Simultaneous imaging of two fluorescent signals using a new fibered fluorescent confocal microscopy system Bertrand Viellerobe 1 , Isabelle Janssens 2,3 , Karine Gombert 2,3 , Hedi Gharbi 1 , François Lacombe 1 and Frédéric Ducongé 2,3 1) Mauna Kea Technologies, 9, rue d’Enghien, 75010 Paris, France 2) CEA, I²BM, Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot, 4 place du général Leclerc, 91401 Orsay (France) 3) INSERM U1023, Université Paris Sud, Laboratoire d’Imagerie Moléculaire Expérimentale, 4 place du général Leclerc, 91401 Orsay (France) Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Anikitos Garofalakis for for his valuable technical assistance for fDOT/CT imaging. This work was supported by grants from the “Agence Na^onale pour la Recherche” [projects ANR‐TechSAN Do^mager and the European Molecular Imaging Laboratory (EMIL) network [EU contract LSH‐2004‐503569]. Introduction Today, confocal fluorescence microscopy and mul^photon microscopy are increasingly used for in vivo studies in small animals. Such techniques allow studying the structure and the physiology of living organism at cellular scale. The major limita^ons of such imaging is that 1‐ samples need to be placed conveniently on a conven^onal microscope stage which require extensive surgical prepara^on, and 2‐ rapid image collec^on is required to minimize the effects of movement (such as animal breathing). To solve this problem, novel confocal approaches using fiber bundle‐based systems have been developed by Mauna Kea Technologies (Paris, France). Such systems, named Cellvizio®, use extremely small bundles of fibers, 0.3–2.6 mm in diameter that can contain upwards of 30,000 fibers. Each fiber is used for excita^on delivery and recovery of the emission back through the fiber to a detector. Hence, each fiber can be compared as an independent insect eye. The absolute advantages of this apparatus are size, flexibility, and image collec^on speed (up to of 12 frames/s). Up to now, two Cellvizio® systems were available either with a 488 nm or a 660 nm laser beam. Here, we describe the use of a new fiber bundle‐based fluorescence imaging prototype (Cellvizio® Dual Band) that can perform simultaneous excitaEon with both lasers (488 nm and 660 nm) and recovery of emission signal with two detectors. We validate the system comparing the biodistribu^on of a fluorescent RGD‐based probe (Angiostamp®) in different region of a tumor xenogran as well as in different organs of a mouse. This fluorescent probe is known to bind the αvβ3 Integrin, a protein overexpressed at the surface of endothelial cells during angiogenesis [1]. Materials and methods Ethics Statement All animal use procedures were in strict accordance with the recommenda^ons of the European Community (86/609/CEE) and the French Na^onal Commioee (décret 87/848) for the care and use of laboratory animals. Animal model Female nude mice (~23 g) were subcutaneously injected with 10 6 tumor cells NIH‐MEN2A expressing the oncogen RET C634Y . Aner 15 days, mice have a tumor (~30‐50 mm3). In vivo fluorescence imaging using fDOT/CT Angiostamp (10 nmol) was intravenously injected into the tail of anesthe^zed animals. 3D fluorescence images were acquired 3h or 7h post‐injec^on using a prototype op^cal imager (TomoFluo3D). CT imaging was perform using the SkyScan 1178 high‐throughput micro‐CT (Skyscan, Kon^ch, Belgium). Fusion of fDOT with CT was performed using the Brainvisa medical imaging processing sonware (hop://brainvisa.info/index_f.html ) [2]. In vivo fluorescence imaging using Cellvizio® prototype Aner fDOT imaging , 1mg of FITC‐dextran (500 kDa) was intravenously injected in animals before surgery. Then, Fluorescence imaging at the cellular level was performed with the fibered confocal microscope Cellvizio® Dual Band from Mauna Kea Technologies. The device consists in a flexible sub‐millimetric microprobe containing thousands of op^cal fibers that carry light from two con^nuous laser source at 488 nm and 660 nm to the living ^ssue. The fluorescence emioed aner excita^on by the fluorophores staining the ^ssue species is sent back to the apparatus, where a dedicated set of algorithms reconstructs images in real ^me at a frame rate of 12 frames per second. The probe that was used is a UltraMiniO probe with 30,000 op^cal fibers, a 240x240 µm field of view, and a 1.4 µm lateral resolu^on. Results Macroscopic imaging of Angiostamp® using fDOT/CT The biodistribu^on of Angiostamp was first evaluated using fluorescence Diffuse Op^cal Tomography (fDOT) in nude mouse bearing a subcutaneous xenogran tumor from NIH/MEN2A cells. This imaging technique has been considerably improved since past decade and allows now reconstruc^ng and quan^fying fluorescence signal in three dimensions inside small animal. fDOT imaging fused with X‐Ray Computed Tomography (CT) demonstrated a high uptake of the tracer in the tumor area. Interes^ngly, the uptake seems heterogeneous in the tumor and seems higher in the booom of the tumor. In subcutaneous xenogran models, the tumour cannot easily grow to the skin where it cannot find a lot of nutrients, but it preferen^ally invades the ^ssue below. The tracer seems to have a higher uptake in that zone that should be rich in new blood vessels. However, although fDOT can now detect fluorescence in the nanomolar range, it has sEll a low (a few mm) spaEal resoluEon that can not permit to have a precise idea of the biodistribuEon of the probe at the cellular scale. Conclusions Using the endoscopic system, we demonstrated that we can simultaneously observe the biodistribu^on of Angiostamp® with blood vessels. We observed a high accumula^on of Angiostamp® surounding blood vessels close to tumor. In contrast, no Angiostamp® was localised close to blood vessels of healthy ^ssue such as muscle, spleen, liver or kidney. Hence, the new Cellvizio® allows us to confirm that the macroscopic image obtain by fDOT corresponds to tumor angiogenesis imaging and maybe also to uptake by tumor associated macrophages expressing the αvβ3 Integrin. In conclusion, the simultaneous monitoring of two fluorescent signals by endomicroscopy can be useful to validate fluorescent probes used for macroscopic imaging and it opens a new avenue to monitor in vivo molecular events at a microscopic scale. For further information Please contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Microscopic imaging of Angiostamp® using Cellvizio® Dual Band Following fDOT imaging, the mice were injected with FITC‐ Dextran before imaging with the fiber bundle‐based fluorescence imaging prototype (Cellvizio® Dual Band). The instrument allowed to acquired in real‐^me image of blood vessels labeled with FITC‐Dextran and the signal from Angiostamp®. Thanks to the high flexibility of the system different organs can easily been analyzed as well as different part of the tumor xenogran (scheme 2). Fig. 1: BiodistribuEon of Angiostamp® analyzed by fDOT/CT imaging Fluorescence signal reconstructed in 3D (colored) was fused to CT imaging of the mouse (gray). FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge Angiostamp® is surrounding the tumor blood vessels FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge Angiostamp® is not surrounding the blood vessels of muscle FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge Angiostamp® is not accumulated in liver Angiostamp®is not accumulated in spleen FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge Angiostamp® is eliminated by glomerulus of kidney FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge Angiostamp® is not surrounding the blood vessels of muscle FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge Angiostamp® is slightly accumulated in liver Angiostamp®is slightly accumulated in spleen FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge Angiostamp® is eliminated by glomerulus of kidney FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge 3h post-injection 7h post-injection Merge FITC-dextran Angiostamp® is surrounding the tumor blood vessels Literature cited [1] Garanger, E., Boturyn, D., Jin, Z., Dumy, P., Favrot, M.C. and Coll, J.L. (2005) New multifunctional molecular conjugate vector for targeting, imaging, and therapy of tumors. Mol Ther, 12, 1168-1175. [2] Garofalakis, A., Dubois, A., Kuhnast, B., Dupont, D.M., Janssens, I., Mackiewicz, N., Dolle, F., Tavitian, B. and Duconge, F. (2010) In vivo validation of free-space fluorescence tomography using nuclear imaging. Opt Lett, 35, 3024-3026. Scheme 2: IllustraEon of different part of the tumor that can be imaged by the Cellvizio® Dual Band Scheme 1: Cellvizio® Dual Band system

Cellvizio Dual Band Poster WMIC 2011

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Acknowledgments TheauthorswouldliketothankAnikitosGarofalakisforforhisvaluabletechnicalassistance for fDOT/CT imaging. This work was supported by grants from the“AgenceNa^onalepourlaRecherche”[projectsANR‐TechSANDo^magerandtheEuropean Molecular Imaging Laboratory (EMIL) network [EU contractLSH‐2004‐503569].

Introduction Today,confocalfluorescencemicroscopyandmul^photonmicroscopy are increasingly used for in vivo studies insmall animals. Such techniques allow studying thestructureandthephysiologyoflivingorganismatcellularscale. The major limita^ons of such imaging is that 1‐samplesneedtobeplacedconvenientlyonaconven^onalmicroscope stage which require extensive surgicalprepara^on, and 2‐ rapid image collec^on is required tominimize the effects of movement (such as animalbreathing). To solve this problem, novel confocalapproaches using fiber bundle‐based systems have beendeveloped by Mauna Kea Technologies (Paris, France).Such systems, named Cellvizio®, use extremely smallbundlesoffibers,0.3–2.6mmindiameterthatcancontainupwardsof30,000fibers.Eachfiberisusedforexcita^ondelivery and recovery of the emission back through thefibertoadetector.Hence,eachfibercanbecomparedasan independent insect eye. The absolute advantages ofthis apparatus are size, flexibility, and image collec^onspeed (up to of 12 frames/s). Up to now, two Cellvizio®systemswereavailableeitherwitha488nmora660nmlaser beam. Here, we describe the use of a new fiberbundle‐basedfluorescenceimagingprototype(Cellvizio®Dual Band) that can perform simultaneous excitaEonwith both lasers (488 nmand 660 nm) and recovery ofemission signal with two detectors. We validate thesystem comparing the biodistribu^on of a fluorescentRGD‐based probe (Angiostamp®) in different region of atumorxenogranaswellasindifferentorgansofamouse.Thisfluorescentprobeisknowntobindtheαvβ3Integrin,aproteinoverexpressedatthesurfaceofendothelialcellsduringangiogenesis[1].

Materials and methods ●EthicsStatementAll animal use procedures were in strict accordance with therecommenda^ons of the European Community (86/609/CEE) andtheFrenchNa^onalCommioee(décret87/848)forthecareanduseoflaboratoryanimals.●AnimalmodelFemale nudemice (~23 g) were subcutaneously injectedwith 106tumor cellsNIH‐MEN2A expressing the oncogen RETC634Y. Aner 15days,micehaveatumor(~30‐50mm3).●InvivofluorescenceimagingusingfDOT/CTAngiostamp (10 nmol) was intravenously injected into the tail ofanesthe^zedanimals.3Dfluorescence imageswereacquired3hor7hpost‐injec^onusingaprototypeop^calimager(TomoFluo3D).CTimaging was perform using the SkyScan 1178 high‐throughputmicro‐CT (Skyscan, Kon^ch, Belgium). Fusion of fDOTwith CTwasperformedusingtheBrainvisamedicalimagingprocessingsonware(hop://brainvisa.info/index_f.html)[2].●InvivofluorescenceimagingusingCellvizio®prototypeAner fDOT imaging , 1mg of FITC‐dextran (500 kDa) wasintravenously injected in animals before surgery. Then,Fluorescence imagingat the cellular levelwasperformedwith thefiberedconfocalmicroscopeCellvizio®DualBandfrom MaunaKeaTechnologies. The device consists in a flexible sub‐millimetricmicroprobe containing thousands of op^cal fibers that carry lightfrom two con^nuous laser source at 488 nm and 660 nm to theliving ^ssue. The fluorescence emioed aner excita^on by thefluorophores staining the ^ssue species is sent back to theapparatus,whereadedicatedsetofalgorithmsreconstructsimagesinreal^meataframerateof12framespersecond.Theprobethatwas used is a UltraMiniO probe with 30,000 op^cal fibers, a240x240µmfieldofview,anda1.4µmlateralresolu^on.

Results MacroscopicimagingofAngiostamp®usingfDOT/CTThe biodistribu^on of Angiostamp was first evaluatedusing fluorescence Diffuse Op^cal Tomography (fDOT) innude mouse bearing a subcutaneous xenogran tumorfromNIH/MEN2A cells. This imaging techniquehas beenconsiderably improvedsincepastdecadeandallowsnowreconstruc^ngandquan^fyingfluorescencesignalinthreedimensions insidesmallanimal. fDOT imaging fusedwithX‐Ray Computed Tomography (CT) demonstrated a highuptakeof the tracer in the tumor area. Interes^ngly, theuptake seems heterogeneous in the tumor and seemshigher in the booom of the tumor. In subcutaneousxenogranmodels, the tumour cannot easily grow to theskin where it cannot find a lot of nutrients, but itpreferen^ally invades the^ssuebelow.The tracer seemstohaveahigheruptakeinthatzonethatshouldberichinnewbloodvessels.However,althoughfDOTcannowdetectfluorescence inthenanomolarrange,ithassEllalow(afewmm)spaEalresoluEonthatcannotpermit tohaveaprecise ideaofthebiodistribuEonoftheprobeatthecellularscale.

Conclusions Usingtheendoscopicsystem,wedemonstratedthatwecansimultaneouslyobservethebiodistribu^onofAngiostamp®withbloodvessels.Weobservedahighaccumula^onofAngiostamp®suroundingbloodvesselsclose to tumor. Incontrast,noAngiostamp®waslocalisedclosetobloodvesselsofhealthy^ssuesuchasmuscle,spleen, liverorkidney.Hence,thenewCellvizio®allowsustoconfirmthatthemacroscopicimageobtainbyfDOTcorrespondstotumorangiogenesisimagingandmaybe also to uptake by tumor associated macrophages expressing theαvβ3 Integrin. In conclusion, the simultaneousmonitoring of two fluorescent signals by endomicroscopy can be useful to validate fluorescent probes used formacroscopicimaginganditopensanewavenuetomonitorinvivomoleculareventsatamicroscopicscale.

For further information Pleasecontact:[email protected]@cea.fr

Microscopic imaging of Angiostamp® using Cellvizio®DualBandFollowingfDOTimaging,themicewereinjectedwithFITC‐Dextran before imaging with the fiber bundle‐basedfluorescence imaging prototype (Cellvizio® Dual Band).Theinstrumentallowedtoacquiredinreal‐^meimageofblood vessels labeled with FITC‐Dextran and the signalfrom Angiostamp®. Thanks to the high flexibility of thesystemdifferentorganscaneasilybeenanalyzedaswellasdifferentpartofthetumorxenogran(scheme2).

Fig.1:BiodistribuEonofAngiostamp®analyzedbyfDOT/CTimagingFluorescence signal reconstructed in 3D (colored) was fused to CTimagingofthemouse(gray).

FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge


FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge


FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge

FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge



FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge


FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge

FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge


FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge

FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge



FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge


FITC-dextran AngioStamp ® Merge

3h post-injection 7h post-injection

Merge FITC-dextran


Literature cited [1] Garanger, E., Boturyn, D., Jin, Z., Dumy, P., Favrot, M.C. and Coll, J.L. (2005)

New multifunctional molecular conjugate vector for targeting, imaging, and therapy of tumors. Mol Ther, 12, 1168-1175.

[2] Garofalakis, A., Dubois, A., Kuhnast, B., Dupont, D.M., Janssens, I., Mackiewicz, N., Dolle, F., Tavitian, B. and Duconge, F. (2010) In vivo validation of free-space fluorescence tomography using nuclear imaging. Opt Lett, 35, 3024-3026.

