Slides

  • Symmetry Groups are not just decorative but (computationally and physically) functional

  • Digital Papercutting

    Yanxi Liu and James Hays Carnegie Mellon University

    Ying-Qing Xu and Heung-Yeung ShumMicrosoft Research Asia

  • Motivation

  • Fold and Cut Example

  • Contribution• We present a general computational

    formalization of this particular art form for the first time.

    • We combine the analysis and synthesis of a papercut pattern into one automatic process, as well as the generation of a physically feasible folding plan.

  • Related work

    • Computational geometry– Demaine, Erik., Demaine, Martin, and Lubiw, Anna.

    Folding and cutting paper. In JCDCG’98.– Demaine, Erik., Demaine, Martin, and Lubiw, Anna.

    Folding and One Straight Cut Suffice SODA'99.

    • Papercraft– Mitani, J., and Suziki, H. Making papercraft toys from

    meshes using strip-based approximate unfolding. SIGGRAPH 2004.

  • Formal treatment of papercutting

    P S1 S2 S3

  • Characterization by Symmetry Groups

    Frieze Group Dihedral Group

  • Dihedral group examples

  • Dihedral group examples

  • Dihedral group examples

  • Dihedral group examples

  • Dihedral group examples

  • Dihedral group examples

    Fundamental Regions

  • Dihedral group examples

    Fundamental Regions

    3 folds 3 folds 4 folds 4 folds 4 folds 4 folds

  • Dihedral group examples

    Fundamental Regions

    3 folds 3 folds 4 folds 4 folds 4 folds 4 folds