CE - EE Type Bac - Protest Songs Project

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  • 7/24/2019 CE - EE Type Bac - Protest Songs Project


  • 7/24/2019 CE - EE Type Bac - Protest Songs Project


  • 7/24/2019 CE - EE Type Bac - Protest Songs Project


    DOCUMENT A:1) Pick out the following information:

    1. Four wars mentioned in the passage.

    2. The connection between the song and the topic of the conversation.

    3. What the narrator complains about. (30 words)

    . What the narrator lost in the first !ulf War ("esert #torm) according to his father.

    2) True !al"e Not mentione#$ %u"tif& '& (uoting from the tet:

    1. The two men hate each other.

    2. The father doesn$t li%e the song the&$re pla&ing on the radio.

    3. The narrator$s 'complaint$ about his generation living in peace ma%es his father angr&.

    . The fathers language register is ver& collouial.

    *. +e deliberatel& distorts the name of the first !ulf War.

    ,. +e would li%e his son to fight for their countr&.

    *) +oing further:

    1. -ustif& the title of the tet. (30 words)2. /nal&se the relationship between father and son. (0 words)

    3. Would &ou sa& that their discussion is specific to ative /merican people (0 words)


    DOCUMENT A an# ,

    Com-are an# contra"t the two narrator". relation"hi-" with their father"$ /0 wor#")